400 Words Essay Samples


He seems to have a great passion and enthusiasm for the subject he is teaching a quality in teachers which I greatly admire. I hope he continues to be just as awesome of a teacher as he has already proven to be, and that he continues to learn and grow throughout all of his experiences.

Bass river

In " The Bass, The River, and Shelia Mant the narrator is in love with a girl he meets at his cottage in the summer. In " The Bass, The River, and Shelia Mant" and " Catch the Moon" the female characters have a direct impact upon the lives of the male protagonists.

Professional and maximum allowed

Currently Used: 0 characters. Currently Used: 0 characters.

Under let us assume that both usa

Actual rate of exchange can deviate from the mint parity only by what is termed the " gold points", that is, the cost of sending gold from one country to the other. Similarly, the exchange rate beyond which gold starts moving from USA to India is the " gold export point" for US dollar and →

Comparison between wind and other poem

This could be the sun, the main character in nature, controlling them without choice, this takes away the sense of fear and the negativity of the ' bandits' and creates a positive image. Both ' Wind' and ' Below the Green Corrie' clearly share the same structure in terms of the negative openings to each →

Literary analysis plan example of a pl assignment

The second thing that motivated Coral: Jessie disclosed to Coral that she was pregnant, and Coral told her It was k. Coral was already holding in her emotions, and the death of Jessie was all it took for her to have an emotional outburst like she did.

Percentage of civil engineering freshmen

Overview This programmer is designed to equip graduates with the knowledge and skills to work at a high level in the design and construction of major infrastructure projects. Our students and graduates Our students are recruited mainly from the civil engineering profession and are typically looking to broaden their knowledge base, extend their technical expertise →

Benidorm study

The marina hotel is in Benidorm near the beach I am doing this study because I have to, in this study I will investigate problems the tourist industry has on Benidorm, cover people's opinions, work out possible solutions to some problems. I hope you enjoy my geographal adventure into Benidorm.location Marina hotel Marina hotel →

Ecuadorean valentine roses

So as per consume requirement government of that country can impose trade sanctions and ultimately they will increase the value of the product and make high belief in the products and which obviously increase the sale volume for the organization who are doing business in the ethical way properly. Government of Ecuador should made proper →

Summarize the article

A diversity officer needs to closely coordinate with the company head of Human Resources, who is the one who can impress on the CEO the need for workforce diversity. Doyle says that she has a good grasp of all the areas of business at Aon, and a good relationship with her peers, both necessary to →

Analysing the profitability and liquidity of super assignment

Comparability According to Johnson, comparability is the ability for ' users to compare similar companies in the same industry group and to make comparisons of performance over time'. As for the horizontal comparability, we can see that in the same year of 2011, the SOL's PM is 8.

Authorship in tv

Auteurism, however, has been criticized in its application to film and TV show making because the creation of a film or show involves a lot of people in its production process that it would be difficult to say that a certain individual was solely responsible for the authorship or creation of the film. It is →

Cartoon interp

The person in the cartoon is, Woodrow Wilson 2. The part of the Treaty of Versailles the cartoon is commenting on is the settlement.

Essay on preparation of presentation outline

The first stage in preparation of effective presentation outline is to identify the overall purpose. The fourth stage is to add color and flavor of the presentation.

The mother of modern dance

Known as " The Mother of Modern Dance", Martha Graham innovated a new system of movement, which is a series of " contract and release". As part of Martha Graham's technique, she used the method of breathing through movement called " contract and release".

Gilgamesh essay

In the Epic of Gilgamesh, the anonymous author uses symbols, such as Humbaba and the Bull of Heaven, to represent the fear and struggle that the characters experience in the story. In the context of the ongoing battle of good versus evil, the author allows good to prevail in spite of Gilgamesh's internal conflicts.

Symbolism in chekhov’s “the lady with the dog” and “the bishop” essay sample

Consider the bishop's young niece Katya: Chekhov does not have her knock over several dishes clumsily because he's bored, he does it to enhance the authenticity of the story, and it does. When he returns to Moscow it is beginning to look like winter and feel cold; metaphorically cold without the warmth of the love →

Opportunity cost: definition and examples

Opportunity costs are always expressed as the value of the option foregone and not the option itself. Opportunity cost ought to be, and is, a fundamental part of decision making and forms the backbone of the argument about the benefits of trade.

