800 Words Essay Samples

Inventory management system proposal essay

To record an Inventory transaction, the system uses a barded scanner or RIFF reader to automatically identify the inventory object, and then collects additional information from the operators via fixed terminals , or mobile computers. In consideration to these facts this project is meant to design Inventory management system for Vandal com β†’


Whistleblowers of Misconduct in Organizations Will increasing rewards for whistleblowers to above 30 percent of the fines increase the reporting of corruption? Financial misconduct and overall white collar crime at the corporate level comes with negative economic implications. By increasing the rewards for blowing to at least 30% of the recovered sums therefore, congress will β†’

Personal responsability

I did not want to take the time to separate my personal life from my school work. Now that I have my eyes open to my faults, I am able to set aside the time I need to do all things in my life.

Cirque du soleil human resource management assignment

The attention given to each performer ensured that they would be content in every aspect of their role in the company therefore being extremely productive individuals. The management provides the team with many luxuries such as three on site personal chefs that tend to their dietary needs while performing the rigorous routines. Motivating its performers β†’

Autocratic style of leadership essay examples

Authoritarian style, when well implemented is very useful in nursing since the lives of people are dependent of the action/ inaction of the nurses. Demerits of autocratic leadership in nursing While authoritarian style of leadership is useful, it has several disadvantages. Execution of tasks as directed, without making amends to arising situations takes motivation β†’

Link between pay and performance

The essay also suggests that since the duties and roles of managers and employees are different the remuneration strategy also need to be different. It is suggested that for manager level result based method is effective for remuneration strategy but for employees it must be behaviour based because in McDonalds' employees has less role in β†’

Time management for right-brained

One this aspect of the brain is understood, it is easy to interpret what goes on in the mind of a successful person who manages his time effectively. It is emotionally involved in the process of goal setting and will not give up.

Management is an art and a science

Art is therefore, a skilful application of knowledge which entirely depends on the inherent capacity of a person and is learned from practice and experience. It involves both the elements of art and science.

The meaning and characteristics of supply chain management

Supply chain management is therefore the act of controlling or overseeing the exchange between organizations. An article by du Toit and Vlok discusses the complexities with supply chain management due to the many activities, functions, components, and players that take part in the processes. In order to better understand and appreciate the components of supply β†’

Risk management and insurance

The company is exposed to different kinds of risks of losses which are discussed below: First of all the company is exposed to losses from damages to the various kinds of properties owned by the firm. The company is also exposed to the risk of losses due to some of the partners or owners leaving β†’

Lakshmi mittal and the growth of mittal steel

One such company that beat all the odds to rise to the position of being the best steel company in the world is the Lakshmi Mittal Steel Company. Furthermore, it is a common practice by a foreign investor in terms of political and economic loyalty to the host nation.

Evaluation of the erp project which border states industries started in 1998 (with case study examples

The vast increase of online activity was also taken into consideration and the second phase of the software implementation was tailored accordingly. Technologically the most important lesson was to resist the urge to over-customize in order to replicate an outdated system specifically for the purpose of maintaining familiarity. Further the implementation of the ERP BSE β†’

Research paper on why voting should remain compulsory in australia

The country is a constitutional monarchy and has federal government. The federal government of Australia comprises of three branches; the legislature (which is made up of the Parliament, the Senate and the House of Representatives), the executive (made up of the Federal Executive Council), and the judiciary (consisting of the High Court of Australia and β†’

Research paper on negotiation

Ahram Online, Sunday 24 Apr 2011 Sharaf fails to calm crowds in Qena Egypt's prime minister visits Qena where protesters had brought the city to a standstill following the appointment last month of a Coptic governor but his words do little to ease sectarian sentiments Ahram Online, Tuesday 3 May 2011 β†’

How developing professional knowledge and abilities affect career success assignment

Professional Knowledge and Abilities Association of Information Technology Professionals is the leading worldwide society of information technology business professionals and the community of knowledge for the current and next generation of leaders. By joining, you become part of a strong network of IT professionals, have access to empowering resources and opportunities, and β†’

Importance of strategic planing and management paper

Importance of Strategic Planning and Management in the Business Paper Artim Toska Bus 475 March 29, 2010 Introduction This paper will describe a small business I may want to start, define strategic management and planning, and explain why a strategic plan would be important to the success of this business. Four Functions of Management β†’

