Genuine Essay Examples

How america justified dropping the atomic bomb on japan

The dropping of the atomic bomb can be justified through how early the war would end in comparison to when the war truly would have ended if the bombs had not been dropped. Also while it is popularly believed that the scientists were heavily against using the bomb a Report of a Scientific Panel to →

Measurements statistics and significant digits

Is the number of the different colors of M&Ms in a package really different from one package to the next, or does the Mars Company do something to insure that each package gets the correct number of each color of M&M? Discuss in a paragraph, each of the following terms, and explain how you would →

Computers in our life media essay

Movies, songs, and games could be downloaded via the Internet to your computer, and many of them are free, as well. So we thought that this is what was happening: that children in groups can self-instruct themselves to use a computer and the Internet.

The importance of organizational structure and power and communication lines business essay

The second is to control the amplitude is the control of the staff to identify and quantify the actual amount of supervision of the manager. The fifth is a high degree of organization is the organization defined the high many departments, departments, and the highest level between the layers and the tissue level is the →

Identify and analyse the factors which affect economic growth

The benefits of this growth will be a higher standard of living because the output will increase so more goods and services can be bought. The rate of growth here will depend on the fraction of national income devoted to new investment; the higher the rate of investment, the higher the potential output will be.

Project scope

One of the key risks of doing the project is that the old building might collapse in the course of the improvement and lead to excessive loses. This is a proof that the current budget would be enough to complete the project.

Comparing and analysing the matrix reloaded film trailer and the you’ve got mail film trailer

But in TMR trailer you see a lot of different characters but there is not a shot that does not have Neo, Trinity or Morpheus in it so this suggests that they are on the same side and that the film will be about them. The cutting in the trailer also implies that Neo is →

Robert browning – my last duchess

The reader gets introduced to the memories of the duchess.4. The poet manages to bring in sarcasm in the tone of the Duke to convey his dislike for the duchess, to the readers.

Gap year vs. traditional schooling

What may be the best reason to take a year off can be simply to use it in the most productive way possible; whether that means a hands-on internship at an expected future workplace, or full-time volunteer work for the nation. They can be paid or not, but the best reason to take one up →

Conflict thematicassignment assignment

The conditions caused by this treaty also contributed to the rise Of Doll Hitler, the e one who actually started the war, and in turn Nazism, a fascist political party in Germany. Once the war started, all the countries in the Allied Powers w need to stop Germany and its invasions of more and more →

Mesopotamia, egypt and china assignment

Egypt In ancient Egypt, the king was the supreme ruler of the country and was known as a pharaoh. Under the king was the vizier who ran parts of the government on behalf of the king.

4 colour theorem essay sample

The four color theorem is a mathematical theorem that states that, given a map, no more than four colors are required to color the regions of the map, so that no 2 regions that are touching have the same color. This is a very interesting theorem as it was the first to be done using →

Is the impact of human activitie on mitcham common managed effectivly? essay sample

This is an investigation about the impact of humans on Mitcham Common and whether human activities on the common cause problems such as pollution and erosion on the common. How is the impact of humans on the common going to be managed?

Incidents in the life of a slave girl

In spite of the fact that she is laid open to the most corrupting medicine at the hands of Dr. The relationship between grandma and granddaughter endures further strain in light of the fact that Linda precedes her indefensible association with Mr.

Personal finance for medical residents

On the importance of the seminar, all interns strongly agreed that the seminar was valuable and felt it was worthwhile to replace a medical talk with personal finances seminar during their hospital rounds. On changes in financial decisions, 16 or 64% of the 25 residents who attended the seminar reported switching out of the university →

Hypothermia – prevention and recognition

The main objectives for the project work: Hypothermic patients handling Treating hypothermic patients To make sure they are alive Prevent the patient from getting colder II.II. The set objectives are useful in ensuring this project work is analyzed, developed.

How do you think the nature of law should be understood

The fundamental factor that distinguishes between human beings and other living beings is the sense of distinguishing between the right and the wrong that is implanted in the human consciousness naturally whereas other living beings including animals and birds lack this sense. If the sense of distinction between the right and the wrong is naturally →


I am not a native citizen because I am an originally Saudi Arabian. I am writing to inquire about acceptance for at.

