600 Words Essay Samples

Analysis of an ethical dilemma (part two)

In relation to euthanasia being a way to relieve pain, to the suffering individuals, Mary insists that it is wrong and against the Hippocratic oaths of doctors. Physician assisted suicide, she believes, deteriorates the trust that patients have in the physicians. The government is wrong to give any right to a certain group of people β†’

My desire to lead a life of caring

And what better means to combine my love of interpersonal interaction and my desire to make people feel better about themselves than a career in Nursing? The Nursing career I envision is one in which my experiences as an aesthetician will prove valuable. My love for people, the joy I have derived from my little β†’

Personal reflection

Leadership and Management Roll Leadership and Management I believe that leadership is the supremacy to stimulate people by words, actions and deeds using vision, faith and honesty. The goal of leadership is to make " practical effort" for the new comers to follow the way the leaders work.

Introduction to health behaviour change

As such, this paper discusses the measures that can be taken to influence behaviour change among the smokers in particular. The transtheoretical model is seen as the best model that can be implemented in order to influence behaviour change among the smokers. 4278/0890-1171-12.1.

Ethics in nursing

The significance of ethical decision-making lays in the fact that very different ethical choices regarding the same ethical dilemma can be made resulting in neither choice being a " right or wrong" decision. Ethics involve doing " good" and causing no harm There are many ethical issues nurses β†’

Balanced scoreboards

From the results, it was found out that the level and quality of communication between the nurses and the patients has been an encouraging one. Because of this, there has been an effective communication that has indeed satisfied the patients. From this data, it can be concluded that the hospital has a culture of effective β†’

Discussion forum 1 and 2

We observe all factors related to development of health policies on the basis of nursing experiences through the present article What Is Health Policy? Define health policy and describe how policies impact patient care. According to WHO, " health policy refers to decisions, plans, and actions that are undertaken to achieve specific health care β†’

Perspectives on medicare

The relation extends to the fact that if one component is of low quality, the other factors should be of a similar nature. Hospital insurance is designed to cover inpatient care in case of medical emergencies. It also covers preventive measures that ensure the wellbeing of an individual, as well as limit or prevent any β†’

Applying the chronic illness trajectory framework to a past client

Application of Trajectory Framework in Management of Chronic Illness Application of Trajectory Framework in Management of Chronic Illness The reason for the use of a Trajectory framework is to provide an approach that is useful in the management of chronic diseases. The patient would have changed his career to avoid getting exposes to more β†’

Sickle cell anemia

Sickle cell anemia Sickle cell anemia Sickle cell anemia comes in a varied array of forms of sickle cell illness, andit is genetic blood disorder which is mostly found in the United States. The research would intend to explore some of the effects and medical interventions to the patients experiencing Sickle β†’

Alterations in oxygen transport: pernicious anemia

Owing to the fact that vitamin B12 deficiency causes pernicious anemia, the NP will be better placed to verify a diagnosis of pernicious anemia if the patient reports sensations of tingling, numbness, crawling, deadness, constriction in the abdomen and chest, or gait abnormalities. Drawing from this description, it is evident that the patient's pernicious anemia β†’

The effects of watching tagalized english movies in the philippines

Absract: This research entitled " The Effects of Tagalizing English on the English Proficiency of the First Year College Students of Pasig Catholic College" was conducted to know the effects of tagalizing English movies of the first year college students of Pasig Catholic College. In this regard, the researcher used descriptive method β†’

Antz movie – sociology

What are the life chances of the ants in the movie? What are the lifestyle differences of the ants in the movie?

Admission essay

If there is one universal incident that occurs in every person's life in the diverse student body at my high school, it was that I developed much faster when I enrolled at the boarding school. As the first person to reach college in my family, I see this opportunity as a significant phase of my β†’

Free movie review on maya lin

Lin from her viewpoint explains the implication of her work and attempts to explain to the audience the criteria and motivation behind developing her design and structures. How Maya Lin's Design can be Considered Courageous Maya Lin's design and structures can be considered courageous because she confidently confronted and challenged β†’

A human souls black hole research proposals example

Big Noise Films and Civic Bakery. Rain of the Children, 2008.Film. Wayward Films, Forward Films and Vincent Ward Films. The Art of the Steal, 2009.Film.

