Genuine Essay Examples

A case study on motorola marketing essay

4% Bird n/a 1.0% 2.2% 6.0% 7. 0% TCL n/a n/a 0.4% 2.

Social responsibility in managing stakeholder relationships marketing essay

Social responsibility is defined as volunteering to manage the company's operations and what they do with stakeholders to have a good impact on the community where the company works. Social responsibility is defined as volunteering to manage the company's operations and what they do with stakeholders to have a good impact on the community where β†’

Why did jammu and kashmir conflict start

At the time of partition -the British provinces divide two countries India and Pakistan the Hindu majority on the side of India and the Muslim majority on the side of Pakistan and j s k one such a rich pricey and nature rich state had a vesicular problem. In 1987 the alliance won and Farooq β†’

Link between oil prices and rubber prices economics essay

Abstract, briefly describing the research; introduction, providing hypothesis; methodology, revealing the means of research process; literature review, investigating the sources used for the research discussion, showing the peculiarities of the research process; results dealing with the findings of this report; and conclusion would provide summary of the report findings The theme was chosen because it β†’

Effects of the financial crisis on various uk industries

Despite this index only being a small percentage of the total companies in the United Kingdom it generally reflects the performance of much of the market. Prior to the financial crisis of 2008 leading to the crash in the markets-shown in the first quarter of 2009-investment in government debt was regarded as relatively risk free.

U s custom border protection are we secure criminology essay

This involved absorbing employees from the Immigration and Naturalization Service, the Border Patrol, the Customs Service, and the Department Of Agriculture. Afterward treasury secretary authorized to employ the special agents for the purpose of examining the account and books of the collectors of customs.

Vision, credibility, and effective communication

Buono and Subbiah suggest that primary change agents are effective to the extent that they understand the cultural environment, are able to identify influential key players, and possess the ability to provide mentorship, as well as, positive role modeling. Bolman and Deal advise on the complexity of organisation change and the ambiguities that are ever β†’

Socrates’ success

My aim of this paper is to illustrate Socrates' criteria of a good definition by trying to define what " success" is. The definition that success is having a good job and making lots of money is not satisfactory according to Socrates' criteria.

The ideas of schumpeter on entrepreneurship and innovation

Schumpeter's ideas Schumpeter busied himself with the ideas of entrepreneurship and innovation in a market economy. For Schumpeter, he saw entrepreneurship as innovation and defined the entrepreneur as " someone who makes a new combination of already existing materials and forces".

Legalisation debate

In order to further understand the reasoning between both sides I will be looking into the advantages and disadvantages of both the legalization and criminalization of cannabis. Cannabis has also been stated to be a " gateway drug" thus, by legalising cannabis there is more of a chance for user to become addicted to ' β†’

Bitcoin, what else? alternative coins

Namecoin Market Cap: about 40 Million Dollars Namecoin is a great example of how versatile the Bitcoin protocol is. Although Freicoin is still similar to Bitcoin and Litecoin, it has a built in feature called Demurrage which makes it one of the most unique coins out there.

Contribution margin and revenue

When calculating the revenue where P = $100 and Q = 30 Revenue = $100*30 = $3, 000 Revenue =$3, 000 Variable expenses value: The variable expenses include: Labor expenses- include 6 experienced university graduates: For each trip 6 are required Each is paid $100 per trip Therefore for each trip the total labor cost β†’

Carper’s patterns of knowing essay sample

The pattern of nursing that I believe to be the most important in my current practice would be the Empirical Fundamental of Carpers' Pattern of Knowing. With this change in environment, I am starting with the foundation of science in nursing and using the skills to verify and research what is necessary to provide patient β†’

Business and retail operations in the travel industry essay sample

The tour operator will agree to give the travel agent commission and send them brochures and tickets as long as the travel agent agrees to promote the holidays and display the brochures they have been sent. This is a good advantage for the retail and business travel industry as its faster sales and they may β†’

Online personality tests

10 November, Test Analysis This is my reflection on the " Short Personality Test" from "" the link to which I have mentioned in the end of this paper. Test 2; Analysis This is my reflection on " The Big Five Personality Test" the link to which is mentioned in the end of this β†’

