650 Words Essay Samples

Chinese history and political science

It is an artistic work that has existed over the years and has been used in various states to symbolize various things. The Chinese landscape painting is a painting that is most treasured and is kept at high regards by the people of China since it represents a lot. Chinese landscape paintings are painted with β†’

Art history and visual culture critical thinking examples

Question 1 The Renaissance is the period of the emergence of the individual artist and of art becoming more and more realistic. The vivid colors of the painting and the treatment of light and shadow emphasize the surface and texture of the different objects and individuals, a traditional skill of the Northern artists. β†’


However, the classical and monumental nature of Seurat's Sunday on La Grande Jatte painting received support from various artists and viewers. Discussion 2 Sleuth discusses Van Gogh paintings, his life, and presumed madness in the art. In addition, Gogh's nature of painting the Venus, moon, and landscape in his art shows how he viewed β†’

Information systems architecture

Efficient functioning requires comprehensive and accurate details about a patient. Utilization of information structure design results in distinction that information technology safety is of main significance to the current community. The architecture is the definition of the plan and details of a computerized structure.

Evocative object

The book breaks down the secrets of ancient beginnings of holiday customs and provides a guide in dealing with the stress and phobias surrounding them. Shomade, Alexeem." The Fear Factor". Holiday Folklore, Phobias and Fun.1992.Book. Shomade, Alexeem." The Fear Factor".

Semiconductor laser case study examples

The basic design of a semiconductor laser relies on the construction of a double heterostructure, in which an amplifier layer is sandwiched between two resonator layers, so that light is confined in the amplifier layer and gets amplified.. In this process, the wafer is passed underneath the molten of a material, and the β†’

Role of symbolizm in beloved novel

This illustrates the link between the baby's ghost and the house because the house IS the baby's ghost and vice versa. Everyone in 124 knows that the house is full of a baby's venom , which I think means the baby's ghost is everywhere: in the walls, the floorboards, the windows, the door, etc. β†’

To kill a mockingbird: chapters 7-12: themes essay sample

By standing up for what he believes in and by going against what everyone else thinks in the town, he shows them that in order to get justice, you just have to have courage and belief in yourself. Even though the rest of the town see that what Atticus is doing is wrong, in actual β†’

Satire in β€˜the diary of a nobody’ by george and weedon grossmith

In the blundering, preposterous, yet at last charming character of Pooter, the Grossmith siblings made a magnificent picture of the class framework and the inborn self-importance of the rural working class the suburbs one which sends up the late Victorian rages for Aestheticism, mysticism and bicycling, and in addition the mold for distributing journals by β†’

Short description: misconceptions about puritanism

Hypocrisy is represented in the text and the Puritan society by Governor Bellingham, the townspeople and Hester's illicit paramour himself, Reverend Arthur Dimmesdale. Not even the love for God could steer these people and their way of life in a more humane direction.

Bakhtin’s heteroglossia and its place creative writing

Thus, the impact of Bakhtin's linguistic concept of heteroglossia on the modern stylistic analysis of novelistic prose and philosophy of discourse is hard to underestimate. Stratification of the language in the novel is likened to the social stratification of the real world, and Bakthin's heteroglossia is definitely a highlight of his literary theory.

Reflection essay on argumentative essay

One major advantage of reading a novel rather than watching a movie Is that you get a much better view of how each character feels and their thoughts. For example, In the novel, The Outsiders, the narrator gives readers tremendous Insight Into pony's emotions, feelings, and thoughts. In addition to the written literary β†’

Final solutions

But if we go through the literature written on the tragedy of partition particularly in the form of novel, one can find that the issues before and after partition have been discoursed in a such a manner that one feels with that unfortunate lot of people who passed though the trauma of the partition. The β†’

Colonialism and imperialism in joseph conrad’s heart of darkness

While Marlow is waiting for the Doctor to begin his physical, he notices a map of Africa, color-coded with the nations who have conquered the lands. Those empire has caused the most damage and committed the most cruel actions to the land and the people. The deeper into the Congo, the less humanity they have. β†’

Call me by your name’ by luca guadagnino

It's like sin does not exist in this films language. Although the pace of the film may seem slow at first, Guadagnino is patient with his pacing and establishing the characters and setting and it works flawlessly. From the plaintive soundtrack to the visual beauty, it's as if this film is unreal. ' Call Me by β†’

”1984” by george orwell vs ”fahrenheit 451” by ray bradbury essay sample

Both novels have many examples of comparison throughout the novel, although they are not identical, the examples found provide perfect evidence of similar ideas. For starters both of these Novels follow the plot of a main character that rebels against a higher party for something he believes in. Both of the main characters pretend β†’

Nicholas sparks: the lucky one essay sample

In the beginning of June 1994, Sparks began writing the Notebook, which is his most known book to date. When he finished in 1995, Sparks was discovered by literary agent Theresa Parks and was offered a one million dollar movie rights contract. He decides to keep the picture in his back pocket.

