500 Words Essay Samples

Fire making

The first thing to do if you know for sure you are lost, is to make a fire. There are more than a few ways to start a fire, but before you do any thing you should build something to put your ember or match in to put in the fir that you built.

U.s. history civil war-present

History civil war-present The aspect of economic change is a transformational norm that takes place in an economic situation of a given nation and this comes because of sustenance, increase, as well as depletion of a country's economy vitality. This in turn resulted into the creation of Interstate Commerce Commission, Federal Trade Commission, and the →

Scarlet letter symbolism analysis essay

Hester and Timescale meet in the forest. The symbolism In Clownishness's name shows the readers how vengeful and evil he Is.

The third major cause of cvd

The Third Major Cause of CVD Stroke is a disease that affects the arteries leading to and within the brain. Stroke can be caused by a clot obstructing the flow of blood to the brain.

Socrates and euthyphro

Socrates and Euthyphro Socrates and Euthyphro Socrates and Euthyphro disagree on the meaning and the definition of holiness and religiousness, as presented in the Euthyphro dialogue. Having noticed the logical inconsistency, Socrates challenged Euthyphro to substantiate if something is holy because the gods approve it, or the holiness of something makes the gods approve it.

Behaviour management statement

An educator has to grasp the needs of the students to be able to gain understanding of their behaviour. Personally, I consider the responsibility of the teacher to present varying forms of lessons and activities to reach out to the needs of every student.


Because of this, the government moved some Indian groups from their homes near the border to areas in the interior of Nicaragua. The national University of Nicaragua, in Leon and Managua, is the older and larger one.


The article by Bartolotti focuses on the suitability of parent education in regards to the development of a child. In addition, the article explains the assumption that the psychological development of a child is determined by the development of their age.

Tarp report…project scope

As such, the paper addresses the issue of lack of diversity in the group with reference to its functional and cultural skills. Thus, the project is limited to providing solutions and recommendations on how No Kurfew Entertainment group can achieve internal diversity in terms of functional skill and talent.


Hysteria: Salem Sorcery and the Chupacabra Craze Death and hysteria are both prominent features of the Salem witch trials of 17th century Salem and the Chupacabra attacks of modern Latin America. Although the Salem witch trials and chupacabra hysteria both involve a fear of the supernatural, the Salem witch trials are more horrific because? of →

Virtual business solution

2 Analysis of Issue McKinney & Company propose lean management is described as Focus on the delivering the maximum of value, trust and enable the team to organize their operation, implementing a continuing improvementcultureand with a shared vision. Consistency is the key to making customers happy, which is the aim of this organization.

Sec rumor refuted by bitcoin companies

0 arena were alarm to read the rumor that SEC had sent inquiries regarding the issuance of unregistered securities to numerous Bitcoin companies. Some of them mentioned that they would not be surprised if the SEC digs further into the matter but some start-ups stated confidently that they are operating within the law.

Talk about one engineering ethics case or issue in the last 4 months

The government of Japan must launch a full investigation of the matter in order to get the truth. The nuclear system in Japan was responsible for providing 25% of the electricity of the entire country.

Article summary

Plastic Sex-Roles in the Common Goby: The Effect of Nest Availability This study of Borg, Forsgren, and Magnhagen is about theeffects of nest site availability on reproductive behavior in the common goby. Thus, the researchers concluded that the differences in the reproductive behavior of the common gobies in two bays were most likely due to →

My ex husband essay sample

The hateful tone in the poem contributes to the fact that she dislikes her husband, but at the same time she is stuck in the past, which keeps her from moving on. The first two lines of the poem introduce us to the a picture of her ex husband: " Thats my ex-husband pictured on →

I thrive for it

I have a true passion for writing, am dedicated to all my ideas, and very motivated to create new ones. I believe a college environment is the right place for me to expand my imagination because it provides the opportunities to experiment, and for growth.

Globalization and technology

The subsequent development of broadband internet raised the utility of the internet for business purposes. A database that can be access with the facility of the internet that is very useful to learn about cultural matters is the CultureGrams database.

Desert exile

The author gives an account of what took place in his life before the war started and the experiences of Japanese-Americans during the war. In addition, the author highlights the reactions of the Japanese-Americans to their situation during the war.

Overcoming stress essay

They feel necessary to go to the gym to relief and overcome stress. Thus, doing shopping is the efficient way to overcome stress.

Healing hospital: a daring paradigm essay sample

Spirituality has made a comeback in contemporary medicine and healing hospitals are a great example of the return of treating the whole person. This paper will discuss the components of healing hospitals and their relationship to spirituality and describe the challenges in creating healing environments in hospitals.

