400 Words Essay Samples

Grandfather and gandalf

Tolkien and the historical fiction novel Chains by Laurie Halse Anderson both exemplify the use of the " wise old man" archetype through the characters Gandalf and " Grandfather." Although the former is a powerful sorcerer and the latter is a vulnerable slave, both act as sagacious advisors for the stories' main protagonists Bilbo and β†’

Free united through christs teachings research proposal example

THESIS Paul formerly Saul, an apostle of Jesus Christ, addresses the Christians or the Saints at Philippi for he had heard of the conflict and disunity among the members of Christ's Church there; he wrote to them, admonishing them to be united by living the teachings of the Christ. Accessed: 5 October 2014..- Christian Strauss." β†’

The chinese culture

Each member of the family help each other when there is any problem The Chinese culture has many special characteristics which are very interesting for people to learn, and deliciousfoodto try. As for many Asian families, Chinese people eat dinner all together at one table, They try to put the meal in the centre of β†’

Chapter 2, classical civilization: china

Patterns in Classical China dynasty: a family of kings ruled china, strong political institutions, active economy - one dynasty would decline, another one would emerge 3 dynastic cycles Zhou- ended by a decline in political infrastructure, extended a territory of china by taking over the yangtze river valley.became knows as the middle kingdom middle kingdom- β†’

Han china vs imperial rome political essay sample

Belief systems experienced manipulation by the governments of Han China and Imperial Rome as influences to control their empires, but whereas the Chinese selected adequately trained people for government to ensure the success of their empire, the Romans believed establishing " an elaborate body of laws" was the most sufficient option for maintaining their rule. β†’

Rich man, poor man: resources on globalization summary

This results in transferring the quality of their product to other countries, thereby increasing the chances of depreciation in terms of quality. With the increase of English becoming the mainstream language in other countries, people start to lose their national identity.

Group think essay sample

After the tragedy of September 11, the Americans were astonished and wondering about the attack that how a primeval group of the terrorists could freely attempt an attack on the soil of the United States without any involvement of the intelligence agencies of the country. The government agencies were just pretending about their astonishment, the β†’

Free essay on about the book “unbroken” by laura hillenbrand

Hillenbrand has a captivating way of presenting the events in the life of Zimperini and the general unfolding of the battle. There is a way she gives the readers a connection with the events and the tribulations of her character making you want to continue reading.

Norfolk general hospital

I am very close to my family and my yellow lab Jake. I enjoy listening to Ill Wayne and his lyrics " Life is a beach I am Just playing in the sand" personifies much of my demeanor.

Scholar-practitioner model paper

Scholar A scholar is a person who is engaged in the art of learning any branch of information to attain literary or scientific knowledge. What is the Scholar-Practitioner Model?

Audi car commercial essay

The boy is filled with confidence as he drives up to the dance, parks in the principle's parking space, walks inside, and proceeds to kiss the prom queen. Audi's commercial, " Prom", sufficiently persuades the American car buyer to purchase one of their cars through the need for autonomy, the need to aggress, and the β†’

Lord words and his actions throughout the

I thought I might kill"." Jack is a monster, the more he was exposed to the island and not having rules the darker he becomes. In conclusion Jack is a prime character example for showing the darkness in mankind.

A literary appreciation of i wandered lonely as a cloud.

He became a cloud while he humanized the daffodils by telling that a host of golden daffodils beneath the trees were fluttering and dancing in the breeze. How deeply the poet was amused by the sight; he used to walk along the lake grasping the taste and glory of the dancing daffodils and rippling waves β†’

Jamaica’s the people’s national party. jamaica’s motto is

It accounts for one- sixth of the work force and one-twentieth of the gross domestic product. The executive sector is made of the governor general, the prime minister, the British Monarch and the deputy prime minister and lastly the cabinet.

