950 Words Essay Samples

T.g.i. fridays

The inner decor of the restaurant gives it a feel of a theatrical stage, the ambience, the service, the product along with the package make the visit memorable for the customers. The study deals with evaluating the service technologies used and assessing the image created by it in the minds of the people and the โ†’

Bmwโ€™s market share in 2003

BMW sources of competitive advantage were well established in the minds of the customers. Except from the threshold capabilities, BMW needed in order to compete in luxurious automobiles segment, which were reliability and design, some core unique resources had to be exploited in order to develop competitive advantage. In addition, companies in Germany like BMW โ†’

William randolph hearst

Sometimes Hearst hired away the World 's more aggressive executives and reporters; sometimes he outbid all competitors in the open market. One of Hearst's editors was paid twice as much in salary as the sale price of the New York World. He could not grasp the basic problems the issue of the war โ†’

Good example of blackberry decision-making process essay

Through a realistic examination of the assignment and an ensuing reformulation of it, we demonstrate that the impact does not rely on upon the vicinity of vulnerability, yet on the presentation of non-applicable objectives into the content issue, in both the well-known Gamble issue and the Hawaii issue. Participatory approach Through the use of โ†’

Ticket pack promotion for portland trail blazers assignment

Question 1 To judge which attribute indicate is the overall most important in the purchase decision, we calculated the importance of each attribute according to the utility score data. The utility gap between the package with the greatest utility and the package with the 21st greatest utility is 0.

Why do so many people use home shopping network

After the research, they ensure that whatever they create is beneficial to their clients, hence, the majority of people who use the shopping networks. Therefore, they use the shopping networks without considering the advantages of the networks.

Sylvia plaths daddy through the eyes of a reader and the eyes of two experts

Proctor English 1302-6131 Essay # 3 October 8, Sylvia Plath's " Daddy" Through the Eyes of a Reader and the Eyes of Two Experts On the surface, Sylvia Plath's poem " Daddy" describes the tumultuous and dysfunctional relationship she experienced with her own father. Every woman adores a Fascist, The boot in the face, the โ†’

The second rich generation in china interview report

Mo Han falls under the category of the second richest generation in China, he has a good understanding of this group of individuals and the implication of their lifestyles. I agree with Han's idea that this generation is posing a threat to the future of the coming generations by overspending and without investing in business โ†’


My assessment of the policies is the fact that the government is undoubtedly corrupted. The 95% of the resources are privately owned which is detrimental to the population.

Immigration reform

of Learning: Immigration Reform Immigration reform is a change in the immigration policy of a nation which results from the passing of a law changing the immigration status of the nation. In the United States, immigration reform is initiated through the Democratic vote where the proposed changes are presented by Congress and are voted on. โ†’

Topic proposal

Running head: TOPIC PROPOSAL Topic Proposal; The effects of implicit and explicit language instruction on students' ability to learn English grammar Research proposal on the effects of implicit and explicit language instruction on students' ability to learn English grammar Introduction In the recent past, there has been a high interest to โ†’


Culturally, a meal in this village is central to a strong bond of the family and my mother ensured that to her best. Man must live despite what comes in the way and this is what my life was destined to.

Jokes in english

Jokes in English The Funny Side of the United Kingdom This is a book about jokes in English and their historical perspective in the United Kingdom. The rest of the book gives an overview of the definition of humor and the art of making jokes.

The death of the author suggests that the author is an ideological construct rather than the originator of a text, and it also suggests that we too can be correctly considered as textual constructs rather than as individuals

The Death of the and the Life of the Audience In Death of the Roland Barthes s that the reading audience is affected by this death of the author. This is a contradiction to what is said, because the implication of Barthes essay is that the author essentially disappears from the work, and the interpretation โ†’

Why was the german panther tank the most influential weapon of world war ii

The Soviet tactics during the war concerning armored warfare was simple the enemy was to be overwhelmed using numbers even if the quality of the armor was compromising. London: History Press, 2008.

