800 Words Essay Samples

Sample essay on finance

Generally two liquidity ratios are calculated: i) Current Ratios = Current Assets/ Current Liabilities ii) Quick Ratios= Current Assets- Inventory/ Current Liabilities ii) Solvency Ratio: These ratios are used to adjudge the long term solvency of the company i.e if the company can honor its long term obligations. i) Debt to Equity Ratio: β†’

The case of the new apple, inc research paper sample

This paper presents a critical analysis of the state of apple's brand after Steve's death, the strategies that can be employed to prevent the brand from falling and the expected future state of the company. Apple's Brand in the absence of Steve Jobs According to Burrows and Satariano , it is very precise β†’

Free essay on finance

For Instance, if Glencore Xstrata wishes to evaluate two independent projects in terms of which Project will be profitable for the company, they can select any of the following capital budgeting techniques to evaluate the same: - Net Present Value Method - Internal Rate of Return Method - Payback Period - Discounted Pay Back β†’

Admission essay on achieving goals: easy and difficult

And this was the beginning of experiencing challenging goals. During the summer of 2010, I realized that I was not doing anything with my life since returning home from college. And with the auto and music industry being a major interest, another goal was to set up a band and β†’

Business plan on operating pro forma

The overall outlook for the venture looks good in that there are a lot many customers within town, it is brimming with commerce and there is expectation of family and friends to start something new. Stored foods The storage foods category includes number of items and product for home food supplies. According to Price β†’

ο»Ώwal-mart case study analysis essay sample

Low price offerings: WalMart's main strategy is to provide low cost offerings to their customers and so it is their core competencies. Culture: WalMart's value, thriftiness, hard work, innovation, continuous improvement makes the whole culture of organisation and because of their culture they can formulate and apply strategies. Value chain analysis β†’

Analysis on supply and demand gap in transport to and from airport using uber

In the first scenario that is from city to airport in morning hours, the cab drivers are mostly in the city due to more number of customers in the city. Whereas in the second scenario that is from airport to city in the evening hours, the cab drivers would be waiting for the arrival of β†’

Intangible assets recognition and measurement research paper

Other financial reporting achievements of this standard relate to the usefulness of the intangible assets driven by their residual values over time as well as retiring and disposing of these assets by concerned entities. Describe how recognition and measurement criteria have been applied in the accounting treatment of research and development expenditure in NZIAS 38 β†’

Essay on bims review

To understand or find reasoning for this turnover rate the management personnel has decided on creating an instrument that could get the opinions, thoughts, and reasoning for the climate of the company in regards to the employees. BMIS Human Resources Manage r at DMC, Debbie Horner, developed an employee survey as a tool to find β†’

What is happening to the amazon rainforest

The Amazon rainforest is the largest tropical rainforest in the world which covers over five and half a million square kilometers. Apparently South America will have an area of farmland coming for the Amazon rainforest. This means that it will cause more damage and destruction for the Amazon..

Strategies for addressing the challenges and opportunities of workplace diversity essay

The diversity of people in the workplace is one of the greatest strengths of organizations as it encourages different perspectives in decision-making, widening the market reach of a company and allows equal chance for all employees to advance. The open door-policy has enabled HP to ensure a diverse workplace for its employees and nature β†’

Mgmt5063 essay samples

Discuss the pros and cons of this strategy. The Pros: The layout of the store and the arrangement of a wide range of items are designed in such a way that customers see what is available with ease. IKEA also offers convenience for the customers; since everything is boxed, it is easier to transport and β†’

Problem identification case study example

The founders saw the need to respond to rise in capacity of customers travelling over the Texas routes. The competitors abuse court procedures to undermine the operations of the southwest airlines.

Advertising marketing

The final game will hold in our biggest flagship store in London, and the participants can get the vouchers of different value which can be used to buy any product of our company.We can collect the information of customers' preference and behavior by sending questionnaires via emails and get their feedback 1 month after their β†’

Market segmentation based on perceptual/brand maps

They are image conscious and looking at their behavior patterns, they are more probable to buy products online because of high convenience or because buying from online sources is important for them to project an image of being up-to-date on latest shopping trends. On the other hand, the Middle Class graduate belongs to SEC-A, and β†’

Social media and marketing

Social media was defined by Marketo in The Definitive Guide to B2B Social Media as " the production, consumption and exchange of information through online social interactions and platforms." They are considered to be low-cost tools that combine use of echnology and social interaction and has become one of the main source ofcommunicationin β†’

Analisis of the the house on mango street

In this paper, I will give a brief summary of the book, which will be followed by my personal reflection about the purpose of the story and the thematic background that the writer has pondered upon. All these instances convince her that she is not going to be a victim at the hands of the β†’

I search

In the minds of many, violence against men in society is a complex issue that goes against the norms of the society. The traditional culture that allows men to dominate in domestic environment has made women victims of gender violence.

