800 Words Essay Samples

Finance & investment essay

The benefit of bonds investment can be derived by employees, retirees and pensioners who are facilitated with regular interest income apart from saving principal amount as bond. Government bonds are safe as compared to corporate bonds with the fact that there is a scope for manipulation of interest rates which may lower the price of β†’


In a list of the countries with the greatest percentage of overweight people, Nauru tops a list of countries with the greatest percentage of overweight people, with an alarming 94. The countries with the largest numbers of people with diabetes are India , China and the U.S..

Store management

Their main competitors are Gap and H&M, and together they form a group of speciality chains in the apparel industry. Zara has operated and adopted a different strategy as compared to Gap and H&M and the following points draw the difference between the players. In contrast, Zara has developed a successful diverse method of doing β†’

Example of essay on organized labor’s growth and consolidation: the great depression and world war ii

Differences between labor unions and especially in the American Federation of Labor led to the establishment of the Committee for Industrial Organization to ensure that the American laborers benefited from the New Deal legislations. Under the NRA, the welfare of organized labor became a priority for the β†’

Macroeconomic data analysis and report

Exchange rate is vital in comparing the strength of the currency between the countries and this is an index of measuring level of economic growth holding other factors constant. PPP shows the rate of inflation experienced in a country and the higher it is the slower will be the rate of economic growth.

Example of competency goal

This means that I check everything that may come in contact with any child so that I know my room does not have any dangers. This involves making sure that no toys are broken, any chemicals are stored properly, the room is clean and sanitary at all times, children are not sharing personal items, and β†’

Coca-cola – the concept of marketing

Because it has such a long history of customizing is products to the localculture, the company is in the best position of developing a product that takes into account cultural and social considerations in Botswana. The product is intended for the third world where customers simply do not have the money to pay for the β†’

Hold it against me by britney spears

This paper will discuss the song by identifying the genre, the criteria used to classify the song under the genre the instrumentation used in the song and described whether or not, digitally- generated effect is at work in the music. The sound of bass is what is mostly heard in the song, it seems to β†’

A long way gone ‘ishmael beah and allegory of the cave plato’s

In this article, I will use the two texts, Allegory of the Cave by Plato and A long Way Gone' by Ishmael Beah to justify the statement ' can childhood ever be lost beyond recovery?' The childhood ages are characterized by innocence of the mind and soul. Relating the redemption of the lost childhood feelings β†’

Contrasting elements in chronicle of a death foretold and the assault

Through characterization of the Vicario twins and foreshadowing, tension is created over Santiago's death, and characterization of Santiago introduces a contrast between men and women in the society. Garc a M rquez characterizes Pedro and Pablo Vicario in a somewhat deplorable manner, which raises questions in regards to them plotting to kill Santiago and creates β†’

Who moved my cheese: reaching happiness with cheese

Cheese Reflection Essay The quote " having Cheese makes you happy" can mean many things depending on the situation of the people involved, but in general it means that finally getting what you worked for/had to change for makes you happy. Once they achieve something, people want to challenge themselves and get more β†’

A personal development

Evaluate own knowledge, performance and understanding against relevant standards Once you have begun to identify the major factors that have infuenced your development, the next stage is to look at how they have afected the way in which you work and relate to the people with whom you work. When working β†’

Example of right and left brain hemispheres research paper

Information from a projection area of the cerebral cortex, its specific treatment and the formation of feelings lead to the fact that in associative areas, based on their analysis and synthesis, as well as a comparison with the previous experience of life, that is retrieved from the annals of memory, β†’

Research paper on nursing: research critique

Antimicrobial drug's resistance in the twenty first century Problem statement The past one century has seen a lot of growth and development in the medical field, and this is one of the factors that have promoted effective medical care to patients, as well as developed breakthrough to various medical conditions and illnesses β†’

Moral development persuasive essay

And there are two mall theories relating moral development with cognition: the first one is Piglets theory, and the second one Is Kohlrabi's theory. What is interesting to see is the relation between moral development and complexity.

