Quality Others Essay Examples for Your Learning

Under the sun pollutionand summary assignment

Inability to apply considerations for the city of Phoenix deteriorating infrastructure, increased traffic congestion, air, and water quality options will negatively degrade and prevent the enhancement of the community. Human natural necessities far exceed financial burdens, social benefits, and the will of the public is to compensate for.

Dermatology career report assignment

The Drive to Dermatology Most fields of medicine accommodate to a certain type of client. In medical school a dermatology major will be required to take the dreaded organic chemistry, so a strong high school chemistry background is crucial if one wishes to become a dermatologist.

Mitochondrial dna cytochrome c oxidase biology essay

We generated the natural information of DNA barcoding, and so we performed PCR reactions upon the fish samples, eventually we tried to delegate the individuality of the species via GenBank and the Barcoding of Life Database. The remainder of the lanes did non shown a set, the consequences are shown in figure 2.

Philippine national museum essay

The 3rd gallery is said to be the Philippine art of the academic and romantic period, in this gallery it featured mostly the great works of Juan Luna. There were more people in this gallery than the art gallery we first visited so it was hard to see all of the displays because of the →

Ikea management style flashcard

That's not surprising, considering that Kamprad's saga and the subsequent rise of the Ikea empire are enshrined in a small museum in the basement of Ikea's offices in Almhult, the site of the first store. The biggest of these problems is best summarized in the question " Should Ikea's culture run the business or should →

What ways were the lives of people at home affected by the first world war

The unions did not like the idea of women employees; they feared that when the men came back from the war, women would have replaced them in their jobs. It describes an employer explaining that the work done by women is ' not of the repetitious type' and it ' taxes the intelligence of the →

Hobbes and locke analysis essay

Locke disagreed with Hobbes's assumption that the state of war and the state of nature were the same. Hobbes held that man kind was evil and constantly in opposition to the rest of mankind.

Hidden curriculum argumentative essay

The basic idea behind the concept of the hidden curriculum is that pupils learn things that are not actually taught in the formal curriculum and, in this respect, the concept of a hidden curriculum refers to the way the learning process is organized. The administration is the catalyst to the development of the school culture →

Bmw marketing flashcard

The circular blue and white BMW round logo is portrayed by BMW as the movement of an aircraft propeller visualized with the blue and white colors of the flag of Bavaria. An overview of BMW is described in below SWOT analysis.[pic] BMW " The Ultimate Marketing Machine" Marketing is the heart of BMW.

The unnatural act of leadership, book review flashcard

I loved the management term given in this book." Management is a mental process of establishing, and then indirectly achieving the right objectives in the right priority sequence and with sufficient resources." I have got to admit I felt like that was right on. I seem to get the " tough ones" but being that →

Acc 206 complete course material essay

One of the advantages of using the direct method rather than the indirect method is that larger cash flows from financing activities will be reported.d. The cash paid to suppliers is normally disclosed on the statement of cash flows when the indirect method of statement preparation is employed.e.

Women will never enjoy the same rights as men analysis essay

On the other hand, in the developed world, many women are taking on positions of power, and looked upon with the same amount of respect as is usually conferred by men. As more and more people believe in gender equality and start to advocate it, it is not impossible that women can enjoy the same →

Saving face

However, Ma's phone calls to Will and the tight camera angles in the movie made it captive for anyone to embrace their identity. Vivian would respond to this in confusion and at a lost of words with knowing how Will felt for her.

National unity narrative essay

Article 153 of the Federal Constitution states: " It will be theresponsibilityof the Yang di-Pertuan Agong to safeguard the special position of the Malays and natives of any of the States of Sabah and Sarawak and the legitimate interests of other communities in accordance with the provisions of this Article." Article 153 has been used →

Impacts of nazi propaganda

The Nazis relied heavily on their propaganda strategies and misleading of the German people to gain power throughout the 20s and 30s; and then secure and retain that power along with the support of the Volk during the 30s and 40s. The Beer Hall Putsch of 1923 played a big factor in this evolution of →

Investigating the winners and losers of globalisation

The globalisation of nation's economies has undeniably improved the lives of millions across the planet, in both developed and developing countries. Economic globalisation can be defined as the " process associated with increasing economic openness, growing economic interdependence and deepening economic integration between countries in the world economy".[1]By far the major winner from this process →

The functional conflicts in an organisation

Furthermore, the analysis actually will show that conflict in the organisation is positive and can be used to improve on service delivery, relationship management and ultimately organisational goals. Employees were made to escalate to the highest level, service and relationship gaps noticed in the course of service to the customer.

