500 Words Essay Samples

Utopian societies in the shakers and oneidans

Most of the original utopias were created for religious purposes, like the Shakers and the Oneidans. Oneidan Community member Harriet Worden recalled, " the building of a home was the first enterprise that enlisted the whole Community; and it was one in which all were equally interested.

Ethics and globalization

" Ethics and Globalization" Globalization has affected the business and dealings across the world, this has not only influenced the culture and customs of the nation but also the ethics and morals. Globalization empowers an apparition for the entire world setting ethics and norms for the organizations running globally, which is beyond the local marketing β†’

How to find new business ideas in everyday life

With that being said, just because you want to be successful it does not mean that you need to reinvent the wheel or the airplane. Smartphones are without a doubt something that people are using in abundance, and you would be surprised to learn about all the opportunities in the market.

Introduction to policing assignment

They also provide escort and body guard services to the governor and any other type of governor. They also try and prevent Upholds law of the United States, they look at state and local laws and investigates investigate fugitives.


The thing is that there is no justification of the attacks that took place on that blue day, but it is possible to seek for the real reasons that forced Muslim terrorists to act in such a way. That is why the USA found it possible to introduce its army on the territory of Iraq β†’

A change in my life

I went running after her and my stepdad told me to go with her after we got in the car she still had not told me what was going on. I saw a white sheet on the side of the road covering a body and I knew it was my brother but at that point β†’

In york and illinois. there is also a

In the last decade, the Hispanic/Latino population in the United States grew by 58% to more than 35 million, or 12. According to The Los Angeles Times, the Latino immigrant population in the heartland has nearly doubled in the last decade in some areas, breathing new life into parts of rural America where otherwise the β†’

Examining alternatives to globalization

Examining Alternatives to Globalization The opponents of globalization suggest that it is one undertaking and phenomenon which is present for all the wrong reasons. When it comes to the global shift of people across the board, globalization is apparent there for one reason or the other, and this is one significant aspect that has been β†’

Julius caesar: corruption in the government

Yet another example, especially more recent, in the state of Ohio, the state refused to place the religious state motto in the plaza of the political state building. As a result, people in the state have begun to cry corruption in the government, stating that the government has been corrupting both religion and morality for β†’

Audio and visual advertising

The need for sex in advertising has the effect of reducing brand recall coz it's too blurring and it tends to obliterate the product information also the need for aggress the reality of life pressure creates strong retaliatory feelings in every functioning human being and the feeling of anger and violence can be exercised in β†’

Cis120 t/f test #2

FalseThe heads of a hard disk drive touch the surface of the platter to read or write the data. FalseAn applet is a small application that resides on a server but is downloaded to, and run on, the client computer.

Social sciences and liberal arts

In order to reinforce the choice of my major, I am going to read some specialized literature, concerning general engineering, so I will have a better basis before I commence to study Computer Engineering. Majoring in Computer Engineering, I would be able to maintain a steady position at my future job in the door-producing company.

Paybase suspended users withdrawals

The reasons they cited for their actions, which was not well received by their users, was that Paybase had become a victim of a " coordinated and very sophisticated effort to exploit the databases for PayBase and Zen Cloud". Some people have even gone on to remark that the entire Paybase and Paycoin initiative was β†’

Contemporary hero’s quest essay sample

The hero is the integral archetype in the collective unconscious of whichever culture the story is based. Heroes become a collective and personal encounter that each individual in the audience identifies with, they simultaneously embody the collective hopes and ideals of the culture that creates him.

Health care reform matrix

The health reforms have resulted into prevention of excessive spending in the health care sector. Reforms in health care law would help states to issue and manage Medicaid coverage between the ages between eighteen years to sixty-five years of age.

The things they carried (theme)

Unlike nearly all of the other deaths in the novel, Linda? s death has nothing to do with the Vietnam War. Although this theme of storytelling applies to all deaths throughout the novel, it is developed most clearly in Linda? s death.

Employee motivation theories essay sample

Employee motivation theories explain the retention and behavior of an employee within the organization. At work, the theory implies that the employer must understand the current need level of each employee to know what will motivate them.

