550 Words Essay Samples

Benjamin banneker rhetorical analysis

Valassidis Period 1, AP English Language & Composition September 29, 2012 Banneker Rewrite In 1791, Benjamin Banneker, the lowly son of former slaves, wrote to Thomas Jefferson, the great framer of the Declaration of Independence and advocate for equality, urging Jefferson to see the hypocrisy and injustices of slavery in the colonies. In such a β†’

Personal impact of substance abuse

You said that due to your financial crisis and the death of your wife pushed you to started taking alcohol. If you will go on to take alcohol like this, you will not only destroy your life but you will also be responsible for snatching away the future of your kids.

Discuss the risks associated with the flow of water below dams and define the critical hydraulic gradient

On the other hand, the weight of the dam itself and the weight of the dam sub surface soil would tend to exert a downward force on the soil particles. In itself, the critical hydraulic gradient depends on the composition of the dam sub surface soil, the available head at the dam's bottom wall and β†’

Who done it business communications assignments

The system does not post the deposits made by the close of the day. Consequently, the management has audited the system and discovered the causes of the flaws.

Journal # 5

History and Political Science Journal #5 With the expansion of technology the recording of history was made easier and more accessible. In response to the instruction, the expansion of technology, particularly the invention of the printing press was instrumental in allowing greater number of people to " receive news, read books, and attend school...

Audis pricing strategies in uk

Audi's Pricing Strategies in UK Audi is one of the biggest players in the market for premium cars. This technology is one of its kind in the market and the company is charging high prices for such cars.

Biography on william shakespeare

Module William Shakespeare born in the year of 1564, born to John Shakespeare. When William Shakespeare initiated his work in the theatre, he and his men were supported and secured by powerful dominating men.

Jordan lebanese and iraqi attack, helped by some

The West Bank, the Gaza Strip and the Golden Heights annexed from Syria after the 1967 war are known as the Occupied Palestinian Territories.2. 1988, by the Palestinian National Council, the legislative body of the Palestine Liberation Organization in Tunis; Israel continues occupation of the West Bank, the Gaza Strip and Golan Heights.4.

Physioex chapter assignment

Describe the normal function of each body system and basic metabolic processes for organ systems Outline: The Cell and Cellular Physiology A.B.C.D. Layers of the skin, accessory structures The Skeletal System Functions of bones, bone tissue and formation B.

Auditory functions

In such models, it is either implicitly assumed that when a listener is comparing the pitches of the two sounds, the pitch of the two tones if first extracted, and the two pitches are later compared. The second factor which creates variability is the understanding of sound in speech derivers from the person speaking.

Critical review of in his steps by charles sheldon

The book is considered as one of the best sellers and it is vital to review it to understand what people can get from the book. The author structures the book in a sense that the reader becomes attached to the character as the book moves on.

Globalization and its effects on developing nations

The developing countries on the other hand are mostly the nations who have been the colonies ruled by the imperial powers of the west. Retrieved from http://www.essa.org.za/download/2003Conference/MostertJ_The%20Impact%20Of%20Globalisation%20On%20Developing%20Countries.pdf

Brain myth #1: you only use 10 percent of your brain.

What remains true is that the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body and vice versa. What this means is that an injury to the left side of the brain can cause damage to the other side of the body.

Malcolm x

In " A Homemade Education," Malcolm X uses personal anecdotes and language to describe the wrong-doing of the " white man" and situational irony to establish credibility and effectively enlighten the audience of the importance of gaining an education and to rise above illiteracy to fight against the " white man." 1." Where else but β†’

Textbook cj2012 fagin-which philosophy of punishment do you believe in and why

The theory of incapacitation, on the other hand, is founded on the philosophy that criminal circumstances must be negated so that the crime will not occur again while deterrence theory contends that the punishment awarded to an offender should be " sufficient to prevent future instances" of such crimes. The approaches of vengeance and deterrence β†’

Acer analysis

The emerging motivations strategy was the key motivator for its move abroad The era of rapid growth of communication systems, technology and logistics have made it imperative for companies to constantly expand and spread outside the home country to have a sustainable business model. Once the company succeeded in these markets and gained a strong β†’

Discussion board 2 edu 626

Instructional Media in Instructional System Design Your School Instructional theories are designed to make the learning process more goals oriented to satisfy the needs and requirements of a learning process. It may be used to get the participant's attention, to invoke the imagination of the students, to or to explain the explicit/implicit instructional goals.

