Genuine Essay Examples

Gatsby paper

Despite falling short of his ultimate goal of getting Daisy back, Gatsby shows throughout the novel that he is truly great by chasing his dream and making the ultimate sacrifice for the love of his life. Gatsby had this option, but he was not going to rat out the love of his life.

Government: federalism and anti-federalist c. undecided assignment

He is a great orator and by some is called the " voice of the common man." During the Revolution he served in the House of Burgesses and as governor of Virginia. He is a vehement supporter of popular rights and the interests of the common man.

Business marketing assignment

Evidence submitted for assessment has been authenticated and accompanied by a signed and dated declaration of authenticity by the learner.*Any esubmission evidence must be submitted within 10 working days of receipt of results of assessment. Assessment comments General comments Lecturer declaration I certify that the evidence submitted for this assignment is the learner's own.

My school – my family essay sample

It's not pompous to say that CNN is one of the best schools in Hanoi. It is one of the annual activities of the CNN known as the festival of different languages a place for students of CNN to express their creativity and their love for the language.

How is racial tension and prejudice portrayed in “to kill a mocking bird” essay sample

The racist view of the community is highlighted as they believe the word of a disrespected, dishonest white man over that of a respectable, honourable black man. The ladies are discussing Helen Robinson and talking of how they should forgive the black community when it is obvious that it is the black community who need →

The brave one essay sample

Eventually, she managed to push herself to go to the police station to follow up on their case but since she did not get the outcome she desired because she was given a spiel to wait in the lounge and an officer will attend to her just like what was said to the others who →

Existential humanistic approach

However, Corey has stated that " one limitation of the approach is the way some practitioners become 'client-centered' to the extent that they diminish the value of their own power as a person and thus lose the impact of their personality on the client". One weakness of the existential-humanistic approach, for working with a student →

Islam and democracy

It looks for the forming of government through direct and indirect elections, where every citizen who has reached the age of majority, contains the right to cast his vote in favor of the candidate or party of his choice in order to elect him as member of the parliament or president of the country in →

Best self

I am intelligent as I perceive things very quickly and my vision is set to have a proactive approach towards the work ethos that I give in within the professional undertakings. He asserts that I am respectable and have a dignity of my own.

History j3

The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano, gives a first-hand account of the capture of Africans, their shipment across the Atlantic and their transformation into slaves in America. Olaudah Equiano gives a vivid description of the Middle Passage which demonstrates the terror of the prisoners, the abject conditions on board and the attitude →

Love. response papers week 7

Evidence from a study conducted by McCutcheon and Pincombe indicates that intuition is a product of the synergy resulting from the interaction of a number of factors. Because of its influence on the wellbeing of patients, there is a need to recognize intuition as an important tool in the nursing practice.

Sociology of cultural differences

I believe that success is not measured by the physical appearance of individuals. In as much as the market does not favour her, she struggles to make her career in the modelling world.

The creation of youth culture

However, the primary function of a culture is to create a harmonized environment that is relevant to all the occupants of that environment. Therefore, the question about the impacts of a culture, both on the local people and foreigners, remains an interesting subject of investigation.

Gnss vs total station) base for deformation monitoring of bridge

In this dissertation I will present the effective Deformation monitoring of a Bridge by the use of GNSS According to my research I have found that GNSS is faster and more accurate then the use of Total Station Deformation Monitoring. Aim: To investigate the relationship between the surveying instruments GNSS and Total station and the →

An evaluation of strategies used to elicit children’s ideas

In ' Primary Science Teaching Theory and Practice' they say that ' Once children's ideas have been elicited and the teacher has recognised their misconceptions and partial understandings, decisions need to be made about how to challenge these ideas and help children to develop a more scientific understanding.' Also it can help the teacher to →

Should the size of sugary drinks be restricted essay

This essay will discuss the benefits and drawbacks of restricting the size of sugary drinks sold in restaurants and fast food shops in terms of the effectiveness on preventing obesity and the implications on infringing on the personal choices of the individual. It can be clearly seen that there are different opinions on whether or →

The versailles treaty essay

The army should be devoted exclusively to the maintenance of order and peace within the territory and to the control of the German frontiers. This angered and humiliated the Germans who paid very little of the reparations in the 1920s.

