400 Words Essay Samples

Sample essay on theme: improving performance in the public sector by grabbing opportunities to meet

Harlow, Essex: Longman Information & Reference. Application: my agency will use the contemporary marketing skills applicable in service delivery to meet the clients' needs. References Kotler, P.& N.Lee.. In Marketing in the Public Sector: A Roadmap for Improved Performance..

Characteristics of marketing

Marketing is also a social process as it is concerned with the satisfaction of human needs and this is one of the most important Characteristics of Marketing. Advertising is customer oriented- Marketing exists to identify and satisfy the wants of present and potential nonusers. Process between buyers and sellers is the essential element β†’

Reading summary essay example

J: Wharton School Pub. Theme: Improvement of public agency performance by meeting the needs of citizens. Summary: - Exploiting opportunities in a market to satisfy citizens' needs is of importance to every organization. - A successful marketing mindset encompasses a number of principles. - Marketing should be customer centered. This enhances the process of service delivery. References β†’

Free evaluating sales persons effectiveness essay example

By evaluating the numbers in his or her team, the facilities available and their level of expertise, he or she should set a target amount of work that the team should meet. That would have shown if his performance is as a result of his hard work or due to the potential of his area β†’

Method for women: put on makeup

Then after you do that, put a 1/2-inch line of liquid eyeliner on outer sides of eyelids to make your eyes look fuller and wider. After that make sure the lines are equal. Make sure you do not cover up the eyeliner with the eyeshadow. After that, take the β†’

Starbucks 17837

The Seattle based chain's success over the past 25 years has a lot to do with the quality of the product, which has attracted a loyal and growing following among consumers. The retail strategy has been to put a coffee shop on every corner and to make fresh-brewed coffee by selling only the highest-quality products β†’

Global marketing requires a very local attention

At least, the company's name was not a unknown company. When they expand to other country, they need to and have to realize the country culture, and find the best strategy to develop in that country.2. What Implications can you draw from Avoidance's loss of Its Japan unit with regard to global firms' β†’

Primary models of international marketing

Contrary to ethnocentric approach or model, the polycentric approach dwells on the uniqueness of each region it is unveiling its products in. On the negative aspect, modifications to fit into each setting may dilute the originality of the initial product and prove expensive for the company too.

Scientific approach to marketing research

The purpose is to improve telephone service because of a complaint. The company wanted to pinpoint the specific problems and take corrective action. Testability : Valid if, after talking to a random selection of employees of the organization and study of the previous research done in the area takes place.

Merchants of cool – assignment

How it relates to the movie: The movie discussed at the beginning that teens have a lot of disposable income. Cult Product : Items that command fierce consumer loyalty and devotion How it relates to the movie: The best example of this is the Insane Clown Posse , it showed fans at their β†’

Marketing environment assignment

Macro-environment factor In reflecting the macro environment, the economic environment is one of the identified elements that affect the micromanagement of hybrid cars. Micromanagement factor The micro-environmental factor that affecting the hybrid cars industry in Malaysia is competitor. For a company to be successful in the market place, the competitors must be recognized.

Social media and marketing at turbotax

The company's approach to Twitter grew in importance and in size. Name the pros and cons of asking for tax advice on Twitter. They had a live community team and scaled the idea of helping customers while utilizing those customers and the conversations that they are having online for their rush around β†’

Marketing managment

Market segmentation strategies may be used to identify the target customers, and provide supporting data for positioning to achieve a marketing plan objective. Businesses may develop product differentiation strategies, or an undifferentiated approach, involving specific products or product lines depending on the specific demand and attributes of the target segment. An ideal market β†’

Total marketing strategy: you won’t come back by chance

This will help to save time at the filling station and increase the utilitarian value of the customers. 3) The two things that may build utilitarian value are the positioning and the delivery of Elf store. This is purely based on the key benefits that the customers are looking for.

Edward snowden: hero or traitor

Edward Snowden- Hero or Traitor After leaking high profile information about NSA's surveillance, Edward Snowden sparked a debate over the morality of his actions. According to Jarvis, considering that official oversight of information privacy in the US and the UK have failed, the two countries can only rely on the protection of last resort who β†’

Bar code man

Bar Man A bar is a structure composed of bars and spaces of varying width which provides a means of expressionfor human-readable characters in a form readable by machines. Therefore I believe ' barcode man' has created a sense of security and promoted coherence to the society in general. Work Cited Seideman, T.Barcodes Sweep β†’

American literature

American Literature Importance of the press in developing interest in the New World Christopher Columbus turned to sea as a young man to find a commercially viable Atlantic route to Asia. Others were taken away to Spain as slaves to work in plantations, in the mines to harvest gold and in the sea harvesting pearls.

