500 Words Essay Samples

Constitution: checks and balances

Let's take a look at why our forefathers created separation of powers, the three branches of our Constitution and what their duties are to support the American people. The Constitution was created to rid the life of monarchy and ensure that the liberty of the citizens was protected.

Why fishes are important to humans

Catching fish for the aim of food or sport is thought as fishing, whereas the organized effort by humans to catch fish is termed a workplace. Sportfishing may be a methodology of fishing, specifically the follow of catching fish by means that of Associate in Nursing " angle".

Human cloning is immoral

One could wonder how the coming of Dolly is a threat to the human society. Despite the existence of natural clones even among the human race, artificial production of such persons is immoral and a threat to the human society.

Bio 345 – topic paper

To understand the role of this gene and the association of the gen with breast cancer, Yongguo et al conducted a clinical study. Pathologically, it was seen that the gene was also expressed in advance cases of breast cancer.

Anatomy, physiology & disease

Anatomy, Physiology, and Disease Anatomy, physiology, and disease One of the es of disease that causes the largest threat to public health today is communicable disease. Prevention of the disease in relation to sexual transmission is achieved through the use of condoms and sex education.

Prep 19

Speciation Speciation is the splitting of a lineage to produce two or more separate species. This is believed to happen when a group of organisms from the species begins to occupy a distinct niche in the environment and eventually become adapted to the conditions while still breeding within themselves to produce a new species.

Probability – lab report example

The paper will explore and compare the experimental and theoretical probabilities from tossing the coins for conclusions over inheritance of genes. Conclusion The results of the experiment indicate that probability distributions can be used to predict and explain inheritance of genes.

Answering questions – general biology

Answer A.-OH B.-NH2 C.-SH D.-COOH 3 points Question 3 An amino acid is to a protein as a _________________ is to a nucleotide. Answer A.pili B.plasma membrane C.nucleus D.cell wall 3 points Question 10 Which of the statements about the synthesis of polypeptides is INCORRECT?

Questions to be answered (memo 11)

The downward, upward, and outward movements of the diaphragm are responsible for the breathing in humans making the main functions of the diaphragm to be inhaling of fresh air and expulsion of carbon dioxide from the lungs. I found particular confusing that the functions of the kidney, the urinary tract system, and the nephron have β†’

Eassy 1

Section/# Diversity of Life Although one might look at the diversity of plant and animal life and find it overwhelming within the construct of ecology and evolutionary biology, the fact of the matter is that the diversity that is represented can ultimately be biologically explained through the identifiers of speciation, environment as an agent of β†’

Human biology

Response to Question 2 Based on the significant evolutionary development that have taken place in on earth, the organisms that have contributed a lot the evolutionary changes are the simple organisms. If one component on the food web is altered or threatened, the impact is transferred to the rest of the organisms in the ecosystems, β†’

Human cloning and stem cell research

While the nature of human cloning and stem cell research has a number of important medical implications, these notions are always accompanied by the ethical concerns of biotechnology. In addition to these aspects some of the complex moral questions regarding both stem cell research and human cloning have been considered.

Right movies on the right seat: laterality and seat choice

The researchers decided that in order to clearly demonstrate the effect of this lateral bias on the right-seat bias, they would have to find out if the right-seat bias is influenced by positive or negative motivations, as this would challenge the claim that the bias is due to a more general right-side bias of right-handers, β†’

Unknown facts about cells

For the Surface Area to Radius and the Volume to Radius graphs, the relation of the two components seemed to grow while the graph for the Surface Area to Volume ratio graph, the relations seemed to decline. This is the case because if a molecule was placed in the center of a cell, it would β†’

Patrick long

However, it was not debatable that many key factors such as inbreeding amongst close relatives, isolation, the nature of the genes involved, and the role of environment and culture on the expression of the gene. It is unlikely that this family is a " genetic throwback" or a " missing link" and it was almost β†’

Malware information systems security

This is to mean that the association has to be alert on how they can conquer each of the conceivable security by first educating their teams and creating security alertness on a portion of the potential threats that are probably going to disturb the operations in the organization. In this way, in the training, there β†’


Explicit protocol Relevance: Yes Status: Present Quote: " In this cross-sectional study, a total of 1878 apparently healthy Saudi students were invited to participate. Randomization Relevance: Yes Status: Absent Quote: " In this cross-sectional study, a total of 1878 apparently healthy Saudi students were invited to participate".E.


Explain the relationship between the rate of diffusion and the size of the solute. This tissue is specialized to form the covering or lining of all internal and external body surfaces.

