850 Words Essay Samples

apple – technology business essay sample

Their Aims and Objectives are: To maximize profit To be the dominant high tech brand in the whole world To invent products that will be useful, handy and sleek that will appeal to consumers all over the world, with a special focus on developed countries like Canada and the US, Europe, and →

Report on business analysis of general motors

GM could send their team at these workshops to train suppliers on ways of fine-tuning their product for the benefits of GM; the program was successful because it also aimed at eliminated waste. In 2008, the vice president came up with another procurement practice that would work on the reduction costs. The alliance aimed at →

Free research paper about white collar crimes

Criminal Law WHITE COLLAR CRIMES The topic corporate or white collar crimes due to prevalent scandals in the global corporate scene that occurred during the recent years witnessed by U.S.and European companies and their counterparts in the other parts of the world such as " corporate frauds," " corporate breakdown," " accounting →

Issues faced by the company case study example

Introduction The aim of this paper is to offer extensive explanation of the strategies that U.S.companies use in present times to keep them away from union as well as explain why it is vital in the achievement of goals and mission of an organization. The TreadWay Tire Company through one of its branches →

Free essay on accounting

Limitations of Internal Control system Internal control system is the process, which provides assurance to achieve objectives in the categories of reliability of financial accounting, efficiency and effectiveness of financial operations and compliance with regulatory laws. Circumvention of internal control system leads to the alteration of financial data or information in such a →

Yurt essay examples

Hempel who is a teacher is expected to be a grown-up and someone who is mature, but her character is displayed as a person trying to adjust to adulthood. This character is a contraction of expectation because as a teacher she is supposed to be a role model for the students and the kind of →

Professional development 1 critical thinking and problem solving report

This particular review directly reveals the Company's current governance framework, towards the corporate governance principles, and even recommendations concerning the Woolworths Market Governance Council. The organization carbon footprint simply, means the emission of the sum of greenhouse gases by the particular organization, projects group or an individual. On the primary →

Affirmative action policies argumentative essay sample

Importantly, the process of goal setting in planning affirmative action is normally utilized in targeting and measuring the effectiveness of efforts of affirmative action to wipe out and prevent discrimination. The company board of directors therefore should implement the affirmative action policies. This will be in accordance with the requirement by the government of companies →

Improving performance & effectiveness of your company

If it moved forward at all, the move was too little and subtle to affect the company vigorously. This is why the management has decided to create an action plan which will homogenize the departmental plans that were created and now being observed so that the positive effects aid the company in →

Case study on e-mails drafting

In this regard, this e-mail is directed to announce and express the objective of the new E-mail policy proposed within the organization. In regard to this, the prime objective of this policy is to make the entire internal as well as external communication undertaken the company though E-mail can be refined and effective so that →

Case study on statement of cash flows

Lastly, it seeks to compare statement of cash flow and income statement. The direct method of preparing statement of cash flows uses actual receipts of cash from operating revenues and actual payments in cash for operating activities. On the other hand, statement of cash flows shows the movement of cash in and out of the →

Dell case study sample

The company has now reduced about half the total amount that was used in IT because of the new developments that are in place to better the company. Complexities form the major challenge in the business of the company, to deal with the problem the company has reduced on the number of operating system for →

Why is google making this move

With the requirement to allow any device or application to operate on the spectrum, however, Google could get into the mobile market without having to actually build and operate a network. By bidding in the auction, Google forced Verizon to shell out the cash necessary to grant open access to devices and applications on portions →

Risk and financial strategy ip5 creative writing examples

Another typical approach employed involves cushioning of the firm from likely effects of risks through the development of options and models that firms could resort to on the occurrence of risks. Risk and Financial Strategy IP5 Introduction Strategy formulation and implementation would ordinarily be faced with a number of impediments. Risk refers to →

Bahamas electricity corporation

In the year 1994, there have been several issues in the Bahamas Electricity Corporation regarding the corruption of the employees. There are also issues regarding the fulfillment of the agreements that the corporation had promised to its union members. The solution that the company had thought of →

Example of term paper on finance

Generally, two measures of Liquidity Ratios are used by the analyst to adjudge the liquidity position of the company: - Current Ratio - Quick Ratio/Acid Test Ratio 1) Current Ratio: Calculated as ratio of Current Asset and Current liability, this liquidity ratio is considered to be true indicator of a firm's liquidity. Current Ratio: Current →

