500 Words Essay Samples

Women in politics: the iron lady (margaret thatcher)

Women in politics: the iron lady Preview Iron Lady is a movie that explains the life and timesof Margaret Thatcher who was the first British woman Prime minister. She lives in the past and always remember her times as the Prime Minister as a result of great support of Dennis Thatcher who is now in →

Grendel by john gardner

Later a hero by the name of Beowulf kills the monster and also the mother of the monster that came to take revenge. The uniqueness of the story is the fact that the story has been written from the villain's or the monster Grendel's view.


We are also able to witness John Proctors anger towards Abigail and how although he cares for Abigail, he is truly devoted to Elizabeth. This scene is crucial in understanding the relationship between John and Abigail and each of the characters true colors.

Personal worldview essay

It tastes similar to honey with a hint of molasses and is manufactured by extracting the juice from the plant's core, which is then filtered, heated or treated with enzymes and concentrated until it becomes a syrupy liquid. The good part first: Because fructose has a low glycemic index, agave does not cause your blood →

Traffic accidents

Most traffic accidents are caused by the use of the cell phone, the use of the car system, and the way the driver feels while driving a vehicle. First, the most common traffic accident is the use of the cell phone while driving.

How has your understanding of ethnocentrism shaped your understanding of the field of sociology

The concept of ethnocentrism arises from the deepest thoughts and understanding of people belonging to one culture about the culture of other people. The basic reason of this irrational judgment about other's culture lies in the fact that people tend to measure and observe cultures from their preset standards of their own.

My educational goals

I will bring to the campus what others have considered in me an infectious " joy of learning, excitement for the future, and need for world contribution." That is in essence my philosophy and I believe it will be able to contribute to the campus community if given the opportunity to do so. I believe →

M&ms color distribution

The unique distribution of colors adds to the overall appeal of the candy. The color of the candies has changed over the years depending on the market demands and other issues.

Though liability upon the master for the

In exception to the general rule stated above a master is criminally liable for the act of his servants in the following cases: Statutory Liability: The law may impose a criminal liability upon the master for the acts and omissions of his servants as in licence cases. A master would be criminally liable for the →

Aztec sports assignment

The weight of the ball was Important because the three players had to get the ball Into a hoop high off the ground. Your first objective was to get the ball to the other side of the court.


Under these conditions implementing commission based model would be a bigger save for the manufacturing companies for the long term sustenance, in terms of price control. Thus service firms are best fit for the " combined strategy" to sustain with skill and experience based product derivation, which may lower the performance upon complete dependence on →

The beautiful great smoky mountains

Meanwhile, I removed my left hand from my eyes and allowed the fresh yellow glistening morning sunlight to wash the sleep away, that was pouring into my dormitory from the glass window facing the sun." Youuuoaaoah," I uttered the first yawn from my wide open mouth, and pursed my lips as the beautiful great smoky →

Uncovering value of planning in new venture creation

Gruber article 2007: Uncovering the value of planning in new venture creation: A process and contingency perspective The topic discussed in the article is whether business planning has positive impact on firm performances. Gruber's research indicates that the use of secondary information, the planning of customer relationship and marketing mix will have positive effect on →

Pathophysiology of malabsorption syndrome (at the cellullar, tissue and organ level)

Defects in the terminal digestion can also lead to malabsorption syndrome when hydrolysis of the necessary elements would not be complete because of deficiency of enzymes. At the cellular level the malabsorption syndrome can occur due to destruction of cells of pancreas or liver which would produce the necessary juices for the digestion of nutrients.

