550 Words Essay Samples

Reconstruction after the civil war

As president, Johnson's desire to scale back Lincoln's Reconstruction legislation following the Civil War angered the Radical Republican majority that sought to punish the former rebels of the Confederacy. Stanton, who was sympathetic to the Radical Republicans and who was overseeing the military's Reconstruction efforts.

No returns no problem by hale sheppard

Prior to the rule of law, the IRS would proceed to levy the property to the amount corresponding to the tax arrears. The jurisprudence behind the nomocracy depicts that the IRS issue the notice to inform the taxpayer of his or her right to a pre-levy Collection Due Process hearing.

The gripping effect upon the reader by the book

However, the general weakness of such an approach is the fact that the author does not have a broad enough subject matter in order to engage the reader with an undifferentiated narrative approach such as the one that has been employed without risking belaboring the point and losing the attention of the reader. By employing β†’

American culture has infiltrated and marred china culture

Considering that English is the language of communication in America and many other countries across the world, the American culture has a much greater possibility of infiltrating Chinese culture than the vice versa. It is indeed true that American culture has infiltrated and marred Chines culture in many parts of the world.


Legal Concepts and Procedures used by the Plaintiff to argue the Case The plaintiff presented a complaint to the court and served the accused corporations with a copy of the complaint. Substantial evidence helps in demonstrating and proving to a court the sufficient link between the corporations accused and the pollution and associated deaths.

Discipline paper *

Discipline: Problem 13 Does the law constrain the Provost in her decision making on this matter How so Is there any other information the Provost would need to have before ruling on this petition If so, why is this information needed If the Provost denies the petition, would the student have substantial grounds for suing β†’

Malcolm x biography

During his teenage years, he dealt drugs, was a hustler, and was the leader of a gang of thieves in Roxbury and Harlem He was in prison for robbery from 1946 to 1952, which lead him to convert himself, and join the Nation Of Islam his brother Reginald was also a member and was one β†’

Private ryan and ethics assignment

The moral rationale behind risking the eight lives to save one is that it is the soldier's duty to do as they are told and to save the last remaining son of a family. If Private Ryan had died then I feel that it does not change the moral assessment of the mission, because they β†’

Virtual merchants

Thisloyaltyaspect is one problem which most virtual merchants face and in Amazons case the customer orientated strategy they employ seems to be very effective at maintaining brand loyalty."Relentlessly focus on customer experience by offering our customers low prices, convenience, and a wide selection of merchandise" [ ] Many trading merchants offer the virtual trading aspect β†’

U.s. executives compensations: high or low

According to Frederick Pryor, " the median compensation of the US top executives measured as a ratio of the average compensation of all workers, more than doubled in the past twenty years or so". The significance of analyzing the US executives' compensation is important for shareholders and policymakers.

The role of the financial manager mod 1

The Role of the Financial Manager MOD Introduction According to Farlex, the definition of CEO is " the corporate executive responsible for the operations of the firm; reports to a board of directors; may appoint other managers". This officer is in charge of running an organization or company whiles the definition of CFO for " β†’

Stallings culture of the savannah river valley

Kenneth is the author of book, Stallings Culture of the Savannah River Valley. The first argument of the author is to present a story about the fall and rise of the Stallings culture.

College – math problem example

If the coefficients before one of the variables in two of the equations are the same, but have the opposite sign then it would be more practical to use the elimination method. If such a transformation is easy and one of the variables can be quickly expressed as equal to some combination of other variables β†’

Ap us history

Due on the first day of class: You are required to answer the questions for the assigned chapters.2. How is your opinion similar to or different from the purpose of education in the years between 1860 and 1900?

The franchise as a form of business organization

The person buying a franchise does not have to start a business from scratch. Franchise owners are able to increase the brand value of its business without a direct investment in advertising expenses.

Taking a degree on educational technology

My goal is actually to give instruction in the subject of Educational Technology in a tertiary institution in my country. During the interview, I would also ask a few questions of my own in order to signify interest in the job available while also learning more about what my responsibilities would be.

