Genuine Essay Examples

Business ethics assignment

Risks and Loyalties As Markham was summoned Into the conference room to begin his presentation to the board of the state pension fund, he was wrestling with whether or not to raise the liability issue. And so does somebody who is playing a bit part in creating a reprise of the last crisis have a β†’

Political philosophy and plato assignment

Credited as one of the founders of Western philosophy, he is an enigmatic figure known chiefly through the accounts of later classical writers, especially the writings of his students Plato and Xenophobe, and the plays of his contemporary Aristotelian. The development and practice of this method is one of Socrates' most enduring contributions, and is β†’

An argument against the smoking ban in universities

The smoking ban is a very blatant violation of the rights of any smoker who decides that they would like to take a smoke break behind a CSUF building. I fully agree that second-hand smoke is a hazard and needs to be reduced for the wellbeing of the community.

How tourism affects the environment of polar regions tourism essay

The Northern Polar Region is called the Arctic, while the Southern Polar Region is called the Antarctic. With an increase in visitors and the volume of ships comes an increase in the risk of oil spills in the Polar Region.

The tourism principles and practices tourism essay

Recently, tourists have started to become more interested in the environmental impacts of their travels, and thus the tourism and hotel industry has started to pay more attention to the protection of the environment.2. LITERATURE REVIEWS Considering the complexity and wideness of the topic, in order to implement a plan to save costs and reduce β†’

Security information and event management

The objective of SIEM is to help companies respond to attacks faster and to organize mountains of log data. Log management tools are designed to collect report and archive a large volume and breadth of log data, whereas SIEM solutions are designed to correlate a subset of log data to point out the most critical β†’

The factors affecting consumer behaviour

The understanding of customer needs and wants is one of the major underpinning constructs of the marketing concept. The objectives of the study will be as follows: To determine the effect of price on consumer choice of smartphones To determine the effect of the brand on consumer choice of smartphones To determine the effect of β†’

Effects of teamwork on employee performance

The main objectives are: To determine the value of teams in an organization. To determine the negative impacts of teams on employee performance.

Singapore’s nationalist movement toward independence

As the result of Japanese occupation in Malaya and Singapore, Chinese people lived in Singapore was treated harshly and thousands of them were killed. The opposition of this intention made the conflicts and riots in order to move Singapore out of Malaysia Federation.

Neoclassical and ecological economic approaches to sustainable development

According to the United Nations a development is said to be sustainable when it is able to " meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs". One of the assumptions in the Cobb-Douglas method, which formed the basis of Hartwick's rule, is that the rate β†’

The swine flu

On April 2009 the swine flu did not meet the definition of a pandemic, however, the WHO declared that the swine flu is a pandemic by the mid of June 2009. The swine flu was given that nickname due to the transfer of the virus from pigs to human." The Swine" is considered as a β†’

Bill gates and steve jobs: business leaders

They are the two big business leaders of the computer commerce who had changed the way of information and communication technology of the world with their new huge view and modernization techniques. He aggressively contributed in the company board range of products and he achieved a main position for Microsoft.

The role of enzymes in metabolism

Specific of enzymes: They are highly specific in their actions Each enzyme acts on substrate only This is because the shape of the active site of the enzyme fits with the shape of the substrate material The substrate molecules bind to the active site and cause a chemical reaction The products are the substances that β†’

West nile virus

WNV IgM in serum remains detectable for at least 1 to 2 months after infection and sometimes longer therefore serum IgM results must be interpreted in reference to the patient's clinical presentation and travel history, as well as regional WNV activity A negative IgM result on an acute-phase specimen strongly suggests absence of WNV infection. β†’

India of my dreams

I dream of an India where every Indian gets adequate food, proper sanitation and health care and every village is electrified. I dream of an India where senior citizens are respected and taken care of and gender discrimination is totally avoided.

