400 Words Essay Samples

Human milk producing cows’ (science research paper)

Those purchasing would also be benefiting from this as the lack of the ability to produce human milk is not known to be uncommon and many women feel as if they cannot or literally are having great difficulty doing so. For another point, cow's milk is known to be unhealthy and intolerable for a human's →

Morrison (super market in uk) financial reporting

Morrison Financial Reporting Introduction According to the writings by Bull, it is d that investors should base their decision on whether to invest in a company or not by simply evaluating the company's financial position and prospects based on the financial position. The evaluation of a company's financial position primarily rely on financial ratios of →

Macbeth packet and calendar essay

List the pros and cons Of your decision and the consequences. Do you clearly show the pros and cons of each side?

How to tame a wild tongue

This says most cultures tell their young adults, in order to become successful working men/women in society you have to work hard and provide for your family. Then install those same principles that were given to you from your elders, and pass them on to your kids.

Preference of unorganized market over organized market

There is two type of market one is organized market and other is unorganized market. The stock exchange, the regulated market, produce exchange and bullion market, are examples of organised market.

Stock options paper

You look at Coke and Pepsi they offer there delivery drivers, and there salesmen stock options to give them that incentive to sell and delivers those goods. The two men who are in trouble neglected to record these stock options and therefore they mislead the investors.

Discussion 3

due: Discussion 3: Scenario being attentive to all patients In this video, the worker is not paying attention to the lady and her sick son. My views concerning this video is the worker was rude to the lady by the way he responded, by failing to maintain eye contact and doing other things when talked →


Most of the time they just stay Inside their homes on the computer or phones. People take all of this for granted, what would they do if there was a power cut and they could not watch TV or go on the computer?

International personality: oprah winfrey

She has been involved in several charity programs, as well as in the general commitment to raising the values of living for the less fortunate in the community and the world over. In any liberal country, the citizens of that nation practice freedom of speech in a manner that is indulgent.

Modern trade

The Globalization of Modern Trade The globalization of modern trade is different from early globalization based on the level of information exchange and the methods of managing the global trade. This is based on obtaining the ratio of a country's GDP or GNP to its trade.

Rotc class

90/PAGEOrder Nowwhat does the globe stand for? world wide servicewhat does the anchor stand for? naval traditionswhat are the marine corps colors? scarlet and goldname the two marine corps nicknamesleathernecks and devil dogsthe marine corps mottosemper fideliswhat is the english tradition of the marine mottoalways faithfulwhen is the marine corps birthday10 novermber 1775the birthplace of →

Assessement marketing octo assignment

Core Learning Outcomes for this assessment Core Learning Outcome On completion of this assessment you should be able to: Threshold Standards To achieve the learning outcome you must demonstrate the ability to: Core Learning Outcome 2 Appraise and contrast marketing theories and related information/data to enable the placement of effective marketing mix planning for a →

How to stop playing dota essay sample

Most of the youths today or even the average normal human adult gamers would say that there's no way that a certain DOTA player can stop playing it. They said these majestic words because they are already addicted to the game and they also they think that playing DOTA hardcore would make them a famous →


Acquisition engine comprises of several important elements, the most important element is the HR team and they should stick around for long, retaining them is extremely important and it is always important to have the core of the company stick around for long so that they can help the company achieve short term and long →

Role of religion in undeveloped countries

In the context of undeveloped countries, religion can serve as a means of alleviating social injustices such as corruption, inequality and crime. Even though religion is meant to enhance peace and prosperity in the society, it can also be a source of misery.

Violations of securities laws

Violations of Securities Laws Under Rule 10b-5 of the Securities Exchange Act that was implemented in 1934 makes it illegal for any person to make false statements of material fact or omit material facts that necessary in order to make the statement made, in light of the events under which they were made, not misleading →

Western civilization

Developments in agriculture were not enough to feed the whole French nation, especially in the cities, because the poor has always sufferred. Despite the advancement in agriculture and the use of modern agricultural techniques and " expected" increase infoodsupply, the prices of the food was still going up.

Business organisation at bettavalue supermarket essay sample

Describe how working practices at BettaValue have developed by completing the tasks below.a Describe the current organisational structure and the range of job roles. The current organisational structure is shown below: Question What does the structure now look like and also how do the job roles differ?

Law case

Pincus J found that the agent had been negligent in respect of the information relating to the property and that the vendors, as principal were vicariously liable for the acts of their agent under the general law, because he found that the agent was acting within the authority of the vendor, at least insofar as →

Slides marketing presentation starbucks assignment

Slide 15: One of the principles of Cataracts Is to recognize that profitability Is essential to their future success. So basically, their goal in the future is to achieve a bigger market share worldwide and create a bigger profitability.

