950 Words Essay Samples

The consequences of ethical actions

It is important to note, that according to this theory, the greater the pleasure, the higher the positive value, and the greater the pain, the higher the negative value. This principle is based on the maximization of pleasure and the minimization of pain.

Book review on christopher columbus by zachary kent

Columbus, through his voyage to find Asia and discovery of the Americas, miscalculated the circumference of the earth by one-forth of the actual size. The purpose of this book is to fill up the gaps between the myths and the facts that surrounded the life and discoveries of Columbus.

Summary this perspective insinuates that culture is the

It is the object of this paper to demonstrates how Vygotsky's theory can be used to assist kindergarten students and others with special needs to cope with the learning process It was the perception of Vygotsky that social interactions among young children lead to not only improved levels of cognition, but also to a total β†’

An focuses on creating that idea to

The domehowever, is covered from the outside so the true shape of the interior ishidden creating an exterior that is whole and which is a reaction to theinterior, in my opinion. In the case of this museum, as a building inspired by Islamic architecture in which ornamentationis key, while not being important in modernism, Pei β†’

Criminal interview techniques

Gudjonsson and Pearse relate to two different types of interrogation that have been identified throughout the years in the United States and the United Kingdom- the Reid Technique and the PEACE model. The purpose of the article was to express the concern that the authors have for the techniques of these models, especially the Reid β†’

Context aware data center allocation

Objective or Aim: To allocate each consumer request to an appropriate data center among the distributed data centers based on the location Of consumer and the location of data centers. The coordinator agent finds an appropriate data center for a consumer request.

Case study: cahokia mounds

It is believed that the building at the summit was the residence for the leader of Iacocca. One important burial in the mound was a man in his ass who is believed to be an early leader of Iacocca.

Change management and communication plan

Riordan's is a company that is looking to serve everyone but, if they do not have that diversity in the company they will not be able to relate with the customers. With Riordan has to do the same thing they have to make sure hen they are getting ready to make changes that it is β†’

The danger of social media assignment

I know it will not be going away anytime in the near true so people should know the dangers and consequences of over using social media. Even though it's the modern form of communication and not only young people but businesses use it to interact with people.

Monty they use the holy hand grenade,

Satire is a style of rhetoric that exposes vices and foolishness in society and is used in the movie as the knights of the round table search for the Holy Grail. Another instance of anachronism is in the ending scene of the movie when the policemen and cameraman suddenly appear as the knights are about β†’

The role of zionism in bezmozgis’ the betrayers

The Role of Zionism in Bezmozgis' The Betrayers Baruch Kotler is a cabinet member in the Knesset and a Soviet-born Zionist hero. In The Betrayers, Zionism plays a major role in the decisions the characters make as well as become the arena for which all the betrayals play out.

Dualism in christianity: the spiritual and the material

In world religion, the term dualism refers to the belief that there are twoSupremepowers or a set of divine and demonic deities that are responsible for the existence of the present world. It presents the idea that the human flesh is ' evil' and the human spirit is ' good' which in Christianity presents a β†’

Meat diet is healthier than vegetarian diet

In spite of the area, there is a great chance a person was forced to undergo a long argument concerning animal suffering, which, compared to the meat-eaters' view of that complainant, are habits comparable to cannibalism. This is because a lot of vegans and vegetarians take very little calcium owing to the limits of their β†’

Analysis of β€˜witness’ directed by peter weir essay sample

A case comes to him just like any other case: A young Amish boy, Samuel Lapp, is the only witness to a murder of an undercover cop in the men's room at a train station, and before you can say, " Police corruption," Ford's joined the boy and his widowed mother Rachel on their farm β†’

Economic effects of terrorism

The impact of the attacks on the economy of New York City will be considered followed by consideration to the overall economy of the United States in the immediate aftermath of the attacks. Economic Costs of the Attack for NYC and the US Economy The destruction of the World Trade Center's twin towers had large β†’

War essay

There is no glory in war; the poets and songwriters are really trying to save the soldiers and society in some way and it's a matter of urgency to expose young na ve recruits to the grim realities of war. The whole recruitment process relies on highlighting the positives of joining the forces and not β†’

The categorical imperative

The first formulation of the Categorical Imperative as quoted by Kant is, " Act only according to the maxim whereby you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law". In order for a person to be a moral and good person they will have to follow this formulation of the β†’

The historical inaccuracies of shakespeare’s macbeth

The play centers a regicide and the aftermath by the accounts of King Macbeth of Scotland, Macduff, and Duncan I of Scotland. Records, from the Holinshed's Chronicles, shows Banquo as accomplice to Macbeth in the murder of the king, and insures that Macbeth takes the throne, instead of the contrast of Macbeth, who resisted evil, β†’

The shogun dynasty essay

The Shoguns were a type of warlords that governed providences and states as a type of Japanese check and balance of the 16th century. The samurai are one of the most reconizable and most renowned warriors of the ancient times.

