Genuine Essay Examples

Hiring and retention policy and practices of rahimafrooz batteries limited assignment

HRP entails knowing in advance, what the staffing needs of the organization will be, assessing the supply of the relevant workers in the organization and labor market, and finding ways to fulfill the staffing needs of the organization. 1 Job Analysis: Job Analysis is the process of determining and reporting pertinent information relating to the →

Photosynthesis – homework essay sample

Contrast and compare the function of the chlorophyll pigments versus the function of the accessory pigments in Ps.6. Explain the adaptive value for plants to have their leaves change color in the fall.7.

Morning at the window essay sample

The meaningless rituals of the day are part of the lack of ' the spiritual' emphasis contributing to the emotional disfigurement and urban disconnection of the society. The poems represent the suffering and emotional distance from the urban society characterized by a lack of ' the spiritual'.

Bend it like a man of chosun

The main perspective on which the author argued that the racial and ethnic inferiority complexes of the Korean people from the western world can be overcome or healed with their participation in in sports like football in which they feel at the top of the world which came with the victory of Korea in Berlin →

Public health

Public health Public health is thought to have emerged in 1800s as a result of the outbreak of infectious disease in cities such as cholera, small pox, and yellow fever. Before the evolution and use of public health in health care industry, in-house confinement and quarantine were the only means use to curb spread of →

Political thories of thomas hobbes

Thomas believes that the absolutist government is the only government that can guarantee peace for humankind. The second treaty is Locke's definition of power as the right to make laws for the protection and regulation of property.

I will add that myself it is a team collaboration, i dont neeed a cover page either

Competence and Qualifications of Team Collaborator My educational background as graduating with a Bachelors of Science and Management, in conjunction with my work experience as a paramedic, has equipped me to prepare myself for the roles and duties as team collaborator. These qualifications, traits, and skills make me competent to assume the role of a →

A scholarly source

The author explores the balancing and bandwagoning, as the two options that states have during conflicts. The goals of balancing and bandwagoning are different as well, with states opting for the bandwagon to gain something, while the purpose of balancing is ensuring that values are protected.3.

Swing kids essay

In the beginning of the movie the three boys always joked about the HJ. One of the boys distracts the storeowner while the other goes in and takes the radio.

Simone tata essay

There was a big difference in the role of young women in Switzerland, the country of my birth, and their counterparts in India when I first came to this country. Since my forte was knowledge of cosmetic products as also developments in the cosmetics industry worldwide, I was in a better position to forecast the →

Persuasive paper

After doing some research on a topic, views and feelings about the topic could change, prompting the need to further research the topic to have sufficient information to have a concrete argument with supporting details. Staying focused on the topic and not rambling on about some of the supporting ideas can cause confusion for the →

Pollution-is there a solution? assignment

Chemical waste from factories and warm water from power stations may be pumped straight in to the river. Fish that live in the sea take in chemicals from polluted sea water and sinuous plants.

Human beings and the natural world philosophy essay

On the other hand, the convinced from the hypothetical, the factual from the forged, the universal and essential from the unintentional and unconcerned. Restricting substantiality to the natural: a wooden bed is not a substance, but the wood, of which it is made, is; a man is a substance, but the clock is not.

The effectiveness of marketing strategies adopted by proton

As the economic status of Malaysia is yet to reach its peak, the automobile industry players in the country, are also yet to prioritize in the importance of customer satisfaction. The perception of customer towards the service quality offered by Proton is a competitive advantage among its rivals and it is often a major challenge →

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs | marketing essay

It provides an overview of the consumer market of China and Australia, as well as compares the products and contrasts them in terms of the different aspects of consumer behaviour of both the regions. Contents The aim of this report is to discuss the difference in consumer behaviour in China and Australia in terms of →