Everledger to use blockchain technology for insurance purposes

Kemp state that cutting diamonds is a waste and loses value, " The perfect use case for the blockchain is most definitely when there is an immutable ID on a device that cannot be changed and it is sitting within an immutable ledger. She continues, " It would be a suicide attempt for us to →


Inventory turnover Inventory turnover= cost of goods sold sales can still be used in calculating inventory turnover, but the cost of goods sold is more robust than sales, because it gives the inventory cost value as opposed to sales which uses inventory market value. Prior year 1 Google had an inventory turnover of 377 and →

Sustaining overthrown and his rule ending, the economy

The economy and oil production deteriorationis a cause of the uprising political issues and events. Libya believes that with a few economic changes, which part ofit is generalizing and diversifying the economy away from the oil sectortowards a more general industrialization, will lead to sustainable growth inthe future for rising markets

Volkswagen india- marketing strategy in india assignment

CASE FACTS Entered Indian market in 2001 with launch of Skoda. Price Targeted mainly for the luxury segment in the Indian market.

Garrett morgan

He walked in the path of color, Did not taste a new kind of flavor, Wrapped in a slim black coat, Seems like living in a moat. You are like an ant, traveling in many ways, Guided not by the contours of the great minds, But the sting of a many a scorpions' tongues, Such →


The desire for exploration has led to some of the world's greatest discoveries. Curiosity and exploration are vital to the human spirit as they drive us to go places explore, and discover new things that we did not know were there until we explored and found out what was really in that place.

Common themes of edgar allan poe

In the short story, The Raven, the unnamed narrator is very alone by the recent death of his loved one Lenore. The narrator then tells the audience the raven stopped speaking to him and sits in his room and he believes that he will live in the shadow of the raven forever.

Why of farming and harvesting invention technique came

The Industrial Revolution went from 1760 to 1840 it was the big impact on the world we live in today because, it brought great changes throughout the world we live in. The reason why people began to build factories was to improve society and for it not to be hard but efficient and manageable.


The small farmers have developed a sense of participation in the good food movement and the satisfaction of offering something tangible to eat, to the local populace. The movement is not yet a big challenge to the giants of food retailing.

Applied safety engineering

A qualified individual has to determine the possibility and safety giving fall protection for the workforce that is erecting or taking to pieces the supported scaffold.b) The top rail must be between 38 and 45 inches. Access that is direct is allowed in a situation that the scaffold is less than 14 inches horizontally and →

Week 2 discussion

In this case, researchers choose the best method that achieve the goals of the research and aligns to What role does the research question play in choosing the sample? What does it mean to have a representative sample and why is this vital to the outcome of the study?

Consensus vs. conflict

Conversely, the conflict paradigm aligns the social structure as a means for powerful entities to continue their social domination, and it is this perspective that is most predominant in the United States. This indicates that the formal structure of society functions in great parts through organic means of social consensus and responsibility.

Module college essay

X-rays will reveal what is inside a wrapped mummy and the condition of the body. In addition to archaeologists, what types of scientists do you think study mummies?

Book review on a year in the south: 1865

Lecturer Book Review: A Year in the South " A Year in the South" is a story of the encounters of four southerners, with the dying moments of the civil war. The individual experiences of the four comes out in the form of a slave undergoing through a lot of misery, with his wife, in →

A successful life is being happy and useful…

To be successful you have to be happy and useful, I believe that a successful person, is most likely to be happy and useful, as happiness, usefulness and success, are a package deal, even though they are all different for different people. I believe that being useful is the main topic in this discussion because →

The use of microdermabrasion for acne

The result of any research is only as good as the data which are employed to arrive at the conclusion. It should have been more appropriate if the patients are studied individually in order to really assess if the process is able to reverse the secretion of oil glands which causes acne.

The story of tom brennan quotes

26 " that was the thing I could not get my head around there would be a tomorrow, and a day after that, and a day after that. How about you saying grace tonight? " 120 " And if you would asked me then what I thought, I would have said nothing or no one →

Henry ‘that government is best which governs least’”,

It heavily criticizes the American institution of government at the time and is also defined as a text to live by. Thoreau encourages civil disobedience because it is the ability to have a sense of rightness and moral conscience.

