600 Words Essay Samples

Skiing essay

The next kind of trail to watch for is a terrain park. This position is the safest way for a new skier to slow down.

Ad-lider embalagens

Name of current garbage bag brand if Limp-O-Lox and the company is planning to launch new brand named Climb Fiche Facial.2. Place The present brand of Ad-lieder Limp-o-Lox can be found out in all major supermarket chain throughout the Brazil. Also, the company placed minimal emphasis on advertising their products and building their β†’

Product strategy, pricing, and distribution

The product strategy, prices, and distribution methods are part of that value and the way of a company promotes aids in conveying that value to the customers. The paper analyzes Aspirin, a health care product, in terms of product strategy (including product life cycle and branding), price, and distribution. Product strategy Aspirin as an β†’

Aroma of wine – sauvignon essay

However, with the production of wine and a strict chemical treatment the natural aroma of the wine goes and a sharp smell gets introduced to all the wine waiting to be packed, however there was a strange thing observed that the wines have an aroma of green bell pepper; and this led to a lot β†’

Marketing mix

There will be a distinctly 'humanistic' orientation, which views people and their attitudes, perceptions, learning capacities and goals, as well s their tensions and conflicts, which are all of major importance to the organization. In addition, there will be a practical emphasis, concerned with providing answers to a variety of complex every-day real-life questions which β†’

New business venture essay examples

Nevertheless, there are various forms of business that can be formed: Sole proprietorship Is the simplest form of business organization where the business is owned exclusively by a single person. Advantages: It will also be easy to operate since the decision making is entirely on the owner and will thus not need to make β†’

Wild planet

The buying behavior of consumers is influenced by a set of factors, thereby determining how a consumer chooses what to buy and what to leave. This helps in determining which cultural setups demand toys and which do not, so that toys are not offered to cultures that do not need them. Social factors High β†’

The growth of mcdonald’s company in the european market

As such, lack of product diversity has been a barrier to successful expansion into the European market. Factors to Focus On Product Related McDonald's company has to establish products that go beyond its identity. To maximize on its expansion in the European market, McDonald's should embrace customer service as a complementary to offering β†’

Benefits of iso-9001 compliance

Volumes of research have shed light on the positive implications of using the managerial system; this volume intends to discuss the benefits delivered by the use of the ISO 9001 unified management system. Organizational benefits There are a number of organizational benefits that lay in support of the use and implementation of the ISO β†’

Our project is doing on this particular product: sunsilk weather defence and frizz control

Brand Character and Personality Brand personality and characteristics take takes in to consideration different aspects of a brand and relates them with human traits or qualities. These traits will go hand in hand with other qualities of the brand such as scent and affordability that all play a role in ensuring success of the brand β†’

Designs by kate: the power of direct sales

Designs by Kate: The Power of Direct Sales A: What are the key elements of the DBK model in terms of sales force selection, motivation, and support? Majority of the sales team has been hired by existing sales personnel. Motivation The lucrative, slab based commission payout provided the motivation to the sales β†’

Ans-1) considered as major elements for any agricultural companies essay

Bruce Babcock stated in his book which published in the year 2012 that Corn is expected to increase by 28% in the upcoming year of 2013 as compared to the entire year's production of the last year, while the growth pertains to soya bean remains on the level of 8% in 2013. In the year β†’

How alex fuhrman has filed a case against frederick, hibbs, and uvex corporation

Hibbs Web Case Analysis Summary This case portrays a conflict between Alex Fuhrman who was the director of accounting and finance, West coast division manager Fredrick Fontaine, Christoper Hibbs who is in Fredrick's department and new in the organisation. Alex was made the administrative head of the cancer research and treatment department. β†’

The adventures of huckleberry finn

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn: A Summary The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is set during the 1840's in the town of St. Jim reveals that Huck's father is dead and he does not have to be scared anymore.

Analysis of silkos style

The tone of the first paragraph of the piece is informative as the writer is informing the reader as to how simple is Silko's way of writing and the next is persuasive as the writing is trying to persuade the reader of his point " Textual rhetorical analysis employs rhetorical terminology". The piece invokes the β†’

Using humor to survive tragedy

The not so serious characters are the ones who benefit in the end; and it is because of their frivolous behavior all through the play. Algernon is the symbol of un-earnestness, and Jack is his ward in jocularity and deceit. Marriage is of utmost significance in The Importance of Being Earnest.