Comparison of allegory of the cave and fahrenheit assignment

Looking at the shadows and reflections is the beginning steps of learning how to look in the light. Montage goal is to learn how to understand the books and to try to relay it to other people.

Various laws sanctioning the crime law general essay

The rationale behind further criminalising rape of those children, who are under the age of 18 years, by a person in a position of trust[3]is to show that children of all age groups are considered to be particularly vulnerable to such a crime and not only the very young. In relation to protections afforded to →

Main principles of business

The wholesaling and retailing firms are likewise incorporated into the class of business showcase in light of the fact that these additionally get items and administrations with the end goal of further exchanging or leasing. For instance, if the cost cowhide is decreased, at that point the request of the shoe maker is not expanded →

Sport as a part of human society

In support of this thesis we can remember the quote of some athlete "...sports today is a major social factor, that is able to resist the invasion of cheap culture and bad habits". The sports industry employs a lot of people, from the top paid sports person, to the janitor that washes the washroom in →

The relationship between music and religion

It is believed to be the highest form of spiritual fulfillment." The aim and final end of all music should be none other than the glory of God and the refreshment of the soul". The impact of music on people is humungous and it's only going get bigger in the future.

Resistance training applied to the demands of volleyball

Section A Introduction & Definitions This investigation seeks to consider the range of ways RT can be useful within Volleyball suggested by the coaching literature, we will review how it can be applied as well as what training methods and principles coaches should be made aware of to offer the most effective training to meet →

Machiavelli: a renaissance thinker

The traits he was unsuccessful at as a renaissance thinker were individualism, secularism, and well roundedness because he never thought about himself and the importance of life. Machiavelli was, in every sense of the word, to be almost a complete " renaissance thinker".

Evaluating the impact of e-marketing on businesses

The development of e-marketing has been one of the most important and influential trends in the field of business, marketing and Information Technology offer the past decade. Boone claims that the Internet offers businesses the chance to reach their customers in a number of unique ways and that one of the most important of these →

Major components of hvac system engineering essay

Dubai Quality Award 2002: The first Electromechanical Company in the UAE to be awarded with the prestigious Certificate of Appreciation under the Dubai Quality Appreciation Program Award 2002 instituted by the Government of Dubai and presented by H. Conduction is directly proportional to the amount of water - air surface interface and the difference between →

Importance of organization structure business essay

Principle of division of work: the total task should be divided in such a manner that the work of individual in the organization is limited as far as possible to the performance of a single leading function. So the structure of organization is bound to be effected by the management.

Diversity and human capital and india’s workforce

The concept of " Knowledge Learnt, Used & Thrown", entrenched in the young minds will have to be given up to produce innovators and thought leaders, and stress on practical application of knowledge is quintessential. The world in future will be driven by a knowledge-base economy and this notion is not foreign to India.

The true self

As sociologists of the modern society we study and involve ourselves through social life and social institutions that help fit, piece-by-piece of the social puzzle eventually receiving the full picture of how we as a society function. I consider my family to that of a middle class, the average family where both parents obtain an →

2 everest adeventures

Those are the differences between Peak and High Exposere. In both Peak and High Exposere while climbing Everest the protagonists learned a life lesson.

Intro to marketing paper assignment

This began the marketing bid to go green, to be ecological friendly, and be environmentally safe in all their activities from the conception of the product idea, the selling and shipping of the company's green product. In the simplest terms, " green marketing" is selling the idea of a superior product that is and has →

Xenophanes critique of greek religion assignment

Xenophanes was the first to suggest that there was only one God that they should be worshiping instead of all the hundreds the Greeks worshiped. I might not have all the answers like Xenophanes, but that is why a person has faith when they choose to believe in whatever God is in their life.