The cabin in the woods description

The Cabin in the Woods' also has ties to other genres such as comedy, this can be seen in scenes such as where they are all sitting around in the main room, playing truth or dare, and Jules is dared to kiss the wolfs head on the wall, also in the scene where Marty has β†’

Evolution in biology

In biology, a population is a group of individuals of the same species occupying a given area. In theory, the members of a population have inherited the same number and kinds of genes. Natural selection is not the only process that can adjust the relative numbers of different alleles in a gene pool.

Target prediction

Answer = The accession number for " mmu-mir-223" is MI0000703. Question 1.b Overlooking the record provided as your answer to Question 1.a, what " Gene Family" does " mmu-mir-223" belong to? Answer = " mmu-mir-223" belongs to MIPF0000067; mir-223 gene family. Question 1.c What gene does " mmu-mir-223" fall within? Answer β†’

What is biology

Biology al Affiliation) Biology Prior to entering a biology I had a literal understanding of the term biology. Retrieved from http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/next/tech/why-synthetic-biology-is-the-field-of-the-future/ Norwegian University of Science and Technology..

Research paper on person #1

They have a ' sex power' and duty to provide necessary resources to the opposite gender and young ones. Matters of security alongside marking of territories are part and parcel of men's responsibility. Women on their biological body structure are totally difference from that of men since their anatomy composition is quite the opposite to β†’

Localisation of function essay

Localisation of function is the term used to briefly suggest that different areas of the brain each have individual roles and control their own functions (e.g.certain ' jobs' are localised to different areas of the brain.) An example of this is brain hemisphere asymmetry, the phrase meaning that both the left and ride hemispheres. β†’

Evolutionary theory

In the case of the two islands, it is quite clear that the rodents from the St. From the data that was collected from the two rodents species in the different islands indicates that the selection of the rodents from the Nevis Island was from the extreme individuals which led to their survival.

Aerobic respiration of germinating and non-germinating peas – lab report example

Aerobic Respiration of germinating and non-germinating peas Aerobic Respiration of Germinating and Non-Germinating Peas Introduction Germination refers to the scientific transition of a plant seed into a seedling. The germinating peas were placed in the respiration chamber and a shaft of CO2 gas sensor placed in the opening of the chamber.

Behavioral system model research paper

Once there is a disability in the stability of a system's subsystems, nursing comes in so as to restore the system back to the maximum stability level. It has helped to understand the importance of a healthy environment and, more so, the goal of nursing.

Importance of flowers

Flower Arrangements in Decoration People love to decorate their houses with several attractive flowers arrangements. A flowerpot with fresh flowers on dining table increases the taste of breakfast and the impact offoodbeing served. Flowers and Love Flowers play an important role In the love life of every human being. A red β†’

Familial genetic testing assignment

The insulin deficiency has two effects in the body, it reduces the body's ability utilize glucose to generate energy and reduces the body's ability to control the level of glucose in the blood system. This report aims at creating awareness of the disease in our family and it focuses on genetic and environmental determinants of β†’

An imperial antonine woman sculpture analysis

It was a depiction of the highly valued women in the roman culture of the times. The high value displayed in the artistry has an association with distinguished women of the times.

The sing glass, the singing art

One would later on realize that the oldness of the car and the newness of the glass sculptures are part of the overall message of the artwork. Upon closer and longer inspection and reflection, it becomes apparent that Aoki is trying to depict bacterial growth on the car. By this time, it is understood that β†’

The film gandhi

Gandhi achieved the motive by combining the common social and cultural factors among the citizens of the subcontinent and led to a non-violent liberal movement. Structural theory Structural theory focuses on source of the tensions which have occurred by the gaps between social and cultural goals and simultaneously it also explains the means which β†’

Film critiques on the bad sleep well (kurosawa, 1960)

All of this is revealed during a seemingly happy time, which sets the rest of the film up very well. The audience is also privy to Nishi seeking revenge for the death of his father. We can still see parallels to the power of this corporation in society today.

