Genuine Essay Examples

Military commanders that have risen to power in rome: gaius, sulla and caesar

In the early era of the Republic of Rome, there were great instances of military power undermining the very democratic fabric of the empire, and military leaders leading a stunning rise to prominence. He was successful in reinstituting the Roman constitution and restoring the traditional powers of the Senate.

Why slavery is wrong essay

When Douglass heard this story, he got the idea of how whites manage to keep blacks in a state of ignorance so that they cannot come out of their captivity. In his book, Douglass reveals how damaging slavery can be to the slaves themselves and their masters.

Assessing flooring options for hotel environment

The purpose of this assignment is to explore the types of flooring available suiting to the conditions desired and the decisive factor prior to selection of any kind of flooring according to the need of the floor. Flooring can make the attractive difference in the appearance on floor especially in the hotels and also contribute β†’

The gendering of international conflict

The Gendering of International Conflict International conflict, and the military culture and machine that drives it, emanates from the patriarchal power structure of our society. This skews the view of war and conflict to being a wholly male construct, with little consideration to the wants, needs, and viewpoints of women in conflictual situations.

The video game industry and nintendo

The positive externalities resulting from the industry's struggle to meet the expectations of an unforgiving customer base has led to its exceeding the demands for business productivity and other applications. It remains one of the most liquid companies in the industry as per its current ratio well able to meet its maturing obligations.

Theodore dreiser his novels and naturalism

Dreiser short stories and novels reveal such themes as the allure of big cities, the powerof sexual desire, the appeal of money, and the erosion of traditional mores. Among the most sweeping changes registered in the novels are the economy's shifting froman agricultural to an industrial base, the erosion of traditional values following the Darwinianrevolution, β†’

The poverty in pakistan economics essay

It is the fundamental duty and responsibility of the country to fulfill the basic needs of its people. The growth rate of Pakistan is very high and is among the highest in the world.

Strategy of container company for customer satisfaction economics essay

HRC shipping is the leading shipping company of Bangladesh who developed the shipping agency house and the largest private secotor ship owner or operator especially in container shipping business. Therefore, that HRC started the new loop between Chittagong and Haldia for minimizing the demand of container trade.

Difference between takaful and conventional insurance economics essay

The concept of Islamic insurance which is known as Takaful was first introduced in Sudan in 1979 and the main concept is an alternative to conventional insurance whereas according to principle of Shariah. Takaful as a concept compliant the principles of Shariah which is Islamic law thereby it is essentially to a system of mutual β†’

Zmcyp genes identification and characterisation

Methods: Gene structure, chromosomal locations and promoter analysis Conserved motifs and phylogenetic analysis of ZmCYPs Gene expansion and synteney Gene expression Methods: Identification and Charechterization of ZmCYP genes: Identification of all ZmCYP genes in the Zea mays genome was done by performing nucleotide Blast search using a reported ZmCYP sequence as a query against maize β†’

Dental school admissions letter

At that time, I decided not to give a reason for withdrawing because I was unsure of what was wrong with me other than that I was shaking badly with frequent tremors and was experiencing chronic fatigue. I felt that I was not in the right condition to go to school and concentrate on my β†’


In the event of an actual disaster, an offside vendor will be less likely than the enterprise itself to suffer he direct and immediate effects of that disaster, allowing the outside entity to manage the DRP even in the event of the worst-case scenario: a total or near-total shutdown of the affected enterprise. As people β†’

Future technology

This fiber Is especially important because it absorbs sweat like the dir fit material but it adds a more comfy f to It. The last but not least used product Is the titanium weave which is a very structured material.

Emotional intelligence

I would like to introduce emotional intelligence: the balance of emotion and reason that plays a role in the intelligence of a person, or how smart he or she is to a degree. I hope that you have all learned something about emotional intelligence today and will use it to your advantage in the future.

Discrimination and prejudice in to kill a mockingbird by harper lee

Both discrimination and prejudice were a common occurrence in the early part of the 1900s and continued for many decades into the 1960s and 1970s. Discrimination and prejudice has not disappeared and is still occurring in many parts of the world.