Sharing your world

People therefore, need to be tolerant of other people's cultures. Question #3 Stereotyping is the act of grouping either a race or gender together and giving a general comment about the whole group, which, according to you, applies to all the people from that group of people. It also includes the act of treating β†’

Music: a universal language

Music: A Universal Language History has inevitably witnessed how music creates significant impact to shape a culture, reform a state of mind, and allow the world to know the extent of human potentials when it comes to craftsmanship with a variety of possible sounds and approach to lyrical substance. At the time, the music did β†’


Karen Doe wanted her recommendation of work schedule time changed, Michelle has solutions to the nursing crisis in the country, and Basri's proposal has intentions of bringing the campus community to a calm and peaceful environment. The situations that happen at the Berkeley campus require solutions. Everything in the proposals has revolved around the problem β†’

What does true friendship require

In the thank you M'am, true friendship is giving to the poor as demonstrated by Mrs. In ' The Hobbit', true friendship is helping the ones in need such as the case in the book in which Gollum helps Bilbo to escape from the tunnel.


In addition, the article suggests various measures for keeping boxing athletes safe. Free Choice The sport, being a choice game, is performed by adults who are conscious of all risks involved when one decides to participate in that sport as a career.. Boxing is a career and source of livelihood It is important β†’

Discussion question

Sections of them are victims of circumstances, such as the death of guardians as for the case of the kid whose grandma was shot. Therefore, the nation must stop violence. Over the years, the number of violence has increased.

Seminar paper for autobiography of a face

This seminar paper analyzes the behavior and reaction of Lucy in the face of the teasing and torment she received from her schoolmates. The reaction displayed by Lucy is a defense mechanism that she employs to shut out her peers.. Her reaction to the behavior of her school mates is an act of defense as β†’

Gasoline prices

The idea that this will have a long-term impact on gasoline prices is simply ludicrous, and the only way to actually guarantee a lasting drop in gasoline prices is reduced consumption and use of alternative fuels. Many insist that drilling is a possible fix to high gasoline prices. This can be done through electric cars, β†’

School calendar change

The new calendar is aimed at solving problems that have been caused by the old calendar. According to Metzker , the effects associated with the old calendar have been so immense as to be called " summer losses". According to Cooper (" The Effects of Summer Vacation"), a new study program will help solve β†’


Identification of Specific Values, Beliefs, Character Traits of Antigone Contributing to Her Actions and Leading to Her Death She is defiant and loyal to family values, willing to go against the edict of the king in order to bury his dead brother. Five Ancient Greek Beliefs, Customs, Views Using Evidence from Antigone The β†’

How you have experienced social change in qatar over the last 5 years or so

Social change in Qatar Social Change in Qatar Answer one Social change is the adjustment of structures within the society. Apart from the increase in the number of women participating in the country's labor force, most of them tend to focus in certain occupations, particularly teaching and clerical jobs. Answer two As the Qatar β†’

Case study assignment

Google, Inc Case Analysis al Affiliation Alternative Strategies and Recommendations The aim of the strategy: " to convince the market that Google could handle the balancing act between commerce and conscience and, in the process, re-establish their company as the innovative leader with a soul that it had in the past". 1. Final Recommendation for β†’

Language of argument in the real world

In fact, this particular healthcare reform would only benefit a small group of individuals such as the large-scale health insurance companies like Aetna and Cigna at the expense of the general public and the private sectors. Regardless of whether or not each person can receive an employer-sponsored healthcare plan, Galewitz mentioned that part β†’


The virtual world has led to the creation of a same group hating community where the form of bullying is against a specific group of people and it is so powerful that there have been many times people have actually committed suicide and other harmful acts because of it. The form of cyber bullying has β†’

See below

In the closing paragraph, an appreciation and a positive expectation of a future was stated to the customer. Fitness Equipment Store 4309 S Morgan Street, Chicago, IL, 60609, United States January 21, 2012 Mr. If you want to have the newest model of treadmills, Fitness Equipment Store will provide a generous assistance β†’