Analyse pestel for monitoring your business or organization

How to Analyse PESTEL PESTEL analysis takes into account the following factors: Political Factors This takes into account the level of government intervention in the economy. The micro-economic factors are related to how the consumers in the society spend their disposable income while the macro-economic factors are more concerned with the overall demand-and-supply conditions in →

Knowledge, reservations, or promise by nisbet

Therefore, it is a good tool adopted for the accuracy of the sample selection because this will automatically eliminate the people who hardly are aware of the parameters to categorize magazines in terms of science and technology. Thirdly the questions asked to test scientific understanding were too basic in nature and not enough to test →

Should large scale development be allowed in the rainforest (letter)

Dear ladies and gentlemen, I am a member of the Brazilian Government and we believe that large scale development should be allowed in the Amazon rainforest and I am going to give you our reasons in this speech. Once the dam is built the energy is virtually free meaning that if we sell the area →

Lesson plan: superstition and mystery

Strategies: explanation, exerciseSkills: reading, writingSs activity: Ss read and solve the worksheetAim: solve some worksheets using First ConditionalTime: 7 minutes Activity 5 PPT activityTeacher puts a PowerPoint presentation and asks Ss to solve the exercise and to write down the sentencesStrategies: explanation, exerciseSkills: listening, reading, writingSs activity: Ss read the exercise and solve itAim: practise →

Eveline business. the saturday-night disputes they have

Her father will not threaten her or treat her the way he did her mother there. In supplement to her job, she keeps the house and cares for the children in the household.

Analysis of “barbie doll” by marge piercy essay sample

So with sadness and the yearning to be accepted she was driven to the point of taking her life. If someone would have told her she was perfect the way she was instead of telling her what she needed to fix that could have made all the difference in girlchild's life.

Dbq greek influence on western civilization

The people who lived in the Mediterranean were the most important to the development of Western civilization. Aristotle was later the teacher of Alexander the Great, who ended up conquering much of the ancient world due to his teacher telling him the stories that Homer wrote about the Trojan War.

Ted talk analysis

She opened her speech with a little bit of humours related to the topic, this helped the audience to loosen up a bit and ready to accept what she was trying to deliver while making her a likeable person to them. She was well qualified to deliver the speech with her vast experience in English →

Dino grow lab essay

My hypothesis for this experiment is that if the dinosaur is soaked in water for four days, then the dinosaur would grow six times larger than its original size in all four categories of measurement.II. The only unexpected results that I observed from this experiment were that the mass and volume of the dinosaur had →

Samsung distribution network

For the first time, it is moving downwards, so much so that industry observers believe Samsung may go after the masses much like its arch rival LG Electronics did until a couple of years ago: already, Samsung flat televisions are among the cheapest in the market. In the IT segment, Samsung is the leading LCD →

Pricing strategy of coca-cola

As a part of this strategy, prices of most of the products that are currently in the market will be lowered by 1-2 units. Penetration pricing strategy is likely to be more effective in the developing countries like India where people are significantly concerned about the prices of the product.

Tao te ching

On politics as the conduct of governing, Section 17 of the Tao Te Ching provides a pointed observation: " When the Master governs, the people are hardly aware that he exists". This can be interpreted to mean that in a state of benevolent governance, well being of the people, even prosperity, is assumed as a →

T.g.i.f restaurant review

F Restaurant Review It was rainy, crowded and loud at the entrance, the smell of cigarette and rum filled the air of the lobby area. Although we were a party of 6 and the place was packed, the wait was only 15 minutes.

Throughout go buy wine, the other two greedily

Through the Prologue to the Pardoner'stale, the character of the Pardoner is revealed. At this point, all three of the friends in the tale display a greedsimilar to the Pardoner's.

Nonverbal listening patterns essay sample

In my non-verbal listening exercise with Sue, I found I was struggling. I found that my behavior was inappropriate for that conversation, but I was concerned about the rules.


Origin of Complex societies along the Nile River up till 3000 BC Societies were drawn towards settling along the River Nile due to the expanding desert to the west and the fertile dark soils along the Nile valley. Fayum A is believed to be the older of the two due to the complete lack of →

Evaluating the research methods

Bottom of Form Top of Form Mak, J. Top of Form Mak, J.

Http://www.lazada.sg/kippins/keywords: cloth which reproduces the mother’s touch to

This brand has addressed this requirement and come up with a range of baby lifestyle products which ensures that your baby can cuddle up in the purest of fabrics with a lot of comfort. The material used is super soft and causes no harm to your baby's sensitive skin.