Solving the water problem with the help of lifestraws

It is the desire and advocacy of the governments all over the world and the United Nations to pursue their efforts of " halving the number of people without access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation by 2015". It is expected that with the information campaign, the organizations would be able to access the β†’

Bipartisan campaign reform act of 2002

On March 27, 2002, the prohibition on the use of a specific form of organizational finances as contribution to political candidates and parties or to sponsor certain ads in the period prior to elections became law. Further, the BCRA demands the full disclosure of the sources of solicited campaign funds that amount to more than β†’

History of herbs in medicine: john gerard

Gerard was admitted to the freedom of the Barber-Surgeons 9th December, 1569.' Pavord states that he was a self confessed ' Master of Chirurgerie'; and became Warden of Company of Barber-Surgeons and became Master in 1608. He had a garden in Holborn, London, ' the little plot of myne own especiall care and husbandry'; and β†’

Analysing romeo and juliet by william shakespeare essay sample

Hence the plot and the scheme of the story played a strong importance to the audience because the other aspects of theatre were considerably dull in comparison to today. In my role as director I have to consider points such as what the play is about, the important ideas and themes and the overall significance β†’

Huntington??β„’s disease

Huntington? s DiseaseHuntington? s disease is a genetic disease that causes degeneration of the nerve cells within the brain. In the basal ganglia, Huntington? s disease targets the neurons of the striatum, generally those in the caudate nuclei and the pallidum.

Where can be applied to any establishment

Registration of Establishments Employing Contract Labour: Every principal employer of an establishment to which this Act applies is required to apply for registration of the establishment with the registering officer as notified by the Government. Welfare and Health of Contract Labour Canteens: The Act also contains provisions for making rules that every establishment to which β†’

French government essay

For example, Mouse could disregard the positions and interests of the Mayors and attempt to move forward with the project. The French government could choose to disregard the positions and interests of the Mayors as well.

Free report on nova southeastern university h. wayne huizenga school of business & entrepreneurship

For that he with the help of his son analyzed the data to see the visitor pattern in Las Vegas. Data analysis is required to find out that the total number of visitors in Las Vegas is growing and not showing any signs of recession and also it will be good for the business to β†’

Evaluate a significant experience, achievement, risk you have taken, or ethical dilemma you have faced and its impact on you

Even though I was ignorant to what exactly the " jerk" component to the chicken was, I still wanted some to ease my demanding stomach. I moved down to the beach from our cottage, letting my legs transport me to the transient line between the wet and the dry sands.

9/11 a tragedy that split america’s history in two different periods

This ultimately led to the horror of many people as then them watched a second plane crash and explode in the South Tower of the World Trade Center at 9: 03am. Donation funds were started to aid the survivors of the attacks and the families of victims.

A sociological perspective on the drug war

Today, in the modern era of the drug war, it is not just a war on race, but also a war on the lower-social class societies. This essay will briefly give examples of the history in which some of the first laws against drugs were enacted and show the conflicting racial and social class issues β†’

Abortion is murder: debate

Abortion is unfair to the baby so much that it can be sickening. Give the baby to someone who will love and cherish that baby, it does not have to be killed.

Mitigation strategies and solutions

The first category is the use of Kinetic Energy; this type of energy is used when something is moving. Another example of when Gravitational Potential Energy is in use is when a bird is in the act of flight, once again Kinetic Energy is increased too.

Human nature gradual formation by life experiences

The minds of many great philosophers such as Thomas Hobbes and John Locke have explored and argued the structure of human nature, but the main essence is the origin of this broad term. The mind is born in a pure, unaffected state and is exposed to experiences that create variations of human tendencies.

