950 Words Essay Samples

Apple competitive advantage case study

Businessweek investigated that apple are planning to cut the price of their computers considerably low and far more affordable to all individuals, the iMac and MacBook laptops were designed for the purpose of multimedia, most media companies uses the apple products to run their businesses as apple provide loads of incentives from its software Mac β†’

Advanced medical technology corporation persuasive

Using the assumptions outlined in the Exhibits 1 and 2, in 1988 a $32, 767, 000 loan will be necessary for the company to continue its operations. The ratio analysis, displayed in Exhibit 3, yielded the following results: Over the coming three years AMT will continue to see negative returns on assets, indicating that the β†’

How miad makes you a better learner, thinker, reader, and writer

As I have progressed through the semester I have learned a lot more about how I tackle the battle of developing as a student. All in all I completely am proud of how I have grown as a leaner, thinker, reader, and writer.


The use of first person, and the dynamic active past and present tense verbs provides the responder with the internal emotions of a mothers concern, and the physical, but harmless conflict her children are experiencing? The idea of power imbalance and internal conflict stemming from the actions of others is explored in Jack Davis? poem?

Psychology conformity report assignment

A total of 156 were observed, of the 156, 75 were females and 81 were males. Results The results of the experiment showed that females were more likely to conform at pedestrian crossing than males.

12 angry men essay

At the start, the Foreman of the Jury sits at the head of the table and assigns each juror a number. He was one of the first to join juror number 8's point of view and was ridiculed by several members of the group.

Single-sex schools vs. coed schools essay sample

Boys and girls in single sex schools find it easier to focus on academics without the other gender around and find it easier to participate in classes actively. All in all, the entire classroom in more free and open in single sex schools.

The cradle of civilization history essay

While the cradle of civilization may have been in the Fertile Crescent, the birth of humanity laid in the heart of Africa. Up until the 18th century in fact, the area was largely serene, impervious of the perils of the humanity.

Alexander ii domestic policies

Alexander II of Russia was in many ways one the most important tsar in the History of the Russian Empire. Alexander initiated substantial reforms in the government, the judiciary and the military.

The phenomenon of impression management flashcard

People who practiced impression management did not necessarily believe in the impressions they were claiming, but were saying and doing things to gain favor in the eyes of significant audiences as part of a general motive of manipulative social influence. Let's focus briefly in the impact of racism and discrimination on black people's presentation of β†’

Let america be america again essay sample

In addition to the ideological analysis of the text, an aesthetic interpretation of the language is also presented. The reason for this, it has been speculated, is that Hughes was Homosexual and as such he never referred to women in his texts.

Lending analysis

Due to the decreasing demand from China, the major trading partner for Australia, caused a decline in the utility sector which is shown in the diagram above. There was also another drop during the year 2012 which is caused by the implementation of the carbon tax that aims to reduce emission from coal, oil and β†’

PocahontasΒ and the role of women among the native people

In the book it is sad that, " Pocahontas...became famous to the London public as a beautiful Indian Princess,"." Pocahontas and the Powhatan Dilemma" teaches us about many aspects of Native American life, and how the new settlers impacted the lives of the natives. The women in these tribes were in charge of many duties β†’

Introduction to art test notes

Iconography - Greek, the " writing of images." The term refers both to the content, or subject, of an artwork and to the study of content in art. Lecture 2: The Trecento Humanism in the Renaissance, an emphasts on education and on expanding knowledge, the exploration of the individual potential and a desire to excel, β†’

Ikea changing face of furniture industry marketing essay

The main strengths of IKEA are its Effective Leadership and its strong ties to its suppliers and employees. The company has always remained dedicated to innovation in Product design and sustainability right from its inception.

Slavery in “narrative life” a book by frederick douglass essay (critical writing)

The narrative's plot introduces the early life of the author and proceeds to illustrate his resentments towards slavery and racial discrimination. The character traits of the slaveholders are brought out by the use of the word nigger and the emphasis on ignorance as a weapon against the empowerment of the blacks.