Free research paper on supply chain management

The research helps us in generating scope for future study that is how existing risk management processes can be improved. Thesis Statement: Proactive supply chain management: A risk management strategy. The research study focuses on analyzing various risks associated with the supply chain and also discusses how companies are adopting →

American cinema essay

Arguably, both Mainstream and Independent cinema in the United States have had a profound effect on the nation's entire cinema and film industry since the beginning of the 20th century. A number of factors that have led to progression of mainstream and independent cinemas in America can be accrued to the dominant trends in →

Proctor & gamble leverage ratios

Normally, a debt equity ratio is allowed up to 1. Thus, a company can avail loan up to 100% of its equity to fund its expansion, diversification or working capital. This indicates that P&G is generating sufficient internal accruals to pay off or reduce its debt obligations and is also with in →

Business ethics essay samples

It is unfortunate the sometimes even people who are supposed to keep standards and ethics in business are condoning these practices and sometimes being involved in unethical practices. In today's world one does not look too far to notice the blatant and many cases of erosion of standards and values →

Good case study about the employment legislation prohibits dismissal based on discrimination on: civil

The employer must give appropriate warnings, by making the employee fully aware of the allegations against him and give him an opportunity to defend his side. Rules awareness: The employer is to prove to the Union that the employee was conscious of the regulations in the employee act of the company. The Union is to →

Strategic plan part iii balanced score card report example

The Balanced Score Card Definitively the balanced scorecard is a performance management tool that is used to measure and report on the effectiveness and efficiency of execution of activities by staff and monitors the consequences of these on the performance of the organization in terms of its profitability and competitiveness. The vision depictive →

General overview alpen research

Nowadays, The Weetabix Food Company is the second-largest cereal manufacturer in the United Kingdom with a 16% share of the market, valued at i?? By the highly competitive cereals market and the changing consumer trends in the year 2002, The Weetabix Food Company created a new product in the Alpen range: Alpen bar.

The california-illini manufacturing company’s (ci)

What is the role of work-in-process in the cost reduction strategy? The work-in process was important in the implementation of the cost reduction strategy.

Apple target case study sample

Apple's products themselves and the ability to provide a different kind of consumer satisfaction from other companies in the technological and computer industry have greatly influenced its competitive advantage. In the online music market, the iPod sales have significantly helped Apple to boost its annual sales profits by also increasing the sales of other Apple →

Essay on trojan virus

Trojan Virus A Trojan virus is a malware that performs malicious functions under the pretext of a desired action, and it can harm the computer or compromise security. At present, inventors of Trojans continue to release new variants, in order to see the virus remains ahead of detection and retain its continual grip →

Operation management

In Europe it is considered the largest consumer electronics retailer, and the second in the whole world. Renovation, research and development, and quality assurance is the foundation of success for Media Markt Saturn.

Income and substitution effects

In the case of Adam and Kim, Kim is a vegetarian and would therefore not be affected by the decrease in the chicken. Generally, substitution and income effect would be positively affected by the decrease in the chicken price.

Risks for building site workers report

A Scaffold supports the entire building and if it is weak then there is a hazard of the building falling on people. Bad backs may result when workers lift heavy loads at building sites. Too much noise has been found to make people deaf and therefore it is a huge hazard in the site. Eye →

What are the effects of sleep deprivation for paramedics literature review example

Effects of Sleep Deprivation on Firefighters and EMS Responders.[Online] Available at: http://www.iafc.org/files/progsSleep_SleepDeprivationReport.pdf [Accessed 14 08 2012]. Fass, B.A.C.N.-P.B., 2010. Stress and Sleep Deprivation in EMS.[Online] Available at: http://www.emsworld.com/article/10319488/stress-and-sleep-deprivation-in-ems [Accessed 14 08 2012]. International Association of Fire Chiefs, 2012.

