500 Words Essay Samples


The Polis The Polis is the single, greatest contribution of the ancient Greeks to the field of politics. The Polis also introduced the concepts that serve as the building blocks for the study of statecraft and politics, and is the foundation for much of the political structure used by Medieval Europe.

Deciding to decide review

In the event that the Supreme Court does not necessarily have to be involved, then higher courts more or less apply the same process in justifying the certworthiness of certiorari cases. The importance of the certiorari case is another justification factor considered in the process of determining the certworthiness of the case.

Painful treatment: alwaseem

In conclusion, using traditional medicine is a common thing in the world but it is not always as good and useful as modern medicine. Alwaseem is a traditional medicine used in Oman, and it is a very painful way to treat people.

Cancun, mexico

Cancun's historical development is replete with the support of government and the investment of private individuals and entities.A. The prospect of the tourism industry in Cancun is good.A.

Title significance in pride and prejudice assignment

The arrival of the wealthy bachelor Charles Bentley and his friend Fatalism Dared In the neighborhood adds stir to the Bennett household. Yet, as the story continues, even Elizabeth finds herself attracted to Dared, who proposes to her, saying that he would marry her in spite of her family's Inferiority.

Safety supervisors in the work place

Running head: safety supervisors Safety supervisors in the work place. As a safety supervisor, it is important to communicate safety methods and practices to all employees and ensure they understand the significance of safety and reasons for implementing such safety measures.

Legal and political aspects of the business

The administrative agency I choose is the Social Security Administration and the proposed regulation is " Amendments to Regulations Regarding Withdrawal of Applications and Voluntary Suspension of Benefits". According to this proposed regulation they are limiting the time for the withdrawal of old age benefits applications.

Leaders and managers

Therefore, it is important to develop a theoretical framework in the area of upper echelons leadership for understanding how the psychological characteristics of top managers influence the relationship between their demographic characteristics and organizational strategies and outcomes. The demographic characteristics of upper echelons have a considerable impact on the organization's propensity to refocus and that →

Interior designer

The prayer hall is also positioned and orientated according to the same and lines of the verandah area. Although the overall spaces in the mosque complex are in the form of one assemblage focusing at the center, it presents a loosely controlled combination of spaces.

The multiplier effect essay

Because each dollar spent by the government can raise the aggregate demand for goods and services by more than a dollar, government purchases are said to have a multiplier effect on aggregate demand. This multiplier effect arising from the response of consumer spending can be strengthened by the response of investment to higher levels of →

Leadership outline

In this paper, I will expound on a wide range of major types of leadership styles, the characteristics of a successful leader, the effects that a good leader has on others, and how to become a good leader. The characteristics of a successful leader are responsibility, understanding nature, and harmonious co-existence with followership.a.

Stress of being a celebrity essay sample

The most personal details of their lives are splashed all over the front pages of the National Enquirer and the Globe so that bored supermarket shoppers can read about " Liz and her new love" or " Burt's deepest fear". Photographers hound celebrities at their homes, in restaurants, and on the street, hoping to get →

Section lawful charge of such child, and may

Detention of a minor girl by a person not legally entitled to her custody, against will of her guardian, is unlawful within the meaning of this section. The detention of a girl by the father in his house against the will of her husband does not amount to unlawful detention, unless it is shown that →

Ideas to help you manage your audience expectations

The reason is that your readers need to experience everything you promise them before hanging up. If they do not arrive at the peak you promised them, be sure that you will have put a sword in their hand to cut down your entire assignment.

Goal #2

I have made several achievements in my discussion group, class and the entire school by making sure in everything that I participate in, I turn out to be the best. This has made me to be one of the best students in my class.

Protection from self incrimination

Because of this attitude, the prosecutor went further and told the jury that the reason for Salinas' silence was the fact that he felt guilty for the actions he had taken and that the silence was a sign of admission to having carried out the crime. This was a sign of great ignorance, and consequently →

Quadratic functions essay

That means that the engineers need to take into consideration how much pressure is needed to withstand how much wind is going to be pushing the building. Another way that quadratic functions can be used is when measuring the force of gravity to a falling object.

Confession room at a catholic church

The small space can be justified by the intimacy that it brings between the priest and the one confessing his sins. The confession room is divided into two portions-the one occupied by the priest and the one for the confessing.

