400 Words Essay Samples

Overview of the ku klux klan

The KKK was a group that took part in a revolutionary struggle to achieve a political goal that was to reduce the number of black voters in order to prevent the government from changing. The rebellion was caused by the hatred of white because of the way slaves were mistreated and this was seen as β†’

Son of mine

I could tell you of heartbreak, hatred blind, I could tell you of crimes that shame mankind, Of brutal wrong and deeds malign, Of rape and murder, son of mine; Instead of telling her son about the harsh memories, she decides to tell him about the future when one day discrimination does not exist and β†’

Colour bar

With the use of metaphor and description, Kath Walker expresses her opinion that racism is disgusting behaviour which shows the worst side of people." The Colour Bar! The poet states her idea that racism is wrong by using the sound imagery techniques alliteration, rhyme, assonance and repetition.

Good example of qualitative research approach essay

It is important, however, not to over-develop concepts and variables and hold preconceived opinions of how they will relate to each other and your study." While you will have a list of key concepts, and perhaps loosely defined variables, you want to remain open to the possibilities of how they are defined by your research β†’

The actor-observer effect research paper examples

As the given definition of actor-observer bias explains, when judging ourselves we become the actor, we tend to attribute our behaviors to external factors, such as other people, our luck, the situation, etc.while others who may be judging us, the observers, attribute our behaviors to internal factors that are closely associated with the actor, such β†’

Marriage is outdated essay sample

In the Book of Common Prayer it stated that one of the purposes of marriage was: " a remedy against sin, and to avoid fornication". Many children are still brought up with the hope and idea of getting married as it is a big part of their own families.

Chinese traditional wedding

The groom arrives at the house of his bride on the way to the wedding chapel. A piece is then cut for each of the parents and for the grandparents, who are fed by the bride and groom holding the cake together.

The day they burnt the books

The Day They Burnt the Books The story contains a great deal of one being racist towards the one person he should have treasured the most and that was his wife. The tension the two had was due to the lack of understanding between the two cultures he was of European dissent and she was β†’

The nandi warriors

Deep in the Western Highlands of Africa lives a group of people known as the Nandi people. Warriors in theHeart of Darkness: The Nandi Resistance.2002.

Shakuntala case essay sample

It is only later when he sees the ring she gave him that he remembers and finds Shakuntala to reunite with her. Shakuntala" is also very different from the modern stories of today, as the women in it are far less in power and control as the men.

Saving married officers from death: guilty or not guilty?

He had to make a call to save as many lives as possible. He preferred to save those twenty lives over those fifteen which apparently was not an easy decision for him.

Facial expression in non verbal communication essay

In the study, a group of 78 men and 78 women were shown arrays of human faces with various expressions and gestures. The study found out that both men and women were quick to identify the angry gestures speedily than expressions of fear, terror and surprise.

A sense of honor

In the story, " A Sense of Honor" by author James Webb, we learn about a tough guy by the name of Bill Fogarty who is a boxer and a first class senior midshipman who strives to become an officer in the Marine Corps. Webb is able to convey that Fogarty was not the tough β†’

Rizal as inspiration (reflection)

Many fiipino knows Rizal is our natonal hero and being a hero is what they knew about him and that is wrong. Like him, he used the power of his mind to fight for good and that's we should try to imitate from him.

Resource based view approach

Negotiation skills are a good asset and can lend to other areas of life. This model is a great way of mapping out person's skills linked to the negotiation process and linking the two.

Why fear national id cards?

The reasoning behind such an idea is this, with the sacrifice of some of the individual's privacy a greater level of security, equality, and productivity can be achieved while discarding some of the insensitive and inefficient methods of identification we use today. This would drastically decrease the chances of forgery by the use of a β†’

Essay summary of my inspiration

In my case, the person who serves as my inspiration is my next door neighbor. What my parents do not know is that this neighbor of ours was there for me at a very trying time in my life.

Steps a headstone, ensure that you procure

Steps When Planning a FuneralWhen you lose your loved ones, you need to plan the funeral but as much as you need to have plans in place, ensure that your emotions do not get better of you. One key decision that you have to make before meeting with a funeral home is whether you will β†’

Effect of anxiety disorder

Faster heart beating and breathing is simple and common effect of anxiety disorder problem. Finaly, effects of anxiety disorder problem are faster heart beating and changing behaviour change human life profoundly.

