500 Words Essay Samples

Jocelyn moorhouses how to make an american quilt

One of the reasons I can identify with the character of Marianna in the movie is that, like her, I too follow my hearts desires. This practice has, indeed, enriched my life. As Anna puts it, I have been " brave" and I have gone " by instinct" , and if anything, I am β†’


Perhaps one more aspect that makes the Antichrist more fascinating is the undiluted surge of feelings and the mythical effect in the entire episode of the film. This is especially so in that the use of backdrops and transparent scenery is very common in the movie.

Fine art

This paper will analyze the movie The Matrix from the point of view elements and principles of art, proving that it is a work of art. The first element that will be discussed is form which mostly corresponds to the perceived volume. As for the colors, one might point out that black is the most β†’

Contemporary dance

This means that dance eventually focused on the fundamentals of movement as opposed to the conventions proposed by Martha Graham whereby the act of breathing was to guide the bodily expressions during the dance session. Additionally, the dance ceased to be an epitome or reality as claimed by certain dance choreographers and this led to β†’

Lee miller

She started her modeling profession in 1927 when she appeared on the spread of American Vogue, and was shot by the best abilities of the day. She additionally featured in Jean Cocteaus point of interest film " The Blood of a Poet". Lee Miller as an artist was the muse of Man Ray as well β†’


The Ballad of Gregorio Cortez The Ballad of Gregorio Cortez is a movie that retells an incident that happened in real life in Gonzales, Texas back in 1901. The main problem that gave rise to such a thing was the use of a deputy (by the sheriff investigating the case) to translate what β†’

The proposition & gomorrah

Two films, " The Proposition" and " Gomorrah" use color and camera movement to create two vastly different visual styles, which leaves the audience with two very different impressions: " The Proposition" seems like a storey book, or a distant tableau, whereas " Gomorrah" creates a sense of immersion. The color palettes of these two β†’

Use of pathos in penn and teller’s bullshit: fast food film

The use of pathos in the film is manifested across the film; the commentator interesting takes fast food literary while suggesting that fast food is not healthy. The fact that the commentator describes the physically fit persons in the film as skinny is an act of rhetoric and sarcasm to the fast food eaters.

Dj vu: an analysis of early egyptian art through the prism of art development and history

Section D j vu: An Analysis of Early Egyptian Art through the Prism of Art Development and History Oftentimes the realm of art and artistry is open to a degree of egoism with regards to the fact that artists and scholars alike consider the changes in art experienced within the past several hundred years are β†’

Looking at movies: by richard barsam & dan monahan, ny: w. w. norton & company 2009. 3rd edition

Since then movie and film, industry has grown thanks to technological advances and government incentives. At the dawn of 1960s, movie industry saw major innovations like invention of projectors to project movies to appeal to big audience. In the movie Kleingeld, background music and color together with setting help to show the theme of poverty β†’

A streetcar named desire

Therefore, some of other cinematic changes made on the film were censorship approvals that led to the film becoming a failure and subject to artistic mockery. There were other changes made due to objections, for instance in 1993, there was a restoration of this film after changes were made on the original version in Legion β†’

Analysis of picture by clyfford still

Color shades in this artwork dominate the left side of the portrait where the illumination seems to emanate and in the sky. This is evident from the main object's piece protruding piece from the right and casts shadow just beneath it in relation to both the man and machine like forms found in the background. β†’

Dramatic symmetry in great expectations

Magwitch is proud of " the gentleman what I made!" and enthralled with the idea of Pip's transformation. It's this secrecy that gives Herbert the confidence to act on his dreams of pursuing a partnership and ultimately become a successful man. Dickens' use of dramatic symmetry makes characters, events, and circumstances more poignant.

