500 Words Essay Samples

Do you think that juvenile offenders who have committed a homicide should be tried as adults

Juvenile Offenders School There is a neurological research that s that human brain is not fully developed until the ageof 25, which means that some of people's actions may come from lack of brain development. The statement definitely makes sense as it is difficult to imagine a child who would not know that killing is β†’

Informal class assessment

Due to the diversity of the group in educational background, line of employment, and interests, the topics that could be of interest to the batch could be current events, especially one that is controversial in nature; or a general topic that could appeal to all: food, health, love, or relationships, to name a few. As β†’

The best way to reduce the number of traffic accidents is to raise age limits for younger drivers and lower age limit for the aged ones. to what extent do you agree or disagree

Running Head: REDUCING TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS RAISING AGE LIMITS FOR YOUNG DRIVERS AND LOWERING AGE LIMITS FOR AGED ONES IS THE BEST WAY TO REDUCE THE NUMBER OF TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS By Student's Name Code+ course name Professor's name University name City, State Date Raising Age Limits for Young Drivers and Lowering Age Limits for Aged Ones β†’

The experience as a writer

Given the chance as to practice another field is another opportunity for me to discover whether I am fit for this, the writing skills and practising to be a professional writer. And, I took the opportunity and gave all of my best ability to grow as a writer.

Application for the university of san diego

Application for the of San Diego The mission of the of San Diego is to " advance academic excellence, expand liberal and professional knowledge, to create a diverse and inclusive community, and to prepare leaders dedicated to ethical conduct and compassionate service". One of the things that I will like to be incorporated in me β†’

Tv journal entry

One of my proudest milestones was to graduate with honors in high school despite my language limitations and to gain acceptance to the University of Minnesota. I believe my academic journey has prepared me for the heavy workload of pharmacy school.

Edgar allan poe: comparing and contrast between his life with the philosophy of composition and the poem the raven

Prof's Loss and Remembrance in the Raven The Raven is one of the, if not the, best known works by Edgar Allan Poe. Poe thus sets the tone for the poem by establishing it as an act of remembrance in and of itself, and makes the memory of Lenore the central focus of the poem.

Informal assessment

It refers to the practice of individuals or rather organizations that may include commercial businesses and institutions that are in the move of selling their products. As majority of individuals seeking to learn as well as explore different sectors in the market, with the main aim of making it in life, it is necessary to β†’

Its wrong, but everybody does it

4 Factors that relate to cheating include: Lower GPA and IQ scores this puts pressure on students Living in rural areas this makes students more isolated and in need of help Members of fraternities or sororities this makes students conscious of peer pressure Age and school grade younger students cheat more than older students Gender β†’

Overweight children

This essay will prove that both the parents and the presence of many fast food outlets are to blame for the overweight in children in the developed countries. This is the so because the parents are supposed to be the monitors of their children including eating behavior and exercising.


Havisham is responsible for her own misery in that she chooses to concentrate in the betrayal from her lover in a way that day in day out. Bearing in mind Havisham former position in the society, it is inevitable to sympathise with the extent of her sinking.

Letter of explanation

With the motivation of fulfilling my dream of acquiring education in USA, I geared up the courage to face this challenge and decided to take ESOL classes to improve my English and overcome the language barrier. Therefore, the fulfillment of my dream to have a bachelor degree also provoked me to attend multiple ESOL classes β†’

A definition of knowledge

A Definition of Knowledge What is knowledge Knowledge is familiarity with truths, principles or facts with regards to study or investigation; to know many things. Tacit Knowledge Tacit Knowledge is a personal comprehension, an individual experience and involves real facts, such as personal conviction, and the value system.


Racism Racism is the belief that some characters in persons or their capabilities are inborn. In the past, racism is a tool that European colonies used via hate speeches to make different tribes fight against one another to their advantage.

The four seasons

It occurs in regions around the North and the South Pole and is experienced when the pole is tilted towards the sun. The weather is cooler and the environment has frost in the morning.

