650 Words Essay Samples

How stress can affect life

According to Richard Lazarus, " stress is not an environmental stimulus, a characteristic of a person, nor a response, but a relationship between demands and the power to deal with them without unreasonable or destructive costs".. There are plenty things that can cause stress. The death of a loved one can cause tremendous stress on β†’

Article analysis

Apple Takes First Steps Into the Trillion-DollarHealth Sector," John Tozzi describes the role of the Apple Watch in the strategic entry of Apple into the health industry. Apple wants to be in the business of innovation and excellence and I believe that the Apple Watch is a sure step towards it.

Change management plan

Change Management Plan Identify the potential sources of resistance to change and develop strategies to manage resistance to change. Many employees in the company are not open to change and therefore resist it. To guarantee that the changes succeed, the managers can set up some achievable goals (Jackson, Schuler, Werner, & Jackson, 2009). Recommend a β†’

Minicase – the mcgee cake company essay

What are the advantages and disadvantages of changing the company organization from a sole proprietorship to a corporation? The other business structure for the McGees to consider is the formation of a corporation.

The way to improve communication and conflict in organization essay

To improve the abilities to manage communications and conflict, first we need to find out how the problems happen. There are powerful forces that account for the virtual universality of communication and conflict problems in organizations. Basically, to improve yourself you can increase your knowledge of people and how they communicate, you can increse your β†’

Chef’s toolkit

The owner, Peter Jeffery, is seeking external investment to fund the launch of his product, and the potential investor, Dale Reid, has asked for projected financial statements for the company's pessimistic, expected, and optimistic projected sales for the first year of operation ending July 30, 1995. Analyzing the Case Data Fragmented information was given β†’

Example of report on business records

It also provides a good financial management system in a seasonal market system Progress Claims/Invoicing Accounts Clerk Daily The accountant to review the invoicing system on a weekly/ monthly basis. Record system where clients of the business are charged on goods taken or work completed on credit Preparing Financial Reports β†’

American production and inventory society

Inventory management is defined by the American Production and Inventory Society as the " branch of business management concerned with planning and controlling inventories". Through the implementation of the ABC analysis or classification, the Wheeled Coach Ambulance is able to carefully increase and supervise class " A" suppliers.

Personal responsibility and college success essay sample

College success can be very achievable by learning excellent study techniques, proper time management skills, and having positive family support Study Techniques The first step to becoming a successful student is establishing excellent study techniques. Portioning the work out over time will minimize stress and allow more free time to be able to β†’

Essay on ethical leadership in nursing education

Ethical leadership is an approach to management in an organization that requires the person in-charge to uphold a preset code of moral conduct as an example for other members of the organization to emulate. The implementation of ethical leadership within the nursing profession has led to the emergence of β†’

Swot annalysis

SWOT analysis PepsiCo, Inc.is one of the largest companies in the world, which specializein food and beverages. SWOT Analysis. STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES Branding Product diversification Proper distribution channels Low productivity Poor employee relation Overreliance on Wal-Mart Overdependence on the US markets OPPORTUNITIES THREATS Increased product β†’

Samoa (american samoa: paradise lost)

The movie does not completely revolve around the ill will of the Americans, it extends beyond that, and touches those delicate areas where the distinction between evil intentions and collateral damage merge under the haze. The differences of values between the two cultures cannot be undone with a snap of the figure, it takes time, β†’

Week 4 dq 7

The readings have provided a good learning experience in understanding the meaning of power and its influence on political behavior. Forms of Power Researchers John French and Bertram Raven have identified formal power and personal power as the two major forms of power. Upward influence refers to the capability of the people at the β†’

Theater studies movie review examples

Through the help of an assistant coach Shooter Flatch, the alcoholic father of one of the players, the two are able lead the team to the state championship. He dismisses the acting coach and all the disinterested and unwilling team players during the first practice and gets down to business on the first day of β†’

Battings state university research paper

The researchers have made a guide in the construction, validation, administration and scoring of the survey questionnaires. It is as follows: Construction. The researchers cannot guarantee that the data that will be gathered will totally and accurately represent the opinions of all the Filipinos nice the researchers have only selected students and employees in Battings β†’

Study case (information resources management)

They should aim at creating a process to start a dialogue between IT and the business units. The CIO should ask the consultant to help him in analysis of the portfolio and budgeting, provision of discipline and structure that enables him to sort through and get to the business cases for IT spending. Apart from β†’

Concepts and development of organizations

As a professional in the field of accounting, to be accorded the privilege to pursue continuing education through a scholarship program offered by the Organization of American States is truly the culmination of a long time dream. I am currently pursuing a career in accounting with the Association of Certified Chartered Accountants , a β†’

Swot analysis assignment

The strengths of the company are, a unique service, the facility is in a home setting with acreage for the animal to run around. One of the weaknesses is that Creature Annie is a new business and it may be difficult to generate income due to their name not being familiar with the public.

