400 Words Essay Samples

Environmental interest and effectiveness assignment

Though in both assays the preservation of the environment is the main focus, and the authors use the same approach, they differ in writing style. The major difference between Kazoo's and Relish's essay is the style of the essays.

Giving is beneficial? essay

It is because of the fact that when a person give others something, they are likely to pay him back with other things, which can include kinds of spiritual gifts. As a result, we can easily figure out that the people who never give out things are selfish and mean.

Natty bumpo essay sample

Even though Natty always clarified the fact that he was not Indian, he was against the idea of the confrontation between both white settlers and Indians. He was a noble hero for fighting for the Indians, even when Indians had killed his own family.

Culture and religion in malaysia

They are Buddhists and Taoists, speak Hokkein, Hakka and Cantonese, and are dominant in the business community. They speak Tamil, Malayalam, and Hindi, and live mainly in the larger towns on the west coast of the peninsula.

Principles of logic as applied to my life

In order to determine whether or not I could be fit for the position, I had to undergo a general IQ test and a panel interview consisting of the board of directors. Fortunately, I passed the IQ exam then I was allotted a week to prepare for the interview which apparently was the second and →

Bodybuilders essay

A portion of the documentary is singled out for facts in order to accentuate the dangers of the bodybuilding conduct and its effects on those who take part in them. The documentary, Baby Faced Bodybuilders, is presented in an effective manner to educate and appeal to the audiende about the problems of bodybuilding.

What is the secret to long life?

My life expectancy ages were this low because of the habits I have that are not good for my body as I get older. Blue zones recommended that if I was offered a hamburger and vegetables, it makes more sense to get the vegetables which are better for my eyehealth.

The filed within the period of limitation or

As per Section 1, the Limitation Act, 1963 extends to the whole of India except the State of Jammu and Kashmir. The application of the Limitation Act, 1963 has two exemptions, namely, - It is not applied in the State of Jammu and Kashmir as per Section 1 of the Act.

Kefir that used to help the fermentation

Kefir also called a superyoghurt, because kefir contains about 60 types of beneficial microbes that hasmany benefits such as maintain body health, skin health, and can preventdangerous disease. Oneof the benefits from the kefir is maintain body health because kefir containmany nutrition that good for our bodies like vitamin D, vitamin K, calcium, protein, phosphorus, →

Creative teams and creative conflicts

School: CREATIVE TEAMS AND CREATIVE CONFLICTS Lecturer: CREATIVE TEAMS AND CREATIVE CONFLICTS The diversity and differences that exists between us as people have its good and bad effects on organizational growth and management. But in attempting to use their differences in their creative thinking styles, the creative team that was expected to be the answer →

Fall of ibm

Analysis and Porter's 5 Forces of Industry Attractiveness to identify IBM's competitive advantage in a rapid changing environment and where in particular area the company failed to achieve in maintaining its position as market leader. Recommendations It is recommended for IBM to ready its company in entering into systems integration, outsourcing, and consultancy services to →

Meichenbaum’s self-instructional training

I often listen to myself and my internal dialogue had been how unsure I am of my answers, how I fear talking in front of my classmates because I might not be able to give the correct answer. For me, I could probably learn how to be able to speak more confidently and I could →

Critique of the jackson home

From the information presented in the case study, determine whether the nine members of the Division of Youth and Family Services staff should have been fired. If the state had ensured the safety and welfare of the children, the case would not have been as xtreme as it was.

The advantages and disadvantages of public transportaion essay sample

Using public transportation can reduce the number of people who drive their own car. Using public transportation can reduce the number of people who drive their own car.