Corporate and global strategy assignment business essays

The seminal study ' Patterns in Strategy Formation' defines a strategy as ' a pattern in a stream of decisions', this definition enables the author to present a description of strategy formation. The findings of this study are meant to be used as an abstraction which focused on the emergent nature of the adhocratic organisations →

Bitcoin 2.0 – the tokenized experience

As a result, a project can verify the number of tokens that are in use, the address that is retaining them, and the location of its origin. In fact, the RSA that is used for security access is a variant form of network-access tokens.

Political they passed such laws which injected

This peculiar discriminatory caste system in India led to the growth of only a section of the society dominating the rest of the populace by depriving them of economic opportunities and equal privileges. This facilitated of the maintenance of caste distinctions and preservation as well as continuation of perpetual poverty and servile position of the →

The 451, when germany fought together with the

To bring the meaning comprehensively closer, the two colors, black and gold are associated with the colors of the coat of arms of the Roman Empire. This includes the replacement of gold with white, the replacement of the entire flag with the swastika flag, the return of the black-red-gold flag by the allied forces, the →

When the band began playing in a

The group featured a modernrock that was new and popular during the period with John and Paul composingand doing the leads on most of the songs. He pushed the members of the band during theirtouring years and was able to achieve the best possible results from the group.

Student resources assignment

University Academic Catalog academic catalog This is very helpful information Phonetician Once logged in at the top there is a link to click that says Phonetician This is great also University Library Once logged in at the top there is a link to click that says University Library I now this will always be helpful →

Heterosexism & church

Talking in context with the religious and ethical issues, Traci elaborates the importance of homosexuals with respect to social spectrum and believes that Christianity has never cursed 'heterosexuals', it is our surrounding and boundaries linked with our perceptions of seeing and visualizing religious aspects in the way we want them to be, that abominates 'heterosexual' →

What is a code of ethics

Ethics Impacts A of ethics is known as a set of guidelines which are designed to set out acceptable behaviors for members of a particular group, association, or profession. A workplace is expected to establish a working environment where employees would want to come to work and be productive because of pride in what they →

Sherlock holmes in the final problem questions

Moriarty and Holmes share, for instance, an almost inhuman set of skills in observation and deduction, which Holmes has demonstrated many times, and Moriarty demonstrates by noting that Holmes is " loading a revolver" in the pocket of his night gown. One of the most important is simply him having a mental capacity that can →

Rizal’s retraction letter essay

And then the third text appeared in El Imparcial on the day after Rizal's execution; it is the short formula of the retraction. Senator Rafael Palma, a former President of the University of the Philippines and a prominent Mason, argued that a retraction is not in keeping with Rizal's character and mature beliefs.

Identify the laws and codes of practice affecting work in schools:

The main statutes are: The Convention on the rights of the Child The Education Act, and The Children Act and The Equality Act The Care Standards The Special Educational Needs and Disability Act The Race Relations Act and amendment The Disability Discrimination Act and The Public Order Act The Religious Hatred Act 4. The Children →

Essay about the outsiders test questions essay

The socs were the socials who lived in the rich part of town, and the greasers were the lower class youths. The Socs were doing something in the cafeteria and Pony boy got in trouble for doing it and he was not even in the cafeteria.

Entrepreneurship and economic development.

Jean Baptiste Say remarked in the 19th century that an entrepreneur is an economic agent who " unites all means of production" and the possesses the judgement to " estimate the importance of the product, the probable amount of demand and the means of its production". As we have seen, innovation and entrepreneurs are key →

Female ageism in the philippines: on media and television essay

Female Ageism in the Philippines: on Media and Television A Formal Paper in Broadcast Communication 10 Abstract Ageism is a social disease that stereotypes the older people with the younger, or sometimes preference with the younger. That specific type of ageism: Jeunism and Adultism There are different types of ageism, and the ones' we will →

Getting offshore outsourcing right

And they tells the choice standards of offshore outsourcing of concern activities through the consideration of company ' s strategic concern activities along with certain finishs to derive the new market entree, concern activities, entree to installations and resources to run the concern, deriving the border over concern procedure in selected finish topographic point and →

Study guide open ocean essay

Carbon is taken from the atmosphere by photosynthesis, used to make organic molecules, and returned to the atmosphere by cellular respiration. Detersives decompose organic matter and recycle nitrogen to plants.

