400 Words Essay Samples

What are the differences between school performance, operation and challenges before and after the p1 status

The school's previous performances and consideration of all options should serve as the guiding principle on the identification of the most effective strategy to address the identified needs. The education sector in the United States has witnessed considerable changes in academic performance especially after the introduction of P1 status.

Wikipedia partners with coinbase

By using Coinbase, the Wikimedia Foundation can now accept bitcoin donations and is able to immediately convert bitcoin for U.S.dollars. Wikimedia Foundation is now accepting bitcoin donations and has chosen Coinbase as its preferred bitcoin payment processor.

Maya angelou, civil rights author

Maya Angelou wanted to show people how blacks were treated during this time by writing of things that happened to her. Maya Angelou showed the injustice in society and gave in in depth view of how blacks were treated.


In the British culture, this is considered cheating and is not encouraged not only among the natives but especially to foreign students where it is most observed, since writing essays is one of the requirements demanded from students to be able to improve their communication skills and not just passing their subjects. For students to β†’

Can freedom of expression be harmful?

Everyone has something to contribute to this world and a unique point of view that they can share whether it is in the form of an artwork or a speech that touches hearts and changes lives. Freedom of expression can be a powerful tool used to change the world.

Post secondry education

Role of post-secondary education system in career There is huge role of post-secondary education system in building career of students." Well began is half done", post-secondary programs available in universities and colleges offer students the whole theoretical as well as practical knowledge of education. For instance Co-operative education programs provide opportunities of learning and paid β†’

Compare & contrast essay: paddling

In addition, while a kayak or canoe can hold a few people, nothing compares to the size of a dragon boat. The paddling of a canoe is similar in style to a dragon boat, with the paddle being similar in shape and the techniques of paddling, prying, drawing, turning, and stopping the boats also being β†’

Ptlls draft essay sample

As a beauty therapist you can see how important it is to follow The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 as all the above affect a Beauty Therapist on a day to day basis. As a summary the codes of practice beauty therapists should follow derive from all the above legislations.

Examining theory paper essay sample

Often the most important paragraph in the entire essay, the introduction grabs the reader's attention sometimes a difficult task for academic writing. Level One Heading Replace the level one heading with the words for your heading.

The best big-game sport fishing spots in the world

South America: The Amazon River is home to some of the most massive fresh-water fish in the world, not to mention several species of mammals. In terms of large fish, you will have the chance to catch arapaima and massive catfish, among many others.

Marketing evaluation assignment

According to Line and Runway, in the capitalist segment there have been countless studies that argue that customer service has a direct correlation to employee Job satisfaction and productivity, the same is said in the international arena for hospitality. Due to the changes in the international travelers and hospitality consumers Into the region India has β†’

Scarlet letter analysis

In the passage Hawthorne emphasizes the physical and mental change in Hester and other Puritan women went through because of being involved in a strenuous state of affairs through diction. Because of Hester's circumstances the once feminine and flowering woman she once was has been damaged beyond repair in Hawthorne's opinion.

Best practices in estimating the cost of capital assignment

The companies included in the sample are contained in Exhibit 1, We approached the most senior financial officer first with a letter explaining our research, and then with a telephone call. In the interest of assessing the practices of the broader community of finance practitioners, we surveyed two other samples: 15 active' advisers.

Book review: heartland the darkest hour

She thinks that she is the best horse racer in the world, but that changes when a certain horse and a certain person came into her life and taught her about passion. At the end of this book, Amy is more kind and does not think to much about her self.

Artificial intelligence glossary

ELIZAELIZA is a famous 1966 computer program which responds in a situation with a patient by rephrasing many of the patient's statements as questions and posing them to the patient. Handwriting RecognitionHandwriting recognition is the ability of a computer to receive intelligible handwritten input.

Scientists synchronized, and those during rem sleep much

There are many theories as to why we sleep such as the Inactive Theory and the Energy Conservation Theory. Most people believe that infants need 12 to 15 hours of sleep, toddlers need 11 to 14 hours, and preschoolers need 10 to 13 hours of sleep.