“goodbye, indiana β€” hello, mexico: the whirlpool plant closing*”

But their ethical and social responsibilities to the community and to their employees were not held up due to lay-offs and relocation. Whirlpool did not consider, address, and/or value the impact of the plant closing and how it would affect vendors, suppliers, and the community as a whole.

Matt grant case study

Despite substantial past setbacks, Matt is left in the position of deliberating as to whether the risk of starting his own business venture, Racer's Resource, is worth the possibility of financial implosion and/or marriage quandary.1. He is very resourceful and has put in a great deal of leg work in order to set the foundation β†’

Llb – unit 3 tort 1

Concept of Damnum and Injuria in relation to tortuous liability: Introduction: The law of torts is developed to protect interest of persons from tortuous act or civil injury. The following are the instances of Damnum sine injuria: Acts done by way of self-defenses against a common enemy, such as the erection of banks to prevent β†’

History of geography shaped greek civilization history essay

It is surrounded by three seas: in the south is the Mediterranean Sea; Ionian Sea in the west; and the Aegean Sea in the east. The advantage of the mountains is that they contributed to the preservation of the purity of Greek culture.

The walt disney company

The vertical component of the core brand involved the distribution and production aspect of Disney an ability to leverage costs. Eisner pushed the Disney to heavily reinvest in its original products, such as television production and films.

Chained souls: ayn rand’s anthem

The inmates are so brainwashed that the idea of escaping would never occur to them, and they simply would have no motivation to do so. The whole purpose of The Prison of Collective Detention is to create the illusion of a mental trap.

Compare the theme of love in β€˜villegiature’ and β€˜how do i love thee’

The poet has an unquestionable loyalty to whoever she speaks of, we can see this from the line ' and with my childhood's faith' the key words being childhood's faith because a child's faith or loyalty is unwavering.'How do I love thee' is a sonnet which was a favoured style of writing at the time β†’

This entrepreneur lost his sight: here’s what he β€˜saw’ next

We focus on what's ' good for business,' which becomes code for ' what's good for profits.' Losing my vision due to illness and miraculously regaining it helped me 'see' for the first time what matters in life and business. Entrepreneurs like to focus on the 'passion' that drives their business, but it's equally important β†’

Usaa case analysis

The success of the USAA from a $200 million company in the 1960s to $11 billion empire in 1988 can be attributed to the implementation of " paperless environment" through integration of IT systems for faster processing of insurance policies and claims under a centralized automated system. The USAA gradually emerged as a leader in β†’

Under the sun pollutionand summary assignment

Inability to apply considerations for the city of Phoenix deteriorating infrastructure, increased traffic congestion, air, and water quality options will negatively degrade and prevent the enhancement of the community. Human natural necessities far exceed financial burdens, social benefits, and the will of the public is to compensate for.

The avid reality of social racism in the 1960s essay sample

As I swung onto the avenue behind her, there seemed to be a discreet, uninflammatory distance between us. From here it is evident that the environment during the ' 60s is composed of two sides: the more affluent section of the neighborhood and the more impoverished section of the neighborhood. Where fear and weapons meet β†’

Family traditions and cultural legacies

Culture, in addition to family traditions, is one of the factors that affect the self-identity of an individual. There have been cultural and national identities created by other people that are harmful to the self-identity of an individual.

Analysis of nursing career choice

Nursing is an excellent career choice, and there are many great reasons to pursue a career in nursing such as great pay, schedule flexibility, and different specialties to choose from. The history of nursing traditionally begins with Florence Nightingale, who was the well-educated daughter of wealthy British parents. The different specialty options for registered nurses β†’

Factors of society’s rape culture

This revised definition may seem like a simple update, but it is actually a major breakthrough for the deconstruction of a misguided historical mindset. The historical aspect is indispensable to understand the emergence of rape culture. Also, statistics have shown that in eight out of 10 cases of rape, the predator is an acquaintance of β†’

Person organization fit

We were also asked to identify 3 to 5 organizational culture profile items from a list created by Reilly, Chatham and Caldwell, , and describe experiences that are consistent with those profile elements, as well as describe how we believe individuals in the organization played a role in the development of those cultural attributes.