Corrigendum: bevacizumab plus folfox-4 combined with deep electro-hyperthermia as first-line therapy in metastatic colon cancer: a pilot study

590707 In the original article, the ethical consideration statement was inserted by error in the sectionPatients and Methods, sub-sectionStatistical Analysis, as paragraphs 3 and 4:" The study was performed in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki and Good Clinical Practice Guidelines. OS was specified as the time from the start of treatment until the date β†’

The palestine-israel conflict and the united states

The Palestine-Israel Conflict and the United s Social, economic, and political instabilityhas become the focal point of the Palestine-Israel conflict. While the causes of the Palestine-Israel conflict are purely between Israelis and Palestinians, the influence of the international community has relatively exacerbated the conflict.

Compare and contrast these speech

The first debate is between the Nixon and Kennedy, while the second debate is between Edwards, Obama and Clinton. The tone of voice varies in accordance to the importance of the point and the importance that the speaker wants to give the point.

Expression and perspective

Running Head: Expression and Perspective ID Lecturer Expression and Perspective Nonverbal communication and the formatting of written communication have largely aided in the understanding of effectiveness and the consistency of the work that is being produced on my part. This effectiveness will aim to bring a sense of oneness within the regimes of the Group β†’

Critical analysis

Level of participation, models and types of citizens? organization depend on many factors, thus it is important that the state sets up institutional mechanisms for facilitation of citizens? access, which is the basic precondition and motivating factor for the increase of participation, and at the same time improvement of policies and service which suit the β†’

Discussion questions

They are responsible for the actions of the employees and the performance of the company. The decision making process and implementation is the responsibility of the manager.

Managing communication and change

But, not all of them describe all the concerns of an employee during times of change. The downside to it is the loss of a few team members as they found the change too much to deal with.

Molly hatchcock

Campbell January 9, 2013 Response Paper 1: " The Writing Process" The Hamilton College Style Sheet explains the writing process in a way that is easy to understand. The forth step to the writing process is to create an outline.

No free meal policy

Display of such actions by some police officers tarnishes the image of the whole police in the eyes of the citizens and they tend to loose confidence in police. Z, As the Chief Police Officer, I hereby inform you that no police officer is allowed to take meal in any restaurant of the town in β†’

Example of multicultural competence research paper

The scales used in the measurement include that of emotional self-control on Asian and American values and the scale of European American values using the scale of Asian Americans. Multicultural competence is part of professional competence because the therapist has to put in efforts towards professional practice.

Sports event in school

There is an each team in every section and so if there are six sections in Grade-9, there will be six teams and a tournament is held until there are two teams to pay the final match. So team sports are essential to health, happiness, progress and unity.

Nam case study

For example, at the first plan, if Aberdeen delivered the buses from Prague to Rotterdam, It could be longer than the distance from Prague to Hamburg. In addition, the cost per flatcar to Rotterdam was higher than to Hamburg.

Article review for benefits of offering childcare in the workplace for employees

Article Review for " Benefits of offering childcare in the workplace for employees" The explains the significance of the provision of childcare in the workplace and its effects on the employees' performance. However, there is a definite need for a summary review of the literature to provide a current context for the research which examines β†’

History: french revolution: social and economic causes assignment

Nobles 2nd estate -Nobles of the Estate -Nobles of the Sword -Nobles of the Robe I)Nobles of the Estate -Lived on their country Estates -Insisted Peasants pay heavy Feudal Dues -Taxes -Service / labor -Share of crops ii)Nobles of the Sword Owned land but most lived in luxury at Palace of Versailles originally wealthy but β†’

Euthanasia studies – a lack of respect for life (narrative essay)

Yet, people have such a lack of respect for life that it is common for people to think of Euthanasia as an easy answer in the developed world. They were actually creating a study to support Euthanasia, which is why the researchers were visibly upset when they found people that said they would not give β†’

Grading: you get what deserve

And then you have the teachers who say that the grading system is simply based upon a students test scores, homework, and participation. And also that grades do not reflect what you have learned, put into the class and your education.

Jake barnes as a hemingway hero

The second is a need to find meaning in life, only to find that the mental understanding of the meaning of life is different than what one actually lives day to day. Jake Barnes fits the criteria of a Hemingway hero.

Goal statement

I trust that with my educational and work qualifications, the University of Texas will look into my application favorably. Thank you and I hope to be part of your prestigious school in the near future.


In dealing with employees and the overall wellbeing of the company, job evaluation helps to structuralize the salary for employees. After job evaluation, the employer often determines which employees will serve certain employers and, therefore, the employer can be a source of gender bias in relation to competency.