Tragic hero paragraph

The leader of these people was Maximize Robberies, the leader of the Committee of Public Safety, and also known as the incorruptible, appealed to the commoners and used their anger to rid of all the aristocrats. The Declaration of the Rights of Men Rights of Men, Declaration of the, the charter of liberty adopted by β†’


The main conflict in this novel is ultimately the acquisition of the lost treasure of the dwarves hoarded by Smaug. It seems that as the author of the novel Tolkien is attempting to reveal that the dwarves are very fond of this treasure but also feel almost a since of need for this great legendary β†’

The nation of great minds

The extension of the school day will give the students a chance to explore other fields of education. The extension of the school day will give the students a chance to explore other fields of education.

Transcontinental railroad assignment

The line was popularly known as the Overland Route after the principal passenger rail service that operated over the length of the line through the end of 1962.[3] The construction and operation of the line was authorized by the Pacific Railroad Acts of 1862 and 1864 during the American Civil War. It is considered to β†’

Tragedy in the modern age assignment

Tragedy in the Modern Age: A Short Note ARPA Dakar The genre of tragedy as a form of dramatic art developed in the ancient Greece out of the ritualistic performances in the honor of the pagan deity Dionysus. It is also generally considered that the art of tragedy writing declined in the post-Shakespearean age, and β†’

Habituation in sow bugs

Habituation in Sow Bugs Sow bugs live in almost every moist environment on earth and eat mainly of decaying plant and animal materials They usually habituate cool damp places like under rocks, rotting wood and other decaying vegetation, and need a humid environment in order to thrive. If a large number of sow bugs are β†’

Employment law

In addition, the employer did not give him a proper written notice informing him of the termination of his employment or a pay for the termination. The termination pay in lieu of notice was inappropriate.

Business law – the law of contract

The contract also clearly states that " This document supersedes all the prior promises relating to the sale". By this virtue, furniture is part of the sale.

Attractive nuisance doctrine

Attractive Nuisance Doctrine Introduction In case an individual decides to call children over to his or her house to have fun, for example, a pool party, the person is assumed to be responsible for the wellbeing of the children at that time. This law applies if the risk is caused by dangerous objects, or some β†’

Unfair terms in contracts

The terms of a contract define the rules and the policies that the parties are required to follow and understand in the context of the transaction1. For example, if the supplier has the rights to alter the terms of the contract, it is considered to be unfair terms.

History of how cars are made

These sources have clearly established historical facts on what the first cars were, who made them, and how they were made. These sources are found through the Google search engine by typing the words ' history of how cars are made'.

Japanese culture: producing japan in the world

This paper seeks to discuss the appeal and impact of the idea of Japan in the west and of the west in Japan using Pokemon and Japanese Hip-Hop. More so, the paper will specify the ways in which Pokemon and Japanese Hip-Hop are part of the production of the idea of Japan.

Social control & power-structure in the thousand and one nights essay

For example, in the Tale of the Bull and the Ass, the animated conversation between the Cock and the Dog give us a feel of the social control of men over women at that time: " ' Then by Allah,' quoth the Cock, ' is our master a lack-wit and a man scanty of sense; β†’

Welfare reflective paper

The Act consolidated the Department of Public Health and the Department of Family and Children Services and other Georgia state programs. Goal: Children are nurtured, safe and engaged The well being of children are very Important to the Department of Human Resources within the state of Georgia.

β€˜absentmindedness in a parish choir’, β€˜the withered arm’ and β€˜the son’s veto’ essay

The upper class were wealthy having a good lifestyle, well educated and very concerned with behaving appropriately; the lower class were poor and spent the little money they had on necessities, uneducated and they provided labour for the upper class and other wealthy land owners. Also with in his stories he shows the upper class β†’

Argumentative essay about bowling for columbine

These shots are used to imply that the film is discussing a serious subject and the information being given by the interviewee is serious and factual as opposed to other shots which may make the viewer believe that camera has been set up and shot over a number of takes. It shows the presenter of β†’

The matrix, plato and descartes assignment

When one of the prisoners were released, they perceived the real world in actuality, and the shadows they perceived to be real were not. The salutary of Descanter's with The Matrix and Allegory of the Cave Is the evil demon theory.

Explain the economic system of capitalism economics essay

So, one has to be very clear about the reality that when the assumptions or the structure of a building is weak then how can it hold the burden and functioning of the entire economy. Organizations are the players of the game and institutional framework are the rules of the game.

