550 Words Essay Samples

Unlike some of our previous reading selections, which have focused on the importance of community and collectivism, the reading selections below present the benefits of solitude and individuality. they provide additional ideas and insights about our cour

In her opinion essay " The Rise of the New Groupthink" Susan Cain claims that solitude is definitely a productive way to gain some intellectual result and generate new ideas, as being alone people are more focused and efficient workers then participating in a group work. The main point the author asserts in her essay →

Augustine and aquinas

Augustine and Aquinas of the of Augustine and Aquinas Page I believe that the ethical motive of the office workeris that the he is obliged to stay at his job till his duty requires. Aquinas believe that evil is not determined by the outcomes but by the intent of individual committing that deed, while Augustine →


His speech starts with diction to show his presidential accomplishment and to pass a message to Americans that he believes in the freedom gained through his election. His message is rhetoric and full of imagery, which makes it appealing to the public in America and beyond and memorable.

Com 5 informal report

The class had arranged for a business trip to Japan to identify and learn the Japanese culture which is wrongly perceived as a stumbling block for any business organization that wants to expand its operations to Japan. We boarded the plane, Japanese Airline, at 7oclock in the morning on 2nd August and took 8 hours →

State about your story

By studying mathematics, I will gain the necessary knowledge and skills to become an analyst in future. The application of the knowledge and skills I will acquire through the study of mathematics will not be limited to my career but will also be used in my daily life.

Compare the imagery in the following two poems

In this poem, he described the omnipotence of the Creator through the lines " What immortal hand or eye/ Could frame thy fearful symmetry?" In the same manner, he also vividly provided us the fierceness of the tiger as he painted its image as " Burnt the fire of thine eyes? / On what wings →


Lies Lead to More Lies It is a fact that lying leads to more lies. Apart from affecting the relationships, lying also leads to more lies and wastes time and energy of a person who tells a lie regarding some matter.

Socrates and crito

Crito wanted to take Socrates out of the prison but Socrates was ready for execution. But Socrates was not willing to accept the views of Crito.

What do you think are the most important qualities for women to succeed in todays business environment do you feel you hold these qualities

Women's Success in the Present Business Environment ID Women's Success in the Present Business Environment Success in the field of business in the present society requires many attributes. The ability to communicate to all sections of a firm would be one of the most important abilities that decide the success of a woman professional in →

Lies my teacher told me- james loewen

Lies My Teacher Told Me by James Loewen The book, Lies My Teacher Told Me by James Loewen represents a critical analysis of the manner in which textbooks used to teach American history in high schools are a great disservice to the nation and students. He goes further to assert that the nature of history →

Living with physical disability

One of the major responsibilities of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 is to make accommodations for disabled employees, under the title I of the Act. If the members of the family will not give emotional and physical support to the disabled person, he will get socially isolated and this will add to his →

Living in a big city to living in a small city

Today especially in the developed countries, majority of the people live in cities with migration from rural to urban area spurred by the attractions of the city such as better infrastructure access to services and higher employment opportunities. One of the similarities between small and big cities is that they both have access to social →

King arthur

Geoffrey of Monmouth" by David Nash Ford " Geoffrey of Monmouth" is an essay discussing the life and times of the so d historical figure responsible for many of the King Arthur tales. About the only moral factor that can be considered is the way in which 17th century scholars were quick to condemn Geoffrey →

Ways in which the internet has changed the way business operate in the global marketplace

Ways in which the internet has changed the way business operate in the global marketplace Internet has changed the way of life in this world. Communication facilities were enhanced a lot as a result of internet and therefore it is possible to do business in any part of the world staying in the convenience of →

Usability study

IPad 2 Ipad 2 is one of the most advanced technologies of the recent times. The touch screen technology makes it possible for users to command the Ipad 2 by touching the screen.