Pride and prejudice volume i character analysis

The pride and prejudice referred to in the title of this Jane Austin novel prepare the reader for the character flaws of the main characters, Miss Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. He submits to Darcy's objections about the marriage, and because of this, many call Mr.

Good essay on prison rape enforcement act memo

In Congress' analysis rape is and should never be considered punishment for a crime. In order to accomplish its goals, PREA mandated the establishment of the National Prison Rape Elimination Commission. As the official in charge of the administration of the jail, however, the sheriff does have a duty to comply with the standards of β†’

Example of birmingham city utah v stuart et al 547 u s 2006 case study

Supreme Court of the United States ISSUE: Whether police authorities may lawfully enter a private property without a warrant if they have a valid cause or reason to believe that the occupants are seriously harmed or imminently threatened by any sort of injury. SUBSTANTATIVE FACTS: After receiving a call regarding a loud party β†’

Free justice: the case of oakland, california essay sample

Such owes largely to the ineffectiveness of the Oakland Police Department a matter this essay seeks to elaborate through reviews on the articles written by Robert Gammon for the East Bay Express and Jonathan Mahler for The New York Times. The Contemporary State of Criminal Justice in Oakland The perceived incompetence

Example of research paper on maine supreme judicial court

Introduction The Supreme Judicial Court of Maine is the topmost court in the hierarchy of the State's court structure. The Governor of the State appoints seven justices who help in the execution of judicial duties in cases brought before the court. Operations of the Court The principal β†’

Conditions of probation

He and his family have benefited greatly from the counseling sessions on dealing with the death of the child. After the violations of his AA and anger management, Harrison should have been put back in jail.

Free research paper on juvenile delinquency

By address the issues concerning the status offenders apart and separate from the youth offenders will be to the advantage of the status offenders since there are assured of fair treatment, in accordance to the offenses they have committed. When the juvenile court will be divided into two sections, it will allow the juvenile courts β†’

Free discussing to kill a mockingbird essay sample

When Atticus makes the statement " Our courts have their faults, as does any human institution, but in this country our courts are the great levelers, and in our courts all men are created equal," he tries to remind the jury that the responsibility of the jurors is putting aside β†’

Example of essay on rape is always wrong

Rape is one of the forms of sexual assault, which is carried out by one or many people without the consent of the victim. Rape is actually a wrong because the offender is well aware of the harm that causes on the victim.

Example of alternative dispute resolution essay

The purpose for resorting to a particular type of alternative dispute resolution is to avoid the physical, emotional and financial burden of going through the ordeal of litigation. Among those includes negotiation, arbitration, mediation and other less common and traditional forms as the use of a mini-trial and E-Court. Types of β†’

Court observation reports example

I thought if a jury is pregnant, they could be excused from the jury. As the questioning continued, the defendant's lawyer stood up to object; the lawyer asks for a sidebar because defendants' lawyer thought the trial was about 1. 1 million that is part of the 3.

Criminal justice critical essay

In this paper, I will identify the diverse major global crimes and criminal issues that have a global impact on national and international justice systems and processes. I will compare and contrast the various international criminal justice systems and how these major international crimes and criminal issues will and have been addressed β†’

Example of surveillance and social control article review

The presence of cameras, guards, and other surveillance tools acts to restrict their behavior and make it conform more to the expected norm. Richard Ross' " Juvenile in Justice" series of photographs documents the many faces of the criminal justice system as it relates to the juvenile offender. In contrast with the decrepit β†’

Free essay about marketing

The tradition of storytelling is not new in the field of information sciences.. Storytelling has be employed to great effect to fill in the voids of information system documentation in the era of mainframe computing. Once the respondent has the leeway to provide the response in a narrative form, he would be able to provide β†’

Example of essay on stalking and domestic violence

It is depicted that the best-publicized cases of stalking involve celebrities; in addition to that, 70% to 80% of stalking cases seemingly happen in a domestic context. Domestic violence is found to involve stalking in a big way and in most cases.

