400 Words Essay Samples

Public administration

Woodrow Wilson says that Administration is the most obvious part of government; it is the executive, the operative, the most visible side of government, and of course as old as government itself. Public administration is related to administrators, and on the other end politicians and the public on the other end of the spectrum.

Helping jews isn’t just about faith

These particular obstacles lead to the prioritization of self-survival over the safety of others as the capacity for self-sacrifice in compelling circumstances diminishes and his animalistic instincts are sparked, resulting in the destruction of previous morals. As the novel progresses, it becomes clear that Wiesel struggles to continue to sacrifice his own comfort for others β†’

Term that has been coined with recent technology that is specific

A term that has been coined with recent technology that is specific.[tablet; also known as tablet computer] The primary meaning of the word " tablet" in modern English is that of a medical pill, designed for swallowing. The distinguishing feature of this device is in the fact that it is designed to be touched directly β†’

Technology at the work place

It also has the capability of providing annotations of the evidence produced, for use by the jury, the trial judge/ magistrate, and the various counsels present. The soft wares in use are the Microsoft word, and this is in use mostly by clerks.

Positive psychology

Flow iS that feeling Of 'time flies when your are having fun," our Whole being iS involve and every action, movement and thought follows the previous one. If challenges are too great, one can return to the flow state by learning new skills." Positive psychology Is a way of life that teaches you not how β†’

Duality in dr.jekyll and mr.hyde essay sample

Jekyll is more moderate, this allows the two binary opposites of love and hate to be balanced equivalently. Jekyll has, and because of Hyde's erratic behavior, this allows balance to take place amongst each individual of Dr.

Best friends and enemy

I have a lot in common with my best friend maybe that is why both of us get to be our-self when we are around each other and here I quote " You are just like me, you crazy." Best friend is very supportive and open minded! In conclusion, having a best friend is the β†’

The effects of the titanic

Although the Titanic hit an iceberg and was sinking, the tragedy, meaning the unnecessary loss of life could have been avoided if the trappings of wealth had, for once, not taken priority in the early part of the twentieth century. The Titanic had enough lifeboats for first and second class passengers, but not for steerage.

Reaction paper assignment

There is a hose that Is connected to the operating console and that hose Is the thing that we are going to half- press it in 7 seconds to expose our member. There is a hose that is connected to the Operating Console and that hose is Salina Hotmail

Brief of case

Messing sued the defendant bank for refusal of an over the counter check withdrawal because of a Thumbprint signature request for non-customers. Messing sued the Bank of America in court for refusal of a cash withdrawal over the counter through a check drawn on the bank because of the bank's Thumbprint Signature Program for non-customers.

Diffrence between abc costing and the time driven abc costing (hbr)

Difference between ABC Costing and the Time Driven ABC Costing " Many companies abandoned activity-based costing because it did not capture the complexity of their operations, took too long to implement, and was too expensive to build and maintain". The solution to the problems with ABC is not to abandon the concept" Time Driven ABC β†’

The birth of jazz

The harmony is mostly European, the rhythm is mostly African and the melody is a blend of both. In this way, many African rhythms survived in New Orleans and contributed to the beginnings of jazz.

My dream house argumentative essay

We will set a playroom wherein all the toy collections bought for the children are placed intact; we will also have a television room, which will be customized to look like a mini-theater for the family to gather around and spend time with watching our favorite shows while munching our preferred snacks; since the family β†’

Microsoft exploring blockchain technology

During a Bitcoin event held in New-York, Brian Forde, the MIT Media Lab director of digital currency and John Paul Farmer, director of technology and civic innovation at Microsoft and the former senior technology adviser at the White House participated as speakers at the event. Farmer has encouraged the attendees to continue to think about β†’

What part was played by ceremonial, ritual and physical display in the exercise of late-medieval lordship and/or kingship

This is a clear portray of believe in a religion and membership of a secular power especially in England in the late-medieval. The use of imagery and the Christianity language provided the promotion of loyalty, improved the social atmosphere and promoted the mutual coexistence between the French and Britons.