Who was responsible for the cold war? assignment

Though the Cold War was a result of many factors, the actions of the CSS laded a significant part in weakening relations, which eventually led to non- cooperation and conflict. Thus, the actions of the USSR were seen as a way to dominate Eastern Europe through the guise of security In addition, communism was seen →

Nepomuceno vs heredia digest essay sample

The debtor proposed to give her a deed of conditional sale to a certain tract of land in consideration of 2, 000 pesos, she to be credited with 500 pesos on the purchase price and that to advance the balance of 1, 500 pesos; that knowing that the defendant had in his hands that amount →

Type of conflict

There was prevailing miscommunication among the cities and municipalities as to the level of participation of each and this includes the extent of responsibility of each. This was the main reason why it became evident after the incident involving the death of a person due to the group's negligence that each became quick to wash →

Communication report (reflection paper)

For instance, I wanted to obtain deeper understanding on the relationship of communication and human beings, I wanted to get knowledge on various theories of communication, origin and their proponents, get knowledge of different contexts of communication of human beings and how they are contrasted from others such as small groups, interpersonal and intercultural, develop →

Eth 125 final essay

A few of the similarities between me and others who are in leadership positions in my community are we all American citizens, all of us work hard for the things we have, and are family and community oriented. A few of the differences between me and others who are in leadership positions in my community →

Museum of tolerance essay sample essay

The Museum of Tolerance is a topographic point that non merely is a place to a memoriam of the Holocaust but it besides tries to interrupt the barriers of racism.biass.and favoritism and attempts to learn and integrate in people that even though everyone is different.everyone portions a cosmopolitan property.that each individual around the universe no →

Hotel housekeeping

It is helpful as it saves the property managers from the tedious work of using the 2-way radio which happens to be very chaotic especially for those property managers who have a lot of property to manage. The company offers a solution to the daily work of the property management firms; which is managing these →

The effects of shift work on people’s health and wellbeing

The experiment method that was used to undertake the study was a quantitative study, this is shown by the fact that they have used questionnaires to ask the nurses questions about lots of different things to receive the information that they need to gather the results for the research study. In this experimentally study researchers →

History of one art: coming to terms with loss

Art is essentially the embodiment of the movements, conflicts, innovations, ideals, and values of its time of creation, allowing the viewer to look inside the minds of the people of that period. In addition to the history of the region and time, the history of the artist who created the piece is valuable information as →

Heteronormativity and the exploration of homosexual behavior in heterosexual men essays example

The answer to this question lies in a complex plethora of factors, ranging from the construction of homosexuality and heterosexuality, issues of whiteness and masculinity, the heterosexual imaginary, and the imposition of outside social structures on individual psychology. The issue of men having sex with men lies both in the systemic stigmatizing of homosexuality due →

Evaluation of patient outcomes pressure ulcer prevention mattresses nursing essay

However, the author did not mention about the study design and purpose of the study and where was the study done. Introduction: Theoretical/ Conceptual framework The framework of a study should direct the researcher in the development of the study and explain the significance of the study in nursing practice.

Starbucks coffee strategic development history

These three friends opened one store on the name of Starbucks coffee, with the aim of providing best coffee to the number of restaurants and surrounding bars. After success of the first store, a second Starbucks store was opened in Seattle, in the year of 1972.

Tools and concepts to construct your personal career strategy

Based on the comments of my friends and past teachers, I have come to realize that one of my personality traits that has the potential to negatively impact my future career plans is the fact that I am a shy person. In order to improve my performance as a manager, I have added relevant steps →

Ethics of human trafficking

After applying the utilitarian and deontological perspectives and the egoism and emotivism theories to the question of human trafficking, it is evident that the ethical response to this is that is that it is one the most unethical practices any person can engage in". Human trafficking is one of the most heinous and degrading thing →

Overview of the personal computer manufacturing industry economics essay

The Personal computer industry is in a free market in which consumers are free to make up one's mind what to purchase with their incomes: free to do demand determinations; and makers are free to take what to sell and what production methods to utilize: free to do supply determinations. The monetary value of Personal →

Advantage and disadvantage of performance appreaisal

Advantages and Disadvantages of Performance Appraisals There seems to be an ongoing debate as to the value of doing employee performance appraisals. A performance appraisal is an evaluation of Job performance over a period of time.

