950 Words Essay Samples

Population growth: economics ans enviroment

Population growth is often portrayed as causingpovertyand environmental degradation, and thus population control is seen as a means of improving living standards. There is a growing concern amongst governments that the rate of population growth in most developing countries if not checked could continue jeopardizing the development in those countries by straining the budgets of →

Free essay on government

Similarly, by showing the opinions and views of the population such organizations help to strengthen the power of the people hence increasing the existence of a democracy, where the government is principally in existence for the good of majority of the population. An example is the political debates that are aired by the media especially →

Population growth rate

WHAT IS THE CONDITION OF THE POPULATION IN THE PHILIPPINES? II. This is one of the major factors leading to overpopulation.

Identify the ways in which mark arax’s chapter book review examples

In this piece, I will be comparing and contrasting the ideologies of Mark Aray in the Highlands of Humbolok and James Rowl in the California Dream. On the other hand, James Rowl gives a lot of reports in his California Dream found in the California, a people, a place, a dream. This coupled with →

Japanese economy: depressed due to lack of population

3% has now dipped into the negative and is declining at the highest rate in the world. Due to a declining population, people aged above 65 now account for a record high of 24. In order to offset the blow of this tax hike, Mr.

Human impact on the environment – problems caused by population growth

The planet obviously can only hold a certain number of people, most species never reach their maximum numbers but they have a peak, then the numbers start to decline. Activities that have changed the landscape Industrial and domestic waste has to be disposed of, and as the population is increasing the waste is becoming →

Free term paper on medical ethics: vaccinations for children of undocumented immigrants

The goals of the vaccination program are to reduce the spread of communicable diseases in high-risk populations, and to reduce the long-term need for care in these same populations. In addition, the program will seek to reduce morbidity and mortality, improve socioeconomic status by improving overall health within the community, decrease →

Toothpaste industry essay sample

With the entry of Colgate in Indian marketplace the awareness about Oral care and the importance of oral care. The third player in the marketplace in terms of market share is Colgate Gel with 10.

key performance indicators essay sample

Key Performance Indicators have been established to maintain progress toward the achievement of the critical business goals. Key performance indicators data will be reviewed regularly by the Company and employees to assess achievement of performance targets. Employees and the Company will actively work toward the achievement of all KPI's. These are →

Report on sovereign wealth fund

The maximum estimate of Sovereign Wealth Fund states around US$ 5 trillion of Assets under Management. Different Sovereign Wealth Funds that we know today There are five types of Sovereign Wealth Funds Stabilization Funds These are the funds that are arranged in order to protect the economy →

Free case study on sociology: theories application paper

Introduction - Brief Description of case chosen Overview of perspectives - Conflict theory - Social constructionist perspective - Social behavioral perspective Application of perspective to case study - Strengths and limitations Conclusion - Benefits of theoretical perspective to social work practice Introduction Brief Description of case chosen A →

Health care workers needlestick injuries health and social care essay

Center for Disease Control and Prevention reported that over 1400 wellness attention worker infection to Hepatitis B occurred due to needlestick hurts In 1993. To minimise the hazard of occupational exposure to the bloodborne pathogens through transdermal hurts, the US federal statute law has been acted with the beginning of OSHA Bloodboren Pathogens criterion in →

Comparing the help agencies niosh and osha can give for implementing an employee motivational program

Employees who get involved, and are well informed, tend to feel more a part of the program, and will respond better to the overall program. Our Recommendations Since safety is such an important issue, we have decided that the first alternative would be the best choice. NIOSH and OSHA both offer a free service →

Annotated bibliography example: food day october 24, 2012 essay sample

I think this is a great source; it gives me a lot of information about the topic, and has many links I am able to click on. They use a lot of facts that are backed up, so it would be useful to use this site and the article in it.