Burditt v us dept of health and human services case studies example

Burditt, the on-call physician for cases of these nature was called by the nurses on duty, he point blank told them he did not want to treat this patient and immediately told the nurses to transfer her to a hospital 170 miles away. Burditt did arrive at the hospital, examined the patient and concluded her β†’

Free narrative of the captivity and restoration of mrs. mary rowlandson essay example

Hers is a story of triumph given, after all the pain, she underwent through the heathen, and she finally found her deliverance. One of the major themes that have been illustrated in the book is providential history. She considers the tempest she had to go through in the hands of β†’

Concert response paper

Gambyong Pareanom came next; it was a traditional Javanese dance performed by the troop of dancers who joined the musicians and helped them to showcase the best traditions of Javanese culture in one performance. The second part of the performance began with a cheerful sound of Gendhing Erang-Erang to Ladrang Opak Apem. Sampak was the β†’

Album review

It is a masterpiece for everybody to know not only because of its meaning but due to the way its elements work together in creation of a specific mood. The first thing that attracts attention while listening to the song is not the melody, rhythm, or structure of the piece. The flute, in its turn, β†’

The impact of internet on traditional businesses

The interactions take place during the match when both football teams apply their strategies, responding to the other team's attacks, and defending heir interests. It is obvious that concerning football, the main outcome the parties involved are willing to attain is the victory as no payoffs are gathered with a defeat. Thus, in β†’

Example of media mystery report

My media use pattern is consistent with that of other members of my generation, in which social networking sites, have significantly swelled the number of hours spent on the internet. Another way of looking at the situation in my opinion is however that this preference, especially for the internet, comes β†’

Internet users turn addicts 10666

The " I am-not-addicted users" are the users who try to convincethemselves that they are not addicted to the Internet. These addicts make excuses to justify their use of the Internet.

Example of data access control models research paper

Access control models Access control models are the mechanisms that are used to regulate the access of users to a computer system or information systems. This paper will discuss three access models and discuss the environments in which they best operate in. The first access model is the role based access control.

Internet vs. library

Compare and contrast libraries and the internet as two major sources of information for use in academic written work Nowadays, the world Is rapidly developed. To summaries, It has been shown comparison of two major sources of Information for using in academic written work: libraries and the internet.

“teenagers should be discouraged from going into internet

So, It Is these similar interests that make a conversation interesting, but if you still feel that the person Is untrustworthy, Just give a courteous farewell, and leave the chat room. It is still safe sometimes to chat In an Internet chat room, especially If you are In a channel where you know β†’

Music on the internet

What I am trying to do in this assignment is consider all the views and arguments of both sides and write down my viewpoints on the matter. The downfall of the record industry?! Record companies and artists have been in legal battles recently with file sharing servers such as Napster over the past year or β†’

Managing information technology case study examples

Its establishment has provided a relief to the children because they can now easily access medical services even in their remote homes. As recorded in this case study, the kinds of activities performed by this organization are so demanding. Besides, it becomes so difficult for the staff in each of β†’

Good essay about community issues

13 Jul.2015.http://www.foreignaffairs.org/articles/2010-12-20/political-power-social-media Clay Shirky is a writer and professor at New York University's Interactive Telecommunications Program, who specializes in the social and economic effects of social media. 13 Jul.2015.http://www.politico.com/story/2015/06/brigade-politics-social-network-sean-parker-119108.html Shirky, Clay." The Political Power of Social Media".

Digital foot print in todays society

This could include your profile on Facebook or MySpace, photos that you or your friends & family have posted online, as well as anything you have ever written on discussion boards, blogs or anywhere else.- Are you aware of your own digital footprint? - Is there anything online that you would not want a prospective β†’

Datum; an eye opening and income booster

5 quintillion byte of data and the irony of it is that most of these generated are been monetized and nothing really comes back to the owner of the data. This stored data increase four times faster than the global economy and this data comprises of your information and my information.

The jazz age and the harlem renaissance part ii critical thinking examples

The stream is like life, always moving, and the " The trout was steady in the moving stream". It is the spoiling hand of man that Nick seeks to avoid with his isolated camping excursion, and nature, without the spoiling of men is healing to Nick. The swamp is a difficult area where the stream β†’

Thermistors research paper example

Since then, the production of thermistors began as demands for cheap and reliable temperature sensors rise. Uses in industry An electronic circuit usually uses thermistors. Thus, the applications of thermistors are considered endless. Works Cited: Ametherm." Thermistor Applications".

