Genuine Essay Examples

Miguel street analysis essay

For Popo, the second character in the novel, the respect of the Miguel Street men comes only after the desertion of his hardworking wife. The sketch of the mad Man-man, finally removed from the Street and committed to an institution, is followed by the story of B.

Globalisation and formula one essay

In this essay, Formula One, for many the most of import signifier of motorsport, is compared to set up athleticss such as football and the Olympic Games, in footings of construction, their several government organic structures, and their features. Specifically, the essay will concentrate on the impact Havelange and Ecclestone had in what Miller refers β†’

Informative essay on kodak case study

Though a pioneer in the digital space, the company failed to take the initiative and capitalize on the digital business due to fear of cannibalizing the existing product lines. The company realigned its business model and brought in top executives from outside in a bid to recapture lost ground.- Issues: " Understand the Kodak story." β†’

Traditional artifacts from dried leaves of cymbidium species (orchidaceae) in indian state of sikkim

The tangible impacts of Orchids, especially Cymbidium cultivation is sentimental and economic value to farmers in transforming hobby floriculture into commercial venture are manifested in increased usage of flowers for different local functions, development of floriculture clusters in many corners of the State, increased and sustained supply of flowers to various domestic markets and greater β†’

Achievements of great importance during the presidency of iconic figure john quincy adams

John Quincy Adams, the sixth president of the United States, was the son of the second president, John Adams, making him the first son of a president to actually become president himself. In his second great era, he was a member of the House of Representatives and a strong opponent to slavery.

Good example of literary analysis critical thinking

The Grandmother's centrality in the story not only makes her the protagonist the " first actor" but it reflects her selfishness. The Grandmother lies dead, eyes gazing to heaven and a beatific smile on her face.

Free examining the comprehensive environmental essay example

One law that highlights the important role of environmental regulation, as well as the controversial nature of many environmental laws and demonstrates the importance of amendments is the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act, also known as CERCLA or Superfund. The implementation of the law and amendments have changed the law to address concerns β†’

Germany’s proposals on eu multiannual financial framework

The report proceeds by giving an outline of the reform proposals of Germany on the future strategic direction of the financial framework by highlighting areas of particular interests as regards increasing or decreasing the package, and the potential areas for a rebalancing of the budget. 4Proposal 3 Increase the EU's Foreign policy budget by 5 β†’

Factors affecting tesco plc globalization

The economic factors are largely outside the control of the company, but their effects the marketing and performance can be deep.while international business is still increasing, and is expected to contribute better amounts to Tesco's income over the next few years, the company is still highly dependent on the market.therefore, it would be badly affected β†’

Path dependence

In the narrower way, Margaret Levi suggests that the concept is related to increasing return processes, " the probability of further steps along the same path increases with each move down that path...the costs of exit of switching to some previously plausible alternative rise" The related ideas of path dependence in physics and mathematics come β†’

Impacts of whakama and implications on hauora outcome

Feeling inferior: Some client feel inferior to discuss our problems with others and they feel agitate while exposed their body parts in the front of doctor and health worker and they feel uncomfortable when they explain their problem with doctor and health worker. Code of rights: Treat the client with respect, treat with care and β†’

Disadvantages of physical education

Physical Education should not be mandatory in public education for students in elementary through high school since it impairs learning, emotional, and physical harm to students causing immense damage that are not beneficial to students. Whether physical education should be made mandatory in public education for students in elementary through high school is a highly β†’

Let them drink soda

The purpose of the tax is to discourage people from purchasing sugary drinks in hopes that healthier alternatives would be purchased more often and therefore having a positive effect on the obesity epidemic in America and the rising healthcare costs as a result of obesity. Those that are for the tax, believe that it is β†’

Temperature and endothermic reaction

The system is the interest of the universe; the surroundings are the rest of the universe in which the exchange of the energy with the system takes place. System to surroundings: Surroundings to system: An endothermic reaction is one in which heat flows from the system to the surrounding, which is the process of absorbing β†’

Laws and trials of the 1920’s

What would I want if I asked for " the real McCoy"? If you were for Prohibition you would join the Woman's Temperance Union & the Anti-Saloon League.

Positive influence

When creating a positive influence team should have an understanding the phases of group development, the attitudes of the individuals in the group, and be able to apply a sound motivation theory. In the performing stage a group is performing duties to meet the overall objective.