Good example of research paper on has the tourism industry affected marine biology in hawaii

Abstract Introduction The current research relates the relations between the increased number of tourists visiting Hawaii and the increased average annual temperature resulted in negative consequences for local fauna. Methods Statistical research in the form of regression and correlation analyses was conducted based on data presented by Hawaii Government., Hawaii Tourism β†’

Statesmancom essay examples

There were cases that people could live continuously without food for a long period of time but not without water as it continuously hydrates the body and enables it to function even if the body is very tired or hungry to move on. The story about the drought that has happened in Austin was a β†’

The contribution of informatics to the development of social

Internet helped to shape new social norms in our generation, though we are in transaction period but in more than two decades this would be a tautology. Alvin Toffler in his book " The Third Wave" declared that the shores of the Earth have been struck by wave of information. In the β†’

The development of greek and roman art

In the past, art was seen as a way to symbolize the leaders and figures of power. The many buildings that continue to stand today are and remain a symbol of how the ancient Greek and Romans lived throughout their time.

Anabolic steroids and human body essay

Both processes depend on nitrogen balance in the body. Anabolic steroids increase protein synthesis, which leads to an increase in nitrogen balance and in order to build muscle mass, the body must be in a state of positive nitrogen balance. After exercise, the body experiences a state of ositive nitrogen balance, in which new proteins β†’

ο»Ώlist of questions for ceo essay sample

The planning phase is defined by all planning activities including the analysis of the software to be installed, verification of its compatibility, supported methods of installations, and the identification of any risks associated with the software and the desired deployment method. Then once the software is installed we would need to take a snapshot of β†’

Good example of thesis proposal on how mass media influence humans life

This issue is of great significance culture wise because mass media is perceived to have some influence to the culture of our contemporary society and hence the status quo. . I can attest that mass media has some influence to our society particularly the way we think consequent to the fact that I live with people β†’

I am application paper essay example

I try to live in harmony with my surroundings and this is a reason why major of my characteristics matched the ones given by my family. A discover of a great value for me was that I have to perform better control over my emotions because I sometimes tend to be too emotional and hurt β†’

Benefits of internet technologies

The intranet is private and can only be accessed by designated users that the company sets up and is similar to the World Wide Web. It will also help in reducing the amount of paper that is used by being able to upload things such as employee handbooks, job listings, benefits that is offered, and β†’

Communications paper

Touching and hand shaking are important to understand in cultural communication. Verbal and nonverbal communications are the two key aspects of communication, (especially important in high context culture).

Stylistic means

The fact that polysemantic words retain theirprimary and secondarymeanings is of great importance for stylistics. It is quite easy to understand the meaning of the following phrases; He grasped the main idea; a burning question; pity melted her heart. The typical structural features of oral speech (violation of word order, omission of some parts of β†’

Different forms of communication and their role in interpersonal communication

I wanted to say something like " Were not you supposed to do the dishes day?" or " Why have not you cleaned the kitchen?" but I stopped myself, and thought about what I was going to say first. Although I still do not really like making eye contact a lot, it's a lot easier β†’

Communication breakdown

Tannen believes the importance is not necessarily the topic but the feeling that you get from conversation and points out ," What is important is not the individual subjects that are disclosed but the sense of closeness, of a life shared, that emerges when people tell their thoughts, feelings and impressions". We β†’

Communication for building good patient-professional relationships essay sample

A type of communication used in health and social care is verbal, this is used to communicate by one person speaking and the other person listening. Verbal communication is the skill to use words to put forward ideas, thoughts and feelings to another person in a variety of environments. The reason why professionals must communicate β†’

Example of fax machine report

History of the Fax Machine & Alexander Bain. History of the Fax Machine.

Shc 31

Touch can be something as simple as a hug or a pat on the back, this action tends to offer reassurance and comfort, however, it could also be a sign to tell a person to start or to gain their attention. This tends to be done in a verbal format, however is often includes gestures, β†’

News, hate speeches and other types of notices on the internet

This begs the questions what can really be considered freedom of speech and when does it need to be restricted? The phenomenon of hate speech has always existed and as with most things, it's a very subjective and complex topic to understand. As a result, hate speech must not be protected by the blanket and β†’

Sample essay on socio-cultural analysis

Demographic Trends If the population growth of Japan is considered then, in 2014, the total population of Japan is estimated to be about 127. The total population is 99%, the literacy rate of the male population is 99%, and that of females, it is also 99%. Cultural Analysis In Japan, Japanese is β†’

How friendship is described in books

This is shown in the book Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck. " George raised the gun and listened to the voices. And George raised the gun and steadied it, and he brought the muzzle of it close to the back of Lennie's head.

