Genuine Essay Examples

Hero s journey ying ying essay

She was hollow inside for the longest time, until she realized that she needed to confront her past in order to save her daughter's future. It is the only way to penetrate her kin and pull her to where she can be saved".

Explaining tcp/ip to grandma essay sample

IP specifies the addressing details for each of the packets of information that the TCP has created. Just like a letter needs an address to know where it is to be sent, so to the IP creates these addresses for the disassembled packets of information.

Tips and tricks for literature searches essay sample

With the limitless information available on the internet about any one topic, there is a need to develop a few tricks in order to achieve the desired results. As long as the institution of higher learning has a faculty in the research topic that the researcher is interested in, then there is bound to be →

The effects of genre of music on memory retention essay sample

Classical music from the baroque period causes the heart beat and pulse rate to relax to the beat of the music. Design A post- test only design was used to examine the effect of two genres of music- classical and rock, to the retention of information in the memory of the participants.

Strong letter

Your full full January 21, To Whom It May Concern: I am writing this letter to appeal for the decision that the board took against me for failing the board exam. Please, I am asking for a chance to allow me to pursue my degree.

Groups and teams in an organization

Groups and teams play a vital role in making an organization more productive and also it's concerned in the increase of output of the organization. CONCLUSION Groups and teams always play a very positive in every aspect of life but when we are talking about the organization, it's always become very effective too for the →

Inside the meltdown

The Frontline in this particular film is conducting a number of investigations on some of the factors that possibly led to the worst economic crisis for a period of seventy years. In this particular clip, on the meltdown that took place in the year 2008 in the United States of America, the theme economy has →

The dream is now

One of my friends has completed his university studies last year but up to date he is unable to secure any job of his dream in the government or high ranking agencies in this country. In most cases, this goes to the extent of some candidates giving up in life if they are not strong →

A letter of intent from non-native american

To achieve professional excellence matching the standards of Global scenario had been the matter of motivation behind my plan to join the The changing demands of the industry tend towards the requirement of resource persons with technical expertise and professional exposure to the differing industrial scenarios across the globe. I will be able to contribute →

Jesus film

This is a " sacrifice" aspect of the film, where Jesus, being the son of God, left the glory in heaven in order to come down to save human kind. What is the significance of the Bible for understanding who Jesus is?

Imagery in wheatleys poems essay

Imagery in Phillis Wheatley's Poems Phillis Wheatley was a black slave born in Africa and brought to America, in particular Boston in 1761. Phillis Wheatley wrote many poems over her lifespan and utilizes the use of imagery to evoke an emotional response from her audience.

Blaming justice (looking at the theme of justice in romeo and juliet) essay sample

The great accent that is granted to force and hatred throughout the drama downplays the love narrative between Romeo and Juliet and portrays it to merely function as a device to convey about an terminal to the feud and demo how awful the effects can be of such violent and revengeful behaviour. The Feud: Romeo →

Stonehenge essay

The many aspects of Stonehenge and the processes by which it was built reveal much about the intelligence and sophistication of the civilizations that designed and built the monument, despite the fact that it is difficult to find out who exactly these people were. First in the sequence was the arrival of the bluestones, and →

Overview of the advantages and issues of cloud storage interoperability

The term ' interoperability' refers to the capability of a system to work with some other system or the ability to use the parts of another system. And, for some other set of people, the same term can refer to the ability of cloud environments to support sharing of information between each other.

Alexander hamilton: secretary of treasury

It's not a common thing for a man to be a secretary of treasury, be in the military for many years, and die after a duel from a bullet. He was made a Major General and stayed in the military for about 2 years.

A study of the interrelation between handwork and success

For most of my classes, the concept comes to me with ease, however, English and science are the hardest subjects for me. Even though I struggle with my science and English subjects, I aim to improve myself.

