850 Words Essay Samples

Learning assessment tools

Critique ASU Course Learning Assessment The curriculum of Master of Science Nursing is based upon the conventional standards defined by Quality and Safety Education for Nurses which were given to the American Sentinel university in 2009 and by then the university makes it sure that these standards are conformed in every β†’

The impact on nursing

The treatment and care needed for the patient today is far more complex and is different in nature, hence today's nurse need to be equipped with the competencies to deliver high level care." Nursing curricula need to be reexamined, updated and adaptive enough to change with patients' changing needs and improvements in science and technology, β†’

Professional accountability paper

What is meant to be a professional nurse is basically, for me, is to align the roles, responsibilities and skills of a nurse with the overall demands of the profession. Since professional nurses interact with people in need of help, it is therefore extremely important that a nurse must develop the skills of professional understanding, β†’

Evidence based practic- incentive spirometry

The first element is the patient's conditions that needs care, the second element is the " patient's goals, values, and wishes" and the third element is established evidence in the scope of the patient's problem. Identified nursing intervention and significance of determining best practice in the intervention Usage of Incentive Spirometry is the identified nursing β†’

How do the opening scenes of β€˜lethal weapon’

This is one of the many parallels that the director has chosen to show of the two characters. The lighting in the scene of Murtaughs house has been done in high key to give the feeling of a warm happy neighbourhood; this is an opposite compared to Riggs' trailer as the lighting has been done β†’

Creative writing: godzilla in japan

Then all of a sudden the Yamitsu and its valiant crew were plucked out the ocean and rose high into the air. He fell to the ground and everyone knew that that was the last of Godzilla.

12 angry men by talita e. sigillo

After reasonable doubt to the testimony is applied, juror number three used the above quotes as his reasons to support his claim that it was the boy that the woman saw, concluding with evidence that do not follow through with his claim and thus being " non sequitor". For Juror number three the boy was β†’

Neill blomkamp’s science fiction thriller district 9:a study of the theme of racial discrimination and xenophobia

One of the most critically acclaimed examples in recent years is Neil Blomkamp's science fiction film District 9 which can be seen as an allegory for racism and xenophobia in its parallels to events that took place in the city of Cape Town, South Africa during the apartheid era and practices that continue to take β†’

Example of essay on camera techniques in french cinema rules of the game and children of paradise

In the case of two of the most prominent examples of this genre of film Jean Renoir's The Rules of the Game and Marcel Carne's Children of Paradise the camera is used in intensely creative ways to indicate everything from the subtle humor of class conflict to the brutal and tragic accidental murder of a β†’

The effect of transformation of pglo in bacteria

The second case is the effect on bacteria when the gene for pGLO is introduced with LB, ampacillin, and sugar arabinose. The third case is the effect on bacteria when no gene for pGLO is introduced, but LB and ampacillin is still introduced, The fourth case is the effect on bacteria when β†’

Report on psychological adolescence

Some of the physical changes are development of breast and growth of pubic hair, while in boys pubic hair develops first, then enlargement of penis, under arm hair starts to grow and change in voice. The virginal, ovary, and the uterus develop in size while there is an increment in production of sex hormone with β†’

Borderline personality disorder case study sample

Citing a study of people diagnosed with a depressive disorder, Krawitz and Jackson Krawitz and Jackson report that the biological factors contribute predominately to self-harm- one of the overarching symptoms of BPD. The authors refer to a recent that affirmed that, between identical and non identical twins of people with BPD, identical twins exhibit 35% β†’

Nutrition data and analysis

The main aim of the analysis is to establish whether he is eating a healthy diet and to what extend he is doing it. Nutritional Data Summary Sheet Using the graphs generated from the website, for each of the following " nutrients", place checkmarks in the table below. Nutrient OK High β†’

Developments in theatre lighting from the renaissance to the present day

Task Developments in theatre lighting from the Renaissance to the present day Theater lighting started as early as the times ofValerius Maximus where he explains his first attempts in the enhancement of drama by use of decorative lighting. The modern theater lighting systems have since resulted after the invention of incandescent lighting in 1879 leading β†’

Mau maus olympic clown

The inscription of Coke on what is supposed to be the Olympic torch signifies the dominance of the corporations on Olympics. The banning of the graffiti follows the use of the protected copyright of the five Olympic rings and colors.