Fast fashion supply chain management

The total cost may be increased by lower production which in turn would increase the cost of the product in fast fashion retailing industry.- Costs: The tangible costs which are the easily measured costs such as utilities, labour, raw materials and taxes may be higher in a particular location.- Proximity to markets: because longer the →

Week 2 pape

Utilization of agency translation services for Spanish speaking patients was identified as a major factor driving costs up and a study was completed looking at the number of ILS agency contacts by day of the week. Ratio measures apply to any data points with a scale of true zero which would be applicable to the →

Is pluto a planet

Despite the fact that Pluto is a celestial object that orbits the sun, it cannot be considered a planet because of its inconsistency in orbit, its size, and the abundance of asteroids in the vicinity of its orbit. Pluto is the farthest planet from the sun and the smallest.

Impact of technology in service industry

This can be seen from the invention of ATM machine and online banking which is clearly replace human manpower as people do not need to wait and queue and they can get some services faster and easier through the advancement of technology. Internet banking is also named as online banking, which is one of the →

Leadership in basketball case

In recently, we have been warned that we must change the way in training for the upcoming competitions that held for all teams in this area, which means we have to increase the training time, change the training strategies and the formations as well. The reason is that we have been lose in some friendly-matches →

Friendships and relationships

It is the most intuitive and spontaneous of all love styles. Explorational communication is the third stage in the escalation of romance, and it focuses on exchanging information.

Strategic motives

Foreign operations must be located where there is good market so that the firm will take advantage of its competitive advantage to a good degree to help the firm to return the cost of capital. Secondly a firm has to decide the type of control it needs over foreign operations.

The silent assassin

According to the writers of Sleep Foundation, it even helps appetite and manages the stress of being a teen. A lack of motivation can lead to procrastination, and not getting enough sleep is going to make both of those aspects much worse.

Setting and characterization to explore the major themes assignment

In this essay, I will analyze how the writer uses setting and horizontally to explore the major themes in the novel, which are also the essential issues that arise in the particular social context of his time. Despite the economic prosperity of the upper class, Fitzgerald criticizes the moral decay of the Americans such as →

Studying the media and communication assignment

However after recent events going back a few years racism is still a main part of the football world although cost people try to hide the fact that this is happening a lot of others are disappointed and frustrated that this still goes on." To any governing body that turns a blind eye, I want →

The biggest threat to the weimar republic was the weimar constitution itself. discuss assignment

These were: Hitler's rise to power against the Weimar Republic, the downfall of the Reichsrat, the passage of the Enabling Act, use of proportional representation, political extremism and the institution of the Reichsprasident. One of the factors which shows the Constitution was the biggest threat to the Weimar Republic was Hitler's rise to power.

Customer service, mystery shopping assignment

Vive entered the store as a customer looking to buy boxing wraps for his next boxing training, at the time of my entry there was a medium number of customers, and the customer movement at the store can be described as normal. Even though I did not see the product that I was looking for, →

Difference betweeen marketing concept and selling concept assignment

Besides the difference stated above, there are many other differences that differentiate the selling concept from the marketing concept and some of them Include: The selling concept alms at selling what the producer has or needs and not necessarily a product or service that the buyer wants while the marketing concept aims at marketing a →

Laundry shop- business plan essay sample

7 Objectives of the BusinessThe first of the primary objectives of the business will be to make a profit. According to the August 2006 Census, the surrounding area is quite affluent, 40% of the residents earn over $70, 000 a year, and a 63% of these residents live in high-rise apartments without a washing line →

Critical path procedure essay sample

The earliest finish time for the first activity in a network is the activity time for that activity.8. The earliest finish time for the last activity in the project identifies the project completion time.


Even though many people believe that using the internet for academic research is not as good as physical libraries, using the online sources for research is helpful and better for many reasons, such as providing a quicker method to look for information, and to find more information, if not the majority of, that a single →

Case study

CASE STUDY Resolving the case Ethically, as a nurse in this situation, I have to think of the risk of harm, and the best needs of the client. I may have had a stereotype of the mother being able to hold her infant in this case, but the reality of the case subverts this.