You can choose the topic

The different sports shoes are organized into soccer shoes, bowling shoes, running/ athletic shoes, tennis shoes, golf shoes and even mountain climbing/ hiking shoes. The first category of these sports shoes are soccer shoes which are also commonly known as soccer cleats or football shoes.

Why am i iinterested in mba program of ggsb, and how do i see it helping me to reach my future career goals

Therefore, after discussing the issue with some of my close associates I came to the conclusion that a Master's degree in Management from a reputed Institution not only helps in learning the techniques of dealing with adverse circumstances, but it will certainly help me in enhancing my confidence level. Well, having observed the functioning of β†’

Description for the map

Users of the Inner Mongolia Map As mentioned earlier, travellers and tourists are critical users of the Inner Mongolia Map. In conclusion, Inner Mongolia has many features that can be depicted in the map.

Rappin’it up

Restricting Advertising of Alcoholic Beverages The alcohol addiction is considered to bea significant problem for a number of segments of society. What is about the problem of advertising in the area of alcohol usage?

Essay on the importance of preparation for the industry

My time on the pharmacy work experience placement and my time in spent in the group work project have both helped to prepare me for my future roles in the pharmaceutical industry. I feel that the placement taught me the basics about the running of this type of pharmacy and, as a result of this, β†’

Cost sheet basic

The Bathing Machine was a popular etiquette followed by women of the 19th century The use of bathing machines indicated swimming still being an activity where a lot of attention as paid to modesty and revealing one's body in public was considered to be Inappropriate. The " Princess" cut was introduced, consisting of a blouse β†’

Delta airlines plays catch-up

How can American and United use customer information to gain a competitive? It could also use usability and customer satisfaction effectiveness metrics to determine the satisfaction in its gate and boarding applications.

In is being streamed live. online video streaming

Online streaming media is a compressed form of audio and video content over the internet. Streaming is an innovative product in the field of online technology which involves both the users and industry.

Investment shifting to regional cities in commercial and hotel sector

London was the most attractive location for foreign investors in 2017 but now the increase in price and volatile returns have diverted investors to seek options in some of the other growing regions in the Northern England. Hotel sectors investment is the new inclination in UK properties where the new Knight Frank Research claim the β†’

Tourism and fastest growing industries

The environment can be greatly affected by tourism in cases where the attraction is a vista of nature's beauty, visits of people in large numbers could mean huge amounts of treading andpollutionof materials such as plastic waste, bottles, which in the long run could be disruptive to the habitats of both faunal and floral life. β†’

Product lifecycle of the nintendo wii essay

This shows that Nintendo has redefined what was traditionally thought to be the video game console life cycle with the Wii as it can be seen as an industry standard and shows no signs of decline. This also shows that the Wii is in the maturity stage of the product life cycle as it is β†’

The difference between working in air asia and malaysian

Again, the open-door policy by Air Asia creates a better working atmosphere for the employees, and hence stands the airline in good stead. As shown above, Air Asia is a better airline to work for.

The disposable diaper industry

Consequently, P&G began national expansion of its Pampers brand and it could establish of the foundation of the growth of the disposable diaper industry in 1966. The disposable diaper products had become the single largest brand at P&G with the sales growth in excess of 25% annually and became the industry leader with about 9% β†’

Swu food and beverage

For example, the revenue from soft drinks would be expected to cover 25% of the total fixed cost. Maddux wants to be sure that he has a number of things for President Starr: 1, the total fixed cost that must be covered at each of the games.