Strategic human resource planning

Charmagne's consideration of Strategic Human Resource Planning " The range of activities and themes encompassed by SHRM is complex and goes beyond the responsibilities of personnel or HR managers into all aspects of managing people and focuses on management decisions and behaviors used, consciously or unconsciously, to control, influence and motivate those who work for β†’

Pornography and the sexualization of society

Pornography and the Sexualization of Society SOC101 11/27/12 The topic I chose is " Pornography and the Sexualization of Society". I chose this article because I have noticed a drastic changes in the media, in advertising, and marketing that influences society in desensitizing us and our beliefs on what is normal and morally acceptable in β†’

Should teenagers commit violate crimes be tried and sentence has an adult

It is about time the society discerns the manner in which the teenagers fall in the holds of crime and thus destroy their proper growth regimes. Therefore the teenagers must be taken to task and punished in accordance with the laws and regulations of the society.

Adolescent literacy

The challenges are specifically identified as the skills and motivation of the students, the texts used to teach literacy as well as educational administrative structures. The challenges are specifically identified as the skills and motivation of the students, the texts used to teach literacy as well as educational administrative structures.

Cost accounting

Since the corporation had numerous government contracts, it is expected that it is in a position to address all the necessary activities that pertain to these contracts. The charging of the contracts by the company employees is supposed to account for the two types of contracts; fixed-price and cost type contracts.

Case study example

It is the family that suffers and therapy is available but the user needs to have the determination and the will to kick the habit and never go back to it. She began to take this regularly and when unable to get a prescription she turned to friends and family and finally began buying over β†’


How do you define success Do you feel that you have been successful How would you work to achieve greater success both professionally and personallySuccess is the ability to dream up ideas, set these ideas as goals and work hard toward achieving these goals, with significant and impressive results. In order to achieve greater success β†’

My passion for the people of indonesia

It is my passion to bring awareness of Indonesia to the rest of the world and bring the global community to Indonesia. In pursuing my enthusiasm for the people of Indonesia I have worked with a local foundation whose mission is to aid the underprivileged children of Indonesia.

Name essay

My friends and I thought it would be fun to go to Nightstorm drunk, so we mixed vodka and sprite and it tasted good I did not realize I ended up drinking half of the bottle by myself. My mom came and picked me up from school, I puked in her car again, and she β†’

Aditya vikram birla group essay

Birla said, " The new corporate logo helped in bringing various companies of the group together. Birla took the chairmanship, the hierarchy in the group was determined by seniority instead of merit.

Unitized cargo

One of the advantages palletizing cargo has is that the probability of the cargo reaching its destination without damages or loss is a lot higher and the freight costs can be lowered significantly. Containerization consists of transporting general cargo that is considered too small for the traditional bulk transport system and packaging them in containers β†’

Synthesis of nickel complexes

Once cooled the solution was filtered under suction and the Filtrate was added to the refluxing Triphenylphosphine through the condenser. The solution was refluxed for a further 7mins and then cooled for 5 mins.

Enterprise zones

Evaluation of enterprise zones Evaluation of enterprise zones Enterprise zone is a term that refers to a well-defined geographic area within which it is aligned or set aside for purposes of boosting economic activities for businesses within borders of the zone. The states' enterprise zones present a compelling opportunity to explore the spread of ideas β†’


According to Jens Pruessner of the Douglas Mental Health University, being born and raised in city increases the lifetime risk of certain psychiatric disorders like anxiety and mood disorders like depression and schizophrenia and this is mainly related to stress in city living. The researchers evaluated volunteers from rural and urban areas and found that β†’

Climate change affecting business assignment

Climate change is one of the most significant emerging risks facing the world today, presenting tremendous challenges to the environment, to the world economy and to businesses. For example, the risks of physical changes associated with climate change for the construction industry will be disruptions to construction sites and the delivery of materials as a β†’

Definition norm is an abstract pattern held in

Norms refer to " the rules that guide behaviour in everyday situations and are derived from the value"-Donald Light Jr.and Suzanne Keller.4. Norms define how the value of ' privacy' is translated into action in particular situations and circumstances.

Rural diversification essay sample

Also, the Lake District has become a popular tourist destination and as a result of this, lots of farm diversification has taken place, such as gift shops such as ' Kirk Allan's gifts' and ' Grasemere Crafts' in Ambleside. Tourism: There is a lot of tourism in the Lake District, and companies have been set β†’

The end of the black box

He had seen others who had fallen to the stones, sacrificed for the good of the town. He sat for hours trying to see the connection between the horrific act of stoning the one and the success of the fields.