4 techniques of personalizing your email marketing campaign

To make your b2b email marketing campaigns a success, a few simple methods need to be followed for adding a personal touch to the content of your email: Names to Use for Greetings It makes simpler for a marketer to attain open rate on an email if someone reads a message or an email →

Mumford creative writing

The Church of Rome has for instance stood the test of time and continues to stand today. The institutions of the medieval city simply realigned themselves with the new reality of the capitalist city and economy. While the streets were adjusted, there was no complete overhaul of the medieval city but →

Research paper on pharmaceutical advertising and ethics

For example, if patient has a disease but is are unaware of it and that disease does not affect their overall health, is it ethical to bring that disease to the attention of the patient to sell that medicine to treat that previously unnoticed disease? The answer is not clear, but it is certain that, →

Marketing management chapter summary

Economic buyers are people who compare prices among the products and try to choose the product with the greatest value and the product that will give the highest satisfaction to the customer. This estimation is possible through comparing the product to one's economic needs. With the different factors that influence a consumer's behavior, →

Marketing mix of audi

Audio have added to their range and now offer a wider variety of cars, from the AH , through to the company's venture into the ex.market with the Q and Q. The Audio AH remains popular, as does the impressive looking Audio TTT. Although based in Germany, Audio has a world-wide presence, and →

The task of living a sustainable lifestyle is the responsibility of the individual, not governments, corporations or ngo’s

of the of the Concerned English 11 March The Task of Living a Sustainable Lifestyle is the Responsibility of the Individual, not Governments, Corporations, or NGOs'. Eventually, it is the lifestyle of the richest and poorest members of the human society that are a cause of grave concern for the future of the entire humanity, →

Manufacturing and public sector

Other related topics are identified as political, legal, and social concerns. Key areas of lean production are improving quality and eliminating waste, which including five principles: a) Build products that meet customer requirements at the exact rate of customer orders; b) Practice just-in-time techniques for obtaining, using, and distributing resources; c) Think of workers and →

An importance to create happiness around in flowers for algernon

Although he was oblivious to the meaning of their quizzacious remarks, he did have a feeling of embarrassment, " I wanted to hide myself".However, his feelings of embarrassment were caused by his thought that they were only teasing him in a different way, not in a negative way. He also realized that before his operation, →

Man vs. nature in ozymandias by percy shelley

The use of the title " Ozymandias" has personal and moral significance in this episode and to the audience. By simply correlating the thematic actions of the episode to the abstractions described in the poem " Ozymandias", the main concept is open to a new interpretation and a modern portrayal.

12th night essay

The majority of Shakespeare's characters did not get what they deserved in the end, there definitely is a strong scent of injustice that hangs in the air around Shakespeare's Twelfth Night. As many of us know, humanity is infamous for their willingness to judge and act against a person before they fully investigate the situation; →

Baking brownies

This is where the brownie mixture will be placed before it is baked in the oven. It will be used when the glass baking pan is placed and taken out of the oven.

Child of the dark

This book view mainly concentrates on the racial discrimination that was prevalence during her ordeal and how " Child of the Dark" deals and portrays the tribulation of racial discrimination she handled and faced during her torment in favela. Carolina was able to meet both ends by gathering and selling rubbish. Though, →

The theme of god’s mercy in defoe’s robinson crusoe

Forced to live with a constant reflection of himself and his circumstances thus far in life, Crusoe's adventure is the coupling of both biblical and existential considerations. Crusoe's psyche repeatedly depends on utilizing mechanical distractions, as he is more focused on thoughts of his exterior challenges. Crusoe contains the capacity to view God in a →

Reflection essay on beowulf paper

Having a healthy focus on both the Journey and the destination allows one to reach the desired goal ith the same enthusiasm as you started. Lines 690-693 illustrates how Beowulf focused on the Journey of acquiring riches and essentially wasted his life when he, while grasping for his last breath, told Wiglaf " →

Charles dickens novel – a tale of two cities

It would be unfair to say that he lovesviolenceand bloodshed for its own sake. The melodramatic and sensational incidents and episodes here are integral to the plot and the design of the novel. This man was a promising young physician, leading a quite and peaceful life with →

Multi faced character in into thin air novel

He is not only the author of the book, he is the protagonist of the story while being someone crazy enough to be apart of an Everest mission. His descriptions of his teammates really get you involved and close to the characters in the story.

Benito cereno

The razor symbolizes power, and even perhaps the balance of powers, because this is the first instance in which Babo, one of the slaves onboard the San Dominick, shows his dominance over Benito Cereno by keeping the razor close to Cereno's neck and eventually cutting his cheek. When this " accident" happens, →

Manipulation in macbeth

The witches are the first to raise the possibility of Kingship and persuade Macbeth to act on it." All hail Macbeth; hail to thee, Thane of Cawdor! All hail Macbeth; hail to thee, Thane of Glamis! Macbeth believes that he is unconquerable because of the visions from the witches.