Porsche 911 essay

Porsche: Guarding the Old while bringing in the New Porsche is known to be Europe's largest automotive retail company, plus is consider being one of the market leaders in the global high end automobile industry, operating nowadays in more than 20 countries throughout Europe, South America and China. In 1900, the world's first hybrid car β†’

Disrupting the fitness industry: from high school dropouts

Prepossessing Disrupting the Fitness Industry: From High School Dropouts to Ivy League Biochemists to Fitness Models to Serial Entrepreneurs Four keys to fitness success seminar and a first-of-kind CEO-friendly, non-GEM, USDA certified organic product launch by Dinners & Dinners LLC. Of the company's recent launch, Dinners & Dinners CEO Eugene Dinners said, " We wanted β†’

Harvard business review essay sample

Also Levitt shared on what the railway ndustry experiencing is that it all were associated with marketing errors and to narrowly defining their industry. Levitt had repeatedly emphasizing to broadly define your industry that this could somehow lead the management of the business to spread its resources too thinly.

Indian beer industry – oligopoly

Illustrates the marketers view of sourcing and the differing sales tactics employed according to the suppliers' preferences. Hence we conclude that the overall market in India is highly diverse and for each region different strategy needs to be employed.

Consumer attitude towards counterfeit product

The exact size of counterfeit market is not clear Due to the nature of market. The counterfeit industry is considered as bombing marketing and has a great impact in the business sector of any industry category.

Example of essay on the american civil war

The American Civil War popularly known as the War between States is was fought between the United States of America - the North and the other southern states which were demanding secession from the union to form their own " Confederacy" or the " South"). Jackman of the Orphan Brigade.

The health benefits of bananas

The potassium content In bananas Is good for the health of your bones. This fruit, which is rich in iron, can supply your body with the amount of iron it needs.

Free essay about tutorial number

Survey of the Current Business reveals in their report that the long run pattern can be likened to the overall performance of the economy and the graphical representation has been in the upward and outward direction. The Economic of Construction Industry.

Using e-commerce application for sentiment analysis of product rating

With the rising usage of smart phones, mobile applications are proving to be a great platform for e-commerce for both business owners and app developers. Sentiment analysis can also be used to determine the overall quality of a product based on the users experiences that they shared.

Heb is the best store

H-E-B H-E-B is a popular grocery store in the community of Houston, TX. H-E-B offers their customers a wide variety of foods and products.

Jacques sphere of rubberised silk, and only capable

He was the son of Jacques Alexandre Charles and Marguerite Claude Charles. Jacques Charles was the first one ever to travel in a hot air balloon, he was also with Nicholas and Aine Jean Robert.

Did and badger dirt, you will be comfortable

If you are looking for an even smoother ride and if you got an extra few bucks you can buy the new Case Magnums with a suspended front axle. When you get your feed in the ground and you need it cut and baled in a hurry, Case has got the new WD4 Windrower.

Fashion’s 20th century history

Throughout the years dresses kept getting shorter and the backs lower." By 1 925 dresses were the shortest in history - an act of the devil, some thought." Many people were so outraged that they passed laws in the states of Ohio and Utah that the hem length of ladies gowns had to be seven β†’

In of the crashes, even though 19 percent

If injury occurred, the accidentswere reported and if injury did not occur, the accidents tend to not bereported. Therefore, people tend not to report the accidents as nohospitalization occurred.

Is aid good or bad?

Aid tries to help countries to develop and improve their standards of living and quality life. If aid is shared equally then it is very useful and will really help the country develop and improve their standards of living and quality life.

Waste pollution: causes, effects and solutions

If garbage collection agency simply collects the entire garbage of its area ofresponsibilitybut does not dispose of it in proper landfill site then it would litter around here and there and most of it would pile up in streets and other areas. Garbage pollution is the main cause of various bacterial diseases and gastro is β†’

Genre analysis essay sample

Brings about asthma problems - Emission of harmful chemicals in the air is harmful.- It contributes to the formation of the o-zone layer - Can cause lung cancer - Bronchitis - Respiratory diseases - Interferes with the proportion of the natural gases in the air - Acidic rains The emissions of the harmful gases in β†’

Nowadays industries. chromium also has a wide range

The concentration of the heavy metal has been increasedby the release of effluents from metal processing, ore processing, mining, metal polishing, cleaning, paint manufacturing and battery manufacturingindustries. This heavy metal content in the environment cause various healthissues in animals in the water bodies and to the human beings.

