550 Words Essay Samples

Free essay on letter to the editor the mercury

For the same reason, it is ridiculous for us to simply turn our heads away from efforts to permit unregulated 'clean' coal operations in our county. One of the party objectives of the Riley County Republicans is to encourage so-called clean coal as part of the state's energy plan in addition to nuclear, wind and โ†’

How technology is a big art of the american dream essays example

This paper analyzes the contributions of technology to the dream of American people in enhancing social, political, and economic prosperity as well as eliminating crime. Technology facilitates communication efficiency in the United States of America. Sharing views on leaders exposes the strengths and weaknesses of leaders thus leading to maturity โ†’

Example of essay on what motivates me to continue in nursing profession

Considering things, which motivate me to continue my career in nursing, I would like to classify them into the ones regarding my professional life and development, and the ones, concerning personal attitude. The first thing, which motivates me to continue my career in nursing, is that I realize importance of quality support for physicians and โ†’

A history of global warming research essay sample

Global warming can be defined and explained as the rapid rise in the earth's temperatures which has in turn affected natural features such as the oceans and seas' water mass as well as thawing of ice on mountains which in return leads to phenomena such as flooding in areas near โ†’

Essay on global warming and its impact on the environment

Most of the projections in use by the United Nations and other environmental bodies have been made using the SRES scenario. b) A rise in temperatures leads to increased desertification of areas which results in reduced water and organic food for the population in the area. c) The increase in temperature due to global warming โ†’

The long emergency: a critical analysis essays examples

The rising price of oil, coupled with simultaneous non related catastrophes like climate change, water scarcity, economic instability and regional conflicts, will cause society as we know it to break down. The book was written in 2005 so fortunately I have the benefit of 9 years of hindsight to work from and its obvious many โ†’

The high population of nigeria contributed to high rate of unemployment, which worsens essay example

The palm oil was mainly meant for machines and trains. Shell also discovered oil and started drilling in 1956, which led to a lot of pollution in relation to air, water as well as the destruction of soil. The paradox state of affairs that is currently witnessed is that regions endowed with plenty of natural โ†’

Good example of living with conflicting subjectivities essay

Cho Hae-joang describes this human behave as change driven, since everyone wants to change and adjust to the current changes on trend, lifestyle. There are concepts of the Cho Hae-joang's Living with Conflicting Subjectivities that are equally application in the films A Female Boss and My Sassy Girl. This is the motherly role and duties โ†’

Management human resources report example

The sanction of the skills inventory needs the implementation of evaluation and assessment of NPD team members and their leaders to balance and assemble the required features of this profile (Akroyd, Narayan & Sridharan, 2009). Leadership Profile Corresponding to New Product Development stages Organizations ought to strategically contemplate the features required to enhance the โ†’

Letter to the instructor essay examples

All the concepts, theories, and guidelines that assisted in my personal and academic development, as well as in developing enhanced proficiency in the English language is greatly appreciated. Secondly, upon reflection, as I mentioned in the beginning of the semester, I possess innate strength in imagination and it help me a lot to develop and โ†’

Good example of caltech essay

The manipulation of numbers to arrive at desired outcome is very healthy not only for developing the mental faculties of the individual but also for embittering humanity as a whole. I believe that Caltech is the place for me to incubate and develop my passion for mathematics and physics. This โ†’

Standards of care course work examples

SOC form the basis for this profession and provide a guide to skills, knowledge, attitudes and judgment that are required to work safely and effectively. Standards of practice govern the licensee's practice in all its aspects and apply to any registered nurse that practices in all the kinds of settings. โ†’

Free report about technology

Furthermore, in order to improve the system, a hardware upgrade will be required. Software: The second component of the framework is software. This includes the software development tools that will be used in the development process. Data: Data is the most important part of the system.

Refection essay in adolescence

In addition it involves gains and losses and neutral changes that is categorised into three different domains; physical, cognitive and psychosocial functioning.( Sigelman, Rider & De George-Walker, 2012: pg 31) Throughout my childhood the experience of my father beating my mother has dramatically affected my own developmental changes. In particular it has โ†’

Areas of feasibility

Pico De Lord to be well known, Wanderlust Sojourners will design a marketing Strategy that would help Mat. Pico De Lord) and Prints Ads are to be done for the intense promotion of Mat.