Acknowledge churchill as a leader history essay

As a young adult Churchill came to his senses and began to realize that in order to follow in the footsteps of his parents and hold an established place in society, a superior education was needed. In the aftermath of Churchill's worst mistake to date he decided to step down from his position and instead β†’

Definition and diagnosis of the trigeminocardiac reflex: a grounded theory approach for an update

Schaller and colleagues also examined the TCR in various clinical variants during the following years and developed the nowadays-established classification between the peripheral, central, and ganglion subtype of TCR. Further, a TCR had to occur in a clinical setting during the surgery and fulfill at least one of the major criteria for a TCR as β†’

Free essay on descartes and hume

The premise of his reasoning is to ask the question, " How can be distinguish when we are awake from when we are dreaming?". The origins of the ideas help Descartes classify them.

The multi store model and the reconstructive model psychology essay

The memory models are the ' Multi Store Model' and the ' Reconstructive Model'. Peterson and Peterson did a study that supported the multi store model for the duration of short term memory; they named the study ' Trigram Retention Experiment' also known as ' TRE'.

Work of clifford geertz in history

Fass, the limitations of social history in previous historiography led to the development and ' subsequent dominance' of cultural history in the 1970s and 1980s. Historians are restricted to the textual evidence written by a literate elite, with the culture and symbols of those who existed outside of the elites literacy focus lost in the β†’

Impact of the economic crisis on malaysia

The interesting in study stock market is not just about the market movement, but is to study what force, variables and factors that give impact to the stock market movement, or what has lead the stock market movement. Whereby, the price of crude oil and palm oil will be used in study the relationship between β†’

Hong kong’s economic and sustainable growth policies

Chief Executive Office of the Chief Executive Tamar Hong Kong In my capacity as the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce, I take pressure to write to you express my views on specific economic policies which are the essential features of Hong Kong's economic development and the sustainable growth. From that perspective, the Hong Kong β†’

A feminist approach to kate chopin’s a story of an hour

Chopin's " A Story of an Hour" is undoubtedly a feminist text due to the following reasons: the story highlights gender differences, the story portrays women as a marginalized group, the story implies resistance to the patriarchal rule, and the story reiterates gender inequality in political and social aspects. The conflict in the story was β†’

About the employment relationship

Basically the employment relationship is every bit of import for employers and employees as it will find the public presentation and working status of the employees. Employers will utilize their ain bargaining power to set rewards to a specific degrees, whereby the employees have the intrinsic power to command over by find the rewards and β†’

Influence of mass media on american culture

During the last decades mass media has developed significantly and become not only a source of information and entertainment, but also a source of profit and a device of political influence. To conclude, mass media has a strong influence on American society, being one of the factors that participate in establishing the national and individual β†’

Control of concrete shrinkage

Drying shrinkage is influenced by the concrete material, namely volume of aggregate and water-to-cement ratio of the cement paste, and drying conditions. The drying shrinkage continues for the lifetime of the concrete, but the intense shrinkage rates occur within the first 90 days.

Case study on personality traits

Today the most popular model of the definition of the personality traits is the Big Five personality traits which concentrate on the certain core traits which define the psychological type of the individual. The factors which influence the results of the theory of the personality traits are: extraversion, openness, neuroticism, agreeableness and conscientiousness.

Β² believe free essay

I believe that every family is unique no matter the country they came from or the color they are. I believe that every country is different, but also is like others because the have different holydays and manners to celebrate them.

The beginnings and endings of curiosity

If a child is taught at a young age that being curious is wrong; will this dampen their curiosity? What if this is the next Einstein or Picasso that is being chastened for being curious?

Environmental impacts of global warming assignment

Some people have already started to try and reduce global warming by: landing more trees, recycling, using less electricity, walking to school instead Of driving and even donating money to organizations that support research and projects that minimize the damage that we are doing to our environment. The more electricity we use is increasing global β†’

Cost of capital mini cases assignment

Case If Preference shares are issued at par with 5% floatation cost. Case If Preference shares are issued at par with 5% floatation cost.