Community policing essay

The roles of the police, the administration, and the students are clearly specified. The aim of this policing is to ensure that insecurity in the universities is eliminated. The agents involved in this case are policemen, youths, and the ministry of children and youths. The aim of this community policing initiative is to help the β†’

Good witch accusations, trials, and hysteria essay example

Their tales remind the society of their helpless past in the unjustified bars and the mysteries of the credentials used by these judges on their professional practice. Comparable tales of the ancient times narrate that these accusations lacked valid evidences and most the children's testimonies were coerced by prosecutors and therapist in order to achieve β†’

Music concord

The first song played was " Capriccio" by Philip Sparke which allowed the audience to experience the sweet sound from the instrumental version of the song. The people were in an excited mood as the performance of the first song came to an end.

An ideal mansion

In addition, there should be hooks to hang the cutleries. The kitchen should have a good sink with a good drainage and it should have all the equipment in an ideal kitchen. An ideal kitchen should be well ventilated and should have a chimney.

U2: how to dismantle an atomic bomb

Many of the songs make reference to Christian ideals, and this only enhances the music and message. Some of the most notable songs on the album include: " Vertigo," " Sometimes You Ca not Make it on Your Own," " City of Blinding Lights," " Original of the Species," and " Yahweh" which is the β†’

“as i lay dying” by william faulkner

Vardaman catches a fish on the day his mother dies and cuts it up and brings it inside to be cooked. The blood of the fish is all over his clothes and on the same day, Addie dies. Vardaman uses the death of the fish to symbolize the death of his mother.

American cultures in the sixties

They were involved in art, and they were not necessarily interested in the money they got, but in developing and perfecting their art. He showed how the young generation in the sixties was not afraid of change. People were more prosperous in the sixties, and they could afford the kind of lifestyle they wanted.

Krazy 4 copyright controversy essay sample

FACTS: * There are two songs in the movie whose music is based on the jingle made by RAM SAMPATH.* Jingle is made for the advertisement of cell phone branded Sony Ericsson.* ROSHANS changed their earlier stand by lacking the bonafides stating that the Hrithik Roshan has did not sent the message β†’

The difficulties of a teenage life

so i have been thinking of how people view me.i know you may not see me in this way but I am not all i live up to be.i have been teased, lied to, cheated on beaten on, replaced misused tormented abused and treated like dirt under a shoe, people think it does not β†’

Crohn’s disease comes with needles: from blood tests,

Instead, the purpose of the injection is to leave the medication in the fatty layer between your skin and muscle where it will slowly be absorbed. Ensure your injection site is swabbed with alcohol prior to the injection.

Many war i. during the war, fitzgerald

When Gatsby died, almost no one came to his funeral. Nick made an effort to call as many people as he could, then realized that Gatsby was a private person and Nick seemed to be his only friend.F. Gatsby sees that the Buchanans are of a higher class, which motivates him to believe that you β†’

Internet and digital divide

You can as well look at the domain and the affiliated attribution. The best is to look for multiple sources. Things you should look for when entering a site to determine If they are credible and reliable are: Accesslblllty Is this information on the site accessible to whoever may visit it?

Why use internet in the classroom?

Will students be asked to create and conduct surveys, make presentations, conduct in- depth research, or work In teams? Answer " yes" to any of these, and you will want to explore how you can put the Internet to work In your classroom. Communication and collaboration are particularly exciting for students using the β†’

The foundations of biochemistry: questionnaire assignment

The properties of these polymers are determined by their sequence of monomers and these can be combined in many different ways. Diversity is thus achieved through the nearly limitless variety of sequences that can exist when amino acids are linked to form proteins, nucleotides are linked to form nucleic acids, and incarcerations are linked to β†’

Concerns for the future of our society

We have to help the people in our society survive. Our major issue in the world is that we are not doing too well with our reputation in other countries. We need to change that because if we are to move forward in the world and help other countries, we have to learn to work β†’