Pathos, logos, and ethos in writing: similarities and differences in writing and why

Abdulrahman Tayeb Rudd ENGL1303 12/7 Pathos, Logos, and Ethos in Writing: Similarities and Differences in Writing and Why In writing different essays, the content, appeals, and writing style can vary, depending on the aims and audiences of the writer. Although these essays are similar in attaining a coherent essay, differences in appeals and writing styles โ†’

Guava leaves investigatory project

The purpose of thisinvestigatory projectis to prove that herbal plants can cure skin disorders like acne that is irritating and can low our confidence who are going to the stage of puberty like me that's why I searched on the internet about herbal plants that can treat skin disorders, and I โ†’

Big three automakers crises

In view of the of the recent appearances of the CEOs of the big three automakers namely Chrysler, Ford, and General Motors before the House and Senate Committees regarding their financial problems, herewith are recommendations on the White House' position on the issue. Overview of different of the different option along โ†’

Causes why we burn fossil fuels combustion of

The basic ways of this technology are post-combustion and pre-combustion carbon capture. Post-combustion carbon capture means carbon dioxide is trapped after the combustion of fossil fuels. After that, through a heating process, the carbon dioxide rises to the top and the amine drops to the bottom of the flask.

Behavior across the lifespan

Erikson identified these stages of life and gave a description of the life parts a person is required to navigate, and possibly master to become a well-adjusted and successful adult in the course of his or her lifetime. This part of the theory allows us to understand that the parent is responsible for meeting the โ†’

Corruption in egypt essay

According to Andrew Updated , " The government does not appear to have carried out any overall assessment of corruption in Egypt or mandated an experienced institution to do so". In a country where there is a lack of censorship and discipline, this is evident to happen. We need to start changing ourselves to โ†’

Roles of importance of operations management essay

Some direction is connected with operation direction such as human resources direction which include to name the workers and so settle them in peculiar country harmonizing to their creativeness and cognition, and to give back up them in their work, other is Asset direction which include the cognition of it ' s belongings, installations, machinery โ†’

Transportation systems: freight since staggers essay

With the upcoming competition from trucking in the 1970s, the railway industry had to face the fact that they would not be able to transport the volume of freight to which they were accustomed, and the regulated rail business certainly could not continue to support the generous wages and benefits to its employees. The competition โ†’

The issues of knowledge management essay

Therefore it is strictly important for the companies to retain, develop, organize and use competences of their personnel in order to maintain required level of competitiveness. As a result the tool, called Knowledge Management, was developed. The purpose of the current essay is to explain it on the base of Russian corporation Rosetta and to โ†’

Introduction in 1993, operating under the name of

Their mission is " tocontinually provide our members with quality goods and services at the lowestpossible prices". In its mission, the company aims to contribute to theimprovement of the quality of life of people and small and medium businessesthrough the reduction of costs, as well as the resale and personal use ofquality products with the โ†’

Apparel industry report

It is one of the earliest industries to come into existence in the country. The sector has a unique position as a self-reliant industry, from the production of away materials to the delivery of end products, with considerable value-addition at every stage of processing Apart from providing one of the basic necessities of โ†’

Hollywood as a global american brand essay examples

Hollywood encompasses the larger and more popular part of the American film, music, and entertainment industry along with the celebrities, businesses, and ideologies it supports, propagates, and cultivates throughout the United States of America and the world. Being one of the biggest and most influential enterprises in the world, the Hollywood industry is visible across โ†’

The four basic food molecules

A molecule is a group of atoms bonded together that represent the smallest unit of a chemical compound that can take part in a chemical reaction.In kitchen chemistry today, there are many types offoodmolecules such as minerals, vitamins, fiber, and water. But there are four molecules that people refer to as โ†’

Coffee in world history

The did effect the people in positive ways because the workers were able to all get fair and equal pay for the job without any socialdiscrimination. Finally, the social bonuses of coffee are shown, while being biast, stating that coffee is a ready and east source ofmoney, showing that you could benefit โ†’

In these issues government knew they would need

As national health started to takeprecedence in the American society the need for the government to take a vitalrole in these issues grew. National Health started gaining prominence as earlyas 1798 when an act was passed for the relief of sick and disabled seamen, which established a federal network of hospitals for the care of โ†’

Uk mobile phone industry

This report provides a comprehensive environmental analysis of the UK mobile phone industry, including a PESTLE analysis of the industryenvironment, an assessment of the prevalent competitive forces using Porter's 5 forces analysis, and an individual SWOT analysis for each of the major network operators in the UK, Vodafone, T-mobile, Orange and O2. PESTLE โ†’

Government mismanagement the most important cause essay

However it is argued Government mismanagement is the most important cause due to the fact that it had such a significant impact because it was a continual cause and that it could be blamed as a trigger for the start of it. As most of the members, who ran and organized the UTC, had a โ†’