Entering king tut’s tomb

After this was done, the King's body was placed in one of three coffins found in the sarcophagus. King Tutankhamun's body is currently entombed in his original burial tomb in the Valley of the Kings.

The image culture essay sample

How we may find ourselves in a world where our ability to communicate is stunted, our understanding and acceptance of what we see questionable and our desire to transmit culture from one generation to the next seriously compromised. The Image Culture informs us of how technology and film has come a long way and also β†’

What makes krav maga different? essay

This was not a situation in which the Jews would benefit from the Eastern martial arts' philosophies of non-aggression and compassion for one's enemies. Krav Maga served as a way for the Jewish people to say, " Enough!" and to show their enemies that they were a force to be reckoned with.

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs: a reflection

The base of the triangle, which is the biggest, is the Psychological Need. Since this is the base of the triangle and the biggest, Maslow interpreted this as the individual's basic needs.

The causes and effects of the treaty of versailles

Many historians view the Treaty of Versailles as a flawed peace and even as one of the causes of World War II". A country, already depleted of its money because of the cost of war, was forced to pay for the rebuilding of other nations that suffered from the war.

Personal and team effectiveness – motivation

If the workers are more motivated to complete the task, it can increase the productivity and effectiveness of the company. To conclude, motivation is everywhere in the world.

Instructional tool/resource

One form of graphic organizer that can be used to promote retention of the lessons is the Snakes and Ladders board. Snakes and Ladders on Changing the Ethics of an Organization

Hispanic social justice issue assignment

According to this geek's readings the community development model " has five functions that communities should serve to include: Production-distribution-consumption of goods and services-that are a part of daily living; colonization-which is a process that society transmits prevailing knowledge or social values; social control-where a group influences the behaviors Of its members; social participation- which β†’

Wal-mart: the high cost of low prices

Greenwald provides countless details and information regarding his case against Wal-Mart and gives the audience a factually backing to support their newly conceived opinions regarding Wal-Mart. Greenwald is able to use fact to show his stance against Wal-Mart along with pursued the audience.

It under duress and is just a propaganda

In order to mitigate the vigours of the party discipline and the corrupting influence of the representative system, the direct participation of the people themselves in the affairs of the government is impressed. It is still kept alive in some of the cantons, but in others it has been replaced by the referendum and the β†’

Hdl cholesterol levels

Question 5: Both butter and margarine have about the same amount of calories and they have a fat content of about 80% each and water content of about 16% each. Butter has dietary cholesterol and a lot of saturated fats which are minimal in content or lacking in margarine.

The meaning of islam and the five tenets of belief

Observing the five tenets of Islam and what is applicable to an individual of the seven sacraments in Christianity would keep each believer in a state of grace and strengthen their position with God. They believe that becoming a Muslim is necessary for complete peace and harmony and is the best safeguard against sin and β†’


Thomas Eakins' portrays the women as helpers to men and emotional beings in his paintings. Modernity and Modernism: French Painting in the Nineteenth Century.

Aspects of meaning

Jubayr zakariyya Aspects of meaning assignment 1 The experiment that has been conducted, and written about in the paper 'The representation of polysemous words', by Devorah Klein and Gregory Murphy, endeavours to uncover the degrees to which different senses of polysemous words use the same or diverse kind of representations. But the term 'polysemy' refers β†’

Team experiance assignment

We were supposed to come up with an idea for a business and set up everything about the business such as the name, type of business, how it would be managed and so on. There were four students in the group and we were able to get many different ideas about what type of business β†’

The supporting of bilingualism language in education in u.s

College: The investigation on the official Language of movement in U.S.indicates that the majority of Hispanics immigrated to United States in 1908 as well as in 1924. The supporting of Bilingualism language in Education in U.S.involves many programs.

