550 Words Essay Samples

Manipulating data

In the past 60 years, there have been many different ways through which programming has evolved in collective grouping and manipulating data by spaghetti code, structured programming, modular programming, and object-oriented programming. Spaghetti code is a particular programming code which was initially used in programming. Structured programming however decreases the chance of spaghetti code. The β†’

Paper for class mis 2100

Overall, by taking this class, I have learnt not only how to use information systems to carry out daily business activities but also use them to set the business ahead of the rest in the market. Such formulas can be used to give specific values that help in understanding the performance of a business and β†’


Certificate Authority and is considered to be the most efficient control in terms of email security. In case of secure email, one has to make sure about the sender possessing the key is the one who is the authentic sender. Likewise, when signed email is verified, one of the checks includes the source β†’

Cis 498 discussions

This allows the IT professional to deal with different clients in a business unit with different ideas. Question 3: Project Management Skills and Formal and Informal Project Management Project manager's skills and training are changing because of new technology and customer preferences. The advantage of hiring a consultancy company is that it becomes easy β†’

Chinese indonesian people discrimination

This memory is remembered even today as an extremely livid nightmare in the minds of all Chinese Indonesian people, victims of discrimination. As a 6 year-old girl, I remember feeling helpless as I saw my parents shaking when the mob was in the vicinity of our house. This of course can lead to deeper hatred β†’

Select a code of conduct to revise

In addition, the communication language in which the code of business conduct should convey the message should be understood by the employees. Corporate companies like Diageo and Coca-Cola prohibit their employees from taking for themselves or directing business opportunity to other people that business opportunity that the organization has turned down. This is because of β†’

Inside the walls of isis: the making of a radica

Social media has been a may drive and an instrument that in draws the youth and women around the world in joining this extremist group. For a group of radical Muslim extremists, ISIS has been successful in luring youths into its ranks. Issues of youth Muslims joining extremists groups such as ISIS is a threat β†’

Why keeping data populations separate is crucial to the validity and integrity of process capability calculations

They could also know what they can do for them to be happy with their suppliers. How would one recommend the QMS for the company to describe the process to measure supplier capability? This can make them ensure that the processes are capable, and controlled. The company in need of suppliers could factor the cost β†’


The documentary mainly revolves around the topic of religion and the author trying to prove on the fact that the religion or specifically Christianity is similar or based on older systems of religion. The main concept that was utilized in this video by the director was to find the similarities between the religion of Christianity β†’

Comparison of non-vegetarians and vegetarians

Non-vegetarians and vegetarians are similar in that both consume vegetables, both see their diet as a means of staying healthy and physically fit while the two differ in the range of foods, perceptions about animals, and tendency to become overweight or obese. The desire to be a vegetarian comes from a myriad of sources which β†’

Week 4

It mainly focuses on the type of work they undertake, where they get finances and the target community. The united African transition is one community organization that has a focus on African Americans. The target community for this organization is quite different from the habitat for humanity and communities in schools.

What are the effects of success

Therefore, before aspiring for success, every person has to ponder over change along with the positive and negative consequences of success. Before aspiring for success that is well-liked, every person should weigh the negative and positive effects.

Culture, technology and education

Moreover, the future of technology in education will be argued. The characteristics of culture state that culture is learned and not biologically present, it is shared and not a concept regarding the unique qualities of an individual, it is passed from one generation to another and it is based on the human ability to adapt. β†’

Animal right

This paper will assess the views of Tom Regan on animal rights as compared to the utilitarian view of animal rights. Regan gave the philosophy of animal rights in his famous book The Case for Animal Rights. Regan rejects this view and argues that humans gain the value and respect regardless of their rationality as β†’

Business ethics fatalism is the philosophical doctrine

Hence on this view, " what will be, will be, and there is nothing we can do about it". Free will is the philosophical and theological doctrine that some of our choices are uncaused and effective. The attributes of a moral person in general and in business include; A.