Activist letter

Cutting down of trees has the immediate impact on the climate and puts agricultural and human activities at risk. One has to bear in mind that forest cool the air above it by turning water that comes from the soil into moisture. Charcoal and firewood is mostly used by people in most part of the β†’

Cultural controversy

The cut is often referred to as circumcision, who to those unfamiliar with it makes it analogous to male circumcision and legitimizes it; conversely, the extent of the cutting is not comparable to male circumcision. While the proponents insist, the term Female Genital is meant to dehumanize it, the truth is; the term describes it β†’

Annotated bibliography example

The five important components of usability are: Learnability: how quickly the users get used to, to the design of the website. Efficiency: how easy it is to perform the tasks on the website. Memorability: how easy it is for users to memorize the design if they visit the website after a long period. Errors: what β†’


A declaration for release from anti-discrimination laws looks in one respect more directly to look like the claim in Christian Education in South Africa versus The Ministry of Justice. In Christian education, the right of a learner not to undergo physical punishment at the hands of teachers was held to assist the wish of religious β†’

Reflection 9

Some of such possible ways out were offered by Michelle Obama, the First Lady of the United States, and Dhruv Khullar, M.D., in the articles to which I refer in the current essay. In my opinion, two main ideas raised in both articles, are the necessity to boost peoples awareness regarding the issue and apply β†’

Seeds of freedom

The global crop production has diverted from subsistence farming to commercial farming thus leaving thus leaving more farmers to abolish growing indigenous crops and shifting to commercial crops in order to obtain more profits. The improvement of technology has led to a change in farming techniques. The use of chemicals in farming has led to β†’


These encompass structuring my work into relevant and specific sections that will enable it understandable not only to me but also to those who may refer it in future. Being a law student, this experience coupled with varied skills that I have so far acquired will be extremely helpful throughout my academic life. This is β†’

Response paper: paid parenting and parental leave

In the society we live in today, human health is considered the most important of man's concerns and anything that would appear to deprive anyone of the proper healthcare would be subjected to serious discussion. Alexandra says that Mashenka is expecting a baby who is to become an Heir to the family. The benefits of β†’


What specifically was the best thing the writer did for you as a reader and why? The best thing that the writer did to me as a reader is that he grabbed the attention right from the first word. What was the least effective part of the samples that you read and why? The least β†’

The bias of language

Running head: The Bias of Language, The Bias of Pictures The Bias of Language, The Bias of Pictures The Bias of Language, The Bias of Pictures 1. The differences between stationary pictures, moving pictures and language are claimed to be rooted in the roles they perform.

Great ideas

What was said in detail, and how? Using the allegory of the cave, Plato sets out to explain a kind of ascent into knowledge, where an individual enters and emerges from the lowest and illusory grade of knowledge, and climbs to the level of the best knowledge of understanding reality. What of it? Ascending into β†’

The cask of amontillado

His depiction of the method by which the human mind process jealousy and pride into an act of revenge and murder becomes so compelling that the reason behind the actions of Montresor need not be explained in full detail. Jealousy and pride are two of the most basic human traits that it oftentimes drives a β†’

Summary and response

College students are well aware of the financial implications their loans will have on their lives later on in life. In the article ' Two Years Are Better Than Four', there are believers who say that college education does not matter. The author strongly believes in the value of college education and says that his β†’

Using the internet research the topic effective study strategies

To make sure that I do not fall victim, I choose to adopt measures to improve my skills in reading, writing and test taking. When taking tests, the proposition of Mach et al.would be helpful as I will read the questions, understand what it seeks to answer and leaving none unanswered.


However, this has now changed and everything is done with the motive of earning a profit. I believe that despite capitalism being just in that one gets what they work for, it is evil and people should help each other to survive and not be greedy in order to accrue wealth as others suffer from β†’

Response paper

Adventure in the Forest The last time I was on vacation, I decided to go for a trip to India with either of my friends. We decided to make a camp to rest for the night and continue with the search the following day.

Analyzing persuasive appeals in advertisements

It got its important information across without ever becoming cheeky or insulting to those who find themselves in need of the protection offered by adult diapers. In terms of the Ethos of the print ad, using a celebrity image model like Lisa Rinna made the advertisement come across as fully extrinsic in appeal. Im not β†’

Lena baker vs annette lyes

She was sentenced to the State Hospital for the Insane in Milledgeville. The Board commuted her death sentence, and Lyles was sent to the State Hospital for the Insane in Milledgevillethe Insanity plea in this case was unreasonable everyone knew what was happening was wrong but still happened.took form Document by Mr.