Abelard meets heloise-dante and the three kingdoms

Abelard Meets Heloise-Dante and the Three Kingdoms: Outline Thesis ment: The purpose of this paper is to artistically explore and analyze two separate art works in order to utilize artistic application to better understand the element of humanity within each.2. Abelard and his Pupil, Heloise by: Edmund Leighton Leighton was the son of an artist →

Risk takers

Risk-taker A risk-taker is a type of an entrepreneur who decides to involve oneself in a risky venture without necessarily taking consideration on the extent of the harm that the venture will cause. Risk-neutral A risk neutral person is neither a risk-taker nor a risk-averse entrepreneur; he operates comfortably in all the environments and is →

The 13th bracey report on the condition of public education (phi delta kappan oct2003, vol. 85, issue 2, p148164, 17p

Focusing on the controversial No Child Left Behind' policy, The 13th Bracey Report on the Condition of Public Education determines that the former to be a source of additional educational problems rather than a set of solutions for existent ones. The implication here is that the absence of a single, agreed-upon definition for proficiency leads →

Cognitive bias assignment

For example, A few weeks ago I was at football practice with my son and daughter and one of the coaches had invited a couple of guys to mom and speak to our team. These guys told a team of football players that if they did not have god in their hearts that they were →

Bad news letter

In regards to claim #7899, the reference number that was referred to, 1440022-223839837109, is the same on all three disputed charges and was understandably the cause of your initial concern. Based on the fact she was alerted to a possible error by the duplicate reference numbers indicates she has an understanding of her account and →

St. peters basilica

Peter's Basilica in Rome is still considered the center of the Roman Catholic Church. The paper discusses the construction of the St.

Experimental and non-experimental design

Reliability and validity are also significant at the experimental design's data analysis stage in which the ability to understand involved concepts in information and to apply the developed knowledge in the analysis is necessary. Bias and sampling are critical to these needs and competence in the levels of Bloom's taxonomy ensure that bias and sampling →

Portraiture and partisan advantage

Portraiture is the art of making portraits and this art has never been as important as when the artist is to capture the image of a political figure. The expensive Oriental rug and pillow is important to the element of royalty.

Welcome address essay

As one of the juniors of this very prestigious school, it is within my consciousness and I will not be singular in telling that we all have worked hard just to be present here tonight. To God be the glory, now and forever.

Bitcoin vc investments step up

Fellow investors include Virgin Group Chairman Richard Branson and Yahoo co-founder Jerry Yang are part of an investor group that plowed $30 million into Bitpay, valuing the bitcoin-payments processor at about $160 million in the biggest venture-capital investment in the digital-currency industry. There has already been more venture capital poured into digital currency bitcoin this →

Islandspidgin it is primarily spoken in the lower

There is a tug-a-war between the Hawaiian part of me and the Haole part of me. The pidgindialect is a major part of life in the lower class Hawaiian neighborhoods.

Pleasure and detachment

Pleasure and Detachment Pleasure and detachment have some advantages and disadvantages as sound navigational direction for individual quest. The disadvantages of detachment include the fact that each and every life of individuals is infused with suffering, which comes about because of clutching or gripping life.

Quizzes help students gain knowledge essay sample

New research has found that the more students are tested, the more knowledge they retain", quizzes can help students to memory and understand materials, concepts, information for a long time, but negative opinions are against the theory. The beneficial that quizzes bring to students is not limited to recollect information.

Wills, trusts, and probate week cd

Alternative Valuation Method The term " Alternate valuation method" deals with the total value of the all the assets of estate at the time of the death of the person for the purpose of a tax on the estate of the deceased person on a date different to that of his death, generally a year →

Shooting of malcom x

Details of the event including the time, venue, participants, fusillade and the reactions of the people as well as the police statements, medical examiner's report and the suspicions over the Black Muslims' involvement had been described with details. The latter part of the article is devoted for describing the Black Muslims denying any involvement in →

Cultural destruction

But she doesn? t realize that the money is the only problem, the money is what is destroying her. It is very common topic as we can see; and the reason for that is maybe because we all have some destruction in our life, sooner or later.