Comparison of three sculptures

The masculinity of David is emphasized more in Bernini's and Michelangelo's sculpture as opposed to Donatello's. The saving grace of the masculinity of Donatello's David is the lower part of the sculpture which shows David stepping over the head of Goliath.

Fashion narrative: photo and speak about its narrative

The photo has a red patch on the left side above the nude male, which creates contract in the photo. The difference serves to show that there is a door or a partition on the background of this photo.

Analysis the film: monsoon wedding

The film is based on the upper-middle-class New Delhi in which, there is a family of professionals who are quite modern for the general style of living in New Delhi. One subplot that particularly grabs the attention of the audience is that of the love affair of the wedding organizer and the servant girl.

Report about the museum printing

The painting is remarkable because it conveys the message of the low class occupied by the rural Africans. The artwork is a painting, which is among the first paintings to be acquired by the Los Angeles County Museum of art.

Art history video

This paper gives a brief overview concerning the Cologne Cathedral in Germany, and the information the video has provided concerning the video. From the video, the cathedral has an amazing impression both from the inside and the outside.

Abstract expressionism – art and surreal

On the other hand, surrealism in art derives its meaning as a manifestation of " a style of art and literature developed principally in the 20th century, stressing the subconscious or non-rational significance of imagery arrived at by automatism or the exploitation of chance effects, unexpected juxtapositions, etc".. The works of Hans Hoffman and Jackson β†’

Reading summary

Reading Summary The reading, ' The Martial Arts Film in Chinese Cinema: Historicism and the National ' relate to the Chinese history and myths reflected in Chinese films such as The House of Flying Daggers and Curse of the Golden Flower. The thesis shows the trend of the film industry and the impacts of politics β†’

Describe a situation in which you combined analysis and creativity to solve a challenging problem

This year, I come back to China to find out the many new stores of famous brands in the Chinese market that have been closed and its sales have reduced from about 150 in 2012 to about 100 in 2013. Usually, it is thought that the price is the most important reason to explain the β†’


Avatar: Story telling in the tradition of the legend Avatar is a multi-faceted film with rich scope for interpretation and analysis. But for epic battles and profound victories, the format of the legend is the most similar.

Final project

It reflects the hopes, dreams, and fears, of the people living in that period of time. This, also, can be compared to the image and message of Bradley's " Expansion".

Native americans trailer feather war bonnet and tipi

In the background is a part of a structure that looks like a kind of a shelter. The structure looks like a tipi/tepee, which is a house that the Native Americans use for shelter.

The prairie is my garden and the old settlers

The line of the horizon lies upper than the middle part of the painting. The lightest part of the painting is the sky.

Fashion 1980 – grunge fashion

Grunge Fashion: The Evolution from 1980s to Now Affiliation with more information about affiliation, research grants, conflict of interest and how to contact Grunge Fashion: The Evolution from 1980s to Now 1980s Madonna, the most celebrated pop icon of the 1980s, who represents women's unquenched desire to be free and articulating, has become controversial because β†’

Alexander mcqueen savage beauty exhibition

Alexander McQueen Savage Beauty Exhibition The exhibition was held to celebrate the outstanding contributions made by the late Alexander McQueen to the fashion industry. In addition to that, the exhibition was also a very informative and entertaining show for the students of Fashion Designing.


According to Mahajan, the film, The Yacoubian Building is one of the bravest movies that have been produced in Egypt. The movie is the most expensive in Egypt making it inaccessible to the majority of the audience.

Ethics the film the house i live in

This documentary is a powerful evaluation of the American futile and costly war on drugs that ranks the country as the globe's largest injury. In this film, it is easy to realize that simplicity is the pillar supporting the film.

Gender roles set in stone

Woman of Willendorf and statue of a kouros are among the most famous prehistoric sculptures that provide a perfect representation of ender and the gender roles in the early societies. Such features portray the vital role the women played in the society.

Film review

Rather, he is a man of great intellect as is obvious from the highly intellectual way by which he schemes a plot later in the movie to crush the treacherous plans of Duke de Lorca and his henchmen. He is smart and his alacrity especially in second half of the film is very appreciable.

20th century art

The invasion spearheaded the work of Picasso who devoted himself in using art to denounce the evils of the intentional military intrusion and attack on civilians. Apart from the success of Picasso in the use of art, he employed the use of art in the depicting of his displeasure of the Vietnam War.

The ancient art and its forms

In Egypt, most of the ancient art includes works of god, goddesses, because of their religious background. Indians used the stone to produce most of their ancient art and so was Minoan Snake Goddess.

