400 Words Essay Samples

Creating community responsibility for child protection – possibilities and challenges

The outcome of the programs will be desirables will result since children will have a permanent home and gain stability in life which will be assessed by field survey. The child care by the families will improve and it will be consistent.

Native americans’ fate earlier and today

I did well on those questions which required greater historical knowledge, but on the later questions dealing with the living conditions of contemporary Native Americans, I was more likely to choose a wrong answer. The fact that I chose the incorrect answer to half of the questions on the quiz shows that my knowledge of →

Howard hughes corporation essay

00 -128. 00 -100.

Salesforce marketing cloud differentiators assignment

Good deliverability is the result of good email marketing practices and staying true to permission By using a shared IP it is possible that your mail could be blocked due to the poor practices of another client using the same IP as you. It's also in-house with ET vs outsourced Team tackles a wide range →

Ashford university

I really have fallen in love with my Dell desktop computer; so until I need to buy a new one I will just stick to what I know. Why? I really do love my Dell computer and do not really want to get anything new unless I had to.

Julius caesar

Ways Used by Conspirators to Influence Romans to Overthrow Caesar They tried to convince Caesar's closest friend such as Brutus by showing them how Caesar is an immoral leader. This was intended to make Caesar humiliated and that Rome citizens did not like him but this was not a true message from the Romans.

Describe the possible effects of two major unpredictable life events

Major life events- Predictable and unpredictable events Major life events can be positive and negative and can be unpleasant, frightening, confusing and unsafe at times. Predicted events of a teenager: When a child is born they are predicted to move on with their life and live it the best possible way they can.

Before who didn’t want to dedicate their life

The Supreme court vote ended in a 7-2 vote, agreeing with Roe's side of the argument, that criminalizing abortion infringed the fourth amendment. The Court stated that states would still hold interest in ensuring the health and safety of pregnant women, as well as the potential life of the fetus.

People of europe vs napoleon bonaparte

It is essential to remember that it was the dissatisfaction of the French people about the rule by the alliance of the Great Powers which helped the return of Napoleon to the land and it is essential to regard the interest of the people of France regarding the current decision to expel him to the →

Importance of swot analysis to newspaper companies

Use of SWOT analysis will help newspaper companies identify their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats facing them thus strategize to remain competitive in the market. After analysis of their threats and opportunities in the market, the companies will be able to set strategies that will help them make more sales and remain competitive in the →

Case study 4.1 vershire company

Outline the strengths and weaknesses of Vershire Company's planning and control system.2. The planning and control system also presents several strength and weaknesses which are going to be explained in the following paragraph: Strengths of the planning system: Divisional managers are required to predict market conditions and capital expenditures five years in advance and prepare →

Mental health court

This is viewed not to absolve or lessen the responsibility of the offenders for what they have done but to ensure that they receive the care they need with the supervision of the state if needed. The greatest realization of the day was that the critical issue of the day is not whether mental health →

Why the cold war never became hot assignment

Although cooperation between the United States and the Soviet Union was the main reason, there were other reasons to why it never resulted into another world war. The end of the Second World War resulted in the separation of Europe.

Fixed cost and variable cost

Fixed Cost and Variable Cost Fixed Cost and variable cost makes up the total cost of the business. On the other hand, a variable cost is a cost that is directly proportional to the activity of the business.

Electronics assignment

To measure the amount of liquid in a tank, the sensor measures the distance to the surface of the fluid. The system then measures the time for the echo to return to the sensor and computes the distance to the target using the speed of sound in the medium.

Children’s testimony as evidence

In contrast to that, being not able to realize all the importance and consequences of testimony, children behave intuitively just by the call of their hearts. As a rule child's vision of the surroundings differs from the view of adult person.

An abstract tool for abstract problems

If you noticed, we calculated it using Mathematics but not just counting hours and minutes we can do, the subject is beyond everything in the answers of all the problems. Geometric Sequence can also be used for various exponential growth problems like multiplying items and money, a typical problem like how much money you will →

Importance of training – assignment

Improving performance is also attributable to the desire of the employee to demonstrate the relevance of the training. Training is one of the ways to overcome these challenges.

The prosperity of a general public

Alma-Ata assertion expressly expresses the significance of wellbeing in broad daylight arrangement and wellbeing segment changes to address foundational issues that influence the strength of the society. The most widely recognized social determinants of wellbeing imbalance and grimness in Pakistan are area, proficiency, level of instruction, sexual orientation, and poverty.