A brief study of time

Stemmed in this shared false future belief found in both the Presentist and Growing Past theories is the trust that the future is ambiguous and can be manipulated by present action, or simply, the presence of free will. Just as eternalism defines time as subjective, there is a subjectivity in daily time, disproving the existence β†’

Comedy assignment

Moreover, today there is a new trend of the combination of real life actors and anima as depicted in " AVATAR". Clearly, the advancements in technology was determined the characteristic evolution of comedy.

Presenting “rory sutherland” as a hero of advertising assignment

Presenting " Rory Sutherland" as a Hero of Advertising BY Jaymes2510 James Essex Presenting Rory Sutherland as a Hero of Advertising Word Count: 1133 Words Born in 1965 in a small town called Usk, Monmouthshire, Rory Sutherland has rose through the ranks in the advertising industry to become " one of the most influential fgures β†’

Martha stewart: business ethics assignment

To determine the responsibility and ethics of her actions, the specifics of the case will be applied to a process to determine both the utility and the consequences of her actions. A friend of Stewart, and ImClone executive, indicated to her that the FDA would not approve the drug.

Disparity and discrimination essay

An example of this would be once an individual is in court and the judge is determining the sentence or how much time that the person will have to serve based on the crime which could be murder, burglary, rape, etc. For example when an individual's guilt, innocence, and the time that they will have β†’

Individual outliers essay sample

The first part the book focuses partially on opportunities that arise as a result of the time that is dedicated to the activity in which one wants to succeed, a concept Gladwell refers to as " The Matthew Effect". According, to the information in his book success is something that happens out of opportunity.

Functional areas of management essay sample

Furthermore, I would involve the stakeholders in the strategic planning process and make it a team effort to achieve the positive outcomes for the organization and avoid confusion of what the manager expects from each of the players. Like a strategic planning manager, the operations manager is involved in deciding location for example; the manager β†’

Answer the question

Thus, it can be said that the increasing absence of coral snakes causes increasing attacks on replicas as predicted in 3a.Q.5. Thus, it can be said that the increasing absence of coral snakes causes increasing attacks on replicas as predicted in 3b.Q.6.

Health and aging

Health and Aging Summary - Relation Between Racial Discrimination, Social and Health Among Ethnic Minority Groups BY Saffron Karlsen, and James Y. There is no way this can be measured accurately and the relation between ethnicity and health is often ignored.

Constitutional law: horton v. california

However, the officer came across weapons which were included in the police report in plain view and seized them, however, the officer was unable to find the proceeds of the robbery. In this case, the court came up with a plain view doctrine, which is under the Fourth Amendment to the US Constitution.

The intervention in libya: responsibility to protect

United Nations recognised the necessity of protecting human rights in Libya and gave backing to the concept of R2P in the year 2005 which led to the military intervention in Libya to protect the people from atrocity crimes which began in 2011. The UN Intervention in Libya could be observed as a consolidation of norms β†’

Evaluation of a design

The authors begin with a discussion on the prevalence of PTSD-SUD comorbidity and the mechanisms between the two. Analysis The findings of the four studies point to the efficiency of exposure therapy in treating PTSD-SUD.

The concept of passing

The concept of passing The issue of passing in the US revolves around the practice whereby some inferior races seek association and assimilation to the superior races. The resultant of the differences is the constraint of interrelations amongst the groups.

Literature analysis

The speech that made Obama president The United s president Barrack Obama is well known for the power of speech he possesses over the masses. In conclusion, Senator Obama during this speech in 2004 was able to portray the characters of a great speech.

What is and what is not science

What Is and What Is Not Science Both the methods of natural science and methods of social sciences involve use of experiments and observations. In early 1950s, Erwin Chargaff decided to work on the work of Avery in order to determine the number of nucleotides in the DNA.

Brutus: nobility marred by a tragic flaw essay

Brutus is the tragic hero in The Tragedy of Julius Caesar because of his stern belief in moral and political principles and his inflexible sense of honor and nobility. Brutus was easily convinced that Mark Antony had joined the conspirators' side after the death of Caesar and was unable to see through his false promises.