Mohandas karamchand gandhi

He found nonviolence in Christianity, Buddhism and other religions. Gandhi practiced Hinduism by continuing to be a vegetarian all his life, he read and acted upon the teachings of Gita and he preached about non-violence and peace (Mahatma Gandhi: Hinduism at its Best). Gandhi called himself " Sanatani" Hindu, because he believed in " the β†’

Normative ethics

Only the mentioned cases should anyone conduct abortion. In case, the health of the mother is at stake and there is no way the fetus can survive under those circumstances. Such cases of abortion should not be morally permissible despite the justification such individuals try to make on the acts. I believe that if the β†’

The substance of justice – sex offender records

Due Sex Offender Records Like other counties in the Harris County has 63 sex offenders who are in the records of the Texas Department of Public Safety. The offenders are documented according to the type of sex offence he or she committed and the magnitude of the offense (Texas Department of Public Safety n.p).

Andrews discussion 3

If your rating has not changed, are your reasons for the rating any different now from when you first responded to this statement? The rating of the initial statement lies at ' strongly agree.' It does not change after reading the text because the meaning can only get stronger. As such, the doctrine of utilitarianism β†’

Mapping an argumetnt

According to them, this law is not useful to the society since it has no value to add to the workers, labor unions, small-scale traders, middle class and the political economy. However, McElroy concludes by acknowledging that, as a victim of this crisis, autism really exists and even if CDC denies it, it will eventually β†’

Letter to the senator concerning various ethnic and racial groups

In this case, we have a feeling that the strands that the US has made in terms of law enactment are yet to reach a threshold that guarantee safety of life and property of the black. As such, we are forced to believe that native are more important that the black in the eyes of β†’

Importance of trainning and education. is it important yes or no why

18 April The Importance of Training and Education Education and training are indispensable requirements for any individual, be it for a good career or a good life. Although educational institutions and training institutes have formalized the very process of learning, the fact is that an individual undergoes education and training right from his infancy, when β†’

Reflection paper on the ron clark story

He is given a class that includes what everyone considers to be the " losers and beyond help," the worst of the worst students in the school. He also applies another unorthodox approach to teaching American history to his students, helping them remember the presidents and the events during each presidency by singing and memorizing β†’

Karen sanchez

Barber appeals to logos and ethos to expose the growing relationship between commercialization and the educational system that has emerged throughout history. Furthermore, Barber argues that school institutions need to take back the reign of education by providing students with a multicultural, civic, and literate education in order to shape informed citizens and not an β†’

Accounting rules and laws in puerto rico

In addition the report should bear proper authentication i.e.should be signed by the president or vice-president of the company and the treasure or assistant treasurer. Thefinancial statementsubmitted should be prepared in accordance to the general acceptable accounting principle showing the financial position of the business at the end of the period. The β†’

Process paper on making snowman

Jim could not wait to show Sean how to build the perfect snowman so he begins right away. Now their snowman needs three main body parts his legs, chest, and head. Now repeat the process of molding the ball and rolling it to create the three body parts with one large and β†’

Mistakes of law enforcement on norfolk four case

" The Confessions" Response The case of the Norfolk Four illustrated the mistakes that law enforcement made to solve cases in the fastest way possible. The second option was to tell the truth and say that they were innocent.

Explain advantages and disadvantages of the process of amending the constitution

The first part of the process is proposing an amendment this can be done in two ways, firstly by having two-thirds of both houses of the United States Congress agree to the proposal, or by a national convention assembled at the request of the legislatures of at least two-thirds of the states agreeing to the β†’

Lab report example

These concepts makes it possible for astronomers to estimate how big objects are, therefore, the purpose of this report was to carry out the apparent measurement of the angular size of the moon using the concept of angular diameter. Procedure: Materials A ruler Two index cards A pencil A paper for β†’

How to build online business trust in the philippines

A Trust Mark Seal Certification is probably the easiest and most effective way of building trust in your business. Having a Business Verification Trustmark will tell your clients that you are a serious company that cares about ethics, security and reliability. Localized service is key to choosing a Trust Mark.

Article review on sport psychology

The assumption for this study was that the athletes would not give an attribution unless prompted to do so. It was sought to test the information that individuals can give after a match and after getting the results, whether positive or negative. The outcomes of the two studies indicated that individuals are more likely to β†’

Facing poverty with a rich girl habits

They moved to Queens where it was a totally different environment that she was custom to, it was a poor, ugly, beat up place. She showed a lot of interest what she was doing and took it upon herself to learn this language on her own.