Extract id value from css class to javascript variable

I have a ul menu from which I want to retireve certain information Maths & times I have a function in javascript: function getSessionDatas{ var sessions = [];$.each { var session = $.trim.text.slice).split; var sessionData = []; for { var s = {subjectOrder: i, subjectID: subs[session[i]]}; sessionData.push;} var ses = {sessionNo: index, sessionData: sessionData}; sessions.push;});} →

Chemistry initial

M's past, CAD and HP are also noted, Inch contribute to the elevated BP The decrease in Homoerotic and Hemoglobin will also contribute to the BP because the heart has to work harder to pump the blood to the body, and the blood is not carrying enough oxygen to deliver throughout the body. When you →

Definition of flexpatriates assignment

25 To achieve a first overview of the terminology fluoridation, it is useful to analyze one of the broadest approaches in understanding this term made by Tent. As can be seen by the definitions given, all authors stress on the element of frequent traveling in explaining fluoridation and flexibilities.

Purposes of schooling essay sample

History has shown that it is important that the system of education be made to adjust to the changing times to suit the demand of the present generation. In answering the issue of whether the present system of education has adequately responded to the changing times, we must first re-examine the purpose of schools in →


I was not raised with any cursing in my household and am proud of that. As a result, I do not curse and am deeply offended when a curse is directed at me.

Case 37

Also, it preserves Connor's self-esteem because Connor was telling the jokes to get his peers attention and the more he tells his jokes the more his peers laugh and he gets attention. Devenney realizes the reason Connor is telling jokes, he uses this strategy to help Connor build up his self- confidence when he interacts →

Moral responsibility of helping starving children

It is, therefore, the responsibility of each person to ensure that no one is starving when one has the ability to help. In conclusion, it is the mandate of each person to ensure that starving images of children in developing countries are eliminated completely.

Level of accomplishment in writing

Prior to taking the course, I can consider my way of writing to be less focused based on the fact that I write in a manner that somewhat disregards any form of attachment to either personal emotions or that of the audience. Upon examining my progress through the course, I have come to a conclusion →

Reasons for choosing uc san diego

The area around the university has many entrepreneurial communities who have good relationships with the university. The University of San Diego.

Annal report

The annual financial reports are developed to provide shareholders and other company stakeholders information on the operations of the company and the financial performance. The authority and responsibilities associated with preparation of the annual accounting reports and associated financial statements=, lies with the company directors.

Compare the first three scenes of hamlet and twelfth night

One of the themes that is easily recognisable in the early stages of both plays, is that of deceit and disguise. One of the themes that is easily recognisable in the early stages of both plays, is that of deceit and disguise.

Immigration argumentative essay

My statement to start is that, the United States is seemingly a country that welcomes immigrants, but in fact that this may be true in the beginning, but it is not the said case in the end, as it always ends the same. Her poem is the epitome of what the United States was to →

Compare and contrast two people whom you admire essay

Kelly, my English teacher when I was in Standard Six, and the other one is Madam Tan, the aunty who lives next to my house.Ms. Kelly is a gentle and quite person while Madam Tan is an active person.Ms.

Everyday use and the ones who walk away from omelas` essay

The transformation in each of the stories relates to how the characters in the stories deal with and accept the realities of life. The setting in the story is in the farmhouse of Mrs.