Communication between men and women

Tannen suggests that the way that men and women communicate is something that is learned from the early stages in life. Men are unable to express their feelings as well as women and this is why they go into a cave. Also men do not want to worry their partner.

Interpersonal conflict in film essay example

If the whole marriage issue was to be handled carefully and all its effects on them lay bare then maybe whatever that happened to them may not have happened in the first place. The conflict between Jenna and Michael was not handled very carefully because Jenna's parents are the ones who seem to have taken โ†’

Example of human communication essay

Intrapersonal communication involves the paradox and meaning when the idea conveys meaning of the messages sent over in the internet. But dyadic and interpersonal is differentiated by the means of a change in ordinary communication into interpersonal when something special occurs during the communication process. The use of mediated communication in the internet is โ†’

Good example of quot;as the internet rewires our brains” review article review

Article Review of As the internet rewires our brains by Kurt Cagle In the article of Kurt Cagle, " As the internet rewires our brains", the author's main argument is that the use of social media sites is heavily valued and can decline the critical skills that children own. For example, the author's โ†’

Communication barrier

Some of the local students or the Malaysian students also have the same problems when speaking English with the international students. Most of the international students do not like to be friend with the local students.

Viral marketing essay sample

It's basically rapid multiplication, just like it happens in the case of viruses is what is sought in the case of viral marketing. Thus the message cuts across thousands and perhaps, hundreds of thousands in comparison to conventional marketing where it is the brick by brick approach that is time consuming and not so โ†’

Kingdom of matthias

The book is an attempt to find meaning and relevance in the Kingdom of Matthias. The authors of the book, Paul Johnson and Sean Wiletnz assert that the Kingdom of Matthias cannot simply be called an evangelical movement for a closer analysis of the movement will reveal that Matthias' religious vision does not run in โ†’

3 steps to get more done in less time

You have to calendar what you are going to do and when you are going to do it. We settled on 40 minutes and he freed 80 minutes each day. Related: It's not enough to just schedule, you need to be precise about the amount of time the tasks actually take.

Berkleyโ€™s integrated marketing communications plan

Firstly, Berkley should use advertising: this is the act of using paid representation, especially in the media, to promote ideas, goods or services to a target market. My advice would be to deploy a promotional mix of the tools and this will definitely improve enrolment.

Funny in farsi analysis

By doing this, she would be able to tell Americans of how Middle Eastern cultures are not what the media portrays them to be. Throughout the memoir, Dumas aims to show Americans that Iranians are truly virtuous and have a sense of humor. With the use of a lighthearted tone and Dumas' โ†’

Communication style paper

He is the person to approve any changes in Sales recommendations to the investors. In the weekly discussions, Brian's job is to listen to the recommendations of the Sales Team which is led by me.

The main technologies forming the foundation of 5g

In order to comprehend what 5G actually is, we need to know about the five technologies that form the foundation of 5G Millimetres waves All electronic devices and smart phones operate on a specific frequency in the radio spectrum band which is usually under 6GHz. Because of the increase in the number โ†’

Comparison/contrast essay eng101

British PSA is the best choice Although both the " British PSA" and the " AT&T PSA" use the fear of injury and death to discourage texting while driving, the British PSA is more effective than the AT&T PSA because it focuses on the details of the injury and death during the accident. Both โ†’

Aware reflective journal/discussion forum essay examples

It is important to understand that the institution of marriage is founded on the principle of love, trust and communication. The domination of one partner is in most cases likely to spur discontent within the marriage.

How to solve a rubik cube

How to solve a Rubik's cube The purpose of this report is to inform the audience on how to solve a Rubik's cube in three simple steps. Retrieved February 12, 2013, from http://www.personal.psu.edu/mjr5125/blogs/how_to_solve_a_rubiks_cube/algorithm-list.html Out of the Cube: Augmented Rubik's Cube..