A character sketch of rudolph steiner (the green door by o’henry)

A Character Sketch of Rudolph Steiner Rudolph Steiner is the main character of the story " The Green Door by O'Henry. He is a piano salesman, a commonplace citizen on the one hand, but on the other hand he is " a true adventurer; few were the evenings on which he did not go forth β†’

To home-school, or not to home-school

If a student is struggling academically or they just do not like school in general, their friends are most likely the main reason why they do not have a temper tantrum before going to school each morning. In the second place, being schooled at home is not the same as being taught at school when β†’

Hotel rwandaexample essay

The secondary characters in the movie are Tatiana Rusesabagina the wife of Paul and the General of the UN Army that was doing everything he could to assist Paul and the refuge. The strength of this movie, I feel is the fact that it focus on a man fighting to save lives and the risks β†’

Pollution caused by factories assignment

Sulfur oxides cause acid rain and comes from the burning of fuel that contains sulfur. There has been a 33% decrease in sulfur oxides emissions between the years of 1983 and 2002.

Strong government action was the only way to tackle the social and economic problems of industrialization essay

The Progressive ideology stemmed from the failures of the Greenback Labor party from back in 1870 and the Populists in the 1890's, thus leading the modern age reformists to reflect on what was truly necessary in order to achieve their platform. Henry Demarest Lloyd wrote in his Wealth Against Commonwealth, about the corruption of the β†’

Case study ebay

EBay Is one of the world's largest online marketplaces, and allows users to buy and sell In nearly every country on earth: Papal enables individuals and businesses to securely, easily and quickly send and receive digital payments; and eBay Enterprise enables Omni- channel commerce, multinational retailing and digital marketing for global enterprises in the U.S. β†’

Discussion topic/ replies

This gives the accountants enough time to collect all funds, reconcile whatever they have to, pay off whatever they have to and get working on a budget for the next year sooner than a calendar year would. This will increase the credibility of financial statements and hence it is wiser to have a fiscal year β†’

Genre-based approach

This approach is better than other writing pedagogies for writers since emphasis is put on the notion of genre which promotes writers' understanding of the interrelatedness between the communication purpose and the features of the text at every discourse level. It is vital that educators help students develop a framework of Genre Based Approach despite β†’

Tqm total quality as just another management

In a total quality setting, the customer is the driver. Another important part of the equation is the use of the scientific approach in structuring work and in decision making and problem solving that relates to the work.

The progression of huck’s maturity

The maturation of Huck is also evident in pranks that he plays, which progressively change his attitude and the way he thinks. Later on in the novel, Huck plays another prank on Jim, in which he pretends that nothing happened, when in reality, Huck and Jim are separated in the fog.

Case study on visual impairment

Visual impairment is becoming a serious problem of the human society, because the number of the people who have problems with vision is constantly increasing. Visual impairment is a serious problem of the modern society and it is surely worth attention.

The foundry work and in cooking. (ii) the

The principle underlying Davy's Safety Lamp is the property of the wire gauze to prevent the heat of the flame to pass outside and thus raise the temperature of the gas outside to the ignition point. Convection: Convection is the transmission of heat from one part of the body to another by the actual motion β†’

Independence, only on paper?

In 1774, the British government sent troops to confiscate the weaponry/ammunition of Massachusetts, the consequences of which called for offense from the colonies, and decreased the chances of reconciliation. Accordingly, the " time had come for war" in the decision of independence, leading the Battle of Bunker in which resulted numerous fatalities and the British β†’

Punishing children and young offenders

Theories of Juvenile Offending The social control theory highlights that a strong attachment of young persons to their families helps in controlling and discouraging offending cases among them. A suitable rehabilitation system must evaluate the history of juvenile offenders, which is necessary to assist them from re-offending.

Two friends with different lifestyles essay

Shaneka, on the other hand, was the oldest of seven children; and she lived in the Projects with her six siblings, and her mother in a two-bedroom apartment. Shaneka's priority is to provide for her children.

