400 Words Essay Samples

Can killing in war ever be justified? essay sample

In a modern society such as our own today, we as a collective generally condemn the act of homicide or the taking of human life such that it has been intricately integrated into our legal systems. First, war must occur for a good and just purpose rather than for self-gain (for example, " →

Anti violence essay

The Trade Centers had been the target for something so horrible, and I thought at the time, ' This will change the world." I was right about that fact: our airports are more secure, we have to have pass-ports anywhere you go now, you have more thorough bagage checks, and they are more selective as →

Film analysis outline – boys dont cry essay examples

THESIS: Boys Do not Cry presents a remarkably gender-binary worldview for its subject matter, as Brandon refuses to accept the possibility of a transgender or intersex view of his sexuality, preferring to paint him as a straight male in a crossdressing woman's body. 2. Boys Do not Cry is a white-leaning film, given →

Violence is not the solution to people’s problems.

Is violence, the answer to people's problems? Punching and kicking is not the way to solve problems.

Hate crimes in the community essay examples

In California, the difference in religion especially between the Jews and the Christians has been one of the reasons why hate crimes have taken place in the state. One type of hate crime that has taken place in California is murder. According to recent research that was conducted in the state, most of the people →

Book review on historical and theoretical perspectives on drug use and addiction

20th century America, for instance, witnessed the abuse of marijuana in the 1930s, heroine in the 1950s, SLD and marijuana in the 1960s, amphetamines in the 1970s, crack in the 1980s and prescription drugs from the 1990s to date. A 1938 article by Alfred R. A second article, by the Harvard professor, Andrew Weil, in →

Rizal as a role-model for students

Recto Foundation | Why is Rizal the National hero? | Jose Rizal| Discovery in Binyan Jose Rizal | Jose Rizal | Blumentritt's role in the propaganda war | Ferdinand Blumentritt | Rizal's stinginess | Rizal's stinginess | Rizal as a role-model for students | Liability | What did Rizal read? | He →

Reflective essay essay sample

Although reports, memorandums, and emails are not essential to the formal study of writing, it is however useful for practice of writing. Although not everyone believes in what I am writing is a true fact, but instead of a lazy person that wants nothing to do with English classes at the college level.

Leave feedback1 critical thinking

In addition, using critical thinking to assess my strengths and weaknesses will help me determine my purpose. DQ2 Using the skills in this class will help me make decisions as to what courses I should take during my academic journey. If the career path they want us to follow →

How does text messaging effect students?

The Effects of Text Messaging on English Grammar By Lisa Russell, eHow Contributor , last updated February 15, 2013 * * * * Print this article The Effects of Text Messaging on English Grammar Debate rages among educators about the effects of text messaging on English grammar. Negative Effects * Educators weighed in on →

Behavioral problems between students and teachers

Several family factors can influence a child's behavior and ability to execute in the classroom. This relationship can affect the behavior of students when interacting to their teachers.

Article review on m7 comments

The authentic instructional practice using ' Reciprocal Teaching' was indeed an effective model that enabled students to see themselves from the perspective of the teacher, who assumed the role of a student and intentionally made mistakes to practice and develop analytical skills of the students. The ' Think-Pair-Share' strategy that enabled the students to correct →

Influence of pornography among college students

Pornography is commonly known as the explicit display of sexual activity that intends to activate erotic or sexual arousal that is widely presented in the United States. Since what we see and hear is what we learn, in the case of pornography we have this possibility to repeat those actions.

World war 1 – soldier letter essay

Setting up the tent was not much of a problem; we had the help of a high officer who obviously has had experience building the tents. Our equipment has started to arrive but my low rank has kept me waiting for my equipment. Once I get promoted I promise dear I will send all the →

Advertising strategy of coca-cola

The types of advertisement used in a region are depending on itsculture, norms, religion, tradition and language. The advertisement that are used in Western and Asia is very different in every aspect. Another important aspect of Coca-Cola Company's advertisement in Western countries is they like to use woman and sex element.

Innovation wal-mart – all these companies have

Innovationis the backbone of any business's success. Irrespective of the size ofinnovation, every little change and development can play an important role inmaking any business successful. Sometimes investment is also needed to purchase ideas, technologies or equipments that will lead to development of the businessoperations and make the business successful.