Discussion topic/ replies

This gives the accountants enough time to collect all funds, reconcile whatever they have to, pay off whatever they have to and get working on a budget for the next year sooner than a calendar year would. This will increase the credibility of financial statements and hence it is wiser to have a fiscal year →

How social media affects our lives

Problem Dwells so much on the posting of comments on social media platforms and the effects it has on individuals. Plan This study is important for me as it will enable me to understand the impact various social media platforms have on college students.

Ascent of money essay

Banks provided the material basis for the splendors of the Italian Renaissance, while the bond market was the decisive factor in conflicts from the Seven Years' War to the American Civil War. From Bullion to Bubbles Examples in human history have demonstrated the need for money, and the availability of it, to smear the mechanics →

Analysis of the relationship between boo radley essay

Arthur Raddled nicknamed as " Boo" by the children of Macomb, is a recluse, he is at first a fascination to the kids because he has never set foot out of his home and no one has seen him in years, a local legend for several years indicates that Boo is rumored to be insane. →

Hrm at tescos, tarmac and scottish power essay

The focal point is ever on the demands of the employees every bit good as organisation, they work for the organisation every bit good as expression after the employees, HR section is responsible for the work of all employees, and they will back up the cardinal inspection and repair. Human maintain the whole organisation as →

Effect of extreme dependency on computer essay

The DYNAMO program uses a technique called the finite-element method where a grid is presupposed on the frame of a car dividing the car into a finite number of small pieces or elements. While reading the effect of a head-on collision on the structure of the car, the data can be Initialized to represent a →

Physio ex 9.0 essay

The molecular weight of carbon C is 12; the molecular weight of hydrogen is 1; the molecular weight of oxygen is 16. Describe the results of the attempts to diffuse glucose and albumin through the 200 MWCO membrane.7.

The process of time table construction computer science

With a wider range of choices available to the students in the selection of modules [ subjects ] and cohorts [ courses] of their choice, the flexibility of the University improves but at the same time, the task of time-table creation becomes merely complicated. No two modules of the same cohorts can have their respective →

Response: commentary: using virtual reality to assess ethical decisions in road traffic scenarios: applicability of value-of-life-based models and influences of time pressure

We thus argue that in order to learn about our behavior and moral intuitions in a particular real-world scenario, it is reasonable to match the contextual factors of the assessment with those of the scenario in question, making the case for a VR assessment as a starting point for this line of research. These factors, →

Willy loman’s struggle depicted in characterization and dispute and gatsby’s challenges shown in symbolism and flashbacks

Scott Fitzgerald uses flashbacks and symbolism to show how the challenges that came along with Gatsby's past and him trying to be with Daisy did not end up rewarding at all in the end. From the beginning of the book, it is evident that Willy wants to end his life.

Conservatism and liberalism approaches in analysis public policies essay (critical writing)

Liberalism is inclined on the ideas of existence of a compact between government and its people to which people are accorded the rights of revolution in case the compact is breached. Ideally, this means that the topography needs to integrate the concerns of liberalism and conservatism.

Typologies of tourist behaviour tourism essay

Theories of motivation is the concept of needs and they are seen as the forces that arouses motivated behaviour and in order to understand human motivation, it is necessary to discover what needs people have and how they can be fulfilled and Maslows hierarchy of needs theory is the best known motivation theories. This component →

Determining gender equality in the marine corps

It was the day after the Secretary of the Navy permitted women to in enlisting in the Reserve. The First Female Marine to Serve in a Combat Zone Volunteered for Vietnam.

Sources of finance for business: pros and cons

Advantages This is a good way to cover the period between money going out of and coming into a business. Disadvantages Interest is repayable on the amount overdrawn Can be expensive if used over a longer period of time.

Obstacles to development in less developed countries economics essay

This paper analyzes those obstacles to development in LDCs based on the definition of the level of development and the components and criteria of the development measurement. So this paper argues that in the less developed countries, the most serious obstacles to development are high population growth, human capital weakness and high economic vulnerability.

