Genuine Critical Essay Examples

Critical essay: causes of vehicle accidents

The fact is that it is the drivers who are now more at fault. PointDriving without being tired and in full knowledge of the rules of the road is essentialPeople who are tired are more likely to swerve from one lane to another, and they are more likely to make mistakes where they pick the β†’

1) the term channel in communication means

1) The term channel in communication means A.the volume at which a message is received B.the context of the communication C.the process of changing thoughts into symbols D.the medium through which a message travels from sender to receiver 2) In which of the following communication activities do people spend the greatest percent of their day? β†’

The media and its responsibilities critical essay

The media is an integral part of everyday life and has become a leading player and influence of our society and it have an outcome on our nations' future, viewpoint, and the globe's view of us. The media are responsible for mainstream America ideals and the familiarity of the image based on the impact from β†’

Critical analysis of francis bacon philosophy essay

The essay " Of Great Places" consists of variety of moral maxims yet in this essay he also teaches worldly success." All rising to great place is by a winding stair; and if there be factions, it is good to side a man's self whilst he is rising and to behave himself when he is β†’

Three foundational principles and the critical importance of integration

Secondly, a company or an individual should manipulate the opportunity so that the task is differentiated from that of the competitors. Integration can also save a lot of company's time and financial resources through streamlining the operations of a given company or institution.

Critical incident technique

In an article published in the month of July in 1954 in the Psychological Bulletin titled Critical Incident Technique, Flanagan describes an incident as ' any observable human activity that is sufficiently complete in itself to permit inferences and predictions about the person performing the action.' A critical incident reporting, therefore, is a technique that β†’

A critical evaluation of myself

The most memorable incident in my life is the transition of Hong Kong into an integral part of the great country China. I consider myself to be very lucky to be the part of a very large country with a glorious past and a rich cultural heritage.

Summary and critical analysis marketing and business development

Summary and critical Analysis of Chapters Chapter Selling Strategies Summary of the Chapter Selling services are more difficult than selling goods, the reason for the argument is simple that is the buyers or the buyers cannot touch or use the services that are it is Intangible. The Selling Process: The author described the process as β†’

Exploring tqm implementation critical success factors management essay

The British Standards defines TQM as:" A management philosophy embracing all activities through which the needs and expectations of the customer and the community and the objectives of the organization are satisfied in the most efficient and cost effective way by maximizing the potential of all employees in a continuing drive for improvement". The American β†’

Good example of linear and integer programming modeling critical thinking

Of particular interest to the problems of the IP due to the fact that in many practical problems, we need to find an integer solution due to a discrete series of values of the variables. Therefore, we can consider all possible combinations of integer variables and check whether they satisfy the constraints, and the number β†’

Information management effect on critical thinking

Critical Thinking Critical thinking can be defined as a process of thinking that is directed at establishing the extent to which a topic, text, idea, or concept is trustworthy, realistic, practicable, and reliable. This is the right definition of critical thinking because as the name of the term suggests, " critical" thinking leads to a β†’

Critically discuss how the work-place be analysed and why the devil is in the detail

Careful and continuous review of the work place environment and the processes, policies and procedures in place is beneficial and is imperative for the success and survival of an organization. The workplace design to be reviewed and updated should be analyzed on the basis of the volume and the variety of the product the organization β†’

Job enrichment critical essay

Job design: Job design is the specification of the content of a job, the material and equipment required to do the job, and the relation of the job to other jobs. The case explored the impact of a job enrichment initiative to devolve increased responsibility for monitoring workplace productivity, product quality and workforce attendance to β†’

The critical thinking business

They are able to address the root cause of the issue at hand as opposed to the visible symptoms only. Legendary leaders are also able to forecast the outcome of the decision they are about to make.

Critical thinking questions

Running head: TEACHER LEADER Teacher Leader A teacher leader is the ability to assume a level of professionals that exceed that of classroom lecturer or teacher. In order to ensure that this becomes successful, it will need evaluation of the areas which needs to be improved.

The critical perspective of knowledge management systems commerce essay

Knowledge management is a set of processes to identify, create, represent and distribution of knowledge so that it can be used to repeat and to improve the processes. That knowledge which is in the mind of the employee is called tacit knowledge and the knowledge which is being documented is called explicit knowledge.