Business college essay

One of the staff members smells of alcohol, and appears to be under the influence of another substance 1. It is important to monitor and keep the procedures control up to dated.

A look at african tradition religion religion essay

In most African traditions it is also believed that calamities that befall a society are as a result of God not happy and angry with the people. This is the spiritual part of African traditions and considered important and the only way that people are linked and communicate to God.

Historical developments of philosophy

Each article is divided up in the following way: Aquinas will ask the question, then he will give a set of reasons to answer this question in a certain way, these reasons are always called the objections because they are objections to his own views, then Aquinas will give the on the contrary, a reason β†’

How do people become digital natives media essay

The term was coined by Mark Prensky in his work, Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants, published in 2001." Prensky described the generation of young people born since 1980 as ' digital natives' due to what he perceived as an innate confidence in using new technologies such as the internet, videogames, mobile telephony and all the other β†’

Fashion industry

We have the marketing research people, who research the needs of the consumers, then we have the designers who design the garments, we also have the manufacturers who produce the garments and we have the distributors and retailers who sell the products to the consumers. Eventually all the finished products have to reach the ultimate β†’

The difference between classical and positivist understanding

At the same time the main idea of classicism was to change the legal system, the key purpose of positivist school was to apply a scientific technique to control criminological explanations of crime. The theory of classicism implemented the idea that individuals are free-will, and so have the capability to make choices between the different β†’

Anti-cancer potential of dodoneine study

The current study focuses on comparative study of the anti-cancer potential of this compound and one of its derivative i.e methoxy Dodoneine. Study of apoptosis was confirmed by quantification of SubG1 population in the cells, Annexin V/PI staining and assessing the cell viability in the presence of a pan caspase inhibitor.

Techniques for the identification of unknown microorganisms

The agar is inoculated and incubated until growth is seen, and the plate will show a pattern of hemolysis if caused by one of the bacterial pathogens. The way to differentiate between the two is the color of the colony itself, which respectively is, white or golden.S.aureus is part of the normal flora and what β†’

Liberal arts education

I understand that students have varied needs, and that it is my job as a teacher, should I be granted the honorable opportunity to assume such as position, to be as flexible as my students are diverse. I am passionate about history, and I am a firm believer that it takes passion in an area β†’

Essay international agreements

The Ozone Annex agreement between Canada and the United States was signed by both countries to address the issue of air pollutants that travel between the two countries and causes acid rain. The Kyoto Protocol was created to reduce green house gases in 1997, where more than 160 countries met and agreed to reduce these β†’

What can the study of nationalism contribute to our understanding of international relations?

In the nationalism literature the central part of most definitions of 'nation' is the importance of the belief in unity by some set of characteristics on the one hand, and in territorial self-determination on the other. Ignatieff, for example, defines nationalism as a notion that combines the political idea of territorial self-determination, the cultural idea β†’

The life of sylvia plath

Because of her talent in school she was given a scholarship to Smith College where she continued to show how gifted of a student she was. During her undergraduate years she began to suffer from a severe case of depression and she started keeping journals where she wrote what the depression was causing her to β†’

Coming to americathe country assignment

You must abide by these rules, and if you are to What can immigrants expect their Journey to be like? Where are immigrants from the home country You would most likely settle in a neighborhood where fellow immigrants from your What will life be like once the immigrants are settled in the United States?

Heart of darkness imperialism, hegemony, and othering assignment

Why did the Europeans get to say that being civilized is the correct way and the Africans were " doing it all wrong'? What gave the Europeans the right to say that the Igbos religion and spirituality was wrong?

The story of my life assignment

However, need to say here that, because of the passion I had for teaching and imparting morals in the upcoming generation, I took up a teaching appointment with the State Teaching Commission where was placed to teach History and Government at Asia High School, Asia Shako, Indo State. I was there between late 2002 and β†’

Writing introductions and conclusions to assignment

The topic of your essay is going to illustrate or explore in the body of the essay which turn out to be more and more poignant. Conclusion for essay Essay conclusion is the closing paragraph at the end of the essay to restate your thesis statement with strong points.

