Quality Others Essay Examples for Your Learning

The feature of inequality in modern society

Men and Women are treated different in a number of ways such as in wages and in sports. Jenny Watson, the chair of The Equal Opportunities Commission states that: ' Jobs traditionally seen as ' women's work' such as early years care and education are undervalued and underpaid, and later in life many women are β†’

Analysing the importance of female political participation politics essay

Countries where women are well represented seem to have more pro-women policies, for example, the governments of Sweden, Norway, Finland and Denmark, have the highest levels of women's representation in Europe, and have shown the effects of that expanded representation through policies that address some of the conflict in female roles between work and child β†’

What effect does fat consumption have on children’s brains?

It will explore the different kinds of fats and why they are necessary, what fat actually does to the brain once it is consumed, and the long term effects of too much fat consumption when young. What matters most is the the quantity of the amount of food and fat eaten.

Rate of convergence and bisection

The bisection method, suitable for implementation on a computer allows to find the roots of the equation f = 0, based on the following theorem: Theorem: If f is continuous for x between a and b and if f and f have opposite signs, then there exists at least one real root of f = β†’

Comparing uk and romania’s culture

The aim of this study is to bring a useful material for our Romanian client, EDMUNDO, in order to deliver precious information to all the Romanian students who wish to come to UK to enhance their studies in different areas of subject and to develop skills for their career. Romania and United Kingdom are two β†’

Personal reflections

Such centers should provide a mechanism about their services to ensure that decisions reflect the aspirations of the parents and families and establish a sustainable link with the community. My emphasis is on the creation of a dedicated and motivated team in an early childhood environment.

Natural disaster

Tsunami A tsunami is a series of water waves caused by the displacement of a large volume of a body of water, generally an ocean or a large lake. It is caused by evaporated water that comes off of the ocean and becomes a storm.

Impact of dams

The main objective of this essay was to evaluate the impact of dams on the economic, social and environmental contexts. In the economic background, the benefits that hydroelectric dams provide were discussed in addition to the dam's economic role in agriculture and food supply.

Krashen’s five major hypotheses

SUBCONSCIOUS acquisition is separate from conscious learning and is SUPERIOR in the long-run.2. Input HypothesisComprehensible input-input that is " a bit beyond" one's level of competence-is " the only true cause of second language acquisition".

Agricultural loan

Here is some information about the kind of agricultural credit and loans provided by public sector banks in India. The adaptation of the Kisan Credit Card Scheme by different banks has lead to easy availability of agricultural credit and an increase in agricultural productivity.

Internationalization of toyota motor co. assignment

Even the fall of the sales by half in the Southeast Asia in 1998 with respect to the previous year because of the economic crisis of the ASEAN countries was compensated for by the increase in sales in the North America and Europe and had no substantial effect on its overseas sales. As a consequence, β†’

Colonialism vs imperialism assignment

As Marauder Sings puts it, " A simple way to distinguish these two is to think of colonialism as practice and imperialism as the idea driving the practice. The purpose of colonialism is to eventually assimilate the foreign country with that of the invading one, in essence claiming and converting that country for the benefit β†’

No writer can escape the influence of his own personal experience essay

In both the work of Hughes and of Eliot, the writer tries to distinguish himself from the character portrayed in their poetry. This outlines the main idiosyncrasy between the work of Hughes and the work of Eliot in that Hughes writes to prove his despondency and despair over the death of his wife and Eliot β†’

Research paper proposal essay

Nurses are more susceptible to the development of burnout, mainly because of the nature and the emotional demands of their profession. To study the degree of burnout experienced by the nurses working in ICUs and Emergency Departments of government hospitals in twin cities of Islamabad and Rawalpindi, Pakistan.

Reflection on the film rizal in dapitan essay sample

Jose Rizal was a hero who came to be a victim of injustices and immoralities that the colonization has brought to our country, Philippines. The film ended in the scene where Rizal was leaving the place he came to love and had a lot of memories that were good and bad.

What does simons and piggy’s death reveal about the novel essay sample

What we can see from this is that Piggy's thoughts were not valued and the other boys disliked him from the start and they did not seem to want to give him a fair chance before making final judgments. This would have caused a huge break out of anger between Jack's tribe toward Piggy, incidentally β†’

The effects of high player turnover on marketing of minor league baseball and the perceptions of the fan experience – thesis proposal example

The Effects of High Player Turnover on Marketing of Minor League Baseball and the Perceptions of the fan experience High player turnover is becoming a common problem for virtually all baseball teams and sports administrators globally. The turnover culture mainly affects marketing and the perceptions of the fan experience at the minor league baseball competition.

