500 Words Essay Samples

The effectiveness of relaxtion therapy in the reduction of anxiety related symptoms (a case study)

A Summary of Article: " The Effectiveness of Relaxation Therapy in the Reduction of Anxiety Related Symptoms " Instructor's Name Date Synopsis: This study explores the importance of relaxation therapy in reduction of anxiety related symptoms. Results were gathered using the application of different relaxation techniques for twelve months and administration of both the scales β†’

Bad breath=bad dating life

70% of teens say that bad breath is an instant turnoff and 85% say that it's the most important thing to avoid when meeting someone for the first time. The second and best way to tell the person with bad breath of their problem is to just flat out say it.

Firm expansion in the u.s

The company has reached a stage its lifecycle in which the managers of the corporation seek further expansion in the United States marketplace. The new firm would be a distribution company for the products of the company.

Chinese immigration to the united states

The Chinese in that period of time were migrating in search of better living conditions than were prevalent in China at the time, and the major incentive to go to America was the California gold rush which began in the 1850s. Not only did they provide labor, but some of the Chinese also were entrepreneurs, β†’

Economic downturn

The impact of this economic downturn on my organization is as follows, * A decrease in the request for environmental impact assessment: when new manufacturing and production companies are being set up, whether it is on a small call or large scale, the government request that an environmental impact assessment be carried out. Since the β†’

Business: ratio analysis

GRADING CRITERIA P5 Perform ratio analysis to measure the profitability, liquidity and efficiency of a given organisation M2 Analyse the performance of a business using suitable ratios D2 Evaluate the financial performance and position of a business using ratio analysis scenario You are still working for accountants, Fleesom and Leggett as in Assignment 3. Task β†’

The essence of writing

The first tip of Roberts is that the writer should discard all the obvious ideas and content that comes to his mind in the initial stages of brainstorming. To make the content interesting, gripping and lively, the writer should use the words which makes the reader to ' feel' the content.

The chemical engineering

On the same note, I have recognized the value of new experiences as a form of learning in itself and as a result, I have participated in manycommunity servicetrips. I have been active in my student council and have served as the head of event management.

Obesity in new orleans

The officials say it is obesity that is the cause for most diseases the New Orleans dwellers suffer from. One of the reasons for this process is that fast foods are gaining popularity in New Orleans, the same as in the other American cities.

Alcohol consumption in uk

An increase in alcohol consumption has been driven by vast promotional and marketing campaigns with the UK alcohol industry spending 800m annually. Behavioural theories suggest that Melanie's consistent binge drinking is due to the positive attitudes that she possesses in addition to seeking the positive effects that it has upon her.


That is to say information to the long term memory passes through a short term or primary memory. At the short term memory, information is coded and sorted before it is moved to the secondary memory.

The encounter between the europeans and the american indians

The first source talked more about the cultural interaction between the Europeans and the Amerindians, while the second source talked more about the biological influence of the encounter between the Europeans and the Amerindians. The first phase talked about the exploration and contact of the Europeans with the Amerindians till 1600, the second phase talked β†’

Calcium carbonate

00g of calcium carbonate from aqueous solutions of calcium chloride and sodium carbonate. Determine the mass of calcium carbonate produced.

Ch. 14

Ebusiness FrameworkThe exchange of products and services either1) B2B Business to Business2) B2C Business to Consumer B2B Business-To-BusinessApplies to businesses buying from and selling to each other over the Internet. C2B Consumer-To-BusinessApplies to any consumer that sells products or service to a business over the Internet.

Paschal mystery

Jesus' passion is He, Himself, suffering through and eventually dying on the cross. His death proved to everyone that He, Jesus was the Son of God.


I always demonstrate my level of commitment in front of my team members; it would influence them to reach to the same level of commitment. I will work in such a way that it would create an example in front of my team members and they would try to follow me very strongly.