Diamonds are forever in botswana essay

The company's business consists of overseeing the mining of diamonds and then selling them throughout the rest of the world. Even though De Beers is the dominant force in Botswana, they approached their venture in the country by having an equal relationship with the government split down the middle 50-50. From a socially responsible aspect, β†’

Organizational structure paper essay

Cox, H, MBA September 13, 2009 Abstract The purpose of this essay is to present the concept of structure, explaining the roles and relationships of organizational culture, and to illustrate how that structure can direct the behavior of teams. In the medical insurance company that I worked for, the organizational structure definitely affected the behavior β†’

Personal ethics

I will present how I have developed my own values, what the values are and the sources I have developed those ethics I was born in St. Growing up as a child I can remember my aunt Esther who is my father sister that lived downstairs' from my family; also she was very close β†’

Itm 501 mgt informatio systems: session long project 3 ‘the social system: user, managers, and it professionals’

It is essential to note that the use of the digital media and the increase and rise in the use of the Internet has led to a great increase in a number of aspects which include the improvements of the overall businesses and the working of many different organizations from several different industries. With the β†’

Visit museum

His role as a Senator is still remembered today, the panel of historians and Senate leaders still regard him as one of the greatest senators of all time. Mary Todd Lincoln House is a museum that was constructed to honor the wife of the wife of the 16th President of the U.S. I had the β†’

Chapter 1- introduction: the scope of medical anthropology

Chapter 1- Introduction: the scope of medical anthropology - Medical anthro: - How people in diff cultures explain the causes of ill health , types of treatment they believe in and whom they turn to when ill - Anthropology - " The study of man" 1) Physical Anthropology - Human biology - β†’

Blue nile inc

Although it is not the only player in the market, its performance demonstrates that it has higher chances of becoming so competitive in the market. This is a good strategy which might enable the company to win the confidence of its clients as they seek to consider it as the company of choice amongst its β†’

The value of a chief information officer

The Value of a Chief Information Officer The Chief Information Officer is also known by the Information Technology Director. Being a senior post, it is a must for a CIO to possess a post-graduate degree in the field of management such as MBA.

Delegating responsibilities is the key to effective management

DELEGATING RESPONSIBILITIES IS THE KEY TO EFFECTIVE MANAGEMENT' al Affiliation ' Delegating Responsibilities Is the Key to Effective Management' Delegating responsibilities is the key to effective management due to a number of aspects including authoritative powers and overall operations. During the delegation process, the manager must pair a task to the individual that can perform β†’

The concerns of the management team of all star industries

In the case study in question, it is easy to understand the concerns of the management team of All Star Industries. The suspicion that she may have acquired the kidney via unauthorized channels is again a problem for the regulators and policy makers, taking for granted the basic entitlement of a citizen to. Looking exclusively β†’

Design management/ short summaries

The main purpose for such designs, is to enable users adjust and acclimatize easily to a process, system or product without having experiences. The main notion of user friendly is that it utilizes designs with common psychological of uses. The site is designed to grab their interests; it offers business information from finance and business β†’

Article review and response (read full directions)

Moreover, in markets outside the US, Adidas may have enough marketing programs in place to compensate for the loss of traction from leaving the NBA. On the other hand, it may be that losing the NBA sponsorship will further erode Adidas' already dwindling market share and prospects in the United States. Only time will tell β†’

Marketing unethicality of agoda

This promotion practices seems to be consistent with the customer-driven marketing strategy since this allows the company to explore differentiated market segmentations with efferent consumers' needs for different hotels. However, behind the successful strategy, it is likely to be ignored that the contents of its promotion should be considered as unethical issues, which β†’

Love – mednet.com

Differentiation also implies offering a set of meaningful valued differences to distinguish the company's offering from that of its competitors. 2) Discuss the marketing goals of Mednet.com. The marketing goals of Mednet.com include achieving sales growth, satisfying its customers, increase viewers of the website, and increase its customer base. Approximately 80% of the firm's revenues β†’

Challenge 1 report

Culture and religious beliefs can also influence the clients' demand for the dental services to be offered by the facility. Economic factors can also influence the success of the business. The higher the interest rates and inflation in the country, the more expensive it can be to operate the business.