Winnebagoindustries: swot analysis and three year strategic

Synonymous with the term motor home, Winnebago has made traveling with the comforts of home popular with the American adventurer for over Alfa a century. These strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats are detailed in the following SOOT matrix, along with respective SO, WOW, SST, and WET recommended strategies.

The medicinal services of coal mineworkers

Additionally the essential actuality is that, Coal speaks to around 68% of India's power age. Coal excavators are people who work and spend the dominant part of their day burrowing and burrowing coal from the mines. This sort of life and working style can have genuine negative effect on their wellbeing and may even prompt β†’

The reason you’re over weight

It's good to consult with yourfooddoctorto see what they could prescribe you to do to stop your bad eating habits. There are millions of ways for you to stop your bad eating habits; you as a person just have to accept the challenge to change bad eating habits.

Solar heated grill

The cardboard box was cut andshaped.the tin foil is settled in the middle making it looks like a slide.we go outside inthe heat of the sun.the barbeque sticks were placed in the spot where reflection of thesunlight focuses on the hotdog.just like a real skewer the hotdog were cooked therefor minutes.asted it.and voila.real hotdogs on β†’

Sugar trade and slave trade

This demand caused the slave trade, originating in Africa, to expand, bringing slaves to the Americas to work the sugar cane crops. Sugar would prove to be the most important commodity of the Columbian Exchange. The labor of the African slaves was essential to cultivating sugar cane and the production of sugar. The slaves worked β†’

Beer industry situational analysis

This extra ingredients will not kill the taste of the beer and those who want to enjoy a beer at the end of a hard labor day ill not be at the risk of dehydration. It is a drink that you intake the day of your hangover and cures it.

From that at this level the changes

The design information is shared, which gives the opportunity to all the parties involved in the project toextract data from the common file format and carry out the Quality assuranceand Quality control processes. In other words, at this level parties need touse software, capable of exporting files to a common format set as a standard. β†’

Adp competitive analysis research paper

ADAPT ' s focus on the large business market allows the company to dominate the niche and enjoy its many competitive advantages, but this strategy does limit Tap's exposure to the higher growth rates and greater volatility of small and medium sized businesses. Industry = Business Software & Services As stated before, ADAPT is β†’

Argumentative essay on thinking about tv and popular music

Of all of the common evolution we have discussed in class, I think one of the most common is the evolution of music industry. As I was reading " Assessing MTV's effect on music in the early '80s" I could vividly describe how the music was before the music β†’

Community service of meals on wheels

As we stop by the meals on wheels headquarters we first sign in and then pick up cooler full of cold food and a warm lunch bag to put the hot meals in. We then drive over to SST. At the end of the day we have delivered the food to twelve different β†’

Don’t count your chicken before they are hatched

During the exam Dongosu would receive the answers as a text message and he would copy it into his exam booklet. After the exams, Dongosu boasted to everyone that his result would be the best in the state, he also told his parent he would like to throw up a party on β†’

Nuclear energy and producing electrical energy

For example, in a CNBC news article, " Primer: Nuclear Power" it stated that wind power and solar power produces the least amount of energy for the highest price. Another article, " Nuclear Power is Nuclear" said wind power is not only expensive but also dangerous to birds. With these facts and statistics, nuclear power β†’

Advertising white chocolate

It is mostly preferred dues to it color and its grainy texture which turns very smooth in the mouth. Advertising objectives The following will be the objectives of thisadvertisementputting into consideration that this will be the first time the product β†’

Actually constricted in size

Instead, Ford, which sets the specifications for the manufacture of its tires, decided to remove air from the tires, lowering the recommended erasure to 26 SSI. The maximum pressure stamped into the sidewall of the tire was 35 SSI; however tires should only be inflated to the pressure listed by the vehicle's manufacturer. Ford, β†’

Tourism in australia essay

In order that such a business will be a success, I suggest that the government must be able to help in the promotion of the tourism industry by promotional advertisements in the locally and abroad. A substantial amount of budget must be given to the Tourism Department in order to do this. It should be β†’

Rise and rise of indian fashion retail industry

RISE AND RISE OF INDIAN FASHION RETAIL INDUSTRY The Indian Fashion retail industry has come a long way since its onset in the country. The vast opportunity has also lured international players like Burberry, Louis Vuitton, Zara, WalMart to move into the Indian Fashion Retail Industry. The potential in the sector β†’

The forest

Export of forest products earns valuable foreign exchange to the country.6. Grazing of cattle in the forests helps in dairy farming and cattle rising.7. Forests play dominant role in carbon cycle. These absorb atmospheric carbon-di-oxide and help in maintaining the purity of air and controlling atmospheric pollution.3.