Critical thinking and emotions: the theoretical and empirical causations

Contemporary scientific authorities and the practicing psychologies have formulated a considerably twofold and divergent opinion on the statement whether the emotions, generated by the central nervous apparatus of a human being, somehow directly or indirectly affects his ability to take the decisions and to test the situations critically. Although a significant group of the scholars β†’

Critical response paper:charlotte’s web

In Charlottes Web two characters that contrast well and bring out a great deal of each others qualities are Wilbur, the pig, and Templeton, the rat. Static characters are rarely heroes, because the point of a story is to see how the good characters change and learn throughout the plot.

Effects of critical thinking on a reader and writer

I merge scientific rules with commonsensical judgment and come up with my own reasons to object to some points and agree with others. I analyze my ideas and compare them to common sense and to scientific reasons and finally come up with statements that fit very well with logic.

The issues of sexuality and femininity in carson mccullers’ “a member of the wedding” critical essay

McCullers' approaches to presenting the aspects of the main character Frankie's development and awareness of herself as a woman depend on rejecting the traditional vision of the problem, and they can be discussed as rather feministic and provocative in their nature. That is why, Frankie's feelings are the real challenge, and they cannot be explained β†’

Free critical thinking on history of culture

Miner is using a critical analysis to let the readers understand the invisible aspects of culture. This has led to the integration of cultures.

Critical path procedure essay sample

The earliest finish time for the first activity in a network is the activity time for that activity.8. The earliest finish time for the last activity in the project identifies the project completion time.

A critical analysis of stages of change model

The theory that I am going to analyze is Stages of Change Model also known as Transtheoretical Model of Change." Prochaska and colleagues created the stages-of-change model". One of the major criticisms of this model is actually how many stages are there in this model?

Worldview and critical thinking essay

We can decide to be open and apply the water of critical thinking questions to the roots of our previous beliefs. When we chose to stretch our worldview, we evolve and therefore enhance the lives of our children.

Critical paper for the film lars and the real girl

Critical Paper for the Film " Lars and the Real Girl" The important thing in the film is the respect and unity that the townspeople show Lars in his quest to live with Bianca. The other important thing in the film is the relationship between Lars and his family members who are also supportive of β†’

A critical analysis of dracula

Firstly, at the outset of the passage Harker states that ' my eye was caught by something', the oddly constructed sentence, suggesting Harker's passivity and that he is the victim, especially as ' something' implies he is unsure of what the creature is, heightening the fear and tension. The passage progresses in a typical Gothic β†’

A critical analysis of an extract from emily bronte’s wuthering heights

The novel's setting is based on the moors, barren fields, and contrary to the situation in the extract, where Lockwood is trapped inside his room, with the fear of the ' child's face' motivating his prison like state. Furthermore, as the glass is monotonously referenced to and glass makes up a window; its transparent quality β†’

Critical analysis of a published article essay

It is evident that the reporter has researched the subject well, for example he starts the article with and interview of a 40 year old web designer, he gives us various statistics and also an overview of what has been happening in the last few decades all over Latin America. The author presents the argument β†’

Critical analysis of a poem

William Wordsworth has highlighted the strong bond between the nature and the mankind in a very poetic manner which represents the importance of nature in a human setting. In the first of the poem; the poet has metaphorically compared himself as a cloud by saying, " I wandered lonely as a cloud".

Reaction paper critical

It was amusing to reminisce those years, the years of receiving and happiness that filled my young heart. The activity was a remedy for my heart longing to be child again.

Critical reasoning

Millions of children work in the worst forms of labor in certain parts of many countries.* In the context of India, the Indian constitution refers to as any individual who is under the age of 14 to be considered as a child. According to the International Labor Organization Corporate Website, child labor is defined as β†’

Critical analysis of strategic management accounting (sma)

Therefore, this indicates that the process of developing SMA has indeed reduced the role of the management accountant as a uniquely qualified individual. Instead, it is now more plausible that a strategy management accountant will be more focused on operational management, and as argued by Roslender and Hart able to " integrate insights β†’

Critical essay analysis:

The ' continuum of influence' in this research review is one of the main purpose on the risky sex through alcohol, the five explanations within this continuum to determine and deduce each problem follows as such: how alcohol is affecting young people's assessment of another same young person's sexual attractiveness, how alcohol used as an β†’

Cellular pathology(critical review of topical paper)

Critical Review The purpose of the study by Lui et al was to assess the diagnostic cytological features of metaplastic carcinoma of the breast and throw light on alternative and less invasive diagnostic options. The results of the study were presented in the form of chart.

