400 Words Essay Samples

Example of essay on followers and leaders

What do followers want from their leaders and why is it important for a follower to view the leader realistically? The best people who can judge the effectiveness of a leader is his followers. Subordinates want their leader to appreciate them and value their contribution to the organization. Another characteristic that followers look for →

Greek and roman architecture

The Greek architecture uses the columns in almost all of their temples. The shapes of the columns were extremely important to the Greeks.

Sample essay on art and architecture

House VI by Peter Eisenman House VI by Peter Eisenman The House VI also called the Frank Residence is an important building that was designed by Peter Eisenman and constructed in Cornwall, Connecticut in 1976 for the Frank Family. Designed majorly as a weekend house on a small rural site, House VI →


Likewise, exterior walls have the function in separating the house's interior from the outside, the exterior walls effectively block the weather as they are often suited with systems that insulate, shed water, and prevent moisture and air permeation. Compression joints should be made to resist the forces and instants derived from the analysis of the →

Peer’s comment

Commentary Pagan The answers by Pagan provide a vivid explanation of the architectural designs that were used by the Native Americans and the early Europeans settlers in the 16th and 17th century. For instance, according to Hayley, the long house and the colonial residential house were distinctly different as shown in the figures below. However, →

My ambition is to become a architect essay sample

Architecture (Latin architectura, after the Greek arkhitekton from - " chief" and " builder, carpenter, mason") is both the process and the product of planning, designing, and constructing buildings and other physical structures. Historical civilizations are often identified with their surviving architectural achievements. " Architecture" can mean: A general term to describe →

Movie review example

As the story continues it changes into reality as all the characters in the story are shown including Alexandria and Roy who are incorporated into the film. The outstanding character in this movie is Alexandria who is nine years old. The film is, therefore, relevant to the field in that the director has →

Government to an official bureaucracy

In the end Japan abandons the Chinese influence altogether and their political structure collapses causing the Dynamos to take control. After all of this the Hi dynasty was created, lasting from 1392-1910 CE- Korea maintained Chain's relationship and influence.

Programming and culture class in architecture

Just nearby there is the sound of footsteps going in and getting out of the offices. There is scent of perfume from nearby and the noise of vehicles from a highway that is just next to the public square.

Frida kahlo: ‘diego and i’ essay sample

4cm and features an abstract portrait of Frida and Diego. Analysis: The portrait includes a variety of symbols and objects including tears falling down her cheeks, a third on Diegos forehead, Diegos face on the middle of Fridas forehead, hair closing around Fridas neck and her mono-brow. Fridas hair is wrapped around her neck →

The development of public relations in indonesia

With approximately 90% of the population being Moslem, Indonesia is the largest Islamic country in the world. The rights of citizens should be respected and decisions arrived at in deliberative manner.5.

Engaging the enemy by peter c. wagner

The book urges Christians to use the power of prayer to take over the control of localities from the evil forces. In their enthusiasm the authors, however feel justified to distort the actual message of the Bible. The authors write enthusiastically, preach powerfully and in their desire →

Teacher professionalism essay

Teachers also show professionalism when they constantly aim to improve themselves and their teaching methods for the benefit of their students. Whether by practicing a new technique of teaching biology or studying for higher education, teachers become models for their colleagues and students with their continual development and commitment to growth and self-improvement. Works CitedKramer, →

Effects of romantic relationships on academic performance and family relationship

It is believed that love is a very powerful emotion which makes it capable of bringing out the best and the worst in people. Students cannot focus on the lecture because they keep on thinking about their boyfriend or girlfriend especially when they have a lover's quarrel. Students being involved in a relationship spend most →

Example of research paper on argumentative paper outline

Introduction : Legal drinking age is a common legal form in many nations as they look to tame young people from engaging in alcohol consumption at an early age and thus lead to dangerous decisions and actions like causing accidents. Thesis: There is a need to provide both an age limit for alcohol consumption and →

Corey worthington essay sample

Thinking before doing can have a major impact on the event you are organising. Party's can get out of hand but on the other side party's can be a success and safe. What did Corey do wrong? Corey's party was full of guests aged from 16 to the oldest being 28, his →

I thought of myself as a small fish

I realized the power of being a leader wasinside of me. For most of my life I have thought ofmyself as a small fish in a big pond, the idea that I am one of many. Helping people tobecome a leader as well and using the strengths that people have to propelothers to success.