Turning points in the civil war assignment

He sees the civil war in the lens of not a war against the North and the South, but a war against slavery and against their emancipation; a war between progressive forces against conservative ideologies in the south. The Mississippi region was now wholly under the control of Union forces and the abilities of the β†’

Blue laws essay sample

They landed in Massachusetts in the 1600s and operated under a philosophy of " honor the Sabbath or else!" Travel was forbidden on Sundays. Even so, blue law prohibitions on Sunday commerce and activities exist in some form in 17 states and hundreds of communities across the nation.

Burgess and crevecoeur essay sample

Crevecoeur's piece has a positive tone and, this can be identified by his use of hypophora, anaphora, and his use of ethos. Additionally, in Crevecoeur's piece, " What is an American?" the use of hypophora and anaphora identifies his positive tone.

In what ways is the theme of passion versus reason explored in the third section essay sample

John Rivers, he is the man who proposes to Jane to join him to do missionary work in India because he believes that it is Gods will that sent Jane to him neither as a cousin, nor a friend but as a wife to a missionary. The two main relationships between passion and reason is β†’

Terrorist finance tracking program

The Terrorist Finance Tracking Program was created in the United States in regards to the September 11th 2001 terrorist attack. Based upon the terms of the subpoenas the United States government is allowed to view this information only in regards to suspected terrorist investigations.

Mind over matter

As such, a defendant who pleads insanity at the time of committing the act is required to prove beyond reasonable doubt that he or she was suffering from mental disorder so severely that he or she could not know the quality and nature of the act committed at the time of insanity. Not guilty by β†’

Blue ocean strategy vs. michael porters five forces strategy

On the other hand, Porter's five forces strategy, often known as one of the red ocean strategies, determines the competitiveness and attractiveness of the market in order to know the opportunities and threats that exist for a company's products in the market. The business practices of a company, which are based on corporate social responsibility, β†’

Naplion invasion of egypt and its impact on mehmed ali

Napoleon Invasion of Egypt and its Impact on Mehmed Ali On the year 1798, Napoleon Bonaparte led a French invasion in Egypt that began with the capture of Alexandria. Napoleon in Egypt: Al Jabartis Chronicle of the French Occupation, 1798.

Outlining area that would like to pursue for my doctoral dissertation

A Research Proposal on the Effect of Servant Leadership in Creating a Peaceful Political Environment and Conducive Environment for Economic Progress Introduction Robert Greenleaf, who was an acclaimed researcher in the 20th century, first coined the term ' servant leadership' and based on his definition of the term it can be stated that the term β†’

Insomnia as a health disorder

Insomnia INSOMNIA The human body functions in a manner that, after a long day of work, a night of sleep is essential. Finally, in order to avoid insomnia through sleep hygiene an individual will be required to avoid thinking about issues during the sleeping session, as this result in stress that interferes with sleep.


The size of the image depends upon the position of the focal point which can be altered by varying the voltage supplied to the electrostatic lenses. The closer the focal point the bigger is the size of the image.3.

Edma 610

It contains the duties and responsibilities of the job, the way the job should be done and the relation of the holder to colleagues. The classes are according to the skills and training involved in the job.

Accounting problems

Question 7 Beta = /Variance of Market return.= 0. 5 Required return of portfolio A = 4 + 1.

The influential of paris and coco chanel essay

The influential of Paris and Coco Chanel Paris has been a great helping hand to Coco Chanel to a large extent. Chanel was pushed and inspired by Paris due to the time and environment that she grew up in.

Role of a directress in a child’s normalization essay

The role of a directress is to introduce the materials for child to his work and then when she sees the child's interest has begun her work is to step back and observe the child. We are not only supposed to give the material things for a child but also must help him in his β†’

The fundamentals of economic necessity and enterprise essay

As the world aligns in becoming a capitalistically oriented international marketplace, the pendulum between the dichotomy of employers and employees is beginning to slow and find its mark. What is common to us all is the reality that money is the motive and success is the outcome.