Leisure time

The final thing I like to do in my leisure is play basketball. Another reason, I like to play it is because you can get in shape.

Women expect less money than men when entering wor assignment

And the author put forward a reason why women decide lower salaries is for they are less likely to be aggressive when they have opportunities to raise their salaries, leading them to ultimately accept lower-paying jobs than men. This article has lots of subjective ideas which have no truly evidence to proof that women have →

Outline and evaluate research into cultural variations in attachment analysis

Overall the SSC is shown to be a good way of measuring infant's attachment types across different cultures, despite the suggestions in the studies above. However in cultures like Japan, dependence rather than independence would be a sign of secure attachment, which was most likely the case with the Takahashi study, in which infants showed →

Function of the body

These are very dangerous to a person's health and need to be treated immediately as they cause the main systems of the body to be altered and release hormones that change the appearance and function of the body. The spread of these cancer cells that later on form into tumors is most likely due to →

Strategic management thought in east asia

The core themes are the following: the art of war, the book of the five rings, the three kingdoms, principles guiding the East Asian approach to business, the thirty-six stratagems, the importance of strategies, transforming an adversary's strength into weakness, deception as mean to a strategic advantage, understanding contradictions, compromise, striving for total victory, flexibility →

British imperialism in india college

The Positive Effects of British Imperialism in India One of the best things that the British did for India was help them become connected to the rest of the world through medicine, science, technology and other areas. The Negative Effects of British Imperialism on India On the other side of this, British Imperialism did have →

Starnes-brenner machine tool company–to bribe or not to bribe

Several questions should be emphasized in the case; the question of ethics, the question of self-reference criterion and a more important question of what role should the marketer play; how much should they try to change the system and how much should they try to become a part of the system. The retiring representative points →

Story of an hour kate chopin essay sample essay

Kate Chopin's The Story of An Hour is an challenging work that leaves the reader inquiring whether Louis Mallard's waking up was religious or physical. Daniel P." Chopin's ' The Story of an Hour.'".

Cango: balance sheet and ratio

2907 This ratio shows if a company is in a good position to repay its debts using only its current assets. 0233 This ratio shows the efficiency of a company.

Critical review of writing methodology

Consequently, citations that appear in articles published in the journals of a particular discipline provide an objective measure of the contributions of other knowledge systems to the development and progress of that particular discipline. Citations also give a relative measure of the particular contributions of articles, individuals, institutions, journals, and countries to the progress of →

Resview hospital essay

Mary offered to present her findings and recommendations to the members of the board, but Jack insisted that he could handle it himself. Mary should have found the way to let Jack know, in a polite way, that she was aware of his evident referent power.

When painkillers become dangerous

What started as a feeling of elation and relief for being able to relieve the pain of patients in extreme excoriating conditions, unsuspecting and initially lack of understanding of its addictive properties, led to young doctors to prescribe these drugs in unmonitored frequency and dozes. As she narrated her story, she confirmed that the disease →

Swot analysisconclusion

This is a lot of money, and what if the business is not successful? There are some weaknesses and threats in this business plan, but with some minor changes the bakery is bound to expand and be successful.

Education system in indonesia – historical essay

It was the Dutch that first introduced elementary education in Indonesia, though at the time it was only meant for European people in Indonesia and other Europeans that lived or visited there. The aim of this was to allow native Indonesian people to get an education at the schools that the Dutch people had set →

Tim burton film analysis

Burton uses many different camera angles/shots and framing to control the overall mood in his many films. Burton contributes to the overall mood in many of his films by using these methods.

Century’s greatest tragedy assignment

Hitler and the Mans were the masterminds of the Holocaust. On the night of November 9, 1938, gangs of Nazi officers on the streets of Germany and attacked the Jews.

Business model of uber essay

Uber is such a large name that people are already waiting for the cab company to start services in their city. It's operating just only in a stanbul and they are try to work with taxis as well.

African american males in the media assignment

I myself am an African-American woman, and I know plenty of African-Americans that do not fit or match these stereotypes portrayed in the media. Sometimes African-Americans even reinforce and take pride in these stereotypes and I believe that the media will continue to express these stereotypes of African-Americans.