Example of common threads in todays environmental problems essay

Less forest cover leads to less rainfall hence environmental hazards. Another cause of the current environmental problems is the wasteful and unsustainable use of resources. These are some of the common threads that lead to today's major environmental nightmare.

Environmental ethics

Need for Ethics: The emergence of the field of environmental ethics was due to the increasing awareness in the 1960s of the effects that technology, industry, economic expansion and population growth were having on the environment. The mutual dependence of corporations and society implies that " both business decisions and social policies must follow the →

Faculty of information science and technology

DISCUSSION: Types of environmental pollution 1. Thermal pollution Causes of environmental pollution 1.

Air pollution problem

The second reason is turtles used to come to Penang to hatch their eggs, but because of all the pollution they were forced to find a farther off island. This may cause the baby turtles to be born in a more dangerous spot, which places them on the endangered list.

Human trafficking

There is also the rather gruesome trafficking of organs where people are taken and kept alive long enough for their traffickers to extract and sell their organs on the black market where they can make huge amounts of money. But as you probably know, the most profitable, and in my opinion, the most serious form →

Slavery by another name essay sample

When the word spread to the north that the south was still practicing slavery and peonage, they sent many investigators down to the south to convict these slave ringers. Even though these slave ringers were convicted and sent to prison, the effect was not as promising because they were only sent to prison for a →

Glory field essay

First, she showed courage when Lem, another slave, has been bound to the tree in the middle of a field as punishment by Mr. Joe Haynes, the plantation overseer. I know I can! '" Luvenia showcases her courage when she stays in Chicago alone instead of being safe and going with her →

What were the accomplishments of reconstruction and why did it finally fail what essay

What were the accomplishments of Reconstruction and why did it finally fail? what were the political, social, and economic sources of its demise? After the devastating Civil War the government of the US had a very hard task of southern Reconstruction. The military defeat of slave-owning plantators and the emancipation of slaves was only →

Analyzing seminal texts prewrite essay sample

Purpose I am writing this essay to point out/ discover the differences and similarities of Lincolns Gettysburg Address and Pericles Funeral Oration. Audience (Who will read it and from whose point of view?) The audience will be the teacher and my family. Thesis Statement Prewrite While the →

Dbq causes of the civil war essay essay sample

Those three causes are the different economies of the North and South, the political tensions between the North and the South, and the tensions over slavery. To begin the 1st cause of the Civil War was because of the different economies of the North and South. In the article " The Impending Crisis of →

Why market prices are useful to a financial manager?

With that establish is clear that in order to understand the approach that the manager is going to approach, is necessary to study, understand, and develop the market taking into consideration the needs of the company. This principle is the one that the Financial Manager will be able to use to make a better decision →

The requirements for the perfectly competitive market

While this may not be good for the suppliers of products and services in the short-term, it is certainly good for the consumers because a high level of competition reduces the level of prices so that consumers can enhance their standards of living with the same purchasing power that they had before.

Clinical laboratory services market

0% of the revenue share in 2013, owing to the fact that these tests are a part of the initial diseasediagnosticprocess and thus are carried out in large volumes. Growing demand for proper diagnostics and rapidly improving healthcare infrastructure in the emerging markets of China and India are some factors attributing to its rapid growth →

Market research report on packaged fruit juices & drinks

The report alms at providing a thorough understanding and analysis of the Industry by deeply exploring the present status as well as the future prospects of the fruit beverage sector In India in the wake of evolving market dynamics. The report establishes the study by covering data points like growth drivers for the industry, opportunities, →

Benchmarking and value chain analysis

A bench mark is like the targets that an organization would want to achieve in its operations to enable it make progress as far as its growth and development is concerned which either could be within or outside the organization. A benchmark for an organization should be something that adds →

Cheese market in european countries

The industry report package Cheese Markets in the Top 5 European Countries to 2018 Market Size, Trends, and Forecasts offers the most up-to-date perspective on the actual market situation, trends, and future outlook for cheese in Europe. The package includes country reports from the following countries: France, Germany, Italy, Russia, →

Supermarket design layout essay sample

Why is the layout of the supermarket so important to the overall delivery of the products and services provided? The key is getting shoppers to spend time in the store.