My school essay

So, if Harold Howe is to be believed when he opines, " What a school thinks about its library is a measure of what it thinks about education", then my school is a sublime purveyor of knowledge, a facilitator of intellectual growth, and a developer of mental faculties, in the superlative degree only. It is β†’

Origins of salsa and perspectives of picking dancing as your career

The dance styles of salsa developed in the 1920s as various styles such as Mambo, African, and " Son Montuno" came together on the island of Cuba. Personality characteristics suitable for salsa dancers: The Socialite This person does Salsa dancing for the social aspect it provides meeting new people and attending socials The Performer This β†’

Rocky balboa inspiration

Here Is a man of no worth who Is a victim of self-inflicted misfortune with nothing to his name, but a dream; a dream to make his life better. He is able to go the distance and amount to something creating a Journey all can relate to.

Courbet stonebreakers

Courbet's painting can either be interpreted as a painting that shows in detail hardship and emotion of manual labor, or a painting that just a " metaphor as an act of painting", but the understanding of it as hardship and emotion of manual labor is more sufficient because by the looks of the two men β†’

Lord of the flies the mask essay sample

Jack's behavior goes through a moral and social transformation when he paints his face. He becomes primitive in his social and moral behavior which affects everyone's behavior in a negative way.

Example of 20th century humanities [course number] essay

[Professor] Techniques used by Pablo Picasso " The Violin" and " Guitar, Sheet Music and Wine Glass" Pablo Picasso, was one of the greatest artists of the 20th century. With this he brought forward a recessed form of the guitar in one's mind.


In my opnion, I do not think that having an abortion is the way to go. Although, the reasons of having an abortion are inumerable I do not think any reason is sufficient to killing an innocent child, not even the mother were raped.

Essay on conflict against abortions

The emergency of two groups termed as the pro-life and the pro-choice, which argued on when does life begin and whose morals are adequate for the society led to the escalation of the conflict. The escalation of the abortion issue can be traced to the question of when does life begin.

Thesus vs achilles

Through the choices and actions of Theseus and Achilles, we learn a lot about their characters. He chooses the difficult and dangerous land route, as opposed to the sea route, because he wants the challenge.

Cold war and communism

The threat of the atomic bomb was so real that schools were instructing students on what to do if and when it was to occur." Duck and cover" is what the students were taught to do. All we can do is learn what to do in the situation and be prepared.

Stalin’s reform of russia

Stalin's production of more factories led to the increase in the work force. One being problems in family life, this can be accredited to the implementation of women in the work force.

International relations notes on balance of power

The Balance of Power: Hans Morgenthau a. Balance of power- how power is distributed.i.

Langston hughes and his activity impact

When Hughes graduated from high school in 1 920, he returned to Mexico, where he taught English for a year and wrote poems and literature pieces for publication in the Crisis, the magazine of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored people In the early sass, Hughes worked as a dishwasher boy in Paris. β†’

A fable by mark twain

In the sentence " The animals out in the woods heard of this through the housecat, who was greatly admired by them because he was so learned..".the cat is made to look astute because the other animals are oblivious to many of the things he tells them. The vocabulary used by the cat to describe β†’

Sindy veritus

On the other hand, the white population supported apartheid because they felt it was there to own the land of South Africa. In 1992 a white council approved the reform process and on April 27, 1994 the first democratic elections were held in South Africa with people of all different races being able to vote.

Development of feminism

The publication of Mary Wollstonecraft's Vindication of the Rights of Women and John Stuart Mill's The Subjection of Women ideas, social movements, and individual feminists migrated across land and sea, generating a powerful new context for the advancement of women's rights. The first wave focused mainly on women's suffrage which was the right of a β†’

Importance of teaching essay sample

The fast developing technology and the growth of the dot.com era required the need for more and more teachers especially in the basic education. The education system itself has depended more and more on computer software that will simplify the work of the teachers to cope with the growing number of students and the decreasing β†’

Long term benefits of a part time job essay

At a job; one can be of assistance to customers when they need help, be able to fold clothes, and be able to refill the merchandise when the merchandise run out. A part-time job also means that one must be able to work with other people.

The method of teaching conroy’s used

A man by the name of Pat Conroy offers to teach over on the island, many people on the island have noeducationand are illiterate. The teachers at the school believe that the children cannot be taught.