Short video ads platform by alibaba uc ads

This is an initiative by Alibaba UC Ads to start the revolution of short video ads in India and strive to become the largest one-stop content marketing platform. They replace the strategy of brand videos with mobile first strategies and determine the presentation of video ads based on the demand of mobile clients to make β†’

How outlook profiles isn’t a big deal. stellar

Steps to Find and Repair Personal folder in Outlook: 1. Choose PST file and it asks you to select PST with Browse and Find OptionIf you know the file location " Click on Browse" either " Click on Find" if you do not know its location.2. Click on OK to complete the procedure. Under Advanced β†’

Matching model hrm essay sample

The concept of integration has three aspects: the linking of HR policies and practices with the strategic management process of the organization the internalization of the importance of HR on the part of line managers the integration of the workforce into the organization to foster commitment or an ' identity of interest' with the strategic β†’

Project management at hlr company

Sales will be affected in terms of the accuracy of the data they maintain. They will have to make sure that the data they collect from the customer conforms to the requirements of accuracy that the new system will implement. The business unit managers will also be affected by the implementation of this project.


Multitasking, to an extent, allows for a quicker method of completing tasks; however, it is more efficient to work on tasks one by one, which causes an individual to be less stressed, minimize distraction, and prefect the quality of a specific task." Multitasking for the most part is detrimental" and working on tasks one by β†’

Business law assignment

The crime is Justified due to the fact that both Jack and Mary planned the robbery. In the case that the defendant appeals and obtains reversal of Business Law By Escapades 01 not in Jeopardy. The reversal is basically a willingness of the defendant to be tried for crime.

Essay on employee relations

In the context of organizations, unitary frame of reference is expressed through the implementation of organizations' mission statements and the achievement of the actual set objectives. In contrast to the unitary frame of reference, trade unions are given more importance and are deemed to be the legal representatives of the organizations' employees.

It to discuss important business strategies and

Under the MIS falls the DSS, which is an applicationprogram that presents the end user with data that is useful inassisting employees in decision-making and problem solving, often of a complexnature. When usedeffectively these tools can help a business gain a competitive advantage byproviding decision makers with accurate and relevant information about currentand future customers, β†’

Example of essay on building teams and resolving conflict

Another characteristic of the high performing teams was the ability and commitment of the members to support each other in their activities and duties. The challenges faced by the teams were embraced with a team spirit and the effect of a success or a failure was to all the members.

Essay on healthcare program manager interview

This is a course that has made the manager to be aware of various management strategies that ensure the good performance of the branch. Tricare health program is a program under the ministry of defense. Whenever the employees need the services, the manager is the person to refer him/her to the place where the service β†’


Leadership at Apple under the guidance of Steve Jobs has set a foundation for Apple to learn from setbacks and to learn from these setbacks. Over the course of six years, Apple has consistently asked its HR professionals and leaders what were the top challenges of Apple Inc.and tell the management about the ' leadership β†’

Working with the new millenials

The new generation of employees, born after 1981 and more commonly known as members of the millennial generation, can be motivated by assessing the characteristics of these employees and what needs and drives satisfy them at work. Overall, HR professionals should be able to discern the strengths and weaknesses of this generation in terms of β†’

Good essay about stages of conflict and conflict resolution strategies

The first stage of the conflict process, hidden/latent conflict, is a pre-stage of the conflict itself because at this stage, no conflict has occurred and it is not a guarantee that one will occur. The fourth stage of conflict, manifest or overt conflict, is the phase during which action is taken by one or more β†’

1 scope & wbs

Instead, it should be open enough to promote security and protection among families within the neighborhood. LIMITS AND EXCLUSIONS The green space will be developed in accordance with the final specifications and design provided by the consulting company under the approval of the city authority. The project would be based on the original blueprint β†’

Good example of creative writing on leadership

Mission statement of the organization is " The ABEA Hamilton exists to improve the quality of life in the community of Hamilton through the promotion and support of lifelong learning"(Adult Basic Education Association). ABEA ensures that the shortlisted candidate possess certain level of knowledge in different areas mentioned above, experience of working in humanitarian organization β†’

Project management written assignment 1

My main focus would less about the process and more about the project. Instead of managing people directly it would be more about managing the project and the conflict resolution would be more focused on how to make the team members work together for the common goal. The project life cycle consists β†’

Response to students post on external environment

This equipment is demanded by the health care consumers who call for the reduction of health care costs by the health care organization, thus striking a balance between the two has been difficult. In the political sector, various government bodies have an impact on health care organizations through regulations that are meant to ensure quality β†’