The street

The narrator efficiently utilizes a third-person omniscient narrator to relay to the reader the bitterness of the cold, along with the adamant determination of Lutie Johnson. The omnipotence and omnipresence of the " Cold November Wind" is evidenced in the sense of disorder and chaos that encompasses 116th street." Scraps of paper" are sent " →

Castro and/or fukuyama

This is because the United States currently has a view that is very similar to that of Fukuyama and it will stop at nothing to ensure that revolution does not hit the country and that nothing will threaten its democracy. The reason for this is that the American government did not want for these revolutionary →

Intelligence, thought, emotion, motivation

Thoughts start reflecting on the matter of any incoming circumstances, as in such way human intelligence explains to itself what is going on and why is it happening, which is a crucial thing for intelligence. The point is that most of the time people try to reflect on this world in order to understand it.

What causes an economic downturn

An economic downturn defines as the economy being in recession, which is a period of time that economic, will not grow or even falling. The result of the economic turndown is falling employment, and rising unemployment, which causes a slowdown in retail sales.

Descartes meditation assignment

He uses his senses in order to write this description, and he claims that he would have to be insane to doubt what he is saying. He claims that there is the possibility that he is dreaming.

In sister, that was the last time

Due to the size of the cattlecar, the only option for everyone to fit was to stand shoulder to shoulder throughoutthe entire journey to Auschwitz. Elie hurts his foot during his run, and isforced to put a blanket over the wound.

Free higher education in the united states

This is a sad thing that not everyone can continue on in the path of learning and I think that it needs to be changed. That means that the other 43% is just going out into the world with not the right amount of education, and it's not because they do not want to go →

Consider the claims that baudelaire makes and the points of argument that he makes

The artwork in the photography does not represent the reflection of the mental of the mental world of imagination, dreams, and fantasy as is the definition of fine art according to Baudelaire. The photograph is not a representation of a kind of dream that one would want to put across as an art and expect →

Ski jumping – the major international events essay

The standardization of this length for the ski jump hill was made to 80 meters in 1960. In the year 1988, the team event of the large hill type was also added to the competition.

Star rivers electronics

With the future of the CD-ROOM industry in major flux, Star River began to experiment with the establishment of DVD's, even though it accounted for less than 5% of sales ending the 2001 fiscal year. With their current inventory malfunctions, and a lack of cash that is entering the firm.

Real world example

The primary goal of the show, as designed by the project manager, is not to profit off the products it endorses but to provide a really positive, light, and uplifting experience to the public. The major interesting aspect of the show which went right on the set was related to the way crude facts were →

Classic comparative advantage vs. porter’s competative advantage

The industry structure and the positioning within a particular industry are the basis on which Porter has promoted his theory of competitive advantage. He states that the bargaining power of buyers and suppliers, and the threats of substitutes and new entrants affect the industry competitors and in turn, the industry competition.

Planning next step/journal activity

I would also meet some professionals in my field of choice, and would ask them to suggest me about which school would be best for me. They also told me about the web links of many graduate schools so that I may be able to visit the websites and collect all required information.

Outliers by malcolm gladwell

The matter is that the best players are born in the first three months of the year, which means they are biggest in the team and, consequently, have more experience. In the second part of the book, its author discusses cultural legacy as one of the factors that contribute to success.

Engine #2: beware of synthetic oils another

Myth #3: Aftermarket Engine Oil Additives Increase PerformanceAnother myth is that external additives can boost performance levels of the oil. The depletion of additives, build-up of contaminants and higher temperatures can cause oil to wear out.

Descriptive statistics paper

Average Years of Experience between Male and Female The second chart above reveals the average years of work experiences between males and females. Descriptive Statistics 3 Figure 3 presents the box plot chart shows that average wage per industry in areas of construction, manufacturing and others have variations.

Education is not a preparation for life

The gradual decline in the number of literate people in the medieval times resulted in disparity in the society, gave birth to superstitions and social evils. Education is the only power that can take any country to the pinnacle of success and glory.

Student politics essay sample

So first they become a student leader and then they want to be the leader of the nation. The only reason is- our politicians are using student politics to secure their power and chair.

Life of the prophet jeremiah

Under the rule of Jehoiakim, Jeremiah preached a great sermon in the temple in Jerusalem. Later, Jeremiah was accused of trying to defect to the enemy and was placed in prison.