The lottery

People dont remember much about the " lottery" except that it happens every year on June 27, it has to be done or their crops will fail that year, and that everyone in the village must participate. I cant help but wonder about how primitive these townspeople were during the 1940s to think that sacrificing β†’

The challenges that induce unfavorable conditions

The paper will analyze ways in which challenges can make people grow. How challenges help people grow Challenges can have either positive or negative impacts on a person and the results depend on the person's attitude towards the challenge. While they had not yet thought about such developments, the challenge of New York's vulnerability β†’

Adjustment issues of international students enrolled in american colleges and universities: a review of the literature

Summary Outline Introduction Abrahao Andre de Araujo's conducted a research of literature regarding factors that predict adjustment issues and stress issues of foreign students. Body Paragraph 1 Level of English fluency and social support are predictors of adjustment issues and stress issues of foreign students. Paragraph 2 Time period stayed in US β†’

Imitation a story

The purpose of this article is to identify the unique writing styles in a news script and to imitate these writing styles to develop an interesting script. The main objective of writing a script is to be clear, concise and accurate. First, the headline is expected to give a summary of the story and catches β†’

Kill ’em crush ’em eat ’em raw

Eat Em Raw Other Similarities between War and Football Other similarities between war and football that McMurtry did not include in his essay are: first the two bring two groups of people together, who will do anything to defeat the other. On the other hand, after each event, war and football, there is suffering of β†’

Developing an argument

With the statement expressed by the author, there is that sense of pride enveloping the English culture and other forms of the arts. Are not there any other art forms that can be dominated by other culture besides English ? England is not the only culture that flourishes in the field of the arts, β†’

Why college education is important to me essay sample

However, I realize that if I have to make such bold steps in my life and have the confidence to do so, I definitely need to be very certain of whatever I do. In line with my dreams of being a mover in the world, I have to be well informed.this can give me the β†’

Example of public administration critical thinking

In order to ensure my plan is undertaken as planned I will have to convince the city council how useful our program will be to the local community and the country as a whole. In the first place, many local people would be involved in the construction process of the hotel. The construction of the β†’

Energy production and biodiversity loss essay examples

The effect of this loss of biodiversity , according to a study conducted by the University of Michigan is equal to that of other major environmental issues such as climate change and pollution (" Ecosystem Effects of Biodiversity Loss Could Rival Impacts of Climate Change , Pollution" 2). 29 Jul 2012. Grunwald, Michael 27." The β†’

Good essay about pos-355

An operating system can either be closed source or open source. Closed source operating system The principle behind the closed source operating system is the inability of the user to access the source code of the operating system. These operating systems are used mainly in Personal Computers, Servers and even mobile devices. Open source β†’

Example of eli pariser: ted talks critical thinking

These beliefs may not always be correct. In times when the newspaper was one of the major sources of information, journalists and editors were responsible for giving out information that they thought was relevant. As users are unaware of these algorithms they are unable to determine what is wrong with the information they see. As β†’

Good example of essay on believer/theist

The incredible fine-tuning of the universe presents a powerful argument to the existence of God. The universe is in the process of change and requires a real being for transcendent purposes such as God.

Example of edwards syndrome research paper

The syndrome can also occur when part of the chromosome 18 do not develop properly. Characteristics of Edwards's syndrome With Edwards syndrome, are infants usually born small in size which is a pattern of physical features that in most cases serve as the cues used by health practititoners for the diagnosis of the disorder. β†’

Essay on smart robots

The author creates imagery of the robot in the readers mind and the look of the robot and the things it is able to perform. The robot can speak and a system of sensors that are infrared control transmitting of movement of the lips in the robot.

Shift analysis research papers example

These figures hypothesize that the healthcare sector had the highest growth in labor employment. The growth in the healthcare sector is supported by recording the highest percentage change at 27%. The healthcare sector had the highest percentage followed by construction and manufacturing sectors respectively.

Legislative aspects of nursing informatics

In addition, it provides that in the event that the breach involves more than 500 patients, then it is imperative that the Department of Health and Human Services also receive similar notification. Secondly, the act also establishes the necessity for health institutions through HER system to make it possible for individuals to access β†’

Pathophysiology exams questions

Occurring at the base of the arteries of the brain, aneurysm affects the main artery, which carries the blood from the left ventricle to the heart. According to La Place's law, the increased pressure from the pumping of the blood makes the radius of the artery to be twice its normal size.