A breakthrough drug

Everybody's body produces progerin a mutated form of protein lamin A, which is important for the organizing of the genome contained in the cells of the body. The recycling of the progerin is possible because of the ability of this drug to clear toxins from the cells of the body.

English assigment

The article ' Intellectual Diversity: The Trojan horse of a Dark Design', is a rhetoric piece of writing which is quite appealing logically. The main purpose of the article is to convince the audience that academic excellence should be apolitical and to enlighten the audience about how this bill is promoting political instead of academic →

Follow your passion by johnnetta b.cole

As the author describes her experience, she offers a story that anyone can associate with and benefit from the advice she was given by her mother to follow her passion. This paper will analyze the title of the story and describe how the author found her passion.

Cell phone should use it on class room

Cell phones also have various applications which help students make notes as well as keep reminders about school and college events and happenings and thus make the entire process less tiring both mentally and physically on the child. Cell phones have become the biggest distraction, especially in a student's life because of the capacity of →

Research proposal letter

Some of the negative effects of marijuana according to the study by Volkow, Nora and her team of qualified researchers include damage to the lungs of the smoker and if there is continued use, the user is likely to develop serious respiratory problems such as bronchitis and inflammation of the respiratory tract making breathing difficult →

Answering questions

So many are hooked to the game and will do anything to see that their favourite teams score, carry home the fame, and the prizes that go with a game. Therefore, Tim reminds the young generation that their love for this sport will be for a season and there is no need to love it →

Set of instructions

One should not open the door during baking as heat may escape, which may make the cake to bake unevenly. One should keep testing to ensure the cake is ready.

Mol 3 case: annotated bibliography, plagiarism, and research

Thesis: In the interest of protecting the environment and moving the American economy away from dependency on fossil fuels, government entities should fund charging stations to help expand the market for electric vehicles. This article indicates that even with more charging stations, the whole business model of car sales needs reworking for the electric version, →

Cause and effect and comparison-contrast

Lecturer: Cause and Effect and Comparison-Contrast Cause and Effect-Chernobyl Nuclear Accident The Chernobyl nuclear disaster inUkraine has been considered the worst nuclear accident that has ever occurred in the history of the world. The last cause of the effects was the actual removal of the debris that was the core of the nuclear plant.


These technologies make people indifferent to the people they are with physically since they rather communicate with others through the mobile devices. The use of the mobile technologies actually enables people to snub the people close by." We are together, but each of us is in our own bubble, furiously connected to keyboards and tiny →

Are sweatshops good or bad

There are positive and negative impacts of sweat shops and the essay concentrates on the disadvantages. The major argument against sweat shops in the US and world over is related to the working policies.

Intro to fiction

Araby and A Woman on a Roof The story of " Araby" by James Joyce resembles the story of " A woman on a roof" by Doris Lessing because of the behavior of the men characters when they see women. The behavior of the boys in the story by James Joyce is almost similar to →


This essay also throws light upon the fact that it is useless going an extra mile in securing the children with parental tricks, and children always tend to escape all the restrictions. Nancy states that parents are extra worrisome about their kids' hygiene, food, and security, when the kids are exposing themselves to the world.

Development of african historiography

Development Of African Historiography The search into the past of Africa is still a rather underdeveloped field compared to the histories of other ancient civilizations around the world.[Chr02] The reason for this distinction lies not in the absence of available evidence, as reflected by many 19th century historians, but rather in the failure of →

Reflection papers are a venue in which you can offer personal reflections to something we experience, something we see, or something we read. when you reflect on something, you are offering your opinion, your insight, and your thoughtful commentary on the

Reflection on A Visit to the of Boston One of the most memorable experiences of my life is my visit to Boston. It is hard to explain all we saw and experienced in this memorable recreational trip around the city of Boston.

Panopticism review

The organization of the panopticon increased the potency of power in the minds of the prisoners and made the control of the prison more efficient. Such surveillance is consistent with Foucault's argument regarding the matters of public control, discipline, and morality.