Leadership concepts and peculiarities

It is often difficult to control rogue students hence the need to ensure that I instil discipline during my first days as the new principal of the school. Being the principal, I will also work towards the improvement of both the students' and teachers' performance so as to achieve high pass rates. These can be β†’

Southwest airpine analysis

Customers who may be dissatisfied by one or more aspects of Southwest's services may opt to use other means of transport which have better services. Company Strengths One of the greatest strengths of Southwest Airlines is its product positioning. This is bolstered by the company's clear identification of its target customers, which makes it β†’

Three of the most commonly occurring tax scams

On the contrary, the IRS ensures to warn taxpayers by thoroughly informing them with a variety of articles addressing what tax scams are, how to detect them and beware of them, and if targeted, how to report the incident. According to the IRS, three of the most commonly occurring tax scams consist of IRS-impersonation telephone β†’

Question answer

Insert SUPER BOWL ADS Super bowl is considered one of the favorite annual championship as a National Football League, with a professional level of managing the football in the US which is celebrated in late summer. The most frequent target of super bowl is both women and men since equal women, and men watch the β†’

Analyzing value net for omni hotel & resort

The customers can create value for the firm in a variety of ways. The organization can add value in its supply acquisition by advertising to the customers that they can take for free any supplies in from the room such as towels, soaps, etc. Partners As a major player in the tourism industry Omni Hotels β†’

Written assignment #2

When answering the question of forceful circumcision of the Gentiles, the organizational culture of the Church comes into the picture. In this case, the council was trying to make the message clear through a letter and word of mouth from the messengers. The lesson that comes out clearly from the case scenario is that the β†’

The major role of total quality management

The main purpose of this activity is to know the importance of TQM, the methods, the technology that used in TQM, the impact of TQM towards the client as well as the supplier and the latest innovation of TQM are been discussed during the activity. There is no argument that well manage construction site with β†’

Ls week5

They encourage the team throughout the project in the stages of planning and are also involved in organizing, disciplining, monitoring the team. Within my organization, team empowerment is not adopted. The traditional heroic model of leadership is followed and the leadership authority resides with individuals, based on their level of hierarchy. Why team empowerment is β†’

3: fedex in the chinese express delevery market: face-off in the forbidden city

In the year 1997, the Asian currency crisis had resulted in steep currency devaluation which had also negatively impacted on the operating profit of FedEx (Darden Business Publishing, " FedEx in the Chinese Express Delivery Market: Face-Off in the Forbidden City"). The other significant problem recognized in the case for FedEx is high level of β†’

Intention to enroll at the university of southern california’s sol price school of public policy for phd degree in public policy and management

I would like to next enroll at the University of Southern California's Sol Price School of Public Policy for my Ph.D.degree in Public policy and management. Public Policy and management is a field that sparks major interest in me. I would like to study my Ph.D.at USC Sol Price School of Public Policy so that β†’

Benchmarking conflict management

The conflict arises when the city council refuses to sell the land to the company. The conflict arises when the city authority refuses to sell the land to the company.

Ways in which ingvar kamprad is a manager

Kamprad establish the IKEA business from scratch as a catalog company in early 1950s and has since grown into a multinational profitable company. Growth of the company: Ingvar Kamprad management abilities are evident in his ability to grow IKEA from small catalog business to a multinational company. Furthermore he is always apologetic of past mistakes β†’

Free operational human resource management research paper sample

Setting targets and assigning functions to staff in an organization without proper machinery in place to assess how these assigned tasks are executed will lead to a gap in effective management control and the unified effort at meeting the organization's objectives and long term goals. Importance of performance evaluation Performance evaluation is very germane β†’

Operation management

Carpets and Rugs The carpets and rugs are easily available as Make to Stock products. Paints and Polish These are the perfect examples of Assemble to Order products.

