550 Words Essay Samples

Biography of immanuel kant

Kant's Early Work Kant is renowned for his particular contributions I the fields of metaphysics and ethics, however, he was also helpful in providing important insights in to various disciplines as well. Kant was instrumental in developing one of the most important discoveries about the origin of the earth and its rotation.

Credit cards – phase 2 – ip

At various stages of your growing up, we too have undergone stages of learning about you and have tried to impart good habits of living that will stand the test of the time and would especially be useful in your freshman days, when you would have to make all your decisions on your own. The β†’

Joan of arc

Further, on the same night that the English soldiers had made her to sign the promise, the female clothing had been removed from her cell leaving her with the option of only the clothing for men. It is also important to note that the trial of Joan of Arc was mainly inspired by the interests β†’

Memorandum to myself

This means that the social entrepreneurs will mostly conduct their missions in accordance with the missions of the society and continue to learn the social values that exist within a given locality through adaptation. In this manner, social entrepreneurs have to incorporate personal values in their business because the main agenda of their businesses is β†’

Critical thinking assignment # 3

Regardless of the reasons, the rationale for solitary confinement does not justify the means because it is wrong and ineffective. According to Cole, Smith, and DeJong, the rationale of solitary confinement is that it serves as a form of punishment for prisoners who do not follow rules.

Nike sweatshops

The utilitarianism ethical framework works on the premise of maximizing the benefits and reducing the suffering and harm as well as other negative consequences. The ethical framework approach ensures a reduction of the suffering mentioned above and increases the benefits that the workers can accrue by working in Nike Inc.especially in the Asian nations β†’

Personal statement for mbus global analysis

I believe that I am more than qualified to be admitted to the Manchester Business School's Masters in Global Business analysis program because I possess the necessary skills, substantial knowledge, and the right attitude, that would enable me to become successful in my chosen field. In this regard, based on my performance in school, I β†’

Case study: 59 year old man with atherosclerosis and how the disease developed

The patient's right side was intact, but had hemiparesis on his left side due to a stroke located on the right side of his brain. The CVA also left the patient with homonymous hemianopia: the loss of half of the field of view on the same side in both eyes.

Clarifying your values

In many cases, their vehicles were destroyed as a result of the accidents. This is because the price of the Pinto had to increase as Ford tried to improve the safety of their vehicles.

Theory task one

It is hard to know where the roles and responsibilities of a teacher should stop and I feel is each teacher? s responsibility to know the boundaries? There exists a misconception that the only skill required to be a teacher is the ability to teach, but it goes far beyond this.

Monroe’s presidential rule: a proper soil for the seed of nationalism and sectionalism to grow

This gave the people of the United States time to focus on their own problems and gave them time to developed pride in the nation after the victory from the War of 1812. With respect to sectionalism in the United States during the Era of Good Feelings, it to also grew and had a great β†’

Character traits of elizabeth proctor

She knew of John's lechery with Abigail, who was their servant at the time, while she was sick. She was a Christian woman who was tied to her beliefs.

The true story of the americas after columbus

In fact, the country is recorded to have been wealthy and dominated by the Islamic culture at that time; in addition, the country also had large populations of the Jewish people that were prevalent in Europe. It is believed that during the reign of Charles I, America came to be conquered and colonized by Spain, β†’


That should mean that we can use this new and beneficial technology to our advantage, to make our lives easier in many aspects, read up and fill ourselves with useful knowledge in the click of a button, right? People do not interact the same with each other because they are used to conversing more through β†’

In owners of property to run away from

A true owner has every right to dispossess or throw out a trespasser when the trespasser is in the act or process of trespassing and has not accomplished his possession, but this right is not available to the true owner if the trespasser has been successful in accomplishing his possession to the knowledge of the β†’

The american court system

THE AMERICAN COURT SYSTEM 25 February THE AMERICAN COURT SYSTEM The American court system is a branch of the larger government system that consists of the executive, the legislature, and the judiciary. While the author should have started by introducing alternative dispute resolution in relation to the judicial system and then proceeded with a timeline β†’

Native tribes

Cormac McCarthy's " Blood Meridian" deals withracismin the form of The Judge's attitude toward the orphans, the tangible efforts of the gang to be more savage, and even in the Kid's role in the border skirmishes between the American settlers, the Native Americans and Mexicans living along the border. Though the gang is composed of β†’

Environmental science

20 April Environmental Science: Sustainability and Self-Sufficiency in Energy in Denver Denver is among the very few cities around the world which have taken solid measures in order to ensure sustainable development. In order to increase the popularity of energy-conservation programs among the residents, there needs to be a concerted effort made by Denver.