Three men in a boat

They are unable to find the correct train at Waterloo Station so they bribe a train driver to take his train to Kingston, where they collect the hired boat and start the journey. The most frequent topics are river pastimes such as fishing and boating and the difficulties they present to the inexperienced and unwary.

Positive accounting theory flashcard

Positive Accounting Theory Sometimes abbreviated as PAT Explains and predicts accounting practice Does not seek to prescribe particular actions Grounded in economic theory Focuses on the relationships between various individuals involved in providing resources to an organisation Owners and managers Managers and debt providers Positive Accounting Theory Assumptions of PAT All individual action is driven →

Should the drinking age stay the same

Since drinking alcohol can make people feel more comfortable engaging in sex it can lead to a one night stand, and a handful of sexually transmitted diseases. The problem seems to be in their lack of guidance and or experience.

How has texting affected teenagers

The pros of texting are that texting allows teens to communicate with each other more often. This goes to show how much texting has grown in popularity and is a growing issue that effects teens everywhere.

How to get good grades

One crucial thing about test taking is that you should NEVER try to fit in all your studying the day before or the day of the test. First, record your homework in your agenda; the school gives the agenda to you for a reason.

Political science

The land grabbing presented by Israel with the aid of the United States is by far an atrocity to the International humanitarian law that prohibits the occupation of territories thought the transfer of Israel citizens to the occupied territory. The Electronic Intifada, 2014.Web.


The story of freedom is given from the first revolution in 1876, to the revolution of learned and intelligent blacks that led them to the so called Canaan. Throughout the years of struggle, he notes of the struggles, the defilement of black women, and the near crushing of the Negro family setting by the whites.

Questions about argument and enthymeme

The third is persuasion, which encompasses the presentation of facts and information likely to change the viewpoint of the other party. This is a successful argument, as it shows both sides of the argument.

The human experience

The human experience that relates to my life is being brought up in the country, and I mean out in the middle of nowhere; where nature is all around. Tranquility is what I want in my life at all times, and I feel that when I live in the country.

Ohhh…alright and despite the controversy about pop art,

Her eyebrow raised in attempt to depict heranxious beautiful face, clutching the reciver, offer many interpretations, butto mind of that is a woman almostdesperate and entirely engaged with the object rather that with person on theother end of the line. The use of comics appealed toLichtenstein, although he was not a fan and he could →

Describe the early years practitioner in supporting essay

Describe and Explain the Role of the Early Years Practitioner in Supporting Children's Moral and Spiritual Development. To support children's moral and spiritual development it is essential for the early years practitioner to praise and encourage the children's healthy behaviour.

Punishment under a utilitarian vs. retributive theory

After all, the true beneficence lies in the cure of the offender, and if this cannot be actualized at the end of the day, then the utilitarian process would have drastically failed. When one has to subject an offender to retribution, the argument is given that it is for the benefit of the offender.

Financial management

number: & Discounted Cash flows Analysis Net present value - p at i)t, wheret is time, ct is the annual net cash flow, t= 1 i is the discount rate p is the planning horizon Internal rate of return - p The value of r such that at / t = 0 t= 1 Payback →

Pinto pm college essay

It is a process that assigns resources in the required amount to each project activity. It is a useful tool for team members to determine inflicting uses and over allocation of resources prior to the start of the project.

Abraham lincoln the 16th president of the u. s.

He was the leader that signed the Emancipation Proclamation to protect and to gain freedom for African American slaves during the American Civil War. Lincoln was the one who has established the U.S.

Explain how the equilibrium wage rate in a labour market is determined both by the marginal productivity of labour and by influences upon the supply of labour

Therefore the price of labour is determined by the labour market and the forces of demand and supply play a key role in determining the relative wages. The equilibrium wage rate can therefore be defined as the point/price where demand for labour equals the supply of labour.

School calendar

Some of the reasons for this include: the ability for students to have summer jobs, the year-round system splits lessons up, and football two-a-day practices have to be held during summer break. My last reason for siding with the current calendar system is that football two-a-day practices would not be able to be held during →

Why mobile payments aren’t gaining traction with small businesses

Beyond the new EMV standard, mobile promises to make payments even more secure." Apple Pay is by far the most secure way to make a payment in general today," McKee says, noting that it uses biometrics and tokenization. The industry's hope is that once businesses upgrade from their old magnetic point-of-sale terminals to smart, EMV-compatible →

Comparison between male and female writers

Nevertheless, even though the central theme of most of the writings during the post-Civil War period talked about the injustices in the land of America, there are still marginal differences on the writings between the male and female writers of the said period. During the post-Civil War period, the writings of the male poets focus →

My school – my family essay sample

It's not pompous to say that CNN is one of the best schools in Hanoi. It is one of the annual activities of the CNN known as the festival of different languages a place for students of CNN to express their creativity and their love for the language.