Mitochondrial proteins (e.g., vdac, bcl-2, hk, ant) as major control points in oncology

For example, they can be involved in the metabolic shift of cancer cells from oxidative phosphorylation to glycolysis via its binding to cytosolic proteins such as hexokinase II, in the control of calcium fluxes between the endoplasmic reticulum and the mitochondrion via interaction with the inositol-3-phosphate receptor, in the control of inner mitochondrial membrane potential β†’

The welfare of children and young people

3 *describe actions to take in response to evidence of concerns that a child or young person has been abused, harmed or bullied, or may be at risk of harm, abuse or bullying It is Paramount for anyone working with children or young people to understand how to respond to evidence of abuse and to β†’

Abstract available social media, users are drifted

Dueto simple and easy privacy policies, and easy available social media, users are driftedfrom traditional means of communication such as blogs or mailinglistto microbloggingsite such as Twitter, Facebook etc.very large amount of text data in the form ofmessages on social media make it very attractive medium for data analysis forthe researchers. Scraping it is collecting β†’

Analysis of types of claims

In Fewer Call Themselves Multiracial, the author Nasser conveys credibility and ethos by means of using the strong support of statistics, quotation from authority, and inductive reasoning, and concludes that the decline in multiracial self-identity is because " there is a lot of pressure from society to choose one race". According to UNESCO, the world's β†’

Gerontology and societal mind sets

The problem here did not seem to be lack ofmoneybut lack of time by the " others" for the older persons." lack of emotional support" from family members. It is common to hear of old people being knocked down by vehicles on the roads.

Medical effects of pistacia species consumption

The antispasmodic acton of Pistacia Integerrima has benefit the asthmatic patients as well and many studies will be designed in the future to prove it. Instead of using anti-emetic medications with some neurological side effects such as metoclopramide, the antiemetic effect of the aqueous extract of leaves and nuts of Pistacia Vera in young chickens β†’

“without government, under these circumstances, is coup

Both the majority and the Opposition accept the principle of " live and let live" in the knowledge that the system of representative democracy allows to each in turn and in time its fair share of power. The authority of the nobility rested upon the ownership of land, the leadership in war and the prestige β†’

Product family design article review

The customer needs are translated to functional requirements and these form the front end part of the product family design. Platform based product family design Corresponding to the scalable and modular product platforms, there are two types of approaches to platform-based product family design.

Computer password protecting the system. 2) finding back

This is where the hacker takes guesses at the password or has a crackprogram to crack the password protecting the system. Hackers hack because they love the thrill of getting into a system that is supposablyunable to be entered.

Spatial data analysis and study of wildlife conservation

Health promotion is not just the responsibility of those individuals in the health field. Health is a quality of life involving dynamic interaction and interdependence among the individual's physical state, their mental and emotional reactions, and the social context in which the individual exists.

The concept of ignorance of discrimination in literature

Miss Evers and the two doctors directly performing the experiment were unaware of the nature of the experiment they agreed to do, and the men being experimented on had absolutely no idea as to what was occurring. After it was revealed to Miss Evers and the two doctors that the experiment would only be completed β†’

The benefits of using blockchain in businesses

As most of the blockchain data is encrypted, people who try to verify it from their computers will not be able to understand what kind of data it is. Ease in scalability: As there is no central server and no sole ownership of the IT infrastructure, scalability can be easily achieved.

Colliding worlds: green world theory vs. marxist theory

Frye's court world, according to his theory, is where all of the characters are in the beginning of Shakespeare's play. The lines immediately after this label suggest Barber's theory of release: They say many young gentlemen flock to him every day and fleet the time carelessly, as the did in the golden world".

Notions of home in love medicine

This moment from Louis Erdrich's Love Medicine captures the life of Albertine Johnson in a memory after the death of her aunt, June, while she sits in a kitchen with her mother and aunt, Aurelia. Each chapter defines an individual, reveals a life, by establishing a life in relation to the reservation and to home.

Hard rock in bangladesh

However, the project started working formally from early 1994, following the signing of two international contracts for the Barapukuria Coal Mine Development Project and for the Maddhyapara Hardrock Mining Project between CMC of China and petrobangla, and NAMNAM of the Democratic Republic of Korea and Petrobangla respectively. The gravels of both the beds are of β†’

Millennials and the paradigm shift for hr departments

Related: HR's traditional and transactional role is on the verge of extinction with HR makeovers being the talk of the town. When employees are faced with a decision-making difficulty, access to a member of the does not just help them with guidance, but also strengthens the tie between the employee and the organization.