Impact of cultural background on domestic violence

In relation to research on domestic violence and South Asian culture, there has not been a lot of exploration or depth in this area, and the research that has been done in regards to this specific topic is mainly based on US context and on immigrant women of South Asian background. The research that has →

Installation of solar power system construction essay

1 Project Title: Installation of Solar Power Systems to the three Boreholes at Moshi Urban Water Supply and Sanitation Authority.2.2. The outcome of this project is to have 24 hours water supply services in areas served by boreholes.

The dynamic fast paced business environments commerce essay

Strategy is the direction and scope of an organisation over the long term which achieves advantage in a changing environment through its configuration of resources and competences with the aim of fulfilling stakeholder expectations". In order to identify the capabilities and competences of Dyson that generates a competitive advantage a comprehensive analysis of the firm's →

Oxidation and hydrolysis of acetylcysteine

Different tests had been chosen and conducted to ensure the quality of the product in the drug preparation is within the acceptable range as stated in the British Pharmacopoeia. The level of purity and changes in the structure/condition of acetylcysteine can be known based on the value of specific optical rotation; a negative value suggests →

Attendance monitoring system

Attendance monitoring system will provide the needed data for the payroll system for the deductions of the employee to be process. 2System Organization Attendance Monitoring System has a barcode scanner that takes the input of the employee in barcode id.

Digital technology

The entry of the digital technology has seen a tremendous transformation of the contemporary art practices. Indeed, in the last ten years several contemporary artists have tended to incorporate digital technology into their productions to the extent that it sometimes looked odd considering the emphasis that words like " hand work" as well as giving →

Genre-based approach

This approach is better than other writing pedagogies for writers since emphasis is put on the notion of genre which promotes writers' understanding of the interrelatedness between the communication purpose and the features of the text at every discourse level. It is vital that educators help students develop a framework of Genre Based Approach despite →

Unaccompanied asylum seeking children essay

The ways in which subjugation of UASC in society can be caused by power relationships will so be covered.followed by specifically associate this to the subjugation faced by UASC in the positions of UASC. The discourse that the populace have of refuge searchers.and the corporate power they have.causes authorities to rewrite Torahs to criminalize →

Porphyrias lover essay sample

But there are unsettling notes from the very start the storm is strangely personified in terms of sullenness, ' spite' and anger, and the speaker is for some reason so moved by it that his heart is ' fit to break', while on the other hand when Porphyria arrives, he is entirely passive and all →

Vasquez is instrumental to the tragedy, but is not himself a tragic character essay sample

Vasquez is first introduced to us in Act 1, Scene 2 he is the third character we meet, after the Friar and Giovanni, and, in a way that is telling of what we are to find out about his character later on in the play, he is engaged in a duel with Grimaldi, a man →

Edward scissorhands essay sample

Throughout Edward Scissorhands, there were a lot of zoom camera movements for example, when they zoomed in on the mansion, and the characters facial expressions. Shot is usually uninterrupted by cuts for example, when the Boggs's family and Edward were eating at the dinner table.

Why do you think fr. lawton says the journey to be oneself seems the riskiest of all journeys what risks lie ahead in your college career as you embark on th

The social aspect of the college experience is the least of the anxieties because it is not a totally new phenomenon. Leaving the protective and structured home-life is the greatest adjustment, at least for me; therefore, the most frightening because the pitfalls related to the unknown are the largest and easiest to fall into.

Work of art

The view of this work of art has been taken from the Horseshoe Falls, it is an oil on canvas work of art. Central Majestic Mountain has been portrayed in this work of art; it is unlike the Niagara Falls.

Financial cost of corporate fraud in united states

Financial Cost of Corporate Fraud in United States As per 2008 Report to the Nation on Occupational Fraud and Abuse, " the median loss caused by occupational fraud was $175, 000 with more than one quarter of frauds involved losses of at least $ 1 million". The management may want to show better results →

Sixth annual message of george washington

Furthermore, he supported his actions by informing the Congress that he entered into office to protect, defend, and preserve the United States constitution to the best of his ability. He ordered fifteen thousand men to suppress the riots and cited the following in suppressing the rebellion.