The but at the same time is

Incomparable Court choice, the Court expressed, It is the reality of thelegitimate capture which builds up the specialist to inquiry, and we hold thaton account of the legal custodial capture a full pursuit of the individualis not just an exemption to the warrant necessity of the Fourth Amendment, butat the same time is a sensible β†’

Limitations and future research

Another significant limitation of this research is our sample, the respondents were selected mix with luxury consumer and consumer in general, is hard to measure the if respondents are aware of the ethical diamond issues. Therefore, further study may conduct a research focus on the actual diamond jewellery consumer, who has a certain level of β†’

A view from the future and the medieval ages

The great publicist of the enlightenment, Voltaire, even while he advocated the widening of historical inquiry to embrace social and economic activities and their effect, strongly believed that any objects worthy of historical study were the peeks not the valleys of the achievements of mankind.l This statement shows that among the civilization that rose, the β†’

High school uniforms

Parents and teachers are not the only people concerned with the argument of uniforms in school. Teachers would not have to worry about students being out of dress code and students would not have to worry about their image giving them more confidence.

Reflective essay english composition

After reading my paper I would like for my audience to understand the day to day task of a Residential Counselor. The strongest aspect of my paper is the details I included pertaining to my shift.

Diversion essay for possession of alcohol

As a senior in high school one may think that he or she can party, drink under the age of 21, and other substances because it is their last year before college and they can smell the freedom. If there was anything I could say to advise one of my peers that believed he or β†’

Mankind is no island

What makes this film visual What is specifically visual about it What makes the video shape my perspective of the situation What is the purpose of the video being made? - To be more aware of the homeless Ideas: There is a lack of giving to the homeless The homeless are taken for granted The β†’

Interdisciplinary traits essay

This has been important since, as an older child, my school day schedule often needed to change at the last minute because of family responsibilities and issues, but I was still expected to have chores and homework done, without question, and it was sometimes up to me to figure out how that was to be β†’

Importance of participation

Till we change this look and understand the democracy has given the first right to common people and that right is representative right and now we have to think how this right should be used by the common people to lead the society entering into the political institutions. The democracy is the rule of the β†’

Lord of the flies essay

What lord of the flies show's us is that in the end, the violent and the selfish will always overcome the peaceful and the selfless". Even though Ralph represents the values of civilization and democracy and despite his leadership skills and abilities to form law and order, he is defeated by the evil in society, β†’

Unit 3 american and materialism

To what extent did American materialism - that is, the beliefs in the accumulation of personal wealth - make Americans afraid of communism? A safe amount of government intervention would result in higher incomes, production and employment, which would then lead to expansion.

Example of essay on should young people be required by parents to have a budget

Parents can teach their children how to budget in bits and pieces while they are still young, that is the perfect time for them to teach them the ins and outs of how to have a budget. Some might argue that parents should not make their young children have their own budget but simply specify β†’

Lok sabha and rajya sabha essay

On the other hand, Rajya Sabha have 250 members out of which 12 members have been nominated by the President from amongst the persons having special knowledge in art, science, literature etc.ii) The members of the Lok Sabha are elected on the basis of Universal Adult Franchise whereas the members of the Rajya Sabha are β†’

School to prison pipeline essay

The school-to-prison pipeline is a caste-like complication to low budget tuned; Eng; n impoverished school districts, police presence in schools, and tough behavioral policies; n the American public school system In which school administrations nationwide attempt to combat the occurrence of crime and violence at school. In 1989, public school districts in California, Kentucky, and β†’

Philippine-american war essay sample

However, the outcome of the Spanish American War resulted in the signing of the Treaty of Paris. The continued presence of the American forces had implied to the Filipino's that they were still there to take sovereignty over the country.

Internet google’s got a front-row seat. every

The truth isthat we are paying with our identity, for example when we use Facebook they logeverything we do, the pages we like, the people we interact with, even thewords in our status updates, then they take that information analyze it andassemble a detailed profile of who you are. We do not even know the β†’

Clinical trials and equipoise essay sample

Tests of novel drugs and treatments require theoretical equipoise; a state where the researcher uses a fiction whereby he assumes an uncertainty about the benefits of any medical treatment. Stang et al, take issue with the ethics of using a placebo in randomized clinical trials to prove the efficacy of new drugs.