The causes and effects of the internet on business

The availability of expanding technology, lower cost, and ease of use allowed encouraged businesses large and small to get In on the Internet revolution. The ability to communicate on a global level has been possible since the early 1900s, ut the opportunity for Instant communication came closer to the turn of the century. β†’

Some indian isps are actually boosting torrent speeds – is yours?

So what's virtually free for them, is passed on to the local consumer- at a much faster speed. Be sure not to download otherwise criminal data that can land you in a lot of trouble. Are you lucky to be in the list of ISPs?

Review and evaluation article review example

Article Critique: Digital Government and the Digital Divide by Richard Groper Introduction The article subject of this critique is entitled " Digital Government and the Digital Divide", written by Professor Richard Groper of California State University in Fullerton, California, United States , and published as a chapter of a β†’

Have you been scammed by forex and binary options companies? it’s not your fault.

If the target shows a willingness to pick up the phone, the scammer will call until the deal is done. What Can a Scam Victim Do? The idea that scam victims are helpless is wrong. Scam victims who used their debit or credit card for payment can ask their bank to open a chargeback request, β†’

Essay on rite of passage

This paper will discuss rite of passage and the stages involved. Rites of passage can either be for sacred or religious purposes, for example, baptism which is a religious rite of passage or tattooing which is a secular rite of passage in America. We were again taken through catechism classes where we were taught of β†’

Software piracy 13731

No matter what kind of encryption there will always be someone out there , wether it be me or the next guy , whose intelligence is greater then those who make the software. According to the federal government , that by the way has no real control over america since they cannot β†’

Filtering the net 10650

Should the government have the right to limit what children view on the Internet? This has to be the most important statistic that deals with Internet filters.


Teaching in incorrect English will bring disadvantages to the student.1. Refutation: The use of English as the main language in teaching Science and Mathematics could bring more beneficial.A.

Internet assignment

To get the certificates and a person should be a member of the Apics who has the professional qualification and good integration of manufacturing and service industries.c) Job postings from Apics include Senior production planner is responsible for the production of the supply chain; he will be able to get the total cost of production β†’

Essay on atm exercise

The following information is provided for the purpose of derivation of an expression for PP: - PC = Cell loss rate in the ATM network - n = number of cells required to transmit a single IP datagram - PP - IP-packet loss rate As such, it is important to define the meaning of β†’

Air pollution and enviromental hazards assignment

This infection can be acquired in the community or in the hospital.MRS.was identified in the United States in the late sass's, and MRS.can be found on the skin, in the blood, in the nasal passage, and in the urine.MRS.affects many people and some people may not realize they are a carrier. MRS.rates continue to climb β†’

Airline industry

The airline industry is one of the most powerful industries in the world. Another important set of workers in the airline industry is the maintenance crew.

A documentary book “into thin air” by jon krakauer

After the Khumbu Icefall's first victim, Jake Breitenbach died on the icefall, eighteen other climbers died also. The author's purpose of stating on how many died on Khumbu icefall was to alarm the dangers, as well as to express his challenging adventure and his experience. After spending over a month living in close quarters atop β†’

“the lottery” by shirley jackson

The position the author had, knew the outcome of the story. If the story was written from a first-person point of view, the author might have added some emotions that would have watered down the story.

The great gatsby: prohibition

Bootlegging in the 1920's is the way many people got rich, including the main character in The Great Gatsby, Jay Gatsby. Prohibition is one of the pivotal ideas in The Great Gatsby, and is always something that seems to come back up in the book. In the novel The Great Gatsby, Jay β†’

John proctor’s redemption by sin in the crucible

He is determined to save his wife and in the end makes a dangerous choice to tell the truth. He goes to to the with a friend, Giles Corey to prove the innocence of those accused including Elizabeth.