Success factors of a salesperson

A salesperson is the product for any firm that acts as an intermediary in promoting the tangible products of the company to the market. Book: The 25 Sales Habits of Highly Successful Salespeople, Chapter 6 Engage the Prospect Studying the top habits of top salespersons from Schiffman's book ' The 25 Habits of Highly Successful β†’

Slavery in the ancient times

Use examples to explain the process of how the myth of Ham moved from the Jewish world and arrived in the Muslim world. The Curse of Ham: race and slavery in early Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

Bowling alone: chapters 1-7

The Demography of the Aging Population Demographics is the scientific study of the growth, decline, and other facts of the population. In the United States, the aging population is the most affected group in the mobility of family trends, where the problem is centered in the long-term care and economic stability.

Women in early buddhism and christian gnosticism

The Buddhist and Gnostic myths explain how the current degenerate state of humanity came about and the fall of humanity from perfection, bringing about distinctions such as male and female, heaven and earth. The author has a conflicting opinion about the negative attitude towards women by citing Buddhist scriptures showing the participation of women in β†’

Dictionary translates ancient egypt life

In addition, the article quotes many prominent Egyptologists and historians, who maintain that the dictionary is a significant for the modern people to understand the ancient Egyptian culture and for " mastering the texts from the Egyptians themselves" and not through their rulers.Dr. From some of the findings, the Egyptians believed that life after death β†’

Privilege operating

PRIVILEGE A privilege is a benefit or a right to do something given to some people and not to the other people. Our social class is a privilege in that, we are able to have some things that the less privileged lack such as expensive lifestyles.

The drug fighting aids

I have set up my research as follows: Research Hypothesis: To conduct testing to determine if there is a significant level of difference in the study population given the new drug when compared to a control group given a placebo. The independent variable will be the use of the new drug, and the dependent variable β†’

Passing score on the exam essay

Topic: A passing score on an English achievement test should be the main requirement for international students to enter a university in an English speaking country. To conclude, passing score on an English achievement test should be the main requirement for international students to enter a university in an English speaking country.

Sensitive period essay

In the essay I will define the term sensitive period and explain how the teacher's knowledge and understanding of these periods determines his/her preparation and custodianship of the prepared environment. The understanding of the sensitive period plays a vital role to the significant of a child's development at the early age of his environment.

Early american and colonial period to 1776 essay

The Old Norse Vinland Saga recounts how the adventurous Leif Eriksson and a band of wandering Norsemen settled briefly somewhere on the northeast coast of America probably Nova Scotia, in Canada in the first decade of the 11th century, almost 400 years before the next recorded European discovery of the New World. The first known β†’

Media coursework component essay

The first thing I look at on this advert is the smartie because it's big and bright and is also in the middle of the advert. By Charlotte De Abreu This is an analysis and a comparison of two adverts which will describe what is in the advert and how it is appealing to people.

Facts and legal arguments in the cases law general essay

In each of the appeals, the defendant had raised an objection to the composition of the jury claiming that the trial had not been free from ' actual or apparent bias' because of the occupation of one of the jurors. The appellant appealed that the presence of the police officer on the jury was in β†’

Forest fire, a complex biophysical process

Forest fire is a complex biophysical process with numerous direct and indirect effects on the atmosphere, the hydrosphere, and the biosphere. 05 Mha of forest area every year in the northeastern states of India, and totally, 17.

The effect of teamwork on job satisfaction psychology essay

Due to deep seated values of individualism and a natural unwillingness to reliance one's fate to the performance others, the team option demands a leap of faith. So as it mentioned before in this research the researcher tries to find out the perception about individualism collectivism orientation and different job satisfaction levels among a sample β†’

Basic principle of co2 laser engineering essay

The optimum composition and pressure for the gas in a CO2 laser varies widely with the laser design. Longitudinal flowing gas lasers: The obvious way to solve the problems of the sealed CO2 laser is to flow the gas through the laser tube, as shown in Figure 2.4.