Ethics in contemporary organizations

An ethical leader enhances the reputation of the company and this increases the effectiveness of the organization. An ethical organization attracts customers and this helps in the boosting of the sales and profits of the company. Ethical employees adhere to the rules and regulations of the organization and ensure that they offer quality services to β†’

Winter mood in ‘the first snowfall’ poem by james russell lowell

In the poem, " The First Snowfall", by James Russell Lowell, a tonal shift from serenity to sorrow is created to support the poem's moral, through the integration of metaphor, simile, and personification. To accentuate the melancholic and serene tones presented in the poem, the poet incorporates the literary device of metaphor. Metaphor is used β†’

Most important themes in the crucible

Arthur Miller's The Crucible' and George Clooney's Good Night and Good Luck' positions the audience to view the actions and events portrayed in the texts as unjust. The two texts explore the acts of injustice, credibility and a person's ability to protect the people and things they care about. Good Night and Good Luck and β†’

Analysis of the yellow wallpaper

The act of hiding her writing whenever John is around is similar to the way literary women in the 18th-century, and the late 19th-century had to hide their work from their families. The narrator feels like she is imprisoned, not being able to control her mind or her thoughts, " It is quite alone, standing β†’

Critical response to “the crucible” by arthur miller

The hard structure of society in puritanical America and the spotless reputations of many good folk melt away to nothing in the fire of fear and trials caused by accusations of witchcraft. Miller uses the imagery of the crucible in the play also, in a quote from Mr. It is dialogue between Abigail and John, β†’

Free bolivia essay sample

Nevertheless, that ought not to signify otherwise since the country is a multi-cultural as earlier mentioned all based on their unique philosophies and customs (Hartburn, Karen, Margare, and Paula, 19-21). As indicated exceeding, Bolivia is a country that replicates and mirrors a past that was rich in rituals, cultures, and β†’

Religious expressions critical thinking example

Through the nature, contemplation one was believed to be attuned to the right way. Daoism also has a view of the relationship between governments and human that differs from that of Confucius. To the Chinese people, the word Confucius is received with a lot of respect.

Computer industry essay sample

The computer now has a role in almost every aspect of modern life, and it has radically affected the way people work, play, study and organize their lives. As we enter the 21st century, computers are influencing ways of teaching and learning, as access to computers in schools is becoming more widespread and varied. β†’

Character development: a teachers responsibility?

The question of the role of a teacher in the character development of a child should not be a difficult one to answer. In conclusion, it is appropriate for a certain amount of character development to in the hands of the education system and teachers.

Being a professional teacher

They have a high hope from the students and encourage students to have a good achievement. That's why I really want to be a teacher in remote area especially.

God’s word in schools

In Jane Smiley's, The Case Against Chores she attacks parents that have their kids do chores saying that it alienates children from the family, but it my family it brings us together because we all pitch in to get the job done. It's not just about teaching our children what the Word says, but we β†’

Critical thinking on development of thinking strategies

We really do not do the work required to help us in the improvement of thinking if we take thinking for granted. A gradual process is required in the development of our thinking, calling for plateaus of plain hard work and learning.

Whole foods: a whole-istic strategy

Does this pose a competitive threat to Whole Foods? Wal-Mart represent a big threat to the Whole Foods stores, because it is starting to offer organic products at lower prices and if consumers start to see this in Wal-mart they are going to start buying in there, but now in the USA all Products sold β†’

The with china’s western regions.there are several

Perhaps the most frequently mentioned economic element is a Chinese commitment to invest heavily in a wide variety of infrastructure projects in order to strengthen the economic capacity and " connectivity" among the nations within the One Belt, One Road area and with China's western regions. In stressing the open and cooperative nature of the β†’

Michael porters strategy

These strategies are used for people to achieve, maintain and even increase their competitiveness of their business. Porter thought that the purpose of these strategies is to make the business of the enterprises better than their competitors: some of the enterprises can gain higher revenue in some industries; however, in some other β†’

Report on billing and coding for health services

However, the payment claims may get rejected in the process of submitting payments to the healthcare facility after services have been rendered to a patient or client. Several reasons may cause the subsequent rejection of a payment claim. For instance, if the payment indicated occurs incorrect, the alterations may occur β†’

Ethos, logos, pathos: three ways to persuade essay

Of course, in this case the actor's ethos is a deceptive illusion. In our society sports heroes, popular actors and actresses, and rock stars are often seen as authorities on matters completely unrelated to their talents. Logos: Logical Arguments [subject] In many societies, especially Western, logic and rationality are highly valued and this type of β†’