The mind-body problem

We could also interpret this as a statement about the fundamental nature of existence, one that precludes the possibility of the mind and body being reduced to the same material. The differing characteristics of the brain as a material and the mind as an experience are undeniable, and the disconnection is ideal if one wishes →

Metaphysics & epistemology paper assignment

Moor's classification of the moral as non-natural was to be one of the engines upon which moral philosophy in the Anglo- American academy turned until roughly 1960. One of the most important parts of Moor's philosophical development was his break from the idealism that dominated British philosophy, and his defense of what he regarded as →

A helicopter parent

It is a very common factor in the Palauan society for parents to help their children with their bills, giving themmoney, babysitting, and even to the degree of buring their groceries and cleaning their homes. When parents guide their children in everything they do, they do not have the chance to show what they are →

The major confrontation between islam and western christianity

The Major Confrontation between Islam and Western Christianity Question 1: What was the major confrontation between Islam and Western Christianity from the period of the crusades to the beginning of the Early Modern period? As the Roman Empire declined in the early years of the first millennium, in the east the Byzantine Empire began →

Muslim rai as president, but moderates wanted

Failure of Moderates After the failure of moderates to get major gains, extremists becameimpatient.III. This came to a relief to British who were lookingfor an opportunity to subdue the activities of Congress.


It used in the stock market to refer to situations in which securities or stocks perform in contrast to the expectations of the efficient market. January effect is related to calendar market anomaly in the financial market in which the prices of the financial security rises during the month of the January.

Albany plan of union

Even though it was not passed, the Albany Plan of union was a genius idea because it brought every colony under the control of one council, allowed the collection of taxes for military purposes, and united the colonies so that they could actually defeat the French. One of the disagreements about this part of the →

Hidden intentions essay sample

For a more dramatic effect, Fondation cleverly incorporated this into the narrator's description of how his food was being prepared." The eggs were spread out on the griddle, the bread plunged inside the roaster, when the authorities came in". Fondation drew the reader's attention back to the food so quickly that Javier's incident seemed like →

Economics and scarcity problems

In the debate about clean air standards we have often heard the statement, " A nation as rich as the United States should have nopollution." This is a normative statement because it involves judgment about what should be or what ought to happen. Think of it as a game of chest you need to plan →

Chapter 17 assessment u.s. history

Chapter 17 Assessment 1.progressive movement- Efforts to make govt.more responsive to the people, restore economic opportunities, and correct injustices.2.muckraker- One of the magazine journalists who exposed the corrupt side of business and public life 3.suffrage- The right to vote 4. Square deal was a program to keep the wealthy and powerful from taking advantage of →

Best practices in choosing network monitoring software

Our network devices, servers, and software were all growing in complexity and we knew that we would have to leverage technology to gain better control of our IT systems and network. We decided to develop a set of best practices to ensure that new investments in system and network monitoring would be successful.

Economic geography assignment

But it also increase the production cost of home manufacturers so the price of goods go up 1. It also lowers the market price of the local products.1.


The reason this event highlights Jaines values and the way she respects her grandmother is because what she wanted to find in life so badly was true love but she decided to skip out on love for the time being and do what her grandmother wished of her. Janie's value of love is shown because →

Art originality

In time, I also became conscious of my style and felt the desire to maintain originality. I believe that this course is instrumental in gaining knowledge and expertise in the field of art.

Illiteracy and poverty

Illiteracy may be defined as ' the condition of being unable to read or write' and it is one of the main causes of poverty in any society, and Pakistan unfortunately. The first link between illiteracy and poverty tends to be when the poor man is unable to afford a high quality education and this →

Short critical reflection paper

It exposes the researcher to a variety of information where they will choose which is the most appropriate. On the other hand, it is not a reliable source of information as it is subject to unaccounted changes in form of improvements.

How a person can fall into debt

How a person can fall into debt Introduction Falling into debt is not a new phenomenon as it is almost as old as the invention of money into the society. This work will explore as to how a person can fall into debt and will provide a detailed analysis of the issue.

Processed foods

Whole Foods On the other hand, whole foods are grown in orchards, gardens, or greenhouses, are unprocessed and unrefined, and have a shorter shelf life. When you are in grocery stores, these foods are mainly found on the store's wall aisles to the sides and back of the store.

Don’t get me started on…

Yes, that does mean I know how it feels to be left out of ' The Cool Club.' When we were growing up I was simply too smelly, too stupid and just too uncool to do anything but watch as my brother and sister have fun without me. I really bloody hate it when my →

Additionally, researchers manipulated argument, word order, verb class

What theresearchers investigated was the interaction between word order and verb typealong with the factor of ambiguity. To measure speed differencesof semantic and syntactic processing they recorded ERPs at the first noun, whichwas analysed with MANOVA calculations and t-tests.