Elijah of buxton book report essay

Elijah is the main character because he is featured in all of the scenes, and he is the narrator of this story. When he stole money from a friend to gamble, Elijah went to retrieve the money.

Brand placement in bollywood movies

The same pattern of Product arrangement in Bollywood is non new and the pattern of puting the merchandises in the Bollywood films is seen from the clip of early 1970s. The chief aim of this research is to happen out whether or non the consumers are sensitized by the pattern of trade name arrangement in β†’

Processive paragraph essay

The only way to keep them formed Is to keep that process of heating the metal and beating until a satisfied form. After it Is done cooling for at least ten minutes, the metal Is safe to touch without gloves and you also have a fine wielded piece.

Lab 6 assessment & questions essay

Given that users connect to the Internet and World Wide Web, what security countermeasures can organizatiob implement to help mitigate the risk caused from viruses, malware, and software? Your USB will not be scanning and detecting the virus but you have to install an anti-virus program to scan and detect it.

Massacre of the dreamers

Ana Castillo, the author of " Massacre of the Dreamers: Essays on Xicanisma" explores the 500-year old roots of Chicanofeminismin America. Her collection of short essays dedicated to the issues of Xicanisma is aimed to denouncediscrimination, the stereotypes and exploitation of Chicanos in the U.S.

Significance of the title all the pretty horses

On his journey, he learns that the world of men is very different from that of horses and is forced to rethink the relationship between humans and horses. When the wind was in the north you could hear them, the horses and the breath of the horses and the horses' hooves that were shod in β†’

The lasting impact of colonialism in western perceptions of the global south: race and gender in β€˜the thing around your neck’

Akunna and her boyfriend's strikingly different views of Africa represent the lasting impact of colonialism both in western countries and the Global South, and also reveal the danger of the Single Story perspective. Adichie's critique of western perceptions of Africa is made clear through her characters: she condemns both the perception of African women as β†’

Development stages of an athlete psychology essay

Although these models have been important in the identification of stages of development for athletes, they fail to recognise the training and competition elements of athlete development. The purpose of the following section is to provide examples of the psychological characteristics outlined by the literature as necessary for an athlete to possess to not only β†’

Impact of emotional intelligence on conflict management

Thereafter, it was the work of Goleman which globally popularized the construct of emotional intelligence and as a result of that, both practitioners and academia have started recognizing its importance in the world of organizations. Moreover, the study aims to find out that the individual's high in emotional intelligence are inclined to which of the β†’

Understand research proposal and succeed nursing essay

The researcher is able to provide all the key elements involved in the research process and include sufficient information for the readers to evaluate the proposed study. As the first portion of proposal, it introduces the research problem, the rationale for selecting the problem and the direction of the study.

Administration of colonoscopy reflective account

Using a model of reflection allows the nurse to re-appraise the care they have delivered to a patient/client and in doing so can evaluate the effectiveness of that care, thus with the intention of influencing future practice for the better. I felt that the nurse spoke to the patient in a degrading way and showed β†’

Psychological stress emotional

However, there are the ways that people can minimize stress and manage the stress that is inevitable. According to EhealthMD, stress is the emotional and physical strain cause by people's response to pressure from the outside world.

The fast approval article submission directories marketing essay

If you would like the internet to assist you set up your website and your company's credibility, you have to publish some of your unique, quality content to the top article submission sites. While the top article submission sites will be the highest viewed and stand to get you the greatest quantity of hits, you β†’

Evaluate the relative brand positioning

Good brand positioning helps to guide marketing strategy by clarifying what a brand is all about, how it is unique and how it is different to competitive brands, and why consumers should purchase and use it".page 98 As Keller mentioned, the objective of brand positioning is to secure a distinct and value place for the β†’

General electric company organization structure management essay

The company learned to listen to its leaders on all levels which keep the company connected to the daily needs of the employee and customers. It is because GE was perform a PEST Analysis that help to understand the business environment and to allocated facilities planning and resources to maintain productivity and profitability.