Three strikes law

Three strikes law The ' Three strikes law and Youre out Law" are statutes that were passed in the United s that gave courts from all states freedom to sentence law offenders who have convicted more than three criminal offenses. Moreover, ' the three strikes laws' are constitutional laws because the government passed them, and →

Intelligence analysis

2 April Iran Politics: Ambassador to the UN and Nuclear Talks Summary The long standing feuds between Iran and Western powers continue to linger on. Stretching back to the seventies through diplomatic rows, they have persisted to this very date and are evident by the debate on whether to give the currently appointed Iran envoy →

Value and purpose of literature

The purpose of literature is to get a diverse set of people to read the same piece of work and comprehend it differently, but still have the same affect on them. Reading is a pleasing way to pass the time for some people and can in many ways affect the way you live and the →

Battle of marathon

Persians agree to help the Athenians only if they agree to " earth and water", and they agree, not realizing what they really are asking for is the land of Athens. The Athenians line the wall of the coast of Athens so that when Persians arrived to Athens they had to turn their boats around →

Compare and contrast the views of diverse sociologists

In like manner, the society persists to exist because of the fulfillment of the function of each part. Spencer who finds difficulty to settle in a particular discipline, a non conformist, and a critic views society as place for the " survival of the fittest".

Course work on challenges of a paper

One of the most common mistakes when writing a paper can be to stray off the subject in question. To avoid straying from the subject it is important to write the essay question out in full on both your notes and your essay script.

Homosexual activity ethics assignment

Homosexuality is " abnormal" in both a descriptive and a normative sense because- for evolutionary reasons-homosexuals are bound to be unhappy.-We do have to obligations to our children, and one of them is to protect them from harm Thesis2: -Levin's says that it is " A pleasure causally connected with great distress cannot be treated →


This report has led me into thinking that whether these memories are true or not, if people believe in them, then they will now become a part of their reality. In this report, the experts in the field investigated further in the matter to show that after people have been implanted with a false memory, →

You’re are using video marketing in some

Here are 4 trends in 2018 that you can use to leverage yourbusinesses: Chatbots Chatbots are very quickly becoming a stapleon business websites and social media platforms. Here you have it, 4 trends for 2018 that will helpyou leverage social media to reap the benefits.

How to become a crisis hotline volunteer

You will also learn different counseling techniques, although through the hotline you will be having the person in the crisis situation be the decision-maker. It's about this operator and she is trying to keep this young girl calm because she has been kidnapped in the back of a trunk.

Research paper on hall effect sensors

The process of generating a voltage with a magnetic field is known as the Hall Effect. The benefits of Hall Effect sensors are they can measure a large current; they are functional in large temperature ranges and can measure zero speeds.

Syngas market & derivatives assignment

The major driving factors of this market are the growing needs for chemicals, fuels, and electricity which can be generated simultaneously to meet the requirements of the increasing population. Coal, natural gas, petroleum, and biomass/waste are the four major feedstock utilized for the production of syngas.

The department of welfare cut

There are many factors that increase the national debt and it would be useful to cut many programs, but the program I am choosing to cut is the Department of Welfare. It would be very beneficial not for just our government and the national debt, but for the future of American citizens to make the →

Social equity: ricci v. destefano

The court had also observed that once a plaintiff has established a prima facie case of a disparate act, then it is the duty of the employer has the burden to prove to the court that the position in question and procedures for acquisition is consistent with the necessity of the specific business in question. →

Rikki tikki tavi essay

When Ricketier hears Nag and Angina plotting to harm hisfamily, he immediately begins to think of a way to help out, " Now, if kill him here, Nag an will know; and if I fight him on the open floor, the odds are in his favor.". In paragraph 88, Angina states that she wants to →

As regularly attempt to undercut normal fees for

However, the fees schedule are not fix where it can bechangeable in any application depending upon the nature and difficulty of theproject, the reputation of the engineer or time available for the work andsimilar factors which must be considered in negotiating a fee. Evenso in the fee schedule are not focus on the lower fee →

Casey at the bat essay

The poem " Casey at the Bat" by Ernest Lawrence Thayer tells the story of a baseball game. Finally, Thayer uses the imagery of Casey's mighty swing to build suspense.