Homebound furniture

Vision To be the leading manufacturer of furniture and to elevate the quality of furniture products in the country. It's unique, innovative and functional designs suited to the taste of meticulous customers. Its products cater customers who have furniture needs.

Baking soda and baking powder

It has a slightly salty, alkaline taste resembling that of washing soda. Baking Powder Baking Powder is also a dry leavening agent which is a mixture of a weak alkali and a weak acid; it increases the volume and lightens the texture of baked goods. Baking β†’

Under armor case study essay sample

Competitive Rivalry Within The Industry Medium to High Bargaining Power Of Customers They have wholesale and end customers as well as independent salesagents in different countries Threat Of New/Potential Competitors Medium Bargaining Power Of Suppliers Low to Medium Threat Of Substitute Products Low Some of Nike and Adidas products β†’

Documents system deficiencies essay

Position Description: The Business Analyst is responsible for Analyzing, defining and interpreting business needs and issues by gathering, analyzing, documenting and validating the Business area and user tech Nicola requirements. The Business Analyst will also need to coordinate groups of end users who test, evaluate and validate new functions and applications β†’

How to calculate the body mass index

The body mass index is of a measurement that was introduced in the early 19th century in order to categorize the entire population's weight problems. In the mid-morning I would have a snack of a protein shake and an apple that will work out to be about 100 calories. For lunch a tossed β†’

Case study

The inheritance pattern; Tay-Sachs is a genetic disease that is only transferred to a child if both parents carry a Tay-Sachs gene. Deficiency of enzyme hexosaminidase A causes Tay-Sachs disease due to increased buildup of toxic GM2 ganglioside a fatty substance that destroys brain cells and nerves.

Impressions of nursing inormatics

At this era of change and investment in health information technology the nurses must be prepared to face the challenges of leadership and utilize their caring passion to apply the technology and informatics, enhancing the safety and quality of the care they give to families, communities and patients. According to American Associations of Colleges in β†’

Alternative therapies

As a nurse practitioner, I would advise the patient's family on the available alternative therapies for bipolar disorder. Some of the alternative treatments that are available for bipolar disorder include Rhodiola rosea, St. Complementary and alternative medicine for the treatment of depressive disorders in women.

Staff nurse appraisal

Select an appropriate time for the appraisal conference.* Be prepared mentally and emotionally for the conference yourself.* Schedule uninterrupted interview time.* Plan a seating arrangement that reflects collegiality rather than power (placing the chairs side by side) During the Interview * Greet the employee warmly, showing that the manager and the organization have a sincere β†’

Concept analysis

Therefore, concept analysis enables a researcher to identify attributes related to a concept in the nursing area such as diagnosis of a disease and enables a proper approach to situations. 2 Emanicipatory knowledge pertains addressing the social and political perspective of nursing and recognizes the social barriers to health, elaborating how nurses should administer β†’

Surgery clinical guidelines and protocols

Clinical protocols, on the other hand, give specific details about the treatment and procedure that should be employed by the surgical team. To clearly distinguish between clinical guidelines and protocols, it is important to point out that as much as clinical guidelines are detailed and extensive documents, the lack detailed recommendations about how to carry β†’

What do the aacn/ccne standards and guidelines state should be the goals of every undergraduate program what specifically should be included in all undergraduate programs do an evaluation of the fep curriculum based on the these documents and make 3 re

What do the AACN/CCNE standards and guidelines state should be the goals of every undergraduate program What specifically should be included in all undergraduate programs Do an evaluation of the FEP curriculum based on the these documents and make 3 re AACN/CCNE standards and guidelines What do the AACN/CCNE standards and guidelines should β†’

Professional nursing (7th ed.) st.lois,mo: elsevier saunders. isbn: 9781455702701

The paper necessitate a selection and analysis of one issue picked from the table and chart. US Health Care The book talks about four main categories of health care services in the United States. S health care services categorized and there are plenty of agencies t manages the health system.