What spurred john martin to paint elemental catastrophe and divine retribution essay

I guess you can compare in some ways to Turner but Turner is more about steam and industrial revolution as it got going whereas this was the first terror of the industrial revolution which many people thought was the end of the world.' John Martin's use of colour helps to illustrate the dark and gloomy →

Midterm exam analysis essay

The deadline for the exam Is set for your convenience; I am not available online the night the exam Is due after about up or so. If you choose to cite eternal from the assigned Journal article, note the author, date and page in the text where you are quoting or summarizing material; e.G.and then →

General haig essay

Did General Haig Deserve To Be The Butcher of the Somme In June 1914 a Serb assassinated Franz Ferdinand, the heir to the throne of the Austrian Empire. On July 1st 1916 the first waves of the British soldiers went over the top and were ordered to walk to the German trenches at walking pace →

Essay question #1

Paragraph 1 TP: Elizabeth I had used merciful and tolerant policies against the peasants in order to avoid the revolts, while Catherine the Great had used force to crush the revolts and suppressed the serfs a. Catherine the Great i.

Good essay on the progressive era

In the 1900, the city had become the symbol of the new America. By the year 1920, the majority Americans resided in cities, and nearly half of them were descendants of the community who had arrived for economic reasons, following the revolution.

Explore the relevance of attachment theory psychology essay

Ainsworth gave the idea of the attachment figure as a secure base from which an infant can investigate the world; she developed the concept of maternal sensitivity to the infant signals and its role in the development of infant mother attachment patterns. She investigated the security of attachment in one-to-two-year-olds in the ' strange situation' →

The suggestibility of child witnesses

However, the study only studied children from ages three to five, limiting the age group to a smaller range and did not include older children into the study. The study conducted was to determine the degree of acceptance of confidence judgments to children's answers regarding a video about a kidnapping event.

A new approach to the goldbach conjecture philosophy essay

As 3 is the smallest odd prime number, the smallest even number that can be got from the sum of the smallest odd prime numbers is 6. Conjecture 3: The sum of two odd numbers can be expressed as the sum of two odd primes and an even number.

Social and behavioural science for nursing

Rana and Upton suggest that this approach gives a lot of understanding of the illness and the patient as a whole. David was expected to move from his normal behaviour pattern and adapt to the role of a patient.

Analyse nestles outsourcing strategies marketing essay

McIvor's theory explains that if any processes are the core processes of the company and the company is less potential, the company should consider that whether the processes can be copied. In term of contracting and relationship, we can notice that Nestle used a short term contract in the beginning to ensure the outsourcing company →

Prefabricated buildings: advantages and disadvantages

During your planning for your industrial building you should consider aspects such as the environmental impact of the job, the success of the scheduling, budgeting and site safety as well as the availability of materials, logistics and the inconvenience to the public caused by construction delays, preparing tender documents, etc. The construction of the components →

Benefit and challenges of globalization

" globalization is the inexorable integration of market, nation-sate and technologies to a degree never witnessed before in a way that is enabling individuals, corporation and nation sates to reach around the world farther, faster, deeper, cheaper than ever before, and in a way that is enabling the world into individuals, corporation and nation-sate farther, →

Frida kahlo: works and life

The mirror constantly forced Frida to confront her own identity and to question the very essence of art and this is why her paintings were more than just self portraits, 'they were much more than autobiography, her self-portraits would prove to be images of the inner self, of a being setting out on a quest, →

Human resource management in beximco pharma

In this report, we have tried our best to exemplify how one of the basic functions of HRM is: Training and Development exercised in Beximco Pharmaceuticals. BPL is the pioneer in introducing medical service activities: publishing a full-fledged medical newsletter regularly, conducting clinical seminars and symposiums to have better understanding of various diseases and their →

In the liberty university mba program

At lunch, the recruiter talked up the company and told Ramona how smart young people like Ramona were joining the company in droves and rapidly climbing p the management ranks to earn " big bucks." When the recruiter asked Ramona if she had any questions or comments, Ramona mentioned what she had read about the →

International student

I find my campus life at this point as big and intimidating and I believe that living in a dorm would be an easy opportunity to meet new people. Furthermore, I believe that in this way I can also develop my interpersonal skills since everyone is required to learn how to get along with a →

Miss america – an outdated tv show?