Have the aspirations of the un’s founders as laid out

In accordance with the Charter, in the incidence of a perceived threat to international peace the Security Council first attempts to find a nonviolent means to settle the issue. It is my belief that the aforementioned policies of the Security Council are incompatible with the principle of state sovereignty, which is also endorsed as an →

Creating an action plan

Proving to myself that I can do this and learning how to quiet the inner voice, when something gets challenging, has been rewarding and empowering to date. As I come re-familiar myself with the learning process and requirements, will be able to refine my note taking, establish a routine to take advantage of the time →

Why did so many colonists die by ashley kron

So many of the colonists died because first of all the colonists were not prepared for the condition ions and theenvironment. First of all Document C shows that almost half of the men were " gentlemen" and did not h eve a job.

Meaning of happiness by socrates

The goodness and virtue are much more than the ones who think that the acquisition of fame, power or wealth is the key to happiness. Having the virtue in life, gives people a true concept of happiness that is well beyond wealth, fame or and any goods.

Ciana lancaster

Every part of the Mayan culture- architecture, sculpture, and even the calendars and numbers- reflects Mayan beliefs, even the way the buildings were laid out." The Royal Palaces were at the center of the city, representing the earth in the center of the three-level universe. Itzamna was the lord of the heavens and the lord →

lord of the flies essay

Write an essay that evaluates Ralph's performance as chief of the boy's island society. Write an essay that discusses what lessons/insights Lord of the Flies offers that people today could put to use and how they could put it to use.

School based assessment for learning essay

It sets the discussion in the context of ' assessment for learning' and the literature on students' learning in general and raising students' achievement in particular. This paper therefore examines / aims to highlight significant aspect of school based assessment or learning and the lapses in existing practices." Assessment for learning is the process of →

Descriptions in pedro paramo: an essay regarding confinement

The work Pedro Paramo, written by author Juan Rulfo, explores in an abundance the notion of confinement in relation to its physical, mental, and metaphorical manifestations. When Juan first encounters the murmurings among the many ghosts of Comala, the sound is foreign and uncomfortable to him.


The Renaissance: The Renaissance is the period of European cultural history that is traditionally accepted as the period that marks the transition from the medieval times to the modern world, with the reawakening in literature, philosophy, art, politics, science, religion, and other similar aspects of intellectual enquiry. Such a contention comes from the perspective that →

Compare and contrast: hittites and the united states of america essay sample

The Hittites and the United States of America have a lot of differences and similarities. However, weather is only one of the many things that the land of the Hittite and the U, S, have many similarities and differences to.

Persuasive speech: organ donation essay sample

Four thousand more people are added to the national waiting list each day.* Each of these people is in desperate need of a kidney, liver, heart, or other organ. There are far more people in need of a transplant than there are people willing to donate an organ.* Probably the greatest benefit of organ donation →

The highway man (tim’s personal reflection)

I have longed for Bess since I began working as the ostler of the old inn. I suppose after hearing about Bess' death the highwayman decided to fight for her but he was shoot down.

Polygamy and social theories essay

The family is composed of one father and many mothers; the representation of the faith, at least in terms of the Fundamental Latter-Day Saints, is that of a photograph of the " prophet" that hangs on the wall of the family home. In American society, polygamy is typically an aberration, except as practiced by the →

The influence of media technology essay

At a young age, many children are exposed to the advancements of technology and the media as a means of learning, entertainment and for most parents... With the rise of the printing press, came the invention of newspapers." By the end of 1900, print media could be found in the form of books, pamphlets, magazines →

Analysis of parable of the sower by octavia e. butler through the characteristics of dystopian literature

In addition to that, the author is able to make the opinion of the book clear to lead the reader to figure out how it's going to be a future of a real world. The people in the communities do not have access to the outside world which restricts their freedom and leaves them to →

Choose an image or short sequence

Within the essay I will explain the use of semiotics and about the nature of advertising, also the relationship between semiotics and advertising. The child is only in the ad to emphasise the Gameboy and the toothbrush.