Post 23

The said program led to the culmination of several state and federal lawsuits against a number of power plants that saw them comply through the installation of hundreds of millions of dollars of anti-pollution equipment. In conclusion, I would like to say that this essay opened my eyes on the type of violations industries make →

Case study for critical analysis

I would have sent a mail to all the department heads regarding the authority and responsibilities of Ayishia and her IT department. In this case the problem could be solved by stating the role of IT department to all other departments clearly.

Kieu biographical extended para

Kieu, the main character of the story entangles with many characters in the story. Learning of the beauty of Kieu, Thuc Ky Tham, despite his attachment to his wife, Miss Hoan, he attempts to fall in love with her.


Correspondingly, differences in the perceptions and views can also be seen with respect to the notion of ' beauty'. In this respect, it can be quoted that " Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder".

Drugs abuse

Legal Concerns on Prescribed Drugs Abuse Over the years, the laws against the access of prescribed drugs were minimal. The article describes the laws effective way of dealing with the access of prescribed drugs.

Evaluate a research source

In their 2010 article Knowing How to Know: Building Meaningful Relationships through Instruction That Meets the Needs of Students Learning English they emphasized the importance of building strong and productive teacher-student relationship while simultaneously trying to find out how to offer valuable, helpful, and more successful instruction and curriculum. Nevertheless, the authors claim that building →

Compare and contrast feminine and masculine, and their notion/stereotype in three paragraph

Therefore, both the masculine and feminine words are a representation of the lives of both sexes respectively and they are similar in the representation of the main features of the different gender groups. The notion that males are emotional was utilized to classify the male words and that men are generally tougher in terms of →

13sp2 rebuttal argument

There are a lot of differences between an American transgressor who commits a crime of theft and robbery compared to any Al Qaeda member who brutally killed thousands of people all over the world, or helped suicide bombing and hijacking to be possible. Furthermore, the Constitution entitles the authority to declare war or allowed an →

The lottery by jackson

The Lottery by Jackson ' The Lottery' by Jackson describes how people's blind adherence to traditions or even law can be disastrous as this adherence, at times, results in the torture of the innocent and also how everyone in a society is equally vulnerable to the ill effects of such foolishness. In order to →


While the odds are one to nine that she will be at the place of the attack, she ironically ends up there and is killed. Most Black neighborhoods are still grappling with poverty, drugs and crime as the government turns a blind eye to this particular race.

Post 3

Among Graves' five pillars, the pillar that states that races possess genetic dissimilarities that define their intelligence is the most common or least challenged in the United States. Specifically belligerent in the continuing argument has been the characterisation of concept of race and that of intelligence, particularly if they can be defined in an objective →

The great depression

No: The Great Depression The great depression started in 1929 in the shape of huge tragedy making millions of American people jobless. People and industry were needed of the war after participation of the country in the war.

Reflective report

Reflective Report on Job Analysis My driving force with regard to the job analysis is based on a quest to achieve my long-term goal of becoming a manager. This include the use a computer program referred as publisher to make fliers, the use of Email to contact clients.

Pursuing a career in global studies and international business

I have learned that the best way to shorten the distance between two people is to open my heart and let them come in with full acceptance. This small incident left a huge impact in me and imprinted the lesson that I should never judge anyone without fully getting to know his real story.

Exercises for editing

5 inches apart, will need to be drawn across the width of the slide. Third is to label the slide with an identifying number and turn the hotplate and set the temperature to warm.2.

Writing exercise: interview summary/synthesis

In order to provide the animals with proper care from the experts and in order to do this, they have to be in a shelter. These activities will motivate people to engage in the giving to enable the animals have a better and safe life.

Enzymes are formed in all living organisms where

However, somedisadvantages are found in enzymes including the requirement of certainco-factor by enzymes. Reports show that enzymes isolatedfrom microbes are applied in pharmaceuticals as diagnostic reagents, asreagents for the production of chemicals, food additives, the manufacture ofdetergents, the treatment of industrial wastes and bioremediation.