Launch of a new energy drink

We could then market it as a healthier alternative to the popular energy shots, so that it appeals both to the target audience and the general public. Legal aspects The Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code mandates that a formulated caffeine beverage must contain 145 to 320 milligrams of caffeine per litre1 โ†’

“there was his next best mentor throughout his

During Bill Clinton's time in the office, he was able to expand the powers of the presidency by recreating the perception and operation of the Democratic Party in ways that effectively weakened the " Reagan Revolution". Although Bill Clinton was involved in multiple controversies that led to his impeachment, he left a significant legacy in โ†’

The fresh sea air blew in my cold face โ€“ creative writing

I gazed out to the horizon and in the distance I could see a large unwanted ship. The wind started to howl andthe rain camedown harder and harder. The ship out at sea was swaying and disappearing deep into the troughs between the waves, and as it drew closer I could see that it was โ†’

Relationship between international trade and economic development research paper sample

This will lead to domestic competition that is healthy as manufacturers will improve on the quality of their products so as to remain relevant to the industry. An economy that is open to external trade will grow faster than an economy that is closed only to internal trade. Many developing countries fear that opening up โ†’

Positive effects of caffeine

Due to the high consumption by the public, many scientists have tried to bring the public to the knowledge of the effects of caffeine on human health. Positive Effects of Caffeine Although it is argued that, the intake of a small amount of caffeine does not create adverse effects such as the cardiovascular effects, โ†’

Primark the global beauty market (abf, 2016). primark

The ONS blamed the steep rise in the annual rate of inflation over the last year to 2. Irrespective of all the pitfalls of the retail sector and the economy in the UK because of the fall in the value of pound, Primark is still standing strong and has been successful in generating revenue when โ†’

Airborne express: economics of strategy and organization essay sample

Airborne did not try to focus in the large portion of the market which was taken by FedEx or UPS. Overall Airborne lowered its cost wherever possible and hence it was able to deliver the service at a lower price.

Multiple causes downed the challenger

All was going well for NASA and its space shuttle program until January of 1986 when the Challenger exploded 73 seconds into the flight, killing all the crew. Since then, the shuttle program has been besieged by controversy, much of it stemming over the causes of the Challenger explosion. In fact, " the accident investigations โ†’

Informative speech about eating disorders

Purpose: I want my audience to understand the factors that make up their credit scores. Thesis Statement: The factors that make up the credit scores are: payment history, debt, length of credit history, new credit, and type of credit used. Organizational Pattern: Categorical Forms of Support: Explanation, graphs, expert testimony, statistics.

Preliminary market research findings for future marketing strategy recommendations essay

Preliminary Market Research Findings for Future Marketing Strategy Recommendations According MarketResearch. com Consumer Goods article Housewares Market Research Reports, the housewares industry is composed of various companies who manufacture and produce a variety or household goods and products. The trends of housewares industry are based on a general population opting to spend more time โ†’

Pakistan mobile operator forecast, 2009 โ€“ 2013 essay

Total wireless subscribers in Pakistan to reach 130.million in 2013 The publisher forecasts that total mobile subscribers in Pakistan will increase from 94. Mobilink will continue to be the largest player in Pakistan's mobile operator space over the next five years. They expect that Mobilink will have 36.

Analyzing the importance of energy efficiency construction essay

This decrease in the energy ingestion is non needfully associated to proficient alterations, since it can besides ensue from a better organisation and direction or improved economic efficiency in the sector which is overall additions in productiveness. THE IMPORTANCE OF ENERGY EFFICIENCY The energy efficiency is really importance because there are utile in multiple โ†’

Music and movie piracy essay examples

The essay also examines how piracy affects the producers of music and movies who invest a lot of time as well as a lot of energy into the production of music and movies. The essay also examines the effects that music and movie piracy have on the greater society as a whole and especially the โ†’

Lpn to rn transition essay sample

The paper also shows how one can be able to transit from the LPN level to the RN level through the concept of professional socialization. An RN is one who has graduated from a nursing program in the university and usually has a higher level of knowledge as compared to LPN and LVN โ†’

Free bulimia nervosa: causes, impacts and treatment research paper sample

At one end of the spectrum is anorexia nervosa, and at the other end, is binge eating, with bulimia nervosa located somewhere in the middle of the spectrum. In some cases, a mental health provider and a dietician who is adept in the treatment of eating illnesses.