Explain the paradox of slavery and freedom, and how slavery and ideals of freedom could coexist in north america

Explain the paradox of slavery and freedom, and how slavery and ideals of freedom could coexist in North America.of Instructor][Course Title][Date] Explain the paradox of slavery and freedom, and how slavery and ideals of freedom could coexist in North America. The black president of white America, President Obama recently reacting to a comment to a β†’

Empathy task ww1 yr.10 assessment

Now a man of 20 his eyes only peeled for the shadow of a man, the point of a bayonet, the fright full image of gas consuming a comrade's lungs. Me and the other men had not yet experienced a gas attack but the stories spread across the trenches with the message ' Remember your β†’

Regression analysis solutions

We have included many more Problems, Exercises, and Projects at the ends of chapters than can be used in a term, in order to provide choice and? exibility to instructors in assigning problem material. The data sets for all Problems, Exercises, Projects and Case Studies are contained in the compact disk provided with the text β†’

An exploratory study of myanmar culture

This dimension, originally called Confucian Dynamism, measures the preferences of a culture for a long-term and traditional view of time. Some have expressed concerns about the generalizability of the sample, the level of analysis, the comparison of political boundaries to culture, and the validity of the instrument.

Dbq-early valley civilizations essay

In conclusion, the ancient River Valley civilizations Egypt and Mesopotamia did have many key contributions that helped expand future societies. Egypt and Mesopotamia were two civilizations that contributed to the expansion of trade, civilization, government, and political and social status.

Dangers of drugs

Not only is it dangerous to using the drugs, it is also very dangerous to be around the people that sell the drugs. They do not think about the extremely dangerous people that you have to be around to get the drugs.

Basic business report

This means that a docudrama made about level 4 pathogens is not just " egghead stuff", the humanitarian side of the topic has great media value, even more so is the political side. There are also several fictional movies that have garnered success on the genre such as Epidemic, Andromeda Strain and several others.

The adventures of huckleberry finn debate essay

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.by Mark Twain.is banned in assorted topographic points in the United States. If this book was banned pupils would non be able to foster their apprehension on the issues of bondage and how the African Americans were treated ill in this clip period.

Read the story of paul’s conversion described by luke in acts of the apostles chapter 9

Conversion of Saul Conversion of Saul Saul, a devout Hellenistic Jew, was a member of the Pharisees. This implies that many of the modern Christians have huge roles in the gospel ministries only that they have not encountered God for a conversion.

Investigating food-borne outbreaks

The basic step to initiating a disease response is a joint collaboration with the Food and Drug Administration or the Food Safety and Inspection Service. In case of a diseases outbreak it becomes hard to pinpoint the cause and hence a series of steps is adopted to investigate the problem.

Short stories

NoakesSearching for Summer: SettingMolesworth, EnglandSearching for Summer: Plotnewlyweds searching for the sun, post-nuclear warSearching for Summer: Themeappreciate what you have because you do not know when it will be goneSearching for Summer: Conflict-Man vs.man -Man vs.natureOne Thousand Dollars: AuthorO. He punishes the one prisoner with glasses, Brelle, then Brelle catches him doing something and blackmails β†’

Death of a salesman: universal themes essay

The beginning of this abandonment issue is seen in Willy's father, a man who had left him with very little at a young age, and his brother who decided to head towards Alaska. Important to note, Willy's past and determination to achieve the American dream could be seen as of way to coping with his β†’


Friends can even help me keep a secret that I do not wish my family to know. However, there are certain needs that the communication pattern in my family will not help me achieve.

Hebrews through revelation

The Kingdom of God, or also referred to as by some as the Kingly Rule of God is a major theme is the Old and New Testament of the Bible. It was the opportunity of gaining access into the Kingdom of God that was fundamental to the ministry of Jesus, and the Kingdom of God β†’

An ideal family essay

Ofcourse it isnt easy but i know that my mother is there for me and supports me and if i need anything or have problems i can always go to her. To me the best answer for an ideal family is that a family is a strange foundation of bandaged, glued, hammered, taped and tied β†’

Greasy lake by t. coraghessan boyle

The narrator of the story goes on to list quite a few of the " bad" qualities that his friends have, and which he admires, and which make him think that they are " two dangerous characters". When they are forced to scatter, with the narrator finding himself in Greasy Lake right next to a β†’

Meaning of value and leadership flashcard

The leader's intentions, beliefs and what he stands for will define the destiny of the organization. The role of a value is to trigger behavioral options, and in choosing options the leader develops a personal behavior system.