Human right act essay sample

S3 only is deemed to be a teleological style of interpretation to construe the legislation in a harmonious way in light with ECHR, however it only allow this interpretation when it Is " possible to do so", and that when it is not possible, the court must make a declaration of Incompatibility under S4. Lord β†’

Moving to virginia changed my life essay sample

My husband of ten years and father to my children, had been a pretty good provider but he was an addict, and for repeated drug use and other crimes, was returning to prison for the third or fourth time in our lives, I felt the need and timing were right to separate from him, move β†’

Summary and critical analysis marketing and business development

Summary and critical Analysis of Chapters Chapter Selling Strategies Summary of the Chapter Selling services are more difficult than selling goods, the reason for the argument is simple that is the buyers or the buyers cannot touch or use the services that are it is Intangible. The Selling Process: The author described the process as β†’

Political boundaries in cyberspace

In essence, cyberspace has violated the political domains of the governments, given the enemy some more understanding about its political and societal domains and nonetheless made the job of securing a state difficult, if not entirely impossible. It has violated political domains and touched upon the private issues of a state under discussion.

Workers in america

Knights of Labor was a notable movement that agitated for equal pay, the abolition of the child labor, and the establishment of the cooperatives to tame the excesses of the industrial capitalism. Knights of Labor advocated the abolition of the child labor and the contract systems on municipal, state, and national works.


Even though the examination is necessary when diagnosing Hepatitis B, a number of staining techniques exist that assist in detecting Hepatitis B in the liver. Use of Orcein in detecting hepatitis B antigen in paraffin sections of liver.

Warren buffett comparison with other stock traders

According to Jain, Buffet is just a guru who normally examines prospective of a given firm and its management's competence in turning the fortune of the said company. How to walk in the footsteps of Warren Buffett.

The four asian tigers essay

This paper intends to analyze the extent of the actual influence exogenous factors had on the Tigers' growth, and argues that the Tigers' success was a phenomenon partly dependent of the idiosyncrasies of that time in history. Internal Factors of the Asian Tigers' Economic Success The majority of today's economists have come to a common β†’

Aids and you essay

In this situation, one is infected with theAIDS virus and one's immune system is compromised, but not somuch so that one gets the cancers orpneumonias of the AIDS disease. This is on the basis of the fact that antibodies to the AIDSvirus are found in their blood.

The federal government health insurance health and social care essay

When enrolled in Medicare, a person will have the option of parts A and B. The premium for part A has been paid by the social security taxes pain while working, by the person and their employer.

The sodium-potassium pump is an information processing element in brain computation

In these CPG neurons the Na +/K + pump produces an AHP; the amplitude/hyperpolarization of which is proportional to the intensity and duration of previous spiking activity. In sensory neurons of the lamprey, and tactile sensory neurons of the leech, the Na +/K + pump produces an AHP.

The development of experimental psychology throughout history

The switch from a philosophical to a physiological frame of mind allowed psychologists to, " bring [sic] the experimental method to the investigation of the mind," as related in American Psychologist. Furthermore, during the time period around the establishment of Wundt's laboratory in 1879, the majority perception of psychology by the general public had an β†’

Management of diabetic ketoacidosis nursing essay

She may also have had background knowledge of Daniel's condition and thought the best decision to make was to change the insulin dose so that the patient would not have deteriorated further. In this case, it seems that the senior nurse is devaluing Jo's opinions and knowledge and sticking to her own.

Exploring tqm implementation critical success factors management essay

The British Standards defines TQM as:" A management philosophy embracing all activities through which the needs and expectations of the customer and the community and the objectives of the organization are satisfied in the most efficient and cost effective way by maximizing the potential of all employees in a continuing drive for improvement". The American β†’

Management of fleet and safety performance in maritime operations

It is very important to focus on the safety culture of a company because there is an instant connection between the safety culture at the top of the company and the safety itself. An improvement to education and training in the culture of safety will play a significant role to a more efficient fleet safety.