Serving size of carrots and snap peas(presentation)

Serving Size of Carrots and Snap Peas Carrots are naturally sweet, delicious and crunchy vegetables that are healthy additions you can make to the vegetable list in your diet. Nutrition experts have come up with a recommended serving size of both carrots and pretzels which we are advised to adhere to.

A family. in structure, there can be

A Tale of Revenge in The Cask of the Amontillado" The Cask of Amontillado" is a powerful tale of revenge. Montresor will derive pleasure from the fact that "...as Fortunato slowly dies, the thought of his rejected opportunities of escape will sting him with unbearable regret, and as he sobers with terror, the final blow →

Dell’s work-in-process case study

In fact, most of their goods in the beginning of the company were only partially finished goods." By the mid-asses Dell's work-in-process and finished goods inventory as a percent of total inventory ranged from 10% to 20%. Daniels thought: Because Dell's inventory turnover is high and its low inventory of finished goods, Dell can move →

Discussion board 3

Question 2 The red scare was the American worry of the stretch of communism. This worry and tension led to a significant desire to remove the communists from America and other parts of the world.

Us health policy

The former caters for the elderly while the latter provides coverage for many of the America's poor. The working poor are largely ineligible for any of these programs due to their age and income.

Health administration

An important measure involves the use of a combination of ratings and reports to determine the experiences of patients regarding the important dimensions of patient care, overall satisfaction with the services they received as well as the importance of each of the elements in relation to satisfaction of patient needs. Many operations are carried out →

“my god experience”

And those incidents changed my life and my views in life; I have opened my heart and mind to God. Because of those incidents a lot in my personality changed as well my views in life, I have become more responsible of my action I am aware of the problems of our family and most →

Global enterprise and innovation

Sony Corporation is one of the global leaders in the manufacturing and design of electronics products in the world. In order to turn their business around and achieve national growth the company needed to change.

Salem witch trials – bill of rights

" I plead the fifth!" this along with the courtesies included in the Bill of Rights gave the citizens of a newly founded country liberties that were not granted to them before. A prime example of these injustices is the Salem Witch Trials as described by Arthur Miller in The Crucible.

Ratio analysis memo essay sample

What do the liquidity, profitability, and solvency ratios reveal about the financial position of the company? What does the collected data reveal about the performance and position of the company?

The legislative branch

The Legislative Branch The legislative branch is the most powerful branch in government. The legislative branch, also called the congress, consists of the House of Representatives and the Senate.

Modern family

When a person needs guidance and substance in their life the easiest place to turn to should be, without a doubt, ones' family. The problem with that is not that we seek success for ourselves.

”the simpsons” sitcom essay sample

Question: ' Evaluate the extent to which the Simpsons follow the convention of a typical sitcom. The snow shows us that it is Christmas and the jingly music is of a celebrating nature.

The lives of children and the conscience of a nation

Kozol feels that everyone living comfortably at the expense of the ghetto must be aware of how their silence and inaction affects the lives of the ghetto's children. The people of the ghetto find hope in religion.

Concentration ratios

I also discussed the meaning of oligopolies and some of the firms that qualify as an oligopoly. The disadvantages and advantages of oligopolies and that they are bad for society.

Teenagers and parents essay

This way parents would understand and accept the changes that their children go through as they become teenagers; especially changes in friends, new technology, and the activities their teens want to participate in. What makes parents really mad, however is that some times they want to learn how to use new technology and teenagers do →

Factitious disorder

PERSUASIVE WRITING INTRODUCTION A persuasive essay is one where the writers chooses a side on particular argument or issue and tries to convince the reader to support the same side on the argument. Consistency: it is very important to be consistent when writing a persuasive essay because if you are inconsistent the readers will think →

Gcse geographical investigation

Is the area managed in order to conserve the environment in the Upper Derwent Valley? By answering these questions I will gather evidence and information about the Upper Derwent Valley, I will then be able to decide whether there is a need for management or stewardship in certain areas of the Upper Derwent Valley.

Should we have school uniforms?

One reason school uniforms should not be allowed in school, is School uniforms are very controversial because some people like them and some people do not like them. I also think we should not because this is america we should be able to pick if people should want to have school uniforms.

Mark twain

Only the boy and his friend, a runaway slave, represent the best of the United States men who light out for the country. McChesney, John."'The Autobiography Of Mark Twain': Satire To Spare".NPR.

Native science perspective

Education as the basis for the transmission of culture Through education, people intend to learn more about their culture and of others. This means that it becomes hard to learn the practices and beliefs.