Chapter 17 roman art essay sample

IT had the most depicting animals including large and powerful creatures that suggested the artists desire to imitate the actual appearance of the animals represented. Another work of art was Megaliths or ' big stones' were constructed without the use of mortar and represent the most basic form of architectural construction.

The civil rights movement: 1920 and 1950

The 1920s were ushered in with a nation that was tense from the riots of 1919 and African-American leaders were faced with the task of framing the new movement. While there were attempts to rise up against the violence, the goal of the movement was to define and organize the African-Americans as a cohesive political β†’

Business memorandum

This document aims to highlight the significance of the various budget statements with the scope of making it much easier to provide structure for giving a company a sense of guidance towards a given direction and also predict cash flows for both short and long-term estimations thereby curbing periodic cash-related crunches. Case 2 evaluates the β†’

Contexts of development

It is very important for a researcher to be aware of the cultural diversities amongst the people from different backgrounds. This is due to the fixation it develops in a certain body organ at different times of its growth.

A thousand splendid suns essay sample

But after reading the article and applying the theme to the book A Thousand Splendid Suns, counterfactual's, or the " woulda-coulda-shoulda's" of life became seemingly easier to point out. There is no way someone would have taken that much of an task and responsibility on for someone who has recently wronged her but using counterfactual β†’

Stolen generation essay sample

The way the mothers were affected at the fact that their kids were been taken away in front of their eyes and not being able to do anything about it, not being able to help them was really sad." This my kids, give me back my kids", the mother of Molly and Daisy kept repeating. β†’

Middle ages

The cultural views of people of various ages have brought about influences and reshaped our society, but the most changes took place during the periods of Renaissance, Reformation, and Scientific Revolution. The Renaissance was the rebirth of art and learning.


There was more access of information for the patient, and the ease of technological communication helped in overcoming time and space. Imaging technologies and their peripherals are a necessity since they are the crucial part of telemedicine.

Dinistiyang sui essay

Marami ang sumuporta sa pag-aalsa na naging dahilan ng pagbagsak ng dinastiyang sui.* Eventually resentment of the emperor increased and the wars, coupled with revolts and assassinations, led to the fall of the Sui Dynasty. The eventual fall of the Sui dynasty was due to the many losses in Southern Manchuria and North Korea.

Summary of the case for animal rights assignment

In the third part of the article, the author, finally, presents the view that, which he names it inherent value, all Who are the experiencing subjects Of a life hue inherent value and possess IL equally, and regardless of their gender, race, nationality, religion and that kind of things. The differences between animals and human β†’

Up and go travel and tours business plan

Market Analysis and Strategy Despite the fact that competition in Florida could be stiff due to the existence of numerous travel agencies in the state, Up and Go Travel and Tours will rise above the rest due to its personal approach in dealing with clients. We will touch base with educational groups, schools, and universities β†’

A synopsis of the movie the hurt locker essay sample

The audience assumes that the situation is extremely dangerous at the beginning of the scene due to the air raid siren sounds and the long shot establishing the evacuation of the UN building. The chaotic tension between the team members and their interrelationships is highlighted by the quick, hasty shots between the three as they β†’

Shangri-la hotels and landmarks berhad (malaysia)

The average revenue for year 2008 should be higher than the previous year; this is happened on the Shangri-La Hotels but not on Landmarks Berhad. This shows that their return is very unstable compared to the Shangri-La Hotels.

Sample essay on professionalism

The prime objective of the paper is to look at some essential aspects as to what makes one a professional and the key behaviors that exhibit professionalism. It analyzes the competencies required for professional behaviors and the professional team behaviors and roles.