Role of scavenging in waste management processes as a sustainable development critical thinking

As much as the importance of scavengers should not be under-looked, it is true that serious measures need to be taken. The major role that scavengers perform is, the reduction of the amount of waste, as they collect and sell some of the waste materials thereby encouraging recycling. Creation of opportunities β†’

Free critical thinking on effective leadership and followership in nursing

In nursing, this refers to allowing oneself to be led by someone who not only causes the team to be motivated, but is also knowledgeable in the principles that govern nursing. Nursing is a dynamic field, and as a result has many unforeseen circumstances. Firstly, by placing emphasis on the role of leadership in the β†’

Power and the negotiations process critical thinking example

Klingel adds to the value of exerting power in educational organizations by stating that, "[t]he effect of the [] environment [in an educational organization may be mediated [] by the level of [] power in any particular situation". Palestini's assertion that, "[d]ifferent individuals and groups within and outside the [e]ducational β†’

Free critical thinking on is it management or is it public relations only your admnistrator knows for sure

To have a keen eye on happenings on social media and keeping these things under wrap, and giving an explanation for them, and saving him or herself and others, is a sign of good public relations. Public relations are also newly investigated with the emergence of the day of age. The dooming was just because β†’

The energy and natural resources industry as an example critical thinking sample

Management in the Public and Private Sectors Management in the Public and Private Sectors Introduction: The Public and the Private Sectors In essence, the public and the private sectors are simply two different sides of the same coin. The perceptions of public and private sector managers: A comparison.

Review of critical thinkings examples

Some women managers express that the main issue as manager is independent of gender while other women managers express their feelings that there is a gender issue in the workplace. Within the conclusion, the author argues whether there exist gendered jobs. The stakeholders are all other workers, family members, and people in the social environment β†’

Example of research paper on how mcqm connects all processes critical to fda iso compliance

Manufacturing Control and Quality Management software helps insure compliance with these standards and streamline the entire manufacturing process. MCQM software automates the compliance procedure and makes compliance more efficient. Electronic record keeping provides the data necessary for the review to progress with the least possible interruption to the manufacturing flow. Holistic Quality Management β†’

Ten critical steps research paper

To deal with this problem, it is advisable that the business executives identify the various risks, and assess whether they are in a position good enough to face the challenges in the country of investment. In the following paragraphs, this essay looks at the various risks associated in international trade in the country, keeping potential β†’

Key features of pump critical thinking samples

They are: defining the project; focusing on the uncertainty management process; identify all the relevant sources of uncertainty, such as, responses options and conditions; structure of the uncertainty; clarifying ownership; quantify some uncertainty; and evaluating all the relevant implication. Defining of the β†’

Hr mid-term exam critical thinkings example

Thus, the ability of HR personnel to locate candidates that perfectly match the needs and requirements of the organization as defined in the job description would determine the level of effectiveness in the HRM system. Development is also a function of HRM that involves training of personnel and identifying opportunities for promotions and earmarking career β†’

Decision making styles critical thinkings example

In this style of decision making the manager controls and offers directions on all the activities to be carried out without any consultations or participation from the subordinates. The style is also useful where the manager wants to increase the contribution and engagement of employees.

Personal finance management critical analysis

Source : Personal financial planning improves standard of living Posted on May 3, 2011, Tuesday " Personal financial planning is essential if we want to improve our standard of living, minimise the likelihood of financial disasters, invest optimally, and accumulate sufficient wealth over time," said Professors offinance, Dr Koh Seng Kee and Dr β†’

Criticalof training in project management assignment

This report will answer my above mentioned research question by working on these objectives.* Soft skills are as important as hard skills to make any project a success * Benefits of soft skills for any project's sustainability * Need and necessity of acquiring soft skills for a project manager * To look at the relationship β†’

Good critical thinking about evaluation of a video: repairing the santa monica freeway after the 1994 earthquake

The video entitled " Repairing the Santa Monica Freeway after the 1994 Earthquake" shown online through YouTube illustrated the exemplary capacity and dedication of the project leader , C.C. Likewise, the video also proved that in government projects, the ability to cut through red tape had significantly assisted in completing the project ahead schedule β†’