Gnss vs total station) base for deformation monitoring of bridge

In this dissertation I will present the effective Deformation monitoring of a Bridge by the use of GNSS According to my research I have found that GNSS is faster and more accurate then the use of Total Station Deformation Monitoring. Aim: To investigate the relationship between the surveying instruments GNSS and Total station and the →

Writing assignment

This is the belief that one's safety and survival is a responsibility of one's self and not entirely other people's. People should learn to respect the leadership during disaster.

Advantage and disadvantage of performance appreaisal

Advantages and Disadvantages of Performance Appraisals There seems to be an ongoing debate as to the value of doing employee performance appraisals. A performance appraisal is an evaluation of Job performance over a period of time.

Level of accomplishment in writing

Prior to taking the course, I can consider my way of writing to be less focused based on the fact that I write in a manner that somewhat disregards any form of attachment to either personal emotions or that of the audience. Upon examining my progress through the course, I have come to a conclusion →

Compare and contrast two people whom you admire essay

Kelly, my English teacher when I was in Standard Six, and the other one is Madam Tan, the aunty who lives next to my house.Ms. Kelly is a gentle and quite person while Madam Tan is an active person.Ms.

International student

I find my campus life at this point as big and intimidating and I believe that living in a dorm would be an easy opportunity to meet new people. Furthermore, I believe that in this way I can also develop my interpersonal skills since everyone is required to learn how to get along with a →

College knowledge

There are 5 paragraphs to this part: Para #1, the introduction, should answer these questions in an interesting way: - Who is this person? - When and where did you meet or how did you become aware of this person? - What was this person doing when you met or first became attentive to him →

Reservation as a political tool

There is also a problem with the reservation that the developed communities also wants to take advantage of it. In 2015, Patil of Gujarat protested for OBC reservation, while Patil is the most forward community in Gujarat.

Dormitory towns

Pittston Pittston is a village and civil parish within the Lawlessly Vale district of Packinghouse, It is located at the foot of the Chillier Hills, about seven lies east of Lawlessly It directly adjoins the village of Ivanhoe, and the two villages share a number of their facilities. To compare two sets of related values, →

Thus charles ii distinguished themselves above all

But in the long run they defeat their own object, and find that by exclusive attention to their own happiness they have deprived themselves of the highest and most permanent sources of happiness. He is also in many cases rived to the lesser blessing of receiving kindness and assis tance from his fellow-men.

The poisonwood bible and the heart of darkness

A Comparison of The Poisonwood Bible and The Heart of Darkness The similarity between Barbara Kingslover's book, ' Poisonwood Bible' and Conrad's book, ' The Heart of Darkness', is that both these novels, " denounce the vices of Western imperialism through the adventures of White people in the Congo". In, ' The Heart of →

A paper on listening skills

In today's life we find it a bit difficult to make important decisions or to perform the tasks in a shorter p of time because we are used to taking our time in analyzing and understand the situation and then acting on it. The paper would talk about the skills of listening in detail by →

Case study partnership

As France was a key foreign market for the firm, In the early asses the top management for Tenured company decided to merge their several separate French business offices into one single head office in France. Internal factors: ere company decided that all local companies were to move to a new office built in the →


For example, a high school senior asked Joe what the chances were of getting 1 5 days of rain in the next month. What are the chances of getting 1 5 days of rain during the next 30 days?

Assignment efforts to reduce the budget deficit essay sample

2: Efforts to Reduce the Deficit, write a 2-3 page paper, formatted according to APA style as outlined in your approved style guide, discussing the actions taken by the Congress since 1985 to reduce the budget deficits. 2: Efforts to Reduce the Deficit, write a 2-3 page paper, formatted according to APA style as outlined →

The truth that everyone doesn’t accept, do you?

A topic for some people is the stain of society, a truth that many do not want to accept, a consequence of society and therefore is not accepted. In biological perspective, it is not bad that a person who born with these trend, and has accepted himself and his condition, and he just decides to →

Should cell phones be banned duringschool hours?

It's time for all of you to stop and give all the teachers and students a chance. No matter who you are, cell phones really do not need to be in the classrooms.

Course outline – promotion management assignment

Goal of the course The purpose of this subject is to provide students with an appreciation of marketing communications in general, and advertising in particular. Students will be introduced o marketing communications theory and concepts, and will learn how to apply these to the strategic design, execution and evaluation of marketing communications campaigns Delivery mode →

The toothbrush and toothpaste essay sample

The first record of the toothbrush was back in 3000 B.C. The concept of the bristle toothbrush came later on in the 5th century in 1498.