What is sow

This statement of work will therefore outline the objectives that will be followed, the scope of the project and the deliverables of the project. Project Purpose, Objectives, and Success Criteria The purpose of this project is to implement a central scheduling system that will enable the project managers who are located in the various β†’

Analyzing the business models of different services

In addition, not using GPS and cell networks decreases the cost to the end user. They present the benefit of this technology with a hypothetical example of a bicycle being stolen. This is not very helpful in the case of a bicycle, as for most people the only " protected area" might be where they β†’

Terry cannon, mba

Considering his role in this organization, Terry Cannon needs to have knowledge regarding Management Information System, Transaction Processing Systems, Decision Support Systems and Knowledge Management Systems. Knowledgeable Participant Terry Cannon can prove to be a knowledgeable participant in each of the mentioned three jobs by possessing knowledge regarding information systems that would be relevant β†’

It solution for corporate financial and inventory management

In the area of finance, each of its operations currently uses a different financial system and the consolidation of the information is very time consuming - lasting for up to four weeks at a time. They include having all IT aspect of the business managed internally; establishing standard procedures for the management of inventory; and β†’

Potential benefits and problems of using internet for business and education

Students are using this online medium to attain success in examination as the medium has been unanimously accepted for exchange of information and ease of working through the internet by all sections of society, be it teachers, students, or the business world. Advantages and disadvantages of the Internet.

Software piracy

Ethical Issues In Regard to Software Piracy The advances that have been made in technology today have resulted in a number of issues arising that have to be dealt with in order to create a more conducive environment for success in the IT sector. One of the reasons for the rise of these copyright infringements β†’


As to the question of policymakers going for treatment, and considering internet addiction as a disorder, rather than imprisonment of hacking cases, I think it would be a better solution because development of these policies will not only benefit those who commit cyber-crimes, but also those who have forgotten to live a normal human life. β†’

Software development and the value of stakeholder participation. feasibility study

DQ1: Stakeholders As the implies, in the software arena, a stakeholder is anybody who has a proprietary interest in the use or development of the software. Sometimes the software engineer develops a sort of tunnel vision and gets caught up in the needs of the end user, while still trying focus on the needs of β†’

Establishing a formal systems development process

Computer Sciences and Information Technology Module Module Module Leader: Sunday, 11 September 2016 Table of Contents Table of Contents2 Introduction3 Jane reaction3 Factors to consider in process management4 Productivity4 Cost4 Risk reduction4 Workflow5 Communication5 Specialities5 Role clarity5 Conclusion5 References6 Introduction β†’

Complexity of the us immigration policy

The US immigration policy although not being a major area of concern for the government is still a major concern in order to sustain the sovereignty of the nation. One of the major reason so as to why the immigration policy is being criticized that after Obama's government it was expected that the rate of β†’

Challenges in the path to self-actualization

I can relate to her difficulties of feeling isolated, while striving to attain self-actualization; furthermore, Abeel helps me become a more sensitive and responsive teacher in the classroom. Abeel is a gifted student, but because of her learning disability, she is filled with panic and anxiety; but through her determination and social support, she deals β†’

The beneficial effect of teachers to today’s society

Although, the views are viewed as solid not all can fully help the young people of the world. In this essay, I will provide the necessary evidence proving that his work is beneficial to today's society. Which are just not for them plain and simple. So one-to-one is not a method I personally want to β†’

The skin im in

Although in Maleeka's mind and in her journal entries she knew giving in to the bullying was stupid, she did not seem to have a voice enough to express what she was feeling deep down. Miss Saunders may not have had a degree in education, but she had a degree in life and was able β†’

Use of international reporting systems in global trade accounting essay

This has resulted in a non standardization of accounting statements in international finance, trade and banking scenario, and as a result made the true and fair analysis of various types of accounting statements a laborious task. The global accounting community discussed a solution to this for years and the American solution was in the form β†’

Accounting information system

" Companies should be held liable for losses sustained in a successful attack made on their AIS by outside sources". Accounting Information System " combines the study and practice of accounting with the design, implementation, and monitoring of information systems". Failureto include basic information security unwittingly creates β†’

Why do significant numbers of american fail to vote?

These include; the understanding of the voting system, poor turnout among young people and that people are happy with what they have. Understanding of the Voting System All Voting systems can be fairly difficult to understand and this includes the very democratic American System. To register they have to attend a government building, and β†’

Soda bottle rocket

Soda bottle rocket Purpose The students will investigate the effect of the rocket length upon the distance of flight. The force of the rocket pushing on these gases is the action force.