Individual planning in open and typed agent systems

This are under national development category. The Subsidiarity Principle The subsidiarity is a local requirement, but it cannot be addressed on its own, hence it needs to be escalated to higher for decision to achieve at greater benefit. For example, if Scotland wants to reduce the carbon emission within its own state, then it →

Analysis of the poem a noiseless patient spider by walt whitman

The speaker of the poem titled " A Noiseless Patient Spider" by Walt Whitman is Walt Whitman himself. In this case, Whitman is observing the life of a spider.

James and revelation research paper samples

This verse simply means that the sole purpose of God in human life is to ensure they live a righteous life unstained by the tainted things of the world. The water from the river of life is a clear crystal; this explains the intent of God for human life, to lead a clear, pure life.

Analysis of wilfred owen’s poem disabled

Owen gets a message about the reality of war and the falsehood of propaganda across through expressing thoughts and feelings expressed throughout the poem. Owen establishes a feeling of sympathy by allowing the reader to realize the soldier has been deceived. The caesura in the form of a colon lets the reader pause and realize →

Those winter sundays essay sample

Furthermore, the warmth that the father builds out of the fire is a symbolic reminder that the house was somehow filled with love because of the father's selfless act of getting up early in the cold to warm his family. Hayden's symbolism indicates the speaker's cold and remorseful relationship with his father.

Helen of troy essay sample

The direct cause of this war was the beauty of Helen of Troy, daughter of the Greek god Zeus and Leda, the Queen of Sparta. Helen, the most beautiful woman known to man was Paris's object of desire and he asked Aphrodite for her.helen, soon fell under the influence of Aphrodite and agreed to elope →

Argumentative essay on the charge of the light brigade

At the end of the day, it is the justification that matters. The paper will advance both arguments in a view to appreciate the beauty of the poem and indeed literature's overall wealth. This poem is relevant in as much as it illustrates the need for courage and determination.

My last duchess report example

From the choice of words by the Duke, it is evident that the Duke was unhappy with the Duchess innocently flirtatious and friendly nature. It's quite obvious that the Duke to paint an innocent picture of himself but on the contrary, the guilt is so loud. The death and the circumstances in which the duchess →

Odysseus as a bad leader in the poem

Odysseus was not a great leader, all his actions explain everything. First he let his men die, odysseus did not tell his men about the danger. This proves that odysseus terms of leadership are lacking. If odysseus was a good leader he would of have let all his men know about the danger but he →

Biography of galileo galilei – the scientific revolutionist

He applied for the chair of mathematics at the university of bologna but he did not get it. In the fall of 1609 he began to study the moon and it phases.

Thomas paine and his contribution to revolution essay

Thomas Paine and his Contribution to RevolutionThe life of Thomas Paine reminds us of the famous adage, " The pen is mightier than the sword". According to him " Universal empire is the prerogative of the writer". After coming to America in 1774, he inspired and convinced his fellow Americans with his writings to →

American revolution essay

Parliament used the colonies' Inca tipsiness and the significance of the Act to push the colonies more. The important acts Parliament used to agitate the e colonies were the Townsend Acts, the Quartering Acts, and the Navigation Acts. Parliament used the Townsend Acts, the Quartering Acts, and the Navigation Acts to further anger and weaken →

Iranian revolution

The 1941 deposition of Reza Shah by the British and the United States and their subsequent involvements in the affairs of Iran, including the forceful inculcation of the western values and the slow eradication of Islamic fundamentals [such as the veiling of women] culminating into a coup d' tat that ousted the democratically elected, anti-west →

Animal farm and russian revolution eassy assignment

Many of the characters and events of Rowel's novel parallel those of the Russian Revolution: In short, Manor Farm is a model of Russia, and old Major, Snowball, and Napoleon represent the dominant figures of the Russian Revolution.Mr.. Jones Is modeled on Tsar Nicholas II , the last Russian emperor. As the animals under →

The glorious revolution

The Glorious Revolution of 1688 involved the overthrow of King James II from the throne of England. One of the most amazing things about the Glorious Revolution was the ability of political opposition, such as the Tories and the Whigs, to come together under a common cause.