Pegasus international inc.

Currently Pegasus International has been building a corporate culture characterized by honesty, high integrity, teamwork, and respect for the individual, and making bribes would violate these core values that has made Pegasus a successful corporation so far. Tom Oswald is potentially worried about losing his job as the CEO if he does not accept this →

Mary kay cosmetics: asian market entry (a)

The party plan method was used by MKC. Other large international direct selling organizations included Amway, which sold a variety of household and personal care products and recorded retail sales of over $3. 5 billion in 1992, and Tupperware, which sold household products through the party plan method and had retail sales →

Example of article review on the 2 kinds of muscle fibres are called slow and fast twitch

Did deleting the MED1 gene from the mouse DNA have a negative effect on muscles? We cannot say for sure that the effect of deletion of this gene on muscles was good or bad, because from one aspect it has improved the muscles, the size of mitochondria has been increased in muscular cells which →

Nucleic acids

The purine and pyrimidine bases project inwards at 900 to the axis of the helix.3. The diameter of the helix is 2.

Erwin chargaff

About a month later, I submitted two papers on my findings of the DNA of calf thymus and beef spleen and tubercle bacilli and yeast. My papers were rejected so I decided to improve my procedure and by doing that I was able to examine more species. I did not collaborate with →

Essay on taj mahal

The tomb is raised on a square platform with the four sides of the octagonal base of the minarets extended beyond the square at the corners. The structure of Shir Dar Madrasa is a continuation of the four iwan, square plan, and Iranian madrasa typology.

Islamic influences in the philippines

People see the world of business as a meaner to earn and make the most out of exchanges in order to buy more and more things for themselves, rather than the idea of getting the most out of a certain item purchased or traded. Barter in the Philippines had first been recognized in →

Compare and contrast sudanic and mongolian empires

While the West African Sudanic Empire and Mongols were similar because they both had great centers of trade, such as Timbuktu and the Silk Road, and had a flourishing economy, the Sudanic Empire was greatly influenced by Islam whereas the Mongols accepted many different faiths and the Mongol Empire rose though war and conquest →

philippine basic education

A blog that tackles issues on basic education (in the Philippines and the United States) including early childhood education, the teaching profession, math and science education, medium of instruction, poverty, and the role of research and higher education." Bear in mind that the wonderful things you learn in your schools are →

Judging yourself

Plan and simple the statue involves, shifting the right-to-die laws from granting permission for death to defining hat constitutes causing a premature death. Thereby allowing choosing timely death will require new thinking within the right-to-die movement. The fact that he died a timely death would have been proven by presenting safeguards that were →

Notes on emily dickinson poems

Notes on Emily Dickinson Poems This is my letter to the world Theme- nature holds beauty, truth, love Speaker nature lover, poet Imagery/ Symbols hands = people of the world Figurative Lang.metaphor letter = poem, personification Sound Device slant rhyme world and told, dashes pauses for effect Structure 2 quatrains Tone hopeful →

Everyman and the second shepherds play a review – literature review examples

The spirit of redemption is invoked when the good-spirits of the shepherds return and they decide to go visit the baby Jesus after they decide not to report Mak to the police. Identity. But it is only after we reach for them and fail to be comforted, do we realise the frailty of the world →

“the last night that she lived” by emily dickinson essay sample

In this poem, the title " The Last Night that She Lived" already hints us about the somber attitude ahead. As we start off with the poem, the first stanza gives it to us, that a death has occurred in a normally Common Night. In this sentence, jostled is used to explain how shaken →

“i have a dream”

Some of my friends ask why I would want to live in a city that never sleeps, truth is, that's all I dream of day in and day out. I am accustomed to living in a spacious house but even with the size of my house it is not as expensive.