White peggy mcintosh lists fifty ways by which

Because the generalbelief of the majority white community is that they have open opportunities, itmay be difficult for members of that group to understand that others do notenjoy the same feeling. The status quo set in place by the sense ofcultural imperialism felt by McIntosh and others has been deemed so sacred thatany violation of β†’

Therapeutic communication essay

By giving recognition you would address the patient by their name, this will show them they are not just another patient in the hospital and you remember who they are or care enough to remember. It lets them know you want to hear what they have to say, are interested in the conversation and want β†’

Competitive law for antenna installation

The case of public-competitive restriction is seen in the pricing strategy implemented by the municipal's land board to areas allocated for antennas. The municipal government in question is pushing for the companies to make unnecessary relocations of their antennas onto new land that is owned by them.

Monitoring u.s. citizens’ phone conversations to detect potential terriorist threats

Monitoring US Citizens' Phone Conversations to Detect Potential Terrorist Threats of the of the Concerned June 27, 2011 Monitoring US Citizens' Phone Conversations to Detect Potential Terrorist Threats 9/11 was a conclusive turning point in the way the Americans envisaged and planned their national security. The act of monitoring the phone conversations of citizens is β†’

Smart backpack

The bag will act as a source of power for mobile and tablet gadgets as it will have a battery that is installed in it to collect, preserve and produce power or electricity when needed. Therefore the solar cell and solar technology will be used in the production and the invention of the new smart β†’

Good test takers and diagnostic assessment

Diagnostic assessment provides the teachers with a way to map out a route or chart a way using the existing knowledge of the individual children. Diagnostic assessment also provides the teachers with an opportunity to identify misconceptions or gaps in the prior learning of the students so that they exactly know what the children know β†’

Old oregon wood store

We explored three different options, given the need to create a division of work that would maximize the number of tables manufactured per day by either utilizing four or five employees and allowing the employees to either be part of the manufacturing process or manufacture tables on their own. Using the Assignment method and the β†’

It element itself represents social interaction. definition: 1.

Two Conditions of Interaction: Park and Burgess are of the opinion that contact and communication are the two main condi tions of social interaction. Interstimulation and Response: The central nature of interaction is interstimulation and re sponse.

Do young people enjoy life more than older people do?

Young people' passion and energy are enough to enjoy life more than older people do. Lastly, young people enjoy life more than older people because of the reality that they can easily follow thetechnologycompare to the older people.

Wildlife in colorado

The climate and the dense forests make it the best place for the wildlife species. The requirements of the species and needs of the habitats should be included in this program.

Cross-cultural realtionships

The school gives the students the ability to be exposed to a diverse group of students and faculty members. Due to the importance and the proliferation of diversity in the workplace attending a school such as NYU can be extremely beneficial.

Qantas marketing plan assignment

Qantas airways had been declared as World Skytrax Airline of the Year, Skytrax Best Airline Australia, and Skytrax Best Regional Airline Australia from 2006 to 2008 for their services along with several wine design and entertainment awards. For promoting businessmen access to world with no trouble a club has been organized for uninterrupted and luxurious β†’

Collaborative learning

This is because Collaborative Learning is the essential partnership of students or amongst students and teachers as they seek to work within the field of education and eventually learn for the eventual benefit of one another. Thus it would be safe to state that Collaborative Learning is a must-have within the time and age of β†’

The greatest philosophers essay sample

Unlike other authors who vanished in history as a result of the introduction of more progressive scholars, modern authors have built upon the ideas of Plato to come up with their own philosophies. In summary, Plato touched all levels of humanity, and did not confine himself to a specific field like the other authors.