Marketing plan and situational analysis for nintendo wii assignment

The Wii Fit is a unique device, utilizing the Wii balance board, that has swept the nation.which Wii Fit allows individuals to do a range of work out routines in the comfort of their living room. Regulatory Environment The Nintendo Wii is subject to regulation by the Consumer Product Safety Commission due to the nature β†’

Triangular trade assignment

The first segment was from Europe to Africa where commodities were exchanged for African slaves, the second segment, dubbed the middle passage was the transport of African slaves to the Americas and the third segment was the transportation of merchandise from the Americas to Europe. From the mid fifteenth century until the close of the β†’

Segmentation and target marketing paper assignment

Founded on the Mary Says religious beliefs and belief that women's lives needed to be beautiful, this company grew to become one of today's top Fortune 500 companies." Fortune magazine recognized the company as one of The 100 Best Companies to Work for in America and also named Mary Kay Inc. As a successful cosmetics β†’

Music concert report assignment

The meter was % and the dynamic was mezzo forte. There was a harmony, and the piece was in the form of sonata.

Releasing protected health information essay sample

Patient information can only be released without his or her consent if there was an " emergency", covered entities " could use and disclose protected health information without an individuals authorization for any of the following reasons " Oversight of the health care system", including " quality assurance activities", " Public health", and in " β†’

Ismg 2

This is what The Kid, in the book, Adventures of an IT Leader, meant. According to Maggie, it is essential for a CIO to speak the language of IT particularly with business partners.

As janie goes throuth life her search for self identity takes many terns for the worse and a few for betters, but in the end she finds her true identity. discus. five paragraphs

Janie's lineage starting with grandmother Nanny and mother Leafy who bears her out of disgrace may be imagined to be filled with unfortunate circumstances of abuse or injustice and while Leafy's character according to the novel serves as a reflection of weakness that ran away from her obligation of potential hope, in the person of β†’

Art-opinion paper

Discussion The Great Western Art Gallery is a contemporary museum of fine art, with a comprehensive collection of art work from various genres, besides traditional Western and Native American art. The Great Western Art Gallery is a member of the Professional Picture Framers Association with the Mountain and Plains Chapter.

Critique summary of a research study

The purpose of the study was further described in the background section which clarified that delirium is a rather common occurrence in frail older adults and there is a need for the development of an understanding concerning the factors which influence recovery. Procedures for the study included an interview at the time of admission to β†’

The new deal by paul keith conkin

The book attempts to bring in the domestic politics of the American society that governed during the 1960's. In this way, the book is more about the political and economic intricacies of the period.

History wk10

As an example, Mays, Rubin, Sabourin, and Walker suggested that as psychologists, people must think about the global world and understand that as people move around, there is a call for psychologists to understand different cultures. I believe that adding DVDs, extra readings and such would insure that students gained a well rounded understanding of β†’

Diversity in my daily life

When I leave the house, diversity is more pronounced in the streets through the different people I get to see and encounter: people from different cultures, ethnic and racial orientation, demographic profile, points of origin and destination, to name a few. I learned to embrace diversity as a positive part of one's daily life through β†’

Sustainable food production

What was the purpose of the production sheet? The purpose of the production sheet, therefore, was to clearly identify whether the problem lay in the patients or the employees.

Rapid weight gain during infancy

In the study, ' case' refers to an occurrence of a disease or disorder in an individual, which is obesity that is discussed aptly.' Control' refers to the process of preventing and stopping the broadening of a disease such as obesity in the society. 4 The statistical analyses used in the study included; finding the β†’

Critical thinkingpsychology

George's College, the purpose of the article is to bring across the writer's opinion that church- based schools in general are autocratic, draconian and unsympathetic in their approach to governance of schools operated by them. She believes the main criteria of the selection process to have been the individual's church affiliation as opposed to who β†’

The scarlet letterquestions narrative essay

Truth and Falsehood in The Scarlet LetterHester's and Dimmesdale ' s Falsehood to ChillingworthHester committed adultery with Dimmesdale when Chillingworth was still in England. Dimmesdale's Falsehood to the TownDimmesdale withholds the information that he was the one that had an affair with Hester, so he was not affected by his sin for a while.