”one death is a tragedy; one million deaths is a statistic” essay sample

Death must not be a statistic as it is the greatest tragedy that can happen to Man. Single deaths, political or not, are often covered and dramatized by the news, whilst many thousands of deaths, caused by war or otherwise, are practically ignored. This shows the truth in this quote; society as a whole →

Thirty eight who saw murder didn’t call the police essay sample

Another woman exclaimed that she would not allow her husband to get involved and made the attack out as just a lover's quarrel. One man yelled from the window to leave her alone but still did not bother to call for help. Finally, Catherine's selfish and cowardly neighbors should hold partial moral responsibility for →

John updike’s dog’s death essay sample

The poem is in narrative form and the story flows from beginning through to the middle and to the end. He started with imagery using the narrative form and he continued using it throughout the piece to created visuals to set a tone of sadness, grief and empathy In lines one to three, he used →

Athens and sparta essay sample

While both Athens and Sparta's population growth and economic development caused political and social problems, Athenians relieved tension by creating a democracy government and Sparta created a government based off of military means. They stayed in the military until retirement which was usually around the age of thirty, then went back home to →

Benefits of using geographic information systems

GIS is accepted to be a champion among the most essential new advances, with the probability to change different parts of society through stretched out capacity to settle on choices and manage issues. The critical troubles that we look on the planet today overpopulation, pollution, deforestation, disastrous occasions all have an essential geographic estimation. The →

Advantages of computers:

Computers can store large volumes of information without occupying too much space, as is in the case of information stored in form of books and paper documents. Computer processing eliminates the human errors of computing and information processing.

Lan topologies

One of the biggest advantages here is; in the event one of the devises failed, it does not bring the entire network down.* Ring Topology: In this form of topology all the devices are directly connected to the next existing device in a ring form. This kind of works like the bus →

My drive to succeed in the field of computer science

One day when I was bored and I picked up this book that was near the computer that said basic program and had a really simple started hello word program and I am writing it and recognising that but that was not advanced. I am very bright, speak fluent English and have every aspiration of →

Job burnout

Job burnout has been looked at in many different ways, but the most used dentition is " a syndrome of emotional exhaustion, cynicism of others, and a feeling of reduced efficacy ". Emotional exhaustion is considered to be the most important of the three components.

Example of battered women essay

In the case of wife battering, the violence is inflicted by the man on the woman. Battering of women results from various factors including, and not limited to, psychological factors, jealousy, social stress, power and control, and mental illness. Journal of Marriage and Family 66 : 472. Lehman, Mark." At →

Sample essay on compare and contrast doctors and lawyer

The debates always arise on the importance of the both the lawyers and doctors. The nature of tasks therefore determines the conduct of both lawyers and doctors in their professions. References Bruce, G.H..

Post-traumatic stress disorder

The goal of PTSD treatment is to reduce the emotional and physical symptoms and to help the person better cope with the event that triggered the disorder. Some effective psychotherapy techniques include Cognitive-behavior therapy - learning to recognize and change thought patterns that lead to troublesome emotions, feelings and behavior.

The effect of mobile phones

Coming from being the size of a brick to a palm size fit with loads of functionality; it's evident that cell phones are the most used and most popular device known to man. In the end the cell phone is a device that society cannot do with out, and at the same time a device →

Christian attitudes to infertility.