Boiler room movie

T Marlin activities are revealed, as a result of selling stock to non-existing companies, legal actions are to be taken to provide justice for those who have been manipulated. Different claims in the movie can be understood basing on the legal principles. T Marlin Company knew what its action would do but continued to pursue β†’

Jade figure of a hound

I chose this work because it is symbolic of the artist's artistic creativity and the rich heritage of Asian Art. The artwork is in three dimensional, and it is in the form of a small sculpture. The next element in the artwork is the dog's body, and the same is symbolic of the importance of β†’

Final exam praperation

In the later stages of materiality, there was a general acceptance of the schemes the contributed most in the later phases of the early Christian art. It also resulted in the production of the remarkable legacy of artists. 2) How was monasticism involved in the production of early medieval art and architecture? Monastic influence contributed β†’

Graves of the fireflies

The Grave of the Fireflies is described to be one of very powerful, moving, touching movie, an allegory of human failings and a quiet but unflinching look at two children caught in the peripheral effects of a war. Although an animated, having simple actions and scenes yet full of the great beauty β†’

Gaming war: medievalism in virtual worlds

One particular rule in Augustine that was changed in the World of Warcraft is the concept of civilized conduct of warfare or specifically the objective of the warfare. For instance in World of Warcraft, the goal of the players or the game is not to attain peace as " they choose to engage in combat β†’

My visit to philadelphia’s museum of art

My Visit to Philadelphias Museum of Art al affiliation My Visit to Philadelphias Museum of Art Philadelphia's Museum of Art is one of the art museums that I have always wanted to visit in my life. Undoubtedly, it's a perfect museum which is known for its magnificent structure and the art housed in β†’

Early graphic design

It was actually an attempt to revive an art that was considered more superior to the newer style which some thought lacked artistry and depth compared to the old Gothic style of the late medieval period and prior to Renaissance. Artistic Factors the Gothic style in architecture and design was thought to be a bit β†’

When 11th concerning september 2011.the responsible of principal

When we look into the ethical issues, with the development of with the development on information technology more than 30 years, the banking word has been revolutionized by means of the potential in imitation of e-banking. However there are number of issues that that problems come with e-banking, such as ethical issues. All international β†’

Learning to look

The advertisement also has simplicity, which allows the viewer to understand the exact and specific product that it seeks to market to consumers. The caption below the advert that states that it is unusual to drive the car you were conceived in is written in bold, pulling the consumer's attention and seeks to add on β†’

Miguel angel rios’s “a morir (’til death),” 2003 vs. glassford’s “nine slat mirror” essay

This is also about competition, power, violence and chaos. The viewer can identify with the powerful or the weak one.' A Morir' is about war". Glassford's artistic piece is the shadow of new and modern era. Theme of this orthodox painting was religion portrayed in everyday life of a common man or woman shadowed in β†’

Native american art history

HISTORY Ordinarily, the field of Native American art history is wide; however the area has been considered narrow because of the exclusion of very American art due to barriers such as late recognision, failing to conform to theoretical model and other stereotypical views.' The period between 1931 and 1941 saw some other developments which may β†’

Music platform to unite all ethnic groups

The musical history shows how the artists have strived to create various sub genres such as the early minstrel, rock n roll, rock and rap that have made the likes of Eminem, Elvis Presley and Bob Dylan to be music icons. In the 1830s, the Minstrel Show gained popularity in America where it was served β†’

The justification of love as a tool that can unite the world

VISUAL ARTS The topic I chose for the art project is the justification of love as a tool that can unite the world. The earliest expressions of love can be found in the Biblical stories and the ancient Empires of the world.

How dslr cinematography is affecting the aesthetics of motion picture for cinema

Topic: How DSLR cinematography is affecting the aesthetics of motion picturefor cinema The main aim of the research is to investigate how DSLR has changed the nature of movies and has revolutionized the film industry. The research questions will include; How the affordability and portability of DSLR cameras has led to the emergence of β†’

Answer the topic of this question

The light was used to symbolize the essence of God in these cathedrals. Palmettes and flowers were the major figures used in this style.