Automotive e-coat paint process simulation using fea

This method can simulate the formation of the E-coat film and can thus predict its thickness at any point on the surface of the automotive body. Operational variables, such as voltages and process duration, are used to simulate the time-dependent interaction among the automotive body, the increasing paint layer and the liquid thin β†’

Baking neutralize the acid and base properties,

I am doing 4 different reactions: pop rocks and soda, baking soda and vinegar, ketchup and baking soda, mentos and soda. This is the science behind the ketchup and baking soda experiment: so the ketchup has vinegar in it and we all know vinegar reacts with baking soda.

The roles and responsibilities of a project manager essay sample

Project managers are the backbone of resourcefulness, applying knowledge, skills, and tools, enabling them to meet the project requirements in the most efficient and proficient way. The project manager is the point man or leader, they are in charge of the whole project from the beginning to the end, identifying, and resolving issues to β†’

Project management in team dynamics assignment

Project Management in Team Dynamics Project Management has been a major aspect in Team Dynamics, throughout the years in project planning. A successful team is required to have a communication plan so that each member in the team will be inform of the project status, changes, and issues.

Good will be attached essay example

After attainment of legal age, it is paramount that an individual obtains the necessary legal identification in order to enjoy the services and protection of the government. It is, therefore, the duty of a machine owner to realize when a machine fails in the delivery of its service, and either repair it or replace it.

Good example of essay on psychological experiments

The personal test is more of a series of different questions pertaining to the way I would respond to particular situations specifically involving my course of understanding the worth of fidelity and loyalty to my superior and the complication it invokes on my desire to stand for my principles and the moral values that I β†’

Administrative role of management

They are required to participate more in order to ensure that all actions taken are for the success of the organization. In the case of Far Horizon, there are three administrative issues that need to be addressed. Issue 1: Hiring Phase 3 of Far Horizon's β†’

Scarlet letter analysis

Nathaniel Hawthorne promotes the idea of socially on brought guilt through the interactions of characters and Puritan beliefs in The Scarlet Letter. In The Scarlet Letter one of the most obvious and prominent symbols is the scarlet " A" placed on Hester.

Example of evidence based practice models: health promotion essay

EVIDENCE BASED PRACTICE MODELS: HEALTH PROMOTION Introduction According to the World Health Organization, health promotion is defined as, " the process of enabling people to increase control over their health and its determinants, and thereby improve their health". The first one is the biomedical model of health promotion and

Free essay on adventure park has various aims and objective which include the following

2 Aims and objectives of Adventure Park. - Provide ample and secure parking - Easy access - Provide popular and wide-ranging entertainments activity - Creating a profitable entertainment firm and at the same ensure a conducive atmosphere for fun and excitement for the entire family Apart from this, Adventure Park β†’

Essay on promotional campaign promotion of gender equality and women empowerment in rural

This can only be possible by marketing in the social way and aimed at the parents of kids in order to float the key message that the ratio of girls should be at least equivalent to that of boys in western schools. The market segmentation has several strengths like the ability to survive in the β†’

Marketing new ideas paper essay sample

In case a child accidentally sinks down to the swimming pool floor, the sensor will be able to detect it and a special alert notification will immediately be sent to 911. The device can also be adjusted in a way that when the senor is triggered, the special alert notification would be sent to the β†’

Using perceptual maps in marketing

On the other hand, positioning strategy is a specific marketing strategy that helps an organization to position or place its products in a perceptual map according to the characteristics of products and behavior of target customers. The implemented perceptual map in above study will help the organization to develop strategy and prepare operation budget according β†’

Review questions 9

An offer lapses when the time for acceptance expires; if the offer is withdrawn prior the receipt; or subsequently a reasonable time in the circumstances (typically the bigger the value of the contract, the lengthier the life of the offer Acceptance Just what is offered can be accepted. It is regardless of who β†’

Shame of the nation annotation

As the story begins, a lead character who is also the persona in the story introduces the readers to a series of brutality and inhuman murders targeted at a single group within the American population. Right from the first page, the narrator of the story, which is consequently told in the first person narration, introduces β†’

Life span development tenth edition research paper examples

However, he had a variation in the growth pattern, which was evidenced by the ability of the he feeling insecure when he compared with his peers. He associates early adulthood with the time of attainment of peak physical development. At mid-life, he was among the implementers and enforcers of cultural practices in society.