The concept of pricing to market economics essay

The concept of PTM was explained by Krugman with the reference to the example of European automobile industry, in which he describes that the increase in US dollar against the European currency was the reason for the price difference in automobiles in US and Europe. According to Knetter value of goods to be exported by β†’

Mile and snow

Mile and Snow introduced the idea of the adaptive cycle: this portrays the business as continuously cycling through sets of decisions on three fronts:-the entrepreneurial problem: selecting and adjusting the product market domain -the engineering problem: producing and delivering products -the administrative problem: establishing roles, relationships and organizational processes 3. What are the advantages and β†’

The stone monkey

A Satchel of C4 is placed at the hull of the ship, powerful enough to create a hole in the ship but not enough to blow the whole thing up and also to give enough time for " the Ghost" to get his money and equipment and also to get himself on a life boat β†’

Red medicine

However, in Davis-Flood's article Gender and Ritual: Giving Birth the American Way, from the moment women decide they want to have the birth of their children in the hospital, all the authority seemed to disappear. I do truly love the idea of proving that women do not need the 'aid' of technology and even science β†’

A bronx tale. film essay

In the end, the only thing that can open " C's" eyes is tragic loss, and he understands the harsh realities of life that escaped his as a child." A Bronx Tale" parallels the growth we all experience as we transition childhood to adulthood and the journey we must endure to find our identities. Early β†’

Avoiding cross cultural miscommunication

If the study reveals we are not in alignment with our goals, I highly recommend that a new culture be developed and all management and employees be trained in the new adopted culture. If our organization continues the culture of a closed communication style, I believe that senior leadership will lose out on what employees β†’

Obedience and conformity

In most cases, no one manages the collective behavior of a crowd, which acts in a particular way in response to a various issues; unlike in obedience, whereby authority dominates and directs a person/people on how to behave. One of the subjects finds himself to be in a minority.

Impacts of the revised system on economic growth and welfare

In the event of forming a world policy, the West comprised of the United States and Europe. The revised system on the economic growth and welfare possesses various impacts on the global economic state.

The sympathy i can give isn’t enough

When we began learning about it, I was really interested in learning about the Holocaust because I wanted to learn more about World War II and the events that happened during 1933 to 1945. As I continued, reading about all of the the deaths and cruelty shown in the book, I began to feel sad β†’

System architecture assignment

The purpose of this paper is to take a first step in the direction of a methodology for architectural design. In the remainder we use the term information systems in the narrower sense of a collection of informational resources and their managers.

Causes and consequences of conflict assignment

It is also our inability to place ourselves in the shoes of others, that make it so easy to cause conflict and ignore the consequences it may inflict. In this essay I plan to talk about the importance of encountering conflict, addressing the causes and the consequences.

One flesh essay sample

However the poet then shows that her parents are not deeply engaged in their own personal interior lives, but deep in thought, as the poet's father's book is not being read and the poet's mother has her eyes fixed on the shadows on the wall. In stanza three, the poet realizes that her parents have β†’

Irish catholic church

Discussion: The waning influence of the Irish Catholic Church over the Irish Republic was reflected in the changes that were seen in the alterations that were brought about in Irish law in relation to the influence of the Roman Catholic doctrine that started in the 1980s. The decline of the Irish Catholic Church in Ireland β†’

Interpretation of consumption psychology of personality customization products

The ability of the customer to align the qualities of a product with his individual requirements and desires leads to the realization of the full value of products. Product optimization drives consumer to product customization gain toward maximizing the objective of products.

Ems education program for a community based on ems related issues within the community

These programs are aimed at increasing the health situation to the vulnerable areas and the provision of emergency medical care. The community education program that can be employed to avert the above situation of malaria epidemic is first to develop, collect and disseminate the necessary information on the importance of good health to individuals and β†’

Socrates’ concepts in philosophy

Socrates Answer to Question Socrates succeeded in showing the Sophists about the lack of validity of their theories of relativism and moral realism. The way Socrates defended the soul and its immortality to Cebes and Simmias in Phaedo somehow convinced them of the validity of the existence of the psyche.

Analysis of joe’s account of the accident in touching the void essay

The writer also uses audio visual imagery by the use of verbs such as ' shattering blow' and ' splitting' that helps to build an image of the physical pain in Joe as he felt a ' blow in' his ' knees. Its clear that nature is a huge part of the climbing experience, the β†’

Knmlk college essay

Dump the flour mixture into the batter and mix together with a rubber spatula until just combined and a thick dough is formed. Spread the remaining M&M's over the top and press them into the dough a little.