From now on, let women kill their own spiders

Women, you are so silly, when you find your husband paying less attention to you and beginning to complain, you totally lose yourself. So, women, do not give all your love to others - you should learn to love yourself! To be a better woman, you should love yourself and that means not only your →

Virtue ethics research proposal examples

This therefore elaborately explains the ethical position of an individual and the extent at which the actions can be enhanced. ' Golden mean' is vices of an extreme that may be of much more and that of deficiency. Care ethics is subsumed in the virtue ethics through construing care to be →

Essay on ancient greek art

In this particular paper, I am going to concentrate on the development of one aspect of the ancient Greek art through the three periods and that is the female figure. In the Archaic period, possible examples of the female figure are the Peplos Kore and The Lady of Auxerre. The →

Literature review on the other two by edith wharton

How do you know? Response: The three men in the story are interconnected by the mere fact that they were all once, or currently, married to one and the same woman, who uses them all for the purpose of advancing in life, finally ending up with the adequate husband who perceives her as one of →

Legal and ethical issues confronting the education of english language learners course work

LEGAL AND ETHICAL ISSUES CONFRONTING THE EDUCATION OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNERS English was not always the language of instruction in schools across America as in the eighteenth century classes were conducted in different languages. English will be the only language of instruction and the time to learn the language is only three years, →

Aspects of direct and organization leadership

It involves creativity, planning, and intuition to help reach desired and set goals. This form of leadership contains aspects of direct and organization leadership but the difference lies in the fact that strategic leadership affects more people commits more resources and have wide-ranging consequences in both space and time. He explains strategically led companies depend →

Hr alignment

All the processes involved in change within organizations are very important but when it comes to the implementation of change, a leader needs to be outstanding to successfully put all sides of the change parameters together. This is because even though the leader was not part of the proponents of the change, he had a →

Public work and admnistration

According to Jacobson , it is important to match traits and skills because having the right trait may not automatically mean that the person will manage the job. The skills required for the jobs were also common in that they all revolved around the management of human resources. For instance, some of the job →

Outsourcing training v. developing the training

Go to your assigned team area and work with your team to generate one or two questions that could be used to facilitate a group or classroom discussion. Why is it important for trainers and trainees to establish rapport with each other before a training session? Training is grounded on effective communication and it would →

Jet packs raise safety worries

They have also not received any reports of serious injuries to riders. Relation of Article to Human Resource Management Evidently, state authorities in areas that the devices are in operation should conduct their own reviews to solve the issue. This article is related to human resource management in the sense that authorities need to →

Jetblue business culture

Caring, this means understanding and respecting its customers.* Fun, JetBlue hires, trains and rewards its crewmembers to share and protect its vision, it guarantees that its employees are enjoying their jobs so the customers enjoy their JetBlue experience.* Passion, it is the key which makes their products and services the best in the industry. We →

The growth of online shopping has greatly improved live for the customer essay sample

One of the main arguments in favour of online shopping is the fact that they are convenient and time-saving. While buying with the use of the Internet, not only have we access to the wide number of domestic and foreign products, but also we do not have to leave our houses.

Understanding various buyer behaviors essay examples

On the other hand, the retired individual who calls the state medical society to seek a second opinion is the type of consumer who will go through all the decision-making steps with particular emphasis on the evaluation of choices stage. Finally, the consumer who sees a new brand on the shelf and tries the product →

Free essay on global water crisis

However, the global trend indicates that the world is facing a looming water crisis. The cause for this is discussed in the essay below. Global Water Crisis Kirby observes that the human's need for water is expected to grow by 40% in the next two decades.

Good example of changes in demand – baby diapers and retirement villages essay

This might actually mean that the increase in the number of people of the particular age group leads to the increase in demand for products designated for this group, and on this basis trends in consumer demand can be forecast. Following the same logic, we can forecast changes in demand for products developed for babies →

Example of budgeting for a poor family of four report

However, the house will be relatively small and the members of the family will have to squeeze in it. With this amount of cash, it is better to first budget for the basic needs before analyzing the other types of expenditure. This will help to increase the income of the →

New it solutions research paper samples

The transaction system will therefore be modified to accommodate and efficiently attend to complains by unsatisfied customers. When the customer first states their issue with the service they receive to the customer care agent at a receptionist desk by the entrance, the receptionist apologizes to the customers and inquires the specific details of the complaint →