Piramal solution was not an easy task. sarvajal

Sarvajal is at the cuttingedge of creating technologies and business practices in safe drinking watersector that are intended to make a simple market-based model which is feasiblein both rural and urban conditions. Howit all began and the technology used: 97 million people living in India lack access tosafe drinking water and are at the risk →

3 steps to overcoming just about every objection in sales essay

In most cases the answer will be rooted in one issue: The failure to overcome your prospect's objections. If you deliver your pitch without giving the other person a chance to respond to you, you are cheating yourself out of an opportunity to answer objections early on in the process.

Existential therapy

Another technique is Modification of Attitudes and it is done through directly sharing opinions, arguing and offering positive suggestions for the client. This is what the video showed it is about commitments and choices.

Health care marketing information matrix assignment

Source of Health Information Type of Health-Related Information Marketing Messages How the Consumer May Assess the Accuracy or Reliability of the Marketing Messages List the information source, such as Internet websites, WebMD, Meddled, or the news media. List one approach the consumer may use to verify the accuracy of the marketing message.

It together violently; or the great discovery

The sight of a forest catching fire by the dashing together of its branches in a storm may have prompted some primitive man, more ingenious than his fellows, to try to produce the same results by rubbing pieces of wood together violently; or the great discovery may have been due to the accidental collision of →

Online marketing of professional sports clubs assignment

A wide range of offerings was found in the frequency and type of media-related content and opportunities for fan interaction. No team website offered all of the categories; thus, many teams could extend the scope of media- related content and opportunities for fan interaction.

Police and cultural diversity

One of the first challenging issues that police professionals could encounter with regard to working with diverse populations has to do with a lack of cultural appreciation that can be exhibited by the police. Although this stands as a brief overview of to troublesome approaches and one potential solution, it must be understood that there →

Monarchy, of the government, and exercises effective political

A constitutional monarchy is a form of government in which a monarch acts as the solde of political power in the state and is not legally bound by any constitution. On the other hand, Absolute Monarchy is the political doctrine and practice of unlimited centralized authority and absolute sovereignty, as vested especially in a monarch →

On the world! most of people know its

But, I believe that the Loch Ness monster or Nessie does not exist because there is not evidence confirm that Loch Ness may exist. So, if there is Loch ness monster in the Scottish lake, we can know easily.

Gustav flaubert and ivan turgenev

He was able to recover from the past that he wanted to escape but then the conflicting part is that he falls for the wrong woman. He is now far from the old tradition and on his way to recuperating for a better future.

It is impossible to free india from the grip of corruption

But we did not appear to learn our lesson and today we are back into the clutches of yet another invader, corruption which we can and must battle out. And this is the beginning of a revolution for the change immutable to have a corruption free India.

Romeo and juliet assignment

Assignment in Romeo and Juliet Act Ill Scenes 1 & 2 Submitted by: Shimmies Yokes Scene 1 Question 4: Mercuric is related to the Prince and he is my friend. Question 2: Juliet is surprised when she hears that Table is dead.

Africa exploitation by the west and the danger of a single story

The paper " Africa Exploitation by the West and The Danger of a Single Story" is an excellent example of a movie review on culture. African based books were difficult to find, and thus she grew to have a single story regarding the content of books.

S statements to john proctor about his

When all of the talk about witchcraft troubles her uncle, Abigail thinks she should be the authority. When she says, " Uncle, the rumor of witchcraft is all about; I think you would best go down and deny it yourself," she is showing her knowledge of social situations and giving her uncle, who is much →

As it is excepted of every person

So, for this need to be fulfilled, it required that certain basic rules were made, these rules become the law of the land, and in order for chaos to not ensue, it is excepted of every person to uphold that. Therefore, it was seen, early on, that there ought to be some sort of institution →

Honesty, humility and humanity essay

It is said, ' honesty is the best policy'. Humility is a great aid in the building of character.

The learning process – ptlls level 3

6 The Learning ProcessIf you are delivering and form of teaching/training, you need to have the skills and knowledge to enable the learners to learn in the most appropriate way for them to meet their objectives and individual learning needs. Throughout the teaching I will incorporate times for learners to think and reflect, participate in →

Multichannel service marketing assignment

Multinational service marketing Basically, multinational marketing is using many deferent marketing channels to reach a customer, each channel is a existing form of selling, like a retail store, a web site or a mail order catalogue. Besides, multinational marketing makes each channel can help to promote the other channels; for example, web site and phone-Len →

How are female gender and identity constructed in the works of classical chinese literature

In traditional Chinese culture the women were considered inferior to men and were not given the power of decision making. She is represented as the traditional Chinese woman weaving on a loom, but when the occasion demands she is able to do the job of a man with the same efficiency.