Depiction of main economic systems

Comparing the success rate of businesses in capitalist economies with markets in other countries, it is important to me that my business start and grow in a capitalist economy. In summary, a capitalist economy provides the freedom to allow my creativity and business to flourish.

A role of appearance in pygmalion

While originally a kind and innocent girl attempting to make a decent living in the gutters of London, Eliza is forced to rethink her simple morals through Higgins' attempts to cleanse her of her impropriety. As the play progresses and Shaw skips a chunk of Eliza's training, she appears in a fine dress, able to β†’

Technology in today’s society

Security and Protection Innovations Security and protection system, any of various means or devices designed to guard persons and property against a broad range of hazards, including crime, fire, accidents, espionage, sabotage, subversion, and attack. The majority of the modern day security applications that have improved the services for public and private security are closed β†’

There enslave the people. he uses his

In his speech to the people of Rome after the murder Brutus speaks about caesar being ambitious and worried he would enslave the people. Brutus also throws in some political views to explain to the people that Caesar was not a good man and meant to enslave the people.

My leadership style assignment

Lines Palling Most political leaders and organization leaders succeed when they apply the best leadership method that fits the people they are serving, president Barack Obama is popularly known to be a charismatic leader, who applied different forms of leadership like transformational leadership style, cross-cultural leadership style and contingency style of leadership. He also applied β†’

The gypsies and their journey

Though many in Europe dismiss the problem as localized and personalized conflict, while simultaneously denying the impulse to systematically destroy the Gypsies and their way of life; it is Vaclav Havel who suggests, " To allow this for the Gypsies is the litmus test for civil society". Analogies between the Gypsies and the Jews are β†’

Intellectual property law: the intellectual property of seeds

Harris Kamran Law Case Study 8 June Intellectual Property Law: the intellectual property of seeds The intellectual property of seeds refers to the law that states that the genetically engineered seeds are the property of the companies that produce them, and since farmers are using the property of those companies, they need to pay royalties β†’

Mystic monk coffee case

Their vision for the monastery was to strengthen the whole church and be a spiritual oasis in America and their vision for the Mystic Monk Coffee was to be able to fund the expansion of the monastery and " turn the coffee into the land". MMC's strategy is non-profit since they do the labor and β†’

E-business and jp morgan chase essay

This paper will discuss the affect e-business has on JPMorgan Chase and Company, the advantages, limitations, and risks e-business has provided to this organizations and how Chase is benefiting from the use of e-business. The effects from this online banking system gave Chase a competitive advantage in the banking industry that caused several individuals to β†’

Planning of a rich media project for digital portfolio

One of the most obvious shifts in project management trends is the limited resources provided for each project. Surveyed executives and project professionals reported that developing a consistent approach to managing projects is one of the most common challenges in today's project management.

Jason taylor as a dynamic character essay

In " January Man", there is a sense of mystery which surrounds the House in the Woods. Jason Taylor does grow and change over the course of the 13 months in which the story is set.

What is the role of ip in microsofts business strategy

The major benefits to Talkweb are the reduction in cost of development and time. The risks to Talkweb by licensing developed by Microsoft would depend on the licensing agreement.

Information communication technology essay sample

In my school placement I have found the use of CD-ROM's to be popular; however in my base class which is in a foundation setting the availability of CD-ROM's which are appropriate for the age range is very limited. The content of the CD-Rom is good and the information is appropriate for nursery and reception β†’

Reading reflections: the road not taken by robert frost essay sample

In this response, I will explain why this poem captured my interest, using terms and concepts from the text, describing one of the analytical approaches, using details from the text to support my interpretations, and evaluate the meaning of the poem, using the analytical approach I selected. The speaker uses a persona, metaphor, ambiguity, and β†’

Beowulf character

While Beowulf is the archetypal hero, Wiglaf is the archetypal companion, which is evidenced when Beowulf is mortally wounded, and Wiglaf is " anxious to return while Beowulf was alive... Wiglaf reprises his position as the archetypal warrior and companion in the 2007 version of Beowulf, but director Robert Zemeckis expands his role in the β†’

Roger sperry

Born in Hartford, Connecticut, Sperry was a son of a banker and son of an Assistant to the Principle at a local High School. In 1964, Roger Sperry, in a conference to the Division of Biology at Caltech, presented his ideas on consciousness.