What factors or qualities make a survivor essay

Close family bonds, mental strength, positive attitudes, independent thinking, common sense and determination can play a huge factor in this; as shown in the novel we have studied in class ' The Wave' and my two related texts ' I am Sam' and the short documentary ' Mr Cheng'.'The Wave' a novel by Todd Strasser β†’

One of japan’s most successful companies essay

As Fuse aptly puts it: " Faced with the startling economic progress of Japan, the world was first stunned into amazement; the amazement was eventually turned into admiration and envy, and finally in the 1970s the admiration was transmuted into open fear and covert hostility". According to their website, Honda Motor Co, one of β†’

Argumentative essay about college experience

By not attending college, you may get a year's rest and a chance to think your decisions through, but if you ever do decide to attend college, you will miss out on a lot of opportunities as well. The ideal time for college is now more than ever as you also have scholarships and your β†’

Argumentative essay on big bang theory sitcom

Based on the plot of the story, the four characters in the sitcom named Leonard Hofstadter, Sheldon Cooper, Howard Wolowitz and Raj Koothrappali. The main theme of the show is physics and the dialogue of the four geek characters is mostly focused on news and scientific theories.

Key facts about madagascar tourism essay

Tourism is complex and requires its own analysis, particularly as it is one of the largest in the world and rapidly consolidating into a few large players, moreover it becomes a sector of the economy that annually increases its role in the total economic section so to say. Total Contribution-In 2011, the total contribution of β†’

Luxury goods: definition and literature

Dubois, Laurent and Czellar and Survanasuddhi stated a definition of the nature and characteristics of the concept of luxury. For this research, the term luxury goods can be defined as the brands that are defined as luxurious in the annual " Consumer and Designer Brand Report 2008" by the global Nielson firm which the survey β†’

Religion in pompeii and herculaneum religion essay

This is revealed through the use of the words, ' most hallowed place on earth.' The worship and rituals of the Household Gods were central and essential within the household and home of an individual. A lararium excavated in the House of the Vetti, containing a wall painting of the lares, a genius, the Mercury β†’

Efficacy of memantine on behavioural and psychological symptoms related to dementia

The aim of the review conducted was to evaluate the use of Memantine in the treatment of BPSD. Clinical decisions for the management of illnesses should be based on the totality of all the best evidence and not the results of the individual studies.

Brand loyalty through emotional advertising media essay

Emotional advertising, brand loyalty, drivers of emotional appeal, emotional satisfaction and experience McGuire argues that there is no difference between emotional appeals and rational appeals in terms of the effectiveness or emotional appeals are more effective. As we have discussed earlier that emotional appeal is to target the hidden emotion of the viewer and then β†’

Segmentation targeting and positioning of vodafone

Being one of the world's largest company it's easy for Vodafone to enter the Mexican market and capture it. But they direct it to products and services that address them as a highly individual subdivision or segment of the market.

The voice of indonesian domestic helpers history essay

According to the Hong Kong Labor Department April 2009's figure, the number of Indonesian domestic helpers has increased to 125, 567 compared to 2002 with just 78, 100, and that makes Indonesian domestic helpers the second largest ethnic minority group in Hong Kong. For my conclusion, I have come up with a list of recommendations β†’

The abuse of native americans

This meant they must be Christian, must build homes and practice private property, and educate their children in a way that the dutiful White Christians saw fit.[11] Indian Removal Act and the Trail of Tears What was one of the biggest steps taken to move Native Americans so the Whites could have all access to β†’

Business strategy mcdonalds

Praise for competitor " Berger King" for better environmental initiatives stunt US Regulations on the issues of Environmental Regulations 0 To safeguard own business interest as huge UAPITA investment and sales turnover 0 To be accountable to the public who are also existing customers and mode for revenue generation 0 To protect the environment for β†’

Comparison and contrast of the spiritual journeys of dante and st

Discussion In the confession of Dante, it is said that he saw the vision of what happens in the afterlife of a Christian. The other aspect that the two gave confession about is the matters concerning the achievements of life and the pride that comes with it.St.

Labyrinth of love

The story centers around Archer, who falls in love with the Countess Olenska he's forced to choose between the woman he's to marry and the woman he passionately desires. Archer's words evoke a sense of warmth and love, as he's flirting with the Countess.