Research report

Digital transmission meeting report Conference on frequency coordination and digital television transmission in African countries was held on 13th February 2013 in Cairo Egypt, at an invitation by the Egyptian Government, the ITU and the ATU. The meeting aimed at promoting the exchange and cooperation of digital experience in television transmission in the Eastern and →

Overrated ipad

The early reports are in and the verdict: The iPad is nothing special if not a waste of money versus a netbook". Does the iPad really give you the value of your money?

Customer service lapses

There was the lack of staff in the clinic for patient care. Check the time each patient has to wait in the clinic.

Plan to pursue higher education

I would like to specialize in technology tools, applications, development of instructional designs that integrate technology in the fast-changing contemporary learning environment, among others. I am confident that the wealth of diverse learning that would be generated from Utah State University would enable me to be an instrumental contributor to the growths and developments of →

Dating in workplace essay

In the end, the coworker romantic alliance may have profound effects on the employer's operations and productivity, especially when the employer chooses to ignore the relationship and its potential disruption of the workplace. In view of the real potential for costly sexual harassment and tort litigation, it is recommended that employers formulate and disseminate a →

Intentional fallacy essay

The author introduces to us the concept of " The intentional fallacy" which describes the error of interpreting a work of art by second-guessing the intention of its author in creating it. Wimsatt says " The poem is not the critic's own and not the author's.[...] It is embodied in language, the peculiar possession of →

Challenges of hospital nursing assignment

I know now that earning a masters degree will only be the beginning of my continued education. As I pursue my education in nursing, I hope to open the doors to new and exciting opportunities for myself and my patients.

The evolution of holistic processing of faces

When the sample stimulus was upright but the test images were inverted then no significant differences in looking time for any of the stimuli was found, and so while there is evidence of a version of the inversion effect there is no evidence of a disproportionate inversion effect for faces, and so no evidence of →

Main themes in dystopia fiction

In order to understand the evolution of dystopian fiction, it is necessary to compare the purpose of modern dystopian fiction with the novels that shaped the genre. Before the publication of the novel, WWII showed the world that a government could be powerful enough to control millions of people and force them to act in →

Seeking insights into sustainable leadership in ireland’s schools

Leading an Innovation at the level of the School School Self-Evaluation in Ireland: Against a backdrop of international discourse on educational systematic reform, over the last twenty-five years, the Irish education system introduced the concept of individual school self- evaluation in 2012. I have chosen to situate a literary review, a case study of the →

Describe the uk tax environment economics essay

See Direct/ indirect a direct tax is one levied on the person who is intended to pay the tax where an indirect tax is borne by a person other than the one from whom the tax is collected. Individual, partnerships and trusts that are resident in the UK during a fiscal year are liable to →

Inflation russian economy

The broadly accepted definitions of inflation are those that underscore the underlying causes of the rising of prices in their thrust rather than just focusing on the end result of the rising prices without the background and frameworks of the breeding ground for the entirety of the phenomenon of inflation. After presenting a far reaching →

The power of the mcdonalds brand

In McDonald the business strategy for the company is to make food fast available to its customers at a very low competitive price but to get profit as well by reducing the cost of the product and expanding the business world wide. These strategies are implemented in all the branches of the McDonald and these →

Madonna and child paintings throughout history

Berlinghiero's Madonna and Child is inorganic and unrealistic when it comes to the drapery of the clothing and the treatment of space. This painting is similar in its drapery and treatment of space to the painting Madonna and Child Enthroned with Angels which is from the same time period.