Support individuals with specific communication needs essay sample

1 Explain the importance of run intoing an individual's communicating needs 2 Explain how ain function and pattern can impact on communicating with an person who has specific communicating needs 3 Analyse characteristics of the environment that may assist or impede communicating 4 Analyse grounds why an person may utilize a signifier of communicating that →

Osi & security layers

The Physical Layer this layer describes the physical components of the various communications media, it also includes the electrical properties and interpretation of the signals exchanged. The Transport Layer- this describes the quality and nature of the delivery of the data.

Worst day in school

As I was leaving the class the students hooted and taunted at me but as I was so embarrassed that I did not dare to reply to them. This was it and I could not take it anymore and I also started yelling at the boys and started cursing them.

Sociology and perspectives essay sample

According to Durkheim, " the determining cause of a social fact should be sought among the social facts preceding it and not among the states of individual consciousness." By this, he suggests the causal exploration of a fact in relation to other facts that surround it. In line with this proposition, but more systematically, Max →

The internet

TCP/IP is the " basic" protocol of the internet.true According to the textbook, which of the following is the GREATEST threat to the collaborative free culture of the Internet? False According to the textbook, which of the following is TRUE of ARPANET?

Incident on a journey by thom gunn essay

The man arrives in a cave, and goes to sleep, his ' head full of the air' probably meaning he is lost in thought because of the fresh air. Because the both the main character and the ghost seem to be the same person, the man may be a soldier as well, and it could →


Summary of the Book, " The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of the Learning," by Senge Peter. His book offers a good introduction and orientation to the basics and application of system theory and the manner in which it can be linked with other theoretical tools in order to make sense of organizational issues →

In the letter from charles lamb to english romantic poet

The author starts by telling Charles that he is honored by the invitation by the quote, " With you and your Sister I could gang anywhere." He then gives the bad new that he can not accept the invitation, " But I am afraid whether I will ever be able to afford so desperate a →

Oppression and slavery

Oppression and Slavery All the documents may be called bright, illustrative examples of the oppression of black people, revealing atrocities of the Antebellum South. Finally, one of his statements seems to be a quintessence of cynicism and absurdity ' The negro slaves of the South are the happiest, and, in some sense, the freest →

Diseconomies of scale essay

Upon increasing the number of employees in a firm for the purpose of increasing output, the channels for communication also increases. Another issue with increasing input costs is that having a lot of people to do the job needs managers to coordinate them.

The spanish enconter the native americans

07 September The Spanish Encounter the Native Americans The Spanish encounter of Native Americans was probably one of the most significant events in the history of humanity. More civilized and developed, Native Americans encountered by Cortes in Meso-America exemplified the next, more advanced stage of evolution, compared to their counterparts living in the Caribbean.

The importance of high academic achievement and the pursuit of a career

The goals should always be in line with the set aims and objectives and for all these things to take place; it is of paramount importance to plan accordingly so that a proactive look and feel could be awarded to the aspect of career development and indeed management. The implications that stand in the way →

Compare and contrast: play and movie essay

But now a new version of this wonderful play has been created in the form of a movie that gives it a bit more spunk and pulls the audience, even more, into a grueling love triangle between a beautiful young actress and two men who would fight to the death for her affection. The movie, →

Country study: norway’s case

Norway is a popular tourist destination mostly because of the large glaciers found in the country. The websites are used in schools as teaching aids on the country's culture and history.

Information technology impact on social life

Law is the study of legal requirements and legal structure of a country and linguistic deals with the social and cognitive aspect of human languages. If I study sociology I can educate myself with the working pattern of society and how far human beings are a social animal.


The law of nature and the will of God take precedence in the final consequences of the actions of the characters in this play. The play Antigone, serves as a guide for a solution to the eternal questions of the individual versus the community or, God's rule versus man's rule through the foreboding of Sophocles, →

Leviathan by thomas hobbes

Though it may be expected that a natural equilibrium would be reached in such a state of nature with the strong triumphing over the weak, it is noted that this can never be so due to the peculiar nature of power; a state of equality exists in nature where even the weak can kill the →

Advertisement: advertising and media literacy education assignment

Advertisement reminds the children to buy new things and no wonder they are brainwashed and pester their parents to buy It for them. What Is more is that the advertisements targeting children's aim to promote the products and services, which cater for children's needs and have no damaging Intention at all.