Importance of pricing essay

Yet pricing decisions can have important consequences for the marketing organization and the attention given by the marketer to pricing is just as important as the attention given to more recognizable marketing activities. Some reasons pricing is important include: Most Flexible Marketing Mix Variable For marketers price is the most adjustable of all marketing decisions. β†’

Lombardi’s italian grill

The need to change her immediate marketing strategy indicates that her business is not doing according to her expectation. Monica located her restaurant in a strategic position that is convenient to the customers.

Case study of apple

The Industry Organization Model is an alternative but the intrinsic nature of the Resource-Based Model establishes its suitability. The Resource-Based Model of above-average returns is one of the strategies that Apple can apply in order to remain dominant and innovative in a competitive environment. An understanding of available resources is therefore the first stage in β†’

The differences between multi-channel retailing and omni-channel retailing

The similarity is that both use multiple channels to sell products. The main objective of multi-channel retailing is to increase reach to as many customers as possible whereas that of omni-channel retailing is to improve engagement and personalisation with the customers, building a stronger relationship between consumers and the brand. For instance, for multi-channel retailing, β†’

Global economics and poverty essay examples

Movement of people between countries provides the potential of transferring skills from developing countries to developed countries resulting into increased wages in those countries. Another aspect of globalization according to IMF is transfer of information and technology between countries. While the IMF argues that countries benefit from globalization, the chart indicates otherwise meaning that globalization β†’

Campaign measurables

In explanation, the support involves the indication of the best performing advertising tactics and making the optimal choice on the tactic to use. The real measure of the impact is through the sales that a particular advertising campaign is able to make in relation to a given product.

A market solution to california’s water crisis

This " policy soup" continues to be reflected in current water policy and includes riparian and appropriative rights to water in addition to the more recent era of California water law, which is based on the reallocation and management of the state's existing water supply. In many areas of the state, water districts or wholesalers β†’


Identify the strengths and weaknesses of our competitor's marketing programs. Analyze the response to our marketing program to determine what areas of the program are more effective and need to be modified to become more successful 5.

Cover and thank you letter

Despite my lack of hands-on experience in a work environment, I have developed technical skills and the ability to present details to a large environment required in the business environment. In order to attain the objective of working in a challenging and interesting environment, I am requesting for consideration in the aforementioned position in your β†’

Marketing case

This second read-through is critical because a solid grasp of the business situation will help you better identify the primary problem and help you assess the viability of any proposed solutions.3. The third reading is to help you determine the primary problem and the goal of the firm. Many times, cases will not β†’

Product evaluation on bluetooth

The aim of the current discourse is to provide a product evaluation of Bluetooth through identifying its uses, benefits, costs, and other relevant concerns that users must be aware of. Bluetooth is deemed to be designed for the purpose of providing a cheap and secure tool to connect and exchange various information between the abovementioned β†’

Small groups

I even act as a mediator between the group members and the members of the organization that are situated in the top most level of the organization. The group members have considerable amount of influence on my behavior, their awareness and experience power have made me and the group dependant on them. I am easy β†’

Call to action

Obesity Obesity Review of The Surgeon General's Vision for a Healthy and Fit Nation The initiative, dubbed ' Exercise Medicine Initiative' was spearheaded by US surgeon General Regina Benjamin incorporating both US Department of Health and Human Services and American College of Sports Medicine and Medicare. It is inspired by the need to reduce overweight β†’

Role of strong woman

In this regard, this essay will discuss the role of strong women in the family based on short story " Shiloh", by Bobbie Ann Mason. To start with, strong women in the society present certain characteristics that are universal among them. In such cases, strong women are supposed to guide their husbands for the benefit β†’


In order to modify this table, I would revise the presentation by adding colors to the titles, provide exact unit of measure (i.e.in dollars or numbers of people enrolled, or the amount of money spent/received) and finally I would provide the information that is to be communicated in its right kind by an appropriate main β†’

Behavior of students

Classroom management is important because the behavior of students affects the learning of everyone in the class. Students are often restless. Sleeping in class is a student behavior that is disruptive to the learning in the class.

Response and analysis

Totalitarian regimes are obsessed with the idea of possible revolution and overthrow that is why the Capitol aims to ensure its power by reminding people their place and their worth: " Taking the kids from our districts, forcing them to kill one another while we watch this is the Capitol's way of reminding us how totally β†’

Choose one

According to the ethical principle of common good, parents should allow their children to attain both spiritual and human flourishing by encouraging the development of innate talents. Parents and teachers should allow children to develop the innate talents.