Accident in the kitchen

As he was approaching the staircase down to the dish pit, he slipped on a puddle on the floor and fell, hitting the back of his head on a table in the narrow space and twisting his ankle significantly. The immediate treatment was to cast his ankle, but because of the type of injury, he →

Death and dying

Family care affiliation Family care The situation where an elderly person is experiencing financial swindling is a modern trend of exploitation. In this situation, the elderly person is my mother and I am not in a position to ask them for payment.

Franciscan values in cardinal stritch university

Franciscan Values in Cardinal Stritch University Cardinal Stritch University offers course to teach the learners principles of self management in general and Franciscan values in particular." In his writings, Bonaventure suggests that an intelligent, compassionate, aware person cannot separate knowledge from knowledge of God".. Therefore, the Cardinal Stritch University offers a course in Franciscan →

Discrimination hurts – the academic, psychological, and physical well-being of adolescents from ethnic minority coming from latin america, asia and europe

The paper, ' Discrimination Hurts: The Academic, Psychological, and Physical Well-Being of Adolescents' by Huynh and Fuligni study the critical factors of racism that adversely impact the overall well-being of adolescents from ethnic minority coming from Latin America, Asia, and Europe. The findings of research establish the veracity of the claim that racial discrimination impacts →

Personal statement for graduate school admission

I believe that with my experience and a dual degree at my back I can be more effective not only at my primary work as a registered nurse but also emerge as a good manager who will not have the requisite technical knowledge of the profession but also the managerial know how of how to →

Employee gambling and productivity

The stakeholders in this decision include the employees, the department, and the neural public. The advantages to this solution are that morale In the office could be preserved, and the risk of the director's actively would be alleviated by his termination of the football pool.

South asia in mass media

Looking at the current state of India, the advertisement of tide capturing the sunset view of Ganges River and Taj Mahal seem inappropriate. Thus, advertisers chose to utilize the image of the traditional India and its connection with the laundry detergent.

Race and religion

He also illustrates how black West African individuals had to adapt to the western principles of religion. Brown also relates the oppression that the African Americans endured to the walls of Jericho.

Brazil and chile marketing communication assignment

Quality of Media: Brazil and Chile are very similar in quality of media. Quality of Media: Brazil and Chile are very.

Reflection paper

What I did not know wasthat to work with special students on a daily basis was going to be: time consuming constantly giving repeated instructions frustrating not being able to obtain the requirements for the states standards where the general curriculum has to be used by the extended standards training having to constantly be going →

Communication for marginalized populations

It is important from the care giver perspective to make sure the patient fully understands the instructions and the medical situation in order to protect themselves and their patient. Again, for this reason you need to be able to speak to the patient in a manner that is respectful and trusting so the patient is →

Peer review powerpoint presentation against death penalty

However, the language used is not very professional and legislative as expected in relation to the subject of concern. Conclusion The document delivers the message the intention; however, it has failed to meet all the requirements of such a document in the finer and clear set up.

The colonialism: a brief review

The reason why economic factors behind ethnic conflict are not obvious at the outset is due to the fact that comparative studies of ethnic conflicts show a near-universal relationship between ethno-national conflict and economic causation. Connor's study of conflicts in these regions leads him to the conclusion that the role of economic disparity between groups →

The history of criminology

Quetelet was one of the first criminologists to link crime rates and alcohol consumption. Criminologist study and analyze patterns in criminal activity and attempt to determine the cause of, future trends in, and potential solutions to crime in society.

Victimology and criminal justice assignment

In my opinion, victimizing looks at the relationship between the victim and offender and tries to understand the cause of the incident. Andrew Carmen defined victimizing as " The scientific study of victimizing, including the relationships between victims and offenders, the interactions between victims and the criminal Justice system that is, he police and courts, →


If the practice of clitoridectomy is something these people truly believes in and would do anything to keep the tradition going, who are we to stop them? Unfortunately clitoridectomy is a practice that in many eyes is wrong and just not fair for these women who have to endure this horrible procedure.