Health care system evolution

Between the GreatDepressionthrough July 1965 health care had numerous debates in this country. In the 1930s a third-party payer health insurance was introduced including Blue Cross and Blue Shield and others to cover the cost of care in the event of illness or accidents. In 1976 formed the Health Care Financing Administration which is a →

Nursing and patient care: it’s all about love

The basic form of love is the capacity to share and understand the sorrow, pain and joy of others Love is both the heart and unifying force of caring. Nurses' expressions of love towards patients can independently expedite the recovery process of the patient, since a suffering patient is more in need of, and →

Scenario essay on radiotherapy and patient satisfaction

As stated in a ' Patient Safety and Quality handbook', ' the major concern about disruptive behaviors is frequent occurrences and the negative impact they can have on patient care.' It puts patient on risk that Alison failed to report it, as he has not receive any disciplinary action for his behavior. This also shows →

Kraske or jackknife position

Arms are usually positioned over the head for turning. Anesthesia Factors One of the most common concerns about the prone jack knife position is the safety of the airway during anesthesia. It was found to be an important factor in determining the patient position and type of anesthesia →

Development of brazil is investing in health care.

The targeted investments in Brazil are in favor of programs directed tohealth, educationand improvement of public services. Another benefit is the social inclusion through participatory stimuli, as well as Increased productivity and economic stability Granola, Jorgensen & Roach, 201 1 With the definition of unilateralism that primary education becomes an education for all, →

Natural and common ph indicators experiment essay sample

Some other natural indicators include: Carrots, cherries, grapes, hydrangea, onions, poppy petals, rhubarbs, thyme and tulip petals. Aim To investigate the uses of various common and natural indicators in acidic, neutral and basic solutions. Part A: COMMON INDICATORS Equipment 0. I have learnt to wash my test →

Groundwater recharge in urban areas

To get rid of water scarcity evaluation of artificial potential groundwater recharge zone could aid in proper advancement and implementation of groundwater and surface water resources. Moreover, the main advantages of the RWA include adequate utilization of available natural resources, increasing current supply acceptability, reducing contaminated loads of water body, reducing load of sewage network, →

Free black like me assignment essay example

Griffin's main goal was to bridge the gap between the whites and the blacks and not to offend the whites in any way. Griffin's, in the book, argued that the blacks and whites did not understand each other at that period of time, a situation that can be observed in the current society, although not →

Running head: racial segregation

Running head: Racial Segregation Racial Residential Segregation Author Author Affiliation Segregation is defined as the division of people of different races of daily activities, such as education and housing. Massey, 1985." American Apartheid: Segregation and the Making of the Underclass".

Free essay on oratorical leaders and the magic of stereotypes: martin luthers speech

The second part in the approach looks at the future of unification of the races for the achievement of American dream. The type of prejudice that forms the focal point of the speech is racial discrimination that was prevalent in America those days. Luther chooses to identify with the crowd in the opening remarks of →

Lee discriminated in various ways. lee 2nowadays,

Lee 1 We should indeed keep calm in the face of difference, and live our lives in a state of inclusion and wonder at the diversity ofhumanity". Discrimination, regardless of the reason, should no longer be athreat and obstacle in LGBT people's lives.

Pride and prejudice on marriage

Jane Austen uses Elizabeth and Darcy's relationship to portray what a marriage should truly be based upon, and to teach people of the Regency Period to marry for love, as well as in an attempt to rid the idea of marrying based on social class and economic standing. She uses this relationship as a way →

Abuse 2016). as stated in marriage.com 2017,

As stated by Women's Aid Organisation in their article Domestic Violence 2011, with 39% of Malaysian ladies evaluated to have been mishandled by their accomplices, household viciousness is a critical, but regularly covered up social issue. The ' invisibility' of the issue is generally credited to the affectability of the issues encompassing the issue, particularly →

Smoking cessation in pregnancy

Problems in the Health Care One problem that health care faces with smoking cessation for women that are pregnant is the lack of training among professionals. Educating women of the dangers of smoking during pregnancy is the first step, but following up with the proper interventions and material used to help women understand and motivated. →

Jails and prisons

Individuals housed in a jail have been sentenced for less than a year and receive minimal service and programs due to the transient nature of the facility. A Jail also houses a wide variety of individuals; not all there for punishment. Violence is a dominant subculture in jails and prisons.

Motion to suppress qrant or denial

Page Number: 60. Richard Bamberger, Publication Year: 1972, Justice Is the Crime: Pretrial Delay in Felony Cases. 1994)stressing the importance of " immediacy" requirement). See, e.g., U.S.v.