Media law matrix essay sample

Free Expression Although the United States constitution states: Congress will make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. The moral β†’

American slavery essay 3

America was truly changed by slavery and is evident when Kolchin states that " The colonial era saw the emergence in America of a true slave society, the transformation of a society in which some people were slaves into which slave labor formed the basis of the economy and social order". The shift from indentured β†’

Desert storm essay

For the air part of the war in Desert Storm, the Navy and Marine Corps are the units who took part in it. The sea service pilots flew around 35 percent of the sorties, which was in straight proportion to their numbers in the U.S.air inventory.

Family strengths: often overlooked, but real by kristin anderson moore

The article notes that such a focus on family strengths is necessary to counteract the dearth of knowledge in this area, owing from the traditional focus on family ills in the literature to the detriment of serious inquiry on how healthy and strong families work. The findings that family strength levels are healthy for the β†’

Identify the next great idea in homeland security

Investigate and enhance the processing of the complaints forwarded by the public concerning the Department of Homeland Security. This will be possible through the collaborative relationship between the Department of Homeland Security, the Federal Government, the disability society, and the private sector.

And planner assignment

The aim of this unit assignment The purpose of the unit is to enable you to understand the role and responsibilities of a teacher in education and training and the relationship between different professionals in education and training. At level 3 you need to demonstrate: knowledge of relevant principles and where appropriate theories that apply β†’


The current King of Demacia, Jarvan III works earnestly with the Demacian Council to ensure that the sanctity of the city-state remains pure and true. The Demacian military is one of the strongest in all of Valoran, and until recently it was the only force capable of holding back the hunger of the military machine β†’

Relative advantages and limitations of financial statements

The limitations for financial statements prepared on a cash basis are that even though it may show what cash is in the bank at the present, in the long run it can distort the true picture of how muchmoneya company actually has. Cash based financial statements as we have seen can be beneficial for small β†’

Political development and modernization

In spite of we if be watchful not on glorified vote based system with the greater part its imperfections Furthermore In fact samuel huntington might remind us that political request matters more many consent that vote based system Previously, a few manifestation may be preferable of the totally show for nondemocratic frameworks about administration. Furthermore, β†’

Shield financial: motivation and role conflict

Bloom can improve MacMillan's efficiency through the provision of a method in which MacMillan can stay in the contact with his family while working. This is because MacMillan's strategy in sales is effective and has an impact on the company's performance; therefore if MacMillan becomes a manager he will be obligated to train and direct β†’

Pharmacy from my childhood

As I had always wanted to pursue my career in medicine, I was captivated by the working of the pharmacy. I consider pharmacy to be a rapidly- developing career and distinguish that pharmacists are a great deal occupied in the initiation of new drugs for all sorts of diseases, and I find the thought of β†’

The notion of duality of the human soul in william

The Notion Of Duality Of The Human Soul In William Blake's Songs Of Innocence And Experience Tembong Denis Fonge Blake's Songs of Innocence and Experience generally subscribe to the main stream appreciation that they present the reader with two states of the human condition the pastoral, pure and natural world of lambs and blossoms on β†’

Running head: 255 3abc essay sample

Illegal Immigrants Immigration continues to provide new energy to the country's economy as well as strengthens the American culture, as several of the leading industries in the United States are dependent on immigrant workers. Analysis of the IACP report " Police Pursuits in an Age of Innovative and Reform".

Introduction offered (plummer et al, 2007). challenges of

Current marketing strategy is highly based on social networking websites or social forums in websites, since the sites have a number of benefits for due to high levels of online social-Interaction. The strategy is preferred due to huge number of the websites users and the high number of transactions that social network marketing generates.