Using mixed method: both qualitative & quantitative research

Eventually management made the decision that this was too large a group of potential customers to lose, and a decision was eventually made to study this phenomenon and to understand why it was taking place, and if anything could be done about it. Research Objective A research project β†’

What is ssh? essay sample

By adding this to the security measures, you shut down another way for the attackers to get access to your system. Now you should change the port from the default of 22 to a higher number. To do this enter the following command: /etc/init.d/ssh restart If you want to stop the server, β†’

Lord of the flies: comparative analysis

This happens because people crave power and they want to be in control. In the following paragraphs, different themes will be linked with the book " Lord of the Flies" and minimal movies and TV shows such as the Walking Dead and the book " MISS Peregrines Home for Peculiar Children". Themes throughout β†’

Paula vasconcellos

The battle between King Fortinbras and King Hamlet is an example presented in the play of historical setting, for it illustrates a past happening which is important for the fundemental understanding of the play. This creates a tense mood to the reader, foreshadowing of an ominous and threatening, future occurrence in the plot.

Exploring human nature in macbeth

Lady Macbeth reveals desire that leads to her collapse of the mind. Banquo does not disclose the secret of the prophecies and his feeling about Macbeth for the reason that Banquo have faith in that his prophecy will not come true if he reveals this information.

Perspetelliott kozlowski

These key points are the reason why the author of Harry Potter has come to be a billionaire, and why I am one who helped her become a billionaire. The reason why the Harry Potter books and movies draw me in is because I have had occurrences happen in my life that somehow or someway β†’

The deeper meaning of hamlet’s revenge

Hamlet has felt this anger against Claudius since the beginning of the play, even before he discovered his uncle was his father's murderer; and when Gertrude married Claudius a mere month after his father's death, Hamlet was furious, not only because he thought it was incestuous but because she showed that her love for King β†’

King lear – dramatic impact

Shakespeare creates an impact through the use of the characters themselves, the action that occurs in the extract, the situation that unfolds and the tension built up during these situations. The extract begins with Lear drawing attention upon himself with the use of repetition and exclamatives ' Howl, howl, howl, howl!' this gives an immediate β†’

Macbeth diary

I know she has the idea regarding the procedure that I will use to ascend to power. We will wait till the King goes to sleep and I will have to stab him on the chest.

The artificial accents in hollywood tv programs and movies

This exemplified behind-the-scenes aspect of performed accents occurs often in the series It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. " Chardee macdennis 2: electric boogaloo" is an episode of the series in which all main characters use accents as part of a challenge in a drinking game. It is useful to understand the context of the series and β†’

Politaical party essays example

The United States has a notoriously lower voter turnout than many other countries, despite having a high number of citizens who are eligible voters. There are an estimated 58 countries with a higher voter turnout than the United Stated. The citizens of America have grown jaded over time while citizens in other countries are still β†’

Syrian immigration to the united states from 1880 to 1920

The leading motivation for immigration to the United States was the temptation of financial achievement. If the families did not have enough money for the entire family to make the trip, the father would take the older children, while the mother stayed with the younger children until enough money was earned to pay for the β†’

Latinos and their history in the united states

People who identify their origin as Spanish, Hipic, or Latino may be of any race.(US Census, Subject Definitions, 2000) Current status Today the Latino presence has emerged, as a fact of American life - this diverse group has come to the United States and themselves become " Americans". β†’

Slavery phenomenon and its causes in the usa report (assessment)

This is one of the differences that should not be overlooked. It is possible to say that the enslaved people could perform different kinds of labor. These are some of the main aspects that can be identified. In turn, the experiences of the owners could be very diverse.

Racism in america through the works of finney, trethewey and mckay essay

In the works of Nikky Finney, Natasha Trethewey and Claude McKay, the struggles of blacks to remain safe and surviving in a threatening and disenfranchising America are conveyed through discussion about life and death. Racism often led blacks to fear for their lives, as much of their interactions with whites β†’

Gun three types, handguns, rifles, and shotguns. rifles

Gun laws are the cause of a lot of violent crime in the United States and need to be changed in order to make it easier for Americans to purchase handguns, carry them as concealed weapons, and to protect themselves. Several colonies gun laws required heads of the households to own guns, and that β†’

Visual & art

This is evident both in the statement found below the portrait and the entire image depicting a militia combatant while in the battlefield. This is to induce and assert the aspect of tension expressed by the statement appearing below the portrait.