And no matter where you run into it, prejudice obscures the truth

Twelve Angry Men Reginald Rose Pg 53 when juror 8 says " And no matter where you run into it, prejudice obscures the truth" he means when ever and where ever you are narrow-mindedness and racism can cloud your judgment towards people of all races and cultures, this can be proved by the stubbornness of →

Vice president of a supply chain

This notion is also supported by Robson who posits to the effect that in order for the supply chain to be effective, the goods to be supplied should match the description, be fit for the purpose and satisfactory quality. Reductions in transport costs can also be used as a benchmark to measure the success and →

Operation desert storm essay

The impact the operation had can be seen by the historical background, the change over time, and the lasting impact it had on society. In the new millennium the U.S.was greatly impacted by Operation Desert Storm, seen through the historical background, the similarity to the Spanish American War and the impact it had on the →


I did not particularly like the essay in terms of proving its point with scientific evidence, but I do agree with its basic argument that rational punishment, even and particularly in the form of the occasional spanking, is beneficial for a child's well-being as its replaces the parent in the role of authority. The author →

Never being solo with wetravelsolo: from being an outlier to a growing trend

They have done some major revamps on the Tech front to make the platform more fun and social for Solos to build real life connections with other Solos of similar Interest. The hybrid model of an 'Online Social Network', a 'Common Interest Network', 'Solo Experience Aggregation' and a 'Community Hub' is now live on android, →

Personal statement online free sample

I was mostly with my mom but I really wanted to be with my dad. It's hard for my mom to be a single mom but she's learning and I really appreciate that now.


The underlying irony is the attempt to highlight the harassment meted out to women of the Victorian era. The irony here is more of a situational irony, considering the spiritual and more mature outlook that the poet tries to portrays as a part of the irony.

Sales & marketing director assignment

S At Napped Technologies we believe that the pulse of life is the " technology" and, Hereford, we provide IT products and solutions that offer unique services of its kind in the world of information technology, making it easy for companies to conduct its operations at a quicker pace and less cost to achieve the →

Popular recreation and resistance

Popular culture: Introduction: Popular culture is the cultural text that is proposed by the media of communication and which we use in our day to day lives. Therefore popular culture are those cultural text that we use in our day to day life and they are part of our life, they are continuously proposed to →

Marginal product

But the optimal point of input is in this example 3, that is when short run marginal cost is in its lowest point. In the long-run firms are looking for increasing return of scale, that is when average cost decreases when output increases.

Lebron james essay

Let Lebanon James is the best player ever My Perspective that Lebanon James is the best player in the world and they are many reasons why he is the best. Lebanon James has the ability to play all of the positions in the NAB unlike Michael Jordan and Bill Russell.

Distance learning

Most importantly, it provides the working population or the dropouts to continue their education or higher education, as the case maybe, at their own pace and from any place across the globe. It has also provided the academia to expand their interests across larger geographical area and make it easy for people to acquire education →

Fascism and the great depression

Fascism and the Great Depression The Great Depression of the 1930s resulted in the most significant economic upheaval since the advent of the industrial revolution. The totalitarian governments of Germany and Italy were made possible by the creation of a political void when the depression set in.

Case study on executive shirt company

1 2 3 4 5 1 Working procedure followed by the Bank 2 Repetitive Task performed by the employees Promotion and Transfer S Q. 1 2 3 4 5 1 Promotion policy of the Bank is sound & realistic 2 Bank implements promotion policy regularly without any bias 3 Bank provides early promotion for the →

Global warmingassignment assignment

Human activities have a significant impact on global warming, not the least of which through our contribution to the increase in carbon emissions and physical waste on the planet. What's more, our manufacturing of non-biodegradable products like plastics and the like is leading to the filling up of our world's landfills, taking up more and →

Nakamoto for nobel prize in economics

Satoshi Nakamoto, one of the greatest mysteries of the digital age who has created the digital currency bitcoin, has been nominated for the Nobel Prize in Economics. The restriction concerns the nominees and nominators, as well as investigations and opinions related to the award of a prize".