Short story test

Man Man vs. Society Man vs.

The picaso art essay sample

His career spanned nearly the entire era of modern art, starting with the realism era in the late nineteenth century and drawing to a close with the advent of neo-Expressionism, a style inspired by Picasso's last works. The two periods the " Blue" and the " Rose" form a transition between the conventional art of →

Media’s portrayal of men and women in sports essay sample

Through this research paper, media will be made aware on the general observations of the populace in the way they treat female athletes in their news coverage as well as the recommendations/suggestions on how to avoid such since this is a great violation for the practice of objectivity among mass media practitioners. SIGNIFICANCE OF →

The avid reality of social racism in the 1960s essay sample

As I swung onto the avenue behind her, there seemed to be a discreet, uninflammatory distance between us. From here it is evident that the environment during the ' 60s is composed of two sides: the more affluent section of the neighborhood and the more impoverished section of the neighborhood. Where fear and weapons meet →

Performance management and improvement in larsen and toubro management essay

The investors will be interested in certain way how the company os performing , for this the HR policies adopted by the company plays an important role. Selection and recruitment Flexible Work arrangements Performance management and improvement. Grievances I have taken into consideration the various Hr policies that I plays an important →

Rosetta stone assignment

Your Individual grade will be a based on correct use of the tools and models, completeness of the findings and consistency in the explanations. Also check the case text for evidence of any corporate, business or operational strategies that you see Rosetta Stone choose and follow, including choices made for business development (using Abell's model →


He must avenge himself in cold blood, ensuring that the victim would know he delivered the fatal blow, and escape unpunished. Montresor's plan was simple enough: let Fortunato accompany him to the underground wine vaults and there, through treachery and deceit, chain him to the wall and entomb him alive. He had →

Wendy’s: qualitative research to streamline capacity

This approach will provide Wendy with a clear image of the prevailing situation in the fast food market. This kind of analysis is not possible while using other platforms of research. Another role of qualitative research In Wend's framework of expansion pertains to the establishment of theoretical frameworks. Consequently, it is essential to examine the →

Business ethical practice

The inability of the company to advocate for proper leadership designs may lead to the failure of the company operations in the global arena. Abiding by the laws of the country makes up a business ethical practice exercised ZTE Corporation. Press. Verstraeten, J.. Business ethics: Broadening the perspectives .

The history of digital television media essay

There are several types of TV that include; cable TV, Satellite TV and regular TV The electromechanical TV was developed in the last decade of the 20th century Television was invented in the 1870s but it did not catch on until the electronic television was introduced in the early 20th century.. Digital transmission involves the →

The two common epistemological considerations

However, as the aim of this research is to explore the consumption and interaction patterns of young female university graduates in Hong Kong, it has the tendency to focus on the understanding of their consumer behaviour. The interview guide is designed in accordance with the three research questions and the interview questions are →

How did technology transform the “modern” and “post-modern” world in the west?

Technology transformed the ' modern' and ' post-modern' world in the west by causing large, more rapid advancement within society. The modern era was the era of the Renaissance man. The beneficial side of technology is seen more in the post-modern era through different revolutions such as the scientific and the industrial revolutions.

Introduction image used in printing, and this makes

Then the author dwells upon the introduction of the word into the cultural and social life and points out that Lippman was the first to use the word in that context. It opens up with a general statement: " Stereotypes make sense of the big, complex, often transient world that confronts us". Thus, the author →

Global response to failed states

Due to this, the attempt of international world powers to transform the failed state back into a successful state through use of international resources and efforts with the assumption that they will be able to function without international support is a meager counter to the problem. Legitimacy The level of a failed state is →

The life and work of euclid

Of the little we do know about Euclid, we know that he taught in Alexandria around 300 B.C.[9], and that he wrote, amongst approximately 10 other books, arguably one of the greatest mathematical textbooks in history, The Elements. The Elements is a geometry textbook that unified all of the previously known principles of geometry. This →

Equal opportunity employment assignment

According to Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, equal employment opportunity cannot be denied to any person because of his/her racial group or perceived racial group, his/her race-linked characteristics or because of his/her marriage to or association with someone of a particular race or color. Title VII applies to employers with 15 →