Authors jenkins and kendall critical thinking

The main purpose of the research was to compare, in the same subjects, the cholesterol-lowering potential of a dietary portfolio with that of a statin. Furthermore, the statin and the portfolio diets did not vary considerably in their capability to decrease LDL cholesterol below the 3.


What is the Division of Drug Marketing, Advertising, and Communications' mission? e. The DDMAC division of the FDA is accountable for regulating conformity in advertising, branding and public relations.b.

The banning of “e for ecstasy” by nicholas saunders

The author presents a vast amount of information about many aspects of the drug such as the history of the invention of the drug, information about how the drug effects people in different ways, positive reasons to use the drug, side effects and negative reasons to use the drug, and an overview of how the β†’

Dbq on ancient greece

The ancient Greeks revolutionized human thought and philosophy, changed mankind's values toward human life, and introduced art and culture that exemplifies human creativity of the era. Aristotle believed the most important characteristic of human nature is the ability to reason.

Pangaea: the ancient supercontinent

Laurasia, composed of the present-day continents of Asia, Europe, and North America, occupied the northern hemisphere. By 135 million years ago, the breakup of Laurasia and Gondwanaland was underway, leading to the present-day locations of the continents.

Research of people’s life in ancient china

The girls of thefamilywere to work in the house and had few privileges. The kids in ancient China were very much like the kids in our time; in some ways.

How the constitution limits the power of government

The principle of federalism means separation of powers between the central power and the states. On the other hands, some powers can be exercised exclusively by the central government, so power of the Government and power of the States are mutually limited[2].

Us law essay

In fact, Congress has the power to expel a member of the House. The Speaker of the House John William McCormack prevented Powell from taking oath of office given various allegations charged against him.

The rights of americans as described in statutes and their lives

The Declaration of Independence or the Preamble to the Constitution? You can clearly see how they expect the Constitution to be respected as it is what protects their individual rights from tyranny and misuse of power.

Analysis of “letter from a birmingham jail” by martin luther king

This is one example of how King uses metaphor to compare " smothering in an airtight cage of poverty" to the poverty of what African-Americans had to face. The intended effect it had on the reader is to get them to sympathize with his struggle of having to tell his daughter that she could not β†’

Personality types and groups creative writing examples

Lastly, I will encourage each of the group members on the importance of keeping time to the meetings and the need to exercise seriousness in all that entails the group. Apart from the analytical personality, there are other three personalities which include the amiable personality, the expressive personality and the driver personality.

Modest proposal (funny)

For examples the environment is warming up, the ocean levels are rising, and the increase of carbon dioxide are all benefits to the environment and economy. With such great benefits coming from global warming we should be welcoming it and try to encourage it so that it will increase our economy, property prices, and energy β†’

Global warming

The changes in the surface air temperature, referred to as the global temperature, brought about by the enhanced greenhouse effect, which is induced by emissions of greenhouse gases into the air. Difference GLOBAL WARMING is the increase of the Earth's average surface temperature due to a build-up of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

The power of blockchain in building cohesive financial system

This was the inspiration and reference behind the launch of bitcoin ' a type of digital currency in which encryption techniques are used to regulate the generation of units of currency and verify the transfer of funds, operating independently of a central bank.' Digital currencies increase transparency and provide more secure payment authentication. With blockchain, β†’

Defining beauty through lucy grealy’s autobiography of a face

While Grealy is subjected to extensive surgeries and chemotherapy she continues to be unconcerned with appearances, though she was " still keeping myself ignorant of the details of my appearance, of the specific logic of it ". Grealy accepted ideal of beauty, throughout her adolescence, concerns only the opposite of what appearance she could hope β†’

Oncology as an important centre for researches on hrqol

Most of the studies of HRQOL in cancer survivors were concentrated on patients with Brain cancer, Breast cancer, Prostate cancer, Colorectal cancer and Lung cancer. In brain cancer patients, apart from the health related quality of life issues, deterioration in neurocognitive functioning is also an area of serious concern.