Natural science approach to eating disorders in women

Therefore, the purpose of the researchers in this particular study was to study whether the risk of eating disorders is associated more with diabetic or non-diabetic adolescent females. In the article, ' Eating Disorders in Adolescent Females with and Without Type 1 Diabetes: Cross Sectional Study', by Jennifer Jones, Margaret Lawson, Denis Daneman, Marion Olmsted, →

Cognitive psychology

Cognitive Psychology: Cognitive psychology is one of the disciplines in psychology that focuses on studying internal mental processes. Eric Fromm, The anatomy of human destructiveness ISBN 0030075963 Neisser, U, Cognitive psychology.

Juvenile justice in america

These challenges have been attributed to the myriad social factors that exist in different social dimensions According to Bartollas and Miller, social factors are that societal facet that influences the behavior of an individual, his personality, lifestyle as well as attitude. The essence of abusing drugs and substances among youths that are struggling to recover →

The answer

The usual course of franchising is that the franchisee pays the franchisor an upfront sum and there after a sharing of profit between the franchiser and the franchisee is agreed upon. Franchising is basically an act adopted by organization to help in the growth of a company.

How does odysseus progress through his adventures

Although he had lived alongside the sea, Odysseus had never come across the wrath of the god of the sea. In the voyage, he experienced the wrath of the god of the sun.


Cost The cost of a single Gatorade bottle, Powerade, or water varies significantly according to the size of the bottle and store of purchase. Advantages of consumption Water is a solution to the problems that come with dehydration such as headaches and fatigue.

Using technology

Markus Hohenwater, having realised the necessity of incorporating related mathematics concepts, developed the GeoGebra Software as dynamic mathematics software that can be used to achieve the connection. The Software helps in linking the topics of calculus, algebra, and geometry to enhance understanding by learners.


As discussed in Martins 2011 book, there is a gender bias that exists in virtually every aspect of science instruction This results in the under-representation of women in related industries, including education, which only serves to further the problem. These methods should help all students by setting the example that they do not need to →

War essay

There is no glory in war; the poets and songwriters are really trying to save the soldiers and society in some way and it's a matter of urgency to expose young na ve recruits to the grim realities of war. The whole recruitment process relies on highlighting the positives of joining the forces and not →

Elvis presley analysis essay

Elvis was the hit of the century. He was the one that everyone listened to.

English placement essay

Eventually, the staff heard the alarm and responded to find Raymond in the hall and the patient on the floor with head trauma. After the incident, the family received a call from the nursing home stating that Raymond need to go to the hospital psychiatric unit.

A tpb based pram walking health and social care essay

Creating implementation intentions has also been shown to improve translation of intentions to actual behaviour and are found to be an effective strategy for initiation of leisure-time walking in sedentary women Implementation intentions will therefore also be employed in the current intervention. The measure is based on a literature review of studies done with pregnant →

Poland its history and geography history essay

In 1919 The Treaty of Versailles and the defeat of the Russians in 1920 gave Poland its new boundaries in Europe. It stretched from Germany in the west to Czechoslovakia in the south and Lithuania in the north-east to Belarus and Ukraine in the east.

Development of weapons and armor history essay

Through the course of history the development of weapons went through changes that allowed the welders of the weapons to use them more efficiently. The flail is used by swinging the handle to cause the centrifugal force of the ball at the end of the weapon to build up.

Archangel uriel: the wisdom of god

The Archangel Uriel is one of the four archangels that rule over the four corners of the Earth. As " The Light of God", the Archangel Uriel shines the light of truth and wisdom where there is darkness, deception, and confusion.

Safety assessment: benzalkonium chloride as sanitising agent

A mixture of the polymer, monomer, catalyst and BAC was produced according to the instructions of the manufacturer. To analyze the release of BAC as shown by an inhibition of growth of the bacteria, the semidiameter of the growth inhibition zone was measured.