Social media academic essay

Not only do they believe it would bring coworkers together, they also say that this could increase business due to the 'family-like' style that the given office has. Although this may be true in some cases, studies show that the majority of the time, social networking is one of the downfalls of →

The history of the disney theme park media essay

These promises perfectly compensated for the northern French climate that initially troubled the Disney planners[6]. After the official implementation of the partnership between Disney and the French government, the Disney theme park was built on 4, 700 acres of farm land. The book ' The Magic Kingdom, Walt Disney and the American Way of Life' →

Web 2.1) original development of the internet

Joseph concluded that ' The Internet, multi-faceted appliances and even the creation of new applications for old technology are all the domain of the marketing visionary. ' 3) THE INTRODUCTION OF INTERACTIVE MARKETING ON THE INTERNET Internationally, the Internet medium is successfully selling everything from nuts and bolts to motorcars, property and traditional mail →

The intertextual relation between tell me how it ends: an essay in forty questions by valeria luiselli and “home” by warsan shire.

The reader is the space on which all the quotations that make up the writing are inscribed without any of them being lost; a text's unity lies not in its origin but in its destination...the birth of the reader must be at the cost of the death of the Author". The reader is the one →

What makes bill gates an entrepreneur marketing essay

Says: " Entrepreneur is influenced by the society [he recognizes needs and fulfils them through organizing and managing resources] and he also influences society by creating new enterprises". Richard Cantillion: " Entrepreneur is the agent who buys means of production at a certain price in order to combine them into a product that is going →

In close analysis of nick’s character discuss whether he is offreds saviour or her down fall

He is the romantic element and the human factor that she can relate to the stuff that all good fairy tales are made from. Nick is the driver for the commander and lives in a room above the garage by himself. He winks at her in the window, he touches her foot when they are →

Ways of quitting smoking

Nicotine is one of the most addictive substances known to man, and it acts directly on the pleasure centers of the brain by releasing dopamine which causes the individual to feel good, while also reducing anxiety, tension and appetite5. So in simple terms, their craving for nicotine is not being satisfied. Now there is a →

Kao corporation is a chemical and cosmetics company marketing essay

In 1940, the company changed its name to Kao Soap Company and finally in 1985, the company again renames itself to Kao Corporation. The 1960s and the 1970s saw the company expand its business into neighboring Taiwan and other ASEAN countries. It made it a habit to constantly come up with innovative products →

Igbo race and world theology religion

Further, Uzoigwe expresses how deep-rooted the choler still remains in the uterus and bowels of the Igbo adult females and work forces.he states, " Although the Igbo seem to hold forgiven their countrymen for what they did to them, the cicatrixs of the pogrom and the desolation of the civil war will stay with them →

Industrial pollution assignment

2 Pollution in Bangladesh: Water pollution: Tannery Industry The water pollution situation from Bangladesh could be the largest poisoning in history' and the irony is that this situation could be the result of all the efforts in cleaning the water for some of the poorest nations of the world. The conclusions showed that the death →

Management of provision in the early years setting

According to Ofsted report The centre provides outstanding service for children and families and the nursery educators are supporting children to get ready to school and support them to learn numeracy and phonics before starting school. To understand leadership role in the early years setting it is vital to understand the contextual meaning →

Crimes and misdemeanors analysis philosophy essay

By the end of the film, each character demonstrates, through his words and actions, how his own system of ethics affects the choices he makes in life. The film's first central character to be introduced is Judah Rosenthal, a successful ophthalmologist who seems to be living a perfect life; he is wealthy, successful, and lives →

Question 3

Product Life Cycle and Product Positioning Oxylent will be launched by the second quarter of this fiscal year and is expected to achieve strong market growth soon. Guttmacher Institute.Jun.2010.Web.

Famous african american inventors assignment

But a careful reading of the definition of invention reminds us that it can be a lot more. The key to something being considered an invention is the level of ingenuity and novelty that it attains. Making a shift in not Just how to solve the problem but how to view or frame he problem →

Quality assurance audit research

Rather, client acquiescence is affected by client concern through the effects on client identification by the importance of the client. 12 Acquiescence of Client 0.