Christian attitudes to medical treatment for infertility * Childlessness is a major problem for some Christian couples who believe that if they cannot have a child, they are not able to fulfil God's command to humans to be " fruitful and multiply" * Some may accept that it is God's choice for →

Swot of sony

Consequently, Sony Company be able to observe how their person odds execute in Japan, otherwise still atfoodon a quick look. InformationTechnologyas well chains Sony Company's well-organized procurement. Weaknesses: Sony Company is single of the globally major corporation within electronics and other than contain a feeble manages of its territory, →

2 body paragraphs- journey of the magi

In the first stanza the line " The ways deep and the weather sharp" an inverted syntax is used to put emphasis on the sufferings and difficulties of the journey. Along with this line in the first stanza a list of complaints are written, " Then the camel men cursing and grumbling/ →

Ece 253- reflection paper essay samples

Evaluation in childcare programs of early childhood education is important in assessing the quality and the eligibility of the educators and professionals in the field. Feedback from the evaluation could also be a factor in determining the outcome of the evaluation. Being personally evaluated would be a mixture of anxiety and anticipation.

Childhood and pg

How did Eddie die and why did he put himself in such danger? he got smashed by a fiberglass cart from the drop nd to save a little girl Today is Eddie's Birthday What decade in the 1900s was Eddie born? in the 1920s

Parenting skills

The A is the attribute that you would want your child to acquire. The child will realize that you are serious and will want the consequences to stop; thus molding the behavior.Developing Language Skills in Babies 1.

Q68. would you rather spend gift money on jewelry or concert tickets?

Essay Outline Argument: If I were to choose buying jewelry and buying concert tickets, I would choose buying jewelry. Support 1: Giftmoneywould probably not be the best spent tn buying a concert ticket. Support 2: Spending gift money on concerts denies future generations the →

Long range ins and outs: cv-22’s special assignments and importance

The CV-22 is an air craft that is used not only by the Air Force but by other branches of the Military. As of recent, the Air Force is trying to configure the CV-22 to perform in search and rescue missions. For many years now, the CV-22 has been working with the Air Force.

Trends in the development of intel after ww1

The president and his aides strongly believed that the attack could have been averted if the departments and the commanders in charge of national security had shared their intelligence and coordinated their actions as a single entity. The need to have a central intelligence agency led to the increase in missions and capabilities of the →

The defense forces canteen organization

It has also managed to expand its branch network to a maximum of 29 shops. The Managing Director of DEFCO working in collaboration with various Chief Officers is responsible for managing the organization. Therefore, this technique is not efficient in solving problems. The E-Business Suite is a new system, and a good number of the →

Hfacs (human factors in aviation safety)

However, human error in the context of HFACS refers to the outcome of an act that has been done by an individual accidentally. The HFACS categorically selected the final one since it contained causal factors that were of interest in regards to the study.

Week 8 intelligence failures or misperceptions

This failure led to the launching of an unprecedented Joint Inquiry by the Congressional intelligence committees, in order to investigate the records of the Intelligence Community regarding the 9/11 attacks and make recommendations for further legislative action (Week 8 Professor's Wrap Up Note). Another factor that supports the claim of intelligence failures is that, although →

Essay on history then and now

William argues that, the past history is a great fountain of experience and practical wisdom to improve the present and as well as be able to anticipate and prepare for the future. Through history one is able to draw a sequence of similarities and relations of man which can be explanatory of the present.

Theory and criticism in landscape architecture critical thinking example

This work closely intertwines with Cornon's version and the outcome is even a clearer definition of the nature of wilderness. This view indirectly goes back to the main point of nature and how effects of human modification have changed it.

In investments will matter in the long

That beingsaid, economic growth has always been within the reach of Philippineperspective and more efforts must be done to ensure that it does. Hence, the researchers are there for interested on thestudy that aims to improve the economic entrepreneurial mindset.

Statement of purpose essay sample

Though music not being a field of much experience to me, recongnizing my potential the head of the department of commerce professor R. Vasudevaraj entrusted in me the onus of a co-ordinator to form a musical band for the department.