Reaction paper #1

Being a proficient and competent journalist, she decides to enter and join the poor workers, with an initiative to prove her due phenomenon. She ingeniously formulates her study and inclines it to only provide a plausible explanation regarding the intricacy and adversities that meagre wage workers face.

Compare & contrast essays

To develop a compare and contrast chart, list the points you want to consider on the left side of the page and write the subjects or topics across the top of the page. In a compare and contrast paper, the thesis statement identifies the subjects and the basis for comparison, and it tells the reader β†’

Chanticleer review

Its presence at the Ellen Eccles attracted thousands of fans and music enthusiasts who wanted to catch a glimpse of the famous and sensational singing of Chanticleer. The unique feature that Chanticleer offers are the feeling of uncertainty that they bring out in their performance.

Ap english declaration of independence essay

In the Declaration of Independence, Jefferson persuades Britain to grant colonial America its Independence because George III is un-fit to hold the governmental power of colonial America. After reading the Declaration of Independence, Britain will grant America its independence because George III is un-fit to hold the governmental power of colonial America.

Supply chain

The article argues about the labor outsourcing in most of the organizations in the United States. The article analyzes the changes and strategies that the organization need to incorporate in management in order to be competitive, and labor outsourcing is no exception.

Goal statements

GOAL MENT After graduating with a bachelor of science in psychology, I saw the need to pursue my master's degree in mental health counseling. The ultimate goal is to start and operate a non-profit organization in the future to carter for the increasing number of mentally challenged persons.

What do you think of westernization in malaysia? essay

Even the western country Is more fashionable than our country but their fashion design are not appropriate to Malaysian people. They also do not respect to the elder people.

Book review/summary for lawson b ( 2005) how designers think architectural press

From the book, it is can be established that design can also be used as a noun to describe the final product. The purpose of this study is to understand design education and technology, mostly in the recent future, given that with the growth in technology the design field can also to grow in order β†’

The value of taking risks and making mistakes essay sample

On the television show " The Magic School Bus," Miss Frizzle, the over-eccentric, adventuresome teacher, always says, " Take chances, make mistakes, and get messy!" She is stressing that not taking risks and, in turn, not making mistakes is nearly equivalent to not learning. Instead, we need to take a running start and grab the β†’

7 types of jerks found in every office

Whether you are in management or working alongside the office jerk, it's important to learn to identify and manage the office jerk. It's important to avoid participating in this type of activity but if you find yourself the target of such negativity, there are a to keep it at a minimum.

Culture and globalization

The present article discusses the impact of globalization on culture and traditions. In terms of globalization, understanding is to represent the culture on the global platform and with a pride in portraying cultural worth.

Research report on entrepreneur mark zuckerberg

Microsoft and AOL tried to purchase a music player he had built called Synapse and recruit Zuckerberg, but he instead went to Harvard College in September 2002. He regularly donates to charities and schools and in October 2010 Zuckerberg landed a cameo role on hit TV show The Simpsons.

Economy in poland

Poland's government plays an enormous role in the sustainability of the country's economy. Poland has averted these hard economic times, and their economy is doing very well compared to most of the world.

Physiology and function

But most important function of CCK is contraction of Gall bladder and relaxation of sphincter of Oddi. When food rich in fat reach the duodenum, CCK cause expulsion of bile in the common bile duct and relaxed sphincter of Oddi allow easy passage into the duodenum to mix with the food.

How influential was alan turing

The petition gathered over 37, 000 signatures,[18][144] but the request was discouraged by Lord McNally, who gave the following opinion in his role as the Justice Minister:[146] A posthumous pardon was not considered appropriate as Alan Turing was properly convicted of what at the time was a criminal offence. All of Turing's contributions to the β†’

Lighting critique

In Beauty and the beast, lighting plays an essential part in the production because of the different scenes that have to take place. The placing of lights at the stage has been a success to the musical play.