American indian history

American Indian history affiliation American Indian history Introduction The lands inhabited by Native Americans were very rich and productive and this lured the interest of many colonies to the region. In another similarity, all the three colonies wanted to change the cultural and religious preferences of the Indians which the American Indians were against.

Press cliping analysis

It seems that one of the only things that truly defines a journalist is the technique used in the process of communicating the news. The main difference between the article and the media release is that the journalist is telling us a story, while the publicist is informing us about the facts.

A very old man with enourmous wings

Magical realism is the approach that connects the natural and the supernatural together in a story in order to make the supernatural seem real. The angel is the magical realism elect which is the very old man with wings.

Symbolism in hemingway’s cat in the rain

20 February 2008 Symbolism in Hemingway's Cat in the Rain Ernest Hemingway's Cat in the Rain recounts the story of American couple having their vacation in Italy. The story starts with the beautiful description of the place outside the couple's hotel with the view of the sea and the picturesque panorama that artists cannot resist β†’


Adolescence In the Article, the focuses on the issue about self-esteem during the adolescence period. The initial drop of self-esteem in the adolescence occurs in the age bracket of 9-13.

Improving the criminal justice system assignment

According to the Department of Justice, the consequences of drug offenses effects the entire criminal justice system straining resources from arrest through adjudication and incarceration continuing to the post-release supervision procedures. Reshaping America's drug policy is a major overhaul of the existing drug laws and policy.

Six dimensions of health

The ones that I have noticed is that you need to be able to maintain a certain level ofprofessionalismwhen interacting with certain people, work staff and clients. Emotional health: To me this refers to my job and my daily life, at times I am extremely overwhelmed and I have to remember not to displace my β†’

Role of philosophy in ancient greece

Thus, a conscientious section among learned men of the times deemed it necessary to invoke the gods, goddesses, the consequences of evil, and the trysts and involvement of the divine beings with the lives and affairs of men. Hesiod and his ilk understood the influence of the divine beings on the people and the rulers.

The nun’s priest’s tale essay sample

There is a moment of comic tension near the end of the tale, when we see the scene between Chauntecleer and the Fox. I cannot love a coward, by my faith." It still has a sense of tension because the audience are still engaged with the tale, wondering what is going to happen between Chauntecleer β†’

American society

Postwar American society during the 1950's was known for baby boomers and the return to achieving the all-American dream. The United States was losing ground in the world's economy.

Rock and roll started the end of segregation in the 1940s assignment

Back in the 1940s rhythm and blues was becoming more popular, widespread, and starting to blend with country music thus creating Rock and Roll. The white society protested rock and roll encouraging people not to buy this music.

Definition of hemoglobin essay sample

Anemia is a general term referring to a shortage of red blood cells or a reduction in hemoglobin. Iron deficiency anemia is caused by a shortage of the mineral iron, which is necessary to produce hemoglobin.

Synopsis 3

Forms of tort can be categorized based on the following elements: bodily integrity, personal space, possessory interests, freedom of choice and contract, and one's standing in the eyes of others. Torts violating possessory interests infringe upon the interest in ownership of another person such as trespass to land, nuisance and conversion.

Dear high school freshmen…

However, if you take my seven pieces of advice, your high school jitters can be settled and you will love High School as much as I did.1. Have School Pride If you wear your school colors, attend sport events and learn the school song, you will fall in love with your school quickly.

Hr magazine article summary

The good news in this article is that the U.S.and global economies in the west are showing signs of recovery. A second reason the recovery could be viewed as a " jobless" one is the historical precedent set by the recovery from the 1991 recession.

Self-reflection paper. self-assessment need this by saturday3/ 31/2013

I am familiar with the ethical codes and even the ethical principles according to APA and always strive to attain them. It is also the best reference and tie breaker when I am faced with situations that seem to deviate from the norm or ethical codes.