Evolution of public relations assignment

In the beginning as the colonies of the New World expanded, so did the usage of early forms of public relations. There has been an Increase over the last several years for international public relations in both developing international expertise of PR practitioners and opening global opportunities for those prepared.

President theodore roosevelt: biography

Roosevelt's domestic policy was shaped by enforcing the Sherman Antitrust Act, the first piece of federal legislature to outlaw monopolies. Yet another piece of Roosevelt's foreign policy was the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine.

Voice vs. data

When you send an SMS message, the message flows through the SMSC, then to the tower, and the tower sends the message to the phone as a little packet of data on the control channel. This equipment and your computer translate the analog signal of your voice into a digital signal.

International marketing plan

Price Pricing, which is one of the P's of marketing, will determine the right price that a company will place its products at and ensure that theyretain, attract new customers and remain competitive in the market. The retail price will factor in the cost of production and distribution and a price that ascertains profitability will →

Cost schedule

BS1 Initialization of the project The project approval by the board of directors and allocation of funds by the accounting department to the project manager BS2 Planning the project BS2. 1 Review the needs of the company, to ascertain the appropriate wireless access point systems to be installed.BS2.

Gadgets that people use

Nokia is facing a sudden downturn in the cell phone industry market and to revamp its growth and profits, Nokia should redefine its Marketing strategy as per the customer needs and requirements and should develop products which have all the features that customers would like. The Headquarters of Nokia is situated in Finland and has →

Relaxing place

The mountains are the most relaxing place in the world. One of the things you can taste in the mountains is a honeysuckle flower.

Succession planning case study

One major difference in the successful leadership succession process is the how the flow of information works between the current leader, and the one that will soon take over. Despite the importance of leadership succession, most companies do not do a better job of leadership succession because at the heart of succession liepersonality, ego, power, →

Protein article research

Animal foods such as meats, cheeses, and dairy products are complete sources of protein, while plant sources are an incomplete protein source because they are low in at least one of the essential amino acids. Although getting just the right amount of protein is healthy for the body, getting too much can be harmful.

Case study ebay

In 1 996 the number of registered users are 41, 000 and it went up to 341, 000 in 1997 with a registered growth of 832 percent. In 1999 the growth registered at 459 percent compared to 1998 with a registered users of In the year 2000 the growth registered at 225 percent from the →

The decision to use nuclear weapons on japan during wwii

However, many historians have been in the limelight trying to get to the core of what triggered the use of the weapons, which had never been used before; instead of having negotiation talks, Truman, the man behind the use of the bombs, had many reasons at mind in the power that the attack would effect →

Characters in books can reveal the author feeling

The wild lavishness of Gatsby's parties and the shallowness and purposelessness of the lives of the guests all kills Gatsby on the inside. Myrtle and Gatsby both want to be part of the same elite crowd.

The beat generation

The central theme is o en of the struggle of to being conformed to the Americancultureand society of the ass's and ass's, the suffocating need to find their true identity and not be smothered into obedience. They wanted to be heard and " subsequently presented themselves on the granite s tepees of the madhouse with →

Are teachers professionals

Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to: 1. Commitment to the Profession- the education profession is vested by the public with a trust and responsibility requiring the highest ideals of professional service.

Two-phase solid spheres settling in a line,

5For a sedimenting solid sphere in a stagnant viscoelastic fluid with shear-thinning viscosity, an interesting phenomenon may happen: the appearing of a negative wake downstream the particle, i.e.the flow moves in a direction opposite to that of the sphere. However, surprisingly, the negative wake is not related to the separation of two solid spheres settling →

Baskin-robbins case study

Baskin-Robbins is famous for its 31 original flavours of ice-cream, which were created in the very company, though the choice of ice-cream is extremely rich and one can choose anyone he can imagine. One is supposed to learn about the strong and weak sides of the work of the company and pay attention to the →

Stanley are actually “rhinestones”1 on a “tiara”1,

As soon as Stanley finds out the ' truth'about Blanche he proceeds to torment her for the rest of the play which leadsher to insanity at the end of the play. Yet again, inscene 5, Stanley acts as though he is trying to find out the truth aboutBlanche by mentioning " hotel Flamingo" 1, when →

Medicinal plants essay

And also to produce alternative medicines using herbal plants instead of chemicals the main source of this procedure is guava leaves and sodium hydroxide and lavender scent.B. This study is the way of promoting verbal medicines instead of using medicines made out of chemicals.