Self-service technology

A survey will be performed in this report and develop a test model of the affect of SST on consumers' satisfaction of the service and their commitment to the service provider. This report will contribute the understanding of the consumer satisfaction and commitment of the SST and personal service usage.

Input subsystems three input subsystems commerce essay

The HRIS database All of the data and information provided by the input subsystems is held in computer storage. HRIS facilitates training and development and recruitment and section processes of the organisations.

Role of the kidneys and liver in homeostasis

This is what maintains the constant value which is needed in the animals body this is known as the set point. Insulin- this is what stimulates the uptake of the glucose by the cells that is for respiration, and in the liver it stimulates the conversion of the glucose in to the glycogen.

Dns scenario

The question with such a small branch is not really about what kind of DNS server you need, but do you need a DNS server at all. This would allow the smaller branch the ability to use a much smaller router, which might help with the lag the users have experienced.

Cj210 criminal investigation

The investigator holds the key to solving the case with his or her possession and utilization of the attributes of a good investigator. Without this step, the criminal investigation process can be inadmissible, and a criminal may go free.

Theory of staining techniques

Following the heat fixation, stain the slide with crystal violet, a basic dye for 30 seconds and then rinse with water. Carry out this staining procedure by preparing cultures of your unknown organism, air dry the smear and heat fix them to the slide as described above in the gram stain procedure.

Effective communication

It is the same in any conversation; it is important to create the right feeling by being friendly and showing interest in and respect for the other person. Disadvantages of group communication: In group conversations it is harder to start the conversation and keep it going, this is why there always needs to be some β†’

Strategic planning and operation policies

In order to resolve this problem, the answer is not to abandon the strategic plan. However, in spite of the relatively high costs, it is still vital to ensure that the implementation of a long term plan is consistent with the needs of the company.

Narrative analysis practical

The last scene where an apple, a flower grows on the tree and the apple falls in his hands.* Bonding with the tree- The child in this movie seemed to share a special bond with the tree next to his house. The initial scene where the boy is shown playing under the tree; the focus β†’

What south korea can do to help abandoned babies

While some of these girls choose to care for the baby, many are forced to abandon them in the streets, or in extreme cases, in public bathrooms. In 2012, the country banned the adoption of undocumented babies, and required all adoptions to be court-approved." We see the baby box as an illegal facility that encourages β†’

Marketing and lifetime value assignment

The company is looking to see whether a customer's initial purchase amount is predictive of the overall lifetime value of the customer and base their future marketing plans on the outcome. For this study, the customers were divided Into two groups, customers that made an Initial purchase of less than $50 and customers with an β†’

Case analysis study assignment

The purpose of this exercise is to introduce you to case studies and the analysis process, and to a proper format for writing the case study analysis report. For example, you might analyze the case from the perspective that you are the central character of the narrative and must provide a report of what you β†’

What type of fruit juice provides the most vitamin c? essay sample

The independent variable is the type of juice and the dependant variable is the volume of fruit juice needed to decolourise 1cm3 Of 1% DCPIP solution. 85mg/ml meaning that the pineapple juice has more vitamin c per ml then the apple juice and the tropical juice, so a lower volume of pineapple juice was needed β†’

Auditing case essay sample

Answer: The factors that Ron should consider can be reflected in four aspects, which are the professional ability of auditor in the accounting firm, the quality of report information conducted by the accounting firm, as well the size of accounting firm and the fees. The professional auditor should exercise due care in the performance of β†’


If this is not possible, then there are also the possibilities of internships or apprenticeships, where the individual is taught the skills they need in order to perform the job they are trying to get without having to shell out their own money to learn. People are not limited to college only in order to β†’

Cultural differences and expectancy violations theory

Accommodating Culture with the Expectancy Violations Theory Communication is filled with non-verbal messages and cues that play an important role in defining and interpreting messages sent from the communicator to the receiver. By understanding the meaning of touching to a given culture, EVT can evaluate its impact and measure the positive or negative effect it β†’

Free speech coalition

Issue The constitutionalities of the clauses " appear to be" and " conveys the impression" that children were engaging in explicitly sexual activity and the abridgement of valuable speech. The Free Speech Coalition Et Al, 5353 U.S.