Case study should you listen to the customer

Natalie is part of this company Owe to ten Tact Tanat seen was a talented Ana respected cancer Walt Elizabeth, on the other hand, has to earn the boards respect by respecting the artistic talent and following the company's values. This is another point that Elizabeth and Natalie may have presented to the board in →

The ed sullivan show

The relation between context and consequences with regards to censorship is based upon the evaluation of context in which the censorship occurs that is out of blasphemy, sexual contents, etc. Moreover, this relation is also established within the prospect of censorship on the basis of consequences that would be noted as a result of the →

A hamster’s diet: nutrition and food for your pet assignment

They sleep for most of the day which means they would be doing most of their activities at night so it's best to keep them in a room where nobody can be awaken by them clicking their water bottle, borrowing and or running on their wheel. The procedures that will be explored with is changing →

Sex in advertising assignment

Yet others found them to be humorous, with the understanding that Diesel hose to use amateur photography and young models to appeal to the target audience of teenagers and young adults. Considering the belief that advertising has a strong influence over children and adolescence, companies need to be aware of where advertisements with sexual content →

A train journey

MCC rules state that " the length of the bat, when the lower portion of the handle is inserted, will not be more than 38 inches/ 96. Bhandari said that he also got the handle of Raina's bat fixed".

Insect classifying arthropods virtual

Which of the five classes of arthropods is the most diverse? The largest order is that of the beetles.

A contrastive pragmatic study of speech act of complaint between arab and malay students

Green accentuated that communication presupposes achievement of the intended effect of verbal action upon the addressee, of users being aware of using language not only for the sake of the utterance of words but also for taking actions or responding to them as well. Albeit the fact that both Malay and Arab students use the →

The lady of shalott: critique assignment

She points out that the mirror which the Lady uses to see the reflected world and weave her web is not simply there for the sake of the story. The Lady's art is a reflection of a reality to which she is ignorant.

Leadership and control plan

The leadership problems at the firm are occurring due to a lack of trust from the president of the company. A good manager recognizes the importance of getting the employees involved in the operating decisions of the firm, particularly the upper management workers.

Irvine cubesat 01: a teen’s perspective

Rows among rows of computers and desks, a white board, and the oddly shaped rotating chair fill the room, it is the epitome of the norm and yeteven the inanimate objects look excited, as if they want to come to life, and accomplish something as well. However, all of our encouraging and helpful mentors, from →

Bullying causes suicide – descriptive essay

Worryingly, in what is becoming a more publicized and prominent situation, sometimes these periods of bullying completely overwhelm the victim in such a serious way that the only option they feel is logical is to take their own lives to make the bullying stop. As this internalization of pain continues, with nobody to turn to, →

School tips and tricks section

Dear Teen Ink, My name is Nina B and I personally believe that there should be a section in your magazine for tips and tricks for school homework and school projects. These ideas are what I believe would be a good to put in the tips and tricks section.

Soviet domination of eastern europe, cold war assignment

The civil war in Greece be; en the Communist People's Liberation Army and the anti-Communist forces over control of Greece led to the creation of the Truman Doctrine. In order to stop the spreading of what was referred to as " spring fever", the Red Army invaded Czechoslovakia in August 1 968 and crushed the →

Arabic euphemism: the question of politeness in translation essay sample

The article explains euphemism definition and shows the main characteristics of euphemism and the use of it in several discourses. In addition the study expose the use o euphemism in the old classical Arabic with examples occurred in the holy Quran.