My personality type

With regards to my personality type B result, as a leader, I would be supportive, although it would also mean I would be the center of attention and, therefore, have centralized leadership. As a Type B personality, I would prefer to work directly with the managers to collaborate and not to be supervised.

Information management system essay

Upon analysis of the various factors it is decided that the price and season are some of the dynamic parameters which must be strategized for a better occupancy of prices. Such privileges would ensure better grooming of customer for their acquiring, retention and innovation. The hotel can use supply chain management β†’

Emergency management (paramedic)

As such, the duties should be performed rapidly and efficiently. The attendant in the crew assumes the role of Ambulance Commander while the driver takes the task of silver control. On the other hand, the crew's driver should assume the role of silver control in β†’

Theoretical implication of organizational behavior theory

Thus a wiser step can be taken by a manager if he is aware of the relevant organizational theory. Above all, an organizational theory provides a framework to respond to a certain situation. The manager has to simply relate the situation with a theory and use the learning outcome of that theory to β†’

System analysis and design ( )

The mobile technology is the most suited to offer the mobility of information, to overcome the challenges of connecting people. However, following policies set on the use and management of the devices is a problem the organizations have to contend with. Future applications of BYOD and mobile devices The mobile devices have a great β†’

Problem: braintee industries

With a successive decline of 10% and 18% respectively, management should admit that there is a problem and it is their job to do something about it. To determine the cause of the decline, I will first make an organizational assessment to determine why the company's sales had declined. Change will enable the company to β†’

Human resource problems – google

The Google Human resource team face a few problems of managing their personnel, through this text some of the challenges they face will be identified and the remedy to it being discussed. Given that Google Company was trying to find ways to improve its workforce performance this could be effective through smart hiring, Google has β†’

Example of calculate metro case study

Thus, my statement of work will contain firstly, an executive summary that gives a short summary on the project's aim, background, scope and a high-level project plan; secondly, the project's objectives as per the SMART objectives i.e.specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time specific; thirdly, the scope that is an extension of the executive summary though β†’

Example of article review on can language style matching really bring about new long-lasting romances

The other person communicates with us in a style which matches our own style of communication and hence the empathy or the ' strange attraction'. Therefore if you meet someone who, on communication with you gives you the strangest feeling that this person has met you before and yet yore confident that you have never β†’

Analysis of strategies to attract customers in e-commerce industry

Let's analyze two big e-commerce industry are Amazon and Gmarket to identify strategies, service innovations they use to attract customers. First of all, the comparative case analysis in the journal article point out some factors that lead to success. The last one is co-operation, Amazon created a joint venture with local partner Joyo.com when they β†’

China numerous reports on how to change

Washington has recently suspended military aid to that country. The instability in Afghanistan threatens the OBOR's flagship project -the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor. A military base in Badakhshan is an importantmove to demonstrate Beijing is ready toexpand its presence in the country. Beijing has a trump card the US lacks thecooperationof Russia and Pakistan.

Relationship of supply chain and lean in water companies report examples

It is done by pulling efficiently and effectively exactly what is needed to meet the needs of the individual customer. As in other industries Lean is used in water segment to improve operational optimization, facilitate energy reduction for treatment of water and waste-water, lowering the maintenance cost and increasing the treatment capacity. There are many β†’

Create a crisis action plan

As such, this paper seeks to discuss the measures that can be implemented in order to handle the crisis of sexual harassment in the organization. Managing crisis in an organization is a process that requires a holistic approach by the responsible authorities. According to Armstrong , there are mainly four stages that are involved β†’

Ethical dilemma in accounting and finance

In this essay, I will address a personal experience, describing an ethical dilemma that I faced, and how I resolved it. In the early period of my career, I worked in one of the accounting firms. Immediately the senior manager stated the request, I declined initially. The argument of my senior manager was that if β†’

Free essay on leadership

This approach diverted the focus from understanding characteristics and qualities of the leaders to the behaviour of efficient leaders. Therefore, the style approach discusses the actions performed by the leaders towards their followers in multiple contexts. The style approach describes that leadership consists of two broad types of behaviours: task behaviours and relationship behaviours.