Next plc an introduction to the background of the company

NEXT PLC An introduction to the background of the company NEXT PLC is a retailing company that primarily operates in the UK, and has been trading for almost 150 years; however, the brand itself was first created in 1982. Understand the importance of Finance as a resource Finance as a resource for a business is →

Overseers of the poor

John Gilliom, an associate professor, Ohio State University highlights the manner in which welfare rights have been curtailed and the extent to which the Overseers of the Poor a Surveillance system is a resistance and a limit to Privacy or individual autonomy. This is a justified resistance to the command of the state and this →

No more long duk dong: hollywood’s use of asian stereotypes

These stereotypes were built on the basis of the institutional racism against Asians that was first instilled during the Chinese immigration in the 1800's, and as media evolved over time, constant exposure to these stereotypes created a shared reality that all Asians adhere to the stereotypes being portrayed about them. The combination of Sargent's belief →


In search of food, the teenager skulks over to the kitchen where it stocks up on snacks for the rest of a long night of homework. It is not a game because when a student loses the answer is not as simple as ' play a little smarter next time,' it's about the health and →

The role of irony in shakespeare’s “othello” assignment

The first Instance In which the Irony of the play and Sago's treachery become evident to the audience is when Ago convinces Ordering to shout beneath Barbarian's window and inform him of his daughter's secret marriage to Othello. Although Ago was, in fact, the one insulting Othello, essentially referring to him as a sex-crazed beast, →

Data storage problem assignment

On your cover page, please provide the name of your company and the Canadian City In which you are based; you will retain these designations for the duration of the term. Part You are specialized In technology and services for the management and security of mobile computers, notebooks, and smartness.

Transcendentalism in dead poets society assignment

The movie does not look at the school as a whole, but one can recognize the engagement concerning the transcendentalists and conformists In the movie when observing the fluctuations and activities taken by the group of boys who call themselves the Dead Poets Society. The vital indication is that the doctrines of transcendentalism from the →

Andrew carnegie vs. john rockefeller assignment

Andrew Carnegie was born in Ireland to a poor farmer, at the age of 13 he came with his family to America in search of hope and a new life. He used this money to establish hospitals, libraries and other areas of needs in the community to give back for the ruthlessness he sometimes showed.

microbiology case study essay sample

Due to the fact, that one type of bacteria did not appear to be fully grown, the result could not be considered successful and most likely the plate was contaminated. From a nutrient plate in order to identify the type of Gram negative bacteria following tests were performed: Indole Simmons Citrate Methyl Red Voges-Proskauer Nitrate →

Anne sexton’s cinderella essay sample

Sexton's uses sarcasm in the refrain to influence the reader's predictions of the fairy tale by using the previous knowledge of the story Cinderella." That Story" is used as the refrain in the poem." That story" is a clue for the reader to rethink the previous told stories of Cinderella and other fairy tales that →

The sisters brothers essay sample

In the selected passage Eli attempt to make Charlie aware of the possibility of a normal life, free of the earthly dangers and horrors of the trade. Charlie's response to Eli is one of disregard and indifference, but Eli is aware that this is only a facade and knows that his brother shows remorse for →

Astronomy of history

My preconception of the article before reading it was that, a planet like object in the solar system, which is bigger that Pluto can be classified as a planet. However, going through the report changed this preconceptions as it shows how complicated the definition of a planet is.

Letter on the desire to become a college coach

Personal address) Dear Sir, I am writing to offer my application for the position of a college coach in your This follows your college's expression of interest in hiring a competitive coach that can lead the college's football team to winning major national and international tournaments. Besides my personal interest in the college team and →

A danger to fourth amendment rights

This was a serious blow to the Fourth Amendment because all these searches were based on less than a probable cause, while the amendment requires that all searches and seizures should have a probable cause. Additionally, the majority should have adopted Justice Douglas position because he disagrees with the court decision, and contends that the →

Prisoners treatment

The ratio of relapsing into crime again after spending the specified prison time has found to be same in both cases whether they are endowed with basic services in the prisons or not. They argue that the prime motto of the prison is to punish the criminals and to make them guilty for the wrong →

Case student of a site of adoult learning in san antoino

EDUCATION ESSAY Many people are faced with the problem of obesity and continue to face numerous challenges because of the lack of information providing solutions." Curves" refer to a fitness club which provides online information to individuals regarding losing weight. The organisation has embarked on a mission to provide women with information regarding fitness clubs →

Ivan the terrible’s influence essay

Ivan was the first to edit the law code and create a more democratic style of legal proceedings, and also the first to help eliminate corruption from Russia's way of life. The broom was to symbolize the Oprichniki's mission to sweet Russia clean of Ivan's enemies, and the dog head was to signify that they →

A contrast of target and walmart essay

Wal-Mart has chains of stores in other countries like India and China; in addition to the latter it has a large number of outlets within the country. The last major difference between Wal Mart and Target is in the kind of services offered.