Research in motion: managing explosive growth essay

The competitive forces that are the strongest are the rival sellers in the industry, threat of new entrants and the threat of substitute products. The key issues facing RIM are the increasingly competitive industry of smart phones, the short supply of software developers in the industry and lastly how the company is going to expand β†’

A model for industry analysis

In general, the Walgreen Pharmaceutical Corporation has developed and extended their competitive strategy and marketing structure to cater more the critical and intensive needs of the public regarding healthcare service. Through centralizing the concern of the consumers and broadening their services in this aspect that this corporation becomes a dominant organization in the healthcare industry.

Uglies by scott westerfeld. definition of beauty in the novel.

In the book the Uglies, Westerfield portrays a message that Inner beauty is the most beautifullest thing of all, but Tally Youngblood lives in a body-image based society which makes her think she is complety hideous. In the book, the Uglies, if you dont look a certain way then you are considered to be ugly.

Internet – the world best or worst invention essay sample

Collages and schools are slowly and gradually switching from thick books to internet What I am trying to say is Internet is not bad, nothing is too bad if you do not get addicted to it. The great thing about reading a book is that it's something that can completely absorb your mind: you will β†’

The tell-tale heart

The Tell-Tale Heart In his narrative poem The Tell-Tale heart, Edgar Allen Poe tells the story of an insane madman who is in love with an old man's eye. The horrific groan of the old man contributes to the high emotion feel of the story.

Starry night critical essay

It does not have many colors, but the way the few colors are used to make such an amazing and elaborate piece of art work that just instills such a great sense of peace and relaxation to me. First I must describe the painting to you to get a sense of the feeling I have β†’

Love is a fallacy in max shulmans novel love is a delusion

Viewing Polly in this way the narrator is nothing short of being ant-women. Love is a Fallacy is a very controversial story, meaning that the view of this essay, whether it is anti-men or anti-women, all depends on the reader.

To kill a mockingbird: maturity of scout

She is young and innocent but as she grows up she understands more about her society and the culture during early 1900s America. Another event that shows Scout's change of attitude and thinking was the way she treated Boo Radley.

A most dangerous game

Through his words and actions we are given a deeper view of the General Zaroff character and from that information it is easy to assume his way of thinking and his reason for making certain decisions. Sticking to his belief that killing humans is great fun and more of a sport then murder through the β†’

One day in the life of ivan denisovich: characters and their survival methods

In One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich, Shukov has developed his own ideas of survival rather than conforming to the other prisoners' methods in the Gulag. Many prisoners in the Gulag have their own ideas of how to survive, and Shukov never fails to observe them.

My personal attitude to laurel’s youth of my beloved land

The opening lines of Laurel's speech were rousing the youth for it stated that the country needs them and this appeal to their patriotic sense. The conclusion of the speech stayed true to the main idea which is " the youth is the future of the country".

To kill a mockingbird novel

The case was mostly a she said he said, but the little evidence that was there proved that he did not do it. The three kids did not understand how the jury could find Tom guilty with the lack of proof that he was guilty.

Crucial ideas in to his coy mistress

Through the usage of several literary elements, Marvel attempts to present the reality of death and to convince his mistress to not be as shy and to allow their relationship to progress. Marvell uses literary elements such as metaphors, tone, and diction in his poem " To His Coy Mistress" to convey senses of his β†’

Themes of survival in lord of the flies by william golding essay sample

They use Piggy's glasses to set fire to a pile of twigs and this fire burns through that story, because this is the only way the boys can be rescued from the island, it is a very important symbol, but throughout the book many of the boys question Ralph's ideas, as they prefer Jack's primitive β†’

Review of “bless me ultima”

Although his faith is strong in the beginning of the novel Antonio witnesses his Father kill a man. His mother believes that he has the capabilities to one day become a priest although his father would love to see his son enjoy the life of a cowboy.