History of tobacco laws

The Emperor's Nylon Stockings In the United Kingdom, government statisticians alerted the Ministry of Health in January 1947 that an unexpected epidemic of lung cancer was emerging in the country: Lung cancer morbidity had increased fifteen-fold in the prior two decades. In February, the ministry asked the Medical Research Council to organize a conference of β†’

Case study museum learning education essay

Museums have been subject to countless calls to modernise and new ways of thinking about media audiences have confirmed the dynamic character of the relationship between museums and their audiences, and the interpretation of collections is high on the priorities of most museums.' The role of museums is no longer limited to the conservation of β†’

The in the free standing tower. the concept

The concept introduced by Lasdun was very different to the typical design of tower blocks mainly by allowing more light and air into the building also giving more privacy in the personal spaces. The use of materials like the reinforce concrete along side the precast cladding imitating Portland stone was and still its a strong β†’

Introduction abstract from it. “the crucifixion” that was

Nevertheless, any such work may be fraught with symbolism, story-telling or may contain discursive achievements stemming from philosophy that contribute to the image one can abstract from it." The Crucifixion" that was painted by Nicolas Poussin, the French artist, is an image that reflects the thinking pattern of the period and a radical rebellion to β†’

English paper

I have the ability to grasp knowledge on subjects and use it on the issues as they appear in the course of life. In my view I have just crossed the beginner level of a writing course and I have to go on a long path to achieve further success.

Answer the question

The king of England owned land in France, which meant that he had to swear allegiance to France as a condition of owning the property. Humanism was a return to the ancient knowledge and philosophy of the Greeks and Romans.

Milestone 4: specifications

The purpose of this paper is to provide brief summary of the specifications of a water purification device. The energy of the Sun would be utilized to nullify the biological contaminants.

Design of cable stayed bridge

Len the harp design, the cables are nearly parallel so that the height of their attachment to the tower is similar to the distance from the tower to their mounting on the deck. The total length of the cable stayed bridge Is mm with a main span of mm.

True and false test questions

True The ethical obligation of a speaker to be fully prepared increases as the size of the audience increases. True An audience's response to a message is invariably colored by its perception of the speaker.

Contrarian themes in the film paths of glory (1957)

The film Paths of Glory is of the few mainstream Hollywood movies of the century to espouse a contrarian theme. While many films of the period talked of issues and the drama surrounding war, Paths of Glory went a step further and made an emphatic statement about the nature and contradictions of war.

Executive summary critical analysis

With the expertise knowledge in the field of bicycles and with its massive success in sales and marketing of bicycles, BBC would like to expand its production capacity to meet the increasing demand of bicycles and with this view, BBC would like to acquire a loan to an extent of $200, 000 for taking lease β†’

Transportation of coal by barge: history and safety

The tow barge houses the engine and operators, which allows the barges to move through the waterways. The Master should be aware of methane emission levels and should provide appropriate signage to warn employees.

Collapse of the concert of europe

The rise of European nationalism and the conflicting ideology and differing aims of the countries involved created the unstable conditions for both the deterioration of the concert and the outbreak of the Crimean War. This largely undermined the Concert's objectives, as stated in Article VI of the 1815 Quadruple Alliance between Britain, Austria, Prussia and β†’

Comparison of ifrs and u.s gaap in relation to intangible assets

It is the purpose of this assignment to examine the differences and similarities between US GAAP and IFRS for the treatment of Goodwill, Research and Development costs, Brands, Patents and Trademarks. The test is a one stage process wherein the recoverable amount of the CGU is calculated on the basis of the higher of the β†’

Accountability mechanisms in volkswagen and nike

" An ever evolving set of responsibilities for the functioning and welfare of individuals, society and the environment is entrusted to public sector organisations and private business enterprises". The VW scandal is a perfect example of the impact that both legal and market accountabilities can have on a company when they are ignored.