Fitt principle for cardiovascular fitness

Normal functioning and working of the heart depend on the resting heart rate and when it is low it enables the heart to function well and that why Cardiovascular fitness becomes an essential component of life. Benefits that are incurred by heart is determined by the intensity and level of exercise one is adhering to β†’

Small business management (find attachment)

Net Profit Margin: Formula: *100; Working: Net Profit: $35, 500, Sales: $885, 000 Net Profit Margin: 35, 500/885, 000 = 4. Return on Assets: Formula: Net Profit Margin x Assets Turnover Assets Turnover: Revenues/Average Assets during the period Assumption: Since we have balance sheet of only one year, we will assume that the total assets β†’

To describe an old attic room essay

The stars shone brightly in the velvet sky, which created a shadow upon the marshes. At the far end of the attic was a grand piano.

Journal assignment

The attitudes are the basis on which the science method is affected, and one that provides room for the establishment of the truth. When riding a bicycle, the medulla oblongata is responsible for increasing the heartbeat and number of breaths in order to supply the muscles with adequate oxygen.

Individualism in the extreme

When the interests and related actions and behaviors of the individual directly infringe, damage, or endanger the life, property, or rights of another person or people in society, there is an obligation to restrict individual rights in the interest of the larger population. Similarly, action or a lack of action by an individual in society β†’

Tess of the d’urbervilles

Some of the readers of the literacy circle argued that Tess is responsible for her fate in the end because of her decision to kill Alec. Are there times when Tess does have a choice and her decisions and actions are the result of her character?

Jonathan edwards and benjamin franklin assignment

His main goal in life was to be a better man in the eyes of God and a minister to his community. He mainly aimed his writing to the Christian audience, in contrast to Franklin, who was writing for everybody.

Globalization and the multinational enterprise assignment

Access to Capital Ability of the enterprise to reach out and obtain resources from outside of the firm to pursue the firm's vision and create the value THE THEORY OF COMPARATIVE ADVANTAGE Each country specializing in products for which it possessed absolute advantage and produce more for less and exchange products for the items they β†’

Session long project module 4 union organizing (usaa insurance company)

XXXXXX Number: XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXX of XXXXXXX XX XX 2011 Unionization in Insurance Industry USAA The insurance industry is not one with high levels of unionization and the industry has been able to effectively keep a major curb on the overall possibilities of unionization within the industry. USAA is impacted by a few of β†’

Question about relationship

Therefore, this aspect can be used to illustrate the reason why society has the perception that men are more likely to cheat than women. Another study that has been carried out to assess the reason why men are more likely to cheat than women involves the analysis of their perception and values in a relationship.

Araby – short essay

And after telling her that he will attend the bazaar and bring her something, all he does is dream about it; " I wished to annihilate the tedious intervening days"..." The syllables of the word Araby were called to me through the silence in which my soul luxuriated". Later in the story, Joyce portrays an β†’

The than women, simply because they are the

There are many more things women do but they are not valued for the simple fact because they believe it is so easy.women have more capacity to carry more things than men. They are doing a great deal of work for the men, managers, executives and other important positions, and it is considered that women β†’

Religion and science

They relate in a way that one needs the other in order to relate with the day-to-day activities that the church runs and to teach the followers on how to live and still hold a religious life despite the developments of technology worldwide. These features explain the current position of science and religion that are β†’

Bus 401 slp mod 3

Microsoft Corporation rose to the peak of software world with the development of MS-DOS in the mid 1980's. The Microsoft makes necessary alterations on their product and services in order to fit with the interests of the host country where they wish to commence business.

Organizational controls

The company openly shares information with the workers throughout the organization about the company's operations and finances. The incentive and control system was powerful with incentives that the company offered to employees.


The main speaker of the meeting was Matt Marriott, Director, and Regional Services Executive for the West region and Vice President, Services IBM. Creative selection of workers who can think horizontally and solve complex problems in a global scope has seen the company shift form one level to the next.