Mall goers essay

Teenagers, couples on dates, and the modest family can all be observed having a good time at the mall. Teenagers are drawn to the mall to pass time with pals and to see and be seen by other teens.

Crisis of addiction

Alcohol is the most common substance of addiction among people of all ages ranging from youngsters to adults in all regions across the globe. The behavioral character of a person taking alcohol is progressive as is the persons tolerance to alcohol.

Limelighter for adobe indexing now supports mac

The new version makes Illuminations compatible with the recently released Mac SO X 10. 10 Yosemite and Is offered as a free update to licensed users.

Netflix essay sample

In order to cope with competition, Netflix needs to come up with innovative and revamp its products or services, thus the introduction of the " skip intro button" and the thumbs up or down rating system which will increase the number of viewers. The efficient use of its tangible and intangible resources, gives more power β†’

My educational goals and why i would like to participate in the tsa associates program

Dorothy Kelly My Educational Goals and Why I would like to Participate in the TSA Associates Program Getting an opportunity to participate in the Transportation Security Administration will be essential since it will give me a chance to advance my education in addition to being able to develop my career in homeland security. My main β†’

Welcome to ap art history

A student should only be enrolled in an FLVS AP course if he/she plans to both prepare for and take the national AP exam in May 2013. We acknowledge that I am required to take the May 2013 AP Exam for this course AND will only at that time receive AP credit if I successfully β†’

Science, health, and wellness

Science, Health, and Wellness: Lisa Katic, the Senior Food & Health Policy Advisor to the Grocery Manufacturers of America represented the association's perspective on the issue of obesity and overweight problems among American citizens. A better approach to tackling obesity and overweight, the GMA believes, is through educating the consumer about what comprises a balanced β†’

Greed, loyalty, and courage essay

A quote from the story that portrays this trait is, " But I will fight again, seek fame still, if the dragon hiding in his tower dares to face me. This trait is what gives Beowulf the mindset to accomplish everything that he does in the story.

Case study assignment

The primary focus of this case study is the understanding and application of fixed costs, variable costs, the least-squares method, and the high-low method. 1 5, 000 Fixed cost per month=$l, 100 Cost formula: Total monthly administrative cost = $1, 100 + $XX, where X is the number of patients for the month.

The power of point of view by alicia rasley

There is dialogue from the story, such as that between young princess Mali and her mother Viutiv, this conversation, and others contained therein help in guiding the reader through the series of events that led to the Mali Kingdom's downfall. It is difficult to discern weaknesses in this story, owing to the clear expression of β†’

Determinants of a demand curve:

When there is a change in any one of these determinants of demand there will be an alteration in the demand curve. When less is consumed at the same price, the demand curve will shift to the left, as there is a decrease in demand.

Analysis of the lady’s maid by katherine mansfield essay

The story is told in the first person by Ellen but at the same time meant to be told to " madam." She has worked as a lady's maid for the same family for many years. A good example of Ellen's naivety is when The Lady drops her handkerchief and began to stoop to pick β†’


Women Suffrage in Colorado The US women were full of joy during the November 1893 Colorado elections. This came about due to the women suffrage victory; it was the first time the women in Colorado got their voting right.

In energy immediately and have short paybacks.

Alternative energy is not to be confused with renewable energy. These sources of energy are not renewable and there is a need to discover other energy sources.

The person who has had great influence in my life essay

I must admit that first I was filled with a great deal of uncertainty as to howmuch of a burden my cousin would bring on my family, and looking back it saddens me to seethe ignorance I once displayed. I had passed judgement on him, and proceeded to assumethat the time I was about to β†’

The summer solstice by nick joaquin plot summary essay sample

The story is set on St John's Day in the 1850s in the Philippines. Dona Lupeng mocks the arrogance of the men taking part in the procession.