The drunkard analysis essay

The irony was that Larry actually achieved getting his father away from drinking but he got himself drunk in the process and it was his father taking him home drunk. Another way O'Connor shows humor in the story was when Larry was drunk and his father was taking him home and they encountered a gang →

School uniform should not be abolish essay

Later famous dynasties, like the Song and the Tang, continued to refine the culture and bring new innovations to the world including printed money, a permanent navy, and a government that ruled over 100 million people. China is home to more than 18 percent of the world's poor, with a total population of 1.

Mango frooti survey essay

In which packaging do you prefer a mango drink? a) Glass Bottle b) PET bottle c) Tetra Pack d) Whichever is available Q4. Who is the Brand Ambassador of Frooti? a) Aamir Khan b) Salman Khan c) Shahrukh Khan d) Donot Know Q12.

Confrontation of culture essay

I finished my shopping and was in the checkout. One day, the sink in my kitchen was dripping water and I gave a call to my apartments leasing office.

Story for children essay

He is an easy mark for the con-men of the world and has to beat temptation and learn to become brave, truthful, and unselfish. The gentle woodcarver is wishing upon a star for the puppet to come to life and to be his son.

Math mayan calendar essay

The math system hidden inside the Mayan Calendar is called the Vigesimal System. When writing vertical, to write a twenty a zero is placed in the first position with a dot on top of it in the second position.

To kill a mocking bird essay

Everyone is equal Is a major value that Tactics teaches his children. An example of this Is where Tactics chooses to defend a Negro, he shows his children that although this man Is a Negro he Is going to defend him Like any other person." If I TLD I could not hold my head up →

Electronic marketing assignment

Explain the concept and benefits of the ' sense and second' approach to customer communications. Benefits: targeted communications can be used to foster personalized relationships allows application of knowledge of the individual customer to product service and design 5.

Ontology vs. epistemology assignment

There is no way to know what effects we are going to have on the future. It seems reasonable to believe that we will never know what is going on in the big picture.

Announcement for pollution assignment

Even the hot water that factories often discharge can raise the temperature and change the chemistry Of bodies Of water, causing what's called " thermal pollution." Construction byproducts are another one of the major causes of water pollution: cement, metals, plastics and lubricants are the usual culprits. The effects of pollution in the water are →

The french culture, a solid base for algerian administrative procedures development

The aim of the following essay is to discuss the impact of the French culture, namely the French language, on Algerian bureaucracy and its administrative procedures as well as the modifications brought upon the Algerian popular dialect; it will also show how a new form of language has emerged as a result of this influence. →

Kenya has the third highest newborn mortality rate in east africa

In Kenya, the Maternal Death Rate is high, with 362 deaths for every 100, 000 live births for every year, generally in light of the fact that ladies do not conceive an offspring under the care of talented wellbeing suppliers. The privilege to wellbeing, including conceptive wellbeing is cherished in a heavenly body of human →

The crush: a psychoanalytical look at “araby”

The image of her accompanies him " even in places the most hostile to romance": the market and the streets, among the " drunken men and bargaining women," amid " the curses of labourers, the shrill litanies of shop-boys". Though he is obsessed with the girl and is compelled to watch her and think of →

Stimulants in treating children with adhd psychology essay

Many people would consider the symptoms of ADHD normal behaviors in young children, and as a result are not sure if the symptoms being exhibited are because they are a child or because they legitimately have the disorder. On one side there are the supporters who claim stimulants as a miracle medication, because it is →

The wells fargo fake account scandal

Acritical analysis of the scandal and the three core organizational problems that most directly contributed to the illegal conduct and behavior of a significant number of Wells Fargo employees. The process that led to the scandal were at odds with Wells Fargo's existing values and ethical statements.observed, that what is being practice in market is →