Ethical issues around psychiatric medications and their administration by registered psychiatric nurses in the context of their

This is for the reason that the psychiatric drugs may have adverse impacts on the patients under medication, both in the body and the brain of the patients. Anderson and Currie are devastated at the point that psychiatric medication is something that scientists have nothing to do with or are unwilling to delve โ†’

Curriculum framework essay examples

This paper will describe the philosophy, concepts rationale, and proposed uses of a curriculum framework designed for a nursing program. Philosophical Foundation The inherent beliefs about the four metaparadigms of nursing that are person, nursing, environment, and health will constitute the philosophical underpinnings of the framework. The goal of nursing is to assist clients โ†’

Research critique, part 1 essay sample

Purpose and Research Questions The purpose of a qualitative study indicates the focus of the study. The literature was effective and relevant to the focus of the research study.


In a clinical setting, there is a number of equipment that needs to be operated and as a nurse it is a prerequisite to know how to operate them. To complete the BS Nursing program of studies and to graduate is a momentous moment that I am really looking forward to.

The role of the registered nurse (rn) in maternity nursing

Maternity RNs also evaluate the effectiveness of the plan of care and make modifications to meet the changing needs of the mother, newborn and the family.4. Labor and Delivery Nurse: As a labor and delivery nurse, the RN is responsible to provide care to patients in labor who have uncomplicated or complicated deliveries.

Applying ethical frameworks in practice essay sample

Patients have the right to anticipate privacy of their medical records and all data and information related to their care and doctors and nurses have a legal obligation to break confidentiality when it is truly and ethically necessary. In the reading which is assigned, the Nurse revised the obligations of confidentiality by violating the guarantee โ†’

Braveheart. movie analysis and its affect on the society

It tought many people of what it was like back in the 1300s. First of all, Braveheart was a movie about the early Scottish people. For example, Jon Lackland was leader once in the Middle Ages and he lost all of the land that his mother had passed down to him in a matter of โ†’

Pride in antigone and in whale rider

Although both Creon and Koro discount women throughout their respective stories, their differing attitudes at the end of both stories develop from their distinct ways of acknowledging their pride; Creon is unable to overcome his pride, leading to Antigone's death, and Koro overcomes his pride to accept Pai as the new leader of the tribe. โ†’

“journey, north coastโ€ by robert gray essay sample

The intriguing self discovery brings a refreshing feeling towards the persona who had the country surroundings concealed whilst living in the city." it's the train that booms and cracks,/ it tears the wind apart" sets the mood of the poem, as the viewer senses the excitement of the persona towards discovering the country side. The โ†’

The first contact in apocalypse now

The First Contact in Apocalypse Now andHeart of Darkness In Apocalypse Now, Francis Ford Coppola obviously modifies and embellishes the characters, scenes and dialogue of Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness. Aware of Marlow's potential peril at the hands of the natives, he advises him to keep the โ†’

Working of natural brain biology essay

2 Understanding complexity....................5.1. 2Applications of Blue Brain.......................5.2.

Fixation and fixatives

5, 3% aqueous acetic solution for 1 minute, then proceed to step 2. After step 2, the slides can be blotted dry, instead of rinsing in running tap water and distilled water. Continue the procedure with step 5. References Lev R.and Spicer S.S.: Specific staining โ†’

Computer sciences and information technology

The management of the organization is not pleased with the ongoing support levels it is receiving from the Microsoft Dynamics GP ERP system usage and its IT operations across its branches as they have all proved to be cost ineffective. Overall Risk of Investment Failure The company fears that the system may not be in โ†’

Security policy document for the abc electronics company

Security Policy Document for the ABC Electronics Company A security policy is a compilation of documents that develops a company's understanding of its property, as well as, its worth, the threats or risks to which these properties along with its worth might be bare. Some of the prescribed policies to the ABC are as follows: โ†’

Adn: solving the challenges of telecommunication industry through blockchain

The provider will keep record of the rate for call minutes; and even when the user dials the service number the service provider will quickly deduct from such user account at exorbitant rate. However, the greater part of the deducted amount will be transferred to the service provider and the huge part will be used โ†’

Methods for resolving small scale systems problems

In solving the large and small-scale method problems, the scientist uses this method to analyze all the main designs involved in general methods and the scientific sub branches studies. Application of this method will put a large- scale method in the same grid with small-scale methods then carry out small-scale computation to enhance the flow โ†’