A rose for emily and this land is your land

While reading the story, the thing that first confused me a little was that- who is this ' we' narrating the story? I came to the conclusion that the narrator of the story might be the people living around Emily, that is, the public.

Density and right hand corner essay

The picture shows how the keg and keg blocks float and sink in water. On the picture, draw what you think would happen if you put the smaller block into the water.

The truman showconclusion

' The Truman Show Director Peter Weir has presented us with several memorable scenes and images in ' The Truman Show, which remain with us and help to convey the ideas he is trying to get across to the audience. The opening sequence of the Peter Weir's elm begins with a close up of De →

Where is waldo, really

A lot of the time, Waldo is hiding behind someone, like he does not want to be found. Does your Waldo stand out or hide in the shadows?

The success and failures of reconstruction essay sample

The reconstruction was successful in abolishing slavery and giving them the rights to protect them for instance the right to vote, speak, own property, make contracts, and have access to courts as parties and witnesses. Also there was the corruption, government stealing a percentage of the taxes and pocketing it which was not limited to →

Response to progress report

Due to the importance of the impending event, there are some instructions, which I want you to follow. In addition, I would like to get some recommendations from you, suggesting how to solve the problem of decline in charitable donations.

Wall-mart’s promotion of employees

Analyze this Wall-Mart campaign and explain its purpose, referring to the discussion in this chapter of the roles and functions of advertising. Wall-Mart's purpose with this campaign was to remove the misconception about the company, and promote a relationship between the employees and the consumers.

Why did william win the battle of hastings? essay sample

After the Battle of Stamford Bridge Harold had news that william had finally invaided and went down to hastings to prepare to fight William, but this was going to be tough, both men were desperate to be next King and there could only be one winner. In my opinion the main reason to why william →

Mlk and karl marx connections

However, with their new and unique views entering the human society, not everyone will accept and follow it. In The Night Thoreau Spent in Jail states: " I will not pay one copper penny to an unjust government!

Intro to financial management flashcard

Answer Correct Answer: tax management * Question 8 2 out of 2 points The process of managing a firm's long-term investments is called: Answer Correct Answer: capital budgeting.* Question 9 2 out of 2 points Evaluating the potential risks and rewards of investing in financial assets, such as domestic stocks, is part of which one →

Evolution essay

He published, On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection in 1859 in which he makes many contributions to the field of evolutionary biology. An example of variation within species would be the finches in the Galapagos Islands the variations of finches.

Case study on talent acquisition

The idea of talent acquisition is not only to attract the talented employees, who can bring profit to the company, but to train all the employees of the organization and develop their professional skills in the right way. Talent acquisition is a useful process, which helps the organization to employ the right person, who will →

George more wins as a yankee hurler

He teamed with Lou Gehrig to form what became the greatest one-two hitting punch in baseball and was the heart of the 1927 Yankees, a team regarded by some baseball experts as the best in baseball history. In 22 seasons with the Red Sox, Yankees, and Boston Braves, Ruth led the league in home runs →

Dictionary translates ancient egypt life

In addition, the article quotes many prominent Egyptologists and historians, who maintain that the dictionary is a significant for the modern people to understand the ancient Egyptian culture and for " mastering the texts from the Egyptians themselves" and not through their rulers.Dr. From some of the findings, the Egyptians believed that life after death →

The sympathy i can give isn’t enough

When we began learning about it, I was really interested in learning about the Holocaust because I wanted to learn more about World War II and the events that happened during 1933 to 1945. As I continued, reading about all of the the deaths and cruelty shown in the book, I began to feel sad →

Socrates’ concepts in philosophy

Socrates Answer to Question Socrates succeeded in showing the Sophists about the lack of validity of their theories of relativism and moral realism. The way Socrates defended the soul and its immortality to Cebes and Simmias in Phaedo somehow convinced them of the validity of the existence of the psyche.

Purpose statement of the study

The research will take a mixed approach of study that will take into account different surveys and facts obtained from interviews to capture the current education process and how much the patients understand it. The research will be conducted by use of a multiple case design for both primary and secondary data such as examples →

Advantages and disadvantages of government systems assignment

One advantage of the unitary form of government is it's a small government with less people so less tax dollars are used to pay government workers and more tax dollars go to the government. Some disadvantages of a unitary form of government are; there is slow government response because of being such a small government →

Egypt vs mesopotamia essay

In conclusion Egyptians and Mesopotamian's were two societies that were around the same time that seemed to have a lot of common structures in their religion, politics, and social standards. Mesopotamia and Egypt were the great societies that might not be here today, but because of their government, social system, etc.