Drug addiction and thesis statement

Essays on drugs are of many types such as war on drugs essay, essay on performance enhancing drugs in sports, essay ondrug abuse, essay on illegal drugs, essay on drug addiction, essay on drug use, essay on drugs and alcohol and essay on drug testing, etc. The essays on drugs should be initiated by bringing β†’

The negative impacts of alcohol and drug abuse on humans

In this case, the approaches target groups in that the outcomes delivered in most situations are minimal and the efforts of alcohol and drug abuse eradication becomes difficult as they focus on self-emotion on the degree of influence in their consumption. Gray, alludes that majority of the affected people face self-denial in that it leads β†’

Drug abuse among teenagers

In other words, Ecstasy is a drug that is called the party drug. If you used the prescription drug marijuana it would not be the full effect of the drug and it is only given to patients with certain types of illness.

October 12, 2012

Also they do not want to become victims of second hand smoking. Children are at a higher risk of illness when it comes to smoking.

Addiction in free markets by bruce k. alexander summary

A member should feel they are included in a larger community with a sense of belonging, if this psychosocial integration is not met a member could be a candidate of gaining an addiction and this is what Alexander and Shaler are claiming in the writing " Addictions in Free Markets" If a market is solely β†’

Example of critical thinking on shakespeare studies

It is unfair to declare that Macduff fails as a father and does not protect his wife and children. But, his wife is not aware of the seriousness of the situation and the reason for his leaving his mansion without his family.

The mysterious case of queen elizabeth’s decision to censor the works of william shakespeare

The knowledge that both Shakespeare's and Elizabeth's time contained censorship makes it appear all the more tangible because it is something familiar to the modern reader. Secondly, knowing that censorship existed in Shakespeare's time causes the contemporary reader to wonder if the things we read are truly reflective of life during the Renaissance.

The tempest – ferdinand and caliban

Concealed in the story, though present, a few of Prospero's qualities compare to Caliban's. When Prospero sees that Ferdinand will look after Miranda and is encouraged the 2 are in love, he provides his blessing to the 2 enthusiasts [under the one condition that Ferdinand is not to break Miranda's " virginity knot" until the β†’

Marat/sade article review

As mentioned earlier, the play is actually a play within a play. The direction and production aspect of the play was superb.

Victimless: crime and his/her business thrive

The possession of a firearm is a victimless crime because no one is harmed in the process, no one is complaining about the activities, and you are not leaving a victim behind. While you are in the process of a legal or illegal purchase of a firearm, no one is being harmed in the process.

Understanding leadership as a theory

I will discuss the building blocks of " theory', as well as take a look at the organization in which I work in to take a look at variables that may be used to evaluate the performance of the President of my company. Within my organization the senior leadership is measured based upon his ability β†’

Application of leadership skills

In addition, we were also flexible and intelligent in tweaking our original project and coming up with alternative ideas to solve the problems we were facing. When coming up with alternative solutions and back-up plans, my team adopted the assuage-receiving process in which we listened to everybody suggestions, analyses them critically and shared honest feedback β†’

Leadership style of kiran mazumdar shaw

In 2004, she became India's richest woman Feathers in the Cap Termed India's Biotech Queen by The Economist and Fortune India's mother of invention by New York Times Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award in Healthcare & Life Sciences Category The Economic Times Business Woman of the Year Award Leadership: The KMS way β†’

Max weeber

The prime one is configuring a institution in hierarchy and second one is the organization and the its people are administered by specific legal decision making rules. Charismatic authority- In this the acceptances take place from theloyaltyto and the confidence In the personal qualities of the rules.

Head boy app essay sample

One main skill I believe I would receive if I were given the role of a prefect/head boy would be the leadership skills which are vital for the future. I consider myself to be suitable candidate for the roles with my high standard of uniform, attendance and punctuality throughout all my time here at Crispin, β†’

Cultural web

Rituals and Routines Present Desired Difference Customers expect to receive the exact costume that they saw in the prototype. Desired Employees should show their boss some respect and come to work for the given time.

“on seeing england for the first time” by j. kincaid essay sample

In the opening of the passage, Kincaid uses plenty of imagery to illustrate how England was first shown to her. In the case with her mother, she was taught how to eat properly with eating utensils.

Example of essay on implementing the united states constitution

The US constitution is the oldest written law in effect and has served as a prototype for various constitutions in the world. In 1777, this compact; referred to as the " Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union", was accepted by a congress of the member states and in 1778, it was formally signed.

Free essay on pastoral life and marvells mower poems

The author is in defense of the pastoralists on the issue of conflicts in the society. 2013, the poem: The Mower, London, United Kingdom, London.

A personal perspective

Week 3 Hand-in Assignment A tablet computer, or simply tablet, is a mobile computer with display circuitry and battery in a single unit. 0, Vizio with the tablet and others including Asus, and the startup Company Notion Ink.