Caterpillar’s organizational structure and culture

Caterpillars Organizational Structure and Culture Caterpillars Organizational Structure and Culture The regular monitoring of organizational performance is necessary in order to identify early any potential weaknesses or failures in regard to the organizational structure and culture. Stories like the one of Caterpillar are quite important in order to understand the factors that can influence the β†’

H&m: opening statement essay samples

6 Nov.2014. Blanchard, Dave.'Corporate Social Responsibility In The Supply Chain | Environment Content From Industryweek'. 6 Nov.2014. Tripathi, Salil, and April Streeter.'Cambodia And Bangladesh Briefing Challenges In Supply Chain Social Performance Of The Garment Industry'.

Integrated cad and design for six sigma system (dfss) for product design essay

Recent Six Sigma trends lie in the advancement of the methodology with integrating to inventive problem solving and product design in new product development. How well various players in the product development team design/model, analyse and defining the workflows for the components are based mainly on how well the captured and accessibility of customer requirements β†’

Transformational leadership in sianguna highschool

Interviews contained in the report evidence that there are a lot of e-mails, messages, memos are passed prior to every meeting thus are just part of the additional costs that the school has to suffer. Thus by the time a decision is reached the same may be too late to pass upon urgent matters. The β†’

Organizational management

Below is ananalysis of the motivation theories that explain the behavior of employees of Perfect Pizzeria. The equity theory The equity theory makes a comparison between the reward potential to the effort that is expected from the employees. According to the equity theory, the employees consider their potential reward, in addition to, the reward β†’

Decision making: espoused versus enacted values

We will look at the movie 2012 and take a look at concepts that have been described in regards to espoused values versus enacted values from Kreitner and Kinicki text Organizational Behavior. The movie 2012 begins in India where a geophysical team learns that the earth's core is heating up at a β†’

Corporate social responsibility (csr) report on costco

In the mid 21st century the organization worked stores in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Europe, the Far East, and Australia. Competitors: Walmart, Amazon, Home Depot, The Kroger Company, Target are the competitors of Costco. Products: Costco is the best retailer for good quality of beef, rotisserie chicken, organicfoodand wine competition in the world. Costco β†’

Example of essay on rules and rule making

The delegation of authority starts from the elected congress personnel and moves to the authority general who then redelegates the authority to the commissioner of INS, and this authority is later passed on to the concerned officers. The various rules that can be considered as amended by the legislature are the administrative rules, legislative rules, β†’

Mckinsey 7-s applied on qatar cinema

The need for the articulation of a clear strategy for the company involving all the employees and managers to ensure high satisfaction rate and meet objectives of the company and employees is evident in the analysis of Qatar Cinema. However, Qatar Cinema is more focussed at meeting the needs of the general public through offering β†’

Using two contrasting case studies, discuss management schemes

Fire is monitored and controlled through the Park Ecology Department who ensure that there is enough fire but that they do not get out of hand. The Serengeti is also managed by having a top-down approach to management where the park authorities co-operate with the Masai (indigenous people in the Serengeti). Special β†’

E-discovery policy and procedure essay examples

Upon receiving the relevant patient's information, the litigation response team should review the subpoenas in order to determine whether it contains all the required elements, the parties, the intended purpose and it meets the scope of information as per the request. The litigation review team should assist in reviewing the data content to determine its β†’

Disrupting the status quo essay

My current professional development as a teacher is that I identify the root of the student's behavior in order to redirect the student in a positive way. My current professional development as a teacher is making sure that all my students pass the graduation exam and making sure that my skills are up to part β†’

Mismanagement of customer

The paper " Assessing the effects of quality, value, and customer satisfaction on consumer behavioral intentions n service environments" by Cronin, Brady and Hult attempts to conceptualize the effects of quality, satisfaction and value on consumers' behavioral intentions. This paper identifies this gap and aims to examine the direct effects of β†’

Handling disasters by use of remote control

Handling Disasters by Use of Remote Control: A Case Study of the Large Fires in the Peloponnese, Greece In order to minimize the occurrence of fire tragedies, fire managers and national authorities needs to get the information concerning the size of the region affected in the course and followed by the extinction of the β†’

Functions of management critical essay

Knowing how many people and what resources are needed for the completion of the organizations target goal is critical to the success of the company. A manager will determine how to delegate or distribute task and position employees according to the plan. Planning, organizing, leading, and controlling are four of the main β†’

Conclusion and seeing a medical physician for

Socioemotional support as previouslymentioned is one of the key components of helping a person living with HIV, with many patients commenting on the encouragement they receive from HOH, doctors and family, as well as further understanding that they can live a fulllife with HIV, to be the reasons they cope well and do not continue β†’