Respond what you agree with and disagree with and why

People often cannot make sense of war conflicts and even though no war was conducted on US soil since the Civil War, Americans have suffered the consequences of war far and beyond. I disagree with Auchincloss statement that after the World War II, the US felt obligated to intervene in the world affairs.

How do i interpret and deal with life’s challenges

By personal experience as a Muslim, God allows his children to have times of suffering to deal with in life as a test of faith and a means of purification from wrongdoings or iniquities of the past. Frankl suggests in ' Man's Search for Meaning' that it is possible for a man to reach an β†’

Miss saigon essay

This is because the show was thoroughly rehearsed, been performed to perfection and changed hundreds of times The makers of this production have used every inch of the incredibly large and high stage in the hippodrome to their advantage. The audience was very impressed with the accuracy and pace of this scene, it is one β†’

National tv turn-off week: a dumb idea 9920 essay

What they do not have is something to worry about. But when it comes down to it what do you really get out of knitting that you would not get out of watching television?

Ford ranger – advert analysis essay

It is placed on a black background, which enhances the detail of the product and draws the eye to it as the centre of attention. In the white box is the ' Ford' logo, a slogan ' feel the difference', the model of the car and all the promotional specks that the car has.

Lesson 11-evaluation assignments

Lesson 11-Evaluation Assignments #1 In the article ' Keep The Drinking Age At 21,' by Chicago Times, I believe that the authors main purpose was to express the dangers of lowering the drinking age to 18, and how that might affect society. I think that the author of this article ' 7 Deadly Sins Of β†’

General motors case study essay

Michelle thinks that Natalie is allowing her parents to decide their lives and has now given Natalie a deadline to make a decision. Natalie must also come to terms that her parents do not know what is best for her life and she is the only one who can make that decision.

The convene a statutory meeting law company business partnership essay

File a Memorandum of AssociationA memorandum should be prepared and submitted to the Company Registrar in the Ministry of Commerce. Responsibility to the Public- The designers should obey the existing laws, regulations and codes governing the profession of interior design as established by the country or other authority in which they conduct business.- The designers β†’

Heart of alabama motel v us law constitutional administrative essay

The ruling was appealed on the grounds that they were not provided suitable legal counsel SC Decision- The Court reversed decisions of the Alabama Supreme Court, holding that due process had been violated Background- Fred Korematsu was a Japanese-American man who stayed in San Leandro, California and violated Civilian Exclusion Order No.34. SC Decision- Court β†’

The road to rome law international essay

The presidency manages the Court and has the task of representing the Court to the outside world; it also helps to organize the work of the judges. Assignment of judges to Divisions is made on the basis of the nature of the functions each Division performs and the qualifications and experience of the judge.

The capacity to deliver allantoicase & aallantoinase

The low dissolvability may likewise result in the precipitation of uric corrosive gems when levels of uric corrosive ascent in the blood, which in turn causes the agonizing condition called gout. The low dissolvability of uric corrosive makes it hasten promptly in the cloaca, and permits these amphibians, as reptiles and winged creatures, to limit β†’

Good example of linear and integer programming modeling critical thinking

Of particular interest to the problems of the IP due to the fact that in many practical problems, we need to find an integer solution due to a discrete series of values of the variables. Therefore, we can consider all possible combinations of integer variables and check whether they satisfy the constraints, and the number β†’

The fall of sparter essay examples

It became purely a case of the poor and the rich and lack of familiarity in leadership of Greece begun to show, and many other states realized that Sparta's guarantee of invigorating all the Greeks would basically never materialize. Sparta realized that to gain the confidence and trust of the other city states, they ought β†’

Data mining in sports in the past few years

Data mining has thus found its root in the field of sports where the coaches and managers can make decisions and strategies on the basis of important patterns and knowledge extracted from sports data. After a span of numerous years, this data began to be explored and looked into by sports analysts which believed that β†’