Discussion post

This enables the IRB to review a proposed research on the basis of community, legal and professional acceptability. Discussion two I agree with Katherine Johnson about ' Protecting Human Research Participants'. The fundamental role of IRB is to safeguard the wellbeing and welfare of human subjects. At my workplace After going through ' β†’

Product design and development biography examples

As such, I anticipate some emotional, social and academic challenges and I have always found it enjoyable and interesting to study business; and together with the readily available employment opportunities in business related areas, this has been the key motivating factor towards my desire of focusing my career on product design and development. I want β†’

Data collection techniques and funding opportunities

This will surely take some time for clearance but once the consent is received then it will be easier to carry on with the research work i.e.data analysis. Funding Opportunities There could be a number of health care institutions that can be approached considering the significance of the research. It is surely the need β†’

Workspace issue of nurse turnover

One of the issues that nurses experience due to a turnover of nurses is the increased amount of burden on nurses which results in negatively impacting the wellbeing of the nurses. In this research, the researchers figured out those nurse turnover even impacts patients in a negative manner. This is because nurse turnover results in β†’

Business plan

Business Plan Business Plan A business plan is a formal ment containing set goals, a plan on how to attain them, and the reasons for the belief that they will be attained. Banks, private investors or majority of the lending institutions depend on the business plan to understand the plans that an entrepreneur possesses in β†’

Select a grand nursing theory.explain how application of this theory by nurse leaders and nurse managers can influence outcomes from two of the following areas

This theory is grounded on the supposition that the founding principle of nursing is bound in caring as the root of nursing. Nurse leaders can use the theory of human caring in patient care delivery and increase patient satisfaction. This theory offers a structure that nurse leaders can use to reinstate the profession's vision of β†’

Nih protecting human research participants course

Protecting Human Research Participants NIH Protecting Human Research Participants Protecting human participants' course is an important reflection of milestones that have shaped human research. Protecting human research participants in the age of big data.


I also met with my preceptor in preparation for my final week of my assigned duty. Week 12 It was my final week for my practicum experience, two infection control staff that I was working with evaluated me, and the results were impressive. Later in the final day, I also met with my preceptor β†’

Utilization management and models of care

Utilization Management and Models of Care al Affiliation Achieving Quality and Safety Goals When the Patient-Centered Medical Home Model is used in care settings, the quality of care that is offered is usually enhanced. Finally, the PCHM facilitates the integration and coordination of care thus ensuring that the patients receive the best care and services β†’

Using the media 6

Therefore, a health practitioner can use the influence of these media to pass information to the people within a locality. In order to influence public opinion and as a nurse, I would use the media to apply pressure and advance the public policy issue. A message passed through any of the social media sites and β†’

Retin a/ accutane (advanced pharmacology)

Retin A/ Accutane Retin A/ Accutane Retin A/ Accutane Retin A is a Tretinoin composed of Retinoic acid or Vitamin A acid and is available in the forms of creams, gels and liquids for topical administration. The use of Retin-A is contraindicated in eczema, sunburn, or if the β†’

Good nursing and health care policy course reflection statement essay example

Nursing and Health Care Policy Course Reflection Statement This reflective statement is based on the things that one has learnt as a result of taking Nursing and Health Care Policy Course. With the help of the group one was able to analyze the logics of the United States political process, the nurses' roles β†’

Pathophysiology- gasrtic acid stimulation on pud,gerd,gastritis

Acid secretion in the gastric phase is due to distention of the abdomen and the intestinal phase is stimulated by amino acids and intestinal distension. There are several disorders that can occur as a result of hypersacidity which include peptic ulcer disease, gastroesophageal reflux and gastritis. Dietary factors and consumption of alcohol leads to stimulation β†’


The community health nurses communicate the illness and health experiences of individuals and families in vulnerable populations, and educate members of the target community to express their health issues. This will ensure that the programs and interventions are synced with statewide efforts to prevent substance abuse, violence, and pregnancy in high school students. References β†’

Comprehensive physical exam

During this procedure the information collected is in respect to what the patient answers to the questions asked by the nurse (Douglas, Rebeiro, Crisp & Taylor, 2012). In my case, the patient under observation is a female aged seventy years old. Presently the patient is experiencing pain at the same spot with a rating of β†’