Office space

That does not sound like a man who loves his job. Peter also manages his identity by using nonverbal communications At one point in the movie, office space, peter uses his hands to communicate a strong gesture of hate as he pretends to shoot up his office building. Nonverbal communications do not โ†’

Metacognition and social cognition essay example

Metacognition and social cognition are the two cognitive factors that influence peoples' interpersonal behaviors in a number of ways. As far as metacognition is concerned, it can be defined as " the processes by which we monitor and control our own cognitive processes". Therefore, it can be easily concluded that explicit metacognition is an exceptionally โ†’

An importance of taking a public speaking course

The most applicable skill to me would be learning how to speak to an audience. The seven elements of the speech communication process are the speaker, the listener, the message, the channel, the feedback, the interface and the situation. The audience wants to be reassured that you are a credible speaker that is sincere in โ†’

Reflective paper: what kinds of communication problems have you experienced with essay sample

People from different cultures have distinctly different modes and forms of communication, which distinctly draw the line between the different cultures. Perhaps the largest communication barrier in relation to people from different cultures is language. Another example is that in certain cultures during communication people get right to the point while in other cultures, they โ†’

Essay on the literacy initiative

The aim of the program was aimed at improving not only the vocal and written skills of the young people, but also to instill in them a better understanding of the English language. The attendance for the course was over 90% in the summer camp which depicted the students' enthusiasm to learn and excel. The โ†’

Analysis of firewall and network security measures in corporate security

Dependent upon the package and the lead, the bundle can be either dropped, sent through or a message can be sent to the originator. The fundamentals which make sense of which groups to be sent, and which not to be sent can be established on the source and objective IP address, source and objective port โ†’

Mr guan

The emphasis and purpose of the report Is to; research, describe and discuss the Incident primarily In relation to the Safety Systems related to the event. The report structure is excellent and provides a convincing discussion/argument of the topic.

Selection and utilization of instructional media for effective practice teaching

The techniques of teaching subject content and how children learn are acquired through courses in basic education and the study of education principles. Therefore, teaching practice provides students teachers with the opportunity to become fully acquainted with practical way, the details of classroom procedure, control and relationship with students and immediate matters of โ†’

Public speaking essay

When I have to write a speech or speak in front of a group in the future there are many things that I will do differently. I have learned that are many steps that need to be followed in order to have a successful speech. Analyzing the audience, visual aids as well as โ†’

Why communication is such an important part of a managerโ€™s role

Managers need to communicate effectively with suppliers, customers and investors. By communicating with external groups the manager will be able to monitor the company's success and learn how to improve the quality they provide. The company could train and encourage managers to communicate with employees.

When going on to communication between friends, the following points should actually essay

In fact family systems are interdependent, manifested through communication, are nested and more then the some of their parts. One of the most important elements in family communication is conversation. Communication is also affected by contact and one should assess if this is frequent or occasional this may also affect the levels of communication in โ†’

Discussion and analysis essay

As you read and begin to formulate your essay, consider some of the following questions: who is this author? These questions should be only the beginning of your inquiry and you certainly are not restricted to them.

Analysis sam case essay sample

What did Sam do wrong? In my opinion Sam had a miscommunication with his new supervisor and took it for granted that he knew what steps he wanted him to take in order to fix the problem. Sam assumed that the words and terms he used meant the same to the Paul as they did โ†’

Hamlet, moral truths, redemption and a just society essay sample

As the gravity of the situation continues to sink in for Prince Hamlet he begins to suspect correctly that his uncle Claudius was responsible for his father's death. Hamlet's suspicions are confirmed when his father's ghost visits him to tell him he was murdered. Suicide is not the usual mode of redemption found in โ†’

Corruption in hamlet essay sample

In the play ' Hamlet', corruption is conveyed within many of the key characters; Prince Hamlet is not corrupt, but merely fools the people around him into believing that he is, in order to help him carry out his orders. This shows that Hamlet is not mad, but a good human being as โ†’

Romeo and juliet haste

Romeo and Juliet meet at the end of the Capulet's party and Juliet proposes to Romeo, without knowing each other. Romeo's and Juliet's desperation for love, has taken its toll on both the people and families as well. In the beginning of the story, Romeo was in search of love, he then โ†’

Hamletโ€™s indecisiveness

In the play, Hamlet is supposed to be portrayed as brave and intelligent but looking deep into the play it is seen that Hamlet is more of a coward and an indecisive man through out most of the play. Hamlet does not know what he is doing in his life โ†’

Macbeth โ€“ a story about the journey and how he became a king

Although he was aware of the prophesy, that he would be the king, he listened to his wife when she urged him to kill the king. He was ambitious to be the king that he heeded to the wrong advice of his wife.