While discussing the intervention with caroline she told

My data management skills were often used to carry outthese tasks as I was responsible for data handling and entering and checkingdata. My statistical and analytical skills also were important as I had to beable to examine and manipulate data in SPSS and identify and evaluate generalpatterns to see what the data was saying. Theintervention β†’

Management control

1)By control of management we mean the processes in which various scopes of business standards are developed with the aim of providing the most appropriate performances both in the human capital as well business processes for the most adequate and optimal business function. This is through providing a subsequent difference in the nature of β†’

The animalism was guilt-free. admitting the imperishable bung

The lagoons area unit already unhappy concerning there area unit freeways, other bourgeois ethics and nine-to-five jobs. It's not the austere paradise of bitter content, a few minimum of there's an internet association.lagune Spectacular The abbreviate stretches of white-, pink- and black-sand beaches up to the mark ar actual artlessly appealing springboards into the $64000 β†’

Ethical issues in transcultural healthcare term paper

The authority in a flat organization structure is shifted from the top management and the main decisions made depend on the departments or divisions in the organization. In a hybrid structure, the functions that are of most important to the organization are decentralized whereas the less important functions are centralized.

Good essay about stress management

Stress management is one of the most important things that young people should learn to be in control of their lives. Specific objectives: to discuss various ways of stress management Thesis: stress management is important among the youths to be in control of their lives Preview: Today, stress management will be discussed, and β†’

The integration of sustainability initiatives (green) and performance excellence intiatives

The sustainability and performance initiative that the company employed assisted the company to prevent the use of 1000 barrels of lubricate. The other initiatives that the company developed include utilization of seed oils in the production of polyurethane foam, and use of sugarcane in the production of polyethylene.

The supplier selection process

It will likewise show us to manage relationships with suppliers and negotiate the most ideal arrangement. What you should search for in a supplier There are various key attributes that you should search for when selecting and short listing possible suppliers.. Quality and consistent The nature of the supplies should be steady clients β†’

Global warming research paper examples

Global Warming: Applying Cost-Benefit Analysis Introduction This research paper highlights the application of cost benefit analysis in global warming with the aim of improving environmental decision-making in practice. It draws on experiences of applying economic analysis to global warming matters. Contributions of Economics Global warming The UN reports that global warming β†’

Dream job research paper sample

He is responsible to the Board of Directions for the organization and management of the hospital in accordance to the policies and directions established by the Board. He is tasked to maintain a positive relationship and effective communication with the governing body, medical staff, employees and patients of the hospital. Aside from the management of β†’

Sample essay on health informatics

The management of information in the nursing profession has been one of the major hurdles that nurses have to handle over the years as part of their occupation. Nurses have for a long time borne the blunt of poor training and lack of enough equipment for handling these cases. Electronic biofeedback stress management systems should β†’

In past centuries work was often despised. why

In order to free themselves from the blame they put the blame on the employers. This theory has been explained by Douglas McGregor and is known as the theory X. According to this theory the managers assume that all the employers are lively, keen and interested in doing the work.

Good example of essay on (s4 dq) it management decisions

The plan should also define resources in addition to processes that might guarantee the continuity of business in the course of disaster. The reconstitution method ought to be defined to reinstate back the business to usual from disaster recovery condition after the alleviation of the effects of ruin. The concept puts

Case study on hr case analysis: yahoo

Introduction Yahoo is one of the oldest and most widely used website globally that have contributed to the development of the internet. The following is the Action Plan along with the objectives that must be achieved after its implementation. Contingency Approach of the action plan In order to implement the action plan, β†’

Literature aspects in “the scarlet letter” by nathaniel hawthorne essay

She is ashamed publicly for her adultery act and she is forced to wear a scarlet with the letter ' A'. While in jail, she embroiders the scarlet letter so as to translate her punishment into a meaningful experience. She is the daughter of Hester, who is born out of adultery.

Hawthorne’s references to women essay

In the case of Hester, she was a great contributor to her society. Her acceptance was also part of the wonders of women that Hawthorne presented in this novel.

