Genuine Essay Examples

Effective leadership: implementing change

The objective of this report is to determine how the modern day organisation in this research can make use of effective leadership to implement and achieve successful change. In order to define situation concisely and to gather comprehensive information on objectives for the study, the research design methods of interview and personal observation is carried β†’

Tun dr mahathir of malaysia history essay

While in college, he was a student who works hard and diligently in lessons, active in the sport of rugby and is always concerned about the welfare of other students. In 1953, he was conferred the degree of Doctor of Medicine from the University of Malaya.

Sport and social class

In the Middle Ages the difference between the rich and poor in the sport continued to grow. They were from the working classes and were paid fees to play for their counties and their country.

Financial performance of hydrogenics corporation

Part III: Balance Sheet Analysis From the balance sheet of Hydrogenics Corporation, the direction observed from 2012 to 2013 for each of the balance sheet item shows that the total assets of the company have decreased mainly because of the decrease in cash and short-term investments and the account receivables which both are the current β†’

The special properties of concrete construction essay

The use of admixtures to increase the workability or to accelerate the hardening of the concrete will be permitted when approved by the Engineer. Retarding water-reducers and retarding high range water reducers are used to: Give workability retention to the concrete Delay the setting time of concrete Prevent the formation of cold joints Increase initial β†’

Analysis of the uv visible spectroscopy biology essay

The selection of the spectroscopy to analysis the sample is depending on what is present in the sample. The absorbance of a sample at a given wavelength is equal to the absorptivity of the substance, path length and concentration of the substance.

Antihypertensive properties of lemongrass

The general objective of this study is to determine the presence of ACE inhibitory and antibacterial peptides from the leaves of Lemon grass. Rubisco is thought to be the most abundant protein in the world and comprises up to 50 % of all soluble proteins in plants and it is a very large and complex β†’

The core executive: the role of the prime minister and the cabinet in the uk’s parliament

Government and Politics Jan 2011 Topic 3- The core Executive 1) A government is " the organization, that is the governing authority of a political unit," " the ruling power in a political society," and the apparatus through which a governing body functions and exercises authority. 2) A Cabinet Reshuffle is a series of changes β†’

Introduction of information technology and society

Social networks connect users into a community or trust IRS - emerging technology which enable users to get feeds' of data from content publishers via a browser or a special newsreader tool. 0 Web pages, plus a lot of other " content" shared over the web, with more interactivity, more like an application than a β†’

A man called horse

The Sioux saw the color of John Dunbar's skin as a threat, because of all the previous white-men that had come and tried to take without asking, such as the conquistadors of Spain, the Texans, and even the Mexicans; however this was a small gap for John to leap over to get closer to the β†’


Before Palo Alto's punk garage band the Donnas, the myth of the garage was established by William Hewlett and David Packard, founding a company building electronic test and measurement equipment on $500 capital. It " lets senior management hunt for and enjoy chatting with the creative thinkers In the guts of the organization".

What is literature?

It's better than the books it's based on and they are considered to be literature, so by extension, Hannibal should be too. It seems to me, when all is said and done, that whether or not a piece of work qualifies as literature is very much in the eye of the beholder.

The impact of ellen’s choices on her own life

Throughout the novel, Ellen proves time and time again that although her life is not the easiest she was able to control a great deal of it through the decisions she made. The first step to the recovery of her life is when Ellen leaves her father and takes shelter in her friend Starletta's home.

The raven argumentative essay

He opens the door and stares into only darkness and then starts dreaming about the unattainable and murmurs, " Lenore"." Lenore" is reiterated back to the man and the poem has begun to fully disclose a sense of the agony and heartsickness experienced by the narrator. In this poem, the protagonist is mourning for his β†’

School uniforms: are they necessary?

The second reason why children should not wear school uniforms is that it is a free country and school uniforms are against that. School uniforms are not good for schools because that kids learn better being comfortable and school uniforms are not the most comfortable.

Why we go to school

Is it because you need to learn the material that most of the teachers say you wont use in the real world? You have to ask yourself about many things to find the answer in such odd situations such as the daily routine at school.