Critically evaluate the management model of baumol

As an alternative to profit maximization model, Baumol model works on the correlation between price and output decision with the objective of maximizing sales revenue, subjected to minimum profit constraint by shareholders. In profit maximization model, profit is maximized at the output where Marginal Revenue is equaled to Marginal Cost whereas β†’

50 p critical thinking dec 7

It is ordinarily inactive work, as in, the work has an exceptionally autonomous nature to it, for example, get ready structures and money related articulations. It is a great employment for individuals who need to work autonomously and are exceptionally sorted out (this is just an extremely concise portrayal, in the event that you are β†’

Triple bottom line critical essay

The triple bottom line takes into account three criteria for assessing organisational performance; 1.economic, 3.and Environmental. The financial or economic performance of an organisation is the easiest of the three criteria to measure accurately. The social criterion of the triple bottom line takes into account the impact that a business has β†’

Free critical thinking on public administration

President Woodrow's argument that politicians should only make the general decisions in governing the country while the administrators and technocrats are left to formulate the policy and make the tactical and specific decisions was a valid argument. When this is understood then it is clear that the leaders and administrators should be left to β†’

Critical reflection essay

I am able to understand quickly and immediately the meaning of the texts I read and what I listen to, I find it easy to identify words and structures. The focus of this assignment is to consider and investigate the use and effectiveness of the Direct Method in Modern Languages teaching and learning.

Ckarl weick decision-making theory critical vision assignment

Norhafeza Binti Yosof INTRODUCTION: The task of this assignment is to decide whether Weick's Information Systems Theory is a good theory by looking at the theory itself and then applying the five principles of a good theory to this particular theory to find out if it complies with these principles. I will do so by β†’

Leadership and management critical thinking

The difference between managers and leaders is on the basis of the roles they play in the organization and how they perform them. Leaders are often associated with innovation and developing new ideas whereas managers imitate and maintain the status quo.

Free recommended negotiation plan for an upcoming negotiation critical thinking example

For the sake of argument, we will assume that the subcontractor has already signed a contract with us. In this case, we will have to negotiate with the subcontractor to honor the original terms the delivery date and the original price, agreed upon the signing of the contract because it is their responsibility to do β†’

How do i prepare for my future critical thinking examples

The skills of management that I will acquire in this course will enable me to influence and change management approaches in the business world. Thus, having such a perspective will be of quality in the implementation of cultural change in the organization that I work with. Personal and Professional Development Plan Section 1 Assessment β†’

Example of critical thinking on factors that affect human resource management directly

Consequently, an organization that is committed increases the level of employee engagement, and this is likely to increase performance of the organization. One concept in human resource management that is important is organization culture. Managers need to develop organization structures that will optimize the performance. How Learning of Human Resource has Expanded my Understanding of β†’

Critical thinking on the main argument of the article is to know and understand ourselves

In fact it is hard to change the inner aspects of a person apart from maybe helping them know themselves when in a situation. Self concept is also a driver to behaviour change. Hence the ability to carry these changes is of vital importance. It is of vital importance to note that self concept leads β†’

Management critically endangered in 2008 by the

Hand rearing is the last resort and is not encouraged due to infantsneeding to bond with their mother and the rest of the group, however sometimeshand-rearing is the only option for the health and safety of the infant. Hand-rearingtakes a lot of time and the infant needs to be reintroduced to the family assoon as β†’

Good critical thinking on leadership style flexibility

They should also take into account consequences of their decisions to people and the organization as a whole. Data shows that there are general ways to implement different leadership styles and still be effective. It is evident that any leadership style can be effective as long as the leader understands and knows when and how β†’

Organizational behaviour

Employee's choice is the base of the success of the implementation of all characteristics and methods of the team, not only in virtual terms but in these cases managers have the option to choose people that they consider the best to be part of the team. These main guidelines in my opinion will be very β†’

Library management system critical analysis

Case studyComputerScienceDepartmental Library By MERCY OKEOWO 08710007 FOR THE Award of Ordinary National Diploma In COMPUTER SCIENCE Of MOSHOOD ABIOLA POLYTECHNIC AbstractsLibrary management systemis an aspect or branch of information management system that keeps the records of both the library users, books in the library and the activities that is going on in the β†’

A critical analysis of the improper usage of social media in online organizational critical thinking example

This paper will focus on the use of the internet, particularly the social media, in online organizational reputation management. Exploration and Critical Analysis of Social media Usage in the Context of Online Organizational Reputation Management For starters, reputation management pertains to a host of activities and processes that are aimed at not only influencing β†’