Free essay about prices in healthcare industry

However, unlike in the other markets there is lack of transparency in the healthcare industry. Also the consumers are able to assess the value for their money from the prices charged by a particular provider relative to the provider's reputation of service delivery. There are numerous ways of paying hospitals, →

God in job essay

Job understood that it is the Lord that gives and takes away, for Job said, " blessed be the Lord." The book of Job was written to instruct us, to rebuke and correct us, and perhaps to prepare us to handle the hardships of life, the experiences of bereavement, loss, and grief at a level →

Dedication & acknowledgements essay example

She is an outrageously loving and brilliant wife who led me through the valley of darkness with the light of support and hope. I acknowledge friends, students, colleagues and librarians who advised assisted and supported me to undertake my research and writing effort over years. I want to give my appreciation and gratitude to Mr.

Roger fleenor

Patrick, Charlie's friend displays huge comedic values throughout the movie, most of which change his character compared to what the book made him appear as confused and less sociable. One of the most major differences between the movie and book is the very influential poem that Charlie writes to Patrick.

Greetings present upon the topic “domestic violence”

The effects of domesticviolence on women in our society go further than the immediate physicalinjuries they grieve at the hands of their harassers. Normally, women sufferfrom a collection of mental illnesses, eating disorders, insomnia, gastric issues, various pains and worrying mental health problems. Domestic Violence isslowly being accepted as a norm in our everyday society →

There so low. your idea should be

There are so many risks if you have so manyideas like you lose focus from the main tasks, you feel distract, your worksare incomplete and many more. Use these techniques to manage so many ideas whenyou have not enough time-1- Select the idea that triggers you themostAmong all your ideas decide which idea will help →

Personal internet presence essay example

But simultaneously, people appear all too eager to share their entire existence with the world, every little insignificant thing, not minding the dirty laundry being out for everyone to see, leaving a minority, such as myself, to ask themselves: is this really necessary? Despite its first, and last, positive side of helping people stay in →

Nursing philosophy of 2011 essay example

To be able to provide this kind of treatment, nurses should be sensitive to the needs of the patient and those around them. Holistic treatment is best for patients suffering from life-limiting diseases such as cancer. Holistic treatment has been proven to work in both situations, so long as the patient is treated with a →

Mui do, the dog

You know, she is waiting for her true love, maybe a real man like me =)) The most important thing about her is that she is a dog addict. Love her and she will stay with you until the very end, I bet.

Creative writing on theme for essay

As a friend one should always be ready to give the honest truth no matter how hard it may be, this is because at the end of the day it is meant to help the other person. As a friend as well it is good to be ready to accept constructive criticism even if it →

Peak performance interview essay sample

And she thinks that in a way the secret of her success is to have prudence, to have common sense of everything, and good judgment of the situations that you might be in is an important thing. To be persistence in adhering to a course of a purpose is quite important in being a peak →

“the prince” report sample

The acquisition of power and the substantiation of power are the focus of his writings. " The Prince" was one of the first works to distinguish between dictatorships as a constitutional institution of the republic. Machiavelli has the foresight to realize that humanity has many different sides to it that a ruler must consider. Machiavelli and →

Free essay on guess your card 4 players problem

We will look into each step and analyze the " thoughts" of every player involved So, after the cards were drawn and placed the situation is as follows (reordered for clarity and easiness of understanding): Andy: 1, 5, 7 Belle: 4, 5, 7 Carol: 2, 4, 6 Me: 1, 2, 3, →

All our wisdom starts foolishly

Although he lived only to fifty-two years old, he shared that wisdom fully with me, and I caught on to it. Efficiency comes from knowing what does not work and doing what does work fully and with conscious and subconscious understanding, also with super conscious approval of all methods overall meaning that it is in →

How to change society

Some of the problems are even right in your face and you do not even notice. One of the reasons that the world was better off 68 years ago was that the use of social media and other huge media outlets were not selling the idea of taking hard drugs to our children. The military →

The most imperative leadership skills are the aptitude to make decisions as well critical thinking sample

The skills that leaders hold shape their behaviors, as well as styles of leadership. Answer 5 There is the inheritance of leadership skills. The crew is in a position to internalize the lyrics of the characters that they play perfectly. Answer 18 The levels of leadership and followership in the 1940s are not →

They are article reviews example

The integration of heath care organizations can lead to a change of priority. 3. Even if the organization employs a lot of people, the costs involved in their salary will be high. 4.