I made use of the opportunity to meet and talk with my peers in a casual manner in the canteen or the school campus. I am truly impressed with the prospect of carrying out debates and seminars in the classes and outside them, with my peers and teachers.

Observing the nature of gender

With more and more women entering into the workforce and more men electing to stay at home with their children, the traditional roles of the genders would change their appearance, while not entirely, to some degree in comparison to how they were before. With the nation's economy facilitating the change, to whatever degree, in the β†’

Dengue in brazil, situation, transmission and control

The first reported incidences of dengue in Brazil were in 1923 in S o Paulo and Niteroi in which 11000 people were infected. The ocurrence of dengue and weather changes in Brazil: A systematic review.

Organizational behavior theories taxonomy

Principal object of management should be to secure the maximum prosperity for the company and maximum prosperity for the employee.2. The global economy our country's market is engaged with requires that organization's theories of management account for and help interpret the rapidly changing nature of today's organizational environments.

Take home exam for a germany class

He believed that business should be in existence to serve and support the needs of the state, and not the other way around. As a matter of fact, he demonized the Jews and blamed them for many of the economic ills of Germany.

American expansion in the 1940s

Together with the rise of the country's banking system, this expansion substantially contributed to the development of economy and commerce in those times. In addition, in the 1830s President Jackson initiated a campaign directed on driving out American Indian tribes living in Ohio Valley and on the territories around modern Georgia, Tennessee and Alabama to β†’

Tuberculosis your lungs. in addition, uganda ranked 20th

In addition, Uganda ranked 20th in the worldwith the highest number of TB cases. As a result, the Philippines were ranked 22 countries in the worldwith the most number of TB cases which also worries the World HealthOrganization.

Lengthening the school day

Consider a proposal to lengthen the school day to the hours of 8. A longer school day provides students with adequate time to engage in both curricular and extracurricular activities.the number of hours available in the current school day are highly prioritized towards curricular activities.this gives teachers less time to introduce students to extracurricular content β†’

Computer crime

And the system can be forced to perform functions without the owners? knowledge or permission. Depending on the intruders? intent, the attack can be localized to a specific system.

View on the american history through the name of war by jill lepore

The writer intends to make the reader understand how the English people and the Indians survived the king Phillips war and how the two tribes revived after the war. The war demonstrates the experiences of the British colonialists and the natives that lay foundation to the competition between the Europeans and the Indians over control β†’

Hollywood and porter diamond model essay

Hollywood is the biggest film industry in the world and for over six decades it has been a benchmark in film making and entertainment marketing in the world. The reason for it is the competitiveness of art and entertainment industry in United States.

Four seasons case study assignment

The most important thing they look in the deep during the interview with candidates is the attitude of that candidate. It Is very important to understand the national culture and laws of that country In which the firm is going to enter.

How international business can effectively compete in the global market

In the current study the three main components that lead to success in the international setting are human resources, the processes used by the managers and the technology that is applied in the processes. Management of the relationship that a company has with the others also helps in effective competition in a marketplace.

Thomas jefferson was the author of the declaration of independence

Thomas Jefferson was the author of the Declaration of Independence, the third U.S.president, and was an important figure in the early development of America. The night before Thomas Jefferson's inauguration, John Adams was signing in the appointment of the new judges at midnight.

Public administration

Open Model The open model presumes that the discipline should not be imposed from top and this model advocates the self actualisation needs of the people. But the open model presumes that all the organizations are same as the objectives of society and the non-public organizations can not be very different.

Role of cognition and thought in learning

It is one of the mental processes that are parts of human cognition. Moreover, cognition is an important aspect of the child's learning.

Good morning doctor bert – creative writing

Suction, no Carla do not suck on the stomach I mean get the machine to suck the blood out of the way. Now we have cleaned that up I want you to start cutting in to the stomach.

Cost accounting proposal

The parent company establishes the goals to be met by the online business unit and depends upon the measurement of the management related to costs of operations. The step method on the other hand does recognize that support-service departments provide services to each other and of allocates costs in steps.

Final self-seessment

The Q@I is the essence of any argument which makes it important for the writer to give answers or further discussion to the question. Is it the two-year colleges or the traditional four year colleges? " The novelty of the four-year colleges have made so many people ignore the two-year colleges.