Architectural styles ancient egypt history essay

The people of Egypt were very advanced compared to the rest of the world. These towns were either on high enough ground to survive the yearly flooding of the Nile, or were secluded enough that they were not destroyed in one of the many invasions of Egypt of the course of five thousand years.

Characteristic of the american nation history essay

It means that by the arrival of the first Europeans in the 17th century, also the process of forming American culture turned out to be the necessary part in the development of America as a state. It is not easy to generalize the character of an American man.

General strike of 1926 – causes and impact

In this essay I will assess the events leading up to the strike and have a look at all the short and long term causes of the strike. Because coal production was so important to the war effort the Government took over the ownership of the mines and ran them instead of the private owners.

Racism in to kill a mockingbird

The relationship between the social mores and codes surrounding race and the ideas and desires of the children in the novel is one of the central tensions in the novel, as Scout examine the value systems of the community and interrogate them vis-a-vis her own. Heims has argued that the relationship between Scout's development and →

Studying the internationalization process of huawei

Despite the intentions of firms to internationalize and the benefits involved, there are difficulties that the firm have to overcome for internationalization to be successful. Background The advancement of technology in the modern world and the gradual break-down of trade barriers have enabled the world economy to be more and more integrated and the effect →

Exploring visions of capitalism exits

According to merchant capitalism has grown about two and half centuries until the middle of the eighteenth century for the explosive expansion of world trade with the invention of new continent and worldwide sea routes. Based on, merchant capitalism grew not as a way to organized production but as a way to organize trade.stated that →

The categorical imperative

The first formulation of the Categorical Imperative as quoted by Kant is, " Act only according to the maxim whereby you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law". In order for a person to be a moral and good person they will have to follow this formulation of the →

The future influence thereof on mcdonalds business essay

This study highlights the schemes that could be formulated by the Human Resource Department to get the better of the unfavorable judgment and to run into the market tendency. This study besides covers the environmental scanning for Mcdonalds to get the better of the critics and be stable in the market.

Essay case study

Vision and measuring indicators became apparent with the rival of the new president in 2003 and the creation of the utility wide culture subtest.II. Together with the union created a new safety program, safety constitution and safety congress.

Feasibility study on customized shirt

Office supplies expense will increase annually by 2%; 80% of these supplies would be used. Salaries of the cashier, bookkeeper, and secretary will increase 4% annually.

The homecoming football game

Kids head to the football game wearing blue and gold clothing, ready to support the Mukwonago varsity football team. Homecoming is the most crowded game of the season.

Marketing mix assignment

MANG INASAL PRODUCT: Mang Inasal product is grilled chicken. The secret of it is the use of local herbs and spices that make the chicken taste good.

Reaction for the five creation stories

Reaction for the Five Creation Stories The First Nations and their creation stories provide an insight into the lives and origins of the first original inhabitants of Canada. In all the creation stories, there is the presence of first man and these creation stories make communities believe that they are descendants of the first man.


Proponents of drilling have argued that drilling the oil in the reserve will secure for the US a local energy reserve, effectively reducing America's dependence on foreign oil. In addition, they argue that the amount of oil that would be got has not been verified and it might prove to be so small in the →

Discussion questions iii

Culture is referred to as the ' silent language of overseas business' because it is a non-verbal form of communication but one that has a great depth of meaning and significance. Incidentally, the French are also quite proud of their language and culture and may be reluctant to negotiate in English.

Confessions of zeno cosini

After sneaking cigars from his father and failing again and again to quit smoking, Zeno goes to a sanitarium to finally break the habit. The instigator of creating this narrative, he is Zeno's psychotherapist.