Case study labelle management

Due to the fact that all of Label Management's are located in Met. Finally, there is the behaviorist's segmentation which targets a market based on the customer's knowledge and use of the specific product or business.

Models of hrm essay

Harvard Analytical Framework for Human Resource Management Stake holder Interests Shareholders Management Employee GroupsHRM policyHR outcomesLong-Term GovernmentchoicesConsequences CommunityEmployeeCommitmentIndividual UnionsinfluenceCompliancewell-being Human resourceCongruenceOrganisational flowCost effectivenesseffectiveness Rewards systemsSocietal well-Work Systemsbeing Situational Factors Workforce characteristics Business Strategy and conditions Management philosophy Labour Market Unions Task Technology Law and societal values Source: Beer et al The Human Resource Cycle: Rewards β†’

When kids get life: overview essay

There are over 2, 200 juveniles who have been convicted of crimes and sentenced to life without the possibility of parole, 46 of whom are in the state of Colorado. Frontline's overall theme of the documentary was that these murders were justified in these five cases and encouraged the audience to sympathize with these five β†’

Social construction of technology

It is very similar to SCOT, however, it believes that the impact of technology Is not confined within certain groups of people, but come from much greater environment: economy, law. Although it notices the roles of social groups In the design of certain technology artifact, it pays no attention to the consequence of the technology.

Organic chemistry (methamphetamine) flashcard

Synthesis is relatively simple, but entails risk with flammable and corrosive chemicals, particularly the solvents used in extraction and purification; therefore, illicit production is often discovered by fires and explosions caused by the improper middling of volatile or flammable solvents. Methamphetamine also is neurotic and is associated with an increased risk of Parkinson disease.

Back in the day

I will talk about the " pre-teenagers" now as to when I was a " pre-teenager". I also remember when I was little the technology was nothing compared to today, or what kids have now.

Variety of meanings of literature

of the of the Submitted What Do You Get Out of Literature? I like to think of it as covering the history of the written works in a particular language.

Cause of the crusades essay

I believe that the crusades were started because of how Muslims and Christians wanted the Holy Land. Also the crusades originally started because the Christians wanted to have control of Jerusalem.

Mobile and wireless technology: trends on the rise

These factors actually show us the trends of mobile and wireless technology that are on the rise and pave way for the future of these technologies as an integral part of doing business in the times to come. The trends of mobile and wireless technology continue to rise as the technology becomes more advanced and β†’

Impressions on descartes meditations

This consequently leads to the conclusion that the world must exist, since God is not a deceiver, thus coming full circle from the philosopher's initial doubt regarding the existence of the world and all things in it. The conclusion is drawn by Descartes that the world must exist as a fact, the reality is based β†’

Areas of concern to ensure business success

First, the business lacks continuity because the life of the business is limited to the life-span of the owner. The sole trader is also liable for all the debts of the business and if assets are not enough, personal property may be used to pay creditors.

The boston massacre was britain’s fault essay sample

I believe that it was the British soldiers of the 29th regiment who initiated the Boston Massacre. Although the soldiers were somewhat provoked by the crowd on king street and by the ropewalk workers, the soldiers had a responsibility, and were duty-bound to keep peace, not to kill innocent civilians.

The importance of countering false narratives

Today, students who are truly innovative and courageous drop out of school to start a business, but some are still in the arms of their parents. Of course, in order to adapt to the world, people naturally construct favorable narratives.

Creon as a tyrant in antigone, by sophocles

Once it is discovered that Antigone is the culprit in the crime, she and Creon begin to have a discussion on the morality of his decree and her guilt in this crime. I chose to focus on the idea of Creon as a tyrant in this play because there is a direct correlation between his β†’

Dorms in college… and beyond

To help with the affordable housing issue, a new company in San Francisco, Starcity, is renovating old buildings and turning them into modern dorms. They say college is the best time of your life hanging out with friends and creating a community with like-mined people so why not just extend it?