Tessie’s revenge in the lottery, a short story by shirley jackson

Throw them harder!" Old Man Warner shouted above the crowd." No wonder the other towns quit the lottery," Nancy said as she covered her face, not letting anyone see the tears in her eyes. Old Man Warner, he was walking by, saw Tessie's hand and ran as fast as he could, even though it was β†’

Pride and revenge in the cask of amontillado

The The Cask of Amontillado is a Gothic fiction by Edgar Allan Poe who develops the theme of pride and revenge to show the motive for Montresor actions and to foreshadow what is to happen in the story. The Cask of Amontillado is told in past tense about a chilling murder Montresor committed 50 β†’

The catcher in the rye expository essay

" The catcher in the rye expository essay" The catcher in the rye is a book I have read and really enjoyed because of the plot and the characters in the novel." I always call it the catcher of the rye of the new generation." (www. The story takes place in New York City and β†’

Ernest hemingway: a farewell to arms

Henry's commitment to the war is not genuine. This type of attitude shows he is not committed to the war.

Huck finn rough draft

The people that argue that it should be banned state that the book has irrelevant and hurtful reference to the slang word for an African-American. The most important reason that it should not be banned is that the students reading the book are taught by teachers the context and history of the word " nigger".

Gothic components in the fall of the house of usher by edgar poe

Some believe that the events actually happened and were not a result of the narrator's imagination, but they would be wrong. Due to the reasons listed above, the events were just a figment of the narrator's imagination.

Informative essay on to kill a mockingbird essay

This creates the author's effect because it helps Scout think about Miss Caroline's point of view. The author may use this to develop the theme ofracismbecause it shows that you should think about what other people may be thinking. The author may use this to develop the theme of coming of age β†’

Compare/contrast: the great gatsby

The Great Gatsby The Great Gatsby is a book filled with twists and turns of events from beginning to end. Because of this, Gatsby is one to strive in being a people pleaser and a thoughtful host.

New religious movements

In the history of Christianity alone, schisms are either a deviation or a return to its roots. Effects of Religious Pluralism Post your response to this question: What effect do you think religious pluralism and the interfaith movement will have on the future of organized religion? How will β†’

Good secularism essay example

Secularism is the principle of dividing or separating the political institutions, government and persons of the state from the religious establishments and people. The humanitarian actions of the state will be based on more logical reasons and honest bases.

The computer 15317

One as a mechanical computing device, in about 500 BC The other as a concept in 1833, and the third as the modern day computer in 1946. The first concept of the modern computer was first outlined in 1833 by the British mathematician Charles Babbage.

Computer software and tea collection essay sample

The Tea Collection being one of the fastest growing companies in the United States, using the information technology system has helped them grow by using this software to design their cloth and using the application for selling of their products. The demographic data mapping software has help The Tea Collection company to geographic the area β†’

How have computers changed our lives?

All of their bank details are kept on a computer system if this computer was to fail the bank would have all of the information kept on a back up system. If the bank did not have a back up system all of the stakeholders of that particular bank would have problems the β†’

How computers effect our lives?

On the other hand, the computer is a great tool for people who are looking to learn anything in the world. Whether you want to read books or search the news, or get information worldwide, the computer can handle all these of things. Finally, the computer is a very spectacular tool that β†’

Computer class

When using a source for a research paper It Is always very Important to verify the book, website, photo, etc. In order to verify the validity of a photo on the Web, people need to check the source as to wear It came from, If the website Is not a website with absentia β†’

Wearable computer

In the non-ending struggle to increase computing speed, it was found out that speed of electricity might become a limiting factor in the speed of computation, and so it was a need to lessen the distance that electricity had to travel in order to increase the computing speed. This idea still holds true in modern β†’

All the troubles in the world

The computers systems in " All the troubles of the world" by Isaac Asimov and Minority Report were both very different. In " All the troubles of the world" by Isaac Asimov the entire world is controlled by Multivac. However both the computers in " All the troubles of the world" and β†’

Using computers

First of all, computers weaken children's Imagination and creatively. With computers, children would no longer need to think too much, what they need to do is only to give response to learning programs. So, it is necessary for parents to discourage children between ages of 6 and 16 from using computers.