Persuasive author’s arguments in fast food nation book

These strategies support the author's argument and provide a more effective argument, with the use of techniques such as imagery and ethos. The imagery of the writer provokes different emotions within the reader, effectively supporting the author's points, such as showing the horrors of the meat industry and the slaughterhouses.

Good essay about the history of torture and its use today

The way torture affects the society makes me to conclude that this issue fits in the field of sociology. The social theory of fear applies to the use of torture in the judicial system.

Classical conditioning associated with phobias

The temporal contiguity between the NS and the CS and 2.' The number of pairings of the NS and the CS'.3.'Intensity of CS & UCS affects intensity of CR' 4.' Salience of CS' 5.'Reliability of CS as predictor of UCS' 6.' Redundancy of CS' and 7.'CS-US Belongingness'. Also, there are several learning principles behind classical →

Psychology of marginalization

The marginalization he experiences from the Germans is on another scale entirely because the brutality and cruelty that is shown towards him and his people is one that has disturbed and become a lesson to societies around the world today. In Night by Ellie Wiesel, the psychological dynamic between oppressor and oppressed that causes and →

How does culture affect international business marketing essay

With the recent increase in the pace of globalization, culture has gained further introspection than before, especially the role player by culture in the performance of a new business unit in a foreign region or mergers and acquisitions in businesses. Therefore it implies that if the nature of culture has a major impact on social →

The pervasive influences that drive change

The concept of organizational change is in regard to organization-wide change, as opposed to smaller changes such as adding a new person, modifying a program. In that case of group change, he argued that, interventions such as sensitivity training, survey feedback and process consultation are some of strategies the management can use if it targets →

Immigration control

In many cases, the reason that these people are trying to immigrate to America is because they are trying to escape from the violence and poverty of their own countries. Immigrants come to the united states not to commit acts of crime but are looking to start a new life in America, and Danticat argues →


He has written this document due to his belief that some people have doubts on accepting Buddhism and as someone in a position of power; he would like to encourage the acceptance of Buddhism throughout China. If he were to convert to Buddhism he would lose all wealth and power due to the philosophy that →

Knowledge and what it means to be educated

It is important that if we want to progress and revolutionize our definition of being educated that we open up our minds to more than one track of presenting information and provide an environment conducive to creativity and expansion of knowledge beyond the American school system. In school we typically learn all the " basic →

Leagalization and decriminalization of marijuana

Presently, policy in the United States toward marijuana smoking has evolved more towards the point of decontaminating the procession of marijuana in small amounts with fines rather than incarceration. The process of legalization for marijuana has recently gained an increase of support from 25% in the go's and ass to almost 45% currently, according to →


Marketing mix Price - Price is expensive because of high quality tea and brand's positioning in luxury market. Product - TAG Tea uses a premium pricing strategy due to the high quality of products stocked and the brand's positioning in the luxury market.

Tv network dish to accept bitcoin

DISH customers will be able to pay their bills online via bitcoin on in the third quarter, with Coinbase. Coinbase declared " we are glad to be working with the DISH team, to serve their current and new subscribers with Coinbase as their easy to use bitcoin transaction platform ".

Failure mode effect and criticality analysis

The basic function as we know of the system is to steer the vehicle, in the other words, turning the wheel any direction we want by simply rotating the steering of steering rod which results movement the wheels.II. The whole subassembly is then attached with the steering arm, stub axle by meaner of welded Joints →


The connection between these two statements by the two authors is the fact that both statements defend the African heritage and they show how the authors expressed their pride for their skin colors in the poem and the first chapter of the book respectively. Both the poem and the first chapter of Souls of Black →

Talent management in bpo in india assignment

But, the question is where to find the best talent which is able to fit the job description and also adjust to the organization's values and norms. These are some of the measures that should be taken into account to hire and retain talent in the organization, to be efficient and competitive in this highly →

The hawala extortion method assignment

RULES OF HAWALA Rules of Hawala which he is indebted, the transfer will not be in order, unless he accepts it.cannot cancel the Hawala, and if the person receiving the Hawala was not poor at the time the Hawala was issued, the creditor cannot cancel the Hawala even if the recipient becomes poor afterwards. In →

Portfolio project intro criminal justice assignment

In cases where a suspect is identified, a sample of that person's DNA can be compared to evidence from the crime scene. In addition, these labs may be ill-equipped to handle the increasing influx of DNA samples and evidence.