Microbiology notes assignment

Coli is found in the intestine while S.areas is found in the skin Types of Microorganisms Bacteria Arched Fungi Protozoa Algae Viruses Multicultural animal parasites Prokaryote Pedagogical cell walls Binary fission For energy use organic chemicals, inorganic chemicals or photosynthesis Many " swim" Flagella Prokaryotic Lack pedagogical Live in extreme environments Include Methanol's Extreme halides β†’

Global warming and consumerism assignment

According to Menses Chilling, the two major problems of over consumerism are " environmental degradation and environmental Increase in consumerism means increase in the level of production of goods ND materials which require a great amount of energy. According to United State Environmental Protection Agency " the carbon emitted by one gallon of gasoline is β†’

Introduction process, statement of the study, purpose,

Taking consent involves process ofnotify the subject about important things such as introduction ofstudy process, statement of the study, purpose, description of riskand discomforts, selection of research subjects, explanationof procedures, description of benefits, disclosure of alternatives, assurance of an anonymity and confidentiality, offer to answer question, voluntary involved in the study, option to retreat and β†’

The effects of high tuition fee to the uk economy essay

This was done to fund and help the universities to compete with other universities on a global scale.[ ] Social effects Last year, in 2012 universities in England where and still are able to charge tuition fees of up to? After graduation, every year 9% of the student's income will be payed to the student β†’

Disseration analysis

Research based on quantitative data obtained using Guskey's model has been used for the purpose of evaluating impact of teachers' professional development on student achievement. These findings underpin the need for this study to evaluate the impact of teachers' professional development on student achievement, which further signifies the role of teachers' development in students' overall β†’


Kinship System - Yanomamo Culture The tropical forest Indians, typically known as the Yanomamo, consist in tribesmen of scattered small villages who, by the strength of an intact system of kinships, continue to exist with their complex ethnic way of life in the isolated region of Amazonia along the border between Venezuela and Brazil. Since β†’

Leading change

The policies of the company were counterproductive making the company a very unattractive working place from the company. The philosophy of Great Game of life was to help Simmons change its organization culture, leadership style and communication models in order for the company to grow.

The hotel industry

The Hotel Industry The Hotel Industry Hotel industry provides lodging services paid on a short-term basis. R, & Walker, J.T.

Sherlock holmes and the police

Sherlock Holmes and the Police Sherlock Holmes is a fictional detective used in publications from 19th and 20th century. The investigation Sherlock Holmes unearths, he brings to the police and he finds fun in baffling the police inspectors with his detective deductions.

Meaning of life

I reflected on the way I felt restrained by my strict parents and by the high moral standards that I was required to live up to as a practising Muslim in a respectable family. I found the requirement to be obedient to my parents to be too restrictive and imagined all the things I would β†’

Reflective practice

Reflective practice is the capacity to reflect on action so as to engage in a process of continuous learning, which, according to the originator of the term is, one of the defining characteristics of professional practice. Reflection-on-action on the other hand is the idea that after the experience a practitioner analyses their reaction to the β†’

Nokia culture essay

It is almost similar to the culture we follow in daily life however it differs in terms of behaviour when it comes to corporate environment. It is also important to understand that corporate culture is not built overnight and it is a slow process which mainly starts from the leader of organisation.

Commitment of a personnel essay

Some of the factors such as role stress, empowerment, job insecurity and employability, and distribution of leadership have been shown to be connected to a worker's sense of organizational commitment. The problem with this is that these " side bets" do not occur at once but that they " accumulate with age and tenure".[6] Normative β†’

Importance of note taking in colleges education essay

At the beginning of category, Section 1 pupils were given hard-copy press releases to attach to the Power Point lectures for the 2nd test and the concluding; they were instructed non to demo these press releases to pupils from Section 2. As clearly seen, the average test mark of the pupils given PowerPoint press releases β†’

Christian prejudice and racial discrimination of marginalized in the merchant of venice by william shakespeare assignment

Though, the reader begins to feel through the speeches and actions of the Christian characters that one of the main themes of The Merchant of Venice is the theme of prejudice, what is less noticeable is the way in which Shakespeare is able to evade these ideas and present Shylock as a fully developed non-Christian β†’

Over view of cement plant engineering essay

10 be the set of the raw materials to be purchased for the Kth month, where k= 1... 10} is the routing cost of the raw materials supplied by the ith supplier.