Difference between void contracts and voidable contracts

Voidable Contract Voidable contract is a form of valid contract where all the four essential elements of a contract are present. According to Cross and Miller, a voidable contract is a contract which might be " legally avoided at the option of one of the parties".

Kant or utilitarianism assignment

Another example would be if an insider came to possess information that would potentially put the company out of business, would it be immoral for this insider to pass it along to a rival? The problem with utilitarianism in this aspect is that it leaves room for immoral actions to be considered moral based on β†’

Senior citizens and technology

From social networking sites where someone can provide updates on a regular basis to the personal websites of their friends and family that they can easily visit, keeping in touch with loved ones has never been easier. With the many different computer programs and games available, someone can find plenty of opportunities for keeping their β†’

Science and religion

In this point, it is evident that Plantinga is trying to create a view that science and religion can support each other in line with one consistent belief about God's existence and his divine works. Plantinga believes that this sounds consistent with theistic religion and the theory of evolution and his main stand is to β†’

Self-regulation and time management

Planning on what I intend to study on the internet can also be an important way of managing my time. Additionally, I can schedule my time in such a way that I identify a particular time of the day when I work best and allocate my most complex studies to this time.

Baystate realty case study

Use a second table to identify and explain the various elements in the total cost of software ownership and then list the steps taken by the CIO to limit the firm's software TCO expenditures. Adapt their business processes to make the best use of the software and by doing so, better control the TCO for β†’

A thousand cranes shade motif assignment

Chikako's " poison" obscures Kikuji's mentality denying him the opportunity to seize his share of happiness from the " light" of the fireflies overpowering the " darkness" of the shadows. The garden in Kikuji's house also gives the novel a sense of time.

I. system for implementing internet of things, since

In the case of Smart City concept, the major concern would be powerconsumption and the transmission-reception delay. It can be seen that for random topology, the power consumeddecreases drastically with increase in payload.

Business email (100 words) and attachment (400 words)

Business Email and Attachment - Letter to Persuade the Manager with Regards to the Team's Capability in Conducting a Sales Presentation in South Korea - Student's Name Instructor's Name Subject / Course Date Business E-mail June 12, 2008 Re: Sales Presentation in South Korea Dear George; I would like to inform you that our sales β†’


Plasma is only found naturally in the corona and cores of stars and in bolts of lightning. The plasma state is not related to blood plasma, the most common usage of the word; rather, the term has been used in physics since around the 1920s to represent an ionized gas.

Science fiction

What I saw there and the customs and rituals I observed occurring among the students were totally different to what I was used to in my own world. So, the parents are also involved in the university activities." I will take this idea to my planet", is the first thought that comes into my mind.

Revelation and good country people by flannery oconnor

Good Country Man is the story of Hulga, a disabled nihilistic girl with a wooden leg who considers herself superior to others because of her education and does not seem to enjoy anything in her life. Hulga is rude, arrogant and is a follower of nihilism with her prosthetic limb as the only thing she β†’

Case study hyundai

The abysmal quality of Its cars made the South Korean automaker the laughingstock of the industry." How do you double the value of a Handy? " asked one joke, " Fill the gas tank." Reeling from quality concerns, Handy had to reestablish trust with wary consumers. In an attempt to do so, the company settled β†’

Ethical issues in research assignment

The class C was the experiment roof and the class AAA was the control group. In the control group, 14 students were males and 11 were fee males.

Discuss your reading habits. what type of writings do you tend to read most (novels, magazines, web sites, newspapers) and why

In our non-fiction world, the role of fiction has attained significance due to the element of faked-ness which is present within it. I opine that the reader goes in a deep cave, away from the practicalities of life and finds an escape route within fiction.


From the muscles, the alanine is absorbed in the liver where the process of transamination occurs. Compared to the digestion and absorption of other nutrients, the digestion and absorption of proteins is complex as various enzymes are involved in manufacturing of the end-products of proteins.