Immigration population and workforce in usa

The article focuses onMexicanbecause they are the it's largest immigrant group. They have the highest rate of employment and are more likely to hold a Job compared to the typical New Work's native-born population. There are several reasons why illegal immigrants are the targets and ideal workers for most employers. This →

‘be good, little migrants’ by uyen loewald essay sample

The author uses simple and repetitive structure and accessible language to reinforce the poems meaning. This poem relates to justice as there is nothing fair about the way Australia behaved towards the Asian migrants when they first migrated to Australia. In the poem ' Be good, little migrants' unfortunately this does not happen so →

Legal alien poem essay sample

It is a straightforward poem about how life is for a person with the same race/ethnicity as others and at the same time, different from others. The poem " Legal Alien" is about a woman of Mexican parents, who is born and raised in America. P at Mora uses " handy token" because she →

Essay on civil liberties and individual rights

The country has become multi-cultural with a wide variety of beliefs and concepts of individual rights held among the citizens. The most influential branch of government which describes and protects civil liberties is the Supreme Court. For example, on August 1 WXYZ.com ABC Action news reported angry citizens and Detroit leaders gathering to voice their →

Ottoman empire:

Because the enslavement of the Muslims was not allowed. So power went to the Janissaries and became a hereditary thing.

Free assuming that the data in the above table represents the couses table critical thinking sample

Business rules describe the events that occur in a business and the flow of data from one event to another. It specifies how many instances of one entity relate to one instance of another. In our example the following Cardinal relationships can be identified - ENTITY RELATIONSHIP DIAGRAM An Entity Relation Diagram →

Canada’s charter of rights and freedoms

There are two parts to this section, one being unreasonable search and the other being unreasonable seizure. Unreasonable search is when your property, belongings, body, is searched without a warrant or without a probable reasoning to believe that the person would need to be searched. This is a complete compromise to the →

Free critical thinking on the cider house rules journal entries

1)." We got our own rules".. Response: The apple picking crew at Ocean View Orchards keeps on ignoring the list of rules they are supposed to follow every season and when Homer asks the why this is so, this quote is the explanation that he gets. I believe that list of rules that is →

New york: a carefree expression of freedom

NEW YORK Descriptive essay New York City is the place that I want to visit, revisit, and visit again. Let me tell you something, this big place called " New York" is the capital of all the new fashions and old fads.

Statistic project

5674 The above uses; Degrees of freedom = 9 for the numerator and 18 for the denominator Therefore, the Probability = 0. 05 From the above P = 0.

Discussion 1 week 10 comparing transshipment models to inventory applications

From the explanation of Taylor , the transportation model could be considered an example of decision making under certainty. Decision-making satisfy the certainty condition when the evaluators or decision makers have the essential information to make a responsible decision. Can We Apply the Transshipment Models to Inventory Applications?

Crisis mapping

The Ushahidi project, enabled by Google maps, facilitated real time distress calls and, therefore, was an invaluable resource for humanitarians. The earthquake, which struck the Christ church in New Zealand in 2010, is another disaster occurrence whose situation eased by the help of crisis mapping. Given the loss of lives and injuries experienced by the →

What i have learnt about oceanography

The ocean was first studies in the stone age but it was limited " Early exploration of the oceans was primarily for cartography and many limited to its surfaces and of the animals that fishermen brought up in nets, though depth soundings by lead line were taken". It is important for us to understand how →

Prince metternich

In recognition of his service to the Austrian Empire, he was raised to the title of Prince in October 1813. Prince Metternich lead the Congress of Vienna. He helped restore balance of power to all of Europe and proposed a peacekeeping organization called the Concert of Europe.

Picture from newsweek essay examples

They are kind of trying to lead you to walk towards the sky. The borders of the flag is certain and the end borders of the flag looks really far. It is like walking on the sky, however, there is still an uncertainity about the EU. Joining the picture with the title of the news, →

Zinn chapter 12 essay

The foreign trade accounted for billions of dollars in the American economy. Imperialism offered a sense of power for the American people.

Example of security in the united states and terrorist groups research paper

S department of justice, 2004). The first reason that makes terrorist groups to exploit air attack is the speed associated with the aircrafts. S department of justice, 2004). The second reason support use of air by terrorist groups in attacks is number of targets that they can reach per unit time.