Jr observations and sentiments

This includes an inclusion of a humanistic and altruistic value system in the nursing care. Another important aspect of the caring theory in Jean Watson's is the element of faith hope which is also important in nursing care. This is vital in creating a lasting relationship with the patient during the time of nursing care β†’

Future of nursing

The Future of Nursing The Future of Nursing According to IOM, nurses should have the chance to practice their full potential and extent according to their education levels. This will add to the number of highly qualified nurses who can provide health care services in hospitals and homes.

The digestive system from the esophagus to the anus critical thinking examples

This paper traces the pathway of food from the esophagus to the stomach, indicating the anatomical adaptations of each organ involved. The Stomach This is the initial stopping point of food from the esophagus. The anatomical adaptations here is that the design of the sphincter allows it to only β†’

Core competencies

Besides the involvement of the health care professionals and the patient, the strategy may extend to the close family members to secure benefits to the ailing individuals. Several adjustments take place in the nursing profession to aid the success of the patient-centered care. Availing information to the patient takes place through printed and electronic media β†’

Policy making

In this regard, this paper concentrates on the US healthcare arrangement and other developed countries. Compare and contrast the United States healthcare system with Canada's healthcare system Provision of healthcare services remains critical for citizens' wellbeing. Conversely, privately run healthcare systems in the US substantially injure the effective delivery of services for citizens. According β†’

Breach of contract and informed consent

This discussion explores the legal scope of Harvey's case and notes that Harvey should not win a lawsuit in the case. Harvey should not win the lawsuit because the facts of the case do not identify breach of informed consent and breach of contract under the patient's condition. Harvey later recovered and sued. The issue β†’

Why i want to be a nurse

One of those big dreams that I have, has always been to become a nurse. I believe being a nurse is more of a calling than a profession. I believe that not everyone can be a nurse, because it takes a special kind of person to work day in and day out β†’

Stand by me: a literary analysis introduction

On the journey to find the body of this dead boy, our heroes discover themselves first and foremost. Each boy, in his own way, has to face his fears, but not alone; they all have each other to lean on. And, in the end, they stand by each other and do not back down.

Reviewing sherlock holmes’s thoughts and goals

The character Sherlock Holmes uses the unique process of " the science of deduction" which, when paired with his antisocial, borderline-sociopathic personality, makes for a literary icon that stands the test of time. In the very first chapter of Sign of Four (Arthur Conan Doyle's second novel to feature Sherlock Holmes), the titular protagonist articulates β†’

Example of jennifers body movie review movie review

She kills young men and eats them to stay young and beautiful. Musical Style The musical styles present in the film were demonic, metal and rock. The Jennifer's Body film could be considered as a thriller type of movie because of these musical styles.


Most of the Osteosarcoma cases come from a single area within the region of a long bone referred to as the metaphysis. A computer linked to the x-ray machine is responsible for the making of the scans.

Protein diet in athletes

In highly physical activities such as athletics, the adequacy of Recommended Dietary Allowance and the role of the amino acid on performance are debatable. Protein Dietary Requirement for Athletes Protein requirement in athletes depends on various factors including the type of athlete, body weight, total energy intake, training status, intensity and duration β†’

The effect of obesity on pregnancy

This which suggest that offspring of obese mothers will also have disrupted circadian rhythms and reduced PPAR mRNA expression which not only will leads to metabolic dysregulation, but also leads to obesity that can be developed later in life. In this article, it explained that melatonin is produced in a circadian manner and this circadian β†’

Significance of the ecosystem services

In this article, I will give examples of ecosystem services, biodiversity concepts and how ecosystem is considered from economics, ethics and science points of view. Examples of ecosystem services Examples of ecosystem services include regulation of climate. This is one of the most significant services of the ecosystem on a worldwide and European scale.