Complexity of european integration essay

The idea of exploring the complexity of the European Integration derives its main impetus from the significant success and progress which have been achieved in the variety of perception fields such as flexibility and consideration of many factors of diverse nature; understanding of the dynamism of the processes; respect for different points of view, originating β†’

Hypothesis confirming actions in hal ashby’s being there

In the movie, just because Chance the gardener is well-groomed, dressed in tailored suits and speaks like an educated man, he is automatically presumed to be a person of substance and looks like a successful businessman to both Eve and Ben, her husband. Not understanding Chance's limitations, Ben and the President, interpret Chance's gardening statements β†’

The morality perspective on the implantation of chips in a human body

The chip could be put in your uniform for example instead of causing you to have a surgical incision into your body. Speaking situational, if your employee is kidnapped by a foreign agency they can FORCE them to hold still and it would be much easier for the foreign to just remove the chip from β†’

Radio and television advertising tourism essay

Destination marketing is a major part of the ' Implementation' process; it is the articulation and communication of the values; vision and competitive attributes of the destination. The actions implemented in the destination marketing phase should be uncertain should be underpinned by the findings of the ' Destination Planning', process and the subsequent ' Destination β†’

Relationship between parental rejection and loneliness

Rohner gave his famous Parental acceptance-rejection theory, widely known as a theory of socialization which attempts to explain and predict the antecedents, correlations and consequences of parental acceptance and rejection throughout the globe. Objectivity of the study The purpose of this study is to investigate the relation of parental acceptance-rejection with loneliness & depression.

History of standards of beauty

The important thing is that we cannot avoid comparisons of ourselves to the images which we are surrounded with from media and most of us will find ourselves inadequate when we do this. So we have to face the fact that there is a difference between media representation of women and the one of men.

Marketing strategy by mcdonalds in india and uk marketing essay

The company had attained significant position in India as well as in UK and it is all because of the specific marketing strategies adopted by the company. The company has attained substantial growth in the period of 2000-2010 in India and UK and it is all because of its selection of appropriate marketing strategies.

Study on the harvard model management essay

The stakeholder interests recognise the importance of the compromising interests of different parties while the situational factors recognize the internal and external business environmental factors. The results of the policies HR outcomes are centred on the 4 ' C's where highly committed and performance employees will lead to cost-effective products and services.

Recruitment selection and retention and sainsburys management essay

Human Resources Management is to enables the organisation and member of staffs to use their skills to achieve the goals and relationship. The reason of training is to give opportunities to the staffs to develop knowledge, attitudes, and skills to help Sainsbury's to achieve the goals.

Kublai khan the conqueror history essay

In 1287 Marco polo accomplished Kublai khan to defeat his uncle and his rivals the Nayan after a long battle Kublai khan and Marco polo defeated his uncle and his rival the Nayan. He was named the great khan.

Role of cognitive mapping in health care management decision

Cognitive mapping is an operational research technique that consists of creating a graphical representation of a person's way of thinking about an issue, and where directionality within the map is assumed to imply perceived causality among the concepts. The proposed value of the graphical representation, as argued from the field of political science, is that β†’

Insecurity of food in india impacts

Due to the Current data of Food Insecurity India has the largest number of people in the world who are unable to get a healthy food lifestyle and Food insecurity is caused due to orthodox concept of belief like food inaccessibility and inadequate buying capability, sociological and demographic characteristics such as unemployment, Illiteracy rate, urbanization, β†’

The economic benefits of transport infrastructure economics essay

Hence, these results in a reduction of the cost of production and an increase in productivity which makes it easier to reduce the price of the good. 1: own illustration The Supply- side Economics developed during the 1970's in response to the Keynesian economic policy after the failure of the demand management during the stagflation β†’

Women in the criminal justice system

As the youngest warden in Federal Corrections at the time, Caron gives an inside view of life behind the bars for female offenders during the 1980's through the use of anecdotes, history and recollection. According to research, female inmates are at higher risk of harming themselves or attempting suicide in comparison to men in prison, β†’

Young goodman brown

A young Goodman Brown the symbol of a Christian who could easily lose his path in the harshness of the real world? The traveler then comments on the slow start to the young mans journey and says, " Come, Goodman Brown," cried his fellow traveler, " this is a dull pace for the beginning of β†’

Packaging design

It can be classified in the attention to the brand, the brand choice, the level of experiential benefits and the brand familiarity. The attention to the brand The attention to the brand is the impact of package pictures on the customer.