Business management

These articles would be very helpful in empowering individuals to strive or work better in empowering themselves, and the people around them and help them be future leaders or managers. In the first article, " The Responsive Manager/Leader", the influence responsive manager is described in terms of his work, the things that he should do β†’

Employee engagement a review of current thinking

Engagement is consistently shown as something given by the employee which can benefit the organisation through commitment and dedication, advocacy, discretionary effort, using talents to the fullest and being supportive of the organisation's goals and values. This review will: explore how engagement is defined in the practitioner, consultancy and academic literature and overlaps with other β†’

Nursing code of ethics

In deed, it is in the understanding of the need for a more diversified an ready to serve call that led the University of phoenix to develop a code of conduct for students which guides the nursing students and indeed a the whole university community into understanding how best to deal with the issues of β†’


The forecasting methods that are to be considered in this paper are: Qualitative: it involves human judgment, and it receives application when little data is available Simulation: it involves the using the judgment of a computer to imitate customer behavior Causal: used in case of a direct relationship in demand and an environmental β†’

Collective bargaining dispute

Aside from determining the conditions of employment, another purpose of a collective bargaining agreement is to have definite rules that will govern the relationship between the employer and employee(International Labour Organization, 2007). The collective bargaining dispute is between two parties, the British Columbia Teachers Federation and the British Columbia Public School Employers Association. The British β†’

How the legal environment ompacts an organization

The purpose of this research paper is to enable senior managers to understand how the legal environment impacts an organization and how it ensures confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information and information system. In addition to that, policies on information security are meant to regulate how workers handle the information resources of an organization.

The concept of corporate social responsibility

Findings It is undoubtedly true that every organisation operates in a physical environment with people from diverse cultural backgrounds and are likely to be affected directly or indirectly by the operations of such organisations. It has been noted that there is need to establish goodwill with the values and norms of any given society the β†’

Business law case-thomas vs thomas assignment

Drew appealed the district court for determining there was an express oral employment contract separate and apart from the promise; and it prematurely dismissed the unjust-enrichment claim considering the Thomas Motors transfer was not enforceable. ISSUES: The court granted the motion, finding that the parties did not enter into a valid enforceable interact because β†’

In view consequently dictates the group’s attitude

Hofstede, being among the mostinfluential researchers in the field, has given the term a short definition as" the collective programming of the mind which distinguishes the members of onegroup or category of people from others".1. 2. Thebasic definitions of the Hofstede's dimensions are shown in Table 1.

Understanding of organizational behavior in a criminal justice or security agency

The goal of organizational behavior is to improve the performance of people, groups, organizations, and improve the quality of life. Employee performance is directly related to his or her commitment to the jobs and the agency.

Are hosting is that the business observes of

The shared net hosting is that the most well-liked net hosting and shared hosting may be a portion of space with information measure provided to the client by the high-powered net server. PriceThe price of net hosting services is one among the foremost vital.

Example of essay on risk status report and paper

Risk Response Risk One The company runs the risk of delays in production resulting from the absence of Julie. For instance, the manager would bear the costs of delays in production as a result of the effects of the hurricane seasons.

Free essay on flooding aftermath in waihi beach bay of plenty times 5/7/12 proverbs julia

However, the residents and holidaymakers in the area blamed the flooding on inadequate drainage system for floods and the development of a new hilltop sub-division. The authorities compare the intensity of the drought to the one experienced in 1988, when the production of corn shrunk significantly.

The effectiveness of the incentive plans implemented by federal express corporation in relation to the attainment of organizational goals

The choice of objectives and the formulation of strategic policies for the attainment of organizational goals depend on a variety of factors unique to a given organization and situation. A system of motivation and incentives are positive elements which encourage the individual to the voluntary achievement of the organization's goals. The objective of this essay β†’

Example of critical thinking on tourism authority of thailand

The main objectives of TAT is to provide reliable information about tourism and traveling in Thailand for both the public and the media. At present time, TAT has 21 offices in different cities and countries (Tourism Authority of Thailand: Los Angeles, 2015). TAT is headed by the Minister of Tourism and Sports.