Lung cancer detection methods

There are several ways in which lung cancer may be detected and some of these are the following: First of all is to have the patient undergo what is technically referred to as " screening". The third is the " bone marrow biopsy" wherein a needle is utilized to take out a small portion of β†’

Example of enviromental toxicology critical thinking

Naphthalene Busan 1030 Suspected to cause adverse effects on the following organs: skin, eye and sensory problems, respiratory, GIT, brain & nervous, Immune, Kidney, cardiovascular & blood, cancer, problem related to mutagens. Suspected to cause adverse effects on the following organs: skin, eye and sensory problems, respiratory, GIT, brain & nervous, Immune, Kidney, cardiovascular & β†’

Satire in ch 5 of great gatsby

The significance of Nick's statement shows how Gatsby tries to be " oldmoney", when really he is " new money". Later in the chapter, Gatsby invited Daisy and Nick over to his house because he wants to show off his mansion to Daisy.

Othello: roderigo in-depth character analysis

Although his actions are cruel and evil, he does display a measure of sympathy in the way that he is so easily manipulated and ultimately betrayed by Iago, who later stabs the wounded Roderigo in the dark in order to hide his involvement in Cassio's assault. Roderigo is continually threatening to quit his pursuit of β†’

Review of the speech resisting colonial expansion from 1752 article review examples

In the article one of the chiefs of the Indian Abenakis addresses the Captain Phineas Stevens and through him the Governor of Boston and the English people as a whole denouncing their plans for colonial expansion in their lands. The speaker condemns a recent survey of the Abenaki lands by English inhabitants of the city β†’

Bullies made me stronger essay

With no friends, I spent many hours with my books, reading anything I lay my hands on and in turn managed to be among the top student in my class. Without the bullying, I was finally able to make new friends, most of who had suffered with me at the hands of the other children.

Myths their choice. in this article joe

Joe was startled and the ladies left in the boat set up a wail of terror.' She will drowned!'" This shows that Mabel was scared when she fell in and the rest of the ladies were afraid that she would drown. This passage reveals the common hopes and fears of mankind, shows some religious sense, β†’

It to listen to and try to understand

Learning by oneself and learning as part of a group has distinctly different learning outcomes, Learning alone does not allow the opportunity to understand the progress, however, learning in a group would allow much more opportunity to interact, converse and practice speaking and using the language, and to listen to and try to understand others. β†’

Psychology spouse paper essay

Following up the article and tying to make some sense out of it, I think after the Reese arch done, the reason why researchers tend to believe girls want their spouse to 10 k like their father is because they have all their lives looked up to the one guy who has been the o β†’

Solving environmental problems should be the responsibilities of one international organization instead of state or national governments.

To meet that challenge, the role of that international organization is guiding governments across the world to cooperate and focus on environmental priorities. It should be understood that UNEP is joining forces of the international community to solve environmental affairs rather than shouldering the burdens of the governments' obligations.

Grading system

The Indian education system has taken a step forward towards reviving the education system with the introduction of grading system in session 2009-10. One of the points to note here is the thinking of the society, which puts lot of pressure on students to 'to perform'.

Sailing to byzantium

Yeats has an obsession with the past both the distant past and that of his personal life and these things are symbolic of his fear of growing old or aging and a persistent fear of death. The young/ In one another's arms, birds in the trees" He himself, Yeats is expressing that he is one β†’

Supreme court case

Officer Benda then knocked on the window and asked the man to turn off the engine and step out of the car. The officer arrested Tate for driving under the influence and when in the car on the way to the jail, Officer Benda told Tate that his license was revoked and should not have β†’

Is abortion morally justifiable?

The issue concerning abortion is considered to divide many individuals, it tends to be fought over the point in which a foetus becomes an independent life that has its own values: before birth or after conception." To my mind life begins at the moment of conception, and to suggest otherwise seems to me just the β†’

Poet: amy gerstler

In the third the line the word " everything" is italicized, this is the only word that sticks out. Literally, the poem is about a caterpillar giving advice to the audience, but it is clearly a metaphor.