This marks the culmination of Rover's strategic plan to bring consistent up-to-date information on its core business to all areas of the company, with complementary benefits of speed, efficiency and accuracy. The contract renewal included the joint Rover Group and Softlab goal to develop and to deliver the Rover Group Enterprise Data Warehouse to the β†’

Hoover vs. fdr

As a result of all of his policies, the GNP increased, corporate profit increased and unemployment went down. FDR improved the GNP, corporate rate of profit and lowered unemployment to almost zero percent.

Biological psychology assignment

Biological Psychology Biological psychology or neuropsychology applies the physiological principles to the study of behavior and psychological principles to the field of medicine. To treat the entire individual and reach the goal of optimal health, not just the state of being illness free the mind and body must be treated.

Meeting the challenge of deafness

Meeting the Challenge of Deafness In an article d " 2 Deaf Men Welcome Challenge of Taking Pilot's Seat" that appeared in the October 3, 2006 Star-Bulletin, author Helen Altonn tells of the challenges that 2 deaf pilots had in pursuing their dream of flying. The challenge of the deaf is to find support from β†’

Logic and thought

Statistical studies can give support to the claims of astrology, but this is impossible in this case because astrology cannot be measured. In this argument, the arguer of the claim commits the fallacy of a hasty generalization.

Banc one corporation (interest rate yield curve and how banc one’s interest swaps impact the curve)

Munaf Usmani Academia Research 1st March Interest Rate Yield Curve and How Banc One's Interest Swaps Impact the Curve When we are talking about the interest rate yield curve for Banc One Corporation, we imply the realized rate of return it is generating from net investments. If the condition of interest rate climate remained constant, β†’

A history of prussia

" It devolves on the state to provide food, work and wages for all who cannot support themselves and have no claim for the support on the lord or the community; they must be provided with work suited to their strength and capacity"' The state is bound to provide establishments for relieving the poor" " β†’

Whole foods market, inc

Interest Coverage Ratio: This ratio suggests the fact that the TIE ratio is higher in comparison with the industry because of company entertains its business with a high proportion of debt financing. ACTIVITY RATIO Inventory Turnover: Whole Foods Market, Inc.inventory management strategies make a strong reflection on this ratio and it is evident that companies β†’

Gender differences in prosocial behaviour in children aged 2-6 years essay

The display of prosocial behaviour in young children is argued to be an effect of the development of theory of mind and their relationship has been investigated. In addition to the aforementioned parenting style and attachment, exposure to the media, the child's experiences as the target for altruistic behaviour and the availability of information are β†’

Apoptosis as a cellular target for cancer

Activation of either pathway eventually leads to proteolytic cleavage and thus activation of caspases, that are responsible for many of the biochemical and morphological hallmarks of apoptotic cell death by cleaving a range of substrates in cytoplasm or nucleus. Therefore identification of new molecules that are able to modulate the apoptotic process, both as activators β†’

Actors as fictional characters: parasocial relationships

According to Tukachinksy, " the dissonant behavior is not that of the fictional character but of the actor who is expressing one set of beliefs but then advocates for the contrary in a narrative". The participants were given different sources of media clips of the actors beliefs, one including consistent beliefs with the actor and β†’

Cognitive processing and the stroop effect

The aim of the experiment was to determine if there was a positive cognitive skill difference when a participant was given a matching variable of colours and words compared with a non-matching variable of colours and words. This is because participants were aware that this was a test and therefore there is an effect of β†’

Sternbergs triarchic theory of human intelligence

Finally, Cattell, a British and American psychologist, suggested the existence of fluid and crystallized intelligences to understand, identify and explain human cognitive ability, and created the Culture Fair Intelligence Test to reduce the bias of written language and cultural background in intelligence testing. In conclusion, Sternberg's triarchic theory of human intelligence aims at providing people β†’

History of the united nations

The meeting was held at the United Nations Conference on International Organization and the representatives contemplated on the basis of suggestions made by the delegates of the Soviet Union, China, the United Kingdom, and the United States of America from August to October, 1944. The prime ambition of the United Nations is to associate the β†’