A book review on eckhart tolle’s

The first part of the book talks about being still for the awakening of the consciousness through nature, specifically through a flower. The mind is easily fooled into thinking that it's the ego, which is not the real being of a person.

Discuss your medical career expectations as a futu

I will enter medicine eager to learn and thirsting for the knowledge to help my fellow human beings. I swear to uphold and exceed all that is expected of a future physician while promoting the progress of medicine and humanity.

Facilitated diffusion vs. active transport

The last similarity is the basic goal of both facilitated diffusion and active transport. Facilitated diffusion and active transport are two ways of doing the same thing.

Explain and justify the ventures potential success

The utilisation of debt funds in capital structure of the firm increases the rate of profit for equity to the shareholders as long as the rate of return surpasses the expense of debt. It is also apparent that budgeting will contribute towards the success of the business venture.

Extra writing

Comparison of the Two Versions of Geronimo's Cadillac Michael Martin Murphey released the song Geronimos Cadillac in 1972. In 1987, Murphey highlighted that he selected the title of the song after he came across an image that depicted Geronimo in a Cadillac.

Human sexuality assignment

One of main messages and issues that relates to sexuality, is the increase of sexual intercourse amongst the preteen and young adult generations. The messages that are transmitted in the music, shows, movies, magazines, and kooks allows young teens to believe there is nothing wrong with being a little promiscuous and it's all about self →

Situational planning strategy essay sample

Three years is too short a time to change the strategic mission of the organization, unless a drastic upheaval has happened in the business the organization is in. The CEO may alternatively examine the relevance of the strategic mission to the present market conditions and fine tune and revitalize the strategic mission through this activity →

Reaction paper

Burn's uses a lot of Analytical lines and Expressive lines in his work. For example, Burns uses bowls to represent the passage of time and he layers objects on top of each other to represent history.

A person of belief

However, I have to say that now that I have been, I look forward with great anticipation of the ability to go and repeat such a process either in Peru or elsewhere during my next break. Although such actions might not be for everyone, I would highly recommend to everyone to at least volunteer their →

Congestive heart failure outline

* Congestive heart failure: a chronic disease that affects many people While People has to be willing to make a change in their life in order to prevent congestive heart failure. In conclusion, people have to be willing to make a change in their life in order to prevent congestive heart failure, Congestive heart failure →

Opera: musical form of the baroque period

Opera was the new musical form of the Baroque period and it was very expressive of the baroque cultural values. The second was the mixing of the genres, which was well known in the literature and the arts made its way into baroque music.

It’s of helping the borrower cover the

It's true that for a majority of people, the easy personal loans are the keys to obtaining the things that they need but quite impossible to have due to their costs as well as their own financial standings. Personal loans are those funds granted by the banks and other financial institutions with the aim of →

The different forms of reciprocity in my daily life essay sample

In other forms of relationship, I experienced sharing without expecting anything in return is when I fall in love with my fellow student in the university. All of us I think experienced negative reciprocity whenever we buy goods at the department store, wet goods in the wet market and / rent a computer on a →

Discussion questions week 1

The knowledge of various strengths and weaknesses of the technologies help us to evaluate its appropriateness within the work environment of the organization such that its implementation is able to promote better efficiency in the delivery of the organizational goals and objectives. Answer 4 Though all the phases of pre and post implementation processes of →

Attention deficit disorder

I am very talented in gymnasium and my talent helped me get admitted in the varsity cheerleading team during my junior year, where I learnt to cultivate my interpersonal skills. I will study hard in the university to achieve all mygoalsdespite my condition.