More work for mother

Some theories would have it that the advent of home appliances has caused wives to leave their homes and find their niche in the outside world. Technology has been the causal agent to the entrance of women into the workforce outside the portals of their own homes.

The job of chief security officer

In this manner, regardless of some unmistakable signs that associations are receiving the job of CSO all the more much of the time, there is little concurrence on the idea of the position. The primary need of another CSO ought to be to guarantee that security is an enterprisewide concern and a venture wide duty.

Effects of unemployment on us

Firstly, the reason of the current total unemployment is 10 percent and it is higher than the year before is because many of the citizens stopped looking for job and so they are considered as unemployed workers. The GDP gap in year 2010 is estimated to be around 9 percent as the unemployment rate on β†’

Balancing work and family

Based on some of the challenges that she encountered in balancing work and family early on in their relationship, both of them tend to work hard and seek for a stable income andcareerwith high demands for managing the family. In contrast, the most significant key to creating and maintaining the right position between work and β†’

How to stop anti-study procrastination (part 2)

What is it you want to accomplish here, and who are the people who have accomplished this alreadyGo seek them out and connect with them. What exactly do you want to achieveWhat should you do to get thereWhat are the steps to takeDoes your current work align with thatIf not, what can you do about β†’

The case of physician disclosure of information

Any medical information especially those which are involved in the practice itself or in the process of medical operations are just as important, or will we say critical, as the information needed in an investigation by the police or the testimonials needed by lawyers in court or just any kind of information the human's inquisitive β†’

The reasons i choose to learn law in the university of london

My view about the University of London is a way for me to assimilate the procedure of law needed for such a position and assist myself to step up as an individual. Moreover the historic and the racial resemblance between the UK and it's precedent territory Bangladesh allows Bangladesh to acknowledge and respect a law β†’

Students expectations seen as causing grade disputes

Students have the belief that if they do what they are supposed to and meet the standard requirements they should get an A, when in truth that is just simply what you are supposed to be doing in the first place. Sarah Kinn, a junior English major at University of Vermont agrees with the majority β†’

Case study on corporate collapse in sunshine coast university hospital, australia

This task is done in consideration with the Sunshine Coast University Hospital, Australia which has faced a corporate collapse of an explosion in water tanks which ruined the business of the hospitals and this was solely charged to the engineers and their malfunctions. Factors led to the corporate collapses Factor 1 A wrong conception of β†’

Boston university supplement

Embedded in one of the most innovative cities in America, Boston University provides an environment that not only permits minds to think of ways to change the world, but also offers opportunities for students to accomplish these things. I also hope to contribute to the goals and projects of others.


As mentioned earlier in the introduction, the purpose of this study was to identify the spending habits of UTM students. The results of this study indicate that amount of money they get per month and frequency they go outing in a month will influence students' spending habits.

Ethics at the university of phoenix

In the ideal state and structure of the society, every individual, group or institution is expected to act, perform and interact in accordance to the ethical nature and perspective of each given situation. The application of this purpose in the actual scenario involves many critical issues and complications due to the diversity and characteristics of β†’

Multiple personality essay sample

In the given case, it is mentioned that, a student studying at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign was dismissed from the school due to his plagiarized work. If these symptoms are found in the given individual and the physicians also get the necessary evidence of multiple personalities, the student should be reinstated to the β†’

Exam critical essay

Examination is an instrument to test what the student has learned and retained in his mind during course of study. Examination is always an effective instrument to evaluate the quality and quantity of knowledge or say learning in a specific field Mishra.

In this phase homologous pairs move along to

After crossing over, the spindle begins to capture chromosomes and move them towards the center of the cell. This is the final stage of meiosis I and here the chromosomes of each homologous pair arrive at the opposite poles of the cell.

Germany’s the great depression and wanted the loans

The Treaty of Versailles forced Germany to pay reparations to France and Great Britain at a large cost and to give up thirteen percent of its land. He believed the international community could preempt another war and urged leaders from Italy, France and Great Britain to draft what became known as the Covenant of League β†’

As principles of the acas code of

Upon completion of investigations, time should be allowed for the employee torespond before deciding to dismiss. A decision on theappropriate action to be taken should be discussed and the employee to beinformed in writing and a right to appeal provided.


The primary source of the common law was the verdict passed by judges in prior cases. The bill of rights was intentionally made to limit the powers of the government.

The in the area near india and nepal

The Kingdom of Bhutan, where located in the Eastern Himalayas of South Asia. The Kingdom of Bhutan believes drug traffic in Latin America requires a shared responsibility.