Demographic transition in the caribbean

The first stage has to do with the period of early enslavement in the early eighteenth century Caribbean islands gained a population due to slaves being imported from Africa by Europeans who depended on the slaves as a labour force to produce sugar in their plantations. This was also the period of indentureship in a β†’

Writing elbow-ism

Shaugnessy was the first to theorized about writing in her book, Errors and Expectations, and although she wrote about the general common faults of the students in writing, such as poor handwriting and syntax, which she backed up with examples of thousands of student papers, and reflected the need of the teachers to adopt to β†’

The contribution of computers english language essay

Johns besides referred to the scholar as a " linguistic communication detective " and invented the look " Every pupil a Sherlock Holmes! " to underline the active function of scholar and described the computing machine and the concordancer as " a research tool for both scholar and instructor ". The premise that underlines this β†’

Between tube”p”. tubes were incubated at 37Β°c for

Initially a total of 57 patients of of Active Pulmonary tuberculosis and age-sex matched 52 individuals of Latent M.tb infected and 44 individuals of House hold Contacts wererecruited for the study. Individuals of less than 15 years of age, apparently unhealthy and HIV positive, were excluded from the study.

Usa experienced a horrible economic meltdown that

The recession was triggered by various fiscal features such as the vast margin between the poor and the wealthy, government debts and surplus production of commodities only to mention a few. Since the depression was partially caused by the imbalanced allotment of resources, it revealed that the US economy suffered a colossal wealth imbalance.

Stereotype examples essay sample

If you look through Puerto Rican history, you will find that the very first sellers in our country were the Indios Tainos." The Indians Tainos were a subgroup of the Arawakan Indians that inhabited the Greater Antilles in which Puerto Rico was a part of". As to the rest of the people that played the β†’

Lawrence’s horse dealer’s

She does not know what to do with her life and she felt that it was the end of the line for her. The " pond experience" was a life-changing experience for both Jack and Mabel.

Role & historical background of security markets

The securities may be in the form of any financial security such as the bonds, shares, deposits and much other financial stuff that is to be sale by the organizations and individuals in the capital markets. The securities act that was formed in 1933 was for the cooperation with the small investors to prohibit the β†’

What was chartism and why did it fail essay

It was a result of the many grievances of the working class, most arguably a deep sense of disappointment with the Great Reform Act of 1832 which had failed to deliver the political voice and voting rights they had hoped for, with five out of every six working men still not enfranchised as a result. β†’

Day at the spa essay

I nipped into the cafe just at the end of my road, to collect my morning coffee and bagel. My spirits were so high and I was overjoyed.

Shakespeare the merchant of venice vs the film adaptation

Contents The issue of Racism addressed written The Merchant of Venice 2 Understanding the characters in The Merchant of Venice 4 The character of Antonio; The Merchant 4 The charge of homosexuality within The Merchant of Venice 6 Characteristics of Shylock the Jew 6 Shakespeare's Women: Portia 8 Gender and gender relationships portrayed in the β†’

Missing the target

The article asks the question, ' can the town continue to use racial targeting to close the achievement gap?' Is that what is going on? The question in the article is about closing the achievement gap and that is not being addressed or answered in this article.

Comparison between salazar and other authoritarian regime in the era

The basis of his authoritarian rule was on the premises of economic and political stability; he instituted major reforms which greatly privileged the people in the upper classes to the disadvantage of the poor section of the society. The origin of Salazar and Hitler's regimes is coincidental, Hitler and Salazar arose to power on the β†’

Topic of race in the united states

To start with, Rosa Parks also known as the mother of the civil rights movement, revitalized the struggle of racial equality when she refused to give up her seat on the bus to a white man in Montgomery, Alabama. Her trial for this act of civil disobedience triggered the Montgomery Bus Boycott, one of the β†’

Human rights in the french revolution

The monarchy had been adding significant taxes to the people, overspending and broadening the debt of the country, and making the lives of the French miserable and poverty-stricken. The unstable conditions brought about by the expenditures of Louis XVI and the reign of terror made the people of France seek a stronger and more secure β†’

Sunshine sketches: frame narratives

The use of satire in the preface and romantic nostalgia in " L'Envoi" create a tension that makes an important statement about the small town as a part of the Canadian identity; for better or for worse, the small town is a symbol of Canadian life and, for all of its follies, we still crave β†’

Nuclear power advantages and disadvantages

So because of these reasons it is something that people need to be aware of and need to actually understand what nuclear power is and how it is affecting us or is going to affect us in the years to come.' One major problem that could occur with nuclear power is that there is always β†’

Asian paints marketing strategy

The organization is now on the way to achieve the overall objective of Economic Customer Asset: The settings up Asian paints colour world, a chain of state art paint shop, is a major step towards building customer asset. It is ahead that its competitor Nerolac and Berger in Decorative segment company still have certain objective β†’