Editorial: digital skills and life-long learning: digital learning as a new insight of enhanced learning by the innovative approach joining technology and cognition

Editorial on the Research Topic Digital Skills and Life-Long Learning: Digital Learning as a New Insight of Enhanced Learning by the Innovative Approach Joining Technology and Cognition Digital skills represent enhanced learning abilities within which cognition and technology interact to model the knowledge processes in aging populations. The Research Topic aimed to elaborate the benefits β†’

Keats’ romantic eco-poetics

He does not believe that nature only funds the aesthetics of his poetry, but rather that his poetry forces readers to recognize a deeper meaning to existence.' Ode to a Nightingale' is an excellent example of Keats' use of nature in developing the poet's assumptions of consciousness andphilosophy. This pattern of cycles which can be β†’

One flew over the cuckoo’s nest, the source of mental illness essay sample

Billy Bibbit lost his dignity by " flubbing" the proposal to the woman he loves, Chief lost his self-respect by being ignored in the past, and Harding lost his man-hood because he can not satisfy his wife. Chief's lack of self-respect by being ignored in his past is the source of his mental illness by β†’

International trade and protectionism

Protectionism is the policy of restricting trade between the nations by resorting to restrictive regulations by the government of a state to discourage imports and to prevent the entry of foreign players in the local markets. Vying for protectionism in such tough times could give way to a vicious spiral in the international trade in β†’

Socrates: the unexamined life is not worth living essay

After being sentenced to death for his controversial views and teachings of politics and religion to the youth of Ancient Athens, the historical philosopher Socrates was given an ultimatum to spend the remainder of his in exile. As a philosopher, this was Socrates way of life: to observe the world around him the workings of β†’

Albert einstein research paper essay sample

From Einstein's theory of relativity, this changed our conception of the universe and our place on it, to his search for a unified field theory that would explain all of the forces in the universe. Albert Einstein and the frontiers of physics; Jeremy Bernstein.

Dumber than a doornail essay sample

Paris Hilton is a good example of the dumb blonde. Everyone has the capability of putting stereotypes to rest, it is just a matter of having an open mind.

The shinny glow

3The Shiny GlowIt was a normal school day like no other, with the sun shining bright and the sky as clear as blue as the water in the Caribbean and the trees dancing in the wind as if there is no tomorrow. In the classroom, Kevin said to James and Bridget?

To what extent was a slave a thing or person in classical roman law?

The focus of this analysis is to consider in detail the legal status of slaves under Roman law, particularly focusing on the development of civil status under Roman law and how the development of Roman law affected the rights of slaves. Roman property law began with the concept of ownership, and it mainly applied to β†’

Rejection discuss the theme of love and

On the contrary there are also a significant number of ways in which the poems contrasts for example the use of some poetic devices and more importantly the fact that Rejection conveys the after effects of a rejection whereas Years ago cherishes the recollection of what loves brings about and what the absence of " β†’

Theoretical case study -person centred therapy

The key concepts and guiding principles are based on the core conditions, which Rodgers believed a counsellor needs to bring about a therapeutic change with their clients.* Therapist Congruence or Genuiness: The counsellor is deeply involved with their client and does not intentionally or unintentionally hide behind a facade or front, that he or she β†’

One hundred years of solitude

The members of the family that choose to leave, either with the gypsies, for war, or out of curiosity are painted in a negative light and resented by the rest of the family, showing that leaving is considered shameful. Because of the descriptions given of the aftermath of the massacre, the book was very accurate β†’

Bigfoot: in search of the truth essay

There are three pieces of evidence supporting the existence of Bigfoot, the first of which is the thousands of eyewitness accounts. The residents of the area became well aware of the existence of a very elusive creature in the area, and it was they who first coined the term Bigfoot.

Internet security systems report

According to the report, which was developed by the ISS X-Force research and development team, there were 7, 247 new vulnerabilities recorded and analysed by the X-Force in 2006, which equates to an average of 20 new vulnerabilities per day. In addition, the synchronised release of new and updated third-party products that support new operating β†’

Food processing, preservation and consumption

Fruits and vegetables are food groups that provide the body with the majority of the nutrients required. Salt is added in the process with the purpose of preserving the flavor and reducing chances of spoilage.

Chapters 11 12 13

Cascading style sheets a list of statements that define in one single location how html/xhtml elements are to be dislayed. Secure sockets layera protocol that provides for the encryption of data transmitted using the internet Static addressinga means of assigning a internet protocol address that never changes and is most likely assigned manually by a β†’

The equal rights amendment

Is it only for women that the ERA is for anymore That is what Phyllis Schlafly discusses in her essay on not needing the ERA. To me it seems that the Equal Rights Amendment should not just be for women.

Colonialism plantation slavery and indentureship history essay

By the year 1680, the Caribs had to give up there control of the island, and the European settlement began. Lucia was emacipated in the year 1838, and remained in many ways compliant to the demands and needs of the capitalist world system.