A reaction paper on the statement

Aside from gaining the knowledge of the realities about challenges, humans are now able to make the best out of the hardships that come along the way as they intend to be the best that they could be in facing their own lives. It is through this particular factor of life that each individual is β†’

Outline and evaluate the psychodynamic model of abnormality

It is the idea that conscious thoughts and feelings are determined by the unconscious mind, and essentially being mentally healthy requires a good balance between: the id, the superego and the ego. Freud thought that thechildhoodof an individual was essential in the development of personality and that all abnormal behaviours are linked to childhood.

Automotive design

Sana Osman English 14 April 2009 The Future of Automotive Design Automotive design is based on the consideration of the artistic and visual aspects of an automobile. It includes almost every bit of the automobile that is visible, from the seat to the door trims, from the dashboard to the steering wheel.

There which is started in the pool,

The three other styles are the backstroke, the breaststroke, which is commonly called as frog style, and the butterfly. Competitors dive in from starting blocks, except for the backstroke, which is started in the pool, and are timed to the 1/1000^ of a second by touching the electronic pads at the finish.

Titration of a strong acid report examples

The equivalence point is determined by the midpoint between the two points, which is 15 mL.- The volume of NaOH added at the endpoint of the titration for the first trial - The volume of NaOH added at the endpoint of the titration for the second trial. 63 and thus the pH at the half-equivalence β†’

Emergency preparedness and response

Response is the action to prevent more damage and save lives once a disaster hits. Recovery is the immediate action to stabilize a community following a disaster, for example, restoring critical services and supplies of disaster to the victims.

Policies and procedures summary

The policy of operational issues is essential for the control of harmful wastes, which helps in the conservation of the environment and the community. The basic procedural areas of procurement comprise of the purchasing cycle, correct application of purchasing forms and the development of authorized agreements.


The subjects of France will have the liberty of fishing and drying on a part of the costs of island of Newfoundland.V. The Indians would be under the protection of the government of United States.

Article review exercise

The authors claim that the regime reproduced the scheme it devised following the riots of October 1988 to avert the effects of the Arab spring in 2011. Moreover, they claim that the economic concessions offered to the civilians by the Algerian government prevented the regime from the uprisings.

Binge drinking epidemic in australia – opinion essay

The major contributing factor to this however, would be the fact that the majority of Australians enjoy drinking alcohol, and it has become part of their way of life. It's hard to believe that they choose to ignore this fact, because in the end, it is the money that they are concerned about, instead of β†’

A distributors by selling their products. he also

He demonstrates the operation of the product to the customers tells them about the maintenance of the product and provides after-sales services according to the nature of the products. These salesmen also inform the manufacturers regarding the shortage and abundance of their products in the market from time to time.

Jerry sandusky

The issue about specificity is the battle composed in the pretrial litigation part that determines the anticipated to be a vastly publicized trial. This paper will analyze the argument developed by both the defense and prosecution side, and discuss in detail the probable side to win the case.

Interventions for hiv / aids prevention education

According to the results from this research, it was identified that most of the respondents were adolescents whose ages are in the range of 14 and 15 years. There was also a control group that did not take part in any of the interventions.

Re-crystallization of boric acid

0558g Appearance of borax White powder Time for solubility of borax 5min Time for boric acid crystals to form 12min Part B: Filtration Table 2.mass of watch glass and filter paper, mass of watch glass, filter paper and wet crystals from filtration and qualitative observations of crystals after filtration. Table 5.mass of watch glass, filter β†’

Juvenile delinquency

Juvenile Delinquency: Is there really a light at the end of the tunnel? With the help of juvenile programs, changing the path of young repeat offenders can cause of an all together strengthened community.

History and political science: socialism

Due History and Political Science: Socialism There are a number of political, social, and socio-economictheories that claim to be the format for the ideal government. It is a political, social, and economic structure that advocates " collectiveness," which grants the means of production and distribution of goods into the hands of the government and out β†’

Quantitative designs

The disorder spans from childhood to adulthood in some cases and therefore the need to broaden the research scope to possibly find the possible solution to this disorder. Impulse control case in conjunction to the excessive restlessness in-patient and then kept under control will be the starting point.