In the social-liberal coalition under chancellor brandt expanding

In the early1970s, two critical changes concerning the substance of S&T approachestriggered by the Social-Liberal coalition under Chancellor Brandt expanding itsmajoritian position in the Federal Parliament and existing oil price crises of1973 and 1978. To begin with, the Social Democrats won in their traditionaryposition that S&T arrangements to a specific degree must be controlled β†’

Huckleberry finn reflections

This event in the story also supports the point that there is a karma factor to the world. Huck learned that if he wanted to keep himself away from getting caught or stuck in the same position as the duke and the king now were, that he had to keep true to β†’

Ptsd in the red convertible by louise erdrich

With Erdrich's writing approach, honesty and reality, and the truth about post traumatic stress disorder, this is a very likable story as well as a great read for anyone wishing to gain a better understanding of PTSD. To begin with, " The Red Convertible" is a short story by American-Ojibwe author, Louise Erdrich. To end β†’

Comparison of the role of satan in the crucible and the devil and tom walker

The Crucible and " The Devil and Tom Walker" both comment on Satan's rise and how the " invisible world" both negatively and positively impacted the people of the colonial era. " The Devil and Tom Walker" by Washington Irving advanced the theme of Satan, causing many different effects. Works of literature such as " The β†’

William faulkner’s barn burning & it’s socio-economic levels

At the top of the ladder are Major de Spain and his wife, Lula de Spain. All of these characters represent the differences among the socio-economic groups, and how they intertwine with each other in the community. Though still a servant, he is presumably higher in the hierarchy of the social ladder.

“women in the global factory” by annette fuentes and ehrenreich essay sample

Is it just a ploy of multinational firms to take advantage of the status of women in third world countries? This reveals that the problems Fuentes and Ehrenreich discussed in their book are felt not just in developing countries but in first world countries as well. It can be assumed that in third world β†’

Walden theme

Overall, since I think that the theme of this book was to be simplistic I think that Thoreau achieved his goal in living a simple life and making his life be filled to the fullest. I bet he did not think that his book was going to be as successful as It Is. β†’

“quake” by gail karwoski essay sample

We learn about people pulling together and how a natural disaster can cause human beings to break racial barriers in order to survive and help others during an earthquake. It is very sad when Jacob discovers his grandmother who was killed during the earthquake and we learn how quickly this kind of natural disaster β†’

Review of ernest gaines’ book, a lesson before dying

In this novel Jefferson learns that by dying like a man, he will fight back to the community that wrongly accused him of a robbery and murder. Wiggins, ends the novel with the changes he has seen in himself, and in his community. A character that changed the novel is Paul, the deputy of the β†’

“looking for alaska” by john green essay sample

There is one event in the book that completely changes the story because of how unexpected this incident was. This novel was written extremely well, but if I had the chance to ask John Green a question I would. In Looking For Alaska Miles " Pudge" Halter changes characters from the start of the β†’

“and then there were none” by agatha christie

Christie's decision to violate the standard rules of mystery makes it impossible for the reader to solve the mystery of ' And Then There Were None' before the denouement. It is scary to know how you will die and who is responsible for your death but in this case, we would never know who is β†’

Jay asher and his novel “thirteen reasons why”

The short summary on the inside cover had a way of drawing you in, and I could not wait to start reading. He had a way of writing this novel that would really grab the reader's attention.