Stolen pen as a symbol in death of a salesman

In Arthur Miller's " Death of a Salesman", one major symbol that strongly contributes to the work as a whole would be the pen that Biff had stolen from Bill Oliver's office, due to its significant turning point in the story and the representation of materialism, as well as the idea of the " β†’

Evil and immoral characters in the play “othello” by william shakespeare

Iago is a two faced cynical that only wants revenge and does not care about who he uses and how he uses them." Iago embodies evil through his own words" Tiffany Solomon writes in the article " Iago's Evil Deeds". This quote shows that Iago is evil because even though he is supposed to protect β†’

Was appeasement a mistake essay sample

Firstly Appeasement gave Hitler confidence to progress to demand more and more seeing as Britain and France were not stepping in however this could have been a trap for Hitler to continue to push the limits until he crossed the line and as he had under estimated Britain and France seeing they were not willing β†’

Hyperlocal journalism

Most of the outlets tend to follow the most interesting stories that are related to citywide, regional or statewide audience. A proper example of a hyperlocal journalism site is the inclusion of an article about a baseball team that is found within the local little league. In addition, the sale of a home along the β†’

Good essay on base pay vs. incentive pay

This essay will focus on two payment methods, the base pay and the incentive pay highlighting on the major differences and similarities. Comparison Base and incentive pay both pay structures that are used to reward the efforts of individuals in any organizations. But in incentive pay, payment is made β†’

Discussion board forum

Demand and Supply Discuss benefits and costs of unemployment benefits to individuals and to the economy. It has demand from hospitals for its use as an antiseptic and ethanol is on demand from the alcoholics.

Carbon tax

That is to say firms have decided to go green in the sense that they have had to make some changes in their industries to avoid the heavy tax imposed on them due to the carbon dioxide emissions Firstly, the firms have decided to switch to the use of windmills and solar panels β†’

Othello play by shakespeare essay example

He goes further to make his wife, Emilia, steal Desdemona's handkerchief and ensures it is in Cassio's possession so as to make Othello jealous. He is involved in the deaths of Roderigo, Emilia, and an attempt at Cassio's life and also has a hand in Desdemona and Othello's deaths.

The pro and con sides to using multiple choice tests at the college level

This paper tends to describe two pros and two cons of multiple choice tests; and, the final paragraph is personal reflection on the topic. Hughes suggests that multiple choice tests benefit those examiners who do not have ample time going through long essays and marking them. These skills are mandatory for success in the long β†’

Facebook addiction


Principles of communication-111

This practice can be performed more by the supervisors who are responsible to train new young workers and provide them with adequate information and orientation on the on the job. Secondly, the employers owe the employees the obligation of consulting with them concerning the decisions that are made relating to the normal chores in the β†’

Monetary policy in 2007 recession

The Federal Reserve Bank employed vibrant measures of boosting the economy by lowering the interest rates and skillfully controlling the amount of the bank reserves and offsetting the monetary shocks including the financial panic. In this respect, the monetary policy averted the economic collapse in the United States amidst panics over the solvency of numerous β†’

Solar: towards a sustainable future

The history of nuclear energy started with the discovery of the metal element uranium and its capability of producing a lot of energy in the 1950s. Solar power is a safe, sustainable and convenient source of energy compared to nuclear power, which is unsafe and costly. In a solar plant, sunlight converted to electric energy β†’

Increase in minimum wages in seatac washington

Thus, raising the cost of labor in SeaTac, as a result of raising the minimum wage, has made many businesses in the city to compensate for the high labor by selling their products at relatively higher prices. Thus, when prices of commodities increase as a result of increase in the cost of production, the aggregate β†’


This summary aims at evaluating, analyzing and concluding on the planning and continuous development of the city of angels. Despite the constant criticisms and negative analysis of the Los Angeles, the fact still remains that the city was planned and never just happened. The nature is both a love and hate for the city dwellers β†’

Review on bhag milkha bhag

The Indian Sprinter is a role model and motivation for all the upcoming Indian athletes. The movie begins in the late 1930s at, Lahore which is currently located in Pakistan which in the 1930s was a part of India, the movie begins with showing how Milkha was going through his ugliest scenes of childhood, witnessing β†’

Margaret sanger seeks pity for teenage mothers and abstinent couples

As such, the youth would most often meet during jazz shows and jazz concerts ton enjoy the music, as well as make acquaintances and friends, that would later result in early child bearing among adolescent girls. Edwin talks about the youth and sex at campus, as well as how they engaged in alcoholism β†’