Week 3 conference

Military Tribunal Military tribunal Military tribunal is machinery that gives ity to the military officers to determine and hear cases that involve the violation of law of war against the United States. I do not agree that the military tribunal provide constitutional right fully because they do not provide tor the right of the due β†’

To supposedly feigning madness. on the other hand,

to Arrival of Rosencrantz andGuildenstern and To the PlayersHamlet: Act 2 Scene 2 Compare Hamlet's Reaction to Arrival of Rosencrantz andGuildenstern and To the PlayersYin ChoiCompare Hamlet's reaction to the arrival of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern withhis reaction to the arrival of the Playyers. His reaction to the arrival ofhis old friends is similar to his β†’

Federalism certain nationally defined programs. unfunded federal mandates

But in the last twenty-five years, the increase of federal mandates on state and local governments has shifted the balance of power between national and state governments. Therefore, the national government is becoming more powerful and the state and local governments are becoming more dependent on and in some ways, subservient to it.

Cultural analysis of baha’i faith

Ideals of unity and the oneness of religions advocated by the Baha Faith The Baha Faith is a monotheistic religion that puts emphasis on the divine unity of all humanity. The main principle of the Baha Faith is the oneness of humankind.

Analysis of martin luther king’s letters to the birmingham jail

He makes references to the most important figures of history, such as " Apostle Paul" and speaks of how he " carried the gospel for Jesus" and Socrates, and how he " Made a tension in the mind" that deciphers the truth from the false. As King proceeds with his letter, he refers to the β†’

Discuss the various forms or methods of obtaining public opinion data. to what extent if any should politicians be responsive to public opinion data should polls dictate war policy

Online survey This has become one of the most popular methods of conducting opinion poll of burning issues and public policies. Part 2 Politicians should be very responsive to the public opinion as they are representative of people and primarily represent their interest in the government.

Brutus asking them if they all wish

He tells the crowd that he helped to kill Caesar for thepeople and their well being. By repeating this throughoutthe speech he puts the impression in the peoples minds that Brutus and Cassiushave brainwashed Antony and maybe they really are not honorable men.

Environmental concerns should take the highest priority in people’s minds

The purpose of this essay is to put forward the argument that, out of all the possible concerns that the world population could pick from, environmental concerns should take the highest priority. 72 percent of the planet that the human races lives on is covered by the ocean, meaning that if anything detrimental were to β†’

Why a current television show or movie is so popular

The sculpture found its way in the edifice when the cathedral's developers hold a decorative competition in the 1980 wherein children has to come up with the face of evil. The movie appealed both to children and adults alike because of the combination of the superhero tale and science fiction.

Org behavior

Organizational theory refers to the duty of an organization on the impact of the surrounding on the operational outline of the organization and how the organization works in the environment. Culture reflects the design structure of an organization, for example, employees' rights and organizational principles.

Laura ashley analysis essay

This was partly due to the success of its public offering and the fact that the company had 30 years of steady, solid success. The series of management changes had an impact on the performance of the company.


One of the strategies that can be used to resolve environmental issues includes the self regulation model. World Trade World trade can be affected by a number of factors; in order to ensure smooth flow of trade, countries should make efforts to address and resolve the issues that affect world trade.

Cerebral vascular accident

Formation of lacunar spaces as a result of narrowing of smaller arteries of the brain may cause tissue damage to the brain and compromised blood flow, Atherosclerosis which is a hardening of arteries due to the accumulation of fatty debris and plaque is another cause that can lead to a cerebral vascular accident. The case β†’

Tribute speech content outline

There are two main reasons that I would like to pay tribute to my dad; my dad was there for me when I needed him the most, and he also believed in me when I did not. I was trying my best to take the classes I needed to graduate but I also was trying β†’

Dating paragraph

My family and friends mean the world to me and the comedies I enjoy are diverse that is including animations such as Despicable Me, I feel it is important to have a sense of humor and indulging one's inner 10-year old from time to time is allowed. That being said, I should point out that β†’

Types of roommates

The three most common roommates are the quiet type, the fun-loving party roommate and the dependent roommate. People have different behaviors and preferences, and these determine the type of roommates one is likely to encounter.