The impact of gangs on society essay sample

The movie " Colors" shows some of the conflicts minorities of different races face when being a member of a gang. The Crypts and the Bloods are two of the biggest gangs in the city.

Cultural diversity essay sample

1- Culture and identity: Cultural identity as a construct: Identitas: Nature is the same and it evolves at the same time Being and becoming Meaning and experience Social constructionim: " It is concerned with showing how members of a group go about constructing a world of common experience" Internalized attitudes and behaviors The Big Other:" →

Compare the openings of the signalman and the foghorn essay sample

" The Foghorn" was written by Ray Bradbury in the 20thC and is a short story whereas Charles Dickens wrote " The Signalman" in the 19thC. The opening of " The Signalman" gave the reader a sense that it was a " solitary and dismal a place" this created the right kind of atmosphere for →

Catcher in the rye

The main character in the novel is a young guy by the name of Holden Caulfield, who seemingly revels in the role of social rebel. The Catcher in The Rye features a main character by the name of Holden Caulfield, who is a young man on a journey of self and the world around him.

Sustainability – corporate social responsibility: black milk

Therefore, the company needs to analyse and evaluate how its social and environmental efforts will be aligned with its corporate strategy, to prioritise potential activities and to develop a plan of different initiatives. In order to help the organization emerge as a sustainable player among its organizational peers the company should focus not only on →

After reading a mini-case, and writing a summary with your opinion

JetBlue made it a goal to make a solid relationship with its customers and to reach out to them in order to build their trust. Twitter has allowed the company to actively engage with its customers and build a strong network of support and interaction.

Arts management, event report

The turnout for the event was huge; the audience was of mixed race. The school was also among the sponsors of the event.


4 October 2012. 4 October 2012 Hyatt.

The role of media during wartime

In times of war, the media criticism of government action does comfort the enemies of the nation. However, there need to be certain curbs which must be in place so as to avoid criticism for the sake of destabilizing the nation on the part of the media.

Various notes essay

In the last part author returns to the idea of the arrival of spring, finishing the poem with the hope that " Spring returns, perhaps tomorrow". The plough, the team, the man narrowing the field of charlock, the lovers going into and out of the wood all remind us that the world is turning, people →

Action plan for optimal health and wellness project essay

The antioxidants and other nutrients in fruits and vegetables help to protect against certain types of cancer and other diseases. It is one of the safest and healthier easy to live longer and lose weight.

Equality, diversity and inclusion essay

It is of import as a practician that you guarantee the kids you work with are larning and playing in an inclusive environment as they all have a right to a wide and balanced course of study. Promoting and valuing cultural diverseness benefits kids in the undermentioned ways: They have the opportunity to larn about →

Are all a priori truths are analytic essay

I will argue that Kant is mistaken when he states that some a priori truths exist which are not analytic and I will conclude that by the very nature of how ' a priori' is defined, all analytic truths are a priori and all a priori truths are analytic. However, if that was truly the →

Chain of command essay

Much of the below information was provided by apacherat, a member of our message forum, and a former Marine: The Marine Corps has the " RULE of THREE." I believe it was invented during the Anna Wars by Edison who invented the fire team concept that is used today. Commanded by a colonel, the MEU →

Business proposal narrative essay

The issue that we are having is not with all of the employees, but it is effecting everyone. In the department meeting we will discuss the issue with the employees.