The power of food knowledge essay

This documentary is totally one sided, overall this documentary does achieve its goal of convincing the viewer that the food industry is in turmoil and it is up to us to change the way they operate. The tone of this documentary is very informative, in the beginning of the commentary Keener tells you that " →

After espousing extreme nationalism. hostile approach of the

Hostile approach of the Countries towards the communism of the Soviet Union was just another factor that helped lead to the war. The holocaust refers to the fiendish and systematic state sponsored assassination of six million Jews and millions of other social, religious, and ethnic groups in Europe by Nazi Germany, led by Adolf Hitler, →

Othello analysis essay

Othello is manipulated and is unsuspecting of it, but he is also a leader, which makes the deception even worse. Othello is manipulated by Iago, does not suspect his evil plans, but happened to be a great leader.

Kudler fine foods database

This table will be associated with the Store and Customer, Sales Person and tender table. This table will be associated with the Item and Store table.

The telecommunication industry

These are the forces that determine the attractiveness of the telecommunication market through portraying the profitability of this market. In analyzing the competitive rivalry in this industry, it is important to highlight the growth of the telecommunication industry in UAE.

Airline industry bangladesh

Realizing the potential of air transportation in the country and region, after the cent air transport deregulation in Bangladesh, a number of private airline companies have started their operation which results in a better and competitive market. The movements towards the deregulation of the air transportation industries with the " 1978 Deregulation Airline Act" have →

Express and courier industry

Global express and courier industry overview Introduction The primary business of the express industry is the delivery of time-sensitive shipments, typically with a transit time of two to three days. The industry has been witnessing significant growth as a result of the constant rise in demand for express and courier services over the last decade →

Improving the efficiency of the global shipping industry through blockchain

Shipping is now a target of this development with Blockshipping leading the switch that is required to transform trading through shipping. Blockshipping through its GSCP platform plans to have a registry that contains details of all the shipping containers operating in the world.

Lululemon athletica narrative essay

The reason why I chose this brand is because I am personally a huge fan of this brand, and this is the only brand of athletic wear I do wear. The prices for their yoga pants depends on usually how popular the pant is, the colour of the pants, and what type of yoga pant →


The aim was that engaging in both long-term activity such as life insurance, and short-term activity such as insurance for casualties and property would require one of the two to support the other. The main advantages of merger and acquisition in the insurance industry are the creation of greater value, increased market share and increased →

Modern refrigeration and air conditioning essay

Modern Refrigeration and Air Conditioning The industry of heating, air conditioning and refrigeration enjoy continuous success only because of continuous research and development, which ends up in the development of valuable and groundbreaking products that help a lot of the members of the world population. The leading news publication of the industry of air conditioning →

Good example of exhibition essay

The cultural and historical studies involved in the field of fashion give the supportive space for the discussion of current research into fashion and popular culture within the vast area of cultural studies. The Master of Arts program in fashion and textile studies that entail history, theory, museum practice combines the rigorous study of fashion →

Opening an ice cream stand

Here is the first month's scenario - you order the same number of ice creams each day from the ice cream suppliers, and your ice creams are always marked at $1. Any change that reduces the quantity demanded at every price shifts the demand curve to the left and is called a decrease in demand.

1.0 and business associates. kld and its

With more than 20 years of experience in the business, LCSB is financially strong and can afford to offer the very best of professional expertise to its clients and business associates. 0 million and total assets of RM213.

Boeing and airbus competition

The two companies have dominated the aircraft manufacturing business over the last two decades and with market opportunities opening up in developing countries, the competition is likely to get interesting. Conclusion The rivalry between these two giants is not likely to end soon with each company attempting to dominate the aircraft business and will probably →

Free scholarship essay admission essay sample

When I was given the opportunity to become a model myself, I made the most out of the chance and absorbed as much fundamentals as I can from the profession. I can say that I have matured throughout the years because I managed to determine for myself where I want to head.