The reasons for an organ developing cancer are varied, and could range from an over exposure to a certain carcinogen, to genetic factors, or to a constant physical irritant in the body. A major drawback of cancers, if not detected early, is the possibility of their spreading to other tissues in the body, as in →

Patient care and clinical expertise: professional goal

These words instilled the desire in me to pursue education in the field of medicine since the knowledge of biological process made me wonder about the meaning of life and purpose of existence. My upbringing in a religious and joint family helped me steer my life and career in the direction of medicine so that →

What makes me smile essay

In India, my classmates used to call me ' encyclopedia' and that also encouraged me to work hard in studies and it is definitely a source of a smile. A smile activates a specific set of muscles in the face, closely connected to the emotions of happiness and joy.

Carbon cycle essay

Most of the Earth's carbon is tied up in the solid Earth but the relatively small amount of carbon In the biosphere allows life to exist, and carbon in the oceans and atmosphere control Important greenhouse gases that affect climate on the planet. The term " carbon cycle" refers to the amount of carbon sequestered →

Essays solution

T > The relationship between price and coupon is a direct one - the higher the coupon, the higher the price. For a given change in the level of interest rates, two factors that will influence the relative change in bond prices are the coupon and maturity of the issues.

Further oral proposal

How does the content of the text relate to the overarching themes of the unit? What is the attitude about the subject of the text?

The effect of an arbitration agreement law commercial essay

If the proceedings are instituted in a foreign court, the party intending to insist on its right of arbitration would face an added difficulty in that it has to take the trouble of applying for the stay in the court of that country pursuant to the laws and procedure applicable in that country. In this →

The patterns of life in these communities history essay

The artefacts and remains of Pompeii have provided insight to the daily lifestyle of the Pompeian people due to the nature of preservation, laying beneath the volcanic ash for thousands of years. Due to the use of materials in the reconstruction of Troy VIIa it is assumed that it was done by the survivors of →

Example of essay on algebra projects

Introduction The history of quadratic equations goes back to early 1100 AD when Arabic and Hindu mathematicians were trying to explore sciences and understand the processes around the world. In this method we need to move the constant term to the other side and multiply both sides by 4.

Benefits and disadvantages of branding

For example, branding could help the brand promote their brand images in the trade market, also could earn some brand loyalty and increasing some brand value. But due to the branding activity in which the owners put great resource, those names, in itself, obtain marvelous values Generally, branding is not only a product that selling →

Markstrat is an effective marketing strategy marketing essay

The first thing that the team did was to read the provided MARKSTRAT handbook very carefully and get hands on approach to the software with the help of practice files so that a certain comfort level was reached with the interface. The Major models that we looked at were:- The porter model of analysis is →

Life and works of arthur miller

Other playwrights considered it the standard of drama in the United States." The Crucible" led to the persecution of Miller, and he was forced to be a witness before the HUAC. The subject of the film was to portray the relationship that he had with Monroe and provide deeper insights into Miller.

Quality education and its imperativeness in modern world education essay

As it is very clear that without enhancing access to education there exist no possibility to achieve success so every one of us must understand the enormity and value of education and make it in reach of every person. To make education common it is not only the responsibility of government but it is also →

Understanding the effectiveness of aptitude testing in the american school system

More importantly, although these factors may be very important to examine in reference to the effectiveness of aptitude testing in American schools I find that the most debilitating factor of aptitude testing is promoting a culture of universal expectancy in our American schools. Closing Overall, Aptitude and standardized testing have been a salient area of →

How to improve competitiveness of cashmere industry

Although Chinese cashmere industry owns unique resource competitive advantages, however, with the development of economic globalization, the industrial competition among countries is intensified and the dimensions of Chinese cashmere industry dilate rapidly, due to which a great number of serious problems have been exposed to the Chinese cashmere industry, These problems have become the restricting →

The structure of dna

According to Chargaff, the concentration of thymine was always equal to that of adenine and the concentration of guanine was always equal to that of cytosine. Its base sequences are complementary to the segment of DNA from which it is transcribed.