How different races influence each other

9 May, Influence of racial issues on the relationship between Radio Raheem and Sal: Do The Right Thing excellently depicts the underlying reasons of racism in the society, the way they influence relationships among people and the damage it causes to the society in general and the concerned parties in particular. One of the most →

Oedipus rex: displaying pride with+- dramatic irony assignment

At the beginning of Oedipus' reign, dramatic irony is shown when he addresses Thebes, and the chorus about finding the murder of the former king Laios. Oedipus shows that he does not know who the actual murderer of Laios is, which in fact, is himself, while the audience knows all along that he is the →

The one that best voiced sarah grimkés feminist

The Grimke Sisters By Mia LivneEarly LifeSarah and Angelina Grimke were born on the turn of the 19th century. Abolitionism- starting out The Grimke sisters were born to a wealthy family who participated in the act of owning slaves.

Legal research exercise

Question 4 Global free internet Act of 2013 establishes a taskforce regarding the global internet and with close link to the Commerce Department in raising the technology standards. The Act is currently in the subcommittee's house in the Crime, Terrorism, Homeland Security and the Internet department for further furnishing The Free Flow of Information Act →

Nutrition: food borne illness

The levels of nutrients in organic foods vary because of the difference in soil ph and cover. Studies have shown that despite the difference in nutrients, organic foods are rich in iron, vitamin c, and magnesium than conventional foods of similar type.

Gandhi and hitler

Gandhi was the leader of the Indian nationalist movement against British rule, and is widely considered the father of his country. He is a bad influence for the people of Germany and people that try to gain power.

New perspectives on computer concepts

Technology Description Enterprise Resource Planning is software that allows the organization to improve the performance of the organization by systematically planning the resources of the business along with handling the operational as well as management control of the organization. Microsoft Takes Its ERP Technology to the cloud Microsoft CNET News.

Airborne express

The operations are the delivery of approximately Outbound logistics: The delivery of the packages from the hub to the delivery estimation. An other advantage of Airborne is that they could use the trucks more often than their competitors for the long-haul portion of a delivery and this was estimated to have costs who were 1/3 →

Do you think attitudes influence job performance? assignment

It is like when an employee has a good attitude about a job, the whole chore just flows so easily leading them to think that the work is so smooth, easy and hassle free; which at the end of the day eventually holds a huge positive impact on their performance at the workplace. The absolute →

“jerry, molly and sam” theme esasy essay sample

Al's story goes from exposition, to complication, to the reversal as the final part of the essay. In the story Al has channeled all his unhappiness and inability to cope with his own problems on the dog and he thinks that getting rid of the dog would somehow bring some relieve to his many problems.

Byzantine dbq essay

The question as stated is, what is the Primary Reason to Study the Byzantine? The primary reason to study the Byzantine is their political foundations.

Ergotism: ergot and circulatory bacterial morphology

In addition, the alkaloids that are the causative agents of ergotism are relatively labile and are usually destroyed during baking and cooking. Pathogenesis: Ergot causes vasoconstriction by direct action on the muscles of the arterioles, and repeated dosages injure the vascular endothelium.

Food, inc

Human Health: Among many important ethical issues, one alarming ethical issue that Food Inc.talks about is the way food is contaminated, how it approaches the consumers and what impacts it has on the health of the consumers. The most fundamental cause of the increased risk of E.coli is the corn that the cows are fed.

Women philosophy

Short Essay Philosophy: Women Philosophy At the beginning of the part four of the dis Descartes explained his position concerning the omissions he had made when trying to explain the three kinds of primordial notions, namely; body, soul and the union existing between the body and the soul. But the matters that are relevant to →

Research article summary

The independent variable was the discrete trial teaching instruction delivered to each of the paraprofessionals. The dependant variable was the percentage of accuracy each paraprofessional displayed in correctly implementing the discrete trial instruction in a home setting.

Talking of space assignment

Hence, it can be said that it is impossible to conceive of the unknown based on what we know. To give a few examples, the Martians were correct in their speculations about the presence of Oxygen on Earth, but they called it a poisonous gas which would make it impossible for any creature to survive.

Agile electronics

Agile is concerned about their ability to supply the assembly without assistance from Automate but their CEO Is pushing them to step up to the challenge. He believes Automate needs to deal with the quality Issues Identified with the suppliers supplying Agile because Automate chose them.