Learning team

The company adopted the use of ASP outsourcing model due to her limited budget in Information Technology. The table below shows a comparison of traditional and ASP outsourcing models as applied by Riordan Company Item Application Service Provider Outsourcing Traditional Outsourcing Business model One to many One to many β†’

Basic network technology, structure, and protocols

The tutorials available on the site page also include projects done by students and some by the dean. Anyone can submit a tutorial on any topic to be added to the online directory of tutorials provided by RAD University. The tutorials are meant for computer scientists and engineers of the future. The introductory and general β†’

What is a wireless pineapple and how does it work

With its custom, purpose built hardware and software, the WiFi Pineapple enable users to quickly and easily deploy advanced attacks using the intuitive web interface from a man-in-the-middle hot-spot honey pot to an out-of-band pentest pivot box, the WiFi Pineapple is unmatched in performance, value and versatility. This will make the attackers to access the β†’

How the terrorists watch list is identifying the local and international terrorist groups

First, the watch list returns to the pool the National Counterterrorism Center. The body enhances the security of international and domestic air travel using improved watch list matching. Enabling easier identification of terrorists by facilitating sharing of terror information between security agencies in the United States was the chief reason for the creation of the β†’

Reflection in this connected world

They fail to manage their time effectively and the outcome is that they have nothing constructive to show at the end of the day. For example, while in college I was taught on the basics of reading and understanding poems and the different types of poems but in college I was made to understand the β†’

Computer software review

Windows 8 is a software package that is produced by Microsoft, and it is an upgrade of windows 8. This software package is freely available for individuals who have a retail copy of windows 8, and their intention is to upgrade it to windows 8.1.

Steve jobs

In his interview with Morrow , Jobs revealed that his experience with experimenting on electronic items began when he was about 5 years with his father's support and guidance; this experience rooted curiosity, passion and experimentation attitude in Jobs. Steve Jobs was known to have an incredibly curious nature; was a quick learner and β†’

Cis 375 week 8: 2: usability of ipads and websites

Usability of Websites and IPad al Affiliation Usability of IPad and Websites Introduction The following is an analysis on theusability of iPad and websites from the perspective of the users experience in using the iPad. Use of Gestures in IPad Gestures enable for the easy use of the iPad instead of routinely going to β†’

Module 7 dq 1 and 2

According to the US Department of Labor, the position now known as HIT Manager is also referred to as the administrator of the health care facility. Among other things, the person 1) manages the efficiency of the organization, 2) supervises the financial aspect of the facility, 3) facilitates with state and federal governments in respect β†’

About information technology

Information Technology Information Technology Introduction Information technology is the computers and other telecommunication application tools for storage, transmission, retrieval and manipulation of data. The major processes that take place in information technology include, Data collection and storage Data to be used in any project is collected from the field and entered into the computer β†’

Impact of big data on data management functions

Running Head: Impact of Big Data on Data Management Impact of Big Data on Data Management Date of Submission Impact of Big Data on Data Management Introduction Big data is a very important development in the realm of information technology. It often becomes highly difficult to detect privacy violations or flaws in β†’

Module 6 dq1 and 2

However, as described above, the laws as written attempt to help keep providers and patients alike comfortable in the knowledge that necessary personal information (such as social security numbers) is not released to the public, as was the case with the VA employee who lost thousands of SSN's. DQ2 The Health Insurance Portability β†’

Earned value management

To start with, the planned value is referred to as the budgeted cost of the project's work scheduled. The earned value is referred to as the budget cost of work performed.

Week 2 hand-in -2

The ATM is a classic example of the textbook definition of Chapter 4.1. Is it correct? (Depending upon the policies of the bank, the customer is given a number of chances [usually three] to enter the correct number). 5.

Wireless networks technology

12 December 2009 Wireless networks technology A wireless network offers the facility to shift PC or device anywhere where they can attain the wireless signal. In place of ensuring that there is a network cable in each room of the office, a wireless network offers approximately unrestricted flexibility while facilitating all the members to reach β†’

Analysis of the research of professor zachary holman

Consequently, the research highlights the properties exhibited by the nanoparticle and the effect that each property has in regard to the functioning of the nanoparticles. The research by Zachary Holman could affect the industrialists and energy engineers populations in various ways. Moreover, the research paper by Zachary Holman attempts to answer the scientific question of β†’

Mobile health application

Some of the threats include: Stolen mobile device- in case the mobile device which was actively used to access, transmit and eventually store patient's information on his/her health gets lost or is stolen, the patients data might be at great risk of getting into wrong hands. Passwords, and log in details must be in use β†’

Computer forensics suites

This paper discusses Online Digital Forensic suite as the most efficient suite in investigating computer forensics cases, and cyber crime activities. Online Digital forensics Suite assists administrators and investigators in collecting a wide variable data from the suspected machines. It employs best and accepted practices that preserve the integrity and validity of evidence. Online Digital β†’