The souls of black folk by w.e. b du bois

The Souls of Black Folk expands the minds of the readers allowing for a deeper acceptance into the lives of the people of African heritage.W.E.B. Though DuBois might be referring to African Americans with these ideas, they are still quite comparable with the ideas of using freedom and education for personal advancement.

Wild ride summary and opinion

Wild Ride In the article d A Wild Ride the points out the dangerously thin ice that the US economy is skating on. The article reports on the success that the 1998 cuts had in the midst of the Asian crisis and the collapse of a major American hedge fund.

Public distribution system in india

It was the compulsions at the time of World War II that forced the then British Government to introduce the first structured public distribution of cereals in India through the rationing system sale of a fixed quantity of ration to entitled families in pecified cities/towns. The creation of the Food Corporation of India and the β†’

What is permissible during the war

Finally, saving time is a reason that any action is permissible in the war when the US was deciding whether to drop the atom bombs on Japan, they calculated how many lives would be taken, as well as the resources and time it takes to launch an invasion into Japan. In conclusion, any action is β†’

Composition of concurrent forces assignment

The equilibrate force is the force that establishes equilibrium while the resultant is the addition of the given forces and is also the opposite of the equilibrate. In the experiment, the addition of the two forces was the resultant.

A global law firm believes in bitcoin

She was one of the panel members in the webinars that was held by her company on the topic of virtual currencies. That said, New York's will be influential, and given the reach of the scheme, it will likely require many out-of-state companies to be licensed in New York".

Social psychology in the news

Provide the following information about the article you choose: The full web address: http://edition.cnn.com/2013/11/15/justice/states-lethal-injection-drugs/ The news article title and author's name: News Article title: Death penalty states scramble for lethal injection drugs Authors name: Ross Levitt and Deborah Feyerick, CNN The publication date of the article: Publication date: November 16, 2013 3. Levitt et al, β†’

Your more than a label

The effects penetrate to the family of the children and the parents are particularly concerned and worried. As children grow up with the labels, their irritation and repulsiveness toward the labels recedes and they start to unintentionally accept the labels.

Debate final exam

They also said that the government would lower the price of drugs so that drug users will not be forced to do criminals in order to get themoneyfor drugs. They said that drug users increased year by year is because of the action of forbidding drugs.

Industry analysis -skil corporation

For Existing players, the attractiveness is Medium because high rivalry between competitors, slow industry growth & threat of beginning of price war. For New Entrant, attractiveness is Low, because of high entry barriers.

Rumspringa essay

It is a time when Amish adolescents, usually at the age of about 16, experience life outside of the Amish community and are allowed luxuries they would not otherwise be able to enjoy. In a majority of cases, the children return to the community and the Amish lifestyles.

The professional development programs at abbott

A primary objective of the Professional Development Program is the development of participants in preparation for future key positions within the Abbott organization PDPs are highly selective, two-three year assignment and rotation-based programs built around formal learning and mentoring. As a member of the program each employee will contribute as a functioning professional in a β†’

Imagined communities by b. anderson essay sample

According to Anderson by emphasizing the native tongue, shifting the source of power from monarchs to the people, and lessening the influence of the church in public life, nations began to be area l possibility. Each of these influences can both hurt and help the formation and operation of a nation.

Analysis and value chain analysis essay sample

The main strategy of Disney is to develop the best and innovative products in the entertainment industry. The net income of the Walt Disney company in the year 2016 is about 9.

Middle class struggles critique

Later his mother needed a feeding tube, she was moved to a nursing home and the Medicaid took all the cost. After five months in the nursing home, his father died and state tried to recover the cost of his care from Albenico.

A visit to a museum or art gallery exhibit

One of the first artifacts I witnessed were a collection of Greek vases. In terms of art history this work is notable as it is demonstrative of a period of expression where artists began to experiment with the deconstruction of categories and produce hybrid works.

Management information systems: air canada takes off with maintenix

Additionally, the Maintenix system is available on the Web as well as easy to utilize and could be established for working and operational stations all through the world. Maintenix Software is a decision-support system that offers a great deal of support in form of non-routine decision making for business and corporate management.

Advantages and disadvantages of an online course

Also online education gives the opportunity for everyone regardless of his nationality and place of residence to obtain a diploma of any university anywhere in the world. That is why among the disadvantages of online studding it is possible to distinguish: Lack of personal contact between teacher and student.