A child of two worlds

A Child of Two Worlds As a student from a mixed race background, have had to make a choice relating to my identity as well as how I would prefer those around me to perceive me. This has made me to particularly hate my high school and in many occasions, I have had to β†’

Multicultural matrix paper

Due to the globalizing trend of economy in particular and of the world in general, people of different races and cultures move dramatically from one place to another in the global scale. Since racism is far from economic in nature, Nakanishi and Lai encourage the labor movement as a whole to change certain course of β†’

Plastic surgery research paper

Socio-cultural influences higher women interest in pursuing plastic surgery in order to transform their bodies.-The extent to which young women impute media messages about physical appearance issues will be examined as a predictor of their interest in cosmetic surgery. An important reason that pushes women to pursue a plastic surgery is the opinion of other β†’

Film critique: braveheart

The theme of Braveheart has beautifully adorned the film through the expression of strength and valor. Hence, the characters portray the independence of will, and strength of character, throughout the film.

Plato and socrates

Plato was the founder of the Academy in Athens. Plato was the teacher of Aristotle and he was used as an advisor to the great leaders of Athens at the time.

Globalization tidal wave of hong kong assignment

Every barber knows that Hong Kong Is a famous free port In the East Salsa and even in the world. And lastly, the most important reason is that globalization also shapes our understanding of what is important and what is not to know.

Writing summary assignment

It should condense the source material and be presented in the summary writer's own words. The length Of a summary is often be determined by the instructor.

So process that they naturally do and scientists

The insertion into the DNA is done using enzymes, and it produces a molecule of recombinant DNA. As bacteria reproduce, they replicate the plasmid and pass it on to their offsprings, making copies of the DNA it contains.

Early-modern ethiopian migration to italy and the question of european racism

Early-Modern Ethiopian Migration to Italy and the Question of European Racism Before starting this paper, the research would like to mention the fact that many nations in Africa continent such as Somalia, Algeria, Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Congo, Nigeria etc.have remained the focus of international community and political debates because of rising number of disputes and β†’

Socrates as one of the well-known philosophers

He pushed the youth to oppose the local government to a point that they had even lost trust in the local system and is one of the charges that he was set to face. He sought to show that the fact that he was the only person with the ability or rather the strength to β†’

Consumer union and consumer report

As to how Consumer Reports information will impact the information search, I think that Consumer Reports will impact consumers more on the external search side. This process is then reflected to the consumer union and consumer reports.

Essay on animism and the contributions of thales, essay

Anaximander, And AnaIn the early times, before the beginning of human civilization and development of philosophy, people believed in the idea that Gods, who basically controlled every individual aspect of human existence, controlled the world. He also believed that the formation of the world was due to the separation of opposites, and that the opposites β†’

Let glycolysis passing through the two membranes of

The Krebs cycle starts with the pyruvic acid produced by glycolysis passing through the two membranes of the mitochondria and into the matrix. When a pair of high energy electrons move down the chain, the energy is used to move H+ ions through the membrane.

Challenges faced by modern managers of organisations and their solutions

Lack of management skills Lack of management skills is a problem that is very difficult to deal with in most small and medium enterprises as the size of the senior management team is necessarily limited. There are chances that most of the people who may have come to have a sweet corn may change their β†’

Cricket world cup 2011

By the end of the 18th century, cricket had developed to the point where it had become the national sport of England. The expansion of the British Empire led to cricket being played overseas and by the mid-19th century the first international matches were being held.

Investors to mainstream bitcoin

It will allow users to send, buy, and store Bitcoin free of charge; the business is a break from the fee-based Bitcoin consumer services that have prevailed up until now. The Winklevoss twins, who have themselves been Bitcoin investors for some time, are also bullish on the future of the digital currency and believe there β†’

American airline

Information To understand how the airline maximizes profits and selling amount needed to determine the optimal mix of fare for this flight, the super 80 jet with a carrying capacity of 125 to calculate was provided. The best formula for calculating the profits is total revenue acquired minus spoilage and over-sale costs.

The diary of a young girl and good conflict

Bullies are examples of conflict bringing out the worst in people when they do not know how to deal with it. GOOD Conflict brings out greatness in people in Paradise Road, when even as her friends are slowly dying in front of her, Adrienne brings hope to all the women in the camp by starting β†’

Organisational behaviour trends analysis essay

With the realization that formidable analysis of the organization is necessary in order to provide a clear understanding of the attributes that contribute to success, this investigation considers the development of such an analytic framework for understanding the overall success of the organization. Martin maintains that the specific behavior that occurs in this context is β†’

My english class assignment

First thing I learned in this class was how to write a formal letter. After I learned how to write a letter, I learned the write a sentence.