The canterbury tales: the liking and disliking of many

An example of a pilgrim he dislikes is the Miller because he's a cheater. Firstly, he Miller is one old man, who is not described nicely in this story. The reason why Chaucer is not interested in him is because he's not likeable.

Drama macbeth: shakespeareโ€™s play and wellsโ€™ film essay (book review)

However, the play communicates the meaning of the text in a better way as compared to the film by Orson Wells. In the film adaptation, perhaps Orson tries to embolden Macbeth because he is a man and men are supposed to show courage and boldness. However, this perception defeats the essence of the play.

Play hamlet vs. mel gibsonโ€™s movie version

Some of the scenes had actually also been modified. For instance, In Act 2, Scene 1, the director has Polonius spy on Ophelia and Hamlet, and this is how he finds out of Hamlet's weird go to with his child and Hamlet's insanity. I feel this effect was achieved through the director's technique of shifting โ†’

William shakespeare utilizes different events

Now and again love is portrayed in the terms of religion, as in the fourteen lines when Romeo and Juliet initially meet. But in its extreme passion, the love that Romeo and Juliet experience also appears so exquisitely beautiful that few would want, or be able, to resist its power.

Animal farm essay

Using fear, force, and intimidation, Napoleon is able to oppress the voices of the animals. When Farmer Jones is ousted, the attitudes of the animals on the farm are desperate because they need someone to guide them.

Hamlet book survey

Who is the first character to see the ghost? Marcellus How is Claudius related to Hamlet before marrying Gertrude? He is the brother of Hamlet's father, and therefore Hamlet's uncle What does Laertes warn Ophelia against? Falling in love with Hamlet Who does the ghost beckon the second time he appears โ†’

โ€˜as soon as the macbeths become accomplices in regicide, their relationship irretrievably falls apart.โ€™ discuss to what extend do you agree that the physical horror of king duncanโ€™s death kills the macbethโ€™s marriage.

In Shakespeare's Macbeth, King Duncan's death caused a great turmoil in the minds of the Macbeths and left no space for love, hence, their relationship began to crumble, as they reacted to the murder in different ways: Lady Macbeth, entering insanity, and Macbeth, thirsting for more power. Immediately when she received the letter from โ†’

Free critical thinking about afro-american studies

The foundation of African American Studies is based on the study of the non-violent struggle of the black community. Political, Social, and Economic Conditions that led to the Birth of African American Studies Historically, the Black Americans have faced immense discrimination in public and private space. There were a number of small groups โ†’

Example of essay on the current american political system

The primary goal of the country should be revitalizing the culture of democracy. Another problem is the representation of people in the senate. This violates the culture of democracy which states that everyone has the freedom of voting candidates of their choice. The current political process in America imposes barriers to third parties.

Why we fight

It is easy to stay in a war and let it linger. We are all immigrants who want to preserve our liberty, way of life, and freedom.

American democracyโ€™ history: turnerโ€™s thesis essay

The interaction with the people at the frontier resulted in the adoption of moderate culture, democracy, and violence towards the people of color. In his analysis of Turner's article, Ridge observed that American democracy was never brought in the country, but instead, it developed in the forests; and every time the locals interacted with the โ†’

American military involvement in haiti essay

Three weeks later, the rebel group that was believed to be trained by the US marched in Haiti and destroyed hydroelectric power station. The Long History of Troubled Ties between Haiti and the US".

Free the college and its price essay example

College education is a right of everyone who wants to pursue higher education and making it available for students is the duty of the state. They may appoint experts in order to determine the dedication of the students in order to pursue their higher education.

Relationship between the indians and the europeans

The Europeans did not have compassion for the Indians so they ended up changing the lives of the Natives, causing cultures and land to be lost. They thought that they had the right to own the land and everything on it.

Were the founding fathers were sexists and misogynists? essay

This shows the fact that the founding fathers were sexists and misogynists. The founding fathers were inherently sexists because they did not consider women in any of their power dealings. These changes see women doing tasks that have been preserved by men. In summary, it is fair to conclude that the founding fathers of America โ†’

Thomas jeffersonโ€™s vision essay

The authors points out the end of the " decade-long vacation" of the United States in facing security problems, which started at the time of the post-Cold War era. The book contains various explanation on the way by which the attack of terrorists was short but ended in disastrous consequences. However, Pillar questions the policy โ†’

Kevarian riley

KeVarian Riley 10/13/12 1st Block Essay Dating all the way back to the French and Indian War, the American colonists were getting fed up with the British. The colonists came to America in search of liberty and freedom.