Animal rights – reflective paper

When it comes to the needless torture of animals that we claim to benefit, the animals lives need to be taken into consideration. It is true that the main difference between humans and other animals is our ability to think and reason.

Argumentative synthesis

Friedman speaks in his article about the word " Green" and how that term is used, he continued in the article to say that people need to find ways to improve theenvironmentand recommended that it is in the best interest of the world to preserve the world he goes into ways for example like citizens β†’

Fedex managing quality day and night business essay

To constantly achieve a 100% customer satisfaction, 100% on-time delivery and 100% accurate information available on every shipment and with its commitment to quality management, the Company has opened channels to accept honest feedback from its customers where the information received is used to continuously improve the quality of service offered. ConclusionFedEx is a for β†’

Bim will help aid the quantity surveyor construction essay

The purpose of this research report is to investigate the qualities of BIM and the influence it will have on the quantity surveying profession, through research of the opportunities and barriers that it brings forth, and the changes to be made and measures to be taken by quantity surveyors in the future, in order to β†’

Editorial: topology of disordered networks and their applications

The beginnings of the theory started with an innocent query what optimizes the glass-forming tendency of a melt and led to the finding that such melts possess an " ideal" connectivity. The rigidity and stress elastic phase transitions are percolative in nature and first order in 3D, and experiments show that once the variance in β†’

Editorial: anomalous transport: applications, mathematical perspectives, and big data

Editorial on the Research Topic Anomalous Transport: Applications, Mathematical Perspectives, and Big Data Diffusion is a fundamental process that addresses the stochastic motion of a test particle and the emerging broadening of its distribution function in the course of time. The aim of this Research Topic attempts to unify different visions, approaches and methodologies around β†’

The power of gods and fate in homer’s iliad

I argue that Zeus and Athena's interference in Hector's death shows that even though fate is inescapable, the gods ultimately play a role in the execution and timing of it. Now that the timing of Hector's fate has been determined by Zeus and his golden scale, the only thing left is for Hector to actually β†’

And, not and not are referred to as boolean operators critical thinking sample

Boolean AND narrows the search to include only documents that contain every one of the keywords entered - ConditionA or ConditionB NOT ConditionA excludes all the variables with condition A - Boolean data types are used to represent logical values. Pass by value is defined as making a copy in memory of the actual parameter's β†’

Environment of perhentian island malaysia tourism essay

Second, by identifying the cause and effect of the damage to perhentian island, measures can be than taken by local authorities and other government bodies to preserve the remaining of the island and set boundaries and rules which may in return bring back the balance in the ecosystem and the natural setting of perhentian island. β†’

Some views are more colorful than others

Before understanding color-blindness it is important to understand that color vision is a function of the brains ability to interpret the complex way in which light is reflected off every object." Perception of color is associated with the physical property of wavelength".. Red-monochromatic is the rarest form of color-blindness and it is true to the β†’

Grammatical constraints on code-switching

Specific attention has been paid in the literature on bilingualism/multilingualism to the phenomenon of code-switching, one of the results of which has been the proposal of and subsequent debate surrounding a number of different grammatical approaches to it. Indeed, the title of Poplack's paper is a case in point: Sometimes I start a sentence in β†’

Evaluation of the impact of literacy education

The addressment of literacy and labeling of it as an under, understood skillset begs the question: which forms of literacy will be applicable in the future with development of technology, and how it effects day to day life? In the following pages, these authors question the use of literacy in the form of literature as β†’

Competitive advantages of johnson and johnson commerce essay

The major competitors of J&J are Novartis and Procter and Gamble in baby care products. The ability to work across company and countries has helped J&J to produce most comprehensive and broad health care products, which has made them unique in the market.

Pure enantiomers of phenylethylamine mixture

The addition of 5 mL of water to the flask confirm that the top layer was the aqueous layer, since it increased relative to the bottom layer and the water was absorbed here. The main cause of this error was the accidental disposal of much of the amine layer, in which a small amount of β†’

Rhino poaching

The rhinos skin is soft and quite sensitive to sunburns and insect bites and you wonder why a rhino rolles in the mud its to protect it from the sunburn and insects. Kruger National Park was hit the hardest losing 146 rhinos to poaching in 2010; the park is home to the largest populations of β†’


What is the relationship, if any, between body image and self esteem? There is a strong relationship between body image and self esteem.