Character of montresor in the cask of amontillado

The meaning of this statement is that without a full expression of what must be said between communicators, the compatibility they hold can lead the members of the relationship in a negative direction. This is further expressed in the conflict between Montresor and Fortunato in Edgar Allen Poe's " The Cask of Amontillado".

King lear – tragic flaw

The most noble of men can succumb to their own flaws until driven to the brink of insanity, as illustrated in Shakespeare's play, King Lear. King Lear represents all qualities of a tragic hero and in the end is ruined by his own vice, by driving himself to the point of full-blown insanity as a →

Response phase essay sample

In this scene he is waiting for his parents to pick him up and his teacher starts asking about his family life and his parents. Teacher: Your parents are late today I wonder where they are (saying in a interested tone while picking up is books for marking). Luka: I can tell you →

Сharacter of gatsby in “the great gatsby”

Scott Fitzgerald's main character in the novelThe Great Gatsby, is a charismatic man who throws elaborate parties for the wealthy people of Long Island. To those around him, Gatsby appears to be a great man, however, the reader can see through this facade and understands that he is not as great as he appears. Gatsby →

Example of essay on ease of day to day jobs

On the internet it includes graphics, audio and video files, web designs, web pages, articles, designs and of course the software. Why is IP thought to be a good thing? IP is thought to be a good thing because like tangible things, when someone robs an idea or a design, or a web page or →

Research paper on descriptive questions

The first stage of the interview process is to develop a rapport with the interviewee. Here the interviewer may ask a question that is not predetermined and thus for the sake of meaning results, the interviewee must feel at ease in order to sufficiently answer the questions. In order to develop meaningful rapport with the →

Critical thinking on

The coincidence of the Industrial Revolution in 1789 and the onset of succeeding conflicts in Europe such as the French Revolution and the reign of Napoleon ushered in an era where war has fueled the pace of technological developments. The motivation to prepare against military conflicts and be ready in the face of war has →

Explain the difference between sequence of development and rate of development

However, according to Burnham et al the difference between the sequence of development and the rate of development is that the sequence refers to the normal or expected sequence in which children learn different skills. The sequence and rate of child development run through the areas of child development these are, physical, social, →

Leadership and performance development

A successful leader enhances morale, motivation and performance through a various mechanisms, this includes connecting the follower's sense of identity and self to certain projects Transformational leaders are positive role models for followers. In addition leaders are sensitive to and understand the strengths and weakness of followers, this understanding helps →

Abstraction term paper examples

In theorization, the process involved is grouping things based on the ideas of necessity and sufficiency. These objects are all related to abstraction in that, for you to be able to separate the information you need abstraction, you will require them. This is the form of communication that is used by Cobbs and Arthur in →

British propaganda during world war i

They used it to make the British people dislike the Germans and support the war. Propaganda was used in world war one to promote the war effort. The government used propaganda at many different times in the war for many different reasons and some of the propaganda was not needed by the end of the →

The dialogue, theaetetus and the arguments of plato

His opinion is that it is wrong to ' allow any one part to form a rule for another part if the latter be very remote from the former' (Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion, p.934). The third part, being the continuation of the discussion, contains Cleanthes's response to criticism of his ideas. To elaborate on this, →

Why wait for tomorrow? why not now?

Our results are based on our learning power, and if our learning power is lesser then the course material then it will make us feel as if we are in some deep trouble. The problem is not that we are in some trouble of failing the course or getting dropped from class because we cannot →

Essay on noah 2014 movie

We will look at the model as indicated by Mark Knapp in relation to the movie NOAH and bring out the various areas in which the model has been practiced in the movie. The communication model as put forth by Mark Knapp is divided into two phases i.e.the model of relationship escalation and the model →

Horatio and hamlet

Horatio accompanies Hamlet to the meeting of the ghost, assists in the confirmation of the King's guilt, and witnesses the death of Hamlet. Horatio is the first to know of Hamlet's plan; he asks Horatio to watch the reaction of the King during a play " directed" by Hamlet.

King’s insanity and the human’s nature

Kent immediately responds to Lear's accusation and condemnation of Cordelia because he sees the truth in her response and in their past relationship. Because his personal relationships to both Lear and Cordelia determine his character, Kent disregards courtly standards in favor of pursuing that which is right and moral.