Free literature review on the odyssey

Odysseus despite the little recognition given to him is able to successfully complete the contest and find her hand The epic poetry reveals a Greek culture of Theoxeny, that in the Greek tradition explains the sacred right of hospitality. This is similar to the treatment given to Odysseus at the court of the →

Excellence vs. success

It seems to take a great number of us most of our adult life to live up to our full potential and sadly, many of us never do. Johnston Nonstop 2004) defines excellence and success in a manner that anyone could understand. Excellence is determined by the individual defining it and, therefore, means →

Good critical analysis of research article review example

The current study seeks to investigate teachers and students perceptions on the cultural dimension of language teaching and learning and some of the classroom practices present. The research focuses on the way culture shapes the different aspects of teaching language in the classroom. The epistemology of the study takes an objectivist approach with the →

Dynamics of teamwork essay

Once every member is conversant with their individual requirements and start working towards the success of the program, it ceases to be a group and thus a team is born. This explains the passion in members in taking care of their teammates throughout in the process of achieving set goals →

Competency goal 6 cda

I have the children assist in setting the tables, instruct them to keep allfoodand utensils on the placemats, and encourage them to use all utensils. I encourage the children to participate in conversations.

Investments homeword

A year from now the economy will either be in a recession, a state of " normal" growth, or a boom with probabilities of 30%, 40%, and 30% respectively. After analyzing ABC you determine that the price of ABC a year from now in these various states of the economy will be: →

Rearch paper

Business costs : the direct influence factor to the efficient use of capital. Costs increase as prices of goods and services increased by reducing consumption leads to reduced efficiency of capital. On the other hand the use of capital is influenced by interest rates and time to mobilize funding. Selecting and →

Asian-american cultural and personal struggle with identity in, eating chinese food naked by mei ng

While that might not seem like much of a plot, Mei also weaved into this journey several contemplative bits that I could relate to personally, especially Ruby's frustration and restlessness in being unemployed and temping. While Mei's approach and storyline is somewhat similar to Amy's (although not at par with Amy's fluidity or eloquence), she →

Impressions of siddhartha based on another characters perspective essay sample

I felt that when I give him riches, he would stays with me and be the man everyone expected of him. Siddhartha wanted to leave the kingdom and embark on a journey to discover himself. I felt that my son had everything he needed in the kingdom, respect, honor and riches.

Restoring balance lab

Ammonium chloride will be more soluble in hot water as in an endothermic reaction, increasing the temperature (which is the same as adding heat - one of the reactants) will cause the position of equilibrium to shift towards the products to compensate for the change. More products are a result of increased →

Critical solutions, the students should see the problems

In thismodern society, tertiary education has become more of business oriented than apublic good where scientific methods and measurements are given more importance. As a result, the students are taught to view the world in a narrow scientificmanner and are not encouraged to develop themselves optimally. Graduates should be equipped with adequateeducation to face the →

Information needs of managers and other users essay

Empowered workers may be able to identify production causes of defects and create new methods for producing a product that will reduce scrap and rework and the need for inspection. Once a plan is created, it must be implemented and monitored by managers and workers to ensure that the plan is being carried out as →

In in 1935, the modern pd, has evolved

The incidence of pancreatic carcinoma isslightly higher in men with a male/female ratio of 1. Due to the advanced nature of pancreatic carcinoma, themethod of surgical resection is usually a significant undertaking. Surgical resection remains the only potentially curative treatment of pancreasand periampullary cancer.

Bernie ebbers and scott sullivan

Evidence suggests that Ebbers and Sullivan help considerable power and influence that prevented accouting staff from complaining, or even knowing, about the fraud. Ebber's group also restricted distribution of company - level financial reports and prevented sensitive reports from being prepared at all. Accountants did not even have access to the computer →

Good example of pleistocene re-wilding essay

As a result, this paper will discuss the significance of Pleistocene re-wilding. There are more than a few stakeholders that support the idea of Pleistocene re-wilding. These stakeholders have funded the approach more than once in order to ensure that animals are restored to the wilderness.