Hamm told Clove to kill the flea because he is afraid of the rebirth of humanity. The stage directions in the script represent Hamm and Clove's fear of escaping.

The sacrifice of isaac and jesus’ crucifixion essay sample

The Binding of Isaac in the twenty-second chapter of the book of Genesis entails God commanding Abraham to go to the land of Moriah where the latter is commanded to sacrifice his beloved son Isaac in a mountain. The unconditional love in the stories of Isaac and Jesus is found on both the fathers, for β†’

Duke vicentio in shakespeare’s β€˜measure for measure’

Duke Vicentio makes Lord Angelo the leader of Vienna temporarily and pretends to leave but instead dresses as a friar to observe the goings in his absence. The punishment given by Angelo is already in the mind of the Duke.

Business writing – trend – outline

Key Message Four While revenues form sales of eBooks will not be great, the revenue will start to come from the events and the cafe. Lastly, it should be said that the availability of print material in the store is not to be eliminated.

Rapunzel – a tale about a girl with very long hair

I did not take the child, he brought it to me. After searching for the tower, he obviously did not have enough energy to look for the door and my little pumpkin could not resist the drama of the hair stunt.

Truman capote’s nonfiction novel in cold blood

Capote throughout the book uses rhetorical devises and tone to get the reader to think about the events the horrific events that happened in Holcomb and to get the reader to think about the overall argument of the book. He also uses logos in the novel to show the true story of the murder of β†’

My story in religion and my thoughts in a prayer for owen meany

That happened frequently, and for years, I thought the cause for all of that was specifically religion, and I just wanted to get far from it. When some people told their stories in the chapel, I changed my way of seeing religion, it was not a bad thing for me anymore.

Atticus finch, the very definition of a man

Atticus did not drive a dump truck for the county, he was not the sheriff, he did not farm, work in a garage, or do anything that could possibly arouse the admiration of anyone. A very good example of this was when he was defending Tom Robinson in court.

Lady macbeth analysis

In this soliloquy, Lady Macbeth reveals to the audience her evil nature; however, this trait is hidden from the characters around her as the minute Macbeth enters and her soliloquy finishes, she softens into a loving wife, calling Macbeth " My dearest love," and comforting him of Duncan's visit. Lady Macbeth's growth is revealed to β†’

Concepts in brave new world

The concept of " vampires" is present inBrave New Worldbecause the men and women do notrespecteach other in the area of romance. He is murdered by the boys and he is the first boy to die at the hands of the others.

Communal harmony essay sample

Truely a lot has been said about this topic but the question remains as to whether this genre of writings has contributed to solving of this looming dark cloud of ominous doom that presently hovers over our country at the micro level and over the world at the macro level. It is high time that β†’

Fall of the house of usher

The literal house is described as being in rough condition, with a crack from the top of the house to the bottom. As Poe describes how the literal house of usher is nearly ready to crumble, he also speaks of the metaphorical house of Usher.

Analysis of literary devices of jane eyre

Analysis of the Theme of Jane Eyre and its Literary Devices Jane Eyre is an outstanding and meaningful novel which was written by Charlotte Bronte who did not have a fascinating appearance, a perfect figure and a gloriousfamilyand who had the similar fate with the heroine of the novel. The essay is focused on the β†’

Statistics essays example

If the change of a random variable does not lead to a natural change in another random variable, but it leads to a change in other statistical characteristics of the random variable, such a relationship is not considered to be a correlation, although a statistical. Significant correlation between two random variables is always evidence of β†’

Joys of science article review example

That is the beauty of the power of science with robotics". That is one of the gift that science provided".