Titanic film

The movie opens with a sepia tone scene of the first voyage of the ship. It shows how majestically it floats in the mighty Atlantic Ocean, even the smoke churning out of the tall smoke towers on the top of the ship, and with the most soulful hymns, to add icing over the cake.

Fianal paper paragraph

The film Osaka Elegy is a representation of the real picture of Japanese aspects of irresponsibility and sexual violence against women and girls during the war. This paper intends to examine the aspect of violence and its resulting traumatic effects as it is expressed in the film.

The nature of beauty in contemporary art

The Nature of Beauty in Contemporary Art Art in the modern world is defined by its position as a status symbol, contributing to the impression of money and power, while excluding the artist from the process. This shift in the production of art to something that is more commentary and call to action is forcing β†’

Visiting getty vila

The piece of art that I viewed is a plaque, rectangular in shape and it is fixed on the wall. There are three images of people depicted in this plaque and the woman is on the center while a child is standing in a more like yawning position is on the left of the woman.

Seeking creative talents for visual design

Upon remuneration, I am realized the determination to pursue a career in fashion, interior design and visual communication which brought me to the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising. I chose FIDM for various reasons such as the commitment for the development of creative, innovative and leadership skills in the fields of Fashion, Visual Arts, β†’

Fashion of amy winehouse

Aside from the scarves she put on as a hair accessory, there is not much of an accessory that Winehouse uses for her fashion ensemble. Because of her fearless attitude on fashion, Winehouse was able to set a trend in the industry.

Wassily kandinsky and surrealism

Although he was not the first abstract painter, he made significant contributions to abstract art and influenced other artists who experienced the compulsion to employ his concepts in their work. Kandinsky had his first experience of object-free art in an exhibition that he attended and developed a close in this form of art.

Mice and men

On the other side, George is a workaholic and his ultimate aim is to own a piece of land. On the other side, Lennie is in search of a guide in his life.

Response to cave of forgotten dreams

of the Visual Arts and Film Studies of the Concerned 2 June Response to Cave of Forgotten Dreams Werner Herzog's documentary, Cave of Forgotten Dreams, depicting a 3D portrayal of the prehistoric artistic creations in the Chauvet Caves at Southern France forces the viewers to rethink as to what is the quintessential essence of humanness? β†’

Baptism of christ essay sample

The painting that is famously known as The Baptism of Christ all over the globe is one of the most eminent pieces of art in the history of arts and aesthetics. The keen interest of the artists in nature is exuded in the portraiture of the tuft of grass at the knee of the angel β†’

Play review

In terms of staging there were a variety of non-descript backdrops and the requisite bar that identified the play as occurring in the 1920s. To a large extent there were minimal social elements that seemed out of place in the 1920s setting.

Discussion of readings about graphic design

of the Visual Arts and Film Studies of the Concerned 24 June Discussion on Readings about Graphic Design While elaborating on the constraints that are associated with the fabrication of a graphic design, Lupton and Phillips do also mention the concept of modularity as a typical type of constraint that is primarily about treating a β†’

Friedrich nietzsche: human, all too human

In the video d Friedrich Nietzsche: Human, All Too Human the creators tended to show how one of the greatest thinkers in human history Friedrich Nietzsche dedicated his life to his own philosophy. In fact, throughout the documentary the main ideas that had the greatest influence on future generations can be defined as the notion β†’


of the Visual Arts and Film Studies of the Concerned 15 December Urban Photography- Roads and Paths and Stairways tothe Unknown Realistically, speaking it is the Urban Photography genre that best explains the photographs I have chosen for my course portfolio. These photographs provoke the viewers to perceive the regular and mundane aspects of their β†’

Review for carmen

The play has a number of details that have made the play quite interesting from the performance of the cast to the set design by international set designers. Theme of the Play The major theme that has been well shown in the play is jealousy.

Juno by jason reitman

The presentation of Juno is stereotypical in the movie but it is also different from the rest of the movies because Juno is also shown as a brave and an intelligent girl who works her way around the problem, the portrayal is certainly stereotypical in many instances but she is also shown very different from β†’

Romance movies and the effect of films on viewers

IMPACT OF ROMANCE MOVIES ON VIEWERS: Romance movies are good to watch at any time. Romance movies also do have a negative impact on a significant proportion of the viewers.

Interpersonal conflict in the film hitch

Interpersonal Conflict in the Film Hitch In the romantic movie Hitch, there were several scenes that showed interpersonal conflict between the characters in the film. In fact, most of the comedic and also dramatic turmoil between the various characters were due to the feelings of infatuation and love.