Unethical behaviour of health insurance company

Sicko is a movie that discussed people's thoughts on unethical behavior of the insurance company, the director of the movie known as Michael Moore, told the story of what people passed through in the hands of the insurance company and the life of those who do not have coverage. Most medical doctors are aware of β†’

Hedonic pricing model and how housing prices are derived

This will be researched to see how house prices vary with changes in determinants such as the size of the house, house type, number of bedrooms, number of bathrooms, age of the house, number of garages, the location and the environmental advantage and the facilities available around the house. A model suggested by Switzer is β†’

Interclean envirotech merger memo

To make certain your team member's transition smoothly and quickly it is important to be aware of your behavior and how it can affect the productivity of your workers. With that said the purpose of this memo is to provide the team with information for best practices to follow and maintaining a positive attitude during β†’

Sentencing policies

Low levels of incarceration, opportunities for community reintegration, and the impact of incarceration on recidivism all these are associated with controversial statistics and do not reveal the true picture of sentencing in the U.S. One of the major incarceration and sentencing myths is in that society develops and implements effective reintegration policies, and that the β†’

The jack welch era at general electric essay sample

In the case, " The Jack Welch Era at General Electric", indicate that during the period of Jack Welch was a CEO at General Electric from 1981 to 2001, the company became remarkable profit. Although in the Welch's era, GE Company received huge economic reward and engaged in a board range of philanthropy and community β†’

Controling the scene of a terrorist attack and potential secondary hazards

There is usually the risk of falling debris, and traps set for the first responders in order to hinder their rescue operations. For example, the police should work on crowd control while the paramedics and the fire fighters tend to the wounded and the trapped.

Malcom x

Running head: MALCOLM X Malcolm X Educational MALCOLM X 2 Malcolm X Malcolm X was born Malcolm Little in Omaha, Nebraska, on May 19, 1925, to Rev. Due to internal jealousy and the discovery of Elijah Muhammad's sexual immorality, Malcolm X left the Nation of Islam on March 12, 1964.

Business ethics

Johnson and Johnson Convicted of Bribes Johnson and Johnson, one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the United s in the world has been convicted of bribes." Conviction" means they have been fined by the SEC and the Justice Department for a total of $70 million for paying brides in Greece, Poland, and Romania to β†’

Therapy animals are service animals too

Many of these " therapy" animals provide vital support for the people they travel with, helping to keep their owners and the people around them safe. Therapy animals should be allowed in as service animals, and treated the same once they enter the place of business.

Octogesima adveniens essay

Identify the major/key themes or principles of the encyclical and briefly explain these themes or principles.* Sanctity of human life and dignity of the person The foundational principle of all Catholic social teachings is the sanctity of human life. All people have a right to participate in the economic, political, and cultural life of society β†’

Marketing planning – college

High volume with Filipinos but non with occupants 4th shop location high traffic but few FilipinosCalifornia-Supporting the SettlersSuccess in Guam led them to believe US had possibleFood Appealed to Filipinos and AmericansDecided on Daly City-Large Filipino populationPlans to appeal to Asiatic Americans and so Hispanic Americans B ) General information about the possible markets Geographic β†’

How with in either a essay

Jack believed and the film was trying to show that this is the way of life, the bigger the happiness, the greater the sadness, it is through life's experience you learn the difference between good and bad, but this is what you have to go through it order to be free. It is good for β†’

Fau syg1000 exam 1

Macro analysisStudy of large social structures without referring to the interaction of individuals involved. Role-TakingTake on the viewpoint of another individual and then you respond to yourself from that imagined viewpoint.

Turn of the screw

In Turn of the Screw, the governess ' s attitude while around Miles is flirtatious and almost inappropriate; and she uses him to fill the void of the children's beloved uncle whom she lusts for. Grose is not significantly talkative, it is difficult to form a conclusion about her opinion of the children and the β†’

La haine and sans toit ni loi

In this case it is the banlieue that is their prison, it is this space that is excluding them from the rest of society and thus alienating them.'La Haine is constructed around the opposition between Paris and the banlieue The exclusion and enclosure that this group of friends faces appears to have forced them to β†’

Research paper on namesecond secretary at (protocol department)kingdom of saudi arabia ministry of

I have been continuously upgrading my knowledge and will bring in all the learning and insights that I have gained through these experiences into the job. These different organizations that I have worked with have helped me improve my organizational skills, attention to minute details and the accuracy and speed of my work.