Mindless eating essay

After the match was over Stewart punched chad in the face a few times and they got into it pretty good. It was a great experiance for me i would never been to one of the races before and if i ever get a chance to go watch Chad beat Stewart again im definatly gonna →

Fitbit options of choosing substitutes such as smartwatches

As a result, Fitbit occupies the 77% marketing share in fitness tracking industry in 2015, competing with big companies such as Nike and Apple. In addition to other fitness tracking devices, users also have the many options of choosing substitutes such as smartwatches and smartphones to track their steps and health data.

Power in my life

The sources of power that I have used in my life are personal, collaborative, co-powering and transcendent. Alongside the ones I am currently using, the sources of power I expect to use in the future are ideological, expert, institutional and positional power.

Cultural differences in the perception of geometric illusions

The last example used in the stimulus is the horizontal-vertical illusion, in which observers have the tendency to perceive the vertical as longer than a horizontal line of the same length when the lines are perpendicular. Herskovits." Cultural Differences in the Perception of Geometric Illusions." Science, New Series, Vol.

Al dunlap at sunbeam

What they did not have was time, as Dunlap gave only 6 months for new products to be researched and to be brought into the market. As a result, the shareholders' incentive was lost, and he could not get more capital.

Paralegal class

Checks and balances are put in place to make sure that each of the three arms of the government, the legislature, the judiciary and the executive, does not have too much power. The president or the civil servants do not have the power to absolve themselves of the acts of crime should the congress decide →

The truth in writing: invent or imitate?

I also think it's important to put emotion and hardship so the reader can feel these emotions deeply rooted into the writer and experience what the writer feels and thinks about. It takes you on a mental and emotional journey and makes you question what is right and wrong as a person in the perspective →

Free article review about the need for alternative energy

In recent years, considerable attention has been paid to the development of alternative fuels due to the continuous depletion of non-renewable energy resources, emission of greenhouse gases and soaring costs of petroleum. Recent advances in the field of biology and applied technologies have greatly increased the possibility of the production of biofuels using this vast →

Marketing assignment

9- List and briefly describe each of the major forms of direct marketing. Pick a mode of entry, explain your marketing strategy, and comment on the possible difficulties you might encounter.

The study: weight is a force caused

Apparatuses needed: Labcoat- for safetyPaper- to be folded into a paper helicopter Paper clips- to add the mass and weight of Scisors- to make the paper helicopterStopwatch- to record the time taken. Drop it, record and writeRepeat for 2 more times3 paper clips should be clipped to the helicopter Drop, record, writeFind the averageConcludeResultsnumber of →

The effects and development of adolescent females reared fatherless

The issue of single parenthood causes certain problems in the life of a kid and a different set of problems in a teenager's life. A very recent research study by Rebekah Coley in the BPS Research Digest highlighted the fact that there is actually a significant role and effect of fathers on the life of →

A comparative analysis of the dependency theory, modernization theory and the world system theory

This purpose of the paper is to review difference between Modernization Theory, Dependency Theory, and World Systems Theory as well as selecting the theory that best explains social change by giving reason. Modernization theory describes the progress and development of technology in developed nations of the world.

Sears holdings’ retail industry

The corporate level strategy of Sears is to be an integrated retailer of diverse products and services. The business level strategy of the company is to pursue Lampert's two platforms, Shop Your Way and Integrated Marketing.

When and why to think about retirement and estate planning

When and Why to Think about Retirement and E Planning Affiliation: When should you start to think about retirement and estate planning? Action should also be taken immediately because of the uncertainty of the future and what may happen to an individual's job and hence the retirement saving's may come in handy in case of →

Operant conditioning or instrumental conditioning

He distinguishes between respondent behavior and operant behavior, the former being elicited by specific stimuli and the latter being emitted spontaneously by the organism, such as the random pecking behavior of pigeons. A desired target behavior can then be reinforced, which increases the likelihood of this behavior can be punished, which decreases the likelihood of →

African childbirth traditions

In the majority of African communities birth is a meaning-laden event both for the parents and the community as a whole. In African society the birth itself will generally take place in the house of the parents, or, in the case of the first born child, the house of the Mother's or Father's parents.

Bestech australia – chemical engineering lab equipment

Hilton Ltd is a leading brand name in the provision of educational teaching equipment for engineering. This lends itself to its motto: 'Engineered to enthuse, educate and endure' We enthuse students by making engineering theorems come to life in the lab by our equipment We solely focus on products that educate meaning our range is →

Isis informative speech essay sample

So today I am going to better help you understand who ISIS is, how they came to be, and why they are a threat to America. They have a growing hatred for America Conclusion Today I have told you who ISIS is, how it came to be and how it is a growing threat on →

John locke assignment

The right of Revolution is the right or duty of the people of a nation to over throw a goverment that acts against their common interests. The concept of the right of revolution was also taken up by John Locke in two treaties of goverment as part of his social contact theory.