Essay on lack of preventive medicine training in third world countries

This paper seeks to investigate how the lack of preventive medicine training in Third World Countries hampers health care delivery. State of preventive medicine training in the third world The health facilities found in the developing regions of the world are inadequate and cannot cater for the health needs β†’

1- of bloom’s taxonomy. therefore, students can

If students are put inthe center of the learning process and teachers apply different methods of thisapproach effectively, active learning will be happening. In addition, SCLenables teachers to differentiate instructionand adopt techniques that help students to be engaged in the active learning. At QRTA and during SEP1, I found that flexible groupingis one of the β†’

In or otherwise tx transaction aborts and

The maingoal of this algorithm is to arrange transaction corresponds to theirtimestamp. The order in which transactions are execute in the system is calledthe startup time of the transaction. Read request is permitted if thetimestamp of the requested transaction is greater than to the write timestampof data item otherwise read request is reject. Write request β†’

Free essay about young adult

In the article Rental study shows young adults leaving nests, which was published in the Chicago Tribune on October 18, 2013, Umberger reported that with the economy slowly improving, more and more young adults are moving out of their parents' homes and are looking to rent their own places. As a backgrounder β†’

Classical mythology essay example

The miasma that plagued Thebes at the beginning of the play was there in part because the king's murderer was on the throne. Perseus was one of the many sons of Zeus born of a mortal woman. In the versions where Aegeus is his father, the king leaves his sword and sandals under a rock β†’

Adolescencename professorinstitutiondate of submission essay examples

Some issues affecting parents when their teens are passing through teenage includes worry about the body physical changes and perception of the future. Some of the changes in the family needs at the adolescent include; change in the whole family as a unit. There are four components for measuring emotional autonomy which are; extent to β†’

Free essay on causes and effect on why students drop out of high school

However, there are some young people that do not really care whether or not they graduate from high school and some just drop out of high school because of other issues like not being able to keep up with everyone else. Interesting enough, there are more high school dropouts than there are college dropouts and β†’

A sorrowful woman gail godwin course work examples

In what ways does the fairy tale motif inform the tale? The fairy tale motif that informs this story does so in two main ways: firstly, it affects the way Godwin writes and the choices of language and descriptive detail that she uses; secondly, because of the mythic qualities that we associate with fairy tales β†’

Example of the movie the “doubt” critical thinking

At the beginning of the film Father Flynn (portrayed by Philip Seymour Hoffman) gives a sermon, announcing that the topic of it will be " What do you do when you not sure?" This sermon is a perfect introduction to the events that are soon to follow, for all the main characters of β†’

Mise-en-scene analytical essay

When the camera cuts to the first dinner scene of the film, the family can be seen seated at the table, with Jane who is surrounded by candles and is sitting directly behind the roses. This also reminds the audience of the opening scenes of the film where Carolyn is shown taking care of the β†’

Family essay example

Media is the most influential factor in the dynamism of family definition. In the past, the main role of the family was to upbringing of children and socialization.

Employment law

Employment Law of English-Only Rules English-only rules refer to rules that employers pass which require employees to speak only English while at the place of work. That means that the employer may only use such a rule in as far as the employee needs to communicate in English to operate efficiently and to ensure safety.

Diffterence between human recourse planing and business planing

Comparison between Human Resource Planning and Business Planning of the of the Module Comparison between Human Resource Planning and Business Planning Human Resource or HR planning provides an entrepreneur or a manager with the opportunity to organise the workforce of his/her company or department, as the case may be. Moreover, HR planning also involves β†’

The work keys assessment

The Union claimed that the company awarded the job to senior bidders in the past. If the Union alleged that the Work Keys Assessment was not valid, which party would have to prove the validity? The validity of the Work Keys Assessment should be proven by the company through the Subject Matter Experts β†’


In contrast, bureaucratic structures may have a discouraging effect to creativity as well as innovation in the entire organization, as it is difficult for a single person in the organization to come up with all the strategic ideas that are required in a large company. Systems That Provides Applications Within An Organization Information systems β†’

The swimming pool 2

The swimming pool case study The main problem is that the new maintenance engineer was not qualified to run the pool operations, the general manager of the club had just fired the previous engineer who was qualified in this field.Mr. Besides, the manager believed that four day training on the basics of the maintenance and β†’