Terrorism and criminology

Such an atmosphere facilitates organized crimes that are a reflection of the lack of respect for the failing systems and also of the notion that the punishment for such crimes will be less severe where the legal justice has fallen apart with the failed institutions. The general assumption can be summarized that people will resort β†’

Art appreciation essay

For example, while a painting such as Picasso's Seated Bather is considered art, I do not see it as beautiful. I can respect it as a work of art in general, but it does not speak to me, nor do I find it to be beautiful.

Strategies for a business

This opens up an opportunity for Starbucks to break further into the at home coffee market. This opens up the door for Starbucks to open up a multitude of stores in Japan.

Interview on play development

Because I did not go to school, I could only play games with the neighborhood kids. At home I would play with my sisters and cousins, but outside I would just play with the neighborhood kids.

Descriptive statistics (m3c)

Furthermore, the large standard deviation should also provide an indication of how variable the data set is, since the standard deviation measures the average distance of the data set values from the mean. Another possible option would be to get rid of the extreme value before taking the mean and standard deviation of the data β†’

Sacred arts and ritual performances in african religions

In the African traditional contemporary period, art objects were interpreted significantly in the context of both African cultural and historical experiences. In order to analyze the wider scope nature and significance of African art comprehensively, it is adversely necessary to understand how detailed and influential religious is in conventions and meaning to the African ritual β†’

Ethics in media – the rain man

Charlie goes to the trust to find out about the person and learns that Raymond, an autistic man, is his elder brother who has been kept in the trust because of his impaired mental situation. I think that a better option would be to allow Raymond to live with Charlie with the supervision of some β†’

Knowledge, truth, belief

As soon as the person that you are conversing with realizes that you are taking a philosophy course, they make it a point to ask you whether there is any way that you could prove to them that the world that you both inhabit is real and not an elaborate construct, like the Matrix depicted β†’

Effects of sleep deprivation

The person deprived of sleep will find it difficult to concentrate. The sleep-deprived person is likely to be quite irritable.

The act of altruism

In this paper we will discuss the act of altruism under the following:- Comparison Both personal and professional responsibilities of altruism aim to benefit the society at large. The future of psychology The future of psychology depends on service to others and the devotion to assist others by its masters.

Business ethics assignment

Code of Business ethics: Our Code of Business Ethics helps our people better understand the duties and responsibilities associated with conducting business on behalf of Jones Lang Losable. We expect all vendors to embrace and adhere to our Vendor Code of Conduct.* Paper #3: The research-based Deciphers Institute is a leading organization dedicated to the β†’

Application for admission in the texas technology university

I have learnt how to cope up with my situation, and I believe this will not affect my academic work if am granted an opportunity to study in your institution. This notion will also be one of my motivating factors when am awarded a chance to study in the university of my choice.

Letter about literature

I think this is true because people are scared to be different that the rest of the people in this world. Another message that I found in this poem is that it is easy to make the wrong choice.

Wi-fi protected access essay sample

The second way use a dictionary file or world list that contain vary large amount of possible passwords to test it but if the password not stored on the file it will not be cracked, on the other hand the REAVER method more able to crack WPA/WPA2 2-About REAVER method: REAVER...it is an open source β†’

Leadership and management related studies essay

Task focused leaders are primarily concerned with achieving the aims and goals of the group, and ensure this happens by focusing on the task needed to reach those goals. Thus, a group would ideally need two leaders: one task-focused to ensure that the group has direction and is productive, and one socio-emotional to ensure that β†’

Article summary for criminal justice class

In the true essence, pleasure and freedom from pain are the ultimate desirables according to the theory of utilitarianism. I think it would be wrong to differentiate between utility and pleasure in the theory of utilitarianism because utility only exists when an approach brings pleasure.

Baking informative

Preview: I will be sharing with you how to bake the easy way, the basics of baking which allow you to bake endless pastries, and how to bake healthy, and low in fat.2. I informed you of the main ingredients utilized when baking 3.