Beyond the founders: new approaches to the political history of the early american book review

Book Review: Beyond the Founders: New Approaches to the Political History of the Early American Republic Paisley et al.'s book Beyond the Founders: New Approaches to the Political History of the Early American Republic charts the development of both the upper and lower class people who settled in America during its infancy. These β†’

Quantitative measure of poverty critical thinking examples

The income and consumption approach of measuring poverty mainly uses the structured family, society, and national samples in order to collect and analyze The poverty line marks an important element in the income and consumption approach as it helps to demarcate relative and absolute poverty. In this context, β†’

Child development – piaget’s theories essay

The participant was asked " Does this one have more , does this one have more , or are these the same? " The participant's answer was recorded. The snake was then formed back into an identical ball. Answering for the conservation task, she said the snake was bigger, the pancake was bigger, β†’

Cell phone restriction in nursing homes business plan examples

If this trend is left unattended, the quality of services offered in the nursing home will reduce due to the increased use of cell phones and nurse's divided attention. Cell phones offer various advantages in the delivery of health care services. Based on these disadvantages of using cell phones during work hours a policy change β†’

Example of essay on communist manifesto

Because of the exploitation, antagonism is bound to arise and this results to changes in the social classes of the bourgeois and the proletariats. The bourgeoisie is a social rank in the society that comprises the middle class. Marx notes, " The bourgeoisie has converted the physician, the priest, the β†’

Free essay about economic history

A study of economic history is thus vital to understand and answer this basic question, a study of the economic history also helps the reader learn from the past and design solutions for the future. A study of the history of Economics reveals that it has been constantly changing with new β†’

Good example of essay on the effect of electronics on human relations

The ability to interact with other people around the world and establish relationships electronically without suffering the constraints of locale expands the potential for human interaction. The researchers, Sabatini and Sarracino published the results of a study they conducted of 50, 000 people in Italy.

Expert from the letter of galileo to the grand duchess christina essay examples

Galileo goes on to tell the Grand Duchess that is necessary to assign to God's feet, eyes and hands and forget the past deeds and ignore the future to understand the Bible and avoid misinterpretation. For this reason, Galileo stresses that it is essential for the expositors to offer true β†’

Courthouse visit

The bulletin board indicated that the trial I was to attend was taking place in Department 8 on the third floor of the building. Seed the elevator to get to the third floor and walked through the double doors into the courtroom.

Reasons of macbeth’s downfall

It can be said however that the fault is not Macbeth's alone as the witches and Lady Macbeth were partly responsible for Macbeth's downfall. Lady Macbeth believes that Macbeth is too soft, which can be seen by the use of the metaphor, " too full of the milk of human kindness". This metaphor refers to β†’

Are you my mother? an analysis of juliet’s nurse

In Romeo and Juliet, Juliet's mother was truly not a mother figure at all. Taking the role of " mother" in the play is Juliet's servant, known as the Nurse. After growing up with Juliet, the Nurse grew closer to her and began thinking of herself as less of a servant to Juliet and more β†’

How far is macbeth a gothic protagonist

A gothic protagonist is known to have sharply contrasting qualities within the character. This is seen in Macbeth as we see the contrast between Good and evil which is a strong source of conflict within Macbeth. Macbeth is not consciously and naturally malevolent, and there are many aspects of his character and β†’

Macbeth character sketch

Macbeth does not want to be known as a coward to his wife, so he decided to accept that he will complete the murder of Duncan. Macbeth finally see's Macduff and refuses to fight him because he's already sorry for the deaths of his family.

Romeo and juliet are partially responsible for their demise essay

It is through the feuding families, the characterization of Friar Lawrence and Romeo and Juliet's bad decisions and emotions that the playwright' is able to present the responsibilities of Romeo and Juliet's demise. Due to this, the Elizabethan audience is aware of how the responsibility of Romeo and Juliet deaths are not just their own β†’

Hamlets on-stage then and today

He performed and it has understood he launched a number of ideas in to the operation within the phantom scene Hamlet's hair might sound to face finish, like for example a sock which may go. By the shut of the handle Lichtenberg documented " My neighbor and that I personally, who would maybe not exchanged β†’

Reflection paper

In this connection, for me to fit into this 5th recommendation of IOM, I will ensure that I enroll for a doctorate program in the next five years after graduating with a baccalaureate degree. However, since I have a lot of passion for education that would enable me better the lives of others in the β†’

Physician assisted suicide essay examples

For his assisted suicide, he is given a lethal sedative which slowly takes away his life in the company of his wife Mary who watches painfully. Before viewing this film, I thought that assisted suicide is the most inhuman action that any individual can engage and be involved in.before watching this film, I believed that β†’

The identity american english

Both Eric Foner and James Baldwin talk about individuality and identity in their articles and arguing that the identity of a person is what gives the person their freedom and liberty. For Baldwin language had the connotation of freedom and equality while Foner used identity to connote the same thing.