Extreme extent to which sports is important – report example

It has seen the change of many lives just by utilizing their sports abilities.Sports' role has been debated in the society for decades now when some think that it is a minor thing that can be done away with and attach little or no importance to it, some tend to think that it is a โ†’

Pain and passion

The pain being a child's life was at risk due to the night of passion. I was not first to lead the class so I listened attentively to what criticism was put forward during the debrief. The good side of having or not having the abortion was to be shown through dream sequence and the โ†’

Multicultural education

The important of preserving the cultural in education is very prevalent on the Navajo Nation, we have many different ways we are sharing our cultural with our native students through books, CDs, and many other ways that we share and teach them about the past and present ways of life. This is helpful because the โ†’

Internship report essay

TITLE Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association & Ready Made Garments Industry: An Overview Declaration I hereby declare that the Internship Report on " Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association & Ready Made Garments Industry: An Overview " includes the results of my own internship works, โ†’

Impact of financial statement essay

Profit and loss statement : it reports all incomes, expenses in order to calculate the profit of company in the period of time. Balance sheet: is a statement which records the asset, liabilities, debt and capital of on organization. The balance sheet is the only statement which applies to a single point in time โ†’

Determination of the activation energy essay sample

There are several factors that affecting the rate of reactions, that is nature of the reactants, temperature of the chemical system, presence of a catalyst, concentration of the reactants and surface area of the reactants. In this experiment, we are study about the temperature related to activation energy. In order to activate reaction, there โ†’

Analyzing a visual

The ad further draws on the emotions of the viewers when the written words appear in the ad. This is distracting to the advertisements audience because for the people the rest of the ad is geared toward, the incentive will not make a difference in encouraging them to donate.

Love and deception ( the chaser)

Akshay decides to help Pooja by grabbing the money for her because he is in love with her, Akshay tries to rob Vikram but gets caught. But if it starts by deception it's not a true love and it always ends the relationship with your lover or spouse.

Problem solving and visionary leadership

The writer strongly has experienced the work of WCA's administration to be involved parents, teachers, community, church and staff in achieving the goal of WCA's vision. It is a blessing to see how God has blessed the school in that sense because the writer has experienced the feeling of union and caring among the teachers, โ†’

Essay on teacher leader- data decision making

Furthermore, in the system of DDDM, the key elements that characterise it are: instructional aims that are attainable and can be measured; baseline data that is excellent; focused instructional involvements; specialized learning communities; and frequent decisive assessments. Knowledge based decision making is a system that is based on strategic thinking โ†’

Essays on organizational decision making

The occurrence cannot be controlled but it affects the decision making. The Wisdom of Crowds It entails pooling diverse talents and knowledge in order make a better and dependable decision. Rational Choice in an Uncertain World: The Psychology of Judgment and Decision Making.

Differentiation between traditional and online shopping

Additionally, I would get to spend much less in traditional shopping due to the delivery costs of online shopping. The future of shopping: Traditional and online. Basingstoke, Hampshire England: Macmillan Press.

Mgm600-0803b-02 applied managerial decision-making – phase 1 discussion board

A population data is a discrete data because it involves the count of people and including them into various categories. On the other hand, continuous data is the information that can be calculated using scale or continuum. This is a continuous data because the blood sugar level of diabetes can be measured and corresponding quantity โ†’

A leadership/motivation is provided below. the includes important leadership issues including, but not limited to, mot

Summarized Theories of Motivation and its Implications to the Case Theory X and Theory Y of Motivation The theory X and Y was proposed by Douglas McGregor to explain basic human traits. With respect to the case, it can be postulated that Jonathan practices participative theory where the opinion of every individual is considered and โ†’

Good the impact of employee training in failure or success of small businesses during research proposal example

They have on a number of instances tried to answer the question of what critical components should a business has in place so that it can be successful in its first years of operations as well as the subsequent years of operations. Problem Statement This paper analyzes the impact of employee training on the โ†’

Transactional leadership in bureaucratic organizations essay

Transformational leadership occurs when leaders expand and heighten their followers' professional interests, professional skills, emphasize the organization's values, mission, and purpose, and seek to inspire followers to act in the best interests of others. Since bureaucratic organizations emphasize hierarchy, regulations, routines, and the carrying out of tasks based โ†’

Australiaโ€™s forest: destruction and conservation essay

However, the native forest of the country that are conserved and protected by the state covers 13% of the total forest covers, about 23 million hectares in estimates (Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, 2008). There is also a major increase on private ownership of private plantations from 30% in 1990 to 59% in 2006 โ†’