Flames and dangling wire – robert gray essay

Gray tries to show the human attitude which is also portrayed through the mouse clicking on the ignore button which depicts that we choose to ignore the consequences The smoke in the line " Now the distant buildings are stencilled d in the smoke" acts as a barrier between us and the harsh actuality of →

Describe a typical buddhist temple essay

The ceiling of the temple pictured the Buddha in the different meditation positions. Offerings are made at the shrine as a mark of respect to the Buddha.

Business ethics assignment

Risks and Loyalties As Markham was summoned Into the conference room to begin his presentation to the board of the state pension fund, he was wrestling with whether or not to raise the liability issue. And so does somebody who is playing a bit part in creating a reprise of the last crisis have a →

West nile virus

WNV IgM in serum remains detectable for at least 1 to 2 months after infection and sometimes longer therefore serum IgM results must be interpreted in reference to the patient's clinical presentation and travel history, as well as regional WNV activity A negative IgM result on an acute-phase specimen strongly suggests absence of WNV infection. →

Accounting memo-rewritten flashcard

I feel that we as a team have worked to give you the best information needed for you to provide to the board. As we are coming into an economic time period of inflation, it is possible that we may recommend that the company continues to use LIFO so that we continue to reduce our →

Case study on personality traits

Today the most popular model of the definition of the personality traits is the Big Five personality traits which concentrate on the certain core traits which define the psychological type of the individual. The factors which influence the results of the theory of the personality traits are: extraversion, openness, neuroticism, agreeableness and conscientiousness.

The delivered early to get the feedback from

According to thisprinciple a subset of the system is delivered early to get the feedback fromthe users in the early stages of the development.5. Our achievements towardthis goal embrace a larger understanding of the role of abstraction andseparation of considerations in software system engineering, the introductionof modularity and the notions of a software system life →

The morality perspective on the implantation of chips in a human body

The chip could be put in your uniform for example instead of causing you to have a surgical incision into your body. Speaking situational, if your employee is kidnapped by a foreign agency they can FORCE them to hold still and it would be much easier for the foreign to just remove the chip from →

Male and female psychology ( similarities and differencess between them )

The similarities and differences between males and females offer an important area of study in psychology and the concepts of both male and female have similarities and differences between them. Male and female psychology can be differentiated on the basis of their emotional, biological, and social aspects, and the gender stereotypes are determined by these →

American history

While the Blackfeet Warriors spent the night with Americans, it was explained to them that the US intends to bring about a comprehensive peace between all the Indian tribes of the west. The diary presents the richness and abundance of South Dakota when it comes to natural environment and animal life.

The has taken the view that the

345 are: Intentional omission to produce a document by a person who is legally bound to produce it; Refusal to take oath, when duly required to do so; Refusal to answer questions by one who is legally bound to state the truth; Refusal to sign a statement made to a public servant, when legally required →


The use of mustard gas by the Germans against the British in the Second Battle of Ypres increased the horror of this war. Glorious victories in battle were a far cry from the reality of this war.

Feasibility analysis

I can increase the size of my business by taking on partners, associates, etc.* There would not be much competition to begin with, and If were to be the best, then there would be close to none.* My customer pool would consist of anyone with a neurological disorder. This will also be written at a →

The role of ambition

I would be traveling the world and broadening my horizons, while they were stuck in there little box. I am starting to realize that the world's a big place with people who have the same dreams as me, and god forbid more motive and ambition to get it.

Internship letter

It is my pleasure to apply for the position of internship for September 2012 for my master's in social work at your renowned Hasbro Children's Hospital. The internship at Hasbro Children's Hospital will be a success because I have worked with children and families for 11 years.


Shortly afterward, however, Parameswara was driven out of Temasik by an invasion, and with a small band of followers set out along the west coast of the Malay peninsula in search of a new refuge. He asked one of his servants the name of the tree under which he was standing and, being informed that →


Particulars of Aircraft inrespectof which a licence is required.a) Call Sign: b) Name and Type of Aircraft: c) Name of owner: d) Passenger or Freight Aircraft: e) Normal Route: f) Place of Registry 4. Description of apparatus for which the licence is applied for: RadioCommunicationTransmitters Manufacturers TypeOutputFreq.