Human lung on a chip: innovative approach for understanding disease processes and effective drug testing

A commentary on A human disease model of drug toxicity-induced pulmonary edema in a lung-on-a-chip microdevice by Dongeun Huh et al.Sci. Med, Huh et al.presented a state-of-the-art experimental technique to mimic the intricate vascular-alveolar structure of the lung with a microchip lined with living cells that reproduces many of the features of a human lung.

What does mark twain want to say in essay “advice to youth”

Being requested to write something pertaining to America's youth, Twain uses this opportunity to address society's standards and to criticize authoritative figures that allow the youth to become shaped by these measures. In other words, Twain is implying to create the illusion of living up to the expectations of parents because it makes everything simpler.

Race discrimination in louisiana

The author uses the setting to put the discrimination in more perceptive of what the people are feeling, the setting helps the reader connect with the book, it gives the book depth and a more realistic setting. The second is setting that is used to create a central theme is the town of Bayonne, Louisiana.

Evaluation of the ballet choreography of alice in wonderland

Be it one of the great classical ballets of Petipa, or the stunning recent production of Alice in Wonderland and ballet form, both are stories of love better spectacles for the eyes ears and heart that are rooted in classical ballet. In addition to the large number of performers, is extravagant sets to highlight the β†’

Study on experimental cognitive psychology

Cognitive psychology is the attempt to understand human cognition, and by providing basic scientific tools for measuring the mind, can help us begin to understand how the brain gives rise to the mind, the part that controls all our behaviour. The techniques vary regarding to the accuracy with which they identify the active brain areas, β†’

African american athletes and their role in foreign and domestic policy

By sending colored representatives from the US, it sent a message to the world: the American ideology of liberation, and the support of colored people around the world. Jackie's image in sports showed to the world that America as the " leader of the free world," was much more feasible.

Evaluation of socrates philosophical conversations

One of Socrates friends, Chaerephon went to the oracle of Delphi, and revealed Socrates is the wisest." No one is wiser than Socrates". Socrates never claimed to be the wisest, he was aware of his own ignorance, and he attempted to find people who had wisdom to prove the oracle was mistaken.

Concepts of age and ageing

This transition in livelihood became the basis for the definition of old age which occurred between the ages of 45 and 55 years for women and between the ages of 55 and 75 years for men. In the Old Testament the elders were head of the households, prominent men of the tribes, and leaders or β†’

Evaluating law making inside and outside parliament

Parliament power can be kept in check by the separation of powers which is another part of the UK constitution, the separation of powers is the balance and the check of parliaments use of powers, it involves the three main governing bodies in the UK the legislature, executive and judiciary by theConstitutional Reform Act [1]. β†’

Unemployment in 1930s britain

The inter-war period also saw economic expansion and an improvement in welfare and living standards; infant mortality steadily decreased during the inter-war period, from 108 per 1000 live births in 1913, to 53 by 1938 and the advent of mass consumerism and the wide-spread potential for leisure and tourism amongst Britons, in other words, hall-marks β†’

Use of the path-goal theory

Shortly after Lewis assumed the position of the marketing manager at Staples, she assessed the situation regarding low performance of the stores, and she quickly came to the conclusion that strong leadership was lacking. This could have been as a result of the fact that Lewis's behavior was motivating to the extent that this director β†’

What is loss aversion economics essay

The articles to be discussed will expansiate further on the concept of loss aversion that is why people seem to hate losing more than winning by discussing how convincing the two studies are, one article is on " abstract reward and punishment representations in the human orbitofrontal cortex" and the other article is on " β†’

General george armstrong custer

Although George Armstrong Custer is a foreigner in the United States of America, he was still appointed as a general because of the fact that he provided the competent performances in his duties and conquered various different wars. Throughout most of the civil wars, as a newly appointed general officer in the United States, General β†’

Bitcoin atm launched in san diego

The Ocean Beach BTM marks CoinSource's fourth Bitcoin ATM location, and is the very first GenesisCoin machine in San Diego. Bringing a high-tech, easy-to-use BTM to iconic Ocean Beach is just the beginning in our efforts to enrich San Diego's Bitcoin community, CoinSource plans to launch several other locations throughout the area".