Village life and city life

The purpose of this essay is to analyze the main differences between the city life and the country life. The crime rate in a country is lower than in a city.

The portrayal of rural life in 18th century poetry

Plus, an analysis of " The Thresher's Labour" by Stephen Duck.exploring the presentation of rural life in eighteenth century poetry, by studying the poetic conventions of anti-pastoral poetry and more particularly by analysing 'The Thresher's labour' by Stephen Duck. In this essay I will be exploring the presentation of rural life in eighteenth century poetry, β†’

Kennedy, johnson, nixon essay examples

This forced American troops to join the war to fight the north. He expanded the war to Laos and Cambodia.

1. strengths

Strengths Long history and strong foundation is the first and foremost strength to make Vinamilk become a leader in dairymarket of Viet Nam. One more aspects should be highlighted in the strength of Vinamilk is that its loyal and cooperative relationships with both local and oversee suppliers allow the company to have a stable material β†’

Brand positioning essay sample

Frame of Reference: Consumers associate the brand Maruti Suzuki brand with economical, reliable and affordable car. POD for Tata: Trustworthy, sustainable and high on quality Mahindra and Mahindra: Rugged, fuel efficient, pioneer in utility vehicle FRAME OF REFERENCE: Passenger and Commercial Vehicles Depiction through Venn Diag.

Would i recommend an interventionist or a non-interventionist approach to supply side policy in order to achieve the four key macroeconomic objectives?

Workers would be less likely to accept low paying jobs if the minimum is equal to the pay that they would receive. This means that there would be a lower level of aggregate supply as most people in low paying jobs would prefer to be unemployed as they would receive the same amount of money β†’

World trade flows fall in first quarter essay examples

More specifically, we have been analyzing the global impact of exports and imports trade on the inflation rate and the countries' economic growth. Trade in a mixed economy is one of the loopholes that can invite economic destabilization of the country due to foreign exchange instability.

How can knowledge of macro and microeconomics help the small business owner today the large multi-national corporation

Number and Number Importance of Macro- and Microeconomics to Small and Large Business Owners Microeconomics discusses the basic supply and demand curve. In case of perfect competition, the business owners are being challenged to keep the market prices of their goods and services more affordable.

Review of the beginning woods by malcolm mcneill

He must go to the Beginning Woods to find out about his " Forever Parents", and the Vanishings, which have started ever since he had appeared in the world. The book ended with Max finding his Forever Parents and learning the cause of the Vanishings to prevent it.

Example of buddhism essay

The four noble truths of Buddhism are that " life means suffering, the origin of suffering is attachment, the cessation of suffering is attainable, the path to the cessation of suffering". The Eightfold Path is the way to end all suffering.

Military respect essay sample

The distinction between civilian courtesy and military courtesy is that, military courtesies were developed in a military atmosphere and have become customs and traditions of the service. In saluting, you acknowledge respect for the position and authority of the officer who holds that position.

The connection between video games and jane austen novel pride and prejudice

When players engage in this video game, they get to read parts of the book and therefore gain in the form of active and passive entertainment. Statement of the ProblemHence, by demonstrating connections between the novel Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen and the video game Stride and Prejudice, this prospect will suggest feasible ways β†’

Pre test essay sample

Investigate )All answers are correct Which of the following are appropriate actions if you identify a trafficking in persons violation? [Remediation Accessed: N] Notify your colleagues using social media Contact your chain of command Contact the Department of Defense Inspector General ________________________________________ 5) Traffickers only use physical violence to control their victims after luring them β†’

The teenager is a uniquely human phenomenon essay sample

Raging hormones Scientists once thought that the brain's internal structure was fixed at the end of childhood, and teenage behaviour was blamed on raging hormones and a lack of experience. Other studies have shown that teens fail to see the consequences of their actions, and that sudden increases in nerve connectivity in teen brains may β†’