Paper advantages: β€’ contours information algorithm is used

PAPER 2: Fast Traffic Sign Detection and Recognition Under Changing LightingConditions By Miguel Angel Garcia-Garrido, Miguel Angel Sotelo and Ernesto MartinGorostizaAdvantages: Contours Information algorithm is used which is used in Canny edge. Hough Transform method is used to find curve in the image. PAPER 5: A Vision System for Traffic Sign Detection and Recognition By β†’

Sample research paper on globalization

In all sectors, globalization has drawn a mixture of both positive and negative impacts, and this has attributed mostly to development status of countries. It has also described actions that can be taken both by countries and individuals to bring social change in the world. Trade over time immemorial has β†’

Ethical case study: jose

In respect to the principles of non-maleficence, beneficence, and justice, nurses should remind the physician that the overuse of antibiotic may result to the development of antiobiotic-resistance. It means that the nurse should not disclose the name of the patient to the legal experts.

The study on microbial chromium reduction by pseudomonas bacteria

Due to its soluble nature, hexavalent chromium generally persists in water for a longer period of time and that is the reason, why it gets easily spread in the environment and has adverse effects on plants, animals, and microbial flora. Prolong exposure of heavy metals to the microbes is the main cause for the development β†’

Evolutionary development

Your Inner Fish is one of the most invigorating, intellectually articulated thoughts, and convincing systematic scientific explorations; it is a chronicle of true voyage, potentially changes the outlook about the human body. Your Inner Fish establishes the similarity between the humans and fish and elucidate that any human body is a live example of the β†’

Benefits of carrot

A considerable quantity of diet A in carrots, give you safety against avariety of skin issues and assist you in preserving your skin healthier. Upload extra carrots for your regular eating routine and you may build the skin's wellbeing. Benefits of Hair: A carrot has the ability to boost hair thickness and improve hair nourishment. β†’

Example of essay on persuasive draft: the need for siestas in the american workplace

Given the problems of workplace stress, lower productivity and the need to facilitate more beneficial sleep, invoking a mandatory Spanish-style siesta is the suggested solution to the problem of workplace stress and productivity. The Spanish siesta has existed for millennia, and the biological need for sleep is accommodated through this β†’

Mechanisms of bacteria resistance to antibiotics biology essay

These enzymes inactivate the antibiotic by hydrolysis of susceptible chemical bonds , transfer of a phosphoryl or acetyl group to the periphery of the antibiotic molecule or by a redox modification of the antibiotic such as the oxidation of the tetracycline antibiotics by the TetX enzyme. Resistance to the macrolide, lincosamide and streptogramin B β†’

Free critical thinking on the self portrait

With it Van Eyck raised the question of the artist's presence in the work of art, in any work of art that represents an event, and also in the portrait. Perhaps the self-portrait that is a model for all artists is that by Rembrandt. Also, Rembrandt used the self-portrait to study the complexities of the β†’

Establishment of firewall and related findings

Step 3: Screenshot 3 Next, in the Windows Firewall console, I clicked on the option Turn Windows Firewall on or off located in the left pane. As I clicked on the option for Advanced settings, the console window of Windows Firewall and Advanced Security appeared as shown in the next screenshot.

Fraud schemes. spam emails

As the vast majority of SPAM is in English the non native speakers can literally butcher the language. The from and reply to addresses are not the same.

The development of prosocial moral reasoning and a prosocial orientation in young adulthood: concurrent and longitudinal correlates

This study article adds an important dimension of the role of reasoning to prosocial behavior. The purpose of the study Eisenberg and her colleagues sought to find out the mean-level change that takes place in the life of an individual at early adulthood when developing prosocial moral reasoning. Feminine roles and socialization of girls β†’

Detection of rotor winding asymmetries

Among the types of induction motor most used are the squirrel-cage and wound-rotor, the latter being less employed, but with advantageous characteristics over other types of motors, among others, its capability to develop high start torques at lower start-up currents, making them adequate for industrial applications such as ball and sag mills, cranes, pumps, fans β†’

Religion in the world: enlightenment and perception

Nowadays, Buddhism is a popular religion that attracts many individuals because it has a lot to offer in a different possible way, I think that additionally it offers a variation of different reasons like, provide us a solution and answer to why we suffer, as well promotes in us inspiration to achieve good things based β†’

Language and structure in ”little boy crying” essay sample

This symbolizes that the boy is manipulative because it shows the boy is not crying genuinely; he is using his tears to get a response from the father. The word ' soon' shows that the boy thinks that he has done enough to make the father respond, which shows that the boy is manipulating the β†’

β€˜redneck’ and β€˜warming her pearls’ by carol- ann duffy and liz lochhead essay sample

The first describes in detail the speaker's wedding day, and the second speaks of her relationship with her new husband; this short stanza symbolises the short length of their marriage. Lochhead employs enjambment in the first stanza on the second line to emphasis the final word, ' Starving' in order to demonstrate in full β†’

Comparative federalism: the united states of america vs canada essay

The federalism system of governments in the United States and Canada are basically the same in that both are governments that have a constitution and divide power between central and regional governments. The officials elected are responsible to the citizens that have elected them in that they must dutifully represent the wishes of the β†’

Functional to sales and marketing managers respectively.