Critical success factors report sample

For the project at hand, the project team defines with the customer, the Critical Success Factors that will lead to a successful project. Some of the assumptions in the rental project are as shown in the above table. In an effort to manage the assumptions and constraints, the development team must first identify the assumptions β†’

Decision making critical thinking

The major aim of this course of decision is to increase the hare capital of the organization so that the bank can have more capital to invest. In addition, with new services new customers will come to benefit from the new services and this increase in the number of customers mean increased profitability of the β†’

Functions of management critical essay

Knowing how many people and what resources are needed for the completion of the organizations target goal is critical to the success of the company. A manager will determine how to delegate or distribute task and position employees according to the plan. Planning, organizing, leading, and controlling are four of the main β†’

Study questions for law and public policy the final critical thinking examples

The court can consider the regulation to be unconstitutional, arbitrary or abuse of discretion, or going beyond agency's authority. - Administrative Procedure Act, procedural rules, relevant for the operation of the court, which are set forth in the Code of Federal Regulation - The difference lies in strictness of the procedures (procedures for β†’

Organizational development and change critical thinking

The analysis also recommends that the support of the proposed change should be strengthened and the resistance to change in the organization should be weakened. The new generation of managers, which supports the changes on the case study, should be reconciled together with the old managers in the organization for β†’

Critical period dbq essay

From 1770 to 1775, as the population increased the value of the exports also roughly increased. But after the Articles of Confederation were implemented the growth of the value of the exports ceased. The national debt grew from 11 million to 28 million during the time span of the Confederation. Document A was also a β†’

Example of critical thinking on confidentiality and truthfulness a healthcare and ethics paper

Stokes' daughter, to be saved from the primary and secondary complications of a renal disorder, can well be considered one of the rights that can be given to any patient. The first question is all about whether the father the one who refuses to let his daughter and the rest β†’

Free critical analysis in management of employees critical thinking sample

Management is a crucial part of any organization it should be guided by a good philosophy that is fair to everyone for the growth of the organization. One should not reward employees with anything without doing a background research if it amuses them. Among the three points that the author explained, studying and understanding β†’

Example of critical thinking on tourism authority of thailand

The main objectives of TAT is to provide reliable information about tourism and traveling in Thailand for both the public and the media. At present time, TAT has 21 offices in different cities and countries (Tourism Authority of Thailand: Los Angeles, 2015). TAT is headed by the Minister of Tourism and Sports.

Assessment process critical thinking sample

Amar also reveals previous experiences with cannabis, which appear to be related to his anxiety in the sense that; the moment he stops taking cannabis, the anxiety sessions start. Since CBT is involved in holding talks with the client in order to determine the cause of the problem, it is, therefore an extensive form of β†’

Critical review on the economist-a bigger world

The authors talk of the emerging markets that are capturing the world's economies by storm, and how they are affecting the economic trend in the varied jurisdictions in which they operate. The author of the article bring into account the nature of some of the expanding companies, especially from the developing regions, and explains β†’

Abstract and conclusion for my critical communication event in recent history

In fact, the rude attitude of Orto led him to be refused to board the plane. The event caught the attention of many newspaper and news agencies, where most of the reporters have the view that it was the impolite attitude of Orto that made the authorities to deny him from boarding the plane. As β†’

Frankenstein critical analysis evaluation

She also emerged as critic for the work of Mary Wollstonecraft. Marilyn stated that Frankenstein by Marry thrives as a result of the Christian iconography of the conception and plunge that correlated the Prometheus and Zeus as pagan reference. The pre-existence of immortal soul as concept of the Christian and acquisitiveness of the scientists prompted β†’

The kite runner essay (critical writing)

This paper elaborates the theme of sin and redemption as applied in The Kite Runner. Redemption comes only after sin and this idea of redemption stands out in The Kite Runner because sin is so bearing. As the book closes, Amir redeems himself after forgiving himself of his past sins. One of the most outstanding β†’

Critical lens of mice and men

Steinbeck also describes Curley's approach " at once calculating and pugnacious," and he strides about with " his elbows...still bent out a little." This reveals Curley's personality because he constantly has to prove to others that he is tough by his posture because of the lack of confidence he has in himself, he has to β†’

The lottery

The story is about a small village that seems normal with a positive attitude to life and everything in it but in the end Jackson portrays how humans can be evil by writing about a women who is loved by everyone in the village and has many close friends and family within the village but β†’