Written Gallery Critique: Art of Photography Show of the Work The Art of Photography Show was accessible online and produced by Steven Churchill with Julian Cox, the Founding Curator of Photography and Chief Curator at the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco as the Judge for the show. The Art of Photography Show 2012".2012.

Research exercise: document analysis

Document analysis Trends and development in radio and television broadcasting Part The subsequent half of the 21stcentury witnessed an increase in the use of media. The rise in the number of community radios in the 1960s enhanced the infiltration of radios.


Crucible of Empire: the Spanish-American War Crucible of Empire: the Spanish-American War is one of the best movies that I have seen on the war that took place between America and Spain back in. Gradually, the support for a war to purge the Cubans of the Spanish domination grew.

Visit to the dallas museum of art report

Visit to the Dallas Museum of Art On the 27th of August, I was fortunate enough to be able to visit the Dallas Museum of Arts together with my wife and child. In fact if there was a fire and the whole museum was to be gutted, these are the two works of art which β†’

The endings of the films

Endings of Two Days, One Night and the Kid with a Bike Two days, one night movie The plot of the movie is about human behavior inregards to the day to day lives of the people. The kid with a bike The plot is about a troubled abandoned teenage boy by the name Cyril who β†’

Surrealism art

Surrealism style of art makes use of visual imagery that originates in the subconscious mind which results into the creation of artwork that lacks the intended logical comprehensibility which is a fundamental feature of the traditional artwork. The exhibitions that were subsequently arranged in London and New York in the year 1936 led to the β†’


This has made me achieve a lot and make a lot of strides in the film industry. With this and many other reasons, I always have a dream of building my career in film industry.

Some like it hot

Although Iwould not like to contradict that bit of American history when it comes to this film, and not to discount the talents of Marilyn Monroe, Jack Lemmon, Tony Curtis, and director Billy Wilder, but the film actually leaves a bad taste in the mouth once it is viewed in the 21st century. The film β†’

Building on prior success

Protecting the contained data from unauthorized access remains critical to the success of the network; therefore, installation of an operating system with security protocols remains essential. Incorporation of new servers into the system would include numerous activities of upgrading the current system, and ensuring compatibility with the operating system.

Reflection paper

The most unpleasant moment in the investigation is the desire of agents not to find a spy, but to close the case. It is also known that they found the fingerprints of Hanssen on one of the document and recognized the voice only after that.

Architectural diagram: rapid freight converged network

Rapid Freight Converged Network Rapid Freight Converged Network Rapid freight's increasing demand for better and quality services and the stiff competition needs an integrated network solution that will improve all the entire process for the firm to remain competitive, survive and grow in the ever-expanding economy. The need for mitigation and strategies to secure and β†’

No title

My concentration is Entrepreneurship, and application of Big Data in the field of entrepreneurship is in the analysis of Big Data to aid in decision-making process. The data can be used to by the financial institution in detection and prevention of crime.


We can say so because there are not many levels of positions and authorities in the hierarchy, since it is a small business started only a couple of years ago. The span of control is also less, which means that there are only a few employees reporting to one manager, since it is a small β†’

Information policy

Indeed, given the catastrophic impacts that the release of sensitive information by websites can have, it is worth sacrificing ones freedom of expression to prevent the leakage of confidential information, not meant for the public. Hodson adds that the projects might restrict the world's poorest people to access only a narrow set of insecure services β†’


The author has examined the history and has traced the timeline along with the statistical analysis of Information Technology in order to deduce and support the statement and purpose behind his article. Methodology: The author has used a secondary form of research and observations in the trends over time along with a personal hypothesis of β†’


The part that was not that surprising was that the Trojan installs itself as an Internet Explorer help tool; this is a common way to infect a computer because it is the least suspecting way of attack. I agree that corporate policy, such as not allowing sensitive information to be stored on a laptop, and β†’

Systems development

One of the recent technologies is the use of the SDLC and generally applied in the IT world. The first step in this is the planning, and this is the understanding of the whole system and its organization.

Sage 50 vs lawson erp

The acquisition of the Layered, an accounting program developed for using on the Macintosh, benefited the organization to expand its product offerings. The Sage 50 Accounting software does not require any special hardware or software, and therefore it is easy for businesses to implement this software.

Overview of is audits (ip)

As the principle objective of an auditor is assurance, it is the responsibility of the management to ensure the types of controls that are operational where required. The first element for IS audit is the physical and environmental review.