Aristotle rhetoric

In the view of Aristotle, the personal character presents a notion of credibility or otherwise to the public. The different genres of rhetoric include; Forensic rhetoric which is mainly aimed at persuading an audience that a particular action which was taken in the past was just. This is a rhetoric concept that even the politicians β†’

Media coverage of war

Running head: Media Coverage of War Media Coverage of War Insert Insert Grade Insert 14 June Media Coverage of War The proposed study will cover the subject ' Media Coverage of War' which will illuminate on the role and nature of media coverage that prevailed throughout the Iraq war. The study will evaluate the universal β†’

Edgar allan poe’s story and death theme

In the story, ' The Masque of the Red Death,' a disease known to the people as the Red Death makes entry into a nation where it kills the residents fast gruesomely, despite the fact that the disease spreads fast. The narrator is Montresor. In the story ' The Masque of the Red Death,' death β†’


Her peace activism had roots in politics and art from the way back in the time when she was growing up and hence her work cannot simply be reduced to just activism because she also explored the politics development and philosophy and incorporated them in her peace attempts and activities. She was brought up in β†’


The statement justifies that social class in the United States is one of the major determinants of the quality of education. The education system has helped to progress the social inequality in America where the rich get richer, and the poor continue passing on poverty across the generations. " In the middle-class school, work is getting β†’

Second home

The author is specifically privy to the fact that tone can be used to express the mood of the essay to the reader and convey the message in its intended form. Specifically, the author's diction, her sentence structure, the choice of words, imagery, and figurative language are important aspects of the use of tone. One β†’

Student performance objectives

In this text, I will discuss three of these objectives and how I managed to attain them. Interpret and Critique Deductive and Inductive Reasoning Firstly, the third objective of this course expected learners, the end to be in a position to interpret and critique deductive and inductive reasoning. Contrarily, inductive is that which starts β†’

Sport clothing

Use of technology in sports involves application of knowledge in using specialized equipment and tools and making use of the available improved technologies to perform tasks more effectively and efficiently. The Role Of Technology In Sports.Web.

United airlines swot analysis

Northwest Airlines It has recently merged with the Delta Airlines to form one of the largest airlines in the world. Its greatest strength is in the fact that it is largest airlines in US which transports largest numbers of passengers to various domestic destinations.

Qn1 essay

Multi-disciplinary approach to leadership, for instance, enhances the satisfaction of all of the leader's subordinates, their areas of specialization notwithstanding. Qn5 I have leant that systems thinking and integrity are important to the success of a public health leader Qn 6 How can integrity leaders maintain integrity in public health? Discussion 3 β†’

Example of essay on building a human identity

In this paper, I would present a situation in which I had to go to another community after living in my community for 17 years. I have always learnt about the cultures of other communities in class, but never got the opportunity to interact with them. The organizers decided to reschedule the event to another β†’

Example of essay on raising your child

Through the social learning theory, the parents can be able to help their children to learn new concepts by letting them imitate and observe their actions and behaviors. One of the most applicable principles of social learning theory is the Vygotsky's social culture theory. This theory helped me to raise β†’

Journal #2 essay examples

The chapter identified that there is no linear movement through various stages of adjustment of parents in response to a birth of a child with disability and that the adjustment process is continuous and individual. The communication patterns within a family may change as one of the reactions to the β†’

Essay on what is a life- long learner

The whole process is all about provision of chances that update available skills and offer advancements to the next learning levels. Plan to be a life-long learner. The initial step would be to have a learning contract. My plan would also be inclusive of learning priorities, i.e.what level of knowledge I intend to gain, time β†’

Good essay on drones in the states

On TV, in press, on the radio, and the good, wonderful world wide web, You hear it mentioned, in good and in bad, A thought visits your mind, If they did not visit Pakistani, it must be Iran, or whatever, ' Oh not again!' you cringe. The drones, are they the lethally stinging mother-bees? You β†’

The some detail. plant extracts are a

The anodic reactions of steel electrode corrosion constrained with the development of the Annona squamosa extract concentration. The additional Annona squamosa extract restrained the cathodic reaction to a larger extent than the anodic one. In conclusion, Annona squamosa extract inhibits the corrosion of C38 steel in solutions and the expanding inhibiting properties that enlarge the β†’