Essay on strategic pricing and game theory

As such, each would strive to give the best offer that would still allow them to get profits and as such, Ray would end up receiving the lowest offer from each of the would-be suppliers. The situation explained above is reflected below. In an instance where Ray has knowledge of the suppliers cost, the best β†’

Computer science exception handling in java

Exception - thrown when there Is an error In Input-output operation Unconventionality's -This Exception occurs when you create an object of an abstract class and interface unchecked Exception exception, however, the compiler does not force client programmers either to catch the exception or declare it in a throws clause. These include: ; Calling the member β†’

Computer and class scheduling

In connection with this, the researcher then came up with the idea to develop a system entitled " Automated Class Scheduling System" to help the dean in generating a schedule, to help the instructors and the students to have an accurate and non- conflicting time schedules, and to prepare and organize workload for instructors.C. It β†’

A man without ambition is like a woman without beauty

As a consequence , I can agree with the expression of Frank Harris, that " a man without ambition is like a woman without beauty". Considering the man as the leading power of history, I can confess that they could not go forward without ambition. Only good β†’

Batman beggins essay

One of the main themes in Batman Begins is fear, much of the plot is driven by fear, and the movie shows and explores fear in order to show how it affects people's lives. Batman has enough control over his fear to retain a sense of rationality, distinguishing who is the enemy and who is β†’

Are you an introvert or an extrovert?

I felt as if I was an introvert as compared to the extrovert person that I am usually. Although the familiar saying ' two hands are better than one' might be true in most cases, it appears that there are situations when this saying is not truthful. Later on, I spoke to one of my β†’

Romantic innocence

Blake juxtaposes, as it were, two areas of human experience but with his lament at " lost innocence", there is also the view that these phases are inevitable in human experience perhaps complementary. William Wordsworth, on the other hand, indeed brings forth the view that nature carries a beauty threatened by materialism: The β†’

Drama analysis lars and the real girl

Lars and the Real Girl " Who is Bianca? " " Lars and the Real Girl" is a production about a young man named Lars who tries to find love by ordering an anatomically correct sex doll, Bianca. Bianca's character aids the development of the other characters including Lars, his brother, and the " β†’

Moral (ethical)

Are their motives really altruistic, or is their behavior ultimately motivated by self-interest? Famously, Hobbes gave this answer: No man give but with intention of good to himself, because gift is voluntary; and of all voluntary acts, the object is to every man his own good; of which, if men see they β†’


Many things can be said about willpower, but this time I only wanted to highlight some points: self-control helps us to malting a meaning In our life and reach peppiness, as well as give us freedom, something that we can not Ignore. And we never should stop training our willpower; sometimes we fall β†’


From Steve Jobs 's cases, I found that Jobs attitudes included all the component of attitudes. Firstly, he as an affective component that is consists of feelings or motions one has about a situation. Beside that, Jobs attitudes also include in cognitive component that are consists of the beliefs and knowledge one has β†’


The narrator then goes on to compare the snake to cattle by saying in line " He lifted his head from his drinking, as cattle do, and looked at me vaguely, as drinking cattle do." The use of this simile represents the respect the narrator has for the snake and reflects on the β†’

Turning point in my life

Seayam, Sidy Instructor: Ludmila Hart ENG 101 10 09/13/2012 Turning Point in My Life After I finished high school I knew that I had to look forward to myeducation, and check where I should finish it and think of the future, where I wanted to work and with a good job and if I β†’

Auditor’s legal liability to third parties

What elements must be established by Musk to support a cause of action based on negligence? Since state law applicable to this action follows the Ultramarine decision, which sets the standard for auditor negligent liability by a third party according to priority, in which a contract or specific agreement exists between the two β†’

The precepts of ptah hotep

It states: " Be not of an irritable temper as regards that which happens at your side; grumble not over your own affairs." I believethis precept is beneficial because it focuses on being positive and not on being negative, and it showsrespectto yourself and to others. Precept number 19 tells us not to β†’