Trade tariffs on china

The threat sparked mixed reactions across the economic circles; one faction saying that the laws would boost the countries negotiation power over the Chinese government as another says that the laws were detrimental to the economy and they were made in a rush for the purpose of threatening the Chinese government. I agree with the β†’

Arrhythmia course work

It is known as a disease that normally affects the rate of the heartbeat by either slowing the pace of the heart beat or increasing the pace of the heart beat. This is because most of the studies show that it is a defect that affects majorly the elderly people.

Research proposal on incorporating the germ theory to ssi prevention

Conversely, after reviewing various medical journals on what would be the best preoperative method of hair removal that reduces the risk of surgical site infection, I came to a conclusion that clipping is more effective and highly lowers the rate of acquiring an infection. The germ theory can be used to explain how the use β†’

Naturopathy doctors and treatments

Naturopathy is an alternative medicine that helps to heal us by using a few techniques and natural remedies. The purposes of this medicine is to heal a person's body, mind and spirit.

The impact of social media on adolescent mental health and well-being in singapore

In a study conducted by the University of Leicester, adolescents viewed Social Media as detrimental to their mental well-being despite reporting that it can help to connect people and be a source of support. Despite the surge in adolescent use of Social Media, little research can be found on the negative impacts of these social β†’

Prospects of future development of india in 2020

It should be Unique In 2020 we will see a new face of India, it's developing rapidly and reaching new milestones. The first Virtual bank in India named as " PAYTM" is introduced and now you can same small mobile application, in mobile of every Indian to full-fill basic needs.

A threat of dengue fever in malaysia

The occurrence of dengue has escalated 30-fold in the time frame of 50 years. Research Since dengue has no definite cure, prevention is crucial in maintaining the health and safety of individuals.

An indian perspective on community development

In 1920-1930 as a piece of the Utopian developments CDP was considered as a wellspring of upgrading the way of life of East Africa. The arranging at the area level was endowed to the ' Region Planning and advancement Council'.

Example of movie report: the birth of a nation essay

At the inception of the war, the young fellows of the families enroll with their respective armies. The Cameron family is attacked and a few members of both the families meet their demise.

Respond essay

This comes in the realization of the importance of global experience. In the global village, it is not required just to have the working skills and experience.

Sample essay on fourth amendment case study

According to the analysis of the Kyllo, the police did violate the defendant's rights in conducting the investigation. The police did violate the defendant's rights in initially conducting the investigation without a warrant.

Free essay on rights and protections

The juveniles also have the right to waiver this right in a court of law regardless of their age. In this case, the officers of law who take charge of juvenile cases have the duties to ensure this.

Nursing journal 5 essays examples

The first goal, which is personal organization, will be effective since it will enable me draw a workable plan and time-schedule to ensure that I can offer my nursing care at the right time when needed, consulting with my colleagues, superiors and the patients' families. Lack of inadequate personnel to delegate to and necessity of β†’

Example of essay on applying evidence based practice

The term Evidence-Based Practice became common in the medical field in the 1990s. Currently, it is accepted that a well-implemented randomized controlled trial is the best means to establish that the intervention is effective.

Pre-med seniors preparing for medical school

Because of the extreme importance of test scores in school admissions, many students take the time to prepare through a private course that is, in no way, affiliated with their college or university. In Robinson, Mulvihill, and Litz's article in Bound and Determined: Perceptions of Pre-Med Seniors Regarding Their Persistence In Preparing For Medical School, β†’

The education in china and australia

Most children start in the primary school with the age of 5 years and the child studies in the primary school until they are around 13 years old. Another striking difference of the education between China and Australia is the study atmosphere.

Diabetes demonstrative speech outline

Central Idea Knowing how to check your blood sugars and inject yourself with insulin will help you with yourhealth. Conclusion I have showed you today how to check your blood sugars and record your findings.

Simon analysis from lord of the flies

One of the signs that indicates that Simon possesses similarities to a biblical figure is in chapter 8, page 152, when he is speaking to the Lord of the Flies."...and his gaze was held by that ancient, inescapable recognition..".which could represent the ancient battle between ' Christ' or ' God' and the Devil; the evil β†’

Myth of the male divine

In the monotheism myths, the God Krishna is the father of all existence. This is how the gods establish a connection between the everyday world of the humans they created and the supernatural world of the God.

Example of kipling questions literature review

I support the reading that Kipling is critical of the empire and the practices because Kipling was able to stop Dravot and Carnehan from blackmailing a rajah despite the fact that he liked them.2. Circumstances such as the death of his entire family and the loss of his land had led him to live in β†’

Problems that contributed to homelessness

Social structure is the complex framework, which composed of Social Institutions, Status and Roles, and Social Groups. When one of tasks encounter a problem, it will cause conflict to some people and then lead them to homelessness.