Biogeochemical cycles

Thus, apart from a small quantity of cosmic debris that penetrates the Earth's atmosphere, all the elements required for the structure and chemical development of life emanate from elements that were present in the Earth's crust some millions of years ago. The building blocks of life, repetitively cycle all the way through Earth's systems, the →

Alcoholism took poe’s life

In many scenarios, both in real life, the media, and in movies we can see that when a person drinks alcohol there brain cells start to destroy and there is a possibility that they would pass out.Mr. According to this is proves that Poe did have a bottle of alcohol with a companion, but there →

To live or die

I am a mere citizen of this nation and a child of God, I must follow the law and do what is right. This is what I will tell the parents of this child.

History, but goes deeper to touch on matters

This is implied by the presence of a church, and demonstrated by one of the victims in the middle ground. I have hereby just given you a glimpse of what art we study in school and the thoughts that cross my mind as I engage the books.

Economic development assignment

A feature of Johnny's developmental state was the power and autonomy of its elite bureaucracy is centered in key ministries such as Ministry of Finance and Ministry of International Trade and Industry. Dash alludes that a developmental state is one in which the state intervene to promote the interests of the sector, facilitate capital accumulation →

Ramona by helen hunt jackson

Alessandro is the son of the Chief of the tribe at Temecula Village. This novel mainly reflects Jackson's concern for the Native Americans and the harsh conditions they had to face in the nineteenth century.

The advantage of mixed economy

A mixed economy lies between the opposite poles of a free-market economy and a centrally planned, or socialist, system. A mixed system gives government the flexibility to intervene in the economy in times of emergency.


V spy on the bad guys through holes in their newspapers, except I had to peak out the side of my painting board because I was pretending to paint. Anyways, whenever I tried to slowly peak at the boy across the room who wouldnt share his imagination, he always seemed to be very still and →

Exam 2017 1 english quotes

Flicking the flint Anna Krien Diction -informal-slang-mocking-brutal-short sharp sentencesexamples" post-wank ciggie, the knock-off ciggie, a keep warm ciggie, the I am done with dinner now clean plates ciggie".sexism, dictator, signs of domestic abuseLanguageImagery-When dad confronts gerald for lying about having a friend even though he knew the whole time" Even the litter flipping on the →

“a case study of leading horn manufacturing company” project

The main content of this study revolves around the use of IT in manufacturing company. The study tries to show the way for managers to meet the SAP functionality in industries.

Spring vs fall essay

I like both seasons, but I prefer the spring season, because it's right in the middle of winter and summer, not to cold or not to hot. Color flowers with nice smell announces the spring to everybody; and those are the beginning days of when you start seeing people out more and longer, and we →

Is press in india really free? essay sample

Yes they are absolutely free to sing the praise of ruling party and get the abundant Tender Ads of Govt, or twist the critical news items impacting a party or celeb and get a fat pay off from the side that benefits from the twisted version! FREEDOM OF THE PRESS:- Freedom of the press or →

Hazards, emergencies, disasters, and catastrophes

According to Pearce a hazard is the likelihood of a disaster. In conclusion, the terms hazard, emergency, disaster and catastrophe have a distinction in their meaning.

What is an exotic limousine rental?

We offer Hummer Limo, Escalade limo, Navigator limo, and only the finest of Stretch SUV Limos For special events, formal occasions, business trips, or even just a simple pick-up scheduled to and from a venue or from the airport, we are the top of the line limo service, you can depend on. With the help →

the images of full fathom five essay sample

In this poem, the use of concrete images and onomatopoeia brings to life the poem, bringing the reader closer to the bottom of the sea where the poem is set. This makes the reader think of the tossing waves and changes of the sea, which are then reinforced by the combination with the word " →