Storage device

Computer storage refers to any hardware devices whereby data can be held and it is categorized in two group's namely primary and secondary storage Primary storage Primary storage is the internal memory or the main memory in a computer device which is stores data for short periods of time while the computer is working. The β†’

Why crowd sourcing is closely related to social media

Social media is a great way to spread the word about crowdsourcing projects and to build peoples' awareness of those projects. There are many other ways that crowdsourcing and social media can come together to do great things, but these were a couple of the ways that stood out to me the most.

Project management challenges

Ensuring that the responsibilities are assigned to the people in the due manner without giving any one in the organization any compensation and leverage is also a core function of a project manager. The second most prevalent challenge that is faced by the software project managers in modern times is that of creating an actual β†’

System development of disscusion questions

Choosing the appropriate UML modelling tool ensures the success of a software system and it's very important to have the right criteria. Inter-modelling UML tools How can one determine the actors in a Use Case Study Diagram?

Emr feasability

Small clinics on the other hand, have historically not been able to take advantage of these benefits due to the cost associated with acquiring and implementing an Electronic Medical Records which is so high, and the duration in time that would be needed in order to realize return on investment too long in comparison to β†’

Role of the internet in business

The ways of doing business in the twentieth century and the current ways of doing business are entirely different because of the intrusion of the internet related technology into business circles. It is difficult to manage a business in the twenty-first century without internet facilities.

Website evaluation paper and prototype for redesign

Recommendations Previously, I have evaluated the website of the Berry's Bug Blaster, described the purpose of the website, intended audience and identified weaknesses along with the strengths of the website. The initial paragraph of the paper speaks the generic aspects of the improvements of the website; however, the later paragraph describes the specific recommendations according β†’

Internet security

The privacy aspect has been given significance in the wake of the cyber crimes which are rampant in the time and age of today and Facebook is not an exception to this rule. This means that a proper code is encrypted within Facebook which asks of the users to log in and hence use Facebook β†’

Client/server computing

The role of API is to construct a message and colonize it with data related to applications along with transmission of message by assigning routing information for final delivery of a message.n nBusiness Process Execution Language n nBPEL that is called as the business process execution language has deployed a standard for enterprise applications that β†’

Cell phones: a breakthrough in technology

Cell phones are a remarkable piece of technology, and they are used all over the world and for communicating with one another. However, the majority of people are not businessman or businesswoman, and for the everyday teenager or student the practical uses for a cell phone are fairly limited.

Cad drafting software

One of the reasons why autoCAD is ranked top among other CAD softwares is the fact that it is packed with features within the tool bar which are relatively easy to use and navigate. The software is not easy to use and in addition to time consumption, there is difficulty in figuring how to use β†’

Love theme in pride and prejudice

The love story between Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. For the entire first half of the book, Elizabeth loathes Darcy and his social class.

Final draft: sex motif essay

He talked about his neighbor a bunch of times in the novel. In the story, he talks with one of his friends about his sex life.

Courage essay

Atticus knew that he would not win the case, but his strong sense of justice and equality gave him the determination to defend Tom Robinson to the best of his abilities. But most important, it's the ability to stand up for what's right, even though there are risks that stand in your way.

Literary elements in “a rose for emily” by william faulkner essay sample

Symbolism is the main factor in understanding of the theme of the story.Mr. Such as in this case, " a rose by Emily" the author uses of many literary techniques to create the theme of the story.

Analysis of the awakening from marxist perspective

In this case it's Edna, a discontented wife, the widow, and Mademoiselle Reisz that are all seen weird by the society of both men and women. In the case of Edna's husband, Leonce he has time for his own, such as reading newspapers and go to the club.

Birds in the awakening

In her book The Awakening, Kate Chopin uses the symbolism and imagery of birds and wings to display Edna Pontillier's struggle to free herself from society's cage. In relation to the parrot, Edna is also treated and seen as property by Mr.

Heart of darkness explicatory essay

When the captain of the steamboat they are travelling in dies, Conrad takes over as the new captain. The Norton Anthology of Western Literature.

Landscape and setting in room with a view

Moreover, we see how Forster develops Lucy's mind throughout the novel, similar to the way Stevens in The Remains of the Day slowly begins to let us see that he is an unreliable narrator, and the truth starts to come out. The opening chapter of A Room with a View sees Lucy in the Bertolini, β†’

Applying feminist theory to literature

If I, as a feminist reader, allow myself to enjoy novels by Hemingway, Lawrence and Fitzgerald, as I should, I also must accept the responsibility of being a " resisting reader". Because being an intelligent and informed feminist reader is so important to me, I would like to hone my skills with both the texts β†’