The bais in the curriculum

It in a sense expresses the graving they have for their community to change for the best but they do not think they are worthy and smart enough to encounter the act of being a leader and making a change because of the color of their skin. Some people think just because you tell a β†’

Principles of career and life planning assignment

If the disruptive behavior persists, it will be brought to the attention of the Office of Conflict Resolution and Civic Responsibility; and you may be asked to leave the lass permanently. They are to be completed and turned in before or on the last day of class.

Obesity epidemic solution essay sample

According to Brody, he claims that, when women entered the workforce, the food industry grew and produced stocks of food containing rich in sugar, salt and fat that people are expected to desire. In agreement with the National Institute of Health stating that, " obesity is the next major epidemiologic challenge facing today's doctors, with β†’

Which of richard iii, henry vii and henry viii was the most effective monarch? essay sample

So eventually Richards's only evidence of effective Monarchy was the reason for his loss in the Battle Of Bosworth and through all of this Richard had a very unstable reign through the hatred he received from the rumours from the Princes in the Tower, which shows that overall, Richard was not a very effective Monarch β†’

Determination of the relative atomic mass of lithium essay sample

002547 mol c) Finding the number of moles of LiOH: To find the number of moles of HCl, we use the mole ratio found in the equation above: Mole ratio LiOH: HCl = 1: 1 Therefore the number of moles of LiOH = 0. 32 3 Therefore maximum percentage error of the Burette in method β†’

The payout policy essay sample

Before Dividend: After Dividend: After the cash dividend, the market value of the firm falls to $900, 000 and shareholders gain $100, 000 in cash. Before Dividend: After Repurchase: After the cash dividend, the market value of the firm falls to $900, 000 yet shareholders retain equal ownership in the firm.


For instance, the plan involve receiving of a bomb threat, responding to the threat, and ensuring appropriate strategies are employed as discussed in the subsequent paragraphs. In the management of any crisis, a bomb threat notwithstanding, responsibility is key.


On the other hand, it has also been proved, the European people with their white skin emerged from African populations under the influence of the different environmental conditions and a number of different population groups with specific genetic characteristics existed in between these two groups. In this manner genetic data generated from Africa has given β†’

Position paper of a debate

In the United States of America, an estimate of seventeen percent of children and adolescent are obese. There is need to let go weariness, frustration, confusion and despair and grab a hold of the simple methods of dealing with obesity in the family.


The Cathedral Stands for the Marriage between the Husband and the Wife The short story " Cathedral" written by Raymond Carver first appeared in the " Atlantic Monthly" in March, 1981.the story tells about a marriage couple from Seattle and their complicated relationship. The research paper will discuss the status of marriage in the short β†’

The definition of fete galante essay

According to the website, the WebMuseum, Paris " Antoine Watteau is probably best known for his fete galante paintings." Antoine's painting style, which lasted only a short period of time, ending in the mid 1700's, but was popular again in the 1800's. Found in the website, the WebMuseum, Paris some of the paintings β†’

Ethical behavior in the workplace essay

The major importance of having good conduct is to maintain a high level of respect not just for people but for the profession in which you hail from. The main definition of ethics is that it is a philosophy which seeks to uphold various fundamental issues that mainly address morality and so on.

Religion essays – diversity of religious cultures

However, the aftermath of WW2 with the refugees seeking new lives enabled Jews to come to Australia- which contributed in increasing the number of Jewish adherents in Australia. Roman Catholics have continued to increase both numerically and as a percentage of the population, and have overtaken Anglicans as the largest denomination in Australia.

Impact of food industrialization

Many of these advocates claim that organic farming requires too much land grab and uses too many pesticides, when the facts are that industrial agriculture is causing the deforestation of the rainforests in the Amazon and Indonesia, fuelling a land grab in Africa and Europe. Hurst states that critics of industrial farming spend most of β†’

Hegel and the problem with identity

Hegel starts off by discussing the consciousness and the ego, which is defined as the recognizing of objects and the identity of the mind respectively, meaning that the two tend to interact with each other to make a mind. Hegel also discusses the free will and the neutral: the free will is defined as something β†’

Requirements of a job description

Kern Dental Assistant A job description allows an organization to put up boundaries for a purpose and assists as an interaction tool between the employer and the employee to make sure of a clear understanding of expectations. The third component of a job description gives a detailed list of the functions, tasks, duties, and obligations β†’

International capital budgeting

One of the key factors for firms having their operations in foreign countries is the exchange rate. So in order to accurately forecast the budget or profitability of a project it is essential to forecast the exchange rates for future.