4 discussion questions to be answered

ENT1000 Entrepreneurship class. I think that the collection of personal information from unsuspecting web users is both a good marketing strategy and at the same it is an invasion of privacy. As much as both the websites and consumers are benefiting, at the end of the day I believe that it is wrong to sell β†’

Recruitment selection & placement class; case study 1

By focusing on people, the company has also identified the procedures and practices of people that affect the company's productivity, turnover, profitability and sales. 2. The satisfaction of its customers relies on the quality of service that they obtain from the employees and the ability of the employees to serve the customers accurately and quickly.

Human resources at ict

The ICT departments and the finance department need to interact with each other so that the finance can tell the ICT department how much money to spend on ICT equipment and repairs. Human resources and administration The human resources department specialise in the recruitment of new staff. Human resources and all the other departments β†’

Compensation and benefits support

No: Describe the ways that Compensation and Benefits support the strategic goals of an organization and how you as an HRM can shape this program to meet the organizational goals. Compensation and Benefits How can an organization dream of progression without compensation and monetary benefits to their employees? Hence, employees having better qualification and β†’

Essay on can the problem of overconsumption be resolved by green consumerism

Green consumerism aids in ensuring that the way the earth has been treated is reversed, to its natural and stable condition of beauty. It is definitely evident that green consumerism is more vital and better than overconsumption. The Economics of " Green Consumerism".

Good the persuasive power of opportunity cost essay example

The author argues that opportunity costs can appear large or small, depending on their " framing", i.e.comparing those costs with the value of goods or services. The examples provided in the article show that while the opportunity cost in itself is just an abstract sum of money, it gains real value when stated in terms β†’

Essay on effects of dietary arabinogalactan on the rheological properties of yoghurt

This report aims at analyzing the effect of Arabinogalactan on the rheological properties of yoghurt. Yield stress is one of the measures used to examine the rheological properties of the dairy products. Arabinogalactan constitute one of the fibers that have a lot of impact on the rheological properties of the β†’

Sample essay on customer lifetime value calculation for fgb using the given tool

The bank was awarded the " Best Bank in United Arab Emirates" in 2013 at the Banker Middle East Industry Awards 2013, and features in the Forbes list of Top 500 Companies in the Arab World at the sixth rank, and the third in the UAE. The average per capita income in UAE was approximately β†’

Ojt narrative experience essay

We need to be kind to the guests so that we can have a good impression to them. Because we can still be what we are while on the training, but we need to remember the reality that were not really at home but we are on the Job training.

My enthusiasm to study forensic science at degree level

Due to my combined love and passion for biology and practical work I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to continue this and extend my previously attained skills, at a higher and intricate level. Through Biology not only have an acquired a comprehensive scientific understanding I have also learnt how to work efficiently in a team, β†’

Free essay about understanding free software developers: findings from the floss study

Throughout the survey, the measurement pointers, as well as monetary factors were applied. The developers were surveyed from the FLOSS (Free/Libre/Open Source Software) project, and the survey was inclined to factors such as the developer's participation in the F/OSS community, their views and opinions of the other developers in the community, β†’

Biological wastewater treatment research paper examples

The water that is discarded after the processing is the one that is referred to as the wastewater and is usually unfit for human consumption. The other thing is that the invention of the kit resulted to treatment of large volumes of water.

Population problem in bd

The causes for this population problem are many that are following namely, First of all most of the people of our country are ignorant. The adverse effects of this population explosion are many that are following namely, First of all when the population growth of a country overflows its utmost level then it hampers the β†’

The impacts of a youthful population

When a country has a large number of people under the age of sixteen it is said to have a youthful population, and when it has a large number of people over the age of sixty-four it is said to have an ageing population. Both of these can cause problems and benefits for a country.

Example of argumentative essay on richer should pay more taxes

In this regard, the country should put a maximum amount of tax that the rich should pay as taxes. Therefore, the Internal Revenue Service should enforce laws for the rich entities to pay their fair share without debates. Secondly, the gap between the rich and the poor is rising very fast.

Report on indirect and specific deterrence

What this means is that the action of an individual results from careful consideration of the benefits and costs. Therefore, the basic premise of the theory is that an increase in the cost of crime leads to a decrease in the number of persons committing crime.