Cauda equina

Consequently, we are going to highlight some of the clusters and diagrams illustrating the pathophysiology of the caunda equina. Illustration demonstrating an example of caunda equina syndrome secondary to a spinal neoplasm in a patient; B. How do you know that this patient has it? Apparently, the Cauda equina syndrome is a neurological disorder which β†’

Critique of king’s theory of the goal of attainment

The critique of King's Goal of Attainment Theory: Background: Imogene King was the first to introduce the Theory of Goal Attainment in the early 1960s. This extensive work in the nursing field contributed greatly in the theory because of her experience in the nursing field research. The Theory of Goal Attainment describes the relationship between β†’

Nursing informatics applying standardized terminologies in practice

Nursing Informatics: Applying standardized Terminologies in Practice Nursing Informatics: Applying standardized Terminologies in Practice There is a need to pinpoint the input given by nurses to patient care. Lastly, the PNDS is a databank that defines perioperative nursing analyses, intercessions, and patient results. In conclusion, standardized terminologies are essential to the nursing β†’

Home visit with sallie mae fisher

Do you check your weight? Sallie Mae: yes, I check my weight and I have discovered that I have been gaining weight at a very high rate. Nurse: weight gain is an indication that the body is retaining extra fluid, which is common in patients with congestive heart failure. Are you following the discharge instructions β†’


In addition, Lorcaserin is used by patients exhibiting at least one weight-related health problem such as hypertension and type-2 diabetes. Nursing implications: Efficacy and safety In 2006, Phase III of the lorcaserin development program was started, and this involved three main trials: Behavioral Modification and Lorcaserin for Overweight and Obesity Management trial, β†’

Analize different leadership traits and styles in today’s health care organization and differentiate formal and informal power and leadership

Analyze different leadership traits and styles in todays health care organization and differentiate formal and informal power and leadership Nursing [Date] Analyze different leadership traits and styles in todays health care organization and differentiate formal and informal power and leadership Leadership is a key factor in the successful running of any organization. This paper β†’

The nursing from india

My Future Plans and Aspirations As I remember my childhood I feel nostalgic about the moments I would always like to cherish. The time I was kid, I had my own choices and preferences about anything I came across without restraint imposed by elders in the family or the peer group I lived in.

Course project

Demographic variables are attributes of the subjects that are calculated during the learning and used to depict the illustration. It is important to understand the ideal demographic variables in a research program because most of them are similar.

Discourse communities

An example of this would be comparing the discourse communities of anursingmajor and aneducationmajor. According to the Sacramento State Course Catalog, " Nursing is a caring discipline with a foundation of nursingscienceguided by the application of moral and ethical principles of care andresponsibility" and " The professional educator brings together subject matter β†’

Identify an area/problem in your own clinical setting/practice of interest to you

The problem identified and to be discussed is the hygienic negligence of health workers and how that affects the patients in the clinic. The research question that is seeking to be answered from this question is " How does the hygienic negligence of health workers in a clinic affect the patients?" This research question is β†’

Osha violations for a hospital

Awareness on acceptable safety and health standards is achieved through training and educating employees and the managers of the work organization, on provisions of the Occupational Safety and Health Act. However, in the United States of America, it has been proved that some organizations or facilities do not satisfactorily comply with the health and safety β†’

Symbolization in sonny’s blues short story

In Sonny's Blues, there are many symbolizations used which can be identified, some of them are the name of the speaker's daughter Grace, scotch and milk, and the term ' cup of trembling'. It can be assumed that the writer's thought and beliefs have really influenced the symbolizations found in Sonny's Blues.

Lost in the city

What transpires in between are snapshots of Lydia's times with her mother intermingled with recollections of past times with the man beside whom she was sleeping, juxtaposed to the person with whom she lost her virginity, a man that Lydia recalls, "....for the thirty days during the month of her birthday...sent her the reddest roses β†’

1971 and 2001 brian’s song. the differences between versions

Although the acting was better in the 2001 movie, it did not really follow the original storyline. It was definitely a change in the type of stories I prefer to read.

Sympatric speciation

1 25 0. 1 40 0.