Morals vs. ethics

The reason for the same lies in the fact that environment has a huge role in the lives of the people and hence following the activities and processes in a very moral and ethical fashion would indeed be the best case scenario. More than anything else, it is the fight of morality and ethics that β†’

How will earning a degree change my life

People often say that college is not worth the time andmoney, but getting a degree and brining the skills you gained to the real world will be very beneficial to you. Some people go to college for the title for being a college student for others it's a way to leave home β†’

Rag pickers in india

The rights of the Rag Pickers as part of the broad rights discourse have assumed significance in contemporary times. The research revolves round these questions. Some of the key objectives of the research are 1) to study and understand the socio-economic condition of the rag pickers, Second is To know the impact β†’

Why racial and sexual discrimination are immoral

To the organization, performance of the individual is not the hinge as it should be in normal circumstances. Also, when one seeks treatment in a hospital and he/she is denied medical services just because he does not belong to the right race or gender then the hospital fails in the mandate of its existence. This β†’

Pre marital sex

Teens nowadays too tend to have this perception that sex before marriage is acceptable and would not even bother the consequences of it. They will not want you to suffer fear of disease, unwanted pregnancy and the psychological difficulties of premarital sex.

What causes a crisis

Real ignorance is a lack of understanding of the law of cause and effect in our own lives. Many of us seem to think that we can do whatever feels good acquire wealth, achieve status, pursue romantic conquests, eat heartily, and so forth ften at the expense of others, without ever having to concern ourselves β†’

Legal and ethico moral practice of nurses

The purpose of this study was to look into the level of compliance to the Legal and Ethico-Moral responsibilities of Staff Nurses of Selected Tertiary Hospitals in Lucena City and the assessment of their head nurses. To achieve this purpose, the researcher determined the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of β†’

How to get rid of the homeless

For many years we all witnessed the life the brutal life of homeless people, and for many years we try to figure out a way to get rid of them. This means we normal people will not have to spend a dime at the grocery store, because we would have plenty of children to β†’

Example of essay on obama to press xi on cyber attacks

This article is addressing the hackers in China and other malicious hackers in the whole world in order to reduce the effects of such attacks again in the future. The primary purpose of the author of this article was to express the impact of hackers from china on the information β†’

Free international media essay sample

This is the president of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, whose actions on the settlement of the Ukrainian crisis are in the center of attention of the world mass media. The image of Poroshenko in the coverage of the RT is a part of the general perception of the situation in Ukraine, where, according to Russian media, β†’

Critical infrastructures and complexity essay examples

The first answer to the question agrees with the statement in the question and mainly focuses on the fragility of infrastructures of today's world on the basis of cyber attacks only. There are few other steps mentioned in the answer which are of great significance for infrastructure security. The second answer to the question β†’

Critical infrastructure research paper sample

Critical Infrastructure Critical infrastructure is defined as those systems and assets both physical and cyber so vital to the Nation that their incapacity or destruction would have a debilitating impact on national security, national economic security, and/or typically means protecting assets from damage caused by physical forces such as explosion, impact, and fire. β†’

The laser sight and its use on pistols

Whether you decide to get a laser sighting for your pistol is up to you. In conclusion, a high-quality laser sight allows you to lock your target faster and more accurately when shooting.

Personal data and the age of information: the issue of privacy

Through these and other activities, we reveal information both knowingly and unwittingly to one another, to commercial entities, and to our governments. The monitoring of personal information is ubiquitous; its storage is so durable as to render one's past undeletable a modern digital skeleton in the closet. Both firms and individuals can benefit from the β†’

Dan narciso

For the 5 teachers shown in the movie I hope that they are still the same and care for there students as they did in the film. The film did not just show the love and compassion they had for students but it showed daily struggles of these public school teachers with administration, parents, and β†’

Should sex education be allowed in public schools?

The few different methods of sex education is a abstinence, abstinence-plus, and responsible decisions. The absence of sex education in schools is not a pleasant thought.