Quiz mohammad essay sample

Question 1.1.All of the below would be considered good selection criteria for a buyer to use to select a seller, except managerial approach of seller, capacity of seller to do the work, and buyer's ability to create a WBS.proprietary rights of buyer, life cycle cost of product, and warrantee offered by β†’

The social network facebook essay

Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss asked Zuckerberg to create a website for college students atHarvardbut Zuckerberg eventually veered off into a different direction hence the creation the of Facebook. The Winklevoss twins are now angered by the fact that Zuckerberg apparently " stole" their idea, and take him to court. The Winklevosses' should β†’

Death, violence and affect: the horror film (reflection paper+discussion)

Running Head: DEATH, VIOLENCE AND THE AFFECT: THE HORROR FILM Death, Violence and the Affect: The Horror Film [The of the will appear here] [The name of the institution will appear here] [The name of the Professor] [Course] The genre of horror films is one of the most popular genres among both the males and the females. Media β†’

John keats and his endymion

Aileen Ward in this connection says: " the legend of Endymion's winning immortal youth through the love of the Moon Goddess was only the beginning or rather the ending; he had to fill up his four books with living characters, set them moving in a world of their own and breathe β†’

Peer follow up response research paper example

As such, I concur with the message brought about by the writer in note one due to the fact that people react differently in case of changes. Response to Note Two Currently, human resource is considered as one of the major factors that ensure an organization's productivity. Moreover, it is essential to appreciate the β†’

Frankenstein critical analysis evaluation

She also emerged as critic for the work of Mary Wollstonecraft. Marilyn stated that Frankenstein by Marry thrives as a result of the Christian iconography of the conception and plunge that correlated the Prometheus and Zeus as pagan reference. The pre-existence of immortal soul as concept of the Christian and acquisitiveness of the scientists prompted β†’

Analysis of the significance of othello’s last speech

However, his speech, albeit elegant and characteristic of Othello's extravagant and Romantic use of language, is flawed, ironic and thus it is impossible to see the events of the play in the light that Othello would like us to. Thus, Othello has a strong motive not to portray himself as he really is, but how β†’

Environmental and societal issues in erin brockovich movie

So customer advocate and environmental lobbyist, Erin Brockovich, started to look into PG&E and found out about the 370 million gallons of Hexavalent chromium they were adding to Hinkley's water and how dangerous it is to the human body. Brockovich at first was a divorced mother who got into a car accident that β†’

Sex at dawn by ch.ryan and casilda jetha

The book suggests that monogamy is not and has never been part of human nature, but sexual promiscuity is. The authors use different examples of human sexual behavior to show how promiscuity is a normal human behavior and monogamy is not.

In a thousand splendid suns essay sample

They are abused in and outside the confines of their own homes." In A Thousand Splendid Suns" by Khaled Hosseini, the struggles of women are depicted vividly. It is usually a joyous occasion for females. In the novel, marriage is a nightmare in which both women are abused physically and mentally.

Good president nixon and the watergate recordings essay example

One the other hand, because the quality of the recordings ranged from poor to passable, it was difficult to really get a sense of Nixon's vocal patterns or detect changes in pitch or inflection. In any event, below I describe my analysis of the recording that I heard. The first recording, dated June 23, 1972, β†’

How to make spanish rice

It involves browning the rice, adding the ingredients, and cooking the rice. If you cook the Spanish rice according to the following process, the rice will be soft and moist, with no standing liquid in the pan.

Othello and three main questions asked in the play

These themes are shown through the characterization and action. Othello shows the audience the detrimental effects of jealousy through the actions of Othello himself. Othello gets all his information and proof from Iago's suggestions and even goes so far as to dub him " honest Iago," an irony and outright misplacement of trust that eventually β†’

The cop and the anthem critique essay sample

This is used by the author to show Soapy's situation as a homeless person and the importance of Soapy's need to survive the winter. Allusions are used several times in this story. Therefore, Soapy has to become a Committee of Ways and Means because he has to decide where to spend the winter. The author β†’

Review of a world diverse ii

Ways of coping with life's adversities are discussed in " Silence" and " Pet Sense"; the former urges one to have moments of silence for relaxing the mind and body, and the latter extols the benefits of having pets." The Nature of Life" is a touching prayer to God who provides in this life and β†’

The complex relationship between george milton and lennie small

He often imitates a kid since usually a little kid offers regard to an elder person who acts appropriately with him and treats him in a nice method. I think George is a very lonely, because although he has a constant companion and friend in Lennie he is of a much higher intelligence level and β†’

Request for proposal – asset management firm essay

Request for Proposal questionnaire Investment Management Aim The aim of this stage of the process is to form a match of the investment managers' propositions against your specific requirements, to determine the suitability and to enable you to make a final shortlist or selection. Terms and Conditions helps you gain a detailed understanding of β†’

Journal review

In their journal Women's Jobs, Men's Jobs: Sex Segregation and Emotional Labor, the authors describe job segregation to be one of the main reasons for the salary disparity. The ignorance of the emotional labor aspect of jobs result in the pay inequity among the women and men workers of an organization.