Chapter 12: gender roles

90/PAGEOrder NowMales and Females DNA and differencesfemales-xx males-yx -different hormone balances and reproductive capacity -males grow more and females live longer and are less susceptible to physical disordersGender Rolespatterns of behavior that females/males should adopt in a particular society Gender StereotypesGenerated by gender role norms -overgeneralized, largely inaccurate beliefs about what each sex is β†’

Ameresco inc.(amrc)

This figure is the same, compared to that of Ameresco, and it is an indication that the company does not rely on debt to finance its operations. For instance, the leverage ratio of Ameresco indicates that it does not rely on debts, to finance its activities.

Building high self-esteem of a good leader

In the course module, we have mainly read about the theories and importance of self-esteem and critical evaluation of what I have learned during the program and how can I apply this in my future career. In this study, I will demonstrate the real-life experience of my learning which was during my work in the β†’

Essay on diabetes type 2

In order to understand the Type II diabetes it is vital to understand the hormonal regulation of blood sugar. The Role of Insulin and glucagon in regulating blood sugar Two Pancreatic hormones are responsible for the regulation of the blood glucose which normally occurs in the liver. Thus the physiological function of insulin and β†’

The role of accounting data in managers’decision making

The purpose of accounting is to assist the users to make economic decisions. Managers rely heavily on accounting data to make economic and financial decisions. Accounting is perceived as the soul of business since it gives organizations the precise data with respect to the internal workings of its operations.

Problem solving

What should be done, if anything, to punish the corporation itself? The corporation should be fined for the oil spill and its failure to update their fleet of ships. What actions, if any, should be taken against the CEO? The CEO, Dirk Henry, should be advised to resign because of the bad image he lends β†’

Management and corporate culture

Staff In the management level Is constantly sent for related development courses as the firm believes that training is important. With the ease of employment of foreign workers, Breadbasket ensures that he foreign employees are given time to adjust to the culture in Singapore and to settle In comfortably. He is also in β†’

Mba strategic managment

So the classic management question, ' to make or buy,' has shifted in a refined sense, ' to acquire or to ally?' I believe, the middle-ground approach of corporate alliances, is playing safe; lowering " I" and increasing " R" of ROI. Hypotheses The hypothesis I developed in synthesizing my questions in this area β†’

Qr codes essay sample

This could go a long way in making a difference in resuscitating the individual and may even provide a clue as to what could be happening to the individual in the emergency. QR codes can be very useful when one needs to make a quick assessment of an individual in need of urgent medical attention β†’

Implementation of rowe at best buy

This change helped in the success and increased the productivity of the employees because the employees became more focused towards getting their work done as the performance would then be based on the accomplishment of the task irrespective of the number of hours worked. The previous setups of the work environment by Best Buy resulted β†’

Strategic management assignment essay sample

Firstly, MAS was hit by the high fuel price in the first 8 to 9 months of the year which had increases up to USD$182 per barrel and affected the overall operating cost. As a developing country, Malaysia has increase the number of professionals who earn more and travel much more frequently overseas. Instead, β†’

Human resource management

It is, no doubt, one of the toughest task for an HR manager in this sector, to bridge the ever increasing demand and supply gap of professionals. He has to find the right kind of people who can keep pace with the unique work patterns in this industry. Adding to this is β†’

Time management and other general management tasks commerce essay

The most normally recognized definition of emphasis ( chiefly attributed to Richard S Lazarus ) is that emphasis is a status or feeling experienced when a individual perceives that " demands exceed the personal and societal resources the person is able to mobilise." In short, it ' s what we feel when we think we β†’

Influences on providers

The ageing population and social-demographics have forced the healthcare providers to incur heavy healthcare costs. Influence on providers Introduction Healthcare spending has been increasing over the past 40 years. The increase in healthcare insurance will lead to early detection of the medical conditions thus a reduction in the overall medical costs incurred by β†’

Negotiations and business communication

At the beginning stage of negotiations, the unique issues of the Far East business communication are importance of detailed information about business partners, asking probing questions, importance of socializing and exchange of information. Asians prefer to spend time asking questions about financial, market, manufacturing, and personal issues relevant to the negotiation. Also, " Asian managers β†’

Ten critical steps research paper

To deal with this problem, it is advisable that the business executives identify the various risks, and assess whether they are in a position good enough to face the challenges in the country of investment. In the following paragraphs, this essay looks at the various risks associated in international trade in the country, keeping potential β†’