The basic principles of judo essay

But equally important to judo's accessibility is its positive and stimulating philosophy, which makes it one of the most appealing martial arts forms in the world. Judo practitioners try to neutralize opponents first and foremost, and this comes out in the way that competitive judo is played.

Magwitch’s feelings about dying

I want to touch the curtain! I am going to die.

Usage of advanced technology for business

Also there are services out there Like offset companies to keep all of your back-up Information safe and secure If there happens to be afailureon your end you can recover all of your Information and feel safe In he knowledge that your business Information Is stored and secure for the future. There is also the β†’

“the tell-tale heart” by edgar allan poe

When reading both short stories, it is very clear that the male narrator in Edgar Allan Poe's first novel The Tell-Tale Heart is much more coherent and relatable than the narrator in The Fall of the House of Usher. When reading both of the given texts, it is clear to me that when reading The β†’

Despite cells directly seems to be by

The immuneresponse of preterm infants is suspected to be immature; however, the data ondifferences in immune capacity between preterm and full-term infants are scant. The aim of this study was to study Tregs and their expression ofCD45RA, HLA-DR, and CD39 in newborn infants.

Forecasting business needs

We have based the overall production level based on our 6 percent market share of a $39 billion industry. Because there has been a considerable fluctuation in sales during the fourth quarter of previous years, we used a centered moving average to arrive at our results to compensate for the seasonal changes.

Signs, symbols, and artifacts

The reason is that, their employees, staffs, as well as the waiters are not wearing exquisite uniforms like tuxedo and they do not have appealing attitude towards the customers unlike in the other famous restaurants. As the pictures imply, their foods are really delicious and worth it.

Warner brothers

In Gran Torino, the theme of culture is portrayed in the slow and unintentional way in which Walt, an oppressor and a tough hearted character becomes consumed in the culture around him and begins to identify himself with the Hmong family. Gradually, Walt assumes the role of a protector, and that change is portrayed in β†’

Management and organizational behavior

I will gladly answer any questions you have about the material, but it is up to you to monitor your progress so that you do well on the exams. You will not do well on the exams unless you have kept up with Posting questions, comments or concerns to the various discussion boards.

Mohammad relates/affects your self-esteem? low self esteem


Entrepreneurs of the 1920s

Three main entrepreneurs of the 1920's were Alfred Sloan, the founder of GM, Henry Ford, the founder of Ford Vehicles, and Richard Sears, the founders of the department store, Sears. As for the role of government at this time, Theodore Roosevelt who was the president, wanted to implement laws for the interest of the general β†’

Identify the strategies for strengthening local financial capacity in malaysian local government.

The first strategy that can be used to strengthen the financial capacity in Malaysian local government is by generating the new avenues for revenue source which are sought to supplement the income of the local authorities. Before the local government wish to increase the tax, it is important for the local people to be informed β†’

Operant conditioning terms

Positive ReinforcementThe increase in the probability of a behavior's being repeated following the administration of a stimulus. Negative ReinforcementThe increase in the probability of a behavior's being repeated through the removal of a stimulus.

Munitions: talk radio and bertha martin essay

She lived a comfortable life and did not have to worry or struggle from anything which made her feel depressed and worthless." The factory" as they called it was the place were Bertha Martin and other women went for liberty or freedom. The fact that she came from a place where she was being controllable, β†’

Evils of war essay sample

Soldiers are just like the pawns of their governments in the war moved on the chessboard battle-fields; they think that it is glorious to die for one's country; they do not know that the very people they fight are merely clones of themselves, boys with mothers to return to, young men with wives and commitments. β†’

Case analysis hw memo #3: teamwork turmoil

Another challenge was lack of proper team co-ordination, majorly characterized by lack of direction in the manner activities are conducted in the team works for instance procedures of communication. Select a team leader to facilitate coordination of group activities in a manner aligned to the group objectives and goals.