Casey reflect the importance gender roles play in

From this, Homer wants to show how a womens sexual appeal is a threat to the men's ego and dominance. When Odysseus is relaying the story he twisted his words and states that he was being held captive and he protested the whole time.

Free movie review on bringing down a dictator

It is a powerful film featuring some great filming and focuses on the ruthless brutality of the dictator paired with the intrinsic bravery of the opposition groups who faced considerable obstacles in attempting to get what they wanted. Nothwitstanding all this, it is an enjoyable movie and I liked it immensely although I would change β†’

Good example of essay on texting in class

In addition, texting involves the use of electronic gadgets that may contain information stored to them that students do use during the class time that takes away their concentration. This makes it hard for the students to be part of the class session as their attention is taken by the information they either receive or β†’

Good argumentative essay on does boredom lead to trouble

I am sure that when people have some specific goal in life, and when they are moving towards it, they are not bored and live happy life. I think it is partly because they often do not have clear goals and urges and yet and try to find something to become their place in life.

Economic development in ancient times essays examples

It is because of their high reliance solely on hunting, seventeenth-century philosopher Thomas Robbes, described the Paleolithic life as "Nasty, Brutish and Short" However, the very first phase of economic development was witnessed after the retreat of continental glaciers about 10000-12000 years ago that lead to extinction of many of the mammals that were food β†’

Example of absurd person singular play critique essay

The first act of " Absurd Person Singular" presents the last of the three consecutive Christmases, which is set in the kitchen of Sidney and Jane. Though this play was set in a time that is forty years in the past, Kathleen Early in the character of Jane was able to make me believe that β†’

Project management case study examples

The critical path is simply all the tasks that determine the end date in a project schedule. Often, there will be tasks that are not on the critical path; this is due to slack in the project schedule.

Training activities case study sample

Client's full participation is a requirement for the success of the program because the client is the one who will make the difference or can provide the answers or is capable of making the program work. The coach function is to ask questions or initiate action from the client and the client is to provide β†’

Education, school, and critical thinking essay sample

The main emphasis of creative thinking is laid in the education system where the learner is impacted with the skills to develop logical arguments and concentrate on the correct answer by elimination of the incorrect one. The significance of critical thinking is by understanding the learning of it.

Article review on leadership and motivation

Out of the three leadership theories, the author, Caol McKinney favors the situational leadership theory. Good leaders have the following traits: the ability to understand and work with a wide variety of personalities, the ability to organize work and people, and the ability to know their own strengths and weaknesses.

Developing government policies

If the policy is still in consideration then it takes the form of the green paper. If the bill is accepted it is sent to the next stage.

Essay on life experience

He also used the experience on his childhood dreams to postulate theories on dreams and even wrote a book titled: " The Interpretation of Dreams". The Practice and Theory of Individual Psychology.

Essay on the washington monument

As aforementioned, the sole reason for the construction of a monument is to commemorate a significant person in the history of the Americans. It follows that the construction of the monument was not a decision made by Washington but was a decision by the majority of the Americans in the 1880s.

Free leadership essay sample

As leadership theories evolved, new findings have revealed that people could become leaders through the development of skills and through acquiring the needed behavior that leaders exhibit. The ability of these people to develop the needed skills, abilities, attributes and competences are the same and were made possible through education, training and experience.

Communication and interpersonal skills

I smiled when Student A came in to the room, to ensure that I was friendly, and I was not going to be a threat towards her. I also did not use as many interpersonal skills, and I could have varied the skills I used to make sure that my role play was more interesting β†’

Informational interview

When the position was offered to him, his motive was because he wanted to see the accounting department to move in the direction he desired, in order for it to improve with its teaching research and service missions. He advises anyone interested in this field to prepare to be flexible, and to find time to β†’

Media and communications

Many of the technical staff on the project comes in from 9: 30 a.m.to 10: 00 a.m.while the users always come in before 9: 00 a.m. For scenario, I think the appropriate media to use should be the Making a Simple Request Media.