The concept on crispr system

The diverse functionality of CRISPR, in theory and proven in practice, allows scientists to remove negative traits in plants such as susceptibility to disease (often due to current breeding techniques which reduces genetic variation). The introduction of foreign DNA elements into plants, especially from viruses and bacteria, is highly controversial and is illegal to do β†’

Use and maintenance of equipment

For the following equipment state a use and how it is maintained. Equipment Use Type of maintenance required Centrifuge This separates liquids and solids and also particles of different sizes or liquids of different densities. The inside and the backsides should be regularly cleaned to stop material and dust building β†’

Molecular cascade and upstream / downstream processing

Upon cell division, particularly metaphase, microtubules from centrioles at two ends of a dividing cell attach to the centromeres of the replicated chromosomes that are arranged at the middle of the cell. Attachment is facilitated by a signal peptide at the end of the polypeptide, which attaches to a receptor in the ER.

The relationship between biology and psychology

The thesis statement of the essay is based on the relationship between biology and psychology, which is a study of the biological bases of psychological behavior and processes. The chronological development of biological psychology can be comprehended with the fact that humans along with the animals can change their behavior according to the changing environment β†’

Compare and contrast art works

Works of art and artists portrays a deeper meaning of the society through their design and language. In addition, there are various types of artwork that include sculptures, digital graphics, drawing, graphic design, painting, ceramics, visual design, print media, collage, and other postmodern works of art. Indeed, the different forms of art develop with time β†’

Aniconic and iconic art in south asian art

This art form is a representation of capitals vs.province which is referred to as the Kusanas; in the context of this paper, it represents a group of art forms that are an illustration of iconic vs.aniconic art forms. Iconism in the context of this paper is represented by image No.

Why change is needed in software

WHY CHANGE IS NEEDED IN SOFTWARE By Introduction A software systemthat is utilized in a real-world setting has to change or become increasingly less useful due to technological advancement. In such scenario, change is necessary to meet the architectural transformations. Software change is also associated with software re-engineering.

Customer relationship management heads to the cloud (itm class)

The other advantage why large companies should adopt this cloud based CRM service is that it can be customised to meet the need of the organization. In an organization that is comprised of skilled and competent managers, the cloud based system can be adopted since they can manage to use it.

Network topology design

For the case of these increasing numbers of employees, it is recommended for a company to use hierarchical topology where we will have a hierarchical network with one or more powerful server controlling the entire network; departmental server control lower levels of processing and network devices. When it comes to the case of hundred employees β†’

Hackers broaden their attacks against business

The situation is changing rapidly, and the CEOs, CIOs, and CTOs of different organizations are facing unexpected challenges in the sphere of IT security. It is vital to have a methodology to analyze the impact of cyber threats and subsequently make the current and future computer networks resilient.

It admins in small companies

The following paper helps to examine the differences between the tasks performed by employees in these two types of companies together with the advantages and disadvantages of each in relation to job specialization. This is because the employee in a large company needs to master only the specific task unlike his counterpart in a small β†’

Cloud storage and synchronization: information management tools by greg notess

The paper " Cloud Computing: The Future of Business Information Management" is a worthy example of an essay on information technology. Additionally, cloud computing for business should not store highly sensitive or confidential documents, but rather should store information that a number of individuals within the organization can access. With the issue of security out β†’

Unix shells

Undeniably, UNIX serves a critical role in the current technological knowhow though to date it has undergone varied and essential developments that give it an advantage over, which this study seeks to highlight. What I like about it and its history Compared to other operating systems as well as varied computer technological enhancements, what β†’

Reasons why smoking should be prohibited

Although there is an obvious demand for smoking, the activity should be prohibited because it encourages wasteful spending and has proven unhealthy effects for the smoker and those around him. The first reason smoking should be prohibited by the government is for health reasons of the smoker. Numerous studies show that smoking has so many β†’

Chapter review

To illustrate, Singer narrated the example of a drowning child where he is confronted with the dilemma of ruining his clothes and being absent from his own lecture to letting the child drown and die. Preventing extreme poverty is a duty that each one of us has to do if it is in our power β†’

Two visions in the heart of darkness by edward said

Therefore, in a reflective analysis of the impact of colonialism and imperialism on the colonized nations as well as the visions provided in the novel Heart of Darkness, it becomes lucid that the author makes an important point when he refers to a network of interdependent histories. As Edward Said maintains in his article " β†’

Zynga’s revenue recognition dilemma

Like FarmVille, Zynga has users across a variety of applications such as CityVille, Words with Friends, and Mafia Wars, all of which using the same models. This type of unique revenue however provokes a unique question; that is, how is Zynga supposed to report revenues from these products that they have offered? β†’

Hold yourself (and your boss) accountable every day at work

The speed of change also makes everyone more accountable for the choices they make to survive and thrive in a workplace that is testing their overall contributions every day made all the more difficult as the playbook for success and eventual significance is constantly being reconfigured and redefined. Live this every day at work, and β†’

Experiment 12: calorimetry and hess’s law

9 mL | Temperature of hot water | 550 C | Part A Calculations Mass of cold water | 49. By using | qHW| = | qCW |+ qCal, we can find the heat of reaction of the cup and multiply that by the change in temperature to find the heat capacity.