Westward expansion

The expansion was magnified greatly by the Louisiana Purchase, when President Jefferson bought a large area of land west of the Mississippi river from Spain, the purchase added large amounts of futile, unsettled land to the United States. The Manifest Destiny was a belief that Americans were meant to explore the western territories and settle โ†’

Example of essay on the natural rate of unemployment rise

According to the statistic it is higher than before the crisis due to the mismatch between the employer and the available skill of the laborers. Frictional unemployment refers to the rate of unemployment due to the change of locality of the demographic factors. The crisis led to the rise of unemployment because the employer could โ†’

Article review on international corporate finance

The U.S.and South Korea negotiators broke a three year impasse over the joint agreement by reaching an agreement on a deal to steadily lower U.S.tariffs on Korean automobiles. The deal must also win ratification by South Korean law makers. The deal gave a boost to the U.S.president's efforts to double U.S.exports โ†’

Enzyme activities in mesothelial cells

The lacking base is then replaced through the action of other members of the DNA repair system, restoring the original, correct sequence of the DNA. This paper was also the first to show that a carcinogen that is associated with oxidant stress in normal lung cells induces AP endonuclease. The results obtained from the research โ†’

Discovery of microscopic life

Microscope of the 17th century was not as powerful as microscope now but Robert Hooke and Antony van Leeuwenhoek were still able to see and identify the cells. He observed many small particles in the fluid and caused the beer to turgid and found out that yeast cells consist globular particles. Drawing of yeast cells โ†’

Controversial images in art

The Controversial " Piss Christ" Photo What the photo conveys The red and yellow photo, which has been on displays in many parts of the New York City has ignited many controversies. However, in the real sense, it represents the crucifixion of a man. This controversial photo is not recommended for public displays.

Sontag believes movies

As the movie serves a vehicle that takes one to reflect with vivid imagination and pertinent emotion at depth, the act of kidnapping, as Sontag puts it to be the principal role assumed by the film, is sustained. On the other hand, Norma's observation that movies lost art during the arrival of the talkies in โ†’

Mystery images

That is may be the way significant or respected people dress in that community. Mystery image two shows the combination of modern technology and traditional building. The choice of either traditional or modern buildings or to merge the two is optional. Mystery image 3 is compared to picture on page 27, fig 1 labeled' nature โ†’

Example of essay on louis vierne: sonata in b minor

The melody is very pronounced as is the articulation of the beat which demonstrates a certain clarity and this was definitely brought out by Matsumo in her fiendishly effective playing. The concluding Allegro molto was also quite effective with the tempo whipping up proceedings and once again I was very impressed by Matsumo's technical prowess โ†’


A view of the painting creates a feeling and thought of desert-scape that inherently gives the sense of safety and satisfaction of being within the landscape generated by the art. The painting depicts an unbearable moment of quietness with significantly no observable movements amongst the elements. The event significantly marked a social phenomenon that resulted โ†’

Tears of the black tiger: a critical analysis

There is the opposition from the girl's family and a band of bandits to threaten the lives of the altruistic hero and his beloved. Admittedly, the film is a go back to the Thai action movies of the 1960s. However, the drama is so high that one forgets the campy side of the film, and โ†’

American fashion in 1980’s through today

This is not to say that celebrity promotes all fashion trends. The beginning of 1980s marked a beginning of new fashion trend for both women and men. In 2010s and beyond men fashion trend of early 2000s seem to be repeated.

Nude descending a staircase versus mystery and melancholy of the street

The lines are effective in showing motion because of the ease to detect from the painting that the movement rotated in an anticlockwise direction, which is from the upper left to the lower right corner. Similarly, Melancholy and Mystery of a Street painting focus on contours because of the great color use. In the painting โ†’

Annie hall

At an instance, the coverage is two-thirds of the screen. Besides the innovative techniques applied in the film, there are instances of realism applied by the directors and that reveals postmodernism. The ordered nature of the storyline that is characteristic of many films is defied in the movie.