Irony in cask of amontillado essay

Irony is also shown when Mentors says, " It must be understood that neither by word nor deed had I given Fortunate cause to doubt my good will." Mentors is so upset at Fortunate that he plans to kill him, but then says that he has never given Fortunate the least cause to doubt that β†’

Fita analyzation

Narrative structure " YES OR OO", which is the word that would love the guy to hear from the girl he is courting, but there are times that the girls, means this in a more different way. The commercial is a dramatic comedy in a way that when the guy did not get what Claris β†’

Answer 2 questions

The family decline is a phrase that has been dismissed as a canard of the political right or as a black problem. Parents often find themselves in a tag of war between the works demands and finding time for their families.

Unit 5 db – regression analysis

Linear Regression Linear regression is the type of regression which identifies the relationship of two significant variables. The analysis identified the relationship between two variables by identification of correlations and linear equation, which are fundamentally deterministic by linear regression analysis tool.

Home strife vs. dorm life

So that you may have a guideline on where you want the assignment to you as well as your reader and you make sure that you convey understanding as a writer. You want the reader to feel the anxiety that you experience at home.

What is economic growth and development

paper: What Is Economic Growth and Developmentpaper, paper A countrys economic health can usually be measured by looking at that countrys economic growth and development. Economic GrowthA countrys general economic health can be measured by looking at that countrys economic growth and development.

Various communities inhabited the region in new york city

In New York City, various communities inhabit the region; however, Indian community that is famously known as Desi is the most unique of all of them. In conclusion, as a member of this community, to be socially responsible means that, you must be responsible for the wellbeing of one another and the community at β†’

Elizabeth, countess of bathory was she evil

According to political theorist Hannah Arendt, ordinary people are capable of carrying out monstrous or evil things and it is the combination of psychology and history that gives an individual the impetus to do so. Psychologist Phillip Zimbardo, was the leader in the Stanford Prison Experiment in 1971 and he highlights the fact of how β†’

Critique papers

In fact, it is a general practice that has been there over the years that housewives would wake up at 3 in the morning in an attempt to beat the 4 am time when shopping malls open for the thanksgiving shopping. This explains the common belief that Black Friday will eventually swallow Thursday and consume β†’

A description of the carajas project essay

To make the most of this huge and profitable resource, the government set up the 'Great Carajas Project' The project cost a huge amount of money. This was to provide electricity for a large amount of the Carajas project.

National institute on drug abuse,

Honing in on what steroid's make up is and what the actually damage it does to your body. Covering all grounds making sure your are fully informed as to what cause one to use it abuse it and the consequences Of both.

Media semiotics essay

The study explains the concepts of signs as well as the ideological roles of media in the modern culture. The argument of the thesis in consideration is that in an up surging visual error, a significant contribution of semiotics has been a worry with imagistic and linguistic signs, specifically in the context of photography, advertising β†’

The importance of keen judgment

Consultants, attorneys, bankers, accountants, and other professionals are involved in high-risk, high-stakes decisions every day: Should the case go to trial or be settled out of court Should a microchip manufacturer invest another 1 billion dollars to increase production capacity Do the company financial statements represent the actual condition of the business A keen judgment β†’

Financial management and integrated software technology

Personal Capital will give you a thorough analysis of all counts quickly and allows you to analyze every movement of the stock market so that you can reanalyze the risks that may occur. T Off Keep track of your finances at home and on the go with mobile APS make it easy to e your β†’

In crew. his mother came to say

So in the morning, Malin went down to the harbor and found a trading ship that would take him as one of the crew. He glared at the woman in front of him, denied she was his mother, yelled at her, and pushed her back.

The to resolve the issue of establishing

The basic pattern of the cadre system in the evil service was thus established following the recommendations of the Aitcheson Commission. By 1934, the administrative system in India came to consist of seven All India Services and five Central Departments, all under the control of the Secretary of State, and three Central Departments under joint β†’

Elevator pitch

In this regard, the objective of the essay is to describe the most important characteristics of a clear and concise elevator pitch for a new small business. As indicated, the purpose of an elevator pitch is to relay crucial information to the person one is talking to in a most effective manner using the limited β†’