How the desktop affects ergonomics

Normally, attention is focused on office chairs, but the desk is also a very important element that we must take into account when designing an ergonomically correct office. Today we are going to focus on the desk to discover how the desk affects the ergonomics of our position. But it is always good to know →

China – geert hofstede

Power distance is defined as the extent to which the less powerful members of institutions and organisations within a country expect and accept that power is distributed unequally. At 80 China sits in the higher rankings of PDI i.e.a society that believes that inequalities amongst people are acceptable. The extent to which →

Labor unions narrative essay

By conducting the operations to establish their own unions, the NLRB was expected to safeguard the interest of the workers.. The employers are also expected to follow the labor law which is controlled by the federal and the state governments. The main duty of the NLRB is to maintain the cordial relationship between the workers →

People what it’s purpose was intended for. it

To understand about guns, let's look back to where guns originally came from and what it's purpose was intended for. It started back in the 9th century after the Chinese invented black powder and begin to trade the powder in the middle east. Fast forward to the 14th century, the first gun was invented in →

Contemporary indian drama “theatre of india”

We have different kinds of theatre in different regions of our country, for instance we have yakshagana in Karnataka, ramleela in the north, jatra in Bengal then tamasha in Maharashtra and krishnatam in kerala. The theatre or drama should be in terms of social influence it should be meaningful and relevant which I saw in →

Counter terrorism in pakistan

The main reason of terrorism in Pakistan is extremism as well and the intolerant behaviour of different sects. Sufi Islam was elevated to counter the impact of Wahhabi and Deobandi schools of thought, which a few suspect sowed the seeds of fanaticism in Pakistani society.

“the grass eaters” analysis

However, both story occur in different time and place but their thinking and way to see the world makes difference in each story that catches the reader's till the end. To commence with, in story " The Grass Eaters" basically reflects that Ajit babu and his wife who has seen almost all kind of struggle →

Red light districts in south east asia countries

In our article, we are going to focus on red light district in south East Asia and we will base on ' Where", ' When", ' Who", and ' Which" are the activities that are involved in these regions of south East Asia. The South East Asian Countries includes, Indonesia, Malaysia, Cambodia, the Philippines, Thailand, →

South east region term paper

These are some of the features that contribute to the spectacle that is the scenery of South East Asia. The physical geography of South and East Asia consist of three major parts, the highlands, the plateaus and the basins. Also due to the highlands north of South East Asia, there are floods during the rainy →

Free motion pictures essay sample

Sorrentino reflects the revelers as feast and the ghost. Despite the fact that the great beauty film involves a scene that strikingly presents Mr.servillo's character as one that rests on a cliff, sorrentino in his view of Italy says that it represents a country where all people fell asleep instead →

An unforgettable return to my high school campus

The sun shined through dense green foliage of flame trees and filled the ground with little spotlights, which cast light on my body and on every step I took when walking through the pavement inside the campus. I kept walking on, as what I usually did in those three years of high →

Essay on gender

Owing to the inflexibility of the gender binary scheme, young women and men have become cramped in the social limits of their demographic. Concepts of gender stratification envelop a landscape of speculations and conditions, from broad historical comparisons to micro circumstances. In essence, gender is a publicly constructed concept. Sex is regarded as a binary →

Recruitment and retention of minorities in nursing

The maintenance of understudies after section into the nursing program is basic to the advancement of a different workforce. Notwithstanding planning the HCC, the allow reserves gave the assets to set up maintenance projects, administrations, and grants for recently conceded or keeping nursing understudies in the objective populace. They trust that their work as a →

Significant problems in alias grace novel

Perhaps this adds some more depth to the story and makes it seem more real, or maybe its just nice to have a break from narratives every once in a while. Alias Grace can be analyzed differently by anyone; Atwood's use of language to describe tone, symbols, and prominent themes throughout the book allows for →

Koko the gorrilla

Although there may be many linguists who discredit this notion, AOl chat was able to provide transcripts between penny, who is Koko's translator, and Koko the gorilla through the use of American Sign Language The transcripts provide evidence of gestures, behaviors, and thoughts that Koko does through her conversation with penny. To →

Critique of mary worley’s article: fat and happy

She believes that people should not be ashamed of their bodies, or try to change them to fit in with the crowd. She discusses a new outlook on body image and believes that we all should create " a new relationship with our bodies, one that does not involve self-loathing". Worley explains that society feels →

Coronary heart disease

In my research I plan to introduce how heart diseases are caused and also the best prevention techniques to ensure that the number of people affected by Coronary Heart Diseases, specifically Heart Attacks, is falling each year instead of climbing. This article is a published study done by The College of Pharmacy and Drug Topics →

Ethical analysis of obesity interventions research paper examples

The paper will then go on to utilize a particular ethical framework to examine a selection of obesity interventions for ethical issues. Specially, Baum, Gollust, Goold, and Jacobson of the University of Michigan School of Public Health have formulated a framework of six considerations for the analysis of public health ethical issues. The present proposal →

Melissa legault

Exercising regularly and eating an appropriate amount of calories will cause a person to maintain a healthy weight. It boosts the circulation in your body and the delivery of nutrients to your skin, which helps the body to remove toxins.