Should colleges increase tuition for international students from mexico? essay

The point of the survey was to decide whether to raise tuition for Mexican immigrants so it was important to hear only from them in order to understand how they felt about the American education system and why they wanted to be a part of it. The results showed the Hispanic immigrants found education in β†’

The hunger games

The first of these is when she chooses to sacrifice her life for that of her sister through her joining the Hunger Games in the latter's behalf. The film from Katniss' view can be told as a form of hardship that has to be endured because it is through this endurance that she will eventually β†’

Frida kahlo self-portrait with cropped hair and futago by yasumasa morimura

The essay is a piece of work that intends to talk about two pieces of art works that is, the Frida Kahlo " Self-Portrait with Cropped Hair" and " Futago" by Yasumasa Morimura. The society is that clear in the roles of each and the treatment to be accorded by each and to each.

Claude oscar monet impression sunrise

That is why he tried to represent natural mist, rising sunlight, and darkened colors of objects with a means of first of all intensive feeling: extremly red color of the sun was hidden in a ghostic mist of escaping night, modeled by loose brushstrokes. Being influenced - in terms of their colours - by John β†’

James nachtwey

Accessed on 29Th Otcober 2012 from Time: 1999 Image Title: Man's Imprint Size: 525 353 Figure 3: The picture reveals the utter reality of a new weapon of " mass extermination" - Famine experienced by South Sudans citizens and other people residing in wore torn states. Unity 8. These images β†’

Back to the dreamtime

In chapter 5 also, they have hang out at the railway tracks. They discuss about planning to go Alice Spring and Bradley planning to follow together and they agree with that because Bratley and his father usually go to explore. He as brother feel responsible to take care and help their brother.

Christina nguyen

Boxer and Squealer are examples of oppression and the advantages taken against them enforce that, and building the windmill is also another case of oppression. Because of his dedication towards the farm and Napoleon, Boxer had literally worked himself to death just for the benefit of the windmill and the farm.

Why did cuban slavery collapse in the nineteenth century essay samples

However, the slave trade in Cuba ultimately ended in the nineteenth century due to a number of factors. They also got employment opportunities in the local government and the military, thus reduced the number of slaves in Cuba tremendously and led to the collapse of the slave trade. Engagement between Egba Nation Chiefs and the β†’

The music industry association of america protecting intellectual property and the rights of original sources of performers

The music industry association of America is a membership association of music recording companies as well as trade associations that represent the recording industry in the United States. The manuscript will also discuss the pros and cons of such a law, the reaction of the technology industry, and the implementation of the proposed β†’

The effects hip hop has on society

A different breed of rappers came about and the game changed causing an influence towards peers for the use of drugs, alcohol and violence. In my opinion things have gone too far and it's too late to repair the damage the rappers and done amongst the black community and towards other peers β†’

The negative impact of the internet on consumer purchasing

Convenience, time efficiency, and the availability of products at a possible lower cost are all enticing reasons to shop online; however, many people are still hesitant in shopping online in fear of their privacy and security as well as the inability to actually see the product they are purchasing and be able to instantly possess β†’

Essay on allied american university

Online education, which not only helps students find a cheaper way of gaining knowledge, but it also helps combine work and study, also gives a prospect for continued or second education for those building a career. The cost of living on campus, together with the tuition fee can pile up to quite a sum. The β†’

Distance education or traditional education essay example

The progressions in the field of technology have allowed many to take advantage of the distance learning programs, and hence improve their positions in jobs. The most important benefit of distance learning is the flexibility in the time. Distance education costs less than the traditional education as you do not have to pay large amounts β†’

Free should we eat sugar essay example

Sugar is a sweet crystallizable substance that comprises particularly of sucrose, is white when unadulterated and having a tendency to tan when less refined.it is gotten economically from sugarcane or sugar beet and less broadly from sorghum, maples, and palms.it is critical as a wellspring of dietary carb and as a sweetener and additive for β†’

Speeding up windows 95 13736

About a year ago Microsoft released a small program called TweakUI that actually adds more flexibility and functionality to the already current user-friendly interface. TweakUI is actually a rewrite program that edits certain data files from the Windows 95 registry. This is due mainly to the fact that when installing β†’