American history american imperialism assignment

In the course of the next 50-60 years, the US would undertake a major foreign policy shift and steer towards the policies of Imperialism and American Exceptionalness, where mom historians argue that the founding fathers had not planned the Elicited States to pan out. The March of the Flag speech was delivered to the public β†’

The virus propagation in the world essay sample

[3] Article Title: E-Mail Filters Prove Big Business as Spam Pours inSoftware Firms Watch Revenues Soar. Newspaper Title: The Washington Times.

Commentary act 3 scene 6 essay sample

A sense of irony is presented in the passage that contributes to the suggestiveness of the passage." the gracious Duncan was pitied of Macbeth, but the fact was Macbeth never pitied Duncun. The phrase itself contains a legalized definition that they are the sons of Duncan, but in contrast, Macbeth is referred to a tyrant.


The article named Interpersonal Dynamics in a Stimulated Prison goes with the term as in this article, as Haney, Banks and Zimbardo discussed the interpersonal dynamics of a prison environment is discussed and the effects of prisoners and guards are shown. The article named Opinions and Social Pressure goes with the term as in this β†’

The ethics & standards committee

I have given it my all to be accepted back into the society and it is very painful for me to realize that no matter what I do I will never be so accepted; whether it is an application for a job or health insurance, I am always turned down based on my conviction. That β†’

African american culture reflection response

African American society is considered to be indigenous to the relations in the U.S.of the Middle Passage' survivors. African American culture considers names to be regularly have some connection with the same dialect group as other mainstream names found in American culture.

Registered nursing

Although, educational requirement depends on the country you are to be registered, nevertheless, in most part of the globe, the completion of a bachelor's degree or associate's degree is the foremost requirement. This is to assess, plan, implement, and evaluate the care of a patient for better delivery of care.

Democracy as the best form of government

As such, if the middle class is dominant, a democracy is the best form of government; without the middle class, the poor will bring about trouble and an end to the state. As a democracy, America includes everyone in the forming of the government regardless of whether they are rich, poor, or in between; however, β†’

Nebuchadnezzar: from myth to history essay

Had he really existed and constructed a metropolis at least closely resembling the descriptions of Herodotus, Berossus, or even the Bible, then the ruins of his palaces should certainly be visible in the vicinity of modern day Baghdad the site of ancient Babylon. In light of the situation many rational scholars used the argument of β†’

Describe the early years practitioner in supporting essay

Describe and Explain the Role of the Early Years Practitioner in Supporting Children's Moral and Spiritual Development. To support children's moral and spiritual development it is essential for the early years practitioner to praise and encourage the children's healthy behaviour.

Lifestyles impact on adolescent stress levels in india psychology essay

There is lack of researches regarding suicidal behavior in relation to depression, life stress and personality on adolescents in the Indian context. The Level of Stress Among Students in Urban and Rural.

Causes and consequences of increased intracranial pressure

Causes for increased intracranial Pressure Increased intracranial pressure can be developed either by an increase in the pressure in CSF or by a space occupying lesion or increase in CSF are the factors for an increase in intracranial pressure [6] Pg.76. Cerebrospinal fluid is secreted by the choroid plexus of the lateral, third and fourth β†’

Treatment of memory for patients with traumatic brain injury

The researchers concluded that retrieval practice was the most effective treatment for the participants with severe TBI and had better results than the spaced restudy strategy; however, participants with mild TBI found massed restudy a more beneficial method for memory strategies. Pilot study to examine the use of self-generation to improve learning and memory in β†’

Overview of domestic violence in the uk

It is from this premise that efforts have been made in the recent past both at national and international level to strengthen the law on traditional patterns of violence and to expand the scope of the law to cover new forms of violence. While the problem often encountered in this process at national level is β†’

The rise and fall of julius caesar

Caesar had the authority and was convinced that his way was the only way in the end it only produced negative results. After his defeat of the Belgic tribes in the north and the submission of the maritime tribes on the Atlantic seaboard, he believed that the task had all but been accomplished.

Planned nursing intervention on healthy food habits

Food is the foundation for bringing the child to be healthy. If the child is practicing the healthy food habits, then even up to the life style of n up to adolescent period itself the lifestyle of the child will be in a healthy manner.

Case study total quality management education essay

Juran pointed out the importance of both technical and managerial aspects, and identified the three basic functions of the quality management process: planning, organization and control, as the stages for quality improvement; he indicated that the aim of the management is to reduce the cost of mistakes, reaching a point where the total costs of β†’