Denver art museum

It portrayed, at least to me, the mix of thought and feelings of that period, and the inner struggles that people had to endure at the time. It was definitely an interesting piece, and the least favorite of mine.

Compare and contrast: overview

Economy Today The economy in the 1980's was very different than the economy today in dealing with matters as such as the government budget, the unemployment rate, and the tax structure. The more education that can be paid for by the government, the more job opportunities there is." The unemployment rate can be defined as →

International business

International Business Year The tremendous growth of global capital market is attributed to numerous factors namely, globalization, privatization, and the subsequent effect of anti-inflationary measures in developed countries. To illustrate, the absence of constraints has enabled international business entrepreneurs to enter and dominate domestic markets of any area.

Why the society are treat women differntly

The society has continued to view and treat women as inferior to men, a perception which has culminated from the numerous gender stereotypes based on femininity and masculinity, and which has contributed to the biased definition of gender roles. This has facilitated men with an opportunity to exercise control and authority in terms of decision →

Aristotle, nicomachean ethics, mullen, hard thinking about values

However, to this end Aristotle argues that the action of living, which consists of elements like nourishing and providing nutrition to the body, goes the same as that of other living matters like plants. Aristotle states that apart from the previous two conditions of simple living and the ability to perceive the external world through →

Apple case study: challenges entering the growth market

With the 2007 release, the phone's sleeker design and Innovative software improved some overall functionality of the product compared to existing smart phones in the market. Results were a major Jolt to Apple's global strategy of tying Jp Witt network operators and snaring profits in the European market.

Sex education in high schools assignment

What could we do as a community to educate our youths about the effects of becoming sexually active and using drugs will do to them in the future? The best way to reach most of our young is to begin teaching students in middle and high school about sexual activity and drug awareness.

Regional integration for and against articles

With nations being able to transfer knowledge from different sectors and the know-how also increases production in the nations which stimulates the economic growth within the trading bloc. Against Regional Integration Trade blocs are setup between different nations to allow for low or free trade between the nations whom are members within that trade bloc.

My hero maximus rasmussen essay sample

Maximus is a general of a Roman Army that was highly respected by his soldiers and the Emperor of Rome. I think that Maximus fall greatly under Joseph Campbell's characteristics of a hero and because of his ideals he is and still remembered

When the jobs inspector calls: an article review

The success that Apple has achieved could mean that they do not need to take any of the mistreatment allegations seriously, but all the evidence points to the opposite. I think that many large corporations choose to outsource work to foreign third world countries is so they can take advantage of the loose labor laws →

Do’s and dont’s about french culture

* When you are invited somewhere, DO give a gift that shows that you are intellectual, such a gift of books ormusic.* DO bring a gift for the hostess if invited to a French person's house. Indeed, white flowers are typically only used during weddings, white lilies and chrysanthemums are flowers for funerals, and red →

Play in early childhood education

The four categories of play are functional play, symbolic play which has two categories; constructive play and dramatic play, and games with rules. An example of dramatic play would be a child dressing up with a cape and pretending that they are a superhero.

Honor society analytical essay

We know that the narrator thinks his song as a god which means he love the song, and he believes in it. That means love his family, histribe and the song, despite he wants to change his life.

History 1

During the Vietnam war, the country was divided into two factions, the North Vietnam being supported by the communist China and Russia and the South Vietnam supported by the United States and its Western allies. The offensive was the largest military operation in the Vietnam War that marked a turning point for the full entry →

Human resources, competitive advantg

Second trend that may affect is the issue of diversity, as the number of immigrants increase and due to this HR will experience the issue of managing cultural diversity within the workforce. The fourth is autonomy, which is defined as the amount of freedom that an employee could exercise to perform a particular job.

Epekto ng social networking sites

Statement of the Problem Purpose of the study to determine the Effects of Social Networking Sites to the Computer Science student of Technological Institute of the Philippines Quezon City.1. What is the good effect of Social Networking to the students? 4.

Role of women in pakistan

While the lower class women worked all day to earn two meals per day for their families, women of the middle class were supposed to stay at home and take care of the people living in their homes. Since women have now become educated they can teach their children the values and etiquettes of life.

Value chain analysis

He suggested that activities within the organisation add value to the service and products that the organisation produces, and all these activities should be run at optimum level if the organisation is to gain any real competitive advantage. If they are run efficiently the value obtained should exceed the costs of running them i.e.customers should →

Literary response #4

In these lines Millay uses the image of the ghosts in the rain to symbolize the speaker's past lovers. Ultimately, the speaker's emotional state is one of profound loneliness and despair at the passage of youth and time.