Hypertension or high blood pressure, sometimes called arterial hypertension, is a chronic medical condition in which the blood pressure in the arteries is elevated.[1] This requires the heart to work harder than normal to circulate blood through the blood vessels. Combinations of two or more lifestyle modifications can achieve even better results.[50] →

Example of qe3, fiscal cliff and the european debt crisis term paper

This is done by injecting a pre-determined quantity of newly created money in the economy through the purchase of debts from banks. The graph shows what's happening in the bonds market with the QE3 policy of the Central Bank. The increase in the spending behavior of consumers sparks increases in commodity prices. The →

Was the treaty of versailles a fair settlement?

Lloyd-George was likely the most substance out of the three pioneers since he had needed a bargain between the French and American plans in the first place. The reparations they needed to pay on account of their blame were still moderately little, considering the sum the French would have gotten a kick out of the →

Be aware of your future

Communication is a big part of being involved in the beauty industry as you have to interact, suggest and ask what your client wants. Time keeping skills are incredibly important when it comes to a session as there may be other customers waiting with a booking and you have to keep to the schedule.

T.s. eliot: symbolism as the sign of poetic wholeness essay

Eliot's The Waste Land was the product of his continuous work the unique combination of postwar disillusionment and the revelation of the modern world culture. Throughout the years, and in the light of numerous successful dramatic works, his The Love Song of J.

The are solid foundations for my future research

In the near future, the development of quantum computation and nanophotonics willlead to another information revolution, and I am determined to lead this scientific progress. As the leader of a group of four students, I wrote a C program and then designedand set up an optical system to test the properties of the spatial light →

Genogram – a pictorial representation of a family

When one is trying to depict the family structure, size, its members, in the form of a structured format, then it is a simple flowchart or a family tree. Making of a genogram: It is extremely easy to make a genogram when one is aware of the basic information of the family members.

“finding your roots”

Due to this, study of DNA and its applications has become more and more important hovering lot of attention to carry out DNA usages for identification of inheritance, legal issues, study of human behavior and many other medical applications. DNA testing is used in the process of Gene hunting, Genetic profiling, Gene targeting and drug →

Religion essay aisha

She had a large impact on the Islamic faith and contributed to the development and expression of Islam and may be considered an inspiration to Muslim women in today's society. So pulled her to me and told her what the Prophet meant." This hadith showed Aisha's role in the development and expression of Islam as →

Free essay on intellectual contributions of islam

In this context, when all people are equal in terms of social status, it creates a powerful basis for the promotion and maintenance of a just social order, and of a safety of society. In general, the aspect of knowledge it is provided as part of the world harmony provided by Islam. Special attention will →

Poorly equipped for monitoring and managing security

Yet, to be competitive, organizations continue to seek a seamlesstechnologyenvironmentthat allows them to provide voice, data, and video services to exchange documents, to collaborate, and to deliver products and services in cost effective ways. The Case Study solution must take into account the Gardner Group's statement from the perspective of the company and should create →

Cell phone problem solution

Silent lunch will be given and they will lose the next incentive time and would be sent to ISS for the hour. For students who break the cell phone rule a second time, their phone will be confiscated and sent to the office. This solution will solve the problem because it allows →

Inflation and united states economy essay sample

A stereo produced and sold in the US by a Japanese company _____ 2. A bottle of French wine, sold in the US _____ 11.