Summary the content into bullet point

Amazon Shares Drop Bullet-Point Summary Amazon recorded a loss in the second quarter of despite its venture and innovative investments including digital content and trading in consumer electronics. During the second quarter, Amazon recorded a loss of 27 cents per share that is equivalent to $126 million in net loss.

Moscow and grand national capital essay

Paris becomes a model for the Grand National capital city because of its impressive public buildings, but mostly because of the work of Haussmann. He even created public restrooms for the city, along with parks and the green areas of the city.

Population absolute number of population. generally, in an

It takes in account the age and sex ratio of human population. Over exploitation of land, resources of food and fuel in developing countries results in to making the country more and more poor.

Lies my teacher told me

The ' help' that was given from the natives toward the settlers was forced. The main difference between the natives and European worldviews was regarding nature.

Difficult problem in your life

On the road, I kept listening to some strange noises, but since I do not know anything about automobiles and on top of that, I was broke, I did not want to stop, thinking that I would have to spend money that I could not really spend. When I arrived to my destiny, all I β†’

Week 3 forum

It is during the outbreak of the First world war in 1914 that the African Americans began the revolution for equal rights that involved the general African American community even those who were not serving in the military. At this time, the US government did not want African Americans to serve in the war because β†’

Computer misuse essay

Without having copy rights to access the personal information, research work of any company and novels, books written by the author's en cannot copy the Information, but using some Illegal techniques they gain access over this Information. Distribution of the copied software's, movies and music: The software, movies and music Is Illegally copied without the β†’

Supporting life: earth’s surface and landforms

Constructive and destructive processes are at work all over the planet all the time. Your task is to identify and describe the constructive and destructive processes that have occurred or are occurring in each photograph.a.

The technology has one of the biggest development

From big and heavy brick it transformed into the small and convenient device with multi-touch screen R with the ability to download many different APS, and have a ton of many other options such s R easy access to the Internet in any time and place and, of course, a good camera R R You β†’

Winklevoss filed gemini application

If the filing for the bitcoin exchange is approved by the New York State Department of Financial Services and the Winklevoss will be able to launch the Gemini, their forthcoming bitcoin exchange product which was first announced in January, 2015. Along with providing a secure exchange for individuals and businesses to trade in Bitcoin, the β†’

Basketball training aids to improve your game

In part-time game, the court of wider size is made. In order to make your game more effective you must be aware about the rules of the game.

Hls response and recovery

HLS Response and Recovery Factors guiding response In a rescue operation response following a disastrous event, the basic guiding factors are determined by the nature of the disaster in line with the general security and response preparedness on the ground. Presence of a clearly laid strategy and recovery plan facilitate the rolling out of assistance β†’

Practice mba case study

While top executives might enjoy the perquisites found in the executive suite, and separation from workday concerns can foster a broader perspective on the business, the distance between management and Norse can come at a real cost: top managers often fail to understand the ways most employees do their jobs every day. To practice MBA, β†’

Haagen dazs marketing mix strategy

At Hagen-Dads and Beachhead Dairies" BY annoyance In 1990 the US company Hagen-Dads appeared In Britain and created something which had never existed before: a mass market for luxury ice cream. It also compares and contrasts their marketing mix with Beachhead Dairies a tiny UK Ice-cream maker with big ambitions It wants to be the β†’

Douse the online flamers summary essay

Under this act, innocent victims of the unidentified slander are not able to sue the internet service providers to get the names of the anonymous who damaged their reputation. He proposes to introduce more punishment to those who intentionally devastate the lives of other individuals.

Q77. if you were given the chance to meet any famous entertainer or athlete of your choice who would you choose and why?

Thesis: Therefore, Stallone is not just a movie Star to me; he is also a Star in real life since he had a dream and went on to pursue and realize it. Stallone is therefore not just a movie star to me; he is also a star in real life since he had a dream β†’

Advantage of gdp as measuring social progress

One of the advantages of government shifting their focus towards other measures of social progress is that it can help in tracking the economic growth. Some of the measures such as GDP, it can be an unclear indicator for measuring social progress.