Pestel analysis of the steel industry economics essay

The private sector in the steel industry contributes approximately 2/3rd of the total market of the steel. Asian countries are in the lead with the production of the steel, china is the top producer among the Asian countries which are contributing high a supply of the steel in the international market.

Petroleum as the core business of petronas

The paper will outline the background of the company followed by identification of the actual and potential impacts of globalisation on the company. Recommendation of strategies which the company might use to respond to the impacts is covered in the last part of the paper.1.

American political tradition

Therefore, I believe that the federal government, while having jurisdiction over immigration should ensure that the different states that immigrants go to are justifiably compensated for the impact of the influx of immigrants on their economy, culture, and environment. However I believe that the state of Arizona deserves the right to be heard by the β†’

Suffered huge losses

To better fight, the company needs to see the affect of the external market forces and aline them to its strengths and chances given. Therefore, the purpose of the study is to clear up the roots of the Fiat Auto ' autumn from grace and to give some recommendations to better the state of affairs.

Capital one financial corporation

It has also acquired a home equity roughage company In ten Capital One is the fifth largest credit card provider in the United States and one of the largest issuers of Mastered and Visa credit cards. Capital One is the United Kingdom's seventh largest credit card issuer, and among the top ten of the same β†’

Education: the key to solving poverty

In order for the standards of living to increase in impoverished areas the promotion and levels of education must also increase. This is in part due to the continuos poverty cycle, and the only way for it to be broken is by providing students with a better education.

Leadership and management: assignment

In the course of the last century in particular, the study of leadership and management has led to the formulation of multiple theories, each with a different focus; where some highlight a transformational approach that sees the job of leader as being to create new leaders, others might emphasis the situational approach where leadership/management is β†’

French and indian war assignment

French and Indian War BY scarcer The French and Indian War was one of the bloodiest wars of the 18th century. The audience of this document is other colonists and the purpose was to publicize discontent of the Stamp Act.

The anatomy of a rumor speech assignment

The Anatomy of a Rumor Purpose: To inform my audience about the psychological origins of rumor Central Idea: Rumor is a peer inspired, unverified form of information that is psychologically driven Pattern of Organization: Topical Introduction: l. We will discover that rumors are a form of information, rumors continually transform as they travel, and that β†’

American home products corporation essay sample

AHP consistently avoided much of the risk of new product development and introduction in the volatile drug industry. ANSWER: In corporate finance, Hamada's equation is used to separate the financial risk of a levered firm from its business risk.

The flood accounts in the epic of gilgamesh and the genesis essay sample

OVERVIEW OF THE FLOOD ACCOUNTS IN THE EPIC OF GILGAMESH AND THE GENESIS SOURCES OF THE FLOOD ACCOUNTS The Babylonian tablets containing the flood story of the Epic of Gilgamesh have been date circa 650 BCE 1, carved in Tablet XI of the twelve stone tablets. The following characteristics were found to be different on β†’

Searching for identity through the past essay sample

Gabriel Grimes and Elizabeth Grimes, his father and mother, have the largest impact on John Grimes and his search for his own identity. John gets confused by his father's actions and is pushed further into the church as he searches for himself and a life to please his father.

Christian attitudes and the attitudes of one other religion to fertility treatments essay sample

When someone is infertile and are forced to conceive using ways that are not natural, they can often be made to feel that it is wrong because of their religion. Furthermore, some Christians believe that discarded embryos are not alive and their destruction can be justified by the doctrine of effect, where the intention is β†’

Zimbardo prison experiment. the dynamics of attitude and behaviour

The students took to the roles they were acting, and soon the life-like 'prison' was a scene of realistic baton-wielding tyrannical uniformed guards subjugating and abusing the hapless, helpless prisoners to such an extent that few even suffered from severe trauma, and had to be replaced. Here, both the prisoners and the guards dissociated from β†’

Assignment example

The United s Dollar has been in decline over the past year when compared to many of the other major currencies in the world. Much of this weakness in the dollar can be attributed to the trade deficit that the United States has and to the Federal deficit that the government is currently running.