Assignment 3

Topic: Question Based on the case studies the concept of leadership among teachers in any is quite powerful due to the fact that it is built on the conception of collegiality mainly in schools that tend to contribute to school effectives directly. Question 4 With regards to the case study the principal is the only β†’

Sgt john wilson review essay

John meets Jessie Patterson, who he immediately takes an interest in and John being all bright and using his brain has a wife and 2 children back home but that does not stop him for going for Jessie. When confronted about this by Jessie's dad he says that he was married, but his wife died β†’

“the calling of st matthew” by caravaggio

Caravaggio's innovation in art is in the theatrical use of colours, treatment of light and shade and distinctive naturalism of the motion and physical depiction. Matthew" and " The Inspiration of St.

Small business intrapreneurship

Organizing In the 2 stages of company's growth, the company's organization structure is very informal, where all the employees are reporting to the owner of the company. Leading Leading is considered to be the driving force in the development of the company, and it is one of the ways to manage a company.

The person from a different community. this means

According to the thesis, it is not right for one community to force its rule unto another person from a different community. The other flaw of this thesis is that, people who advocate for change are considered to be wrong.

Teacher as a learner

The idea of " teachers as learners" is founded on the fundamental notion of education as more than the transmission of information and ideas to s, but the development of students' intellectual capacities, their thinking, and their reasoning. In this respect, effective teachers must also be effective learners who understand the evolving process of education β†’

The film maquilapolis

It is the absence of neutral third parties which foments all the bizarre injudiciousness portrayed in the film. In order to prevent the US corporations from polluting the environment of developing countries, the role of neutral third parties is again worth mentioning.

Case study example

The moving of a business to a place with so many opportunities such as New York or London will be beneficial as it provides numerous opportunities for investors as well as positions the company at a strategic place to gain from all the traffic emanating from all business dealings taking place in that location. The β†’


It constitutes of good traits that are important which enable a person to carry out their duties, at the right time, and in the correct way. He also added that morals are acquired through practice and habituation which is significant in the achievement of goals and hence makes a person happy.

Key characteristics of bureaucracy

And in the case of the government, it is through bureaucracy that it interacts with the general population. Weber associated the rise of bureaucracy with the industrial revolution and the attendant flourishing of the capitalist system.

What is the decision facing electrolux? essay sample

First of all, the firm must keep in mind that the consumers preference of the competitor's products and the reason behind it so they have to take effective measure in this area. I would recommend that the firm must initiate a promotional campaign in which they must pair another product with the vacuum and provide β†’

Identify the characteristics of different types of child abuse essay

Emotional and phychological abuse of a child is a pattern of intentional verbal attacks or lack of actions that convey a negative message to the child that they are unloved and unwanted. Terrosism is to threaten a child with the physical violence to hurt someone or something they are close to.

Ben and jerry video case study solution

Core competence * Persistence * hippie attitude Great combination of resources * owner tenacity * hippie culture * distinct shop culture * ambitious lawyer * gut instinct? * being " hands on" like the potter in Mintzberg's example Goal was * SURVIVAL at first * then competitive advantage Level of strategy? * In B&J, competitive β†’

High school and essential cultural observation essay sample

What is the essential cultural observation or situation being satirized? What is the essential cultural observation or situation being satirized?

People of jewish heritage

People of Jewish Heritage People of Jewish Heritage Part The Jews believe in one God who is the creator of heaven and earth, andthe giver of life. The Jews also believe God is the giver of life and can also take it.

University museum case analysis

The museum is not flourishing with the school as well as it has in the past, and the direction of the university is being questioned.III. Miss Kirkoff intended for the museum to be a resource but maintain its position as a part of the university.