Presentation reaction

In the minds of this reviewer, perhaps the greatest strength that the presentation provided was the fact that it was able to integrate with the listener the understanding of how technology has positively affected the ability of the individual to communicate remotely such that they were unable to do in previous years. As such, a →

Chicken feathers as oil absorbent

The second objective was to determine whether there is a significant difference in the amount of oil absorbed by the chicken feathers and hair in terms of absorption time. It can also be concluded that in terms of absorption time, the longer the absorption time for human hair, the greater amount of oil was absorbed; →

Dream machines essay

He insists games can enhance gamers' problem-solving skills because they tend not to read the manual to get the direction once they get the game; instead they take repetition of trial and error to create ways to deal with the game. Finally, Wright states games can provide self-esteem to the gamers by recording how skillful →

Name: tashnia ahmed

The support that the 2-demensional shapes give off to the rest of the work makes the 3-demensional shapes represent the piece in a more uncompromising manner. Overall I feel this artist used this piece as a representational art because though abstract, I sensed a feminine touch and emotion to the way she designed every angle →

305t, process description

Lecturer " Time Management" The problem of time management affects the entire population of the world either directly or indirectly. Ward tries to define time management as " The development of processes and tools that increase efficiency and productivity".

Week 3 aplication 1

Most assuredly, the decision of the researcher to use of project management office staff, project planner, or portfolio manager in carrying out the surveys was quiet significant in drawing the relationship between e-leadership styles and the success of virtual project managers. Indeed, as seen in the results of the study, the researcher established varying results →

Statistics about coffee consumption in the united states

Two of them named Jane and Rena will provide the capital for the initial setup of the coffee shop and the third friend named John will get 20% of the profits but he will not participate in the management of the business as he is the owner of the place where the shop will be →

Nora helmer as a doll

Nora Helmer as a Doll In Isben's, A Dolls House Nora, the protagonist is treated like a doll - the property of Torvald Helmer. When Torvald does not immediately offer to help Nora after Krogstad threatens to expose her, Nora realizes that there is a problem.

Economic issues simulation paper assignment

Student provides the demographic and health risk factors of the two companies which would influence the decision as to which plan best fits each company. Paper is well organized with subheadings to lead reader from one topic of discussion to the next.

Ct scans to detect lung cancer

CT Scan in Lung Cancer: Ethical Analysis of Research Papers Part A Potential conflicts of interest The main financing for this research was from Liggett group, a tobacco company and this aspect was not disclosed in the article. What was printed at the end of the study was that the study was financed by a →

Judaism reflection paper

The aspects that I find to be significant and interesting in Judaism are Hanukkah, a Bar Mitzvah, and The Kashrut. The last major part of Judaism that caught my eye had to be the practice of " Holy Days" in Judaism.

Technology in the next 50 years

While most people generally considered technological innovations in the next half of the century to be beneficial, 59% thought that human life will be impacted in a very positive manner while 30% think that the technological advancement will lead to more social negatively impacted population than it is today. Many Americans believe that scientific revolution →

Why rebalancing could be a huge mistake

As per the advice of the article, the author indicates that during a rising stock market, the individual investor should seek to sell stocks and by bonds; with the expectation that the rising stock market will ultimately result in a sudden or rapid reduction in stock price thereby decreasing the overall amount of money that →

On dumpster diving analysis

A good way to know the condition of the contents of a certain dumpster is to, check up on it, and remember it's contents and check the foods quality. As a concern made by people about the world, it is good to compare you own waste to that of a dumpster divers.

My dream house analysis

When you walk near to the front door of the house, you will see a fountain, it has a magical function. You will follow the music to become comfortable and it sounds like you are in a jungle.

Why i decided to go to college at this time of my life

Now that I have someone who's depending on me, I would like to demonstrate what success looks like, I want him to look up to me, I want to be able to give him the life my parents gave to me but better. I have decided to attend college at this time in my life →

Lot of problems

BENEFITS Benefits which Islanders will get from the construction of bridge are:- Choral Island will be developed. Students have to wait Benefits which islanders will get from the construction of bridge are:- earned by the government.

Rio grande medical center case study

Being that the Dialysis Center was moved as a result of the Outpatient Clinics need for extra space, I do think that some of the costs of the new building and the relocation of the Dialysis Center should be paid through the Outpatient Center. The fact that the indirect costs of the Dialysis Center are →

A reflection on a book chapter

While the specific start of modernity remains a diverse debate, comparative politics in the modern times dates back to the emergence of various social science disciplines like sociology and political science. Political analysts of the contemporary times argue their case of comparative politics in relation to the political environment that prevails today.

Wk5 (31)

The instance of this or the example of this is the point where people engage in stereotyping without sensitivity. In this way, the dimensions are used to determine the attributes of the person and point the way to better interviewing and observation.