Swot analysis of curaçao international company

Its Phoenix contact center was next, In 2012. Like its competitors in the industry, Cura ao International Inc.(mentioned here as " Cura ao" or the " company"), is a diversified language services company, operates wrought Its two sections: Cura ao Is for clients In the field of healthcare: healthcare plans, clinics and hospitals, →

Free essay on daily dietary intake

I took a total of about one gram of fruits, half a kilogram of vegetables, seven liters of plain water, two liters of vegetable soup, a handful of Brazilian nuts and one and a half kilograms of meat. This constituted the three daily meals and also in between meal snacks. →

Getting rich in entrepreneurship begins with just wanting to help people

But those things are not going to make you successful. It's like Jim Carey said: " I think everybody should get rich and famous and do everything they ever dreamed of so they can see that it's not the answer". It's what you give that counts. How I started giving. At 24, after half a →

Accelerating growth of e-commerce market

On the security side, e-cash offers privacy of payment, where the merchants or the third party cannot obtain consumer bank account information. Economic Aspect: One of the drawback of e-cash is that the face value of the digital coin is often set, therefore cannot give change. Secure Credit Card In secure credit card transaction, customer →

Mobile commerce

We can also say It Is a mobile electronic commerce. It is similar to electronic commerce the only difference twine mobile commerce and electronic commerce Is In mobile commerce we use mobile mediated networks while In electronic commerce we use computer mediated network. They can do business promotions using mobile commerce. →

Mobile apps driving up ecommerce

With the advancement of mobile technology such as smartness and tablets and the mobile APS, a new way to purchase products from retailers has evolved. Retailers should consider using the same layouts and designs that consumers are used to seeing and using in order to appeal to them. This will certainly ensure ease →

Nursing journal article on lupus and alternative treatment

Nursing Journal Article on the Treatment of Diabetes with Vitamin D3 Lecturer: Nursing Journal Article on the Treatment of Diabetes with Vitamin D3 " Calcium Plus Vitamin D Supplementation and the Risk of Incident Diabetes in the Women's Health Initiative" is an article that was written by De, Tinker, Connelly, Curb, Howard, Kestenbaum, Larson and →

Pareto analysis

We will focus on: The definition of Pareto Analysis. The history of Pareto Analysis. When we can use Pareto Analysis. How to use Pareto Analysis. The risks of using Pareto Analysis. Ways to avoid the risks arises. The advantages and disadvantages of Pareto Analysis. WHAT IS PARETO ANALYSIS? The definition of Pareto Analysis can be →


Earl Reum Once on a yellow piece of paper with green lines he wrote a poem And he called it " Chops" because that was the name of his dog And that's what it was all about And his teacher gave him an A and a gold star And his mother hung it on the →

A successful it manager

I do have few housing qualifications and a membership of inside housing portal. Good Communication Skills, as the overcrowding officer, it is essential for the success of my job, to be able to communicate effective with applicant, especially dealing with clients from across the cross section of the society. The scores indicated to me that →

Analysis of weltanschauung: our early template essay sample

I have always felt that by being a good parent and instilling good values to my daughters will make them good role models for their own children. Learning from my daddy the importance of respect and love has helped me to become a good parent and I know my children will also become →

Type of learners

It is without doubt that most students resort to rote memory learning today because it is one of the easiest and at the same time, one of the most ineffective and time-consuming learning process. You talk to yourself on how to solve a certain question, when you are making decisions or when you are choosing →

Focus on the learner essay sample

The size of the room and the number of students attending class3 makes it difficult to have a more kinesthetic approach even though a good number of them are passionate about dancing, sports and regularly pursue these hobbies. The students are involved in class activities and there are a few risk-takers who regularly intervene →

How significant was hitler’s leadership?

Hitler was a very smart, yet stubborn man.his reign was cut short, but was and still is very influential on the world and his country. It was significant because he made sure by enforcing his rules.the significance of his leadership will not be forgotten. They seen him like this because the germans were desperate for →

Situation evasion

For a management to choose which set to use it must be aware of the variables that internally exist in its organization; the work force and policies to follow. Even as this developments crop up the organizations must be careful to infringe the rights of the workers or breach any direction that was stipulated in →

Term paper on geometry of stonehenge

Many of the Neolithic ancestors used the knowledge of geometry in building Stonehenge. This is to imply that the discovery of the knowledge on geometry had many implications especially in understanding the monument.