Lincoln and booth: sibling tensions in topdog/underdog

Although in depth it seems that Lincoln is not the Top dog or allows Booth to feel as if he has the potential to be top dog, it is apparent Booth is not capable of taking this responsibility. It is very possible even that even Booth would not be able to keep Cookie as a β†’

Death representation in media

Death as the major theme in books and films I have selected nine categories of death representation in movies and two main categories of books about death. As far as we can see, the directors of the films and the authors of the book make an attempt to show death in a different manner.

Brokeback mountain analysis

The elements of the story and its adaptation go to reinforce different aspects and beliefs that have been developed and poeticize the relationship of Ennis and Jack paralleling the beauty of the surrounding landscapes and mountain ranges. In the process of adapting this short story to the silver screen, screenwriters Larry McMurtry and Diana Ossana β†’

Conflict management in the church

CONFLICT MANAGEMENT IN THE CHURCH Conflict Management In The Church More often than not, conflicts happen in the church between the church members or the leaders of the church. Discussing conflict management in the church, this presentation focuses on the stages of conflict development, ways of managing conflict in the church and sources of conflict β†’

Public education system

Early morning or late evening fights over what is allowed to be worn to school could come to an end if uniforms are issued in the public The kids that come from lower class level backgrounds are the kids out there selling drugs and committing the crimes, but themoneymade goes to buy the latest designer β†’

Newtons second law essay sample

The mathematical expression of Newton's second law of motion is F /t F m/t F ma Where m is the mass of a body, v is the final velocity of the body, u is the initial velocity of the body and t is the time in seconds. When the net force on the body is β†’

Sally jameson stock options essay sample

The cash alternative being referred to here is the Telstar Communications option tranche on offer, the present value of which needs to be compared with that of the cash option. Opting for the ESOs is subject to risk it's possible that her options will be worthless at the time of exercise.

A critical appraisal of strategic action plans

Dell says in the presentation, which was filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission." This hurts the speed and efficacy of the transformation and is not good for the long-term health of the company." The presentation titled " The Rationale for a Private Dell" adds more detail to prior disclosures about pressures the company is β†’

Locating the female in selected plays of john osborne and arnold wesker

However, a brief overview of critical work dedicated to Post War British drama in general and the plays of Osborne and Wesker in particular clearly indicate the importance and relevance of analyzing the role and function of the women characters in the plays of these two playwrights. The play focuses on the life of the β†’

Reading and writing

Essay: Reading and writing Sherman Alexie, a celebrated Native American writer, best known for his fictions, shares his journey of learning to read and write in the essay The Joy of Reading and Writing: Superman and Me. In consideration of the intimacy of the topic, Alexie introduces his essay with a clear personal touch by β†’

Joline godfrey and the polaroid corporation (a) assignment

The organizational defenseless at Polaroid manifested themselves through a series of unorthodox choices and maneuvers of Jollied Godlier and her mentor Jerry Sudden, which tried to circumvent internal limitations to obtain financial and human resources for the exploration of a strategic alternative. To prevent failures Like Colleen and her Odysseus project from repeating themselves, we β†’

Discussion of portfolio theory

Using formulas, one can calculate expected return, E, and risk of the return of the stock A. This model considers the risk of return and historical return of stock market.

Articulating modernist values through memories of war in β€˜good-bye to all that’

In recounting his experience as a British Army Officer in World War I, Robert Graves employs the tools of present memory to effectively criticize pre-War Victorian socio-political and cultural sentiments through a Modernist, late-1920's lens. Finally, Graves acts as a persuasive critic of the imperial justification in reliving his experiences in colonial Egypt and Ireland, β†’

Blow enable the clients to decide the general

Themost essential and the most usually made inquiry, when the client is purchasingsomething, is which item to purchase, in light of the fact that there is anawesome request of innovation when it demonstrates its check in the worldwidemarket. The first and the preeminent is the nature of the item that isbeing purchased.

A day in the life in the future: the contemporary man in saturday

In Ian McEwan's Saturday, the protagonist Henry Perowne is given the task of representing the trials of being a contemporary man. This description moves away from the standardized government-dictated society that the world is living in, which contributes to Henry's image of a future man.