Physical aactivity at work/study places — barriers

This is as a result of the built-in environment whereby people live a sedentary life in buildings and closed spaces such as offices, classes for students or homes. Lack of skills and fear of injury are other reasons for failure to exercise.

Same sex marriage should be legalized essay

A lot of the arguments against same sex marriage have a lot of facts that prove them wrong and a lot of the arguments a just people's personal beliefs. The biggest argument is that marriage is a sacred institution of union between a man and a woman and that churches will be forced to perform →

Organizational design article analysis

Organizational design is focused on development and training of individuals within the workplace of an organization. This is where organizational psychology is important, and will remain so for the future.

Discussion and respond – dissertation example

These factors motivate the employees to work and continue their relationship with the organization. These factors which are harmful for the employees and their health are creating chaos in our minds.

Change in time

This year I was more independent as a student and more individual in my writing and assignments. I was also able to truly realize what I could do on my own as a writer." Children have got to be free and lead their own lives".

Biotechnology in pop culture assignment

In order for Dandy to combine animals she uses a genetic engineering lab equipped with some sort of splicing machine used to separate the different DNA of animals then combine it to make a whole new animal. Also Dandy uses many different tools and techniques to achieve the combination of two different animals.

9th grade student rep

But I can listen to what you, the students have to say, and pass it on to the faculty. The only promise I can make is that I will do my hardest to help you, the students, have a memorable school year First off I want you to know what a Student Rep is and →

Density determination lab report essay

LAB REPORT #1 DENSITY DETERMINATION CHEMISTRY INTRODUCTION: The purpose of this experiment is to find out the density of the unknown solid object by determining the mass and the volume through the experiment. 5 Volume of Unknown: 7 Volume of Unknown: 6.

Motivation and applied performance practices – dissertation example

This is largely reflected from the behaviour of Wendy who is largely de motivated following the spate of events and resorts to unusual behaviour with colleagues as a result of de motivation. The behaviour of the employee is largely an outcome of employee motivation and job satisfaction.

The cfo & the performance and budget review

The company president is reviewing the performance and budget of the marketing department with the vice president of marketing. If budget is over or underutilized then VP Marketing can give its justification and on the basis of whichperformance of entire marketing department can be evaluated.

Dream college

This major is to be able to become a teacher for small kids and to be able to teach you will need to get a master's degree. It also has a variety of majors to choose from and it can be affordable.

Salem witch trials assignment

There have been many theories and explanations proposed on the reason for the girl's fits during The Salem Witch Trials, yet still to this day scholars are unsure for the true reason behind it all. Finally, many scholars believe that the reason behind the fits was because of the Puritan lifestyle of the girls.

On relation between a book and a topic

The violence, killings by the death squads, financial turndown and worsening political situation of Guatemala forced its natives to immigrate to United States of America Hector Tobar's book " The Tattooed Soldier" is a heartfelt story of tragedy and revenge. It shows us the real picture of the poverty stricken and depressing lives of the →

Why use a smart phone

Although I think that E-book is popular nowadays, you do not need to buy it if you have a smart phone. In conclusion, smart phone to me is a good study tool.

Argumentative on breastfeeding

Having a child is the most natural thing in the world to most women. Breast feeding is the the most healthy food for a newborn child.

Non-gap case study

It is simple to use and understand the non-GAP financial measures. As such, this presentation of non-GAP financial measures may not enhance the comparability of the Company's results to the results of other companies.

How would the foreign corrupt practices act come in toplay in terms of globalized ethics

This provision also applies to foreign firms and nationals residing within the US and who are caught in the act of bribery. The act includes issuers whose securities are registered in the US even of the person or the organization is outside the US territory.

Learning theory and online technologies by linda harasim

It is important to highlight that this book review delves in the discussion of the key points that are in the chapters 8 and 9 of the Harasim publication of 2012. Another area that is envisaged in the chapter is the online learning modalities that are used in the various institutions, history on the origin →

Good man assignment

I chose to write about artichokes and their cultural significance, because they are one of my favorite foods and a large part of my family food traditions. Because of my own relationship with artichokes, the paper was fun to write.

Persuasive wirting/letter

I know that as the Commanding General of the greatest fighting force ever assembled, you have the unique talent to think beyond the visible horizon. The US Army is the largest consumer of fossil fuels in the world.