The rationale for choosing this type of organizational structure for the company 1 is that each of the workers in this company has a specific task to perform depending on the specialization. Supporting employees are supposed to facilitate company functions for it to achieve its goal. Also, they are a part of communication link between β†’

Concepts in leadership development that determine the leadership failure in an organization

Methodology The proposed research study seeks to investigate the aspects and concepts of leadership development in organizations. Some of the previous research to be analyzed includes studies on leadership, leadership development, and organizational leadership. 3.

Data security management

Moreover, there is the risk that such information can be used and abused by third parties. The cookie allows the web site master to track the user's visits to the web site as well as to correlate that information with other information such as the previous web page that the user visited, β†’

Faminism in anna karenina

When she succumbs to an affair with him, she does so with open eyes, aware of all that she is sacrificing for the sake of love. And this is not the tragedy of the novel, of the situation. The tragedy is that she is a woman in a man's world: " It β†’

Narrative of the life of frederick douglass, an american slave

The purpose of the narrative is to inform the reader of the circumstances that the slaves had to deal with on a day to day basis and also as a public argument against slavery. I feel that he book is an exceptional piece of literature that by all standards envelops the reader into the world β†’

The chrysalids by john wyndham: literary analysis

Through the plot, voices, and tone of the author, the story is shown to be incredibly thought provoking and free from any negative motive. The plot, told through the eyes of a boy named David Strorm, is a key aspect to knowing the author's message. This continuous dystopia that is shown to the reader implies β†’

Literary criticism technique in “young goodman brown”

Given Hawthorne's style of writing and this short story in particular, a reader or critic can benefit from analyzing his work with the Reader Response literary criticism approach. The Bedford Glossary of Critical and Literary Terms define reader response criticism as, " a type of literary criticism that focuses on reading as an active process β†’

Use of weather in in the time of the butterflies novel

The use of weather, whether rainy or sunny, has been used throughout the novel in order to establish an atmosphere for the story's tone, as had the geography in developing the characters, their conflicts and the advancement of the plot. One instance of the use of weather to create an atmosphere to suit the story's β†’

Segregation and inequality in native son

Through the upbringings and internal conflicts of the characters, a racist society can drive degraded beings to acts of aggression out of fear, eventually creating a rival. Through Bigger's internal conflicts about being subservient in his society, anger slowly builds up inside of him due to the oppression that he experiences. In the beginning of β†’

The phenomenon of american dream in the great gatsby

Some people say that Gatsby did achieve the American Dream, but despite his wealth, he was unable to live a happy, successful lifestyle as Fitzgerald shows how this dream is full of materialism. The American Dream is a lot of things. Gatsby says to Tom, " Ca not repeat the past?" he cried incredulously." Why β†’

Free essay on progressive versus traditional

The duty of educators in traditional education was to communicate skills and knowledge and to instill rules of conduct to a new generation. He viewed progressive education as a system that criticizes traditional education in a way that it attaches subject matter adult, standards and methods upon a younger generation. For as long as the β†’

All quiet on the western front – essay 9

The author, Eric Remarque, depicts this notion of a lost generation. He brings this idea to attention throughout the book in conversations between soldiers and through the thoughts of the main character, Paul Baumer. Through his naivete he still believed his lies to be true. In the book this is shown to be true of β†’

Self assessment essay sample

In the portfolio a detailed goal sheet, fortnightly interview with teacher and group discussion with peers, monthly presentation on the past learning's and scorecards will be used. Goal sheet is an effective way on which student can measure their performance against the goal they have established. Goal sheet is an effective way to measure the β†’

What is courage essays example

Courage is something you need to develop in yourself; it is a skill, and you do not get it easily. Only courageous people will be able to overcome the oppression of fear of the unknown and stand for what is it right.