Visual analysis

The little clouds encircling the bottle and the words also give an appealing view that wins the attention of a person easily. The advertisement is in the most appropriate color palette. It is only fair to say that the paint convinces a person to take the drink and get the energy.

Discussing an artwork

The painting's magic is apparent where Botticelli created a relationship between green of the sea and Venus paleness. The slow descent of the pink flowers reveals that the air around Venus is still and warm.

American history x

Some of these issues include racism, discrimination of minority groups, intolerance, the issue of illegal immigration and the role of correctional facilities. He laments on the fact that the federal government has to spend a colossal sum of money on the services of people who have no right to be in the country.

Dance history

His ballet dance is presented as one of the initial moves that avant-garde composers, writers, and painters join forces in creating a ballet. The revelation in this case is that Cunningham is both a great collaborator and a terrific partner in dancing. Cunningham also emphasizes on the loosening of the spine of a dancer. Hodsons โ†’

Baroque and rococo

This research paper compares the Baroque and Rococo art styles in the renaissance periods. Baroque art style in the renaissance period was inspired by the idealism while Rococo art style was inspired by the 18th Century political changes in France. Additionally, Baroque was the uttermost synonymous art style with the Counter-Catholic Church Reformation art of โ†’

Resident evil

In her role, Alice, manages to play a masculine role through her violent action of killing, fighting and shooting zombies throughout the film. In addition, a feminine touch is given to Alice in Resident evil through the depiction of her being a beautiful woman, and in addition, always being in a tight sexy outfit.

Journal of korean melodrama christmas in august (1998)

Number] Christmas in August Christmas in August is a 1998 Korean film directed by Heo Jin-ho whichwon the hearts of the audience as well as the critics. This is a strong point in the film itself.

Piet mondrians work and his insistence on primary colors

Piet Mondrian's work and His Insistence on Primary Colors Introduction Piet Mondrian was born in 1872 in the Netherlands and was an early proponent of the De Stijl movement, which came to found a form of art known as neo-plasticism. Even the sparseness of the title Composition speaks to the nature of โ†’

Journal one

I believe that art has the power of opening a person's mind and widening their imagination. This always allows the person to have fascinating thoughts that enable reading deeply in to another person's art. This piece of art will mean something to the viewers and it will express the artist's feelings.

Review on two paintings of monet

The House seen from the Roses Garden The House seen from the Roses Garden Claude Monet was among the founders of French Impressionist paintings. The subject of both of these paintings is Monet's house in Giverny. The first painting is the view of his house from the rose garden.


The states were the ones in control of markets and distribution of wealth to the needy areas. Their trade systems did rely on the extensive slave trade and tributes while the basis of wealth was heavily dependable upon the exploitation of other people. The decline of the empire did end after the influence of the โ†’

Free classification of music essay example

By classifying according to genre, there is no need to search through a music list and choose songs, which is time consuming. The second system of classification is by artist. Classifying music according to mood is a very popular method of choosing music.

Learning management system

Educational and industrial applications are the most common classes of learning management systems. The educational learning management systems allow education institutions to manage several online courses with the use of an interface and set of resources. They also create and publish course calendars, and allow interactions and discussion forums. In the business organizations, the learning โ†’

Information systems in organizations – case study

The system also contributes to very high annual net sales of up to $3billion as stated in the study and an approximate of two billion shares daily. Information systems can also create a link to private groups who have its members trading among themselves. This in the long term results to satisfied and loyal customers. โ†’

Document information

Ergonomics, Reports and Correspondence Ergonomics The passage of time has evidently changed the processes and modes of almost everything in the world. On the contrary, Adams stated that it is advised to rest the arms on a surface to ensure less fatigue on them. The typewriter was a lower machine than a computer โ†’

The depiction of culture clashes is no stranger

Though many people become convinced of the new religion's authenticity over time, Okonkwo is an inflexible warrior at heart, and his refusal to accept the changes taking place in his community serves to further exacerbate the point of the novel that things that were once familiar always fall apart in the end. Okonkwo's village, Umuofia, โ†’

Marlowโ€™s reaction to the death of kurtz

This changing or evolving perspective is ignited once Marlow returns to Belgium and begins to interact with the people who knew Kurtz prior to his derangement resulting from his savage experience in the Congo jungle; this eventually culminates in the meeting between Marlow and Kurtz's Intended. It is through this solidarity that Marlow is able โ†’