Brief history of grace kennedy flashcard

John Grace realized that Grace Limited in Jamaica was not itself a failing concern but that it was being divested in order to relieve the pressure from the parent company in New York. Grace Foods and Services Company is a member of the Grace Kennedy Group of companies, the Caribbean's leading manufacturer and distributor of →

Dianna abdala

Abdala's Mistakes She should have used a richer channel ofcommunicationfor delivering her decision to not accept the job offer. For instance, she could have scheduled a day to go by and tell Korman in person.-Challenging his credibility as a lawyer -Accepting the job offer, if what Korman said is true, before putting careful thought into →

Ethics during change

The intention is to have every employee to consent to the change. In implementing change, it is the welfare of the organization that is mainly considered.


Apartheid was the term given to the political, legal and racial segregation or separation system enforced in South Africa from 1948 to 1994 by the National Party government. Instead they wanted to determine and restrict the rights of the majority non-white people and that formed the philosophical basis of Apartheid.

Only fools and charlatans know everything and understand nothing

Thus, I decided that I have to change some things in my life to implement the ideas. I know that your school has an excellent swimming team and facilities so I am eager to bring out my best for the school's benefit.

What about and also theinformation to put

I really never knew about the portfolio untilshe told the class it is a reference when you apply for a job. I startedlearning a lot of vocabulary words I did not know about and also theinformation to put in the portfolio I did not know about either.

Case study mac pc

With consideration to the mission statement, Apple could analyze the external environment to compare their mission and strategy to their competitors, HP andDell, who hold the largest worldwide market share for PC's. Recommendation With the intention of Apple assessing threats and opportunities in order to increase its global market share for the Mac PC brand, →

Crime scene investigation as a career

The main job of a CSI is to document, identify, and collect physical evidence at a crime scene. The Crime Scene Investigator should examine the scene and speak to everyone who got there first on scene taking notes as to anything that has been changed, moved, or altered in anyway.

Engineering essays

Writing compelling and logical essays is the key to the successful completion of your degree. Start your essays with the style of writing is simple and easy to understand.

To letter of recommendation for the truly

Bearing in mind the profundity of his experiences and his sophisticatedperception of life, Vaibhav possesses an extraordinary maturity beyond hiseighteen years. He was thetopper in the grade 11 in the subject Mathematics.

Legal memo

I chose to say contributory negligence because we cannot deny that cases of beer were not properly secured In our vehicle, proving that It was some percentage of our own default.'The plaintiff will be barred from recovering damages if the Trier of fact finds that the contributory fault on the part of the plaintiff is →

A dream is a wish your heart makes

And as you are on your journey towards your dream you will come across people who will condemn you for thedreamsyou dream and for the thing you do. Life may look like you are at the edge off cliff about to fall but just stop an feel the water spraying on your face the wind →

Research proposal on technology in nursing

Use of technology in the nursing profession would be useful in reducing errors made by nurses at various levels of providing of care. The objective is not instituting technology for the sake of technology but creation of a more effective and safe system of healthcare that gives nurses a chance to take care of the →

Is mr. webb naive

James Webb was a former chief of the National Aeronautic and Space Administration which is well-known as NASA.Mr. As the nation mourned, he went personally to President Lyndon Johnson and asked that NASA is allowed to handle the accident investigation and direct the recovery from the accident.

Business situation presenting ethical and legal issues

The Recognition Theory of Rights, Customary International Law and Human Rights. Developments in criminal law and criminal justice.

Emergency care practitionera

I feel that I would be able to contribute to this ever-changing environment of Emergency Care Practitioners as I have gained a certain level of experience and proficiency in the paramedic's section and the knowledge I gained from the paramedic department will give me an advantage in working in Emergency and Ambulance services department. The →

Crime, housing and detroit essay

In conclusion, Detroit's existing housing problems is a product of the decline in the safety and quality of neighborhoods and also contributes to it. Thus, there is a need to address concerns at both ends of this spectrum to be able to effectively revive the local housing industry which will in turn improve social conditions →

Teachers should be required to take a training course

Clearly teachers should be required to take training courses every five years, because they do not know new methods, evaluations are not effective, and some teach the bare minimum. So I believe teachers should be required to take training courses every five years, because they are not learning new teaching methods, evaluations are not effective, →

Manual handling essay sample

Legislation: There are various pieces of legislation that cover moving and handling * Manual Handling Operations Regulation 1992 * Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 * The Health and Safety At Work Act 1974 These legislations covers everyone involved in lifting objects and people, and this is to ensure the number of injuries is →

Dependency and modernization theories and global economic structures

The Modernization theory of socio-economics posits that the developed world, being more developed technologically and financially, plays a large role in the evolution of developing nations, namely providing financial and technological aid, and sometimes advice concerning political restructuring, to less-developed nations, thereby accelerating progress and eventually elevating these nations to the same level as First →

The norton anthology of world literature

Genesis and Gilgamesh describe the flood at a global extent and there are somehow different in terms of the narrative description of the floods. In addition, Iliad describes the heroic lives of Achilles and Hector with glorifying narration.