Behavioral finance and wealth management

In my 2006 book, Behavioral Finance and Wealth Management, I outline a method of applying behavioral finance to private clients in a way that I now refer to as " bottom-up." This means that for financial advisors to diagnose and treat behavioral biases, he or she must first test for all behavioral biases in a β†’

Treaty of varsailles – p3ip

The Treaty of Versailles The German people understand the anger and dissatisfaction of the Western powers following the Great War but we humbly protest the unfair and inherently inegalitarian provisions of the document presently being compiled in Versailles. We, the German people, take issue with many of the conditions of the Treaty of Versailles and β†’

Babysitting at it’s finest

Do not get me wrong, I love spending time with the kids, but most of the time, children can really get annoying after the first hour or so. Second of all, since the kids are in bed really early, the parents are gone; why not explore and see what interesting things I can find in β†’

Mysticism in east asia

The achievement of modernity was an important factor in the nineteenth and twentieth century and Buddhism was a great contributor towards the reaching of this early status of modernity in Japan. The interest of the western world in Buddhism achieved a great rise in the nineteenth and twentieth century, particularly after the success of Japan β†’

Sop: why columbia?

I know that I will never have to stop seeking new mental experiments the way I did when I was a kid. When I learned that the byproducts of the combustion of methane are water, carbon oxide, and energy, I went straight to my chemistry teacher and asked why communities that did not have clean β†’

South africa

South Africa Order No: 176169 No of pages: 2 Premium 6530 Anthony Trollope: The Diamond Fields of South Africa, 1870 " The Diamond Fields of South Africa" 1870, a book by Anthony Trollope is not only intriguing but extremely interesting for the fact that it gives you a first hand report of the very birth β†’

Dream reflection

Scientist also discover that the ERM sleep will commence with the break of the connection between a part of the brain that control the movement of muscle and the muscle, thus preventing someone who is dreaming from acting out the dream he has. In the nutshell, dream has continue to contain a myriad of criticality β†’

Interest of statement for pharmacy school

I am more certain today about the direction I want my future to take than I have ever been before in my life. Within two years, I volunteered to go to Iraq where I was able to give something back to the public, which I feel is an obligation that I have as a citizen.


The movie is giving anaccount of the last ten days of Adolf Hitler's life and his leadership in Germany in the year 1945. By the looks of how the Russian troops are getting further into Berlin, it is almost guaranteed that the Russians will win this war and be in control of Berlin as Germany β†’

Last school to okhla and bring them

One deluxe bus was taken on hire from the Delhi Transport Corporation to carry the students from the school to Okhla and bring them back to the school. The class teachers asked the students to board the bus and take their seats.

Colonialism in ukraine

Introduction It is rather difficult to specify the exact date when Ukraine was finally colonized and forced into joining the Russian empire, this is primarily because the 1654 agreement between the Russian Emperor Aleksey Mikhailovich and the Ukrainian Hetman BohdanKhmelnytskyis seen to have not involved the colonization of Ukraine by Russia. Conclusion The colonization β†’


The initial stages of the twentieth century were characterized by the rapid technological advancements in the second industrial revolution. Nietzsche, a German scholar, and cultural critic, argued that civilization and its consequences is the price people have to pay to control the ego and its wants.

Need to know

With money, We can go to any schools, any universities we like to further our knowledge.- I think money is just the important thing in our life. In addition, when we have a lot of money without knowledge, then our life is not really meaningful.

Respond to the discussion about aristotle (for online class-introduction to ethics)

I agree to you when you said that every individual has a certain goal in his/her life and that the goal should be positive so that it may benefit the society as a whole in some way. However, I disagree with you when you tend to define rationality in the context of criminality.

Weighted average cost of capital and new product line assignment

Based on these forecasts, estimate Flash's required external financing: in this case all required external financing takes the form of additional notes payable from its commercial bank, for the same period.2. What course of action do you recommend regarding the proposed investment in the new product line?