Comparative study on consumption patterns of soft drinks

This is a study of the relationship between the consumer and the supplier based on various luxuations in the market. The plans/desires of consumers are embedded in the concept of demand and the plans/desires of producers in the concept of supply.

Purpose statement of the study

The research will take a mixed approach of study that will take into account different surveys and facts obtained from interviews to capture the current education process and how much the patients understand it. The research will be conducted by use of a multiple case design for both primary and secondary data such as examples β†’

John brown: the lesson of the hour is insurrection

Brown's raid had ignited a war in " Bleeding Kansas," and what was soon to be the entire country. Brown's raid had ignited a war in " Bleeding Kansas," and what was soon to be the entire country.

College isn’t worth it-here’s why

Now all that to say, I am also aware of the many negative aspects of higher education in this modern day; I have discouraged many of my peers from applying to college because they " feel like they have to". The gargantuan amount of debt that inevitably ensues for most college attendees is ridiculous and β†’

Marketing and samsung assignment

Samsung Operating System Research and develop Samsung operating system, reduce dependence on Android systems. Significantly, Samsung can utilize that capital to develop the Samsung operating system.

Informative speech on robotics essay sample

Robotics is an area where a number of scientific fields meet, and this fact already is a source of attraction for the involved scientist, the engineer, the users and the public. He just assumed that robotics already referred to the science and technology of robots as electronics referred to the Science and Technology of electrical β†’

Caucasus and armenia essay sample

It is bordered by Turkey to the west, Georgia to the north, the de facto independent Nagorno-Karabakh Republic and Azerbaijan to the east, and Iran and the Azerbaijani exclave of Nakhchivan to the south. Culture The culture of Armenia is composed of elements that are based on the geography, literature, architecture, dance, and music of β†’

”the selfish giant” by oscar wilde essay sample

One day he had a change of heart and decided to let the kids play in his garden because, the giant became miserable when the garden was not beautiful anymore, because it stayed winter all year round with snow, hail, and the north wind. When spring came to the rest of the country it was β†’

The impact of american rule essay sample

The oldest university built by the Americans here in the Philippines was Silliman University in Dumaguete An English writer who wrote the ' The Great Malayan' won a prize in the National Contest sponsored by the Commonwealth of the Phils. It was this educated class that would be the wellspring of a vibrant Philippine Literature β†’

How does arthur miller explore the theme of masculinity in a view from the bridge? essay sample

Eddie, Marco and Rodolpho have different views on masculinity, and these change throughout the course of the play, as does their masculinity, which is questioned because of the views portrayed by the other characters in the play. In the play, Eddie mentions another character, Vinny; he lost his honour and therefore his masculinity, by telling β†’

Topic proposal on should testimonies of lay witnesses be allowed in court

Methodology This research would identify the response to the question; whether testimonies of lay witnesses should be allowed in court or not. Answer to this question would be obtained from different categories of people involved in cases that include but are not limited to lawyers, judges, lay witnesses, and the plaintiffs.

Discussion questions

The process of jury section in a federal criminal trial A jury is a group of members of the public who are selected to decide on a case, based on guidance of a presiding judge. Meaning of weight of evidence and its application in a criminal trial Weight of evidence defines the degree to which β†’

Joseph mallord william turner i

It was through the influence of the deceased landscape writer, Cozen and Richard Wilson from Wales that Turner was able to become more imaginative and poetic in his landscapes. Turner: 1775-1851: the world of light and colour.

Art histort 300-2

In American Pop art, some of the famous proponents were Robert Rauschenberg, Jasper Johns, Roy Lichtenstein and Andy Warhol. During the middle of the 1950s, some artists diverged from Abstract Expressionism and used non-traditional art materials to emphasize the popular culture of their times.

Statistics for managers class discussion wk5

The sample accuracy was reflected on the data weight influence due to sampling error, wording of the questions or survey conducting challenges; this reduces the biasness and error in findings of the public opinion. Most drug and pharmaceuticals company test their drugs on a certain focus group to test the curative and side effects of β†’

The support and encouragement

I appreciate the support and encouragement that you have given and shown to me throughout my studies and I am truly grateful for that. Finally, I am planning to make an impact in the institution that I will be a part of with the leadership and communication skills that I have gained in my previous β†’

Effects of not getting enough sleep

Therefore, good quality of sleep can contribute to loss of weight since the lack of sleep leads to the rise of appetite associated with the hormonal changes. In fact, the increase in the appetite results to rise in the ghrelin, while the person is getting sufficient sleep the appetite is suppressed due to the production β†’

Positive information letters

Brown in details for you to know that he is the best candidate for this position in your Company. I am always ready to confirm my words and I have no doubts that you will be satisfied with the performance of this employee.