Does the symbolic interactionism explain anything sociology essay

As a theory, the perspective examined the meanings and familiarities between human interaction at a micro-sociological level and in a very interpretative manner; ' the development of the self within the social realm'. The ' I' was " the response of an individual to the attitude of others, whilst the ' me' was organized set →

The influence of body image and self esteem psychology essay

Therefore, this study is to increase knowledge on the influence of body image and self-esteem among undergraduate students in Malaysia. The concept of puberty is important in explaining age and gender difference in the influence of body image and self-esteem.

Barack obama’s political marketing strategy

Whilst using the web to reach out to the electorate, raise campaign money and other such activities is nothing new witness the success of Howard Dean during the 2004 Democratic campaign what made this campaign unique was the ' joining up' of disparate new-media strands into a comprehensive array of services. In practical terms this →

Factors influencing interest in human resource planning

It includes the goals and then to examine the development and implementation of programs to ensure that people are available with the appropriate characteristics and capabilities when and where the organization needs them. During the debate, I describe four phases of human resources: the collection and evaluation of personnel anticipated demand forecast, as business plans →

Strategic alignment between is/it and business

When looking at the implementation of ERP systems and its strategic alignment within the business, you see that the main role of the system is to streamline, standardize and integrate business processes. In addition, choosing the distributed information architectures and customize the ERP systems for each business unit to meet the local needs.

History of qatar: al-hajri

One of the strongest and generosity family in Qatar is Al-Hajri family. In the end Al-Hajri family is one of the strongest and generosity family comparing to all families in the Middle East.

Career profile: physical therapy assistant

The standard code of ethics for PTAs as delineated by the House of Delegates of the APTA emphasizes the special obligation of a PTA to ensure that a patient achieves greater independence, wellness and health as well as improved life quality. In order to practice as a PTA, one ought to be registered, certified or →

Offshore structure subsea production system engineering essay

An offshore structure, referred to an oil and gas platform where it is a large structure with facilities to drill wells and extract and process oil and natural gas and export the products to shore. The first subsea well was in one of the Great Lakes in the USA and was in only a few →

The role of customs and excise agency

Similarly, Wakamatsu and Iwakami pointed out that ' in Indonesia, customs and clearance as one of the major issues to be improved in the business and investment environment'. As the world is becoming borderless, the role of Customs agency in Indonesia has become more complex from revenue collector to trade facilitator and community protector.

Moving average method: limitations and types of

The moving average for ' n' number of periods in the moving average is calculated as: This method uses the average of a number of adjoining data points or periods. In our ten periods on the question the moving averages method would use the average of the most recent ten observations of the data in →

National kidney foundation leadership

With regards to National Kidney Foundation, both the organization and its stakeholders were concerned over the issue of funds being misused, a lack of transparency and the lack of enforcement of laws internally. When the funds of the NKF were not properly accounted for, the public become skeptical and doubtful of NKF.

China: technology

The way the Chinese helped to Jumpstarted the economy post plague was to keep as such of their trade Internal and boost their own economy. All in the Mining Dynasty was a time of flourished and abundance.

Absorbent mind – essay

The child must be given freedom within limits to express his interest because if there is no limit to the freedom given to the child and since he is going through the stage of absorbent mind the child may attempt or behave what is not meant for him. So the environment in which the child →

My personal goals

I know that in order to fulfill my dream I will have to put in a lot of hard work and time. One of my goals is to be the best I can in hockey.


In the second chapter, " Real and Symbolic, Questions of Difference" the author arguers that there is no universally recognized criterion for the distinction between homo sapiens and the other species of animal kingdom, due to the fact that many evolutionary theorists feel bounded by the dogmas of conventional morality, when it comes to defining →

Kodak company

A large part of the sale of its healthcare division and the house to pay off some of the products of the heavy debt Soda's. When he became the CEO of the company, these issues were prevailing and affecting the company to a great extent.

Effects of overpopulation in the world

The reason and the cause of this are because there is going to be too many people around or in other words the world would be overpopulated. There would be more competition.