This approach has been noted to be more useful than the standard MRI in cases where ACL tear is anticipated. The protocol could also benefit from 3D sequences such as the 3D-DESS, known to be isotropic acquisition having the potential of reducing partial volume averaging through acquisition of thin and continuous slices from the joints. β†’

Dark side of the universe – wilkinson microwave anisotropy probe of nasa produced findings which allowed to calculate the universes age and drew the curvature of space

The paper " Dark Side of the Universe - Dark Matter and Dark Energy" is an impressive variant of a term paper on physics. The knowledge and understanding of dark matter are greater than dark energy so far.

Electrical and electronic principles – lab report example

The charge Q in a circuit is dependent on the amount of voltage present and in turn this influences the current measured on the circuit. The phase angles of both current and the voltage in this circuit have equal but opposite magnitude.

Theories of personality

What is your opinion about the role that spirituality should/should not play in the psychological understanding of human behavior? (This is an opinion question there is no right or wrong answer to this one, but please tell me why you feel the way you do).4. Imagine that you could choose 1 of the theorists we β†’

“this is a photograph of me” by margaret atwood essay sample

" This Is a Photograph of Me" by Margaret Atwood Essay Sample In the poem " This Is a Photograph of Me", Margaret Atwood attempts to depict the parallels between a picture slowly developing and the narrators realization of her death. The elements of the picture begin to emerge reflecting the narrator's awareness β†’

Edward taylor essay sample

In contrast to the fly, the wasp is a symbol of a sinner that is a chosen elect from God to be saved. Taylor is telling God that he wants to be chosen to join God and be one of the elect.

I, icarus by alden nowlan

Ignoring his father's caution, Icarus attempted to reach the sun, which resulted the wax to melt and cost him his own life. Through the title's allusion and Nowlan's act of putting " I" in front of the name " Icarus", readers get some hints that this poem might be another story of β†’

Not my business by niyi osundare

He was always a follower of the right to free speech and was a strong believer in the power of words, saying, " To utter is to alter". This creates a slower rhythm, possibly because of the theme of the poem and the need of each stanza having to sink in.

Pyrolysis of aryl sulfonate esters in the absence of solvent: e1 or e2 – lab report example

Pyrolysis of Aryl Sulfonate Esters in the Absence of Solvent: E1 or E2 Pyrolysis of Aryl Sulfonate Esters in the Absence of Solvent: E1 or E2 Chemistry Lab Report 28 November High purity alkenes can be produced by pyrolysis of aryl sulfonate esters that contain a basic substituent. It also intended to pyrolyze β†’

Molecular modeling

All the valence-shell electron pairs of the central atom are considered both the pairs that form covalent bonds and the pairs that are unshared (called nonbonding pairs or lone pairs). The nonbonding pairs help to determine the position of the atoms in the molecule or ion.

Christine otieno

6M | Final weight | 1. 36 | % change in weight | 1.

Lab write up for separation by filtration and crystallization essay sample

Filter the mixture and collect the filtrate in a 100 mL beaker as shown in Figure 1.1. #3 Wash the solid with a further 5 mL of water but do not add this to the filtrate. Note and record the appearance of the solid#4 Add a boiling chip to the filtrate. Both of these β†’

The atomic mass of beanium essay sample

How are they the same? The isotopes of an element have the same amount of protons, but a different amount of neutrons, so they vary in size. 2. The mass number is the sum of the protons and neutrons in an atom while the atomic mass is the total of protons and β†’

Gay marriage should be illegal

True as that may be, and as widely accepted as it was and still is, homosexual marriage was condemned. That is because gay marriage will change the way future generations think about homosexuality and marriage itself.