Ethics, privacy, and security sides of computer spammer issue

They flood the networks through continuous bombardments. The interests of ordinary users are of no threat to anyone else especially their privacy and flow of information across the network. In this method the direct approach and reach to customers can be eliminated and as a result only those ips and addresses can reach to the β†’

Validation guidelines

Content validity is concerned with representation and the essential question that it poses is if the instrumentation pulls in a representative manner from all the ways that could be utilized in measuring the content of a particular construct. Type I and Type II errors are classic violations of this kind of validity. The article by β†’

Current issues in information technology

To evaluate the impact of social media on business operations iii. At the same time, the method will examine information communication technology evolution within the corporate sector (Wilkinson, 2003; Kuter and Yilmaz, 2001; Patton, 2002). Brief Timeline Time Activity 1-5 weeks Desk research 5th -7th Week Fieldwork β†’

Mobile banking and crowdsourcing and networking

As Todorova points out, latest versions of phishing scams can be more dangeroust; and he widespread popularity of mobile banking applications increases the risk of downloading and installing malicious applications that could access the user's bank account information including passwords stored on the mobile device. In cloning, identity of one mobile phone is copied to β†’

Role of accreditation in healthcare

Role of accreditation in healthcare Accreditation stands for a process aimed at continuously reviewing participants in healthcare practice to ensure that they meet and adhere to set standards. Without accreditation, people seek healthcare services would easily fall for quacks, and in the process endanger their health. The second role of accreditation is that β†’

Gulf cooperation council

As a result, the council engages in integration courses including peace campaigns in its member's countries. The council intentions are more visible in its political activities including the diplomatic campaign to reduce tension between Oman and Yemen and to a whole range of efforts and initiatives to bring peace in Qatar, Yemen, Iraq, Iran as β†’

Conspiracy theory in show community

In the episode, Jeff invents a class and is caught by the dean in which he pretends that he is taking the conspiracy class. The scene about the chase precincts is priceless and makes the community episode more interesting and funny to the audience.

A systemic necessity or an act of convenience

Are there systemic factors involved or the students are simply morally wicked to involve in various forms of plagiarism? Who is to be Blamed In his New York Times article " A Survival Skill", Mark Bauerlein argues that cheating has become a digital cultural practice in the age of information sharing. However, β†’

Quiz 2

S constitution is the supreme law of the land 5. A law passed by a federal government is called a statute Short answer questions Question 6 An adversary system in the united state, is a legal system in which the parties in a controversy usually present and develop most of the β†’

Trait of effective communication

Although, effective communication need not be spoken at all. Effective communication can also be seen in the coherence of a person's written words, The method by which he uses key phrases in order to better explain his message is a factor by which the written word becomes better and easier to understand than the spoken β†’

Describe how social theory helps you evaluate contemporary challenges related to your chosen problem/policy area

The destruction of the character of the poor neighborhoods denounces the ignorance of factors other than market forces that determine the movement of the social groups and the use of land. The culture of poverty is an influential theory that suggests the norms and behaviors of the poor in distinction to a subculture of the β†’

Emergency management

Emergency Management The main purpose of the assigned reading is to introduce the audience to the fundamentals of emergency. Indeed, the assigned reading aims at describing the key components of an emergency management program, the roles of different stakeholders in emergency management, and the impact of emergency management in the society.

Fathers and their families

Absence of father from home affects families' social and economic welfare. a) When fathers are not at home, the economic welfare of the family is adversely affected because mothers bear all the family financial burdens. b) Fathers are usually a sense of security to their families, thus their absence exposes the family to potential risks β†’

Characteristics of civilized societies and civilization

A shared system of religious belief, whose officials or priests often play a significant role in community affairs. How was national unity maintained in ancient Egypt, despite the differences between the regions of the Upper and Lower Nile? " National unity was maintained by a strong central government firmly controlled by the Pharaoh who was regarded β†’

Constitutional ethic

Constitutional Ethic Application of the concept of constitutional ethics to all public services The concept of constitutional ethics in public service is a form of government reform that has gained focus in the recent past. Assess the roles of Neutral competency and expertise in Public administration Neutral competence involves the capacity of the public β†’

Refusal for a future life-sustaining treatment

The symptoms of Huntington's disease are evident for patients in their 30's or 40's. The only thing that they can do for now is to avail for genetic counseling to ease their level of discomfort and anxiety. John is a lawyer in his 30's.