Friends, family, or selfishness?

No one in the family cares enough to step into each other's shoes, and show empathy for what is soon going to happen to someone that they supposedly love and care about. We do not have to worry about what would happen if everyone was selfish, and only made decisions that impacted them in the →

Ride back home (diary of a loner)

With my eyes red and my hair all dusty, I finally reach the school gate. I weep as virtually all the organs in my body pound due to the bass.

Homosexuality in popular hindi cinema assignment

Ltd in which the Gay characters are second to the narrative but the fear of coming out in society and thinking about the consequences make them to marry the opposite sex because of the social factors and family pressure. The way in which arbitration and westernizes are attached to the homosexual characters, it seems that →

Liberalism vs. democracy assignment

Democracy Liberalism, formed in the latter part of the 18th Century from opposition to existing political monarchies in Europe, was based on rights of individuals and the responsibility of government to protect those rights. In the nineteenth century liberals were often opposed to democracy as they saw it as a threat to individual rights the →

Theatre of the absurd assignment

THE THEATRE OF THE ABSURD The dictionary meaning of the word ' Absurd' is unreasonable, ridiculous or funny. A short but true story narrated in the beginning of Martin Esslin's book The Theatre of the Absurd provides the best commentary on the significance of the Absurd, and also helps in understanding the human values of →

Who are we? essay

This is especially true when it is a case of one group of people writing the history of their encounters with another group of people, as Jane Tompkins discovers in attempting to sort through the various histories of Europeans' first dealing with North American Indians: Knowledge of what really happened when the Europeans and the →

The industrialization of mexico: 1821-present essay sample

However, the vast expansions of both manufacturing and mining outputs encouraged a role of government in the economy. After these incentives were raised there was a boom in industrial growth for two decades based on the expansion of mining and the expansion of the railroads used to support other extractive industries.

Dystopian characteristics in society today essay sample

The characters are easily compared to personalities found in society: Simon was the first and only one to realise the real beast on the Island. When the twins first discovered the dead airman on the top of the mountain, they assumed it was a beast and ran to tell the others.

To what extent do media representations of refugees and asylum seekers limit their integration within society essay sample

As the number of asylum seekers and refugees entering the United Kingdom continues to rise, one of the pressing concerns of the European Union and the UK government is ensuring their integration within society. The essay will firstly examine the official definitions of the terms ' refugee' and ' asylum seeker', it will then explore →

What it takes to become a motocross racer

The word Motocross attracts the immediate attention of the people and it is combination of two words namely Motorcycle and cross country. Popularity grew in Japan and Suzuki made the most of it 1.

Experiential family therapy

Suppression and denial of emotions lead to withdrawal and even the development of antisocial behaviors that may spill to affect the nature of the relationship with a family. The approach can be effective in treating a family with a depressed and withdrawn adolescent daughter who is experiencing first menstrual circle but fears to tell parents →

Macroeconomic situation

It has been found that the economy of the United States has rescued itself from the recession and has begun to rise since the second half of the year 2009. It was expected that the economy of the United States in the year 2010 would grow by 2.

Historical issues

I also agree with you that the discovery of oil in the region escalated the interest of most of the Europeans countries to fight for the territory. I agree with you that the center of attention between 1914 and 1918 in the middle East was Great Britain3.


Economics and Sociology In my view, I will grade Karl Marx as a sociologist because he was a social thinker, and all his aspects sought to find a better way of understanding the whole society in general. Hegel tried to explain the world in terms of nature and society, in which Marx came up with →

Indian boarding school experience

I can see that the major problem with the Indian boarding schools lies in the fact that they were designed to eliminate the original culture of their students. As it was put by the founder of the first such boarding school, it should kill the Indian and save the man.