A change of heart about animals

Germany's government is urging pig farmers to give each pig 20 seconds of human contact everyday for nurturing purposes. Researchers were amazed more recently, with the discovery of the extent to which New Caledonian crows, attain conceptual abilities, Jeremy Rifkin said " In controlled experiments, scientists at Oxford University reported that two →

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (cpr) for animals

It essentially involves manually performing the acts of breathing and heart pumping in an animal that is unable to do so for some reason, and is most consistently successful if performed within 10 minutes after an arrest has occurred. The first step for performing CPR is to listen for the presence of a heartbeat in →

Plant and animal cell

Also plant cell have plastids and animal cell do not have. Plastids are small organs in the cytoplasm that stores colored pigment and food. Below are two pictures, one of an animal cell and the other from a plant cell. Reference 30 Sep.

A visit to zoo

As we reached the main gate of the zoo, we saw a huge crowd. As we approached the net, a lion rushed towards us and we were terrified.

Animal cruelty intresting introduction to speech

Says Gordon Baxter, cofounder of Pharmagene Laboratories, a drug research company that uses only human tissues and computers to develop and test drugs, " If you have information on human genes, what's the point of going back to animals? " Every year around 1 million animals are subjected to potentially dangerous drugs →

Supporting animal wellbeing with animal welfare

The British Veterinary Association states that ' Animal welfare relates to both the physical health and mental wellbeing of the animal.' However, The Brooke suggests that welfare is how the dogs ' physical and emotional state is impacted by the environment, in which the animal lives and works.' Suggesting that external stimulus has a strong →

Epc plant equipment maintenance process

Of total Man-hours Mean work-order execution time Maintenance cost and cost ratio 0 Total maintenance cost per month / Total equipment book value 0 Differentiated values for man-hours and spare-parts 0 Divided in separated categories of equipment (rotary, fixed, facilities, etc.) Measured monthly Level 1 cross-functional map of the current process

Good unsafe behaviors essay critical thinking example

I should have followed my prior knowledge regarding the consequences of speeding, yet I did it anyway because I did not want to be late to work. The cut had to be treated by my manager and my choice of not wearing nonslip shoes resulted in a write-up.

Horse rain

I feel that the Rainhorse is a metaphor for all the bad and pain he suffered in his past that he wanted to forget, and each fight the man has with the horse is him fighting in his own mind to forget his past. When the man finally beats the horse in battle he sits →

‘who’s for the game’ and ‘dulce et decorum est’ essay sample

She also has a friendly manner in her poem as she refers to the men as ' lads' It gives the poem a much more informal tone as well.' Your country is up to her neck in a fight, And she's looking and calling for you.' This makes men feel deceitful if they do not →

Free research paper on the rhetorical triangle

For that reason, the approaches require connecting all these elements since when one misses, the entire presentation will fail. Starting with a workshop, this is an approach when a speaker talks to a given group of people so as to teach and show them the way a given project is →

Essay on community health nursing

Community health providers often use action research to determine the needs of their community. The most common form of action research is a participatory approach to research by investigating community beliefs.

Essay on lessons from my grandfather

He taught me never to stop learning and I should become a veracious reader. This has been the reason why I am always ready to pursue my studies whenever I get an opportunity. In conclusion, my grandfather was a very special and inspiring man, he was selfless and compassionate.

Free admission essay on organization

I have majored in the subjects of Biology, Chemistry and English through this program. My inspiration for choosing the field of dentistry for higher education, and ultimately as a profession, has been my mother who is a practicing dentist. This awareness and my determination have spurred me to train myself to be a disciplined and →

Free research paper about quasi-experiment and the ethics of the irb

The details to be considered are the participants, materials to be used and the procedure to go about through the research. The first step will be to choose the participants of research and the appropriate number. The next step will be to carry out the actual experiment and recording of results.

Affluenza book- chapter 8 to 14 peer review critical thinking sample

However, I honestly disagree that the reason why people stay in their homes is due to the danger of society. Therefore, I disagree that individuals opt to stay in their homes because of crime rates and danger of the roads as well as driving. Thus, the main reason why people →