Reading response of the two readings

February 5, For the Love of Luxury Goods: Money and War in Colonial Trade In " Brewing Up a Storm," Kenneth Pomeranz and Steven Topik assert that the British became fonder of tea in the eighteenth century because of the availability of cheep sweetener, sugar, and changes in social and economic structures and practices. 3 β†’

A business plan

FINANSOL BUSINESS PLAN By Business The of the School The and where it is located The FINANSOL BUSINESS PLAN Introduction Finansol will be created in Bolivia as a result of the support of ACCION. The bank is also meant to compete favorably with the other banks in the business.

Security in an organization

The analysis of security is done to recognize the exposure of security in a systematic way. Conclusion: Security is very essential for the proper functioning of an organization.


In lieu of this, therefore, present-day large companies such Facebook, Amazon, or General Motors can to a certain extent be considered to be bureaucracies as they contain and portray most of the features of what Weber idealized as a bureaucracy. In conclusion, large companies can be considered to be bureaucracies as they have explicit rules, β†’

Sappho stung with love:poems and fragments

She has portrayed all the images of a woman in her poetry. As she herself was a musician words would definitely come to her in the flow of music and melody.

In your opinion does shakespeare marginalise women, or praise their strengths essay

However, some people argue that Shakespeare in fact, praises women's independence and strength through the inclusion of characters such as Bianca, who do not rely on men; she is the only female survivor, suggesting that Shakespeare believes women can survive in the patriarchal society, by themselves, independent of men. Overall, having looked at all the β†’

Comparison of internet security protocols

The protocol comprises of two main layers the Transport Layer Security Record and the Handshake Protocol. The Transport Layer Security Record encrypts the data using cryptography and uses a unique key for connection which is received from the Handshake protocol.

Richard nixon assignment

Nixon was elected In California to the House of Representatives In 1946 and to the Senate In 1950. He and his wife, Pat Nixon, moved to Washington to work for the federal government in 1942.

Electronics assignment

1] The has a possible deviation of up to 1250 C In our range as stated in Its dataset that cannot be avoided and would affect the accuracy of the whole system.[1] This block only drains 60 from Its supply.[1] 3 This block receives the 0- signal directly from the sensor and amplifies 15. The β†’

Littering behaviour and steps to intervention at the university of zambia

Littering is said to be one of the first signs of social decay and what this implies is that we are less likely to care about environmental issues that have a negative impact on our lives, communities and society is we do not care about the litter on our streets. Litter has also been plaguing β†’

Understanding tourism behavior

Thus the rationale of the narrow focus on the television was that it would be of some value to research the influence of television travel and tourism programmes about destinations on tourists decision-making about destinations. With these in mind, the aim and objectives of the research are: Aim: To evaluate the influence of television travel β†’

Role of physiotherapists in promoting positive ageing

Introduction: The purpose of this assignment is to investigate the role of Physiotherapists in maintaining the health and well-being of older adults to encourage positive ageing through the promotion of physical activity. The UK Chartered Society of Physiotherapists recently developed a campaign to promote PA in older adults called " Never too late", it has β†’

Surviving super bowl sunday parties with diabetes

Make this your motto for the night: " If you do not like it, do not eat it". The last tip for this portion would be to pack your own food as there is a huge chance that, that party you are going to will not have even a pinch of healthy in it.

Language development in early childhood

The object of this research was to determine what and when language is learned, what variables explain the process of development, and the complexities of language. The nativists and the cognitive developmental perspectives emphasize the contributions of nature; whereas the behaviorist and interactionist perspective focuses more on the contributions of nurture.

A classroom environment

Whether you mean it or not, regularly arriving late to the class, signals a level of disrespect to the class and the teacher. If you are going to make the effort to arrive on time and be in class, you should also make the effort to stay actively engaged in class.