Example of moneyball / dir. bennett miller movie review

One of the basic formulas used is WHIP, which stands for 'walks and hits per inning pitched'; this measures the number of base runners a pitcher allows; the lower the number, the more valuable the pitcher is to a team. This deals directly with the concept of interlinking, in which bloggers look at other blogs β†’

Free marketing case study example

Therefore, the new CEO should focus on advertising and mobile networking in the future because it is anticipated that the business entities, celebrities, public groups and individuals will extend their online advertising strategies to entice online users for recognition, networking, purchases and reviews. Cyworld could face competition from potential new entrants β†’

Your seo checklist: 4 steps to optimizing your website

In this edited excerpt, the author outlines a broad strategy for successfully optimizing your website. The goal of search engine optimization is to have the search engine spiders not only find your site and pages but also specifically rank the page relevance so that it appears at the top of the search engine results. The β†’

Olympics essays example

26 March 2014. This report includes an analysis and summary of a variety of articles and journals on the benefits of hosting Olympic Games. 26 March 2014. This article goes through the political and economic effects of major international events.

Internet essay

Therefore, they made a conclusion that " the quality of arthritis Information on the Internet varied widely" _ Although determining the reliability of Information is increasingly becoming a problem on the Internet, there are some ways to help people identify how to properly use the Internet as a source of Information. According to β†’

Air pollution reduction analysis

Air pollution threatens the health of human beings and other living things on our planet. While often invisible, pollutants in the air create smog and acid rain, cause cancer or other serious health effects, diminish the protective ozone layer in the upper atmosphere, and contribute to the potential for β†’

Is microfinance a neoliberal fairytale? article analysis

I agree with the article in two ways: first, microcredit does not allow the development of poor people and second, microfinance reflects a Neoliberal world. To begin with microcredit does not allow the development of poor people because microcredit created the idea that poor people with a loans if as little as $30 (A Bank β†’

The grapes of wrath: chapters 8, 16, 30

The word " alone" is the opposite of her character and her purpose in the novel. When Rose of Sharon announces that she and Connie plans to go to town and leave the family, Ma Joad worries about the idea of splitting the family and is reluctant.

Problems in the catcher in the rye

Holden believes he can hold on to his innocence and not transition to adulthood, but later realizes his time for youth is concluded. Holden tends to isolate himself and resists society as much as much as possible. Later on, he does realize adulthood is not a choice, and it does start coming to him.

The ethicality of an action jay gatsby report (assessment)

This paper describes Jay Gatsby's action and applies the utilitarian theory to establish whether Jay's action was ethical or not. As presented in the novel, Jay Gatsby was trying to win Daisy back because he firmly believed she was the love of his life. With such kind of uncertainty and dilemma, Jay decided to take β†’

William faulkner biographical sketch

He was the first of four children, where his family was deeply influenced by their home state and the overall culture and lifestyle of the American South. Among other influences on Faulkner's writing are the region he resided in and his own family history.

Creeping in daylight

Through decoding and analyzing the yellow wallpaper in her nauseatingly oppressive room, Jane sets on a path of self-empowerment and rediscovering her identity a vague, restricted identity which at first, mirrors that of the amorphous figure she spies behind the wallpaper. When Jane finally succeeds in breaking through the wallpaper and forging her own identity β†’

The theme of revenge in the cask of amontillado by edgar alan poe and the count of monte cristo by alexandre dumas

The Cask of Amontillado and The Count of Monte Cristo both have various ways to show how the theme of revenge is betrayed in the text. Montressor was pushed too far which caused him to get revenge and wall up Fortunado alive. However in the book The Count of Monte Cristo we are shown β†’

Death vs. life

Faulkner uses a very detailed plot of Emily's life and uses the deaths of both her father and Homer, her lover, to highlight Emily's fear of abandonment and how one's life events create such psychological issues. The story is given from a third-person narrator, which allows for the reader to get an unbiased perspective since β†’

To kill a mockingbird by lee harper: courage is in the hearts of all

In the book, Scout Finch talks about her adventures in her hometown of Maycomb County and all the events that unfolded in the summers before and after she started the first grade. He was familiar with the prejudice of the world and did not want her to suffer through it as he had.

Crucible belonging

Links to prescribed text in terms of ideas and techniques : Humour is used in The Crucible to relieve the tension and convey the ridiculous situation at hand. Through the use of humour, both John Proctor and Josie Alibrandi are singled out and looked up to.