The and that’s when i called you.” i

When I got to the scene one ofhis employees showed me to the bones. I realized this was a waste of time and decided to go.

Malthusian view relevant today?

From this, you can see that although population has maybe exceeded the " optimum", there is no decrease in food supply and living standard. Moreover, concerning the aspect of population, there are actually many means of population control nowadays that were not there in Malthus' time, resulting in a slowing momentum of population growth.

Introduction of human resource management

The goal of every businessperson is to maximize profit, while maintaining the quality of production and to stabilize the organization to stand persistent for a longer period of time. The atmosphere of workplace: It is human nature to feel good in a pleasant, comfortable and clean environment.

A day in the life of a cherokee indian essay

The political side of things was fairly simple, they would have the red chief in times of war or if there was a disturbance, but if it was peaceful they would have the white chief in charge as he was in charge to keep things ordered and pleasant. The men and women in the Cherokee →

The casualties on the indian side. pakistan’s

The cause was the infiltration of Pakistani soldiers and Kashmiri militants into positions on the Indian side of the Line of Control which separates the two nations. The Indian army, assisted by the Indian air force, attacked the Pakistani positions and forced the enemy to withdraw across the LOC.

Learning experiences 1 (personal training)

Origin is scapula, insertion is deltoid tuberosity on lateral humerus, intended action is abduction of the shoulder joint, and exercise is dumbbell lateral raise. New York [u.a: Springer.

Work specialization techniqu. advantages and drawbacks

The Organization structure is the interaction and communication patterns that are linked to map out the tasks performed by individuals and teams to achieve concrete goals and objectives. Conclusion: To summarize the discussion, Work specialization is a technique that might be suitable and adequate for one organization while be incongruent with values of the other.

As maybe increase in temperature ( becomes hot

The loss of biodiversity and treeshave made a different to the ecosystem. However some ozone-depletingsubstances which is made up of chlorine and bromine ruin the capability ofozone to absorb UV light.

What legal restrictions may limit the amount of dividends to be paid

One of the major decisions made by the managers is to decide the amount of dividends to be paid out of its profits and for this purpose understanding to dividend policy is necessary. When companies declared the amount of dividend then the same amount should be paid to the stockholders.

Hybridity in arudhati roy’s the god of small things

In the present age we can say without any shadow of doubt that post colonialism has been primarily concerned to examine the processes and effects of, and reactions to, European colonialism from the sixteenth century up to and including the neo-colonialism of the present day. To read literature from the perspective of postcolonial studies is →

Alexander the great’s story

In a display of amazing ability, he tamed a gift horse that no one could ride in front of the king and the nobles after which he names him Bucephalus and goes on to ride him for the greater part of his great career. Alexander the great and of Julius Caesar was both of noble →

Property analysis

Considering the physical location of the property the amount of remuneration is highest comparing to a similar kind of properties but such properties are rarely found. The land for the complex is enough but the other properties on the same road are much bigger but the global brands pay a greater rent and is advantageous →

The united states congress

Polsby, was a professor of political science at the University of California, Berkeley and he specialized in the study of the United States presidency and United States Congress. Powers of the United States Congress.

Does rap/hip-hop music encourage negative behavior

Some people feel rap and hip-hop music encourages degradation of women, violence, and crime. Hip hop and rap music generally pushes teens into thinking that it is cool to be gangster and lead a life of crime.

Blue ocean strategy analysis

The first step in creating a blue ocean strategy is to redefine market boundaries, allowing a break from the competition. Rather than following such firms, strategists should identify the core value drivers of offerings across industries, and work to develop cost advantaged methods of satisfying central customer desires through new markets.

Startup culture has started taking roots in kolkata

As the state of West Bengal is preparing to welcome their holy deity, amidst the plethora of arrangements one is aware of the fact that Kolkata is one of the cities which is in dire need for some startup love and support. In an attempt to encourage young and diligent entrepreneurs in the ' City →

A the heart into the lungs and reach

Defecation in the open should be discouraged because when the moist soil is contaminated with faeces it leads to development of larvae of hookworm. Night soil should be properly disposed of especially in rural and slum areas where chances of spread of this disease are more.

Why do children feel the need to interrupt?

The children just have to taste and when they finally do, they cannot get enough of it. This is dedicated to the children who interrupt: Until they have not made a machine to figure out why you interrupt.

Learning journey essay sample

I just froze; it felt like I had been thrown into a giant stock freezer alone, I could not move my thighs, they felt like I was holding up two giant ice-coated logs! Until it steadied up and I was told we were in the air!