Ap world history ch. 22

Robert di Nobili Italian Jesuit missionary; worked in India during the early 1600s; introduced strategy to convert elites first; strategy later widely adopted by Jesuits in various parts of Asia; mission eventually failedMacaoOne of the 2 port cities where Europeans were permitted to trade with China during the Ming Dynasty. School of National LearningNew Ideology β†’

Then and now essay sample

What are the major differences in your daily routine now that you are in school? When I was not in school I use to work the morning shift, and after work I had pretty much the rest of the day to just cook and play with the kids or just waste time, now I work β†’

California space heaters assignment

The company should weigh the costs of the bare bones option of the space heater. How should the product be priced?

Therapeutic communication

The interview was a discussion of the importance for the young voter to be involved in the upcoming presidential election." Rock the Vote's" purpose is to engage and build the political power of young people in order to accomplish progressive change in the country." Rock the Vote" uses music, popular culture and new technologies to β†’

Security system is said to be one of the most vital aspects in doing business

Security system is said to be one of the most vital aspects in doing business and ensuring the interest of the company and the welfare of all the employees. As for the case of Walter, a security guard in Bug, it is considerable that he has committed a wrongdoing against the company and to his β†’

Benefits of playing games

Playing sports and games will teach you many skills that you need in this tough life. And so, it is not true that sports and games do not have advantages for adults, since they decrease the stress, teach us skills that we need, satisfy us, and socialize our lives.

Question ideal cycle time (min./shirt) 0.5 0.5

68 Formulae Used Ideal Cycle Time Process which takes the maximum amount of time in the production chain Actual Cycle Time Inverse of total shirts produced per minute Manufacturing Lead Time Total WIP Inventory / Actual Production Capacity WIP Inventory Addition of all individual WIP inventories Production Capacity Number of shirts produced using ideal cycle β†’

Maturity the regard deserving of a leader,

Maturity is not when someone startsspeaking important things...it is when we start understanding insignificantthings just like the book called Ender's game Ender The novel covers a lot of Ender'schildhood, starting when he is a six-year-old kid who is powerless against hismore established sibling and consummation at some point after his tenthbirthday celebration, when he has β†’

Hemichannels; from the molecule to the function

Additionally, a growing body of evidences shows that HCs are involved in important and diverse processes, such PGE 2 release from osteocytes, glucose detection in tanicytes, T cell infection with AIDS virus, memory consolidation in the basolateral amygdala and release of nitric oxide from endothelial cells, among others. Accordingly, blockade of HCs reduces the cellular β†’

Living in the big city

Second, we have to make a lot of personal choices in life, and therefore, we have to learn how to solve a lot of personal problems, too. I know that I have to work on my ability to think first and to act after that if I want to be successful in problem solving.

Creating barrier free environment

One of them is about creating a barrier free environment for people with disability. And the myth which only says " appropriate actions are being taken to create barrier free environment for disabled" will become the actual reality.

Muhammad ali – king of the ring

In March 1966, Ali's draft status was updated and he became eligible to serve in the military. Acting on his own Beliefs made Ali the front runner of politically conscious athletes around the world Before athletes was featured in song and movie Muhammad Ali was the first to do it.

Protein structure and function

Introduction DNA polymerase is an enzyme that plays a central role in the synthesis of DNA molecules through the process of DNA replication. Hydrogen bonds and Van der Waal forces of attraction play a significant role in the tertiary structure of DNA polymerase.