Report researching and analysing british airways

The airline industry in the UK has faced a lot of challenges in the recent past. The company has had a long standing rivalry with its main competitor, British Airways.

Letter to kenya airways papa nestor and mama marie

Since 2003 Papa Nester and Mama Marie have been living in the UK and have a loving and sustained relationship with their son and their daughter, their respective families, their 10 grandchildren and one great grandchild born on 29/03/11 whom they may never see if returned to the DRY Congo. Coupled with this is the →

Codes and standards for engineering research papers example

Some of the engineering codes and standards include: Performance Test codes The American Association of Mechanical Engineers these codes are aimed at providing rules and procedures for the planning, execution and reporting of a test of performance. This code factors in the health and safety of the engineers and that of the people around.

Global forces and the european brewing industry

Grossly It is a medium-sized company that has set a niche with products that are new and innovative, and their packaging is striking and different, but they may find it difficult to maintain this position in the market because of the trial and error expense they have created for themselves.N.B. Luckily it is successful and →

Scams in land banking

In most such cases, even the follow ups of years may not yield the desired output and the money may be stuck in land transaction. Invest through authorised organizations and do not be pressurised into investing in such schemes or be lured to high returns, as it may become out-of-the-way in a short duration.

Example of purpose/context article review

The Construction Cost Trends for 2014 September/ October2014 issue is an updated issue of the DCD. The Construction Cost Trends for 2014 September/ October2014 issue.

Bauhinia: milk and specialty food industry

Banning: Milk and SpecialtyFoodIndustry By Tinting-Ho No switching cost: Product differentiation is low and different according to the type of product in the industry. The key differences in the competitive forces between dairy and food industry: Concerning capital requirements, the dairy industry does require relatively large amounts of capital, compared to specialty food industry, because →

Agricultural policy affect consumers

Possible reforms: Cutting the intervention price would lower the output of farmers and eliminate the surpluses which would result in a lowering of import levies. However the lowering of this price would result in depopulation and the end to the aesthetically pleasing countryside that we have come to expect nowadays.

Free essay on fast food

The thesis statement in the essay: The fast food industry has been identified as the culprit of obesity due to its hidden sodium, sugar and fat content of the food being served. Based on the conclusion, the author stated that the fast food industry is being blamed by Americans blame for the obesity problem of →

Example of intellectual invasion of violent video games argumentative essay

Outline - The Intellectual Invasion of Video Games 1 INTRODUCTION This is an argumentative essay on the subject of the protection of intellectual property in video games. The introduction ends with a listing of the various legal articles that at the disposal of stakeholders in the video game industry to protect their intellectual property.

Pest analysis of tyre industry

In 2005, there were 40 tire manufacturing companies working in India which was consisted of major big brands in tire industry such as Good year, MRF, Falcon Tires and Bridge stones etc.we apply pest analysis on this market to check at what extent political, economical, technological and social factors are affecting this tire industry in →

Descriptive eassy on visit for trip

Before the arrival of my cousins from USA, I believed myself to be a sort of an extremely brave wunderkind. As a small child, I started believing in out-worldly people and in the fact that my cousins were clairvoyants and could see into the future.

Essay on writing and editing a research paper

The bulk of the work was carried out during the research, and therefore, writing the research paper is actually a reporting activity, where one documents all the work that they have done. This was necessary in order to mainly correct the technical and other errors that were featured in the paper, as well as incorporating →

Ethan frome

For example, in the story Edith Wharton wrote this, " It was the fate she was forcing on Mattie - why not let her try it herself.". Mattie had no control over the situation, so she had no control over her fate.

Good thinking as a nurse book review example

Evaluating the expertise of an author is one of the most appropriate ways to judge the book content. Some of the topics discussed in the book include empathy, nurse-physician relationships, and pathophysiology.