What is labour migration and where does it occur

Large-scale movement of people from country to country in search of work is the latest phase of the streams of migration in human history. Migration, also known as the human face of globalization, is the movement of people from place to place, in order to attain better living standards.

Wi-fi wireless technology

The Wi-Fi Alliance began as a community to solve this and to address the needs of the end user and allow the technology to mature. Wi-Fi in the 2.

Who is to blame for the deepwater horizon rig incident?

According to the report, " the Macondo blowout was the product of several individual missteps and oversights by BP, Halliburton, and Transocean, which government regulators lacked the authority, the necessary resources, and the technical expertise to prevent. The oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico appears to provide evidence that BP has not adhered to β†’

Directed study in marketing 2

Agents act in the interest of the insurer in the insurance process and generally function under the terms of an agency agreement with the insurer. It will be delivered to my door in about 3 days and I have avoided the hassles of running around town looking for this item.6.

Under god?

By taking away this part of the pledge then that means that theSupremeCourtis not respecting the principles that the country was founded on. That was not the intent of the people that added the phrase " under God" to the constitution, the intent was to strengthen the image of our country to other countries.

Definition of nuclear fission assignment

In nuclear physics and nuclear chemistry, nuclear fission refers to either a nuclear reaction or a radioactive decay process in which the nucleus of an atom splits into smaller parts, often producing free neutrons and photons, and releasing a very large amount of energy, even by the energetic standards of radioactive decay. Fission is a β†’

Checkpoint psychotherapy assignment

The psychodynamic approach is a form of depth psychology, the goal of this method for the psychotherapist is to open up the unconscious content of the mind in order to treat the psychic tension of the patient. Behavioral is a directive approach based on the principles of classical and operant conditioning, just focusing on behavior β†’

Islam in the philippines assignment

The political approach of the Americans seemed effective in winning over the response of the Moro Sultans and Datus to come to agreement, whose conditions included the non-interface of the Americans in the local affairs of the Moro Sultans and Datus. On the granting of independence to the Philippines by America in the year 1946, β†’

How to solve the worldwide plastic bag problem essay sample

People are the main cause of the already damaged environment and unfortunately a lot of them do not even realize that they harm their own home. Finally, people who intend to use biodegradable plastic bags do not have to change anything in their kitchen as their usage is the same as regular plastic bags.

Support children & young people’s health and safety essay sample

The space and height of desks/work area would need to be checked to ensure that it was suitable for the task to be carried out. 2Explain how Health and Safety is monitored and maintained and how people in the work setting are made aware of risks and hazards and encouraged to work safely Health and β†’

Experimental writing

The description by the poet is intriguingly described in parts that a picture can be formed in one's head. Secondly, the psalm is one is a simple way of expressing one's feeling.

Principles of ethical dilemma

Scott Thompson offered his services to the company, and subsequently managed the firm in a way that company growth and development was induced and subsequently realized. While it was unethical for the CEO to use fake documents for his employment at the company, the fact that the CEO successfully managed the firm cannot be refuted.

The impact of inequality on personal life chances

Minority is a term that is used to describe a group of people that share a characteristic that the majority does not feature. The purpose that they serve focuses on conveying a certain message to the public: on the one hand they might contribute to formation of a positive image of the majority, but, on β†’

The invention of morel

The fugitive is presented as both the main character and the narrator of the events in the text. From the introduction of the topic of the novel, the reader does not expect such an invention in the plot of the novel.

Professional organization

As a technologist, I would appreciate if I was given a chance to attend this conference since it will bring together diverse people and discuss ways in which learning can be improved, mostly in the area of technology. This is a an exceptional occasion that will bring practitioners, policy-makers, and researchers together to explore the β†’

Macbeth vs hitler essay

In act III, scene I, Macbeth realizes that Banquo is getting suspicious and will get in his was of keeping the throne in the future. Through the description of Hitler's rule, the savagness that Hitler possessed greatly overcomes Macbeth, but their lack of concern for human life is a characteristic that they can both relate β†’

Captiva conglomerate essay

SOS hold a contract to develops a custom inventory and spare parts management system, the intent of the system is to provide the operations section with better support than the current system and reduce inventory levels. ImplementationI would get a team together to include legal representation and see if it is financially a good decision β†’