Creating a flowchart design for the validation check process – lab report example

INPUT VALIDATION CHECKS ID] s INPUT VALIDATION CHECKS In the process of Taibert Corporation deploying the expertise of a programmer to develop an online data entry system that minimizes the level of knowledge required by the operator, it is important for the programmer to ensure that the data received and processed by the application is β†’

Jungian analytical psychology and the process on individuation

The counselling methods I would use to sustain this process, while client centred, would also need to be very creative and interactive on my part, as the counsellor; I would be making use of a variety of strategies within an environment of customised but constantly challenging and supportive at the same time. I would need β†’

Case study on aerospace

Aerospace opened the new ways for international trade and it is obvious that the development of the first prosperous international corporations started their growth with the improvement of the sphere of aerospace. Aerospace is an interesting topic for the analysis because the student is able to monitor the process of the conquering of the planet's β†’

Road rage: preventive measures

The feeling you may feel are a result of road rage. In conclusion, Road rage is a severe problem on the road ways and needs to be prevented.

Prison reform in the 19th century

The two types of prison reform in the early 1800s were meant to reform criminals through very strict methods. Like other reforms of the time, prison reform had advocates to only stuck to one idea.

My beach memories

As the ocean waves crash against me, I can still feel the sting of the fine ocean mist and the pungent taste of the salt as it sprinkles over my face. The fresh smell of the salty ocean water clears my sinuses as I synchronize my breathing with the ebb of the tide.

Information technology and explosive change

This is because of the immense contribution that information technology plays in the running of businesses and how integral information technology has become in the operation of businesses across the globe. Innovation in Production Over the years, the level of innovation that technology has brought in the running of companies is unprecedented.

My experiences in malcolm x college

As a student of Malcolm X College, since the fall of 1999, I can name many ways the knowledge that I acquired at Malcolm X College will help me in life. When I first enrolled at Malcolm X College, in the fall of 1999, I had just graduated from Senn High school.

According that economic growth is positively affected several

The policy makers of a large number of by inflow of foreign direct investment.countries engaged in studying and providing incentives The basic objective of the study is to examine to attract the inflow of investment, because it is assumed the impact of foreign direct investment on economic to effect the economic growth and development of β†’

Ebusiness case study

Can other corporations benefit from investing in e-business functionality to the same extent that Cisco has? A1. Yes, other corporations can benefit from investing in e-business functionality to the same extent that Cisco has.

Sony internationalist case study

How did Sony internationalist its R activities? How did Sony internationalist its R activities?


The discount rate is the interest rate that is used in the determination of the present value of all the future cash flows. In this case the inflation rate is used and the discounting rate and since there is nonpayment of a coupon ion the investment, the value of the investment will be the present β†’

Afghan national security forces essay sample

By then, responsibility for the security of the country should be transferred to the Afghan National Security Forces and a major drawdown of NATO forces will take place. Therefore, in Southern and Eastern provinces Islamist groups like the Taliban have their zones of influence.

Social role exit

Your Social Role Exit Your Social Role Exit According to Baugh References Ebaugh, H.R.F. Becoming an Ex: The Process of Role Exit.

Management info systems project wk3

E-Commerce And Supply Chain Management Dawn Chamberlain Corinthian's College 18th November E-Commerce and Supply Chain Management E-commerce is the process of buying and selling goods over the internet according to Bidgoli. Geunes researches on the application of supply chain and e-commerce in an organization.

Corporate financeassignment assignment

What is the value per share of the company's stock assuming the firm does not undertake the investment opportunity? 2. E EXERCISE 6 In the previous problem, suppose the company's stock has a beta of 1.2.

Swift’s satire on women in “gulliver’s travels”

Swift's Satire on Women in " Gulliver's Travels" Attacks on the fashionable vogues and vices of fop, fool, and coquette are common in social satires of different epochs. And in Book-II, when the Brobdingnagian farmer shows Gulliver to his wife, she, upon seeing such a diminutive creature as it appears to the giants, screams " β†’

The kenia vision 2030

But I am yet to see zeal in government for this vision outside the ministry incharge of it. And, yes, it is feasible to attain the noble aims of 2030 vision and beyond.

Victimology: analysis of law

This developed method of surveillance would help to curtail down the risk that this types of criminals impose on the general public. This prolonged monitoring would not suffice the need of the court to make the criminals led a proper life and prevent from committing such crimes in future.