Seperating mixtures essay

The solid-liquid mixture is allowed to stand, until all the solid settles out to the bottom of the container. The mobile phase is a suitable liquid solvent or mixture of solvents.

Effect of listening discourse exercises

The most difficulty In listening for Twain's students was " forget the meaning of the word. The students, as the active processors of learning, would now the level of their listening comprehension skill, and they would be able to improve their listening practices and become better listeners.

Public administration

The specific purpose of the study was to identify the methods through which leaders following transformational leadership style can use internal and external motivational factors to increase their employee's focus and attention towards the mission of the organization. The researchers even identified that clarity of organizational goals was achieved in an effective manner due to →

System of checks and balances in the united states constitution

of the of the 2 March Describe the system of checks and balances in the United States Constitution. Hence, the United States' constitutional government is comprised of three separate branches of government: executive; legislative; and judicial, and each of these branches holds the power to assess and check the powers of the other two.

Cover letter

I am extremely impressed by the idea of a building of passive design that is environment friendly. This would provide me with an opportunity to improve my knowledge, skill and competence in the design of green buildings.

Peer review of the proposals

The points out each part precisely, including the hypothesis, purpose of the study, the main topic being covered, subjects, research methods, and possible conclusions of the study. The content of the proposal is clearly expressed, and the focus of the study stated clearly.

Personal values and ethics standards

It's not hard to make decisions when you know what your values are" by Roy Disney I have always been one to think of others before myself, so I think that many of my choices and decisions are made by the heart rather then mind. Growing up with parents and four older brothers I was →

National here. 1. giving rewards to panchayats and

The object of NPP-2000 is to bring the total fertility rate [TFR] to replacement levels by 2010. It contains the goals and the target to be achieved by 2010.

The cause of discrimination. adolescents want attention from

However it is a small minority of youths that act this way, and they are ruining the reputation of adolescents as a whole. They have to realize that they are ruining the reputation of all adolescents and have to take responsibilities for their actions.

Profile of world food organizations

The main funding source for the organization's programs comes from the contributions from the members. GAFSP The GAFSP headquarters is in Washington D.C.the management team members include the voting and nonvoting members.

Can everyone benefits from higher education?

In formers times, higher education was popular in some societies, mainly westernculture, and not so famous in other parts of the world, Thailand and Asian countries for example. For instance, people who are clever but their families are inpovertymight not have the opportunity to study because higher education is frequently considered to be expensive.

Giraffe project award essay

They are teaching the child en of Amine's Pusillanimous Indian Tribe how to learn a new language, which in t his case, is new to the children but very old to them. According g to him, if they " lose their language, they will lose their identity, its the last thing Indians have." Joseph and →

Patients’ safety as an endemic concern

Within two weeks of the publishing of the report, the president of the United States of America ordered a study to be carried out to establish the feasibility of the implementation of the report's recommendations. To err is to human and errors will always happen despite the level of care practiced in health care facilities.

The themes and stylistic content of john donne’s the sunne rising

John Donne's " The Sunne Rising" is a deeply thoughtful love poem, rejoicing the satisfying union between two lovers, whom appear to ignore the claims of the outside world. The two lovers in the poem appear to be in the centre of a living and attractive world.

European satellite system

This system is designed for the civilian users and will suit the requirements of the users that the present system cannot provide. Once the system is in routine operation, Galileo will provide a navigational accuracy that was not provided during the systems used before.

Advantages to eating healthy essay sample

Prime Rate The current prime rate is a commonly used short term interest rate used in the banking system in the United States. The current inflation rate in the U.S.is 1.99%.

Does caffeine affect heart rat

Increasing heart rate may also be a cause for increasing chances of CHD, which is a main cause of death in the UK. If the blood supply to the heart is constantly blocked, not enough oxygen can get to the heart increasing the chances of cell damage; this can cause a heart attack.

Relational database system sql analysis paper

The data or information for the databases is stored In the tables.* In lesson 3 1 learned how the select statement is used to query the databases. This statement Is used to create new tables.* In lesson 5 1 learned how to use the insert statement to insert or add a row of data into →

Bradford assay: standard quantitative method determination

Comment on the value of R2 Using the values of the equation of the line of best fit, the absorbance value for each standard was used to calculate the actual concentration of protein in each replicate. In an investigation using the Bradford assay, two detergents at different concentrations were exposed to a set concentration of →