Implementing strategies for developing their businesses

In the course of this strategic direction the company needs to adequately devise marketing and promotional strategies keeping in mind the geographic and cultural factors pertaining to the different regions. Similarly in relation to marketing and promotional activities the firms need to adequately communicate with the social entities to obtain their views in regards to β†’

Of mice and men is as much a commentary on the lives of migrant workers and the society of the time as it is about lennie and george. discuss

The author John Steinbeck describes the lives of two migrant workers travelling together in search for work. The American dream was the belief in freedom that allows American citizens to pursue their goals in life through hard work and bravery, this was seen to be the main factor that motivated most of the migrant workers β†’

Heroin addiction vs cancer support groups

Preference of forum: There is considerable difference between the preference of forum for the support group between the Cancer patients and the Heroin addicts. Owing to the great difference in the society's attitude towards Cancer patients and Heroin addicts in general, the type of forum that either of the two groups would like to avail β†’

The analysis of a short story “a rose for emily” by william faulkner

In " A Rose for Emily" the narrator talks about a woman who has a mental illness that is labeled idiosyncratic this illness caused her to suffer and struggle immensely with her instability and with evolving in what happens to be the world around her. Emily was sheltered by her father, he kept her β†’

The verbal irony in othello by shakespeare

Irony is also used to add suspense and at the same time to make the reader wonder what is going to happen next." Verbal irony is a contrast between what a character says and what he clearly means. " These techniques Shakespeare uses in his tragedy Othello to show the reader the intended effect of actions, β†’

Interaction: environment and organism

Bacteria were among the first life forms to appear onEarth, and are present in most habitats on the planet, growing in soil, water, acidic hot springs, radioactive waste, and deep in the Earth's crust, as well as in organic matter and the live bodies of plants and animals, providing outstanding examples of mutualism in the β†’

Students who need help with writing assignment essay sample

If you do not want to lose a job, and you need someone to do my assignment, do not panic. Companies that specialize in assignments that require varying complexity can help to solve this problem. What will you get if you order academic writing tasks in our company? If you are faced with the problem β†’

Case-in-point analysis

Hurricane Katrina of Institute Hurricane Katrina Introduction In 2005, one of the deadliest and devastating hurricanes hit the American Gulf Coast causing immeasurable damage to the New Orleans city and the surrounding coastal cities. Due to the growth of the city, individuals settled on the delta wetlands which had been drained and filled in.these wetlands β†’

Social discrimination

Social Discrimination Social Discrimination Social discrimination can be defined as the prejudicial or unfair treatment of an individual, group or a minority section of the population based on their perceived or actual characteristics that make them belong to a particular group. Social discrimination acts as a barrier to mutual coexistence of individuals from different backgrounds β†’

Wind power

Wind Power Wind power is arguably one of the most ecofriendly, and cheap sources of energy. This makes it imperative to do studies that are more rigorous, research and development on wind power in order to reap the full benefits of wind power.

Psychoanalysis of rumpelstiltskin essay sample

He boasts to the king in order to attract attention that he has " a daughter who can spin straw into gold." The king, who understands the link between wealth and power, invites the daughter to the castle to put this skill to the test. This shows us that the miller wants to impress the β†’

Risk assessment

Malathion Risk Assessment Malathion Risk Assessment This report assesses the risk to Genericville regarding the application of Malathion as a preventative and precautionary measure to control the mosquito population; and , therefore, control the spread of West Nile Virus. Given the low levels of malathion used to control mosquito-borne diseases, ATSDR finds this assessment reasonable".Exposure β†’

Gender equality, economic growth, and employment

Women are beaten even to the extent of being left for the mercies of death b their husbands and yet nothing is done to ensure that these brutal husbands face the consequences of their actions. The situation in Saudi Arabia is no different. For instance, in the United States of America and other European countries, β†’

Literature analysis of a rose for emily by william faulkner

Also the story has different sections that do not go detail to detail It skips some detailed parts of the story that keeps us guessing. This story Is not a traditional because It does not start off with a beginning to ending type of structure. Throughout the story the narrator seems as though β†’

Second take-home set

This school of thought focuses on the usefulness of land and agriculture in enhancing economic growth and development in the society. An interesting aspect of the physiocratic economic thinking is the relationship between economic table model and the value of agriculture.