Dq1 e-activity and dq2 competitive advantage

Finally, the rivalry influenced the profitability of firms in an industry depending on the intensity of the rivalry and the basis of a firm's rivalry. Online Auction Industry The online auction industry experiences robust growth due to the ongoing global internet and technological innovations although Yahoo, Amazon, and eBay are the most dominant firms โ†’

Job redesign and workplace rewards assignment

After the recession came crashing through the economy, AMC lost its place of business, most of its machines, and had to let go of almost all of its employees. Two businessmen, one who was to be the CFO and the one that was to be the new president, purchased the failing company with intentions of โ†’

Publicity campaign proposal

The organization has confirmed the same statistics in other countries in Africa, Middle East, and the Americas. The aim of this public campaign is to establish awareness at both public and personal levels on the significance of enhancing the safety of women and girls and the implications of this action to the social makeup of โ†’

Foundamentals of marketing

Discrepancy of quantity means the difference between the quantity of products it is economical for a producer to make and the annuity final users or consumers normally want. Discrepancy of assortment means the difference between the lines a typical producer makes and the assortment final consumers or users want. The greater the discrepancies โ†’

Marketing project

3% over the next 4 years , while satisfying the needs of the still-unserved market for ready-to-drink Khong Do Green Tea. Success will be reflected by a sizeable capture of market shares within this market, while strategically carrying the company up to the top spot as the market leader in the ready-to-drink products segment โ†’

Bargaining power of buyer

In automotive industry, consumers do not have much buying power as they ever purchase huge volumes of cars and switching cost are relatively low. Raw materials and input-labor are needed to complete the finish product of the organization. Toyota has this superiority, brand and marketing skills to use a premium pricing policy charge for many โ†’

Marketing macro and microenvironments

Physical distribution firms help the organization stock and move goods from their points of origin to their destinations. Luxury handbag producers would use them to move their handbags to their stores, whereas a facial treatment provider would need to move the products it uses for treatments to their facility. Target markets for luxury โ†’

Stereotypes through simple living

But would it be wrong to say that hip hop may have an effect on the way people look at African American men in our society. While watching an episode of the Tyra Banks show rerun an episode about stereotypes happened to be on where Tyra did an experiment where she put โ†’

Writing prompt: comparison/contrast paper

When he wrote this letter, he used rhetoric in order to appeal to the interests of the people so that they could also share his vision and views towards the negative impacts of racialism on the formerly oppressed races such as African Americans in the greater part of the USA. Racial segregation in these two โ†’

Wireless networks

The 802. 11b: The 802.

Cloud computing and web 2.0 research paper sample

Cloud computing is the next stage in the evolution of the internet, it provides the means through which applications, business processes, computing infrastructures, personal collaborations, computing power etc can be delivered as a service whenever it is needed and wherever it is needed. Relative to cloud computing, the word " cloud" in itself can be โ†’

Sample research paper on the career of a chiropractor

In as much as these equipments are used, much of the treatment necessitates the use of hands and, therefore, requires that I work with the patient directly using my hands. As a chiropractor I will not be tied down to work from a designated area or place. I will be expected to do a minimum โ†’

Effects of long working hours on nurse performance

Effects of Long Working Hours on Nurse Performance Chamberlain College of Nursing Number: Term and Year: Effects of Long Working Hours on Nurse Performance Nurses face various ethical issues that hinder their efficiency in the provision of medical care to their patients throughout the entire world. The management of the organizations providing medical care should โ†’

An intoxicating history of the environmental movements in america

Robert Redford, Ashley Judd, Isabel Allende, Van Jones and Meryl Streep fill the gaps in the stories since the foundation of the Sierra Club to the war against the whaling of Greenpeace and the Kyoto Protocol. Wilson, A FIERCE GREEN FIRE tells the story of the greatest movement of the 20th century and is one โ†’

Cold-water coral reefs

This technique helps improve knowledge about the physical factors of the distribution of the cold-water corals [4]. Similarly, the MESH project scientists investigate the deep under water canyons of the UK, Ireland and France. The reason for this is because it is important to expand the awareness of protection of cold-water corals.

The motion picture industry value chain

It is important for exhibitors to change the business model to a cost and differentiation model, by lower ticketing prices and finding other means of revenues. The theaters should also be differentiated in terms of benefits, such as adding places for family and dating entertainment purposes.