Child rights thesis samples

The economic downturn of Egypt attributes greatly to the ongoing Arab Spring protests, which first emerged in 2011 following the deposition of longtime president Hosni Mubarak. Kuhn, Randall." On the Role of Human Development in the Arab Spring".

Boundaryless organization

In order to achieve that and to enable the information age to realize its full potential, we need to allow " Boundaryless Information Flow" a continuous secure stream of information seamlessly flowing within and among enterprises, across permeable boundaries. If we take the case and strategic history of JetBlue and put it in the concept β†’

Limitations of the six sigma system approach

Another limitation of the use of the Six Sigma System Approach is that the system relies heavily on the Human Resource department of the company in order for the various methods and processes would be properly be executed and implemented in the different departments and divisions of the business organization. This is especially true when β†’

Centralized and decentralized organizations essay sample

The main difference between centralized and decentralized organizations is the division of work and grouping of activities. The advantage of centralized organizations is that it is easy to control all activities and implement a general and unified policy.

Heal the world: exploring palmer’s “the case for human beings”

In Thomas Palmer's essay, " The Case For Human Beings", Palmer explores the topics of human accomplishment, the diversity of humankind, and the havoc that said diversity has caused on the environment. He is not out for the destruction of the human species.

How the string theory was born

They were thought to be the finest layer of reality until they were smashed together really hard and things were discovered which cannot be divided anymore called the elementary particles but there was a problem that they were so small that they cannot be looked by anyone. This is not the problem with many things β†’

Climates and biome climates

Level of endangerment: least concern by IUCN.-Black-billed Magpie Scientific Name: Pica hudsonia Preferred Habitat: a tremendous variety of open country Level of endangerment: least concern by IUCN. Level of endangerment: least concern by IUCN.

P phosphorylation and palmitoylation, and degradation [56, 57].

The heterodimeric structure of the LBD complex composedof NMDAR with GluN1 and GluN2 reinforces the view that tetramericNMDAR is a dimer of heterodimers. The positive charge of Mg 2+ is the basis of Mg 2+blocking of NMDAR by the electronic force to the negative charge of aneuron under the physiological membrane potential of about?

A raisin in the sun summary

Each family member's selfish desire for the use of the deceased father's insurance money conflicted with the family common good and produced calamitous consequences for the family. Once mama trusted Walter with the money he went and blew it, which caused the family to lose all of the money.

Drama course work on the mummers play essay sample

However I do think that we could have made it a bit longer and the fight seen could have been choreographed a bit better and that could have been longer and also I think that all of us should have spaced the words out a bit more and put a few more actions into it. β†’

Risk assessment worksheet essay sample

1 in Human and Ecological Risk Assessment as a guide to understanding the origins of ecological and human risk assessment beginning with the industrial revolution. Guidelines for strict human and ecological assessments were set in motion to identify the strengths and deficiencies of a risk assessment program or plan.

Ethical guidelines research paper examples

Some of these ethical guidelines include: the research question posed to the children should be important to the health and well being of the children. In order to ensure that the rights of children are not violated especially when used as participants, there are certain guidelines and principles that have been put in place to β†’

All children can learn and most at high levels

One of the founding principles of the KentuckyEducationReform Act is the statement that " All children can learn and most at high levels." With many states having a significant achievement gap between diverse students, it is becoming more important to hold high expectations for all students. If the children in my class can tap all β†’

Child care: accidents and emergencies

The layout of the environment in a setting should be suitable for the safety of the children. The setting should ensure that engagements are provided for the number of children to ensure every child is safe, practitioners should know first aid and should be trained in the resources for the safety of the children and β†’

Why asian has more women private bankers essay

In Asia, people usually think that working as a private banker, females fits the requirements of being patience, clean, neat and a listening ear compared to males. Asian client like to deal with female bankers because they give a listening ear and care.

Downsizing in nigerian banks essay

Abstract Introduction Backgroung to the Study This study sought to establish the relationship between downsizing and Profitability in the Nigeria banking industry, found out the effects of downsizing on the output of the employees in the industry, and determined the result of well conducted downsizing on the performances these banks. However, there are only a β†’

Nowadays, late use of computers on the system

The term ' online system' is commonly used torefer the system of computer and internet and this system has played a vitalrole to make our lives comfortable and convenience. Retrieval of records was done manually due to late use ofcomputers on the system of releasing of school records.