Study of applied behaviour analysis

Applied behaviour analysis is an intervention strategy producing a remarkable improvement in social human behaviour the targeted behaviour to change might have real-life implications for the person, behaviour is assessed by conducting structured observation and measurement, and the behaviour is analysed in detail within the environment to determine influencing factors. The appearance of contemporary applied β†’

Myringotomy and bilateral ear grommets insertion general anaesthesia nursing essay

It will highlight how researching further led to a better understanding of surgery and anaesthetics and to know how to respond if the same situation happens again.Mr.B.had been admitted in the ward at noontime of the surgery. The operating department practitioner and I did the necessary checks in the anaesthetic room and safely prepared the β†’

The history of marketing and neuromarketing

This is due to constraints imposed by the available technology, the diverse complexity of the research task, and the difficulty in organizing different kinds of experiments. To be more specific, elements that are essential to marketing success are formed in the subconscious level of the brain and remain there.

Fannie lou hamer’s civil rights activism

Fannie Lou Hamer was not only a wife and a mother, but she was a woman who was dedicated to the advancement of black men and women. By the age of six, Fannie Lou Hamer started helping her family pick cotton on the fields, and by the age of 12, Hamer was forced to leave β†’

Is globalisation a threat or an opportunity?

The internet can also be seen as a gateway to participate in the game of globalization. It may be good for a business organisation to have access to anyone anywhere in the world, but it also exposes the business to competition.

Short answer

Hubbing out: By placing a hub between a device of interest and the switch, and connecting the analyzer to the hub, you can view all traffic to and from the server. The hardware address of the desired IP host if the sender and destination share a common data link.or The hardware address of the next β†’

Nursing shortages and continuing education

Nursing Shortages and Continuing Education The debate continues over the reason for the shortage of nurses, especially at the bachelor's degree level, and what can be done to attract more associate degree nurses to continue their education into the baccalaureate degree level. The complex issues facing the medical profession today doubles with the extreme shortage β†’

Begler, the example given is very well displayed

The end of the article is dedicated to giving a lesson plan and examples of how to use the model and implement culture into the classroom. The model as I see it is an effective visual tool that can be used to not just study culture but actually look at it and gain a visual β†’

Nature are being exhausted. nature therefore allows the

In this regard, Coleridge has managed to explain to the non artistic the mystic and the complexity of truth as defined by the creative genius so to this extent, nature is very useful in understanding the power of vision. Even the fact that the poem was written as a result of a dream is testimony β†’

Management development assignment

Definition of Management Development Management development is essential for efficient and effective performance of organizations, and specific skills, competences and capabilities that are required for optimal performance of leaders and managers need to be improved and enhanced on a continuous basis. Conclusion The current situation in the field of MD development is that the environment β†’

When you are old’ is one of w.b. yeats essay sample

In this case, it is the legend of Helen of Troy, which inspires Yeats.' When You Are Old' is believed to have been written for Maud Gonne, the love of Yeats' life. Through clever use of punctuation, and the repeated use of " and", Yeats manipulates the pace of the poem and encourages the reader β†’

With whom does willy russell intend the audience to sympathize and identify essay sample

The opening of the play sets the scene for the rest of the story. Russell uses the episodic structure of the play to set the action for the next few scenes." We are closed" This is the response given to the coachload of children by various shopkeepers along the way.

Assignment #1

The analysis of changing dynamics within the tribes of Rwanda and studying the psychology of the western culture, one would be better equipped to apply the anthropological paradigms and disseminate information regarding cross cultural values. Answer 2 The article by Bourgois discusses the problems that have risen from the migration of people across borders.

The red room – literary analysis

He is now considered one of the most defining authors of his time, and the leading role in the creation of the science horror / fiction genre. The characters may not even be able to sense it at first, but they come to realise that " There is fear in that room of hers black β†’

Clothes and fashion essay

The woman says that the fashion is necessary to people feel well The man prefers to wear the same clothes ere day The woman feel better when she wear a beautiful suit, and In each situation you must wear a different clothes. On the other hand clothes has a mission, it is to show the β†’