Assignment example

The number of years taken for the GDP to double= 70 divided by growth rate.If the growth rate of China is 8%, the GDP will double after years. In comparison to the world price, the price of steel in the Indian market will rise.

Intelligence testing article

But, the idea of intelligence can be seen as a cluster of mental abilities that has the ability to obtain and use knowledge, exhibit problem-solving skills, and to excel at a variety of tasks. As cultures vary, they reach intelligence at different levels and they may see certain skills and knowledge of more value than β†’

Managerial economic

Hawley believed that a circle of production begins the moment an entrepreneur contracts the services of other factors of production, it takes a full round only when the goods have been sold and revenue realized by the entrepreneur. An entrepreneur has to bear these risks and enjoy the surplus of revenue over costs, as Hawley β†’

Where will russia be in the year 2050

Despite the past up and down economic fluctuations, recently, Russia has become one of the leading economies in the world. 9% in 2010 indicates the strength of the country's economic policies.

Lucas 1

Coleman English 3 Honors 5 October 2012 The Scarlet Letter In The Scarlet Letter, the author Nathaniel Hawthorne utilizes the minor characters Pearl Prynne and Roger Chillingworth to provoke the major characters in the novel, as well as to further portray existent themes and ideas developing through other parts of the story. Throughout the course β†’

Global economy midterm review questions

2 Race to the bottom is the phenomenon in which the business environment in a country is deregulated so as to attract investors, causing low wages, poor environmental protection and poor working conditions. In the context of globalization, the arms industry is escalating conflicts and the proliferation of arms has increased considerably. Q.

Intercultural communication in the film hotel rwanda

The film stages the relationship between the protagonist of the movie, Paul, the manager of the local hotel and Colonel Oliver, the peace keeper of the United Nations. The character of the colonel is portrayed as the character that had to bear the shame of the failure of the international agency to intervene peace in β†’

In what ways can fiscal policy affect aggregate supply

Fiscal policies are strategies applied by the legislative and other arms of the government to control the country's economy. In addition, establishment of infrastructures is a part of the government's spending and budget.

Writing profile on foster parent

As one tried to locate potential foster parents, it was convenient to go directly to one of the established foster homes in Southern California and interview professional members of the organization's team with regards to parents who signified intentions to become foster or adoptive parents. Harrod indicated that " there are requirements in terms of β†’

Recommendation letters/support letters for a grant

Her creative disposition to further investigate the more complex area of mesenchymal stem cells for the treatment of interstitial cystitis is highly appreciable as it would greatly enhance the treatment efficacy of the same. As ' Fellow and Instructor' in the Division of Urogynecology and Reconstructive Pelvic Surgery, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, she has β†’

Han vs mauryan

The Indian Mauryan/Gupta Empire The Han Dynasty of China and the Mauryan/Gupta Empire of India in 206 B.C. On the other hand, the Han Dynasty relied on a highly structured system of classes. The most powerful was the emperor, the nobles and the military officers, who made up the first class.

Us deficit – international borrowing

These tendencies have raised worries to the rest of the world on the sustainability of the US external position and where the state will borrow money from when it has massive debts from major countries. There are number of entities that hold debt for the government of the US, China being on the fore front β†’

Production possibility frontier

When an economy produces only two goods, the increase in production of one good will necessarily draw a decrease in production of the other, because the resources are limited. Production possibility frontier, in the form of a graph, defines how to use the resources efficiently to produce two goods. The choice can β†’

Speaker what matters to me and why asks audience to reflect on their beliefs, values motivations, choices made, difficulties,

I did not know that I will grow up to love my values, beliefs and morals- the standards which have been passed on to me by my parents. He believed in me that I would do something great in my life and become a role model for other girls of my community.

Impacts of ozone on fruit and crop yield in india

Singh et al., represented that higher O3 concentration led to visible injury in the form of interveinal chlorosis, increased manifestation of anthocyanin pigments, reduction in the major photosynthetic proteins, more male flowers and yield losses mainly incase of non quality protein maize than quality protein maize thus concluded better responsive feature of QPM than β†’