Marketing and business operations

MARKETING AND OPERATIONS BUSINESS UNIT The main aim of this project is to have well operational machine that will be dispensing coffee, the project is dabbed Costa cafe which means that passengers can find the service on the train. The machine will be designed to fit and occupy a smaller portion of the train.

It services, information, money and people can move

India has a good communication network, which helps in the exchange of goods, services, personnel and information between India and other countries. A country also sells goods that it produces in excess and buys goods that it needs to meet the demands of its people.

Personnel procedures and the constitution

As such, Article VII denotes that 9 of the 13 original colonies would need to ratify the Constitution prior to it becoming the founding charter and law of the newly formed United States. The Bill of Rights The first ten amendments to the US Constitution, collectively known as the Bill of Rights provides a rigid β†’


This means that the positive labels are tough to ascertain and analyze because there is a great amount of jealousy and bias related with labels. The positive labels are somewhat of a difficult situation to come about.

Leisure form

We have no time to experience the fresh air and the excitement of spending time in the jungle watching how the nature of the Earth works as we are too busy working in the town. We have no time to care about our mothers; how they take care of us and doing the house chores β†’

Students with vision impairments, another for physical and health disabilities & severe disabilities

ROOM ACCOMMODATIONS FOR WITH SPECIAL NEEDS room Accommodations for with Special Needs Accommodations for with various disabilities are considered to be essential for their educational process since they are unable to effectively learn when methods in teaching normal students which take into account the use of all senses plus average cognitive abilities suited for their β†’

Hears a different drummer

When he was five he had found a shrew in a bush by the side of the house and wanted to keep it as a pet. He had hated every minute of the football games he was forced to play, and the way all the other boys acted".

Old immigrants vs new immigrants in the 1800s

During the mid to late 1800s, " Old immigrants" from Western Europe had originally come to America to dig in the goldfields and help build the transcontinental railroads in the West. Just as the Irish and Chinese had, the new immigrants faced much of the same criticism when coming to America.

The main protagonist of the call of the wild

One night, Buck and the rest of the team hunt a rabbit. Buck goes to the wolf pack and runs with them.

Generational differences

Naturally, the older generations tend to be wiser and more cautious compared to the younger generation due to the years of experience. However, I disagree with this view and believe that they have misunderstood the Y generation.

Gaming the rankings

What many do not know, however, is that colleges play the game, too." Gaming the rankings," as it is sometimes called, is the deliberate practice of certain admissions strategies specifically targeted toward raising a school's rankings, especially those of US News and World Report. While a school might lose out on a few stellar admits, β†’

Sociological perspective

Importance of Studying Sports from a Sociological Perspective Introduction Complexity in social life across the world is a major determinant in the understanding evolution of sport and its importance in the current world situation. Importantly, sociologists acknowledge sports as a natural social construction in a society that serves different purposes because of its relation to β†’

Important nursing skills assignment

A nurse should also be passionate about the quality of care they are giving. A nurse must also be able to adapt to the various needs of the patient.

Humanities final: summary of literature

He explains to the servant that only he is allowed to draw the curtain to show the painting. At the end, the speaker realizes that he was wrestling with God.

Bitcoin to shape the future of finance

The equity research analysts at Goldman Sachs have come up with the conclusion that cryptocurrencies like bitcoin are a megatrend that has the potential to change the fundamental principles and dynamics of transactions in the future. If bitcoin is couple with state of the art security, then the day we see revolutionary changes in the β†’

Crash – analysis assignment

It was only at the end where I began to have hope for certain characters in the movie and felt more at ease watching it. This was a challenge for me because I could never commit to a certain opinion of someone and it was an uncomfortable feeling.

Judaism and abortion assignment

The Rabbi can always reject the option of an abortion If he decides the reason for an abortion Is not substantial. Abortion is was written in the bible.

Bt global challenge as a case study (chapter 1)

BT Global Challenge Having a sailing team of inexperienced men and women from different walks of life come together to maneuver a yacht across the globe is the simply explained idea of the BT Global Challenge. What now needed to be done was to take the model of the first challenge and streamline it so β†’

Critically discuss the following points in the short video above

Critically discuss the following points in the short video above affiliation How men handle stress From the interview, it is evident that men and women handle stress in a different way, this is similar to the way these genders handle their emptions. Women tend to handle their stress by in a better away as they β†’