Management and leadership

Shetrone the CEO and President of Vision Technologies has played a major role in the success of the company. And finally the collaborative leader constitutes of work related characteristic to show his dedication and drive to excel.

Among the hidden – chapters 1-10

Why did Luke's dad sell the woods? the government forced him toThe Population Law went into effect before Luke was born and stated thatfamilies could not have more than 2 childrenThe only time Luke's family defied the government was when theykept LukeWhen did Luke's mother tell him why he had to hide? the day of β†’

The age of absolutism

Frederick the Great Among the prime reforms that Frederick the great sought was to modernize and unite the otherwise disconnected lands. In addition, he sought international alliances with other leaders across the globe so as to strengthen his control of Prussia and surrounding regions.

Social disorganization argumentative essay

Social disorganization refers to the failure by society members to gain social values and create solutions to most encountered problems in the community. This is affected by the mass rural-urban migration that leads to residential inability as well as the intermingling of the people with distinct cultural upbringings.

Answer the questions (n)

This world is for those who believe in survival of the fittest; and, to be the fittest, one has to be able to suppress the negativities and passiveness of one's nature, and show the stronger side of it to the world. The main cause of all environmental health problems that poorer countries face is pollution.

Making choices guide

When it is the question of aged people, care givers should understand their physical needs and religious needs in choosing a living environment. Care givers need to assess the financial capacity of the old people and select a living environment which is simple but health providing.

Checkpoint 1: information system business problem dimensions

I have an information system that is completely different from the owner and President of our company because our specialties and tasks are in different areas. It is people that have to understand and use the information in order for the system to achieve the businessgoals.

The enron and worldcom scandals

With the conflict of interest between Fastow, the senior management team, Arthur Andersen, and the lawyers it was difficult for the board to ensure they were receiving the correct information and the policy was being followed. The executives activities created a conflict of interest when some created and managed SPEs and set on the board β†’

North american financial: case study

A through and rigorous method of project categorization and prolongation, First the committee needs to carry out the categorization and proportional project process. The committee should also include a IT financial specialist.

Design and technology

This will involve an examination of the bank door locks, the various surveillance mechanism put in place, the bank alarm system, emergency facilities, access control and electricity and lighting in the bank. This is because the security of the bank forms the basis of operating the bank in this locality.


Conclusion This article provides an analysis of the online branding techniques adapted by the various fashion retailers in UK. The author provided a comprehensive analysis of the online branding strategies of the fashion retailers in UK.

Prison overcrowding

And according to the most recent statistics from Californians Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, the state gives a bigger budget to prisons than any other state. On the other hand, we have real fighters in prisons, and they will try their best to fight for their life.

Describe legal system incentives for social responsibility

They present to the world a picture of their contribution to the society in form of a good deed named Corporate Social Responsibility. An example can be taken from the field of Architecture, in many of the projects in New York City; legal incentives were given to developers in the form of added flow space.

Financial statement and operating indicator analysis

More to these, the information helps in predicting the growth of the company, possibility of the organization's failure, and the ability to access loan facilities. Consequent to these, the analysis plays a significant role in the management of the organization.

Bus303 module 2

I would like to take this opportunity to thank each one of you for your hard work and dedication to the university. Since we do not wish to impact any of the academic aspects of the university, hence one of the closest means to manage this issue is close to your office desk.


The most important resource is the house in which the day care center will be located. The day care center will be providing services to different parents within the neighborhoods of the center.

Can the dvr kill the advert star?

With the advent of the DVR, the mutual relationship between the television and the advertisers is threatened when viewers no longer watch advertisements, advertisers will lose reason to buy spots from the networks. While it will be a bigger loss for television stations than the advertisers, the dilemma is for the television advertising industry to β†’

The hart-rudman report

The Hart-Rudman Report The Hart-Rudman Report This paper discusses the Hart-Rudman Report, where it analyses the motivation behind the establishment of the Hart-Rudman commission in the US, in the late 1990s. The Hart-Rudman Report was constituted in the late 1990s by the US top-level government to study major issues of National interest, mostly to do β†’

Blinding guilt trip – oedipus rex

Teiresias is telling Oedipus that he is brother and father to his children. When Teiresias says, " to her who bore him, son and husband," he is saying that Oedipus is the son and husband to his mother.

Pe paper

The entire show was conducted to demonstrate what the students have learned in their respective classes as well as for the entertainment of the whole student body. The only belly dance number that night was very daring and bold in terms of their movements and poses.