Compare and contrast critical analysis

The Egyptian Sculpture of Khafre can easily be compared to the Seated Scribe by the way they are created and for the purposes of their creation. They also show characteristics that help show the life in the sculptures and it shows the traits andpersonalityof the people they are sculptures of.

Cheating and respected athlete

Some people may argue that cheating is necessary when trying to succeed; others will claim cheating is wrong and no one should do it. Cheating is a dishonest and easy shortcut to get out of what is being tried to accomplish.

The most important causes of the protestant reformation

The most important causes of the Protestant Reformation At the beginning of the XVI century the biggest crisis of the Roman Catholic Church came. By this they meant renunciation of the church on the secular authority, the observance of ecclesiastical laws, restricting of the clergy discipline, improving morality, renunciation of scholasticism frills, destroying indulgences, β†’

Job satisfaction: business practices and employee loyalty

Job Satisfaction: Business Practices and Employee Loyalty Introduction The intangible concept of " job satisfaction" is among the most difficult of business performance measures to document, and yet it remains one of the most notable factors in ensuring continuity of business practices and employee loyalty. Two major points are obvious from the data as β†’

Teaching how to write essays essay sample

First, some students think that since essays are " never wrong," as it is merely an expression of their opinion, they go ahead in writing it without knowing regard for how much they could really put in it, and that they should not omit important details and background of their opinion and points of view β†’

Guided speech on education example assignment

If students simply do not want to learn a new language we are offering Sign language. In year 7 If students are not sure what language they want to choose, we can help you that Is If you vote for us.

Analysis of can gun control work by james jacobs

Jacobs approaches the volatile issue of gun control from a dispassionate analytical perspective with a focus on the details of implementation. In doing so, he provides a useful contribution to both the literature on gun control and to the broader literature on policy.

Leadership quiz chapters 1 – 4 flashcard

Attempts to achieve teamwork, empowerment, and diversity can succeed only if: a.leaders follow the principles and practices of the industrial era.b.managers want to treat people the way they treat machines or the bottom line.c.leaders value change over stability, control, competition, and uniformity.d.leaders hire people who think and work alike.6. Leadership vision is: a.a picture of β†’

Differentiate among the three fungal phyla

The sexual reproduction of these organisms leads to the formation of Ascospores. An example of organism in this phylum includes the baker's yeast Means of Obtaining Nutrients The ascomycetes obtain their nutrients the same ways as zygomycetes.

My cv

This gave me a chance to hear some of the girls life stories, and how coming to theboarding schoolwas a way out of the slums for them for a while, like a long holiday. Miss Selfridges - The Tradeoff Centre - October 2014 - Present Whilst working at Miss Selfridges, I was responsible for working β†’

Allusion project allusion assignment

It Is Important to the society and a excellent job to have. Insight: This is a very important part of the story.

Visual analysishope athena assignment

The face of Medusa on the medallion was round with great definition of the eyes, nose, mouth ears and hair. I also noticed snakes coming out of the medallion and on her shoulders.

Police administration discuss/complete 5

From these results, it can be said that the data is NOT normally distributed because of a skewness of 2.000. It is interesting to note that a huge chunk of data is missing and this also contributes to the level of skewness.

In what manner (if any) does stonewall jackson illuminate the ideas and concepts put forth by the classical theorists (sun tzu,

In his work, " Summary of the Art of War," he explains that " rapid movement" and " striking in the most decisive direction" is one of the most important factors in the outcome of a battle. Sun Tzu's work, " The Art of War," deals heavily with the importance that terrain plays in the β†’

Policy responses during the great recession

The economic recession affected the housing and labor market that led to the increase in the housing prices. The professor further indicates that the majority of the home owners were unable to settle their mortgage debts because of the increase in interest rates imposed by the financial institutions.

Power influence approach

The power-influence leadership approach enables a leader to influence the behaviors and attitudes of followers. In 2011, the executives of Jack in the Box worked to change the company'sculturefrom one of power to one that focused on individual roles, achievements, and support.