Business ba top up in the uk

Personal ment I am writing this ment to express my interest in taking a bachelor's degree in business studies in I feel that taking the course in this institution will be very beneficial to me as I seek to advance my expertise and knowledge in the field of business. In this institution, I worked in β†’

Levi strauss canada holdings an ember: the gwg brand case study

The purpose of this summary is to explain why Klee should take the brand back and the recommendation for the next steps to be taken to build the brand back up. The baby boomers are familiar with GWG jeans as it was introduced when they were teenagers and GWG has the opportunity of coming back β†’

Louis vuitton (lv) in japan

Louis Vuitton in Japan The reason why Louis Vuitton has been so successful in the Japanese luxury market is that Japan is the capital of luxury goods. In response to this, Louis Vuitton has started to change its marketing strategy in the Japanese market.

Fall for the book event

Fall for the Book Event The fourteenth session of the annual event, fall for the book festival, was scheduled to take place between September the 26th and 30th, in the year 2012. The title of the book was ' The Political Thought of Frederick Douglass'.

Misuses of water

The shape of the water molecule In the water molecule the oxygen atom is the central atom. Actual measurement of the bond angle in water is 104.5.

My me, i needed to produce an

My name is Mary Tudor, the first queen of England to rule in my own right and I do not mean being a wife of a king. However, I had no choice but to acknowledge my father as the supreme head of the English church and confess that my mother and father's marriage was unlawful.


The magnitude and essence of the gift should be essential to the receiver, nut not to the donor save that the best thing one can offer is that which is appreciated. The rationale that we hold on to that we are supposed to donate our few hours or minutes to a children hospital ward, though β†’

Http://www.lazada.sg/dentalpro/keywords one would prefer at an early

Buy DENTALPRO for good oral hygiene Use of latest technology and innovative designs has helped the company bring some of the best products to the consumers. It is a Japanese company with a variety of oral care products that can be used on a daily basis, for proper care of the gums, teeth and for β†’


The rental income is an income that is subject to self employment taxes. Therefore, the rental income can only be subject to self-employment taxes if there is investment obtained.

Family planning methods

ABSTRACT The study will be carry out to get a comparative study on the acceptance of modern family planning among Hausa, Yoruba, and Igbo's in Agege community, lagos. Family planning is the process of having children by choice and not by chance that is determining when to have children and the use of birth control β†’

Margaret preston essay

Margaret studied in Adelaide after she left high school and was inspired by William to teach some students of her own, she even taught World War 1 soldiers basket-weaving and pottery when she travelled to England in Europe. As a respected significant figure in Australian history and art, she helped establish our Australian identity in β†’

According conduct principle component analysis and prepared

According to Smith, puts it " PCA is a way of identifying patterns in data, and expressingthe data in such a way as to highlight their similarities and differences. Regression analysis is also used to understand which among the independentvariables are related to the dependent variable, and to explore the forms ofthese relationships.

Teen ink article

Well I had been wanting a dog for awhile and I saw one at the shelter that I just had to have. Dakota is the dog I adopted, but that was not her name at the shelter.

Education leadership

Rather than building a type of fortress in which everyone is suspected of some type of infraction until verified otherwise, Clark's model relies on the personal responsibility of the individual participants within the system to administer the policies that ensure a safe environment to all involved.3. 2 Plans for the accomplishment of strategic goals The β†’

The largest computer companies in scandinavia

As the market has fallen, the need for efficiency has been a made clearer and has become a focus area in Eterra. Cost efficiency has never been the company's strong side as the market has been growing in a rapid rate most of the lifespan of the company.

Precipitation, is precipitation. rainfall remains at the

Rainfallremains at the land surface as depression storage and either evaporates, infiltrates or is discharged as overland flow However, of these, the principalconcern in highway design, is the surface runoff. In case of snow melt the resulting flow entering the stream is also adirect runoff.