Kurt is able to both establish a reason

Darryl Hattenhauer, author of " The Politics Of Kurt Vonnegut's ' Harrison Bergeron'", argues that Vonnegut uses his skills as a satirist to criticize both right and left wing politics. By using 2081 America as an allegory for a communist state of his time, as well as using hyperbole to satirize both left and right β†’

Cross listing

By providing a chance to foreign investors to invest in the assets of the domestic country, the domestic country and the foreign investors, both are privileged by and large. The company obtains benefits by the economic activities of that foreign country especially from the financial market's ability to provide greater strength to the market value β†’

Problem statement

Project Description The project will be done in order to increase the reliability of the website to handle and process orders. Assumptions The assumption for this project is that hiring an IT company who will work on the project will be more efficient and would take an average of three months to complete.

Baptism in christianity literatureassignment assignment

This review will also indicate where the ceremonies take place and also who would attend this ceremony for example the leaders in the churches and also the congregation people that is part of the Christian faith. According to some people in today's time believe that to be baptized was only to be done in the β†’

From what frequent activity do you derive your greatest joy why is this activity meaningful to you, and how does it shape your perspective on life (500 words or less)

I like baseball because it is a meaningful part of my life that makes me feel needed by my community and enables me to realize my potential in life. Growing up, I was becoming more and more interested in the strategy of the game and baseball coaching seemed to be the best role I could β†’

The and yet a very close relationship

Dornbusch and Fischer, in the book ' Macroeconomics', introduces macroeconomics as a subject that " is concerned with the behavior of the economy as a whole with booms and recessions, the economy's total output of goods and services and the growth of output, the rate of inflation and unemployment, the balance of payments, the exchange β†’

Cpi valuation

The purpose of this report is to compare CPI's price-to-earnings ratio to that of its competitors and as a result show that CPI is being undervalued and why. This is not to say that P&G runs in the red, however, the difference between P&G and CPI is that CPI is running completely in the black β†’

The most frightening experience of my life

That day, in the morning, I was travelling with my family and my boyfriend to a peaceful and small town called Lujan. It was a pity that I could not visit my grandfather's tomb and I never will do that due to the fact that I am scared of going there again.

See below

The basic aim of the articles of confederation was to ensure complete freedom to the states of America who has got freedom from England; it was to promote local government rather than a central government of the states. The major points of the articles of confederation were: Assigned a name of " the United States" β†’

Assignment example

In doing so, it focuses on the capital employed and manages to assess how effective the firm's ability to maximize on the resources available. The Capital Light strategy seeks to make available larger sums of capital all in the name of taking advantage of the way in which potential investors will hold the fort in β†’

Stop pollution: a way of saving earth assignment

The effects of pollution can be so destructive; however, there are ways to prevent these three types of pollution: Narrow to focus on one facet of pollution? The result of this pollution is visible in a form of landslide.

Arab spring

As a result of the corruption and the knowledge that Mubarak was likely to hand his power to his son, thereby creating a type of dynasty, the unease and dissatisfaction among those living in Egypt reached a boiling point and instigated what has become to be known as the Arab Spring. Whereas before no level β†’

The correctional system

The Correctional System Prison or the correctional system is the child of Crime in the society. This has given rise to increase in the number of detention in the correctional system consequently increased the number of offenders in the prison.

The ag nanoparticles was spherical and elongated

The shape of nanoparticles and its distribution infilter paper was examined by TEM. The biocidal activity of filter paper was tested against total viable and indicator coliform bacteria counts in watersamples.

Effective crisi communications ( ) – thesis proposal example

When planning for crisis management, it is important to keep in mind the public image of the organization, i.e.how will the general public perceive the actions taken by the organization in a crisis situation. What needs to be done once the crisis is over to restore the daily life and maintain a good image of β†’

Topic selection form for

Aim of the study: To explore the impact of family support on the frequency of falls in the community dwelling elderly. To measure the frequency of falls as an evidence in the chart reported by patient.