In what ways do you find the opening to the great gatsby effective

The opening to " The Great Gatsby" is undoubtedly effective as it successfully introduces both the main protagonists, Nick Carraway, a traditional and open minded narrator who comes from a " prominent, well-to-do" family" and Gatsby, an elusive and as yet, un-introduced character who is undoubtedly the main subject of the book, and the β†’

The symbol of the rose in william faulkner’s a rose for emily

The story revolves around the town; specifically, Emily Grierson's house is a main view point and symbol of the story. The townspeople act as the narrators of the story, their rumors and ridicule of Emily and her ways as well as their sympathy for her as time progresses, helps to tell excel the plot. The β†’

Truman capote

Truman Capote, along with his book, also drew a lot of attention to the photograph of Truman which was a provocative posture. Once Truman was done writing In Cold Blood, he got involved with a lot of drugs and became an alcoholic.

To kill a mockingbird letter essay

B Underwood, I strongly believe that Tom Robinson was not guilty of the crime and the sentence was untrue and unjust. I conclude that the sentencing of Tom Robinson was appropriate and just.

America’s founding principles course work

The Declaration points out that the governments must be instituted to 'secure' the rights of the people, operating with the presumption that people will by nature seek their own gratification to the harm the life, liberty, and happiness of others. The belief that God created nature and human beings is the main cultural belief of β†’

Free attitudes- how they are formed and influenced essay sample

The emotional component is the feeling expressed by the individual to the person, object or situation whereas, the action component is a reaction given by the individual as a response to either of the above three. This, in particular leverages the emotional component of attitude as the idea behind persuasion is to change the attitude β†’

Facilitator essay examples

Obesity is a situation that comes to people without their attention although, behavioural attributes of the people may often result to this condition. It is apparent that overweight people are not condemned to the situations in which they are.

Free emile durkheim: division of labor essay example

Emile Durkheim believed that the cooperative constitution of all modern social facts, like all the other social facts, have an opposing and balancing effect to the existence of natural facts and the natural individuals. In modern societies, as in the traditional societies, the cooperative achievement of social facts and character depends on the shared β†’

Politics essay examples

Article 1 of the constitution of Lowa State states contain the Bill of Rights clause, which explains roles, and responsibility of the state in providing services to the citizens and protecting human rights (The Constitution of the State of Iowa 1). Print. The Constitution of the State of Iowa.

Good example of catholicism demystified essay

They proclaim that human life is sacred and the dignity of the human is the basis of a decent vision for the society and is the basis of all the principles of their social teachings". There is also a great emphasis on solidarity and the dignity of work and the right of workers. Catholics profess β†’

This i believe: a reflection essay examples

This I Believe is a story of all kinds whose personalities may have varied, and yet, they are similar in their real honesty, integrity, as well talking aloud " the rules they live by, the things they have found to be the basic values in their lives". This meaningful radio β†’

Opposition of expansion doctrine and the issue of slavery essay example

Although, expansion of the boundaries would be useful but dangerous too because it comprises the land of Native American who were living in most areas of the western region and it has highlighted one of the most prominent issue of the country, slavery. Calhoun was a supporter of the power of the state and ruled β†’

Organizational readiness to adopt new research implementations research paper sample

Barnsteiner and his counterparts believe that proper preparation before conducting a research countered with proper understanding of the subject of research is the beginning of reliable and informative research. For example, research on new medical practices must be in line with the culture and alertness for change. Research is defined β†’

Free movie review on atanarjuat aka fast runner

In addition, it gives the audience an idea of time setting of the film, the location of the film, the cultural setting on which the film is based upon and the influence of the geographical setting in that particular culture. The setting of a film is the first feature to be achieved in coming up β†’

Evolution of the internet 2350

Evolution of The Internet The structure and makeup of the Internet has adapted as the needs of the community have changed. Since it was created, the Internet has grown in size and become something that the entire world is almost completely dependent on. The Internet started as an experiment in β†’

Lung nodule classification: computed tomography (ct) scans

The proposed framework is based on the integration between the geometric shape features, in terms of construction error of modeled spherical harmonics ; the appearance feature in terms of Gibs energy modeled using the 7th order MGRF; and the size feature using β†’

Menu interface

A form interface can also be used to enter data into a system, for example a database system will usually allow you to create a form to enter data into tables.[pic] Graphical User Interface A graphical user interface is the most common type of user interface in use today. Helps you to select β†’