In work my project on the security issues

Inthis globalizing world, Technology playing a preeminent role and the usage oftechnology and its evolution is increasing day-to-day in all fields. Inthis globalizing world, Technology playing a preeminent role and the usage oftechnology and its evolution is increasing day-to-day in all fields.


The second is Dharma which is the sum total of Buddhist teachings on how to view the world. In the Buddhist teachings are the three marks of reality which are constant change, lack of permanent identity, and the existence of suffering.

Separating water soluble and acetone soluble inks

The filter paper absorbed the water and the ink slowly spread to the top of the paper. We repeated these steps for both the water soluble and acetone soluble ink but when we did the acetone soluble ink, e placed the filter paper in an acetone-water mixture instead of Just distilled water.

Poe murders play

The whole first half of the show was about how each of his students were involved in a murder eerily similar to the stories written by Edgar Allen Poe. His life is in danger, so in a frightened state he gathers the students at his house.

Macbeth, internal conflicts

Three main conflicts were when Lady Macbeth pressured Macbeth into murdering Duncan, after Macbeth murdered Duncan and also after he murdered Banquo. An internal conflict also raged within Macbeth after he kills Duncan, and he later deals with another internal conflict after he had Banquo murdered.

Shakespeare’s twelfth night a play in the genre of comedy assignment

Twelfth Night begins to suggest that foolishness and triviality will be at the centre of the play from the beginning due to the many contextual connotations it has relating to the Elizabethan festival, also known as the ' Feast of Fools'. Furthermore, the historical connotations related with ' Twelfth Night, similarly confirm that ' foolishness →

The relationship between cancer disease and nutrition

This study seeks to investigate the long-term effect of low carbohydrate scores on the incidence of cancer in a prospective cohort study. The study reported an inverse association between the risk for colorectal cancer and intake of high saturated fat in women.

Civil war in tennessee: battles and leaders

Nashville was one of the largest cities and the leading war production center in the West. Johnston, the commander of the Army of Tennessee, was shot and bled to death.

Literary theory and criticism: investigating literature and literary study

A section on definitions and distinctions investigates literature and literary study; literary theory and literary criticism. Nevertheless, the distinctions between literary theory, criticism, and history are the most important Literary theory is the study of the principles of literature, its categories, criteria, and the like.

The ways of resolving conflicts

Since B.J.seems to be the leader of the male group in the cost accounting department, the objective is to convince him to accept the decision so that eventually, he can convince the others in the department. One will tell him about the plan to hire Regina Simpson and the reason why one believes that it →

Qualtrics added bitcoin reward option

The private research software company, Qualtrics has added bitcoin as reward option for the consumers who complete their surveys and to the enterprise clients which create the surveys in order to find out information on the taste of their target markets. Microsoft's Bing and Tango Card has also let its users of the search engine →

where will i put my million dollars? essay sample

I would like to donate 300, 000 dollars to helping the National Child Labor Committee because the working conditions are far too dangerous and extreme for a small child. I am going to help by donating a total of a million dollars to the meat industry, child labor, and deforestation, what will you do to →

The out of spotlight. at the mid-1980s onwards,

The reason lies in the new political conditions that have been caused by the intra-fundamental change from the phase of bipolarity to unipolarity, because of the finish of the Cold War and the prevalence of the U.S.as the main worldwide superpower. All the more particularly, at the interim between the finish of World War II →

Tragic hero in antigone

The characters Creon and Antigone both fit in to a few of Aristotles criteria of a tragic hero, In Antigone, a play written by Sophocles, they are both choices of tragic heroes. Creon is the king in the play, and he is definitely in a higher status than all of us, and his judgment on →

Accounting questions

66634The interest to be paid at the end of the accounting period is got by getting 7% of the carrying value above. The notes issue price is computed as follows: Present value of principal: Face value 100, 000PV of 1, n= 16, i= 3% 0.


Coupled with the advancement of the eloquence of the speech within quiet, loud, and reverberant surroundings, binaural against monaural listening normally advances apparent sound quality and decreases the prevailing effort listeners ought to expend in order to comprehend the target voice of interest. Significant problems of the acknowledgment of speech are mainly behavioral and subject →

Junot diaz treflection

I agreed with everything he had to say and I found the way he evoked his opinions, through casual conversation and a comical tone, to be very effective. As he was talking about this topic, I could not help but compare his style of writing to that of graffiti art.