Analysis of dear white people movie

The president of the house is black but he is dating a white girl who is the daughter of the school's president. Later on he loses his presidency in the house and another black student who is the main character of the movie becomes the new president of the house.

It425-1403a-01 : systems analysis, design and integration

By including management of risks during the development of systems, institutions can balance the need for protecting important assets and information with costs associated to security control and mitigation plans as the system is developed. The very first phase in SDLC models is initiation. The sunset phase involves the disposal of the system on completion β†’

Cis 331

Towing of the ice will increase the amount of fresh water in the city. 8 What are the parameters of the problem?

Factors, which caused the process of degradation in “the lord of flies”

No one is completely innocent and everyone has the ability to turn violent, this is demonstrated in this novel. In the Lord of the Flies, the boys started off by adopting civil rules and creating civility amongst themselves. In Lord of the Flies, the boys' descent to savagery was a gradual process, which was influenced β†’

Wuthering heights and jane eyre

We are precisely suited in character perfect concord is the result." Upon examination of these novels as a mirror to everyday individuals, it can be established that people are not able to distinguish between true love and their other emotions. In Jane Eyre, it becomes evident that the relationship between Jane and Rochester is one β†’

Crap on a stick

Overall, modern remakes of Oliver Twist fail to capture the audience's attention as much as Charles Dickens' classic did. Argument 1 - Characterization Dickens and Glycerol both portray Oliver Twist as a young and feeble pauper, but It is Dickens' expert use of Victorian aged language and vocabulary that takes the reader to a whole β†’

Jane eyre essay examples

However, this paper will focus on the fifth chapter of the novel to discuss the most important issues related to lifestyle, rules, and customs of Victorian England. In chapter 5 of Jane Eyre, we see the heroine of the same name arriving at Lowood, the school for girls. Despite that, Jane Eyre was quite surprised β†’

The rapid metamorphosis of the mexican government

However, the three most influential developments that resulted from the revolution itself were the inclusion of Article 3 in the Constitution of 1917, the connection of Mexico to the United States, and formation of the National Revolutionary Party in 1929. The inclusion of Article 3 in the Constitution of 1917 was one of the most β†’

Is chinua achebe correct in asserting that heart of darkness is essentially a racist novel

The racism presented by Conrad in the novel is evident through his manipulation of perspective and dehumanisation of the native Africans as discussed in Achebe's essay. Joseph Conrad manipulates the perspective of the reader and the attitude they have towards the natives and Europeans alike through the bestowal of human expression to β†’

Primo levi

In 'If this is a Man' one is brought on a Journey of what it was like physically and mentally to endure time in Auschwitz. Everybody has heard about the horrendous and horrible occurrence that was the holocaust, however, Primo Levi s one of the very few survivors that had the ability of β†’

The brief wondrous life of oscar wao: when love ties into violence

Beli has experienced the violence when she decided to love the gangster and when Abelard experiences it when he protected his own daughter because of love. Since Beli fell in love with the gangster, she starts to see the effects when she went to the car dealership and it ended in violence.

The idea of moral development in the novel “adventures of huckleberry finn” by mark twain

The moment at which Huck makes the decision to free Jim at all costs is representative of one of Twain's most prevalent themes, morality; the main character undergoes an extreme transformation of character when he debates over the right step to take regarding Jim. Huck's struggle to find the right action to take reaches a β†’

Example of book review of β€˜the outsiders’ by s.e hinton

She therefore decided to write the book basing her arguments and facts to the prevailing circumstances and the issues revolved around the rivalry of the two groups. The novels starts with a character, Ponyboy who is a Greaser being jumped by a group of Socs just after leaving a movie theatre. β†’

Market analysis of the damosa – mamay road area essay sample

There are few supporting elements in the immediate neighborhood to support full-service hotel development.* Access characteristics of the sites are fair for potential hotel development.* The hotel should have approximately 6, 000 square feet of function space. Site #3: Left side entrance area to Diamond Avenue The following bullets summarize our findings β†’