Food and beverage department essay sample

Origin of Food & Beverage Service Industry The origin of Food & Beverage Service Industry can easily be understood by studying the origin and history of the same, which are detailed below: 1. It was the traders and the pilgrims who wanted the provision of food and accommodation.

I am important to my own success

The second quarter came and many different thoughts came to mind, I thought I could just come to class and get decent grades for my year of English. Letting my thoughts be on the subject as I pay attention to the instructor and my classmates.

Shipper manufacturing company

Thus, the company will need to adopt new objectives: to shift from low-volume to high-volume production, and from the custom designed product to the high quality manufacturing designed product.1.1. The Division needs to reduce the delivery time down and better manage inventories to predict inventory needs.

Articles of confederationexample narrative

These advocates of a more centralized government were referred to as federalists, and although they were not in favor of a dictatorship, like that of Englands, they saw the need for a central governing system to reside over the individual states. The Articles of Confederation was created as a result of a young nations distrust β†’

Research methods

It is ideal in case of the present study because it is related to ascertaining the stress levels of the employees and establishing its connection with their mental health and family life. The purpose and idea will be explained and confidentiality of data would be assured to them.

The tails of new technology

The tails of new technology In recent years, due to the growth of technological innovations, life seems to be more efficient and fascinating, and people can try mass of things they have never thought before. Once we realize the significance of those flaws, we have been more or less perverted by the side-effect of technology, β†’

What makes teenagers influenced by korean culture

More famous the actor or actress playing as the main character, the more in demand the film is sold. Roll, Martin." Korean wave The Rise of Korea's Cultural Economy & Pop Culture".

Drivers today are very dangerous

These young drivers are especially dangerous because there is never a real negative consequence for recklessness in a video game. Whatever the cause, drivers that exhibit road rage are a danger to us all.

The chronicle of higher education

S education system is among the best in the world, it is also ironical that it does not carter for the needs of the whole world hence bringing shame to the entire nation. As such, it is right to think that we are indulging in activities that could be foregone to save the children that β†’

Personal outlook

I always knew that I wanted to be an engineer, since I was in 6th grade, and so I surely reached my goals for education after the 20 years of school I went through. My new American life was what mattered to me, and I knew that was how it was going to stay for β†’

Good manners

For example, if we are kind to others, they will be kind back to us, and kindness is the greatest essence of good manners. For example, a man might have enough money to buy all the things in the world that he wants; however if his manners are bad, he will have no friends.

A review of american journal by robert hayden

My comprehension of the lyric, American Journal by Robert Hayden is that he gives the peruse an alternate point of view of how to take passing in a man. The way the Light is depicted, influences the reader to trust it could be something beyond an acknowledgment of one's activities, words, for example, trust, brightness, β†’

Argumentative essay on why school is important

There are lots of things that I missed about going to school; Miss learning things, Since I was not going to school for six months, I did not learn anything useful. I had a schedule for my day; wake up early, go to school and go home.

The spotlight effect in social judgment

In the third study the aim was to investigate the spotlight effect on behavior. The method of study was a mixed design in which both the participants and the observers were located within the study.

Hum of insects essay sample

Despite its crossness, morally the bee is far higher in the scale than the mosquito as it gives honey and helps in multiplying the various kinds of fruits while helping in the process of pollination. He tells that the hum of insects, the noise of sea and the sound of birds are quite appealing to β†’

Bullying : the common way of bullying

There are lots of form of bullying such as cyber bullying, verbal bullying, or the most common aggressive bullying. The good thing is that the number of bullying is going down each year but the thing is that you do not know who's whether a bully or not.

Media usage behavior

This business website offers a variety of marketing techniques and methods for the business improvement and management through online business marketing management. In addition, this business website offers corporate support and advocacy for the business management in case of marketing business.