False identity or misrepresentation in social media

Similarly, it is unethical to adopt the identity of another successful organization as doing so tends to bring harm to the reputation of the owner of the cloned identity. Here, the issue was not being handled ethically as there were no rules about the implication of ethical standards and nobody was there to keep a →

Case study on addison’s disease

The student is expected to evaluate the danger of Addison's disease for the human life and define the most appropriate methods which would be helpful to cure and prevent the disease. One can rely on the help of the web and a free example case study on Addison's disease analyzed by an expert online.

A comparison of colombian and cuban writers

It is somehow allegorical and metaphorical both to contend with, on how Marquez evolves his story from it and weave a philosophical allusion towards life, death, and love, the last of which has never been presented as understated in all his stories. The story is simply told with the unmistakable morals of living life to →

The economical position of argentina

After 1880 it began to experience swift growths through the export of livestock and grain commodities as well as through Britain and French investmen, marking the beginning of a fifty-year era of significant economic expansion and mass European immigration. Furthermore, integrating all of Argentina into the world economy will be important to expand the gains →

Athlete’s remember this, once the fungus inhabit your

This love for moisture is the reason why the fungus just loves the environment inside your footwear especially rubber shoes that are not often aired out and dried properly. It is also so much easier for the problem to spread to other areas of the foot when you are scratching and touching the affected area.

Connective tissue nevi

Objective: Characterize the clinical and histopathologic features of CTN and to highlight a spectrum of clinical disease. Type C, of the 3 cases, two were related to mixed forms and one to cellular form.

Cultural heritage

My dad also came to America not only because of that, but because the guerrilla unit had put him in the list of the people they were going to kill. The Mayans were very dedicated to building their temples and works of art.

Constructivism in teaching

I would like to implement principle 3 and 5 of the constructivist approach into my classroom. I definitely feel like the constructivist approach would be better for my students when it comes to assessments.

There from a place to another and

The Advantages of Railway Transport are as Follows: Transportation by the means of railway ensures safety for the desired goods because unlike the road transports a train only stops at a desired station instead of the will of the driver. Because railway transportation is cheaper as compared to air and road transport, goods can be →

Eating habit

Based on the readings why is it important for individuals to have a food journal Using the information from a food journal how would you instruct others to avoid certain food or practice good food selection for overall health Having a food journal is very much important especially for individuals who want to keep track →

Essay on year round school

One of the most important to me is that if all schools switched to a year-round schedule, it would not only help our education, but it would also make it so much easier to plan those long vacations. Most of the time, if you plan any sort of vacation during the school year, you take →

Ap out of many text chapter questions essay

Discuss the roles played by the rising merchant class, the new monarchies, Renaissance humanism, and the Reformation in the development of European Colonialism. Make a list of the major exchanges that took place between the Old World and the New World in the centuries following the European invasion of America.

Multi-drug-resistant has it sneezes, coughs or breaths;

It is also common to for people to have it that have been in places where MDR TB is common such as homeless shelters, hospitals and possibly schools. The social impact of this disease is hard because those who have this disease have to stay in a place far away from people that they will →

Are we too dependant on technology

As a result of which a question is posed to all of society, or those mainly In use of technology, are we too dependent on technology? Regardless of whether you believe that technology is taking us over, helping the world drastically or Just do not care as long as It does what It's supposed to.

Libra vs. jfk movie essay sample

The profound effect it had on Dillon is evident in an interview where he states that " it's possible I would not have become the kind of writer I am if it were not for the assassination." The assassination left him with the feeling that he had lost a " sense of manageable reality" which →

Definitions connected to call-option

In the money is a situation where the strike price of a call option is below the market price of the underlying stock or its put option is above the market price. Out of the money is a situation where the strike price of a call option is higher than the market price of the →

Aclu’s arguments in the article, aclu and nambla: a match made in hell

The ACLU is a supporter of NAMBLA; they represented the organization in the civil case related to murder mentioned in the summary. For the ACLU to represent a group of people that are going on a sex retreat with young boys is unbelievable.