Baz luhrman: romeo and juliet transformation

Luhrmann and co-writer Craig Pearce were tenacious in deciding " to stick absolutely to the Shakespearean text, to keep as many of the Elizabethan customs as possible, such as a highly evolved code of etiquette and honor, even in the use ofviolence" in the context of a created world, based on twentieth century icon. They β†’

Lord of the flies by sir william golding

In fact the beginning chapters of the novel parallel assumptions about human evolution, as the characters " discover" fire and form levels of political authority. However, what concerns Golding in Lord of the Flies is the nature of evil as demonstrated by the boys on the island. The devil that is the " lord of β†’

Importance of minor characters in shakespear

Besides the two main characters, there are a number of secondary characters, of unusual importance both to the action and to the themes of the play. Many of the themes of the play, including decay and corruption, revenge, and appearance vs. eality, are outlined through the description and progression of the secondary β†’

Female passions.

Jane's female passion is expressed in her idealism, independence, straight forwardness and honesty while Bertha's passion is expressed in a manipulative and seductive way. Jane wants to fall in love and marry for love not money unlike Bertha who is the total opposite.

Discuss the differences in competencies between nurses prepared at the associate degree level versus baccalaureate degree level

On the example of modern researches and studies and practical evidence, it is claimed that nurse with BSN degree is more open-minded and professional than nurses with AND a degree. In spite of different options of making a choice of a degree for nurses, it is claimed that the nurses remain the least educated persons β†’

Etical dilema in acute care/critical care settings

However, the mother to the patient did not approve of this because the nurse did it without her consent or the patient's. The main concern of the nurse is to save to the life of her patient, and that is what the nurse in question did.

The lesson: a study of sylvia’s story as depicted in toni cade bambara’s short story

The other character, Miss Moore, provides the proof of social imparity to a group of city kids which includes Sylvia, the main character, whose common belief shaken when she becomes conscious of social class in the world she lives in. The conflict between Sylvia and Miss Moore is obvious when she refers the other β†’

All about eve

In the film, Eve becomes Marco's understudy with the help, and Influences of great theater people. The audience is introduced to the story of a young lady and her ruthless way to rise in fame.

Analysis of the maori culture and traditions in whale rider

For example, in the beginning when Koro goes to see the baby boy and tells Nanny to take Pai away from where he is. When Pai ties the rope together this shows, how she is a leader she's willing to put the pieces together and fix the culture that has lost hope. Towards the ending β†’

Good movie review on do the right thing

- Ethical business practices that take into account the needs of the major stakeholders. - Conclusion - Cultural differences and racial tensions. - Peaceful coexistence and doing the right thing'. - The right thing to everyone Introduction The film reviewed, Do the Right Thing. The effect of the action is the tensions that resulted into the β†’

Movie and sports stars deserve the money they get?

However, these stars definitely deserve the money which they receive because of three reasons: they make a lot of money for their employers, they have to face a great deal of pressure and their careers are really specialized. In conclusion, it is reasonable for movie and sports stars to get paid a lot of money.

I am sam (movie)

It's an hourly rate." To a large extent, I think this tactic had benefited Sam as he had an excellent lawyer, which gave him a better chance to have some rights to Lucy. Rita knows Sam's chances are slim for getting full custody of Lucy but in the end, with all characters β†’

Andrea gismond

The two characters that stand out the most as being either the most passionate or reasonable are the servant, Dorine and the father of the house, Orgon. Orgon believes everything Tartuffe does is for the good of himself and his family, and in order for them to be free of sin they must accommodate all β†’

Igor movie study

Eva's saying touched my heart and I think also others' because it gave so much inspiration and meaning to the whole concept of the movie and I think that was the main thing with the whole movie. And I will never forget that quote " I would rather be a good nobody than an evil β†’

Short story and true selves

The two short stories, " The Prospector's Trail" by Cathy Jewison and " Bluffing" by Gail Helgason are easily comparable by the use of characterization. Lastly, the author used one dynamic character while the other remained a static character." The Prospector's Trail" and " Bluffing" consisted of two main characters as it was affected by β†’

Equal opportunity for financial aid

If we chose to come to America to get a universityeducation, we should be treated as equals and allowed to apply for all the same financial aid that the American students do. It is every student-athletes dream to come to an American university. The opportunity to study in another country does not come to everyone, β†’

Interpretations of american history

At the beginning the American History the subjects that the historians interpreted were politics, diplomacy and war. The puritans who settled in the United States believed that they were chosen by god that led to the form of their history to a holy chronicle one.