Appearance of honesty over action

In the poem, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Gawain's acceptance of the green girdle shows his hidden character of self-absorption and fear of mortality. He chooses to violate the code of chivalry and puts more importance on his life. The actual placement of the girdle and the pentangle, drawn on his shield, is →

Young goodman brown vs the rocking horse winner english literature essay

How the setting of " The Rocking-Horse Winner" and " Young Goodman Brown" is similar and how is different. Talking about the setting of " Young Goodman Brown," it is possible to say that the story clearly provides the information on the historical insight into the major characters and their lifetime activities.

The play “hamlet prince of denmark” by w.shakespeare essay

In addition, this view is related to the events in " Hamlet Prince of Denmark". The key antagonists and protagonists demise eventually in the play " Hamlet Prince of Denmark". In the climax of the play, Claudius appears to be responsible for the death of King Hamlet.

Macbeth essay

In Throne of Blood Asaji is the wife of Lord Washizu, and by convincing him to murder the king she causes the downfall of her life. Both the play and the movie shared the theme of Lady Macbeth's actions leading to the demise of both her and Macbeth.

How can i as a nurse change the public health system?

However, in this contemporary world, the role of the nurses are not only limited in the caring of the patients, but also in changing the public health system to ensure that they provide quality and standard health care services among people. Accordingly, the public health is the core of a quality heath care system and →


Another two ways the story is also told is the gestures and facial expressions of the character, and the dramatic music used as it helps with it being a non-dialogue film. Cargo conveys a message saying that there is always hope in the human spirit, even if it's in an awful and disgracing situation.

William golding’s lord of the flies

The first problem occures when the boys, who are responsible for keeping the fire burning, go hunting for a pig instead of keeping the fire, the fire goes out and the ship passing the island cannot rescue them. Resolution The fire that is burning in the jungle is making a huge cloud of smoke, sailors →

The film pan’s labyrinth: how guillermo del toro uses the sound and silence effect

The track listing, The Pan's Labyrinth lullaby becomes the theme song of the film with good reason because of its link with the main preoccupation of the author, the child and childhood. In Pan's Labyrinth, the sound of music continues to underscore the salient themes of characterization, childhood, fantasy, war, death and fantasy.

A desire to escape from reality to fantasy world in ready player one novel

OASIS created to help people escape the reality and think more positive activity." At a time of drastic social and cultural upheaval, when most of the world's population longed for an escape from reality, the OASIS provided it, in a form that was cheap, legal, safe, and not addictive". Halliday have been the →

Erin brockovich essay sample

Erin had to go door to door for the residents to sign the petition and she was able to do so ending up with 634 signatures. Erin was brave and courageous to push through with all the hard research, door to door interview and signing all the residents of the area.

Sharon hatcher

Once congress passed the Enabling Act, Arizona was forced to create a constitution and it was to be approved by Congress and the acting President, also, this act presented restrictions on the state's management of public land; stating that the majority of the land is designated as school trust land. The following are key events →

Sample essay on sapir-whorf hypothesis

It has led to extensive misunderstanding among different societies in the world. Focal vocabulary is a reliable set of words that have special meaning among the members of the society within which it is used. Also, it is the case for the Hanunoo people who have been discussed in the hypothesis to have a wide →

Chapter 10, 11, and 12 study guide

Inherent Powers- powers the constitution is presumed to have delegated to the national government because it is the government of a sovereign state within the world community 28. Committee of the whole- a committee that consists of an entire legislative body 39.

Thinking about diversity and inclusion

Thinking about Diversity and Inclusion University of Phoenix Cultural Diversity SOC 315 Stephanie Medley-Rath February 01, 2012 Thinking about Diversity and Inclusion We live in a society and a country that is able to incorporate different cultures and be as diverse as possible. The following paper will address the dimensions of cultural diversity, the →

Chicano film study: los olvidados

However, for as long as the injustice in the society continues to exist and remains outside, the evil, which is, the main objective of cruelty in the world remains. In my group, we think that the film by Bunuel is a distraught of human traits.