Reflective report for intergrative management

I did not want to find my self not been prepared during the lectures in Grenoble so I spent some hours, the week before we leave, searching in the internet for general information about the topics that we were going to discuss. One day before we leave I was really excited and I stayed a β†’

Bachelor of primary health care business essay

In this instance the director does non do all the determinations, the members of the administration are all a portion of determination devising. When puting an administration ' s way the function of top direction is to put guidelines and protocols that reflect the administrations: Mission StatementVision for the hereafterFundamental lawHow can commitment to the β†’

Definitions and typologies of the family business

Definitions and Typologies of the Family Business The Concept of Socioemotional Wealth The concept of socioemotional wealth attempts to explain the role played by family emotions in managing and controlling their businesses. People's perception of the family business greatly affects the image and reputation of the family members since the personal pride and self-concept of β†’

Work place communication differences between asia and canada

For communication to be effective there has to be the sender, receiver, the message, and the channel of conveying the message. The use of business cards is commonplace in Canada and most of the people prefer to swap their business cards as a way of networking.

Statistics: practice problems solutions

The actual sales for the past ten years and the forecasts from the vice president of marketing are given below. 500/20 = 25 boxes per hour Calculate the productivity of the operation for the three-shift operation producing 650 boxes.

Unemployment in us economy

The reason behind increased unemployment during the recession is difficulties in finding jobs, not the dumping of those seeking jobs by rates of separation into the labor market. The market of labor extends its periods if newly hired number remains constant irrespective of the accessibility of job seekers Unemployment rate As the rate β†’

Healthy behavior

Building a team will help to ensure that people feel as part of the project and will become effective. The fourth step in assuring success in the program is to understand the financial aspects of the campaign project.. The fourth step is to decide the amounts of resources to be used in the strategy this β†’

From competitive advantage to corporate strategy

If this is not the case the company must have the capability to restructure the industry or to have a competitive advantage. To understand the role of relatedness in corporate strategy we must give a new meaning referring to the activities of the value chain that we can group in primary and support β†’


In the area of engineering the lack of documentation and subsequent lack of planning rushed the projects to completion. It is also essential for each department to plan and communicate future goals with the rest of the company.

Sample essay on organic community vegetable garden

I know it must be surprising for you to read about the idea of organic community vegetable garden but let me apprise you with the benefits, our community will have of this vegetable garden. Organic community vegetable garden has many advantages in comparison with not having the same. I hope for a considerate and positive β†’

Steps of the channel management process

This primary goal of this step of the process is to identify a customer's need and determine how the customer goes about securing the product that fills said need. He was able to order in some new materials that were previously unavailable through their company and was knowledgeable on what the needs of the store β†’

The organizational project management maturity model and the phenomenon of the uk multinationals which use the outside consultancy services though they hold their own

The use of maturity is in reference to the requirement that the capacities be increased to meet the ever growing demand. Another approach by multinational companies in project management, the PMI-driven approach only pays attention to managing of a project on the macro-level.

Room housekeeper reports to deputy housekeeper. assistant

2 Housekeeping Executive housekeeper:- In Le Bristol Paris The executive housekeeperreports to the General Manager or to the rooms division manager. Pillow and cushionCarpetsLeather sofaGlass:- Glassfurniture is basically used in the internal part of the hotel or external partof the hotel for the attraction.

Interviews with pharmacy technicians essay

She suggested that on the job training is one of the best ways to learn the job and prepare for the test. I asked her what some of the tasks a Pharmacy Tech would have; she stated that Tech's assist the Pharmacist, take temperature logs of the fridge and freezer, as well as check faxes β†’

History of management thought

It will also give a practical application on the relevance of Elton Mayo theories to managers of today especially on how they manage their organizations. Discussion History of management having come through various perspectives in relation to the various theories, Elton Mayo, through Neo-classical theory of Management in a Human Relationsapproach during the year β†’

President roosevelt frq essay

Theodore Roosevelt is considered the first modern President because he significantly expanded the influence and power of the executive office. From the Civil War to the turn of the twentieth century, the seat of power in the national government existed in the U.S. As a result, the President, rather than Congress or the political β†’

Goal statement – education

And as a black woman I want our people to be prepared for the world and what it has to offer them. And being knowledgeable of what is available to them, the students, they can make a choice in their life to choose from anything.