Analysis of power in fahrenheit 451

Bradbury uses the introduction of Faber and Clarisse into Guy Montag's life to symbolize that in order to free one's self from the destructive constraints of society and gain power over it; one must submit themselves to guidance and care. This scheming ultimately leads to the killing of Beatty and the placing of the book β†’

The quiet america essay example

However, it was difficult to understand this since he was in the country pretending to be helping the people who were suffering from the war. Pyle seems to have the motive of helping Phuong in the novel. For example, his intention of saving Phuong seemed that he intended to help the Vietnamese who were suffering β†’

Wakefield’s manipulation

Wakefield's case was filled with ethical violations from the methods of vaccinating children and scientific misrepresented when publishing the cause of Autism. This experiment exhibited holes and assumptions found in the methods and sample size Wakefield used to prove that vaccines led to autism. To begin, having prior knowledge of the selected sample of children, β†’

The long road to freedom

Kate Chopin's The Awakening and Mark Twain's Adventures of Huckleberry Finn share a number of parallels in terms of character and setting, namely between Edna Pontellier and Huck and Jim, and the significance of the sea and river to the aforementioned characters. Edna's acts of rebellion are comparably more subtle and limited, as her β†’

Invisible man character analysis

Wells character Griffin in The Invisible man is a private person who displays his arrogance and selfishness throughout his speech, actions, and interaction with others. Wells character Griffin in The Invisible man is a private person who displays his arrogance and selfishness throughout his speech, actions, and interaction with others

The hobbit report examples

This wisdom is necessary for Bilbo to become a hero who is successful. The other themes that clearly come out are the themes of solitude and nostalgia. This brings the events in the novel to a conclusion that is successful. Conclusion " The Hobbit" or " There and Back Again" is essentially an epitome of β†’

Essay on federal court appointments

If you were a president who was a loose constructionist and you were trying to nominate a federal circuit judge to the NC bench what would you consider when making that ruling. I would look at how closely they would adhere to the Constitution, looking specifically for people who would shape their rulings on their β†’

Example of essay on britts fourteen elements of fascism

Although many people in the government believe that torture is not appropriate for use, the military has enough power and sway in the government to convince the government to allow the use of torture. Finally, the American government demonstrated that it is not above tampering with elections when President Bush lost the popular β†’

Free litigants /court case study sample

The application for an inspection warrant stated that it was as per the computer chosen worksites that the application was being made for issue of inspection warrant due to the written policy of the petitioner that government inspection could be not done without a warrant. Petitioner's contention was that the OSHA did not explain how β†’

Research on the recidivism rates in the u.s. and possible ways to tackle the problem

For this topic, I will have to research if there is a certain age group of ex-offenders that re-enter the system more than others, as well as, taking a look into certain crimes that people are consistently being charged with such drug offenses, so that I can fully understand what the problem is, what's causing β†’

Deviance and the correctional system

Many laws divide crimes into categories depending on the seriousness of the offense, the age of the offender, the punishment that can be administered and the actual court. Also, there are many types of activities that are considered crime and the criminal justice system has the responsibility to keep all citizens of a country safe β†’

Understanding deviance and the criminal justice system

The correctional system faces diverse issues and challenges in organizing and operating jails in coping up to the above concerns. The facilities and design of the prison are very significant to exhibit a detention cell that can accommodate the necessities of the prisoners but also administer incarceration and imprisonment to the highest β†’

The morality of informing on criminals argumentative essay sample

I did not say much of anything back to them, but it just repulsed me that they could sit there laughing about all the money they were taking, including grants from the government and churches, just to line their own pockets. Of course I am not na ve and I know that there are all β†’

Report on policing

The most memorable of the nine principles was, " the police are the public and the public are the police". The seventh principle implies that the police are the public and the public are the police.