Five forces analysis of more than insurers

Part of the echoice strategy is to have a Core Operating Ratio of 96.5%. This means, if the company achieves the COR target they will be effectively growing the business at the right cost. The idea that managers should be thinking about their organisation's SWOT based variables is very important in the process →

Microcontroller based high power factor electronic ballast

The proposed topology is based on the integration of the buck and playback converters, the former providing power factor correction and the latter controlling lamp power. Is the generation of standing pressure waves in the plasma, resulting in lighting arc fluctuation that can cause light flicker or even arc extinction [2], [3].

Strategic management and business policy module

1 There were a number of concurrent changes in the VSM Group in the period 1997-2003, is the VSM Group still the same company? No the company has changed a lot with the arrival of the new CEO, new things has been introduced as: More people were involved in strategic sessions New mission →

Cross cultural marketing communications

It pretends to be an objective representation of those systems, but it can only talk about them in a language informed by its own localized and historically situated ontologies, epistemologies and moralities. And to examine the case of HSBC " World's Local Bank" the practices of HSBC will be explored in context with the local →

Link between smoking and eysencks personality dimensions

Thus the assumption can be made that certain personality characteristics result in individuals developing a predisposition to smoking, however types of smoking may be linked to the personality " needs" of the person. A factor researched to be linked to personality and smoking is the biological differences between that of extroverts and introverts in terms →

Technology managment vs. traditional managment

Nevertheless, there are some differences between technology and traditional management. According to the definition management: " is the process of leading and directing all or part of an organization, often a business one, through the deployment and manipulation of resources (human, financial, material, intellectual or intangible)". Technological Management involves developing an understanding of technology and →

Osha standards

Running Head: POWERED INDUSTRIAL TRUCKS Training Requirements of the Powered Industrial Trucks Standard Module: Lecturer: submission: Training Requirements of the Powered Industrial Trucks Standard Powered industrial trucks are undoubtedly quite dangerous if left in the hands of untrained or ill-trained personnel. In addition to this the training should be safe for all parties involved and →

The underground railroad by colson whitehead: rebellion and endurance

To a slave, absconding the plantation or their masters would be but a distant dream and furthermore, " To escape the boundary of the plantation would be to escape the fundamental principles of your life: impossible". Slaves had not an iota of the rights that whites had, and in addition, there were no laws for →

Overcrowding in prison

History of Overcrowding This was started in the late July 6, 1864 written by : " 400 Confederate prisoners of war marched from Erie Station to the prison camp, becoming the first of 12, 123 prisoners held in Elmira. It was said to have been the worst prison camp in the North". The overcrowding →

Successive supermarket in hounslow, “asda” or “tesco” or “morrison’s”. essay sample

The size and location of the supermarket also matters for the success of it. Definitely in any part of the world when we plan a business there should be an exact planning about the business and the tastes of the people in that region and whether the business survives there.2.

Overview of the enola gay controversy history essay

It was based on the controversy over how history should be represented for the decision of dropping an atomic bomb on Japan when the Smithsonian's National Air and Space Museum drafted an exhibit entitled " The Crossroads: The End of World War II, the Atomic Bomb and the Cold War" around the refurbished Enola Gay →

The effect of temperature on the activity of the enzyme catalyst essay sample

I will change the temperature at which the reaction takes place, but to make the test a fair one I will keep the pH level on the solution, the amount and concentration of the solution, and the area and the volume of the potato the same. I will have to take into account the concentration →

Critical analysis of strategic management accounting (sma)

Therefore, this indicates that the process of developing SMA has indeed reduced the role of the management accountant as a uniquely qualified individual. Instead, it is now more plausible that a strategy management accountant will be more focused on operational management, and as argued by Roslender and Hart able to " integrate insights →

Brazil automotive industry supply chain

Some managerial initiatives were presented and as the circumstances in which the changes are executed, currently the automotive industry represents a considerable part of the Brazilian economy and there is a tendency for an industry to assume the role, providing profitability to all links in the chain. In the last decades, due to the increasing →

Jane matilda bolin

This helped Jane to determine early on that she wanted to follow in her father's footsteps and become a lawyer. She became the first African American to receive a law degree from Yale. She returned home, passed the New York State Bar exam, and began practicing law in her father's law firm.

Developing self discipline assignment

Nor should we favor " the replacement of unbridled impulsively with categorical, pervasive, rigid impulse control," Block warned. It's not Just that self-control is not always good; it's that a lack f self-control is not always bad because it may " provide the basis for spontaneity, flexibility, expressions of interpersonal warmth, openness to experience, and →