Offender profiling essay

Definitions Offender profiling is a method of identifying the perpetrator of a crime based on an analysis of the nature of the offense and the manner in which it was committed. Bond also tried to reconstruct the murder and interpret the behavior pattern of the offender: soon he came up with a profile or signature β†’

Care plan and interventions for suicidal patient

In line with the codes of conduct for the Nursing and Midwifery Council, the author has sought and received voluntary and informed consent from the client whom the author will, for the purpose of confidentiality, be referred to under the pseudonym Alice Azonto. The author and the nursing team provided Alice with vital information to β†’

The history of business and management marketing essay

Ans: There might be a conflict in increasing shareholder value with corporate social responsibility some reasons: The main objective of increasing shareholder value is to gain profit. Explain the possible benefit is to a clothing retailer of strictly observing an ethical code when choosing and checking on its suppliers.

Impulse buying emotional effects and subsequent future behaviour

While much research has been done on giving in to the impulse and on losing the internal struggle, information on the effects after an impulse purchase and its relations to post consumption behavior is rather scarce. In order to make this research useful, and to determine how the emotional effects of impulse buying are related β†’

Identify various approaches to workload planning management essay

Approach to work planning and decision are solely on the senior management within the UAL which require a number of critical decisions in relation to the model design and parameters. Recruitment is the process of identifying and attracting a group of potential candidates from within and outside the organization to evaluate for employment.

Overcoming barriers to inclusion for physically disabled

The general goal is to allow children with disabilities to be educated with their peers in the regular classroom to the maximum extent appropriate for the learning in the least restrictive environment. The belief behind the new legislation was to include all regardless of their impairment to a full time education and for them to β†’

Examining the explanation for juvenile delinquency criminology essay

Researchers agree that family plays a large part in delinquency; thus understanding how the family and how the juvenile within the family works gets to the core of delinquency. Among social circumstances which have a hand in determining the future of an individual, I suggest that out of the many environmental factors researchers have developed β†’

Digital communication in business

The fundamentals of digital communication is stated as " in a digital communications system, data is transmitted from one location to another by mapping bit sequences to symbols, and symbols to sample functions of analog waveforms The analog waveform passes through a band limited analog channel, where the signal is distorted and noise is added. β†’

The impact of organisational structures

The discussion covers first the overall structure of the Oxfam which is followed by the organization of the Oxfam team at Haiti for carrying out charitable work. Then there is the post of Director who is the Chief Executive and is responsible to the Trustees for the management of Oxfam.

Vission mission statement of herohonda

In 1973, when Mohan boarded a second class compartment of the Jayanti Janata Express to Mumbai from Thrissur in Kerala in South India in search of a job, little did he realize that he would be known as ' Good Knight Mohan in a few years' time. He finally located an effective repeller in the β†’

Negative effects of technology

Cell phones cause so teens mind they think sending this one word or message is will not hurt while they are consequences of testing and driving. It's not Just the Also talking on the phone can cause cancer.

Coinsetter institutional level exchange

Our integration of Bitstamp's order book is a value-add, providing users on our platform with access to the largest bitcoin market in the world. Our users can set alerts to any bitcoin price, whether it be $1 or $10, 000, and Coinsetter will instantly send a message to you when the last traded price crosses β†’

Comparative growth essay

Infrastructural investment may involve the government in a series of investment from the government budget as well as subsidizing investment for private businesses and coordinating investment activities since the government is considered to be the prime mover in the development by reinforcing vital strategies in realizing this development. To counter this problem, such countries can β†’

Service marketing assignment

The inside of the aircraft is also well planned and the ambiance created inside the aircraft is also pleasant. Also blankets and pillows are provided to the customer during the flight duration.

Bonding and bonded bunnies essay sample

The surge of hormones that adolescence brings will have eased, which means it is possible to bond a fully intact adult, if the adult will allow it and if the other bunny can tolerate the actions of a hormonal rabbit. A good way to do this is to ask someone to drive and for you β†’


As a leader, I had to make sure that we all knew that we were all team members and played accordingly to beat the opponent team. As a team leader, I have had to assume these different roles.