Biological buffer systems for maintaining physiologic ph

The pH of the made buffer was measured and compared to the theoretical value and percent error was calculated. In the experiment, the buffer attained a pH of 7.


A further consideration In the choice of brand vales for Titan was they should enable the brand to sell at a price premium over similar competing options this was an integral part of the business strategy of the company. Another development in the market was the rapid growth of the MIFF segment of the market, →

The historical inaccuracies of shakespeare’s macbeth

The play centers a regicide and the aftermath by the accounts of King Macbeth of Scotland, Macduff, and Duncan I of Scotland. Records, from the Holinshed's Chronicles, shows Banquo as accomplice to Macbeth in the murder of the king, and insures that Macbeth takes the throne, instead of the contrast of Macbeth, who resisted evil, →

My unfinished summary of the transcontinental railroad assignment

By the sass, the nation's railway networks extended throughout the East, South, ND Midwest, and the idea of building a railroad across the nation to the Pacific gained momentum. The annexation of the California territory following the Mexican-American War, the discovery Of gold in the region in 1848, and statehood for California in 1850 further →

Reflective assignment

Title: " Critical Evaluation of Three Models of Counseling and Jean's Model" Topic: From the counseling models, contained in the module, identify three main theoretical models in counseling and Jean's integrative model. Behaviorist's explain behavior in terms of the stimuli that obtain it and the events that caused people to learn to respond to the →

Social psychology -inter/intra group dynamics assignment

Examine a social psychology experiment and show how it relates to current literature and research on inter-and/or intra-group dynamics Intergroup conflict One determinant of intergroup conflict is the desire on the part of group member to gain positive outcomes for themselves and for their group Competition can increase intergroup conflict Intergroup conflict exaggerated * results →

The trans-atlantic slave trade assignment

The dehumidifying forces of the transatlantic slave trade The Trans- Atlantic Slave trade was considered the most abominable and cruel force of slavery, during the trade, the way of obtaining the slave is dehumidifying, if we were to conclude the dehumidifying force in only one word, it would be: the minimum food, clothing, and shelter →

Identity and voice essay sample

Reading a lot is necessary to learn the principles of good writing, but the knowledge of these principles is not sufficient to make one a good writer. In writing, there is a fundamental, yet unacknowledged difference, between the interests of the writer and the interests of the reader.

The real facts about the iraqi war

This among other reasons like the country had the capacity of utilizing them on the American people just like the 9/11 commission reported to the scared Americans. Another reason for pushing to go to war was the money America fetched from it.

Maslow’s hierarchy of motives

Maslow's thinks, that the basic need for human being is to get food and comfort and which has the highest priority, lack of these needs will jeopardize all other needs and can change people behaviour. However in the stories of prophets and mystics, the basic needs such as hunger, safety and sex are suppressed, and →

My teaching philosophy

My Teaching Philosophy By My main aim as a teacher is to spread the knowledge that I have accumulated so far with my and to make sure that the wonder and awe in them never ceases to exist when it comes to the world in general and knowledge in particular. It is especially true for →

Case on accenture essay

In the " way of the company" they are shown responsibilities, procedures, and policies which are very helpful in developing a good relationship with the new employee. They have to be involved in the grooming and development of that new talent.

Incest taboo: who you are and where you are essay

In the majority of cultures an incest taboo is placed in order to dictate whom a person can and cannot have sexual relations with or marry. The cross-cultural universal of an incest taboo is apparent in all cultures but the limits within the taboo vary and alter depending on where you are geographically located.

Journeys end by sherriff essay

But shortly after the start of the war he joined the army, he applied for a commission but because of him going to a school that was not on a list of very well known public schools he was rejected. He is clearly new to the horrors of the war and is so nai? ve →

The shogun dynasty essay

The Shoguns were a type of warlords that governed providences and states as a type of Japanese check and balance of the 16th century. The samurai are one of the most reconizable and most renowned warriors of the ancient times.