Free essay on pope francis

He tries to eliminate the formalities that the Catholic Church has developed under the previous popes; he advocates for simplicity of the church. Pope Francis was an Australian Cardinal who was elected as a pope in March 2013; he was elected after the resignation of Pope Benedict xvi. Pope Francis has made moves that have β†’

Felons have right to vote

Because the right to vote is so essential to the preservation of a democratic society, felons ought to retain the right to vote. In order to preserve the very ideals of a democratic society, felons must be given just representation in politics through the right to vote.

Rie research creative writing

The learning environment is created in such a safer way to protect the children from harming themselves and in a similar way to that at home so that the children can adapt to it easily. Materials are chosen and provided as per the age of the children and also on the capability measures. All these β†’

As a sales manager in today’s difficult retail environment, what steps do you take to ensure your team members achieve their sa

Second, the Australian retail sales manager has to focus on the price step of the Australian retail company's marketing strategy. Third, the Australian retail sales manager has to focus on the place step of the Australian retail company's marketing strategy.

The managerial accounting

Those cost drivers that are contributing to the revenue generation increase and if possible, those that are not contributing reduced as much as possible. Budget preparation Cost information tells the budgeting officers about how much each activity can generate and how much it is going to spend. Cost objects. A cost object is a β†’

Managerial accounting

If the budget is inappropriate, materials are ordered in accordingly and will not result in an increase in sales. Sales projections would be done in according to the consumers and population and whether it is liked by them or not.

Lenkeits cultural anthropology

Lenkeit's Cultural Anthropology: An Essay This paper will be dedicated to three main topics answered in the essay style below: first, it is strongly recommended to contrast and compare two different parts of the world concerning technology, subsistence, systems of distribution; then, we will be focused on Euro-constructs about sexual orientation; finally, our paper will β†’

Describing the morphology and behavior of gorilla, white-handed gibbon and bolivian grey titi monkey

The morphology and behavior of gorilla, white-handed gibbon and Bolivian grey titi monkey Gorilla The westerngorilla is short, has a slender form, weighs less and has got light colored fur. The feet and hands are white; likewise there is a ring of white hair surrounding the black face.

Organizational behavior

The proliferation of information technology by the use of computers has, however, threatened to a large extent the effectiveness of ethics as outlined in the ethical theory. Many scholars contemplate that the problems posed by the use of computers and current trends of information technology present new and complicated forms of ethical problems that require β†’


Once the participants have pondered on the feedback they enter the group dynamics phase where each summarizes and discusses their feedback and the causes of their particular behavioural pattern with the others under the guidance of the experienced and understanding leadership coach, who controls the discussion environment. Both the different roles played by the members β†’


Richemont and its HR Brand Richemont is the second largest global luxury goods maker after LVHM and the sixth largest market cap company in the Swiss Market Index. The public view of Richemont as a company that invests in its employees is qualified by the fact that they only employ those who fit in their β†’

Me talk pretty one day by david sedaris

He describes his struggles learning the language and the acquaintances he makes along the way, effectively engaging the reader's sense of humor. Sedaris appealed to Pathos by describing in detail what he felt on the first day of his class when he met his teacher, seeing his classmates being depreciated and becoming a target for β†’

E-books should not replace conventional books essay sample

The scent, the feel, the weight of a book in the hand is a true comfort. Statistics showed that the US giant Borders was forced t close its 600 stores recently, physical book sales having declined so sharply, whilst Amazon's sales of Kindles and E-books continue to thrive. The only way I could think β†’

A story of colonel sartoris in barn burning novel

The conflict Sartoris feels throughout the story and his final decision to do what is right illustrate the fundamental supremacy of morality over loyalty. The evolution of Sartoris's feelings about his father demonstrate the natural and necessary development from the blind faith of childhood to the self-sufficiency of adolescence and adulthood. Sartoris struggles to come β†’

A separate peace narrative essay

The harsh realities of the time laid down the concept of the title of the novel, as according to Neil Baldwin, " The pressure of thisenvironmentat such a dire and impressionable time laid the foundation for A Separate Peace..".. The novel was subsequently published in 1959 in β†’

Main motives in i am legend

In the movie I am Legend , the Dark Seekers are shown to be the creation of a mutation apocalypse gone out of control. By humans having being the cause for the Dark Seekers to turn into what they are through the movie, it fueled the hatred for Dark Seekers for being forced into β†’