Supply chain planning and control

0 Introduction Supply Chain Operation Reference model is the product under the Supply Chain Council which is the basic tool used to improve and communicate in the supply chain management. It also presents the process along the whole supply chain process and applying how to improve the process system and practice.

Separation into whites and blacks

In order to know about the best skills and essential abilities that an effective and efficient leader must have in the organization, in such case leadership assessment plays a major role. It can access individual traits, the leadership assessment is able to evaluate the personality traits that tells which person can take up the responsibility β†’

Essay on politics of the middle east

How do you think the rise of Islamism in the Middle East will affect the transition to democracy in the region? In the Middle East, two streams are notable Political Islamism and Armed Islamism. What accounts for the continued existence of the clerical regime? The political reform in Iran has failed to flourish since the β†’

Supply chain management metrics

Management should identify the key performance indicators they need to focus on, measuring these indicators can help them in reaching the company's goals. We have identified Total Throughput Time, Right First Time and On-Time Shipment Delivery as key supply chain metrics to measure across the supply chain. Total Throughput Time The total throughput time of β†’

Complicating the situation further

However the management intent is to shift greater focus to implementing a managerial accounting system that will correctly allocate costs and assign the level of profits proportionally. In thisrespect, implementation of activity based costing is the best solution inasmuch as it facilitates the identification of allocation criteria based upon which costs and β†’

Red robin report examples

I was doing my errands early on a Friday evening, and it was busy in the parking lot, there were not many carts in the corral outside the store, which usually means that it is busy, and the customer service line had 9 people in it when I entered the store. I had a return, β†’

Bureaucratic management theory

Despite being a very old type of organizational structure, bureaucracies continue to be a highly influential template for designing and managing organizations; yet, this system is no longer considered the most effective way to run an organization. Bureaucracy as a system of management has many advantages and disadvantages. The disadvantages that a β†’

The link between management and the system

Hout, he presented two interesting ideas that will make the readers contemplate whether or not the success or failure of a corporation depends solely on the management or to the different factors beyond the control of the management. The Management There are people who are trained to be high-quality managers. Will the β†’

Information security standard research paper example

The fundamental aim of NIST standards is to aid in the development of policies that preserve and restore the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information within the system. NIST issued the FIPS 140 to coordinate the necessary standards for hardware and software cryptographic modules used in agencies and department in the US federal governments. It β†’

When i got curious as i was alien

Getting my hands on the pastels to drawstreetscapes of countries to secret gardens, mandalas and symbols, little didmy mom knew that I would pursue my passion down to a fine art. Ever since I wassmall, I was art and part of my sketches. The undulations of the city were beautifully and meticulouslyincorporated in the exoskeleton β†’

Free report on homeland security

Understanding the Threats, Vulnerability and Consequences HOMELAND SECURITY ORGANIZATION Strategic National Risk Assessment The United States Homeland security system is a complex environment with opposing necessities, which must be impartial to incentives and effectively administered by safety, security, and threatened by a selection of resilience nation. POTENTIAL DISASTERS AND BUSINESS DISRUPTION β†’

Political science course work

He is Commander in Chief of the Army and the Navy of the U.S.which means that he has the power to authorize soldiers to go overseas and subject to approval by the Congress he can declare war on another state. As the Commander-in-Chief the president can also appoint top-level military β†’

Library management system critical analysis

Case studyComputerScienceDepartmental Library By MERCY OKEOWO 08710007 FOR THE Award of Ordinary National Diploma In COMPUTER SCIENCE Of MOSHOOD ABIOLA POLYTECHNIC AbstractsLibrary management systemis an aspect or branch of information management system that keeps the records of both the library users, books in the library and the activities that is going on in the β†’

Human motivation and the hourly worker’s job performance essay

Human Motivation and the Hourly Worker's Job Performance Introduction and Work ScenarioThe purpose of this short paper is to examine a scenario where motivation becomes a factor of performance and success. For the purpose of this paper, motivation will be discussed with the following scenario in mind. You are an hourly employee at a β†’

The importance of global leadership and understanding other cultures

Large corporations today seek to have executives with global mindsets and close-cultural leadership skills because of the diverse differences in culture in various parts of the world (Javidan, Dorfman, Luque, & House 2006, p.68). However, there are a number of challenges facing the efforts to develop global mindset and cross-cultural leaders.