A midsummer night dream

The play features fairy magic, pranks and the performance of a play within the play by a group of fairies. The beginning of the play can make A Midsummer Night's Dream seem that it will turn out to be a tragedy but again comedy takes over.

Anger, a deadly sin

This was the point that I could not control myself and broke one of the sins. I stormed off to the bathroom to dry off the stain that would of other wised been noticeable to everyone in the bar.

Essay on in the details

It is not so long from today but if it is not for the book, I could have forgotten and did the same uncouth illustrated behavior of the time." Not so bad," I said to myself referring to the underlined bad behavior that I was supposed to forget in life time. However, a promise is →

Summary of mending wall by robert frost

The poet makes clear that it is not hunters who break the wall. It is like just another kind of out-door game but the poet starts questioning that it comes to a point where they do not even need a wall because he has an apple orchard and his neighbour has only pine trees.

Essay on homer’s odyssey

Geometric art, he argues, offers nothing that can be identified as Homeric; indeed, there is only one Trojan war scene and that is Ajax's rescue of the body of Achilles, a scene which occurs in neither the Odyssey nor the Iliad. It is preferable to understand both the artist and Homer as drawing on the →

Native son by richard wright

Bigger is caught and prosecuted by the police and experiences extreme racial prejudice urine his trial and is sentenced to death. During both his everyday life, and his trial, bigger is the victim of extremeracism.

Good example of the age of the unthinkable report

A comparison with the representatives of fauna a fox and a hedgehog was made, bringing out the thought that the first ones are more likely to respond to changes due to their willingness and curiosity to take them, while second ones are more prone to stick to the existing course of events. In other words, →

Free book review on the omnivores dilemma

The Omnivores Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals is a 2006 book by American author, Michael Pollan that takes readers through an enthralling expedition of the American food system. The second part of the book, which is the pastoral section, is one of the most fascinating parts of the entire book.

Light and a long day’s journey into night

That is to say, since the play is punctuated with a number of dysfunctional characters the emphasis on the drama of the play should be on the performance of the characters. This is because the very title of the play stresses that it takes place during the day and this would evoke the notion that →

Reflection of a letter from birmingham jail by martin luther king jr.

Furthermore, we had to read and analyze the documents because the quizzes required us to think deeper than the written words on the paper. He wrote this letter hoping to stir up some emotion and I think he got his point across in a very non-violent and mature kind of way that was unexpected and →

The valuable lessons of unexpected changes in who moved my cheese

The story is about of how two mice, Sniff and Scurry, and two little people, Hem and Haw react to life in the Maze in their search for cheese. To survive and thrive in an environment of change, one must always be aware of the change that is about you.

Dulce et decorum est critique essay

Dulce et decorum est By Wilfred Owen The language used in the poems depicting the gas attack is strong, representing both the anguish of the victims of the gas attack as well as the effect on those haunted by what they have seen: 'watch the white eyes writhing in his face, / His hanging face'. →

Human nature as depicted in thomas hobbe’s book leviathan

Thomas Hobbes' Leviathan is a critical work which argues that all men are united by their self-interests, and natural inclinations to acquire to a superior body to govern and rule such as a king or civil government. Commonwealth stands as the product of the voluntary surrender of the natural rights or to a common ruler →

Silent night

The man pressed the mouth piece to his lips, and in a moment, musicfilled the night. His performance was applauded by the silence and the dark, and it was deafening.

Fly-by-night case

The most obvious of them all is that the collectability of the accounts receivables was problematic. The quick ratio also had a major drop from year 12 to year 14, which indicated that the amount of cash and accounts receivable to cover its current liabilities was becoming a problem.

The hunger games: the booa and the movie

Every year the government, which is called the Capitol, chooses a boy and a girl from each district to participate in what is called The Hunger Games. Panem, the name of the country where this is taking place, is actually mentioned in a Roman saying " panem et circenses" which I learned translates to " →