Fahrenheit 451 critical essay

It is interesting that the radios are called Seashells for seashells mimic the sound of the ocean just as the listeners of the radios mimic the information of the ocean of sound. People become nothing more than seashells that echo back the same bogus facts as truth without question. However, the best β†’

Good recruitment critical thinking example

Additionally, it seems that people in prisons are the most vulnerable targets for new recruits and mitigation measures must be undertaken to prevent any actions from Al Qaeda. Recruitment process starts from indoctrination of Islam to target prisoners. Although, it can be attested that indoctrination to Islam, for this specific case, is not the direct β†’

Critical thinking 1

In businesses, the normal profit is required business profit and not in economic profit. b.problems : 6, 9, and attached) 5. Year Cash flow Disc rate N p v 1 75000 ^-1 68181. 55 The manager should choose the second project that promises an β†’

Human resource management critical essay

The first competency is business mastery in which the Human Resources professional needs to thoroughly know the business of their organization. This would require that the human resources professional have a full understanding of the economic and financial capabilities so that they can become a key member in developing the organization's strategic β†’

The scarlet letter by nathaniel hawthorne critical essay

Due to the Puritan law, Hester is now forced to encounter public shame for the sin that has been committed by climbing up a scaffold. Furthermore, As Hester begins to analyze the crowd, she finds herself terrified because her estranged husband is there. Hester was married to a englishman who was supposed to follow her β†’

Film log- (politics of representation)considering the debates about feminism on film offered by smelik and ciecko, discuss orlando(sally potter 1992)and offer a concise critical analysis based on two readings provided

In terms of visualization, Orlando unfolds by " showing the gendered body and transforming Orlando into having a real woman image". The focus of the British film industry has in the recent past history shifted to considering it as constructing meaning, rather than reflecting meaning." the notion of viewing film as a reflection of meaning β†’

Compensation review critical thinking example

Job analysis can also be called task/work analysis is the act of identifying activities involved in a job, research is done to identify more requirements, the feedback helps in appointing specific people to specific function, its objective is to assemble data for future use. The FMLA is monitored by wage/salary and hour division, another condition β†’

Critical and financial analysis of facebook

In other word, face book have made our busy life easier by connecting people. History of facebook The founder of the face book is:" Mark Zuckerberg" who was the student of the " Harvard" and; had stolen the idea and some of the computer source code from his roomate. But over all we can β†’

Romeo and juliet critical essay

This is the love that Romeo feels for Juliet in the play " Romeo and Juliet" by William Shakespeare. The play teaches the audience several themes about young love throughout the play that are still relevant today. In the first place, Romeo's love for Juliet is no different than his β†’

A critical analysis of fahrenheit 451 by ray bradbury

The technology Bradbury's society is designed to keep the people uninformed, which the vast majority of are happily and voluntarily in their ignorant state. There are many details in this novel that suggest that the future of a society obsessed with advanced technology is not only bleak but also dangerous. Bradbury's use β†’

Assignment: critical analysis of a film raging bull by martin scorsese essay sample

Ironically at the time it was made, Scorsese was as bewildered as it is possible, without actually climbing in the ring, having barely survived a distressing and violent period with cocaine and having being criticised heavily for his former New York, New York. However, his near to death experience changed it all, and he was β†’

Cognition critical thinking example

Take an instance of a decision involving a surgery; the aim of such a decision may be to improve health, but that does not eliminate the risk of losing life. In taking such decisions, a decision maker has to be willing to take a risk in consideration of the status quo, risk aversion, and the β†’

Critical issue in global health ( water and sanitation in poor countries )

Water and Sanitation in Poor Countries Aside from poverty, two of the most pressing problems in poor countries are access to water and sanitation. The same problem persists throughout the world because governments of poor countries lack the resources to build infrastructure and implement programs that would finally address the dilemma. When one looks at β†’

Critical thinking on technological developments on education

Education has been considered as the most important critical factor to economic competitiveness and in order to achieve the specified objectives, the strategy used to choose the right technology, programs and tools to be used might greatly impact its outcome("' The Effects of Technology in Society and Education' by Brian β†’

Critical thinking on public and community health

Perhaps the most prominent organization in the field of public health would be the World Health Organization , who defined health as " a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity". The goal of personal and public or community health is basically the same: β†’