Ludwig van beethoven biography sample

But the high calling of musician-artist, love of art, which should sparkle fire from manly soul and through which he could appeal to the millions made Beethoven overcome his feelings of despair. Further period until 1814 was the most productive in the works of Beethoven. Already in 1815 during a conversation he resorted to records. →

Remediation essay sample

There have been many conflicts in my life because of my strong cultural identity as a Chinese person, and I tried very hard to express these conflicts and how I overcame them with my project. I think the thing that stands out the most about my self-summary - before I even began to consider what →

Romulus, my father – essay

Furthermore, the specific place, in relation to where the individual literally resides, too influences ones sense of belonging. In Raimond Gaita's biographical memoir Romulus, My Father, the notion of belonging is strongly influenced by place. In contrast, Christine is unable to find any means of connection to the place or landscape and →

Research proposal on political science

Globalization and Inequality - Justification for the topic Globalization and inequality is a significant topic among the international community because inequality is brought by injustice, unequal opportunity and privilege. This indicates that in the long run, the rich and elite in the community benefits from globalization unlike the lower working class who are →

Movement, space and dynamics in “carmen” of mat ek

As the group of female dancers come in we see a dramatic change in the dynamics and movements of the dance as in comparison to M, these dancers have a much more open body position about them with much greater use of the entire kinosphere of each individual. The use of multiple kicks and turns →

Terroism yesterday, future & chronology

The last story of Columbine was an act of domestic terrorism. In a perverted way, the perpetrators of Columbine were making a statement, and that is terrorism.

Time travel theory informative for speech

Time travel could deal with moving forward in a timeline or backward in a timeline. Jane Marshall, a leading physicist today said " Einstein's theory of relativity is a theory of space and time, and should be no surprise that black holes offer, in concept, a way to travel through space and →

The past and the future the cure for time

One can choose any moment in history, and, at some time, it had existed in the form of the present. Also, in the mind of the person remembering this moment in the past, it exists as present in that particular memory. How can we know that the definition of the word present actually establishes this →

Nature vs. nurture: do we have control over our destiny or is it pre-determined for us?

The central dispute in the study of human development is the nature-nurture controversy. It argues that people's heredity is the mold that shapes development. John Watson, the founder of behaviorism, argued that the environment and not nature, was the key to human development.

Good example of essay on national debt and deficit

This provides the platform for economists and policy makers to find a possible lasting solution to the budget deficit. Deficit is the difference between receipts, the money the government receives, and the outlays, the money the government spends, per year. The recession added to the budget deficit through reduction of tax revenue through reduction of →

Creativity in advertisement essay sample

Advertising is used to introduce a new product in the market. Sales Volume: This is used to measure the amount, usually in cartoons/crates, etc, of the product being sold at a given point in time.

Title: the news just got interactive: the six function of mass media in society

Mass media is a type of way to help us to transfer information and receive information from the peoples. On the other hand, we could take the perspective of a sociologist and look through a wide-angle lens to consider the functions performed by the mass media for the entire society that called as macroanalysis.

Holland: personality types

The Realistic type contrasts most sharply with the Social type, the Investigative with the Enterprising, and the Conventional with the Artistic.| | Realistic | | | Investigative | | | Conventional | | | | | Artistic | | | Enterprising | | | Social | | Realistic These individuals deal best →

Project report of luxury retailing of swatch & tissot

In the luxury sector, it is essential that communication serves the product and the brand and not the reverse. In the majority of the cases, it will be enough to point out the existence of the product, without necessarily showcasing it. The concentration of the luxury brand sector around multinationals, each one with their own →

Section one: explain marx ’concept of alienation.

The purpose of this paper is to analyze the two concepts of alienation and anomie and to show their similarities and differences. Alienation of the worker from the product of his labor: 'The worker places his life in the object; but now it no longer belongs to him, but to the object' ; The →

State capitalism essay sample

Hence, by controlling these multinational corporations , the China government shapes the overall market by managing its currency, directing funds to favored industries and working closely with Chinese companies both national and abroad. There are a few factors that initiated the forming of state capitalism. However, there is hardly any direct relationship between →

Tesco’s capital structure

It is commonly accepted that the increase of the gearing ratio will significantly couple with the increasing trend of EPS, and vice versa. In Tesco's case, the decline of gearing ratio parallels the incline of earnings per share. This is an efficiency ratio of the performance of management. Virtually, the company has increase the utility →

Good essay about capital punishment

It is now discussed as a religious, ethical, and legal issue, and is believed to be the only punishment that gives justice to the victims involved. In the ongoing debate on capital punishment, mixed reactions can be heard, depending on one's faith and principles. In addition, everyone is entitled to the right of life and →