The women who take part in the pageant are entered based on their looks; there is not one woman in the competition that is not symmetrical, clear skinned, with shiny hair and straight teeth. It would be good to see the women win for what they can do and what they will bring to the →

Teaching boundaries

He had been in a band that played this music and had many interesting stories to tell about his experiences with it, which seemed all the more interesting to me because I am in a very similar band now. Have school teachers become so irresponsible that we must take away their connection in the outside →

Pride and prejudice couples assignment

Bentley and Georgian: I believe that Georgian Dairy and Charles Bentley would make each other happy. Elizabeth Bennett and Fatalism Dairy would make a good couple because Elizabeth is everything Mr.

Ethics assignment

Volunteers Are there any programs in place to turn a volunteer into the staff for outstanding behavior and work ethic? By putting this program into place and allowing a volunteer a chance to become a permanent employee you are eliding great employees that will be with you for many years to come.

The development and impact of romanticism on the eupropean world assignment

Because it emphasized change it was an atmosphere in which events occurred and came to affect not only the way humans thought and expressed themselves, but also the way they lived socially and politically." Romanticism emphasized the individual, the subjective, the irrational, the imaginative, the personal, the spontaneous, the emotional, the visionary, and the transcendental," →

Comunication in nursing assignment

One of the most important forms of communication is the therapeutic communication a Nurse has with her patient the human element the Nurse can bring her compassion and empathy to the Nurse patient relationship which proves positive and effective in the patient's recovery. It is important that the Nurse has a therapeutic relationship with the →

Rhetoric of the op-ed page essay sample

What is the effect of giving the names of most of the animals involved in the experiments, but not the names of the scientists? 3. To document a Web site, you will need to give the name of the author, the title of the site, the date of publication or update, the name of the →

Do video games cause (or not) cause violent behaviour

Video Games Cause Aggressive Behaviour Video Games Cause Aggressive Behaviour The entertainment industry has, over time, evolved owing to the advancement in technology. Video games with violence provoke teens and children to act aggressively.

Learning reflection

Also, I learned how to manage issues of the healthcare setting, and how imperative healthcare quality and wellbeing is for patients, family, and team member. I realized how management is crucial for improving productivity and quality of the health care.


Zinc The appendages and the skin are rich in zinc although it is present in all other organs, fluids and tissues of the body. Zinc is absorbed in the ileum and the jejunum where control mechanism of the body makes it complicated to take in too much of zinc.

Sex and intimacy in the workplace essay

Before we shift our focus on the measures that are taken to prevent sexual harassment in the workplace and whether these measures are adequate let us first examine some of the major causes of sexual harassment. Is there more that can be done to reduce sexual harassment in the workplace?

Designations and abbreviations essay

The use of confusing dose designations and abbreviations is one of the leading causes of errors in medications in many healthcare institutions. The improvement of communication through the reduction and standardization of abbreviations, symbols and acronyms is a very important step towards the reduction of the occurrence of errors that are related to the inability →

Tragedy then as farce by zizek sociology essay

The theme of communism, in this book where Zizek has outline the importance of communism by indicating that it is the better option while compared to capitalism and socialism. Therefore, the following is the reasons for reviving communalism according to Zizek: One of the major reason why there is a need to revive communism is →

The history and background of entrepreneurship business essay

The Meaning and Essence of Leadership in Business Divine Caroline.2013. The Meaning and Essence of Leadership in Business Divine Caroline.[ONLINE] Available at:[Accessed 25 April 2013].

A look into junot diaz’s dominican background

In ' How to Date a brown girl', Junot Diaz writes about his experiences growing as a young Dominican boy in New Jersey. Junot Diaz code switches in " How to date a brown girl, black girl, white girl, or halfie" he changes the way he acts in front of different girls.

Connection between socioeconomic status and academic achievements

Low-SES students are affected by this if they fail continually and come to believe that it is hopeless for them to do well in school. Resistance culture is another theory that explains the relationship between low socioeconomic status and lower academic achievement.

Shielding your network from security risks and threats

The most ideal approach to control spyware is by keeping it from getting on your PC in any case, yet not downloading programs and never tapping on email connections is not generally a choice. On the off chance that your PC is as of now tainted, numerous security suppliers offer spyware expulsion utilities to help →