Distinguishing between inferences and assumption

African Americans retained what they assume to be the correct accent and grammar of the everyday language and do not care at all whether they correctly construct and pronounce the English language or not. God may have disguised himself as a human person to enlighten and inspire a person who's in the midst of sufferings.III.a.

Budget assignment 2

As a leader in a school setting I believe in using the funds allocated to the school to improve student achievement. The principal meets with the grade chairs and them the information is disseminated to the teams.

Excluding students

Excluding Students It has been argued that excluding students from school activities as punishment is unfair. Excluding students from school activities is a useful punishment.

Tda 2.5 2.1

Their responsibilities & powers have to have the backing & co-operation of the head teacher & staff. The Deputy Head would lead major projects within the school, plan the development/improvement of the schools environment, promote good behaviour within the school, help monitor teaching & learning within the school & give feedback to staff, promote good β†’

Power lab report essay sample

Like slippery materials, or if it is wet. I was wearing running shoes, for safety purposes. Observations: Name Fg Time Vertical Height Work Done Power Ranking Alanna β†’

Stoichiometric relationships in chemical reactions

The equation to find the theoretical yield of a product of a reaction is moles of product produced by limiting reactant react multiplied by molar mass of product over one mole of product equals theoretical yield of product in grams.Procedure- To begin the experiment, and reaction one, the mass of four pellets of NaOH was β†’

Different policing eras in the u.s

These developments have been categorized into the political era, the reform era and the community problem-solving era. The political era ranging from 1840 to the 1920s was characterized by the presence of close ties between the policing and political institutions. Community and public services such as street sweeping and housing the homeless were also tasks β†’

Ethical dilemma.organizations ethical dilemmas

Ethical Dilemma Ethical dilemma in an organization is complicated because it is necessary for the organization to make a decision among competing values or set of principles in a safe fashion that the organization is morally responsible. There are ethical dilemmas in an organization that are hard to settle because of their complexity and this β†’

General motors: solving the high turnover challenge

The following are ways in which General Motors can solve the increased turnover challenge at the company. Since subcultural differences are the main cause of employee dissatisfaction and consequential turnover, the management should strongly focus on finding a solution to the differences. Such a setup is necessary to create coherence among the divisions and a β†’

Strategic planning

In the next part of the report I will be highlighting the areas on which the company needs to stress more and will also make some necessary recommendations. Recommendations The first thing that GIFC needs to accomplish is that it should define its business, goods and services and also the target customers. Also defining β†’

Free admission essay on healthcare management personal statement

I could not become a doctor or surgeon but I could manage the doctor's schedule and the resources at his or her disposal to ensure better delivery of services which in the case of healthcare could be a matter of life or death. I want to study healthcare management so that I can give back β†’

Critical evaluation of the article “assorted variety management: an organizational culture audit to decide individual differences”

With the end goal to guarantee information unwavering quality, the Cronbach's alpha coefficient is incorporated into table 1. The creator could test the theory " There are statically noteworthy individual contrasts in regards to the participants' perception of the authoritative culture" utilizing the information gathered incorporated into tables 2-7. The title of the article was β†’

Business law assignment

The right thing to do would be to be careful when handling the cup of hot coffee. The cup itself says to be careful and why would anyone put a cup of hot coffee in between their legs especially being n the passenger seat where one could actually hold the cup in their hands which β†’

National industrial recovery act

National Industrial Recovery Act In response to Great Depression, the United States put up a number of financial regulations to ensure that the New Deal was an effective remedy. Further, based on the moral hazards exhibited during the great depression, the New Deal was accompanied by an act which restricted the age of β†’

A marketing report on apple and the ipod

In order to do this, the main areas of discussion I am going to focus upon are the company itself. I will look at the firms' internal and external Marketing environment in order to provide an insight in what position the firm is in. In January Apple reported the best quarter revenue and earnings in β†’

Theories on customer loyalty

Negative effects of customer loyalty are inflexibility to changes in the market, inactivity, skewed customer structure, negative word of mouth and high costs of bonding activities such as running/maintaining a customer database. Current situation and issues surrounding loyalty cards While customers are willing to use the schemes in order to get the rewards it has β†’