Promotion strategy of microsoft

The marketing mix contains a number of elements- one of the elements in the Marketing mix is promotion. Microsoft has competitive advantage because it is a leader in the software industry and the organization uses various types of promotion to sustain the loyalty of customers and ensure repeat purchases.

Corrigendum: mechanisms underlying serotonergic excitation of callosal projection neurons in the mouse medial prefrontal cortex

To test whether M-current is the dominant potassium conductance contributing to serotonergic excitation, we enhanced the driving force for potassium by lowering the external potassium concentration six-fold to 0.5 mM. Because the larger driving force for potassium is expected to increase 5-HT excitation by enhancing the contribution of M-current suppression, the observed reductions in response β†’

Cb case study

The primary pieces of evidence from the CB that point to this diagnosis are the results of the homoerotic and the hemoglobin. Harold has a chronic form of atrophic gastritis, so his doctor ordered tests to check his levels of vitamin 812 in his blood.

Pick a topic based on the assignment

This was a bit of a cultural shock for me, as the school structure was far more formal and rigid than what I had experienced in Iran with the school uniform being required to be worn at all times except during prescribed sports activities. I would submit that such private schools play a greater role β†’

Website development assignment

At left side of the main page, there is a directory which link to different important page of UTAR, this can make user easier to get into different page without need to type in or search to link to the following website. This 3 page is commonly hard to find by user, so I put β†’


The author attempts to compare actions of both the old and the new NAACP Hollywood bureau and cautions the new bureau against the consequences faced by the old bureau. According to the author, Walter White's attempts serve as the lessons of history to the pioneers of the new NAACP Hollywood bureau.

Assignment: bias, rhetorical devices, and argumentation

The first fallacy I noticed is that Kane is claiming to be a friend of the working man and lower class. The second is the claim that Kane has already won the campaign for Governor, and the campaign has not even started yet, which is a fallacy of false conclusion.

Johari windows summary.

The second pane is called the Blind spot and contains information that I do not know about myself that the group may know. The last pane, called the Unknown pane, contains thing that I do not know about myself and things the group does not know about me.

Sure thing, by david ives

The play " Sure Thing" shows the different possible routes that a conversation can take, and the chances of it fining a successful end, when the answers are always in the affirmative. It is clear that both Antigone and Creon can lay claim to the title of protagonist in the play.

Review of the series, “voyage to africa,” by basil davidson with emphasis on 20th era uprisings

I very much enjoyed learning about the independence of Ghana and how it paved the way for other African nations to fight for and declare their independence. Nkrumah went on to deliver a speech stating that Ghana was the first to achieve independence and that other nations should follow their lead.

How intercountry differences affect human resource management – report example

This created an impact among global companies in their HR management and one of the best options that they should do is to motivate or encourage employees to work for them considering the nature and required working hours of the offered jobs. This means that an international company needs to be sensitive in dealing with β†’

Dover beach, matthew arnold essay

Arnold starts by describing his surroundings, on the surface everything appears fine, the ' sea is calm' and the ' moon lies fair' but after deeper observation he notices the ' turbid ebb and flow of human misery' and hears the ' eternal note of sadness.' He uses the ' sea of faith' as a β†’

Jackie robinson essay example

Although he was the first African to play in the MOL, he earned therespectof members of the MOL organization and ended up being known as one of the most talented baseball players of all time. After his career in baseball, Jackie continued to fight to Improve the quality of life not only for Africans but β†’

Behavioral, cognitive, and group therapy activity. case study

Client: " Does it have a cure?" Therapist: " That is dependent on the cause, as there are several causes of the same". Client: What are the causes and which is the one involved in my case?" Therapist: " The causes vary from clinical impairment, distress in social, occupational, and other important areas of functioning".

Managing multinational operations

This essay examines a number of banks that offer multinational options and determines which bank is the best option for Acme Company. In this context of understanding, it is revealed that HBSC offers the most comprehensive options for Acme Corporations needs.