Entertainment and broadcast media essay example

The mainstream public and the artist in the article forge an immediate relationship this is important for the media conveyor in bringing the ethos of the artist and the logos out to the mainstream public. The piracy problem results in lowering of the market value of the movie when it is being sold in the →

Agreeing and disagreeing with berger and benjamin

At the age of 20 years old is when I became comfortable with my existence, the shape of my body, the color of my skin, and being a woman. Why are not you comfortable enough to walk about naked in front of me?" The answer was that I was not comfortable with my body, and →

Printmaking: an artistic medium blending the old and the new

Taylor became famous as an illustrator, creating lithographs that were used to illustrate the works of Langston Hughes, the most famous African American author of his generation. Taylor considered himself a surrealist, creating compositions that blended the natural with the synthetic in order to create improbably dreamscapes. Following in a tradition of →

The use of alienation in the metamorphosis essay sample

Even before the metamorphosis occurs, Kafka shows Gregor's feeling of being distanced from his family when he reflects on his life as a traveling salesman. Kafka brings about a sense of Gregor's imprisonment from the outside world when Gregor comes to realization that he is no longer capable of carrying out his normal human →

Soiled conscience in “great expectations”

However, Pip's coming of age occurs when he realizes the futility of substituting superficial scouring for the inner cleansing he finds by the novel's conclusion. Pip's experience with the convict in the marshes leaves a stain on his conscience that stays with him into his adulthood. As he grows older, the guilt of disobeying his →

Biddy’s role in great expectations

She does, however, serve as a constant reminder to Pip of what he is leaving behind and, as she is more of a peer of Pips because of her intellect and age, she allows Pip an opportunity to articulate his thoughts more candidly and thoroughly at key points in the story. Dickens uses Biddy to →

Analyzing the theme of power in one flew over the cuckoo’s nest and wuthering heights

Nurse Ratched, featured in One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, is a power obsessed middle-aged nurse who is the head of a mental institute and thrives off of the power she creates over the residents at the facility. One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest is a novel that takes place in a mental institution in →

Impact about it on humanity

IT becoming complicated with us. IT always had great effect in humanity.word wisdom one about pillars about humankind values and allure includes impact about scientific and IT establishment on society in long term and short term.if IT is constructive, human establishment in science and IT synergistically combined should strengn humankind values. On or hand, if →

Belonging band of brothers

It is narrated throughout by Major Richard Winters from his time as a second lieutenant all the way through until he is battalion commander. It is based on a true story and shows a sense of belonging that the solders feel throughout their time together along with a sense of not belonging →

Microsoft powerpoint evaluation

This report outlines the features of HCI and the associated functions of the surrounding peripherals of a system. In HCI, consideration of users and their environment is given as much emphasis as the technical aspects of getting the machine to perform certain functions.

Wireless and fundamental changes

The balance of power is shifting to buyers one of the most fundamental changes to marketing. The other big change to marketing approach due to internet is the market and media fragmentation.

Funny persuasive speech

Evaluate whether it's worth it to lie to your teacher. If you are already at school and simply forgot to do it, then you are probably out of luck here. Your teacher might not believe you, but if you are convincing and committed, it will be hard for them to know for sure that →

Internet article analysis

A current budgeting issue within the California criminal Justice system is the continuing financial cuts to the courts. Robert states " the court system's gadget was cut by more than $1 billion" within the last five years , and approximately 65 percent of the financial aid from the state's General →

Web of deception 12416

Large computers are used to track reservations for the airline Industry, process billions of dollars for banks, manufacture products for industry, and conduct major transactions in the Stock Market because more and more people now have computers at home and at the office. Because of this information which is stored on the net, people have →

Free critical thinking about rhetorical analysis of mike mccallister’s article: “adobe robohelp 10 review”.

In his article, Mike McCallister has used his technically sound convincing skills to address and resolve the need of current computer and Smartphone application users by successfully reviewing the newly launched RoboHelp 10 product, to be availed as online solution for sorting out the contingent software help requirements. The target audience in this technical communication →

“praise lady, with long legs, long black hair

Whenshe gets out of wagon in Auschwitz-Birkenau, she hears people talking about gaschambers and death, she resists loudly her father: " I do not want to die..".She just hears it and she believes it can happen to her. She cansee the road which is going unknown where. She sees the right face of Brenske and →

Slumdog millionaire

The song is ' Paper Plane's by M.I.A. The song paper planes talks about how some people can be so desperate to get and or have money that they would kill for it and this idea that is portrayed through the lyrics " All I wanna do is , *BANG BANG BANG* →