Herbal body care

Dong Quai body wash: +20 Dong Quai body wash After the age of 30, the human body's hormones and immunities decrease, and this not only darkens the skin and turns it yellowish, causing dryness, roughness, and hypoesthesia. The +20 Dong Quai body wash is a cleanser that is developed to prevent aging and it rejuvenates →

Teaching essays – e-learning students education

This survey aims at researching this topic to develop a model of critical factors necessary for the rating of quality in e-learning system, and to research the relevance and importance of the E-learning in Saudi Arabia. Decision In this chapter we have gave a sample overview about the research and what are the ground to →

Keyboards college essay

It is written in 4 time and is in the key of F major. It is also written in 4 time but it is in the key of C and then there is a key change to D.

Au bon pain essay

With the addition of Schlesinger's experience in organizational behavior, Au Bon Pain was hoping to establish a system within the organization to increase sales and at the same time " improve quality throughout Au Bon Pain by increasing employee ownership both financial and psychological- in the organization". It is up to the new owners to →

Shadows story essay

There were not enough tears in the world to cover all her problems and she simply did not know where to direct the little she had. The car jerked to a halt in front of the hotel and she was jolted out of her reverie.

Get the gasworks essay

The title of the poem uses the word gasworks. The next image Ignition shows is and mottled red and yellow tenements, This image makes the housing in the area seem shabby and gross.

How google demonstrates paradoxical thinking business essay

The basic foundation of the paradoxical thinking is that the employees have to be provided an open and innovative culture that will allow them to think a huge range of imaginative and compelling ideas that have never been offered in the market. The proponents of paradoxical thinking state that the people have to think out →

Obama’s leadership challenge

This is a true challenge to leadership, suggesting that one must be in thorough command of his emotions and his word choice as the election comes down to the final line. One quality of leadership which Wren remarks upon and which is plainly in evidence in Obama's case is the reality that many people have →

Geothermal energy 10211

The title of my research would be " Technical and Economical evaluation of geothermal energy systems". To collect a technical and energy model consisted of general information such as exploration, drilling, capacity of equipments, gather economical plans based on technical model.

Accounting jobs descriptions

Crew City: New York Educational Requirements: BA/BS in Accounting whereby a degree is an advantage CPA and Strong Sarbanes Oxley Section 404 compliance Job Responsibilities: The Director of Accounting is responsible for providing active oversight and management of all aspects of the Company's accounting and internal financial report. He/she performs various accounting projects as assigned →

Are gmos safe

GMO foods are safe because GM organisms are the genetically identical to regular organisms, which are comprised of tens of thousands of proteins, except the GM organism has one or two genes that are switched out by humans either in a lab or through artificial selection. One of the largest examples of creating genetic crops →

A history of christianity in uganda assignment

Any discussion of Charlatanry In Uganda the creation of colonialism at the end of the 19th Century must begin with Began the ancient Independent kingdom on the rather shores of the lake which the Baghdad call Analyzable and which the British christened " Victoria." Over the centuries Began had evolved a complex system of government →

Economic development study guide assignment

Potential questions include the following: Be able to define, explain the characteristics, and compare the differences between Economic Growth and Economic Development Tied to this question, or perhaps, as another potential question, be able to discuss the various reasons " why some countries are poor." Chapter 2 concerns itself with the problem of measuring economic →

The effect of petro-globalization on non-western cultures assignment

The bulk of it remains in the hands of the Saudi Royal Family, descendants of Bin Saudi, and their assorted hangers-on. The I-Jaw believe that oil is the lifeblood of the land, and that drilling for it is literally bleeding the land dry.

Comparative commentary on global warming assignment

A is a published article by a company that emphasizes that everyone in the world should be able to take part in reducing roundhouse gas emissions and that illustrates the range of actions, In particular technological advances the company has taken to address the problem. Text A is presented with descriptions and actual statistics of →

Technology changing face of education assignment

That old barrier of ' l do not have access to the Internet outside of school', It's been taken away," she said. Students will demonstrate the various projects and assignments they have completed using their pads and other technology.