The dangerous situation of any school system

The unfortunate situation can be exacerbated even more by the fact that some teachers feel they must punish students who arrive even a minute or two late with a detention, giving students a sense of stress, anxiety and urgency, and encouraging them to do whatever they can to make it to class on time, even β†’

Long-term assets ( 8)

Pentair's long-term ratios are almost the same to those of comparative firms. For instance, Pentair has relatively more long-term assets compared to the other companies and this is evident from its 0.

Devotion – college essay

This discovery of the Spain's expedition commanded by the Portuguese navigator Hernando de Magallanes or Ferdinand Magellan, that set the record as the fist expedition to circumnavigate and confirm that the world is round is the same expedition that brought the image of Sto. It is told that when the capital of the Spanish government β†’

Richard iii by william shakespeare: essay assignment

In order for Richard to become King, he had the obstacle of his own family. Richard had successfully courted Anne and would strengthen his claim to the throne with their marriage.

Hamlet as an anti hero essay

Here, Hamlet is depicted as the victim, causing the reader to take his side and feel bad for him, and eventually when Hamlet faces death, he takes the role of the hero and is willing to die to do what Is right. The sympathy shown for Hamlet by the reader is a very good indication β†’

The role of family support and relations in rise to success

I remember a lot of conversations about school and my day happening in these car rides, and I am very thankful that my family made the effort to provide that space for me to communicate with them about school. For my own role in my school success, I would say that I was very curious, β†’

Discrimination of black caucus

The facts say this: African-Americans make up 10 percent of the House, but as of the end of February, five of the sitting six named lawmakers under review by the House Ethics Committee are black. But it is in naming names that the Office of Congressional Ethics has drawn scrutiny.

Outcome of vascular complications after arterial punctures

Femoral artery is the another commonest site of arterial cannulation in intensive care units. The incidence of related complications in the femoral artery is much lower than that in the radial artery and can be recognized easily because of the larger vessel diameter.

Capital asset pricing model importance in financial world

Rf is the risk-free rate of return, E [Rm] is the expected market return and a is the measure of risk [Beta]. The risk premium of a security is a function of the risk premium of the market and varies directly with the level of beta, no measure of non-systematic risk appears in the risk β†’

How self evaluation is implemented for school improvement

School Self-Evaluation is defined as a procedure involving systematic information gathering which is initiated by the school itself and aims to assess the functioning of the school and the attainment of its education goals for the purpose of supporting decision-making and learning for fostering school improvement as a whole. The European Parliament and Council on β†’

Measuring partition coefficient

Determination of CO: The Cw was subtracted from the concentration of the buffered solution, i.e, 0. Calculation of the concentration of salicylate added to each separating funnel: The salicylic acid concentration of the sample taken = 0.2 gm.mol/Liter.

Analyzing hyper-competitiveness in contemporary business development environments

In the article Revealing Your Hand: Caveats in Implementing Digital Business Strategy by Grover and Kohli, it was concluded that hyper-competition renders the determination of systematic strategic direction in enterprises impossible.[3]Due to the availability of hyper-competitiveness, business tends to focus on understanding how normal operations are affected by the rapid changes in the modern business β†’

Role of pink1 in Ξ±-synuclein aggregation

The role of PINK1 in -synuclein aggregation and toxicity in Parkinson's disease State-of-the-art Misfolding and aggregation of -synuclein is the major component of Lewy bodies [1], the pathological hallmark of Parkinson's disease [2, 3]. To determine the effects of PINK1 in ASYN aggregation and toxicity in vivo.

Greek and roman houses architecture

This essay will not cover the remains of the houses but rather what the houses would have been like, and will provide a comparison between the standing structures, and is not intended to discuss the differences in preservation of the sites. Figure 1 shows one of the houses from the north side of the Areopagus β†’