Mri we use a device called relays,

The cooperation of the signals and the electromagnetic impulses make the telephones very convenient. In power circuits, we use a device called relays, which has the potential to cut down a large current to the load, with the application of small amount of current. A small magnetic coil, which when energized, creates or breaks down β†’

Sample essay on 3 subject + magic flute

However, this is not the primary intention for individuals who need to listen to music since the objective may involve the need to hear precision and perfection present in the music or for the purpose of strenuous, active and contemplation in which it is involved. The illustration of these two not only being possessions of β†’

Pop music magazine comparison

The aim of the magazine is to persuade the readers to go out and buy their CDs. The use of language is completely different, one says 'SCREW THE CRITICS' and the other is 'BLUE ARE BACK' This shows one that is abusive and the other is more formal.

Charles mingus

Consequently, there is some royal rubbing of shoulders by the vulgar: sassy lines of counterpoint bents a stately melody out of its shape; there is juxtaposing of a lilting rhythm of 6/8 alongside a twice roller- coaster of 4/4; degeneration of the twelve- bar blues into fairly- disorder; sometimes violent shifting of tempos and atmospheres1. β†’

Animal research by thomas genneralli

After the film was circulated, the laboratory was closed down on accusations of failing to respect the ' Guide for Care and Use of Laboratory Animals'.Dr. Genarelli and his team of researchers are accused of knowingly causing serious injuries to the baboons by use of force and when pulling out the helmets from their heads β†’

How does william shakespeare utilise the genre of tragedy

The utilisation of the genre tragedy in William Shakespeare's play Macbeth is apparent through the actions that lead up to the tragic death of the plays hero. Through the life and death of Macbeth, the use of the genre tragedy is apparent in the play.

Adult education case study examples

Most of the people are not well aware about the advancement of technology in the field of education and literacy. It is necessary for adult students to evaluate the accuracy, readability and information quality available in the digital environment (Institute of Education Sciences, 2007).

E-gift shopping essay sample

The business-to-consumer aspect of electronic commerce is the most visible business use of the World Wide Web. Users of the system: Customer is the user of the system.

Problems which is fairly obvious within this team.

Furthermore, there is a clear need forconflict management. There needs to becommunication, problem solving and then negotiating to come to a commoninterest to avoid any conflict which is what is happening in this company.Another issue is with the management style, a more obliging oraccommodating style is needed this is where two parties cannot agree which β†’

Unfair distribution of resources in africa

In the article " Unfair Distribution of Resources in Africa: What should be done about the Ethni Factor?", Presbey depicts the reality of African misuse of resources, as governments and their officials allocate resources according to personal or multi-personal needs, rather than fairness, logic and the welfare of the people. So essentially they took resources β†’

Describe the emergence of transitional political islam

The Emergence of Transitional Political Islam The Emergence of Transitional Political Islam Introduction The emergence of transitional political Islam arouse after the fall of dictatorships that occurred in the Middle East and North Africa in which the Arab spring protested in 2011, paving way for the Islamist party to enjoy the government. The paper reviews β†’

Throw away all fears except the fear of god

I actually hated myself for this, but I just could not help myself being what I am, a silly fool perhaps to others, but for me, I am just doing my best to live up to God's expectations. In a span of twenty years, I helped my sister pay her debts, I rescued my brother, β†’

Administrative decision making & the constitution at work

However, no matter the number of evolving administrative theories, it is the same skill that is required universally; in the industry; government as well as home management. The policy/administration dichotomy was a leadership theory that was popular during the early years of public administration mostly due to business principles used in managing the government. Today, β†’

Ethnic conflict

For my paper, the question of interest was, " What are the causes of ethnic conflict?" It stemmed from the position that there are multiple factors that cause this problem, which in themselves are context-specific and multi-dimensional in nature. What this means is that there is a tendency on my part to focus on this β†’

Pets rights in hawaii

How is the progress of other states in towards the rights of animals? Purpose of the research The purpose of the research is to find out the level of the abuse of pets in Hawaii. In the research, the article will help to gather information about the rights of animals that have been achieved β†’

Huck finn essay

Huck is very immature at the beginning of the novel in the sense that he is reliant on the actions of others in order to dictate the decisions he makes. Huck achieves maturity in the end and displays Twain's principle of independence.

The bildungsroman form in the great gatsby

In the opening of the novel, Tom is described as being a " freelance," shameless man: " His acquaintances resented the fact that he turned up in popular restaurants with her and, leaving her at a table